An Algebraic Semantics for Possibilistic Logic
Luca Boldrin Dept. of Pure and Applied Math. University of Padova Via Belzoni 7 35100 Padova PD, Italy
[email protected]
to classical epistemic logics have been established in [Murai et al. 93].
The first contribution of this paper is the presentation of a Pavelka–like formulation of possibilistic logic in which the language is naturally enriched by two connectives which represent negation (¬) and a new type of conjunction (⊗). The space of truth values for this logic is the lattice of possibility functions, that, from an algebraic point of view, forms a quantal. A second contribution comes from the understanding of the new conjunction as the combination of tokens of information coming from different sources, which makes our language ”dynamic”. A Gentzen calculus is presented, which is proved sound and complete with respect to the given semantics. The problem of truth functionality is discussed in this context.
In the present paper we show that possibilistic logic can be embedded in a many-valued (truthfunctional) logic, where the set of truth values is not the unit interval of real numbers, but a complete lattice made of possibility distributions (more precisely, a quantal)2 . Moreover, as in Pavelka and in [Takeuti and Titani 84], we introduce in the language a suitable subset of the truth values; we show that the resulting logic, which fits in fact in Pavelka’s general frame, contains possibilistic logic as expressed in [Dubois, Lang and Prade 94].
The distinction between truth-functional and non truth-functional logics have been widely stressed by several authors [Dubois, Lang and Prade 91], [Hajek et. al 94]. The first class contains many valued logics in the style of L Ã ukasiewicz, and has been given a precise status since the work of Goguen and Pavelka (see [Pavelka 79]); while Pavelka proposed a general frame in which the set of truth values was a complete lattice ordered monoid, he limited his analysis to finite chains and to the unit interval of reals. The second class contains measure-based logics, where the underlying measure can have different natures: a probability, a possibility, a belief function, etc. (see, for instance, [Fagin and Halpern 94], [Dubois, Lang and Prade 94], [Saffiotti 92]). It has been given a formal status in terms of modal logics in [Hajek et. al 94]1 and [Voorbraak 93]. Links 1
Claudio Sossai Ladseb-CNR Corso Stati Uniti 4 35127 Padova PD, Italy
[email protected]
As a matter of facts Hajek does more than that, since he puts together a truth-functional and a measure based logic in the same framework.
In this many-valued view the truth value of a formula is the set of possibility distributions which satisfy it (in the usual sense). Composition of formulae through logical connectives in the language has a semantical counterpart in the corresponding composition of these sets of possibility distributions. The trick of introducing truth values into the language, token from Pavelka, is used in this context to account for the measure values from inside the language. A second point of concern in our work is the dynamics of information. In the field of measure-based logics, it seems that most of the languages are static, in the sense that they perform inference on a unique information state; no logical counterpart has been established to the combination of evidence which, semantically, is a change of information state3 . In modal formulations the ∧ operator between modal formulae like Nα A can, in fact, be thought of as a connective representing expansion, which is a change (more precisely, a refinement) of the information state; however, no other dynamic connectives are available. 2 It is well known that it is not possible to make a compositional classical logic whose truth space is the unit interval, since the unit interval cannot be imposed a Boolean structure (it can however be given a Complete Heyting Algebra structure, so that it works as the truth value space of an intuitionistic logic, see [Takeuti and Titani 84]). 3 This is not completely true with Saffiotti’s Belief Function Logic, since the conjunction of BF-formulae corresponds in some way to Dempster’s combination on models
Let us assume that a piece of evidence is modeled by a possibility distribution on a set of possible worlds; as reported in [Dubois and Prade 85], there are several ways of aggregating information, depending on the relation among the sources of information, and on assumptions on their reliability. In this paper we focus on two operators for combining possibility distributions: ∧ defined by (π1 ∧ π2 )(w) = π1 (w) ∧ π2 (w) and the L Ã ukasiewicz operator ×, defined by (π1 × π2 )(w) = (π1 (w) + π2 (w) − 1) ∨ 0; both of these operators are T-norms. The first one, up to when the result remains consistent, can be used to model expansion, i.e. the combination of coherent information (think for instance of tokens of information coming from the same source): we represent it syntactically by ”&”; it corresponds to the set union of possibilistic formulae in the logic of [Dubois, Lang and Prade 94], or to the ∧ between modal formulae in modal approaches. The second operator models combination of evidence coming from distinct sources: if the two evidences agree, combination yields an evidence stronger than both4 . We introduce it in the language as ”⊗”, which has no explicit representation in standard possibilistic logic. Moreover, it is very natural to add to the language a negation, which corresponds to the operation of fuzzy set complementation with respect to ×. This approach, while owing much to modal approaches, as it can be argued from the semantics, differs from them in that it explicitly introduces numerical constants in the language (which, as we discussed above, are just some of the truth values), and in the semantics of negation, which we are going to discuss in some detail later. For the time being it suffice to say that modal negation deals with absence of information in some information 4 this role can also be played by the product · defined by (π1 · π2 )(w) = π1 (w) · π2 (w); in [Dubois and Prade 85] the authors claim that this operator models the combination of information from distinct and independent sources. The syntactical representation of this operator has been studied in [Boldrin 94].
