they are unable to provide good medical services to their country people. Peoples are not doing proper care of their health they are getting many health disease ...
Vol. 4, No. 3 Mar 2013
ISSN 2079-8407
Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences ©2009-2013 CIS Journal. All rights reserved.
An Adoptive Medical Diagnosis System Using Expert System with Applications Gufran Ahmad Ansari Department of Information Technology, College of Computer, Qassim University Al-Qassim, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)
ABSTRACT It is well known that developing countries are facing a lot of shortage of medical expertise in medical science. Due to this, they are unable to provide good medical services to their country people. Peoples are not doing proper care of their health they are getting many health disease problems. Patients also find a huge queue in hospitals. Nowadays common diseases like Malaria, Typhoid, Plague, and Typhus etc. are becoming more dangerous problems for the people that living in this world. Now these problems become a big challenge for the developing countries that how to provide a good medical services their country people. Also how can avoids the patients queue from the hospitals. In this paper, author proposed a model of Adoptive Medical Diagnosis System (AMDS) using Expert System (ES). The AMDS using ES system is very helpful for the patients that infected with common diseases and this system will give a prescription as a medical expert also this system is very helpful for rural areas where we have young medical expert or don’t have medical expert. Keywords: Health, Disease, People, Country, AMDS, Expert System
1. INTRODUCTION It is moral responsibility of a country to provide the good medical services to their country people because healthy people make healthy country. Medical science field is an enormous field that includes a large number of expertise, knowledge and information [1]. In this paper, a model of Adoptive Medical Diagnosis System (AMDS) using Expert System (ES) is proposed and described. This model is a combination of AMDS and ES. This model can be used to provide the prescription for general health diseases like Malaria, Typhoid, Plague, and Typhus also it works as a human expert [2, 3]. To get the good medical treatment is a right of every country citizens. Due to the insufficient availability experts in a medical domain it is a big challenge for the country to provide good medical services to their country people. The major advantage of Adoptive Medical Diagnosis System using Expert System is that it gives the prescription as the doctor ordered to the patient. Also this system can be used anytime and anywhere. Also the proposed system can work as a human expert. When hospitals are facing the problem of general expert this system can work as a human expert. Expert systems technology has been widely adopted by many software development companies and industry [4]. Expert System is a kind of software that runs in computer memory and works the same kind of interaction as a specialist work and gives prescription to the patient as a specialist. Also you can say it is a kind of program that asks you about your symptoms disease and provide possible prescription matching of the symptoms like human expert. Expert system is a part of Artificial Intelligence [5, 6]. The main purpose of expert systems is to provide expert advice if the person seeks advice from system. Also it is a computer program that can reproduce thinker activities [7].
Fig 1: Component of Expert System The structure of knowledge or facts is called the domain of ES. There are three major components of Expert System which are Knowledge base (KB), Inference Engine (IE) and User Interface (UI) [8, 9]. Knowledge base holds the domain knowledge which is employed by the inference engine to draw conclusions [10]. The inference engine is responsible to assume and get the solutions from relationships of knowledge base and facts that provide by the user. It also decides which rules should be implemented in a given situation, and in which order it will use information in the knowledge base [1]. Medical science field is a very active and challenging field to implement the above techniques. For the medical diagnosis and prescription, doctors ask the question to the patient and try to find out the possible disease on the basis of interview. Doctors then write the prescription for the patient. Similarly, in medical treatment we use Expert System for retrieving the patient history from the database and current symptoms for the patient data and prescribe treatment as a human expert [11, 12].
Vol. 4, No. 3 Mar 2013
ISSN 2079-8407
Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences ©2009-2013 CIS Journal. All rights reserved.
2. ADOPTIVE MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS SYSTEM The given Fig. 2 explains the concept of Adoptive Medical Diagnosis System (ADMS). A diagnosis system usually starts with the patient complaints
and the doctor learn more about the patient situation interactively throughout an interview. In this system, patient comes to doctor with his disease. Now, doctor is interviewing the patients regarding their diseases and tries to find possible disease. When doctor find the possible disease then write the prescription for that disease and give to the patient for treatment.
Fig 2: Adoptive Medical Diagnosis System
3. PROPOSED MODEL ADOPTIVE MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS SYSTEM USING EXPERT SYSTEM In our proposed system, “Adoptive Medical Diagnosis System using Expert System” we have three levels of the system. System level 1 is an Adoptive Medical Diagnosis System; system level 2 is a Medical Expert System and system level 3 is an update Adoptive Medical Diagnosis System using Expert System. System level 1 describes general scenario thing about the patient how he can get the prescription from the doctor. Generally in this level, patients come to the hospitals with their diseases and AMDS system user interviews the patients regarding their diseases and searches the prescription in
database. If prescription was found in the database then the user gives the prescription to the patient. If prescription is not found in the database then the user goes to the incremental database into the second level of the system which is the expert system. The important parts of this system are Interface, Knowledge base Rules, facts, incremental KB and Expert prescription, Patient. The inference engine is the program separation of an Expert System. It shows a problem solving model which uses the rules in the knowledge base and the situation-specific knowledge in the WM to resolve a problem [5, 13].
Vol. 4, No. 3 Mar 2013
ISSN 2079-8407
Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences ©2009-2013 CIS Journal. All rights reserved.
