Amsterdam NY Daily Democrat and Recorder ... -

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Reilly, Miss Ellen Monaghan, Mrs. Richard Harrison, Mrs. Harold. Hourly Temperature. Record. High. 38. March 26. 2 P. M.. 3 P. M.. 4 P. M.. 5 P. M.. 6 P. M. .
1 V " 1 1 1 !*$?!".'! '

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Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Marotta, 18 Clark Avenue. Birth Record A son was born today In the . . .. , , Amsterdam Citv Hospital to Mr. A daughter was born yesterday ! . _ . • ' ~r,L . ' . ^i_ . , _J /-«. i i » i . and Mrs. Thomas Del Santo. 8 in the Amsterdam City Hospital t o . W a l l S t r c e t '

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Tribes Hill Goes on Red Gross Honor Roll in Current Drive; Volunteers Keep Active Here

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The Red Cross Honor Roll places Van Dyck. Mrs. Walter Lindberg, high on its list the hamlet of Mrs. Charles JJurJ, Mrs. Charles Tribes Hill, which, having been as- Gibbons. Mrs. Nelson Gilbert, Mrs. signed the quota of $183.75. has Fred Miller and Miss Nancy Sol reported gifts t o the amount of I $381.15, with the work completed before the end of the month. This village has always been generous and efficient in Red Cross work, and Montgomery County Chapter extends congratulations to the volunteers who called at the homes one by one, and received a warm welcome. » The sixth ward, which is one of the largest sections of the city and requires a large number of workers, is being canvassed by the following volunteers: First district, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Clarence Piatt, lists Mrs. Raymond Shelp, Mrs. Fred M. Brodie, Jr.. Miss May Dickinson. Mrs. George M. Piatt. Mrs. Herbert Shuttleworth. 2nd, Mrs. David Childs, Mrs. Donald Isburgh, Mrs. G. E. Van Tassel and Mrs. Ruth Brodie Conklin. Mrs. Arthur B. Carpenter Is chairman of the second district, and working with her are Mrs. Andrew Kelly, Mrs. Edmund J. Reilly, Miss Ellen Monaghan, Mrs. Richard Harrison, Mrs. Harold

Methodist Classes Plan Joint Meeting



Food News Editorial


[jection Two





Pages Fifteen to Thirty

Amsterdam, N. YM Thursday, March 2 7 , 1917.

Mary Merchants Engage in Club Rbundtable Discussion

Company G t o ^ . Seek Recruits For New Quota


^i Syracuse Bishop Is Final Speaker Of Lenten Series





High. 38. Low, 20. March 26 March 27 P. M. . . . . 2 4 1 A. M. . . . . 2 2 : P. M. • • • • 26 2 A M. . . . . 2 2 3 A M. . . . . 2 2 ' 24 P. M. 4 A. M. • • I • JL J-koMon SlnjlrS m i l e d Tweed Hilt. Sires • to I t II5.M


Now Only


Sports News Classified Ads


Purple Heart Auxiliary Accepting New Members

central itM.UHMt-HKitiiM C4.CTTMU.wr-

Harry DeVoe U president This meeting will take the place of the the. plant, of the B i 2 e w I regular sessions of the Women's Carpet Co..-lnc l ™ * • ^ Society of Christian Service the alleged t h e f ' t o T I ^ l S Board of Education, Workers 1 tng to the arrest of Conference and Live Wire Class wicz and Joseph I f^*^ 011 In addition to members of these was found at the hn^,^* e G » « M . 1 6 P « * S t S * groups, ajl other interested perthe residence of T ^ sons are invited to attend. Previously stated. A j S f e " to the police station 2 2 * Third Stolen Rug Found rest of the two l e d i t ? f t 1 ery of the third rug £ 1 At Home of Gosciminski are h e M j o r j j r a n d J ^ J j j e thi " * newly manufactured A T£ 9x12 rug which was taken .from - R e c o r d e r Want Ads p, 1