state, while our negation represents actual disbelief. The result is a logic endowed with a sound and complete Gentzen calculus; we named it Dynamic Possibilistic Logic because of the dynamic interpretation we just gave. To improve the clarity of the paper, we chose to introduce the propositional system (DPL) first (par. 2), and to extended it to the full predicative system (DPL*) in a second step (par 3). The reader could notice that our approach shares some features with Lehman’s plausibility logic [Lehman 91]; the substantial difference is that Lehman seeks to capture nonmonotonicity, and so plausibility logic enjoys contraction but not weakening and full cut. On the contrary, our connective ⊗ is monotonic but not idempotent, since it is meant to represent combination of information from different sources; consequently, our logic misses out contraction but allows for cut and weakening. As a matter of fact, the logic happens to fall in the field of substructural logics, since it can be seen as a specialization of Girard’s linear logic [Girard 87]. This is not surprising, in the light of the informational interpretation of substructural logics pointed out in [Wansing 93].
We assume the following language, where α for any α ∈ [0, 1] are constants. The set of atomic propositions is named L0 . formula ::= atomic proposition | α | ¬ formula | formula & formula | formula ⊗ formula We take L to be the set of formulae; it is convenient to define L1 as the set of formulae with no occurrences of α constants for any α ∈ (0, 1) — notice that 0 and 1 are in L1 . We use upper case Latin letters (A, B, C,...) for formulae, while reserving L, M, N for L1 -formulae, and upper case greek letters (Γ, ∆, ...) for multisets of formulae; the greek letters α and β always represent real numbers in [0, 1]. We introduce some new symbols via the definitions: A → B =def ¬(A ⊗ ¬B) A ⊕ B =def ¬(¬A&¬B)
A parallel can be drawn with the representation of certain knowledge; in that case, since there is no way of weighing evidence from different sources, the only meaningful dynamic operators correspond to expansion, revision or update. An interesting work in the direction of representing these operators as logical connectives is [de Rijke 94] which seeks to capture the non-determinism of revision. The uncertain setting has to cope with a much wider set of operators, and we believe that it would be of a certain interest to explore their representation inside the language. For instance, it would be interesting to give a syntactical account of the Dempster-Shafer combination operator for belief functions (a syntactic characterization of Dempster conditionalization has been proposed in [Alechina and Smets 94]), or of the Jeffrey conditionalization operator for probabilities; in this paper we start this work from an easier task, which is the syntactical representation of the L Ã ukasiewicz combination operator in the possibilistic framework.
¬(¬A ⊗ ¬B)
The language is the same as in [Pavelka 79], where our & corresponds to ∧ and our ⊗ to ⊕. Our choice of the connectives differs from Pavelka’s, since we want to stress the proximity of our logic to substructural logics in the style of [Girard 87]. Let P denote the set of functions (which we call possibility distributions) from a non-empty set W to the real interval [0, 1], with the order ≤ (π1 ≤ π2 iff for any w it holds that π1 (w) ≤ π2 (w)); the lattice operations ∨ and ∧ on possibility functions are defined
with respect to the order ≤; hP, ∨, ∧i is a complete lattice. The operation × is defined by π = π1 × π2 iff for any w π(w) = 0 ∨ (π1 (w) + π2 (w) − 1)). To define the semantics of negation, we make use of fuzzy set complementation with respect to ×, which makes our negation coincide with Girard’s, where the inconsistent set contains only the function identically zero. We need the following definitions: Def. 1
1. For any π, ↓ π = {σ ∈ P : σ ≤ π}.
2. For any α ∈ [0, 1], α is the function identically equal to α (in particular 1(w) = 1 and 0(w) = 0 for any w). 3. For any G ⊆ P and H ⊆ P, G ⇒ H = {σ : ∀π (π ∈ G → π × σ ∈ H)}. 4. For any G ⊆ P, G⊥ = G ⇒ {0}. It can be easily verified that on 2P (see [Girard 87]).