Fig 3: Adoptive Medical Diagnosis System Using Expert System In this level the user offered incremental database and system see the questions that are prepared according to the patients diseases. After given the feedback by the patient expert system searches the possible disease description for the patients. System has a knowledge base rule and matches then patient disease with knowledge rule rules and recommends the possible prescription for patient disease. Good prescription gives to the patient and if the prescription is not good then system goes the third level and the rule will be updated by the human expert.
4. KNOWLEDGE ACQUISTION PROCESS The knowledge base can be used as the mind of the Expert System as all the necessary facts for constructing the rules are contained in the knowledge base. This knowledge is used as a source rules for the Expert System. The most important source for knowledge acquisition for the Adoptive Medical Diagnosis System using Expert System was consultation with general physician doctors, Internet medical website, medical books and research papers. The knowledge based consisted of acquiring the symptoms of the diseases and possible treatments of the diseases [14, 15]. The
knowledge is represented in the form of rules. The basic form of the rule is Rule: IF condition 1, condition 2, condition 3……condition n THEN act 1, act 2, act 3 ….... act m. The interface engine seeks to drive new information about a given situation using a knowledge based expert system. There is also a choice for modifying and updating the expert system with new knowledge and new rules. When the new rules are written and implemented the rules give solutions as a changed rule by human expert. The incremental database has all the data regarding patient disease and prescription and also old data and updated data.
5. A CASE STUDY Now consider the following sample table for diagnosis the diseases and giving the prescription to the patient through AMDS using ES.
Vol. 4, No. 3 Mar 2013
ISSN 2079-8407
Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences ©2009-2013 CIS Journal. All rights reserved.
Table 1: General Symptoms Symptoms No 1 2 3 4
Symptoms Name Shivering, fever, repeated attacks lead to enlargement of spleen Vomiting, Frequent loose stools followed by fever and unconsciousness. stomach ache General weakness, regular fever (generally in the evening and not very high), coughing, bloodstained sputum Inflammation of throat where a grey membrane (a false membrane on mucous surface) is formed. Pain and swelling of throat, with fever Temperature, abdominal tenderness,
slow pulse,
rosecoloured rash
High fever, skin eruptions, and severe headache
Redness, swelling, pus discharge through urethra, painful urination.
A hard painless sore on the genitalia, skin eruption.
In Table-1, we have two columns one is symptom no and the other one is symptoms Name. For example, if any patient has symptom no 3 that means he/she has stomach ache and similarly others. Table-2 is a General Diseases table and this table is also divided in two columns. The first column is a Disease Name and the other column shows the Symptoms No. Table 2: General Diseases
Expert System. Table-3 column one shows the patient name these patients name is starting from A and can go up to N number of patients. Column two shows the possible diseases that are found in different patients. Column three shows Symptoms No that are found in a particular patient. Column four shows the prescription given by the Adoptive Medical Diagnosis System to the patient and the last column shows the prescription that was given by the Expert System. Table 3: Patient Prescription table
Disease Name
Symptoms No
Possible Disease Name Malaria
Unknow n disease
Cholera Tuberculosis Diphtheria Typhoid
2,3 4 5 6,7,8
Patient Name
Symptoms No
Expert System
The Table -3 is a Patient Prescription table and this table also divided into five columns. The first column is Patient Name, second column is Possible Disease Name, third column is Symptoms No and the fourth column is AMDS and the last column is an
Vol. 4, No. 3 Mar 2013
ISSN 2079-8407
Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences ©2009-2013 CIS Journal. All rights reserved.
& Symptoms
Disease Name
Patient Prescription Chart
Unknown Disease
A 1
B 1
C 1
D 0
Expert System
Fig 4: Patient Prescription Chart Fig. 4 shows the Patient Prescription Chart. In this we have two color bars; one is blue color and the other one is brown color. Patient A, Patient B and Patient C get the prescription from the ADMS and Patient D who has the symptom 1, 2, 3 get the prescription from the Expert System.
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6. CONCLUSIONS Many developing countries are facing the shortage of medical experts in medical field. Due to shortage of medical expert they are getting a huge queue of patients in hospitals. Especially in rural areas we have young medical expert or don’t have medical expert. This Adoptive Medical Diagnosis System Using Expert System can be substitute of the above problem. This is very useful to diagnose patient diseases and prescribe the good prescription to the patients as a human medical expert. From the above study, it is concluded that this Adoptive Medical Diagnosis System using Expert System can be applied any hospitals any country for improving medical services. Also this system can be applied anytime, anyplace, any hospital to provides medical prescription for general diseases.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Author is so grateful to Dean Prof. Dr. Abdullah Bin Ibrahim Al Shoshan Dean College of Computer, Qassim University Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for providing the excellent facility for the research in the College of Computer. Thanks are also to Deanship of Scientific Research Centre Qassim University, Saudi Arabia.
Vol. 4, No. 3 Mar 2013
ISSN 2079-8407
Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences ©2009-2013 CIS Journal. All rights reserved.
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Author’s Profile Dr. Gufran Ahamd Ansari received his Bachelor degree (B.Sc. Computer Science) from Shia P.G. College, Lucknow in 1997, Post graduate diploma from NIIT Lucknow, MCA from DR. B.R. Ambedkar University Agra in 2002 and Ph.D.(Computer Science) from Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar (A Central) University, Lucknow, U.P., India in 2009. He has more than 12 years of experience in teaching undergraduate as well as postgraduate students of Computer Science, Information Technology and Computer Applications. He has authored more than 30 research papers on Software Engineering in leading international journals and conferences. His current research interests are Software Engineering (SE), AI, Software Quality, Software Security and Software Process Modeling.