Ammonoid the Carnic stratigraphy Alps of late ...

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60, Spec. Issue, ECOS Vll Southern Alps Field Trip Guidebook, pp. 123-124. Ammonoid the Carnic. DIETER KORN stratigraphy. Alps of late Famennian rocks Ill.
Giornale di Geologia, ser.




Spec. Issue,



Southern Alps Field Trip Guidebook,



Ammonoid stratigraphy of late Famennian rocks


the Carnic Alps DIETER KORN

Ammonoid faunas from the Late Devonian from numerous localities in the vtctmty of the PlockenpaB of the Carnic Alps have been known for more than 100 years (Frech, 1887). While the Frasnian as well as the early Famennian are only poorly represented by faunas collected near the Wolayer Glacier, the latest Devonian Clymenia and Wocklumeria Stufen are well represented by diverse assemblages, suggesting a complete sucession of faunas. Rich ammonoid faunas of the Clymenia and Wocklumeria Stufen are known especially from GroBer Pal and Casera Malpasso. The latter locality (fig.1-2; section after M.R. House, Southampton) yielded the clymeniid genera Nodosoclymenia, n.gen. aff. Clymenia, Ornatoclymenia, Cyrtoclymenia, Cymaclymenia, Falciclymenia, Kosmoclymenia, Gonioclymenia, Sellaclymenia, and Progonioclymenia as well as the goniatites cf. Prolobites, Discoclymenia, Alpinites, Gundolficeras, Maeneceras, and Mimimitoceras. They indicate the presence of the acuticostata and ornata Zones of the Clymenia Stufe. The Carnic faunas principally resemble the time-equivalent faunas of the Rhenish Massif and other regions, but are remarkable for their high percentage of miniature forms. It is remarkable that a prolobitid ammonoid occurs in this fauna; only in sections of the South Urals these forms maintain into the Clymenia Stufe. Austria .

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