is a closure operator
Theorem 1 For any G ⊆ P, let πG =
W π∈G
π; then:
1. G⊥ = {π : π × πG = 0} 2. G⊥⊥ =↓ πG The structure hP, ×, 1i is a commutative monoid with unit, and ⊥ = {0} ⊆ P. Hence the structure hP, ×, 1, ⊥i is a phase space in Girard’s sense. The closure operator is exactly the one of Girard, so the set Q = {G ⊆ P : G = G⊥⊥ } is the set of facts, and belongs to the class of Girard quantales as defined in [Rosenthal 90]. A frame for our language is a couple: F = hW, V0 i, where W is a nonempty set of worlds, V0 : L0 → 2W is a propositional assignment over the worlds which is extended to V : L1 → 2W , as usual. Def. 2 Given the frame F , let us define the function k · kF : L → Q:
kLkF kα → LkF
= =
{π : N ecπ (V (L)) = 1} for any L ∈ L1 {π : N ecπ (V (L)) ≥ α} for any L ∈ L1
It follows from theorem 2 that kAk as above defined is a fact (i.e. belongs to Q) for any A ∈ L. It is worth noting that the subset B = {π : (∀w ∈ W )(π(w) ∈ {0, 1})} is a Boolean algebra contained in Q. For this reason, L1 -formulae (whose value is in B — see the fourth equivalence above) behave classically. The fifth equivalence is very important, since it states that the formula α → L has the same meaning as the possibilistic formula (L, α) in [Dubois, Lang and Prade 94], or as the formula in modal flavour Nα L in the style of Hajek. Def. 3 A model is a couple K = hF, πi where F is a frame. We say that K |= A iff π ∈ kAkF . A formula A is valid in F iff for any model K in the frame F , K |= A or, equivalently (see lemma 1 in paragraph 4) iff 1 ∈ kAkF . In a fixed frame a formula α → A is true in the models whose possibility distribution gives A at least α support; a formula ¬A is true in the models which are inconsistent with the models for A; a formula A & B is true in those models which fit both A and B; and, eventually, a formula A ⊗ B is true in any model whose possibility distribution is the product of one of an A-model and one of a B-model. Since the lattice P is complete, we can establish a correspondence UF : L → P between formulae and their least informative model in a frame (keep in mind that least informative means higher in the order ≤): UF (A) =def
= Theorem 2 Given a frame F , kAkF = kAk⊥⊥ F ↓ UF (A). Moreover, the following statements hold: 1. UF (α) = α
1 0
kpkF kαkF
=def =def
{π : N ecπ (V (p)) = 1} ↓α
2. UF (L) = λw.
k¬AkF kA & BkF kA ⊗ BkF
=def =def =def
kAk⊥ F kAkF ∩ kBkF kAkF × kBkF
3. UF (¬A) = 1 − UF (A)
if w ∈ V (L) otherwise
for any L1 -
formula L
4. UF (A & B) = UF (A) ∧ UF (B)
where N ecπ : 2w → [0, 1] is the necessity function associated W to the possibility distribution π: N ecπ (X) = 1 − w6∈X π(w). The × product between sets is the point to point product.
5. UF (A⊗B) = UF (A)×UF (B) = (UF (A)+UF (B)− 1) ∨ 0
It can be verified that :
7. UF (A B) = (UF (A) + UF (B)) ∧ 1
= =
kAkF ⇒ kBkF kAkF ∨ kBkF
(kAkF + kBkF ) ∧ 1
kA BkF
kA → BkF kA ⊕ BkF
6. UF (A ⊕ B) = UF (A) ∨ UF (B)
8. UF (A → B) = (1 − UF (A) + UF (B)) ∧ 1 To define the semantic entailment relation, we first consider the entailment between formulae:
An important consequence of the theorem above is that we can restrict our attention to a unique quantal, which is the one made from the set of possibility distributions over the set Wc , via the closure operation. In fact, we can define the semantic entailment relation as follows (here and in the following we write U (A) for UC (A)): A |= B iff U (A) ≤ U (B) Eventually, since the intended meaning of the sequent N Γ ` ∆ is B∈∆ B, then we say that the A∈Γ A → N sequent Γ ` ∆ is valid iff A∈Γ A |= B∈∆ B.
Let us now briefly comment on negation. Possibilistic models on the same frame represent a state of information about the possible worlds of the frame; they are informationally ordered: π1 ≤ π2 means that π1 is more informative then π2 , since it better constrains the set of possible worlds. Since a formula is interpreted in the least informative information state which satisfies it, we have two possible readings for negation: the first is the modal one, which refers to information which is absent in a given information state. In this case the statement K |= ¬Nα L must be read as: ”in the given state of information it is not possible to prove that L is necessary at least α (while it may become possible in a refinement of the information state)”. The second interpretation for negation, which we use in our logic, is an internal one, in the sense that the statement K |= ¬(α → L) is read as: ”in the given state of information we definitely refuse to accept that L be necessary at least α (and no refinement of this information state will allow to prove the opposite)”. The formula ¬(α → L) then expresses an effective token of information, and does not deal with absence of information. Note that, if applied to a classical framework, this second reading would make ¬2L equivalent to 2¬L, but this is not the case here. Moreover, the reader can verify that there are models with non-zero possibility functions which satisfy both A and ¬A; all of these functions are, however, smaller than 0.5. So we tolerate that a partially consistent information state can support both a token of information and its negation. 2.2
The proof system will be given in a Gentzen-style calculus, since it is the most comfortable way to deal with
Structural rules: A`A
Γ`B,∆ Γ0 ,B`∆0 Γ,Γ0 `∆,∆0
Γ,B,A,∆`Λ Γ,A,B,∆`Λ
Γ`∆B,A,Λ Γ`∆,A,B,Λ
Γ`∆ Γ,A`∆
Γ`∆ Γ`∆,A
Γ,B`L,∆ Γ,B`L⊗B,∆
L ∈ L1
Logical rules: &)
Γ,B`∆ Γ,A`∆ Γ,A & B`∆ Γ,A & B`∆
Γ`A,∆ Γ`B,∆0 Γ`A & B,∆,∆0
Γ,A,B`∆ Γ,A⊗B`∆
Γ`A,∆ Γ0 `B,∆0 Γ,Γ0 `A⊗B,∆,∆0
Γ,A`∆ Γ,B`∆ Γ,B⊕A`∆
Γ`A,∆ Γ`B,∆ Γ`A⊕B,∆ Γ`A⊕B,∆
Γ,A`∆ Γ0 ,B`∆0 Γ,Γ0 ,A B`∆,∆0
Γ`A,B,∆ Γ`A B,∆
Γ`A,∆ Γ0 ,B`∆0 Γ,Γ0 ,A→B`∆,∆0
Γ,A`B,∆ Γ`A→B,∆
Γ`A,∆ Γ,¬A`∆
Γ,A`∆ Γ`¬A,∆
Γ`∆ Γ,1`∆
Γ ` 1, ∆
Γ, 0 ` ∆
Theorem 3 Let the frame C = hWc , V0c i be defined as follows: Wc is the set of classical propositional valuations for L0 (i.e. the set of functions from L0 to {T rue, F alse}) and V0c (p) = {w ∈ Wc : w |= p (classically)}. Then UC (A) ≤ UC (B) implies UF (A) ≤ UF (B) for any frame F .
We can now state the following
multisets (remember that, because of the absence of contraction, it does matter how many times a formula is given). Another reason for choosing this calculus is the possible generalization to cases in which other rules are not accepted (in the style of plausibility logic [Lehman 91]). The DPL calculus consists of four parts: structural rules, logical rules, an axiom for distributivity, and three further ”numerical” axioms for characterizing the behaviour of constants.
A |= B iff for any frame F , UF (A) ≤ UF (B)
Distributivity: ⊗ − & distr)
(A ⊗ C) & (B ⊗ C) ` (A & B) ⊗ C
Numerical rules: S’) β ` α ⊗ def) α ⊗ β a` γ ¬def) ¬α ` γ
for any β ≤ α where γ = (α + β − 1) ∨ 0 where γ = 1 − α
Notes: 1. Absorption is a weak form of contraction for L1 formulae; consider, in fact, the following derivation, where L ∈ L1 : L ` L abs) L, L ` B ⊗L) L`L⊗L L⊗L`B cut) L`B By the way, the rule abs) is stronger than contraction on L1 -formulae since, in exactly the same way, we also have the following (which is very much akin to Lehman’s cumulative cut): A ` L A, L ` B A`B 2. Rule ⊗-& distr) does not hold in linear logic, since it is specific to the possibility function semantics.
3. If we omit numerical rules, the calculus deals with possibilistic logic with an arbitrary product among possibility functions whose unit is 1, with the only restriction (due to weakening) that π1 × π2 ≤ π1 ∧ π2 . Any involution ∼ such that π× ∼ π = 0 works as negation. Numerical rules force the times operator to represent the L Ã ukasiewicz product, and the negation the corresponding fuzzy complementation. 4. It should be noted that from absorption) and S’) it is possible to derive for any A and B in L1 and for any β ≤ α the following sequents that strictly correspond to the rules GMP) and S) explicitly stated in [Dubois, Lang and Prade 94]: MP) A & (A → B) ` B GMP) (α → A)&(β → (A → B)) ` (α&β) → B S) α→A`β→A 5. Also the following two sequents, which will turn out useful, can be derived as proved in lemma 3 (L and M are in L1 )): ⊗red) (α → L) ⊗ (β → M ) a` φ ¬red) ¬(α → L) a` α & ¬L where φ = (β → (L → M )) & (α → (M →
L)) & ((α
β) → (L ⊕ M )).
6. We remind the reader that distributivity of ⊗ with respect to ⊕, i.e. the sequent (A ⊕ B)⊗C a` (A⊗ C) ⊕ (B ⊗ C) holds by the logical rules; we shall refer to it as ⊗-⊕ distr). In fact, also the right-toleft direction of ⊗-& distr) can be obtained from the logical rules. Similarly, ¬ def) rule works also in the right-to-left direction.
7. The rules weakening), ⊕), ) and →) can be dropped in a minimal presentation. Soundness of this calculus is easily proved by induction on the proof length; to prove completeness we use this theorem, which provides a normal form to the formulae of the language DPL: Theorem 4 Any formula A is provably equivalent in the calculus DPL to an &-formula, i.e. a formula A0 = &i∈I (αi → Li ) where Li are L1 -formulae. It should be noted that this theorem (whose proof is constructive) guarantees that there is a translation of our language into standard possibilistic logic (and vice-versa), since the formula &i∈I (αi → Li ) can be thought of as the equivalent of {(Li , αi ) : i ∈ I} in the language of Dubois and colleagues. Moreover, the presence of ⊗ endows DPL with a dynamic dimension: assume you are given information tokens from distinct sources; to merge them, you simply connect the tokens by ⊗. Reduction of a formula to the normal form (the &-formula) can be seen as the effective process of merging information. The fact that the reduction process is not so trivial (see the proof of theorem 4) makes it clear that there is some
work to do for the combination of information, and this work is automatically performed by the proof system of DPL. It may be worth observing that reducibility of DPL formulae seems to be a very fortunate circumstance due to the simplicity of possibility theory; there is not guarantee, in general, that this process can be performed on logics based on more complex measures, like belief functions. We state then the main theorem: Theorem 5 The DPL calculus is sound and complete with respect to the given semantics, i.e., for any closed multiset Γ and ∆, the sequent Γ ` ∆ is proved iff Γ |= ∆.
3 3.1
We enrich the propositional language with ∀-formulae. C is the set of individual constants and R that of predicate symbols; an atomic formula has the form R(t1 , ..., tn ), where ti are either individual constants or variables. L0 is the set of atomic formulae. formula ::= atomic formula | α | ¬ formula | formula & formula | formula ⊗ formula | ∀x formula As before, we take L to be the set of formulae and L1 the set of formulae with no occurrences of α constants. Symbols → and ⊕ are defined as in the previous section; we introduce: ∃xA(x) =def ¬∀x¬A(x) In the predicative system we took a general modal semantics and then showed that it was possible to consider just a canonical model (theorem 3) without loss of generality. This time we will not introduce a general modal predicative semantics, since it would be very complex. We consider from the beginning just the canonical models, and define validity with respect to them. Let M(D) denote the set of classical first order models for the language L1 on the domain D; each element w ∈ M(D) has the form hD, FC , FR i where FC and FR are the interpretations of individual constants and relation symbols. P(D) denote the set of possibility distributions from M(D) to the real interval [0, 1]; P(D) is a particular choice for the set W in section 2, so we make use of definition 1 and theorem 1. It maintains the structure of phase space as in the propositional case, and we can build on it the quantal Q(D) = {G ⊆ P(D) : G = G⊥⊥ }. Let σ be an arbitrary assignment for the variables on D; by σ[x/u] we mean the function which differs from σ only on x, which is mapped to u. We define, for any L1 -formula A: M odD,σ (A) =def {w ∈ M(D) : w, σ |= A} Again, for a fixed domain D and an assignment σ, we define a function k · kD,σ : L → 2P(D) as follows: kR(t)kD,σ
{π : N ecπ (M odD,σ (R(t))) = 1}
kAk⊥ D,σ
kA & BkD,σ kA ⊗ BkD,σ
= =
kAkD,σ ∩ kBkD,σ kAkD,σ × kBkD,σ \ kA(x)kD,σ[x/u]
the propositional case, in which we only had to refer to the canonical frame C. In algebraic terms this means that we have to check validity with respect to a class of quantales, and not only to a specific one. 3.2
It is still true that: = =
kAkD,σ ⇒ kBkD,σ kAkD,σ ∨ kBkD,σ
kA BkD,σ
(kAkD,σ + kBkD,σ ) ∧ 1 [ kA(x)kD,σ[x/u]
kA → BkD,σ kA ⊕ BkD,σ
We only have to add some rules to the propositional calculus: Structural rules: Unchanged Logical rules: Add the following rules: ∀)
kLkD,σ kα → LkD,σ
= =
{π : N ecπ (M odD,σ (L)) = 1} {π : N ecπ (M odD,σ (L)) ≥ α}
Γ,A(t)`∆ Γ,∀xA(x)`∆ Γ,A(x)`∆ Γ,∃xA(x)`∆
Γ`A(x),∆ Γ`∀xA(x),∆
Γ`A(t),∆ Γ`∃xA(x),∆
? if x is not free in Γ and ∆
where t =< t1 , ..., tn >, π ∈ P(D) and L ∈ L1 .
Distributivity: Add the following rule:
A possibilistic model model is a couple K = hD, πi. We say that K |= A iff π ∈ kAkD,σ for any assignment σ. Notice that, if A is a closed formula, then kAkD,σ does not change for any choice of σ; so for a closed formula A we let kAkD = kAkD,σ . We define, as in the propositional case: _ UD,σ (A) =def π
⊗ − ∀ distr) ∀xA(x) ⊗ C a` ∀x(A(x) ⊗ C) is not free in C.
Theorem 6 Given a frame F and an assignment σ, kAkD,σ = kAk⊥⊥ D,σ =↓ UD,σ (A). Moreover, the following statements hold: 1. UD,σ (α) = α 2. UD,σ (L) = λw.
1 0
if w ∈ M odD,σ (L) otherwise
any L1 -formula L 3. UD,σ (¬A) =∼ UD,σ (A) =def 1 − UD,σ (A)
if x
Numerical rules: Unchanged We extend theorem 4 to the predicative case: Theorem 7 Any closed formula A is provably equivalent in the calculus DPL* to an &-formula, i.e. a formula A0 = &i∈I (αi → Li ) where Li are L1 -formulae. To prove validity we only have to check the new rules; the proof of completeness does not change w.r.t. that of the propositional system. Eventually, we have: Theorem 8 The DPL* calculus is sound and complete with respect to the given semantics, i.e., for any closed multiset of formulae Γ and ∆, the sequent Γ ` ∆ is proved iff Γ |= ∆.
