Jul 30, 2017 - ACMS has access to ahigh-quality education. A few things about me ... My wife Kixn is a career educator a
~~AMS 14
Adams City Middle School Martin Pearson, Principal
Inspire. Educate.Empower. Inspire. Educe.Fortalece.
4451 East 72"~ Avenue Commerce City, CO 80022 P:303-289-5881 F: 303.288-8574 w ww.adumsl4.org
July 30,2017 Dear Parents and Guardians, I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Martin Pearson and I'm the proud new principal of Adams City Middle School. I am so excited to get to know all of you and begin building relationships with our students and families. We have a lot of work to do at ACMS and I'm excited to work collaboratively with students, staff, families, and community to ensure every student at ACMS has access to ahigh-quality education. A few things about me. While I'm not a Colorado native, I have lived here most of my life. I grew up in Widefield, Colorado and attended college at the University of Southern Colorado in Pueblo. I moved to the Denver Metro area in 1997 where I began my career in education as a sixth and seventh grade social studies and language arts teacher. I completed my Master's degree at the University of Phoenix. From there I moved into administration and eventually would end up spending the vast majority of my administrative career in middle school, both as an assistant principal and principal. This will be my twentieth year in education. I have two amazing children. Morgan, my daughter is 9 and Calvin, my son is 5. They both attend school in Brighton. My wife Kixn is a career educator and has spent the last sixteen years in Adams Twelve as a teacher, instructional coach, and now DTEA coordinator. We currently live in Thornton. In my spare time, I love watching football, reading, and spending time with friends and family. I believe that every child deserves ahigh-quality education in a school environment where they are safe, respected, challenged, and provided with tremendous opportunities for success. My goal is to work diligently to create that environment for your child. I believe in my new staff and know they have the skills to create the best environment for your child. I look forward to working with you to help us achieve this goal. I believe in maintaining an open-door policy. If you need to meet with me to discuss questions or concerns, please contact my Office Manager, Giuliana Marquez at 303-853-5401 to schedule a time. Respectfully, ~VV` Martin Peazson Principal Adams City Middle School
[email protected]
Adams City Middle School Martin Pearson, Director Inspire. Educate.Empower. Inspire. Educe.Fortalece.
4451 East 72°d Avenue Commerce City, CO 80022 P:303-289-5881 F:303.288-8574 www.adamsl4.org
30 de Julio, 2017 Estimados Padres y Tutores, Quisiera aprovechar esta oportunidad pare presentarme. Mi nombre es Martin Pearson y estoy orgulloso de ser el nuevo director de Adams City Middle School. Estoy muy emocionado por conocerlos y comenzar a construir una relacion con nuestros estudiantes y families. Tenemos mucho trabajo por hacer en ACMS y estoy emocionado por trabajar en colaboracion con estudiantes, personal, families y comunidad pare asegurar que cada estudiante en ACMS tenga acceso a una educacion de alts calidad. Algunas cosas sobre mi. Si bien no soy nativo de Colorado, he vivido aqui la mayor parte de mi vide. Me crie en Widefield, Colorado y asisti a University of Southern Colorado en Pueblo. Me traslade al area metropolitana de Denver en 1997 donde comence mi camera en educacion como maestro en sexto y septimo grado en ciencias sociales y antes del lenguaje. Complete mi Maestria en University ofPhonix. A partir de ahi empece en administracion y eventualmente termine pasando la mayoria de mi camera administrative en una escuela secundaria, tanto como sub director y director. Este sera mi veinteavo ano en educacion. Tengo dos ninos increibles. Mi hija Morgan de 9 y mi hijo Calvin de 5 anos. Ambos asisten a la escuela en Brighton. Mi esposa Kim tiene una camera como educadora y ha pasado los pasados dieciseis anos en Adams Doce como maestra, entrenadora instruccional y ahora como coordinadora DTEA. Actualmente vivimos en Thornton. En mi tiempo libre, me encanta ver el futbol americano, leer y pasar tiempo como amigos y familia. Considero que cede nino se merece una educacion de alta calidad en un ambiente donde esten seguros, seen respetados, desafiados y se les provean grandes oportunidades pare el exito. Mi meta es trabajar diligentemente pare crear ese ambiente pare su estudiante. Creo en mi nuevo personal y se que tienen las habilidades pare crear el mejor ambiente pare su estudiante. Espero trabajar con usted pare ayudar a lograr esta meta. Creo en la politica de mantener una puerta abierta. Si usted necesita reunirse conmigo pare responder a sus preguntas o preocupaciones, por favor comuniquese con la Directora de Oficina, Giuliana Marquez a1303-853-5401 pare hacer una cite. Respetuosamente,
Martin Pearson Director Adams City Middle School
[email protected]