dike. 4. "The Queen's Confession" by Victoria Holt. 5. "The Countess Angelique"
by Sergeanne Golon. NON-FICTION. 1. "The Naked Ape" by-Des- mond Morris'.
On the Social Scene
Amsterdam Recorder
Slim, Young, New
Saturday. July 27, 1960 — 3
Bridal Date Set
Bailey—Schaus Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Frederica Schaus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Schaus, Charlton, formerly of Hagaman, to Claude Moore Bailey in, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bailey of Focastle Farm, Burnt Hills. The ceremony took place July 14 at the home of the bride's parents and was followed by a reception for the Immediate families. Miss Lisa Schaus, sister of the bride, and the bridegroom's brother, Robert Bailey, were the attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey will reside at Focastle Farm.
For August
. . Sliva
Mrs. John C. Gross Jr. Elizabeth Van Wie
Marriage Is Solemnized At St:Stephens Church
Miss Mary Jane Balzano, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Balzano, GloversvUle, was honored at a bridal shower held recently at the Rainbow Restaurant in Johnstown. Hostesses were Mrs. Marlon Albine, Mrs. Rose DeGaro, Mrs. Emilia Taylor, Mrs. Phyllis Chlariello, Mrs. Elaine Balzano, Mrs. Irene Balzano, Mrs. Jennie Balzano, Miss Azilda Balzano, Mrs. Mary Savarese, Mrs. Jane Balzano and Mrs. Joseph Paris. Miss Balzano will be married to Donald J. Paris, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Ewin J. Paris, 6 Harding Road, Saturday, Aug. 31, at 11 a.m. In Our Lady of Mount Cannel Church, GloversvUle.
. . . Clark
Miss Sonya . . . Masto
Mrs. Joseph R. Roy Sandra Palombo
Nuptial Ceremony Joins Marine and Local Girl
Miss Elizabeth Rose Van Wie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WUUam Van Wie, 169 South Pawling St., Hagaman, was married to John C. Gr,oss Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gross, Johnstown, this afternoon at 2 o'clock In St. Stephen's Church, Hagaman, the Rev. Edward J. Tanskl, pastor, officiating. The altar was decorated with baskets of gladioli, carnations and mums and there was a white bridal runner in the center aisle. . White satin bows marked. the family pews. Wedding music was played by the* organist, Mrs. Roberta Jesenski. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a full length gown of Imported white sUk organza embroidered with Alencon las on the bodice, short sleeves and A-line skirt and designed with a chapel length
9035 SIZES 10&-22& Sixty-five cents in coins for each pattern— add 15 cents for each pattern for first-class mailing and special handling. Send'
shoulder train also bordered Couple Honored In a ceremony afst. Mary's bridal couple left on a tour of E v e ^ R e S ^ ^ P a ' u l S with lace. A tiered veil of silk The 25th wedding anniversary Church this morning at 11 the eastern seaboard. For go- Dept., 232 West 18th St New illusion fell from her crown of of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zaing away the new Mrs. Roy Y o r k ' N . Y . mil. Print name, aurora borealis and lace petals bawa, Blue Corners Road, was o'cllck, Miss Sandra Lee Pal*™ ; « £ • • » * . - - * * and she carried a cascade bou- celebrated at a dinner at the ombo,- daushter of Mr. and ^JM*™^ quet of white roses and minia- Brothers' Restaurant recently. Mrs. Morris T. Palombo, 21 _ . .. , . t , number. ture carnations. The table was decorated with Pleasant Ave., became the bride c t % ™,dRe LSJI Z Q? JUE S L A N T i s everything to a money tree and anniversary Maid of honor was the bride's ft ff £ * & l o v f f t " £ sister, Miss Carol Van Wie, cake and also the guests of hon- of Lance Corporal Joseph Rich- g J ^ f f M ard Roy, United States Marine bany and has been employed an( j every day Sew it in polyHagaman, and the bridegroom's or received a purse of money. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. sister, Mrs. Gary Pitt, RochesCoprs, son of Mr. and Mrs. . a t st - Peter's Hospital. fo^ ^^ ester ter, was matron of honor. Mrs. Edward Bielawa, Schenectady; Clarence Roy, Waterford. The Cpl. Roy attended ShenendePrinted Pattern 9035: NEW Paul Wilder, GloversvUle, Miss Stanley Zabawa, Duanesburg; Rev. Michael Gaudio officiated howa Central School and is now Half Sizes 10 1-2, 12 1-2, 14 1-2, Eileen Swiatek, Amsterdam, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Habla, Mr. at the nuptials. stationed with the 'Marines at 16 1-2, 18 1-2, 20 1-2 22 1-2. Size cousin of the bride, and Miss and Mrs. Anthony Malik, Mr. Camp LeJune, N.C., where the 14% (bust 37) takes 2% yds. Vases of white gladioli and couple wUl reside. 39-in. Karen Strosz, Perth, were and Mrs. Anthony Kamen, Mr. bridesmaids, and Miss Lynn and Mrs. Ralph Robusto, Mr. snapdragons and yeUow fuji Armstrong, Amsterdam, also a and Mrs. Herman Weldemann, pompons on the altar and a cousiirof the bride, was flower Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Zabawa white bridal carpet In the aisle formed the bridal setting. Wedand Gerald Zabawa. girl. ding music was played and sung The attendants were dressed the organist, Miss Augusta Mrs. Louis DeSorbo and Mrs. by in full length gowns of ottoman M. Canale. over taffeta in mint green, Alfred DeSorbo Sr. were among • The bride, given in marriage aqua, yellow, light blue and the hostesses at the greenback by her iather, wore a full length pink respectively, with match- shower given recenUy at the gown of white Unen fashioned ing headpieces and veils, while Columbian Community Center with a high rise yoke adorned By Abigail Van Bores the flower girl wore white. The in honor of Miss Kathleen Ko~ with dimensional lace which maid of honor carried a basket siorek. also encircled the waistline and of mint green carnations, the sofUy gathered in the back and DEAR ABBY: I have been haircuts, mini mini skirts, datmatron of honor carried aqua continued into a chapel length married for 3 months to a won- ing hours, and make-up 2 inches carnations and the others cartrain. A bouffant veil of French derful man .whose wife of 21 thick. Taking away prlvUeges ried baskets of white and colorsUk tUlusion feU from her ka- years has been dead a year. He and cutting allowances didn't ed daisies to match their gowns. bukl bonnet embeUished with told me there was no love be-, faze them. When I was told for William White,. Rochester, matching Venise lace and she tween them for the last 10 years the 50th time that they were was best man and the ushers carried a :single long-stemmed of their marriage (I didn't ask old enough to do as t h e y were Gary Pitt, Rochester, Paul white rose with ivy and white him) and; they were on the verge pleased, I saw the light. Wilder, GloversvUle, Edward FICTION St a m 8! l tol Schelmbauer and Steve Vacula, £ , f lu "", . °f d l V ° r C e 8 e V e r a l t i m e 8 ,