from the "Union Signal." "Lycsjusc in a study home it is develop expense of leaving them in hos» I while others saw continued unrest a Catholic Nurses That See Not," \shich spoke ofjing in Amsterdam, like that being experienced by the pitals. Ian Kenwood Retreat the stupidity of men who fail to v There is urgent need for such aj Immediate responses to the telephone workers at the present time.A day of retreat, sponsored by acknowledge the sinfulness of the home here, the bureau points out.iabove appeals would be greatly Albany Chapter. Diocese Council liquor traffic, and Mrs C. L. Nilcs since the infants' homes are so appreciated by the Bureau of Child Resistance of buyers has forced of Catholic Nurses, will be given held a quiz in which the members crowded it is necessary to bear the (Welfare, telephone 2193. down prices in some lines but a at the Convent of the Sacred took part. general downward trend cannot be .rent .marketing . conditions worth, Joseph A. Janesky, Thomas Heart, Kenwood. Albany, Sunday, A note of chorr « a < sent to Mrs iinflated inventories affecting R. Tesiero and Lauren S. Lind- looked for now, the groups agreed. April 13, by the Rev. John A. F r a n c e s A. DcGraff. president. While "soft goods" have slumped say. I business were described in Hughes. S. J., of the Provincials now a patient in Amsterdam City Various causes were given for hi price, motor driven appliances j t a b l e discussion at .WednesHouse, New York. Hospital. have been stable. h luncheon meeting of the Ro-the large inventories, and it was Captain John J. Campbell, comAll graduate registered nurses Off the record reports from Club b y * group of Amster- said by some that the impossibilimanding officer of Company. G, in the Albany Catholic Diocese merchants who exchanged ty of cancelling orders was largely merchandisers in various fields of 105th Infantry, New York Fed- may make the retreat, beginning Child Welfare Bureau ons on various phases of mer- responsible, deliveries being made retailing offered opportunity for eralized National Guard, an- with mass at 9 A. M*. and ending Renews Urgent Appeal at present on some orders of two good-natured rivalry and the pro- nounced today that a drive has at 4 P. M. with the Benediction ging. \ gram proved of unusual interest been launched to obtain the next of the Blessed Sacrament. nth George A. Guilbault as and three years ago. Necessity of "Kitchen-tested For Infant;*' Articles WE REDEEM jerator, the following Rolarlans buying unwanted merchandise in Laughs were common, as when a quota of 20 per cent of the tabic Having received no response to a GOLD MEDAL Chercd around the microphone order to secure desired items was shoe merchant reported that four of organization. Company G was a recent appeal, the Bureau of Child COUPONS complete a set of recordings also listed as one of the factors traveling salesmen had been in his recently Federalized at the St Regular 24.98 Welfare is again, asking for cribs store at one. time during the week Armory. With the increases by William Hdjohn: Gerald serving to swell stocks. TttxLm-*>*f\ and articles necessary in the train—a scene not witnessed since the Army pay reflected in the drill 139 E . Main S t . , -geman. Thomas W. LeavenSome of the merchandisers were All Steel, Double Door ' ing of babies the bureau desires "to start of World War II. Bri cer~> pay of National Guardsmen the A msterdam, N . V. of the opinions that better articles Acting President C. H. Smith latter arc now receiving the folwill be secur*1 for less money belowing scale of pay: fore the end of the year, but oth- presided during the session. Private, 52.50; private first, ers were not confident on this class, 52.67; corporal and techBanking I n s t i t u t e to Bishop W. Earl Lcdden of SyraDuring 90 year* Father John'a point. It was agreed that items now at peak will be marketed at Hold Annual Dinner and nician fifth grade. 53; sergeant cuse will be the final speaker in Hedicice has earned and technician'fourth grade, 53.33: the 1947 Lenten scries of the First lower prices after the cost of mathe confidence of the D a n c e at Schenectady staff sergeant and technician third Methodist Church "at a meeting chinery has been written « " « » guarantee.,™ „ n ^ | doubtedly put Amsterdam at the led by Mrs. William Robb, Mrs. Deluxe j U e . beautifully upholstered, in Ion* wearing covers. Has buiitll A Famous\Name in Homo Modernization; designed to aid Correct "Body Balance". And bedding compartment la which to store your blankets. piUowa and H Jop of the regiment when the Burton Fisher gave a scripture Say It When You Want Quality WE REDEEM strength of other units is tallied. reading of the story of Christ Remember It When You Want Savings EASY PAYMENTS ihe/re fitted perfectly by our shoe fitting experts! GOLD MEDAL All men interested in joining Com- knocking at the door of our hearts, pany G may make application at after *vhich she explained the ' COUPONS the armory at any time. meaning of the mural painting, Drill tonight will be held at the "Behold I Stand at the Door and D O N T WAIT UNTIL THE FALL RUSH — R L Y NOW! usual time, 7:30 o'clock. Knock," which was a recent gift to • Gives More Clean Heat the church from Dr. and Mrs. L. Railroad passenger fares in the H. Finch in memory of their parWith Less Fuel United States were reduced from ents, x i CHILDRENS SHOP • Installations Arranged an average of about 2.01 cents a 117 EAST MAIN ST., Mrs. Evan Evans read an article mile in 1905 to about 1.87 cents a 80 EAST MAIN STREET and Financed AMSTERDAM, N. Y. mile in 1945.

Hourly Temperature Record

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

^mgteiftiam lbmiu« $efttfbt?


lecito. » The third district of the ward is captained by Miss Laura Isabel, and she has as -her co-workers, Mrs. Louis Rukstinat, Miss Rachel Marshall, Miss Rose DeRossi, Mrs. James Genaro and Miss Elvira Two representatives of the A h Tambasco. bany Branch of Alcoholics AnonyMrs. James A. Noonan, who is in mous will be guest speakers at a charge of the second district of joint meeting of several organizathe seventh ward, is working with tions of the First Methodist Mrs. Richard E. Turner, Mrs. Church at 7:45 o'clock Tuesday James Hogg, Mrs. J. Kenneth evening, April 8, at the church. Dreaney, Miss Vivian Dixon and The. program has been arranged Mrs. Edward V. Cushman. by Jhe Young Adult Club of which


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