4. UD,σ (A & B) = UD,σ (A) ∧ UD,σ (B) 5. UD,σ (A ⊗ B) = UD,σ (A) × UD,σ (B) = (UD,σ (A) + UD,σ (B) − 1) ∨ 0 V 6. UD,σ (∀xA(x)) = u∈D UD,σ[x/u] (A(x)) 7. UD,σ (A ⊕ B) = UD,σ (A) ∨ UD,σ (B)
All the omitted proofs [Boldrin and Sossai 95].
Lemma 1 If π1 ∈ kAkF and π2 ≤ π1 , then also π2 ∈ kAkF . Proof By induction on the complexity of A:
8. UD,σ (A B) = (UD,σ (A) + UD,σ (B)) ∧ 1 9. UD,σ (A → B) = (1 − UD,σ (A) + UD,σ (B)) ∧ 1 W 10. UD,σ (∃xA(x)) = u∈D UD,σ[x/u] (A(x)) For any closed formula A and B we have: A |= B iff UD (A) ≤ UD (B) for any domain D Notice that semantical entailment is defined with respect to all the domains D; this is a difference from
A = α : π1 ∈ kαkF =↓ α implies π1 ≤ α. Then π2 ≤ π1 ≤ α, and so π2 ∈ kαkF . W A = p : Since π1 ∈ kpkF , we have w6∈V (p) π1 (w) = W ≤ 0. Since π2 ≤ π1 , w6∈V (p) π2 (w) W w6∈V (p) π1 (w) = 0, hence π2 ∈ kpkF . A = ¬B : Since π1 ∈ kAkF = kBk⊥ F , we have that for any σ ∈ kBkF , π1 × σ = 0. Then for any σ ∈ kBkF , π2 ×σ ≤ π1 ×σ = 0, and so π2 ∈ kBk⊥ F.
• The characteristic function of V (L) stands in kLk (easy to verify). A = ¬B: We show that U (¬B) = 1 − U (B): • For any π ∈ k¬Bk, it is (theorem 1) π × U (B) = 0 ∨ (π + U (B) − 1) = 0, and so π + U (B) − 1 ≤ 0. which implies π ≤ 1 − U (B). • 1−U (B) ∈ k¬Bk, since U (B)×(1−U (B)) = 0.
A = C ⊗ B : Let π11 ∈ kCkF , π12 ∈ kBkF and π1 = π11 × π12 . Take π22 = π12 , and π21 defined as: ½ 1 − π12 (w) + π2 (w) if π2 (w) 6= 0 π21 (w) = 0 otherwise We have then π21 ∈ kCkF by inductive hyp., since π21 ≤ π11 (easy to see) and π22 ∈ kBkF . Moreover, π22 × π22 = π2 . Hence we have proved that π2 ∈ kC ⊗ BkF . so the proof is over.
A = B & C: We show that U (B & C) = U (B) ∧ U (C): • Take π ∈ kB&Ck; by definition, π ∈ kBk and π ∈ kCk. So it is π ≤ U (B) and π ≤ U (C) and, eventually, π ≤ U (B) ∧ U (C). • U (B) ∧ U (C) ≤ U (B) and U (B) ∧ U (C) ≤ U (C); by inductive hyp. U (B) ∈ kBk and U (C) ∈ kCk so, by lemma 1, U (B) ∧ U (C) ∈ kBk and U (B) ∧ U (C) ∈ kCk. So, by definition, U (B) ∧ U (C) ∈ kB & Ck.
Proof of Theorem 1
so the proof is over.
W Proof of theorem 2 Let UF (A) = kAkF ; we prove that kAkF =↓ UW F (A), since we know from theorem 1 =↓ kAkF . that kAk⊥⊥ F ⊆ ) is obvious. ⊇ ) We prove by induction that UF (A) ∈ kAkF ; then, by lemma 1, we know that any π so that π ≤ UF (A) is in kAkF . (We omit the subscripts F ): A = α: Clearly, UF (α) = α, in fact: for any π ∈ kαk, π ≤ α; and α ∈ kαk. A =½ L L1 -formula: We show that UF (L)(w) = 1 if w ∈ V (L) 0 if w 6∈ V (L) • For any π ∈ kLk = {π : WN ecπ (V (L)) = 1} it must be the case that w6∈V (L) π(w) = 0. This means that for any w 6∈ V (L), π(w) = 0; for w ∈ V (L), it is certainly π(w) ≤ 1.
We show that U (B⊗C) = U (B)×U (C):
• Take π ∈ kB ⊗ Ck; then there exist π1 ∈ kBk and π2 ∈ kCk so that π = π1 × π2 . Then π1 ≤ U (B) and π2 ≤ U (C). By monotonicity of ×, π ≤ U (B) × U (C). • U (B) × U (C) ∈ kB ⊗ Ck, since it is the product of two functions which (by induction hyp.) stand respectively in kBk and kCk. The proof by induction is over; using definitions we can also calculate: U (B ⊕ C) = U (¬(¬B&¬C)) = U (B) ∨ U (C). U (B C) = U (¬(¬B ⊗ ¬C)) = (U (B) + U (C)) ∧ 1. U (B → C) = U (¬(B⊗¬C)) = (1−U (B)+U (C))∧1. 2
so the proof is over.
Lemma 2 Let B a` &i∈I (βi → Li ) where L Li are L1 formulae, and, for any J ⊆ I, αJ = ¬ j6∈J βj and ³ ´ MJ = ¬ &j∈J Lj & &j6∈J ¬Lj (MJ ∈ L1 ). Then the following derivation holds: ¬B a` &J⊆I (αJ → MJ ) Lemma 3 The following sequent can be obtained in DPL for L and M in L1 : (β → (L → M )) & (α → (M → L)) & ((α
2. ⊇) Take π ∈↓ πG ; then π ≤ πG , hence for any σ such that σ × πG = 0, we have: σ × π ≤ σ × πG = 0 ⊆) Take π 6∈↓ πG ; then π 6≤ πG , so there exists a w0 such that π(w0 ) > πG (w0 ). Take now σ defined as follows: σ(w) = 1−πG (w); clearly, it is σ ×πG = 0, which implies σ ∈ G⊥ by the first point; it is also σ(w0 ) = 1 − πG (w0 ) > 0 since πG (w0 ) < 1, but σ(w0 )π(w0 ) > σ(w0 )πG (w0 )πG = 0, so σ × π > 0, and π 6∈ G⊥⊥
A = B ⊗ C:
1. ⊇) Take π such that π × πG = 0; then, for any σ ∈ G, π × σ ≤ π × πG = 0, so π ∈ G⊥ . ⊆) Take π such that π × πG 6= 0; then there is a w0 such W that π(w0 )πG (w0 ) > 0. Since πG (w0 ) = σ∈G σ(w0 ), there exists a σ ∈ G with σ(w0 ) > 0; for this σ, π × σ > 0, so π 6∈ G⊥ .
β) → (L ⊕ M ))
((α ((α ((α ((α
→ → → →
(M (M (M (M
→ L)) ⊗ (β → (L → M ))) & → L)) ⊗ (β → (L ⊕ M ))) & ⊕ L)) ⊗ (β → (L → M ))) & ⊕ L)) ⊗ (β → (L ⊕ M )))
Lemma 4 The following equivalence can be proved in DPL for any L1 -formulae L and M : ⊗ red) (α → L) ⊗ (β → M ) a` (β → (L → M )) & (α → (M → L)) & ((α β) → (L ⊕ M )) &
A = C & B : Since π1 ∈ kC ∧ BkF , by def. π1 ∈ kCkF and π1 ∈ kBkF . By inductive hypothesis π2 ∈ kCkF and π2 ∈ kBkF , and then π2 ∈ kC ∧ BkF .
Lemma 5 The following equivalence can be proved in DPL for any L1 -formula L: ¬ red)
|I| = n : We have U (&i≤n−1 (αi → Li ) & (αn → Ln )) ≤ U (β → M ). Using theorem 2 we have:
¬(α → L) a` α & ¬L ½
Proof of theorem 5 (soundness and completeness) Soundness is easy to prove, by induction on the derivation; as a matter of fact, logical and structural rules (apart of weakening and absorption) are sound because the interpretation structure is a Girard quantal (see [Girard 87]), with the proviso that 1 coincides with >. For the others the proof is straightforward:
• U (&i≤n−1 (αi → Li ))(w) ≤ 1 − β for any w such that w 6∈ V (Ln ) and w 6∈ V (M ). In this case it happens thatU (&i≤n−1 (αi → Li )) ≤ U (β → M ). Then we can make the simple derivation
absorption): We prove that if U (A) ≤ U (L) then U (A) × U (L) = U (A). By theorem 2 U (L)(w) ∈ {0, 1}, hence we have (U (A) × U (L))(w) = (U ½ (A)(w) + U (L)(w) − 1) ∨ 0 = U (A)(w) if U (L)(w) = 1 hence U (A)(w) ∧ 0 if U (L)(w) = 0 U (L)(w) = U (A)(w)
& &
S’): U (β) = β ≤ α = U (α)
Let us now come to completeness; assume UF (A) ≤ UF (B); using theorem 4 we have A a` &i∈I (αi → Li ) and B a` &j∈J (βj → Mj ). Our hypothesis can be equivalently formulated as U (&i∈I (αi → Li )) ≤ U ((βj → Mj )) for any j ∈ J. We prove by induction on the number of elements in I that, under this hypothesis, &i∈I (αi → Li ) ` (βj → Mj ). |I| = 1 : We have then U (α → L) ≤ U (β → M ). There are just two cases in which this can happen: V (L) ⊆ V (M ) and β ≤ α. Then by classical completeness we have L ` M , and by rule S’) we have β ` α; hence: β`α L`M α → L, β ` M α→L`β→M
β = 0. In this case
0`M `0→M α→L`0→M
i≤n−1 (αi
i≤n−1 (αi
→ Li ) ` β → M
→ Li ) & (αn → Ln ) ` β → M
• If the first possibility does not hold, then it must be the case that 1 − αn ≤ 1 − β, i.e. β ≤ αn ; we also have (this is true in any case): U (&i≤n−1 (αi → Li )) ≤ U (β → (M ⊕¬Ln )). By inductive hypothesis we have &i≤n−1 (αi → Li ) ` β → (M ⊕ ¬Ln ) Then we have the following (notice that from β ≤ α we have β ` αn , hence αn → Ln ` β → Ln ):
⊗-& distr): U ((A & B) ⊗ C) = U (A & B) × U (C) = (U (A & B) + U (C) − 1) ∨ 0 = ((U (A) ∧ U (B)) + U (C) − 1) ∨ 0 = ((U (A) + U (C) − 1) ∧ (U (B) + U (C)−1))∨0 = ((U (A)+U (C)−1)∨0)∧((U (B)+ U (C)−1)∨0) = (U (A)×U (C))∧(U (B)×U (C)) = U (A ⊗ C) ∧ U (B ⊗ C) = U ((A ⊗ C) & (B ⊗ C))
¬ def ): U (¬α) = 1 − U (α) = 1 − α = γ where γ = 1 − α.
U (&i≤n−1 (αi → Li ))(w) if w ∈ V (Ln ) (1 − αn ) ∧ U (&i≤n−1 (αi → Li ))(w) otherwise ½ 1 if w ∈ V (M ) U (β → M ) = 1 − β otherwise
It follows that there are two possibilities:
N weakening): Assume N U ( ∆) ≤ U (B); N N then U ( ∆ ⊗ A) = U ( ∆) × U (A) ≤ U ( ∆) ≤ U (B) because of monotonicity of ×.
⊗ def ): U (α ⊗ β) = U (α) × U (β) = α × β = γ where γ = (α + β − 1) ∨ 0
U (&i≤n−1 (αi → Li ) & (αn → Ln ))(w) =
& &
i≤n−1 (αi
i≤n−1 (αi
→ Li ) ` β → (M ⊕ ¬Ln )
α n → Ln ` β → L n
→ Li ) & (αn → Ln ) ` (β → (M ⊕ ¬Ln )) & (β → Ln )
i≤n (αi
→ Li ) ` β → ((M ⊕ ¬Ln ) & Ln )
i≤n (αi
→ Li ) ` β → M
From &i∈I (αi → Li ) ` (βj → Mj ) for any j ∈ J we get &i∈I (αi → Li ) ` &j∈J (βj → Mj ), hence L ` M . 2 Lemma 6 (predicative homologue of lemma 1). If π1 ∈ kAkD,σ and π2 ≤ π1 , then also π2 ∈ kAkD,σ . Proof By induction on the complexity of A. The only case which must be considered is A = ∀xB(x), since all the other cases do not change with respect to the propositional proof (lemma 1). ∀xB(x): Since π1 ∈ k∀xA(x)kD,σ = kA(x)kD,σ[x/u] , it is π1 ∈ kA(x)kD,σ[x/u] for all u ∈ D, and so (ind. hyp.)V π2 ∈ kA(x)kD,σ[x/u] for all u ∈ D, hence π2 ∈ u∈D kA(x)kD,σ[x/u] = 2 k∀xA(x)kD,σ . A V
Proof of theorem 6 (predicative homologue of theW kAkD,σ ; we prove that orem 2). Let UD,σ (A) =
kAkD,σ =↓ UD,σW (A), since we know from theorem 1 =↓ kAkD,σ . that kAk⊥⊥ D,σ ⊆ ) is obvious. ⊇ ) We prove by induction that UD,σ (A) ∈ kAkD,σ ; then, by lemma 4, we know that any π so that π ≤ UD,σ (A) is in kAkD,σ . The only case which must be considered is A = ∀xB(x), since all the others do not change w.r.t. the propositional case. V We show that U (∀xB(x) = u∈D UD,σ[x/u] (B(x)): V • Take π ∈ k∀xB(x)k = u∈D kB(x)kD,σ[x/u] ; then π V ≤ UD,σ[x/u] (B(x)) for any u ∈ D, hence π ≤ u∈D UD,σ[x/u] (B(x)). V • u∈D UD,σ[x/u] (B(x)) ≤ UD,σ[x/u] (B(x)) for any u ∈ D. By ind. hyp, UD,σ[x/u] (B(x)) ∈ k(B(x))k D,σ[x/u] for any u ∈ D; by lemma 6 V , u∈D UD,σ[x/u] (B(x))V∈ k(B(x))kD,σ[x/u] for any T u ∈ D, and so u∈D UD,σ[x/u] (B(x)) ∈ u∈D k(B(x))kD,σ[x/u] = k∀xB(x)k. so the proof is over.
Proof of theorem 8 (predicative homologue of theorem 5). To prove soundness we only have to check the new rules for validity; the ∀-rules are in fact valid because of validity of linear logic. The only rule which has to be verified is: ⊗ − ∀ distr) ∀xA(x) ⊗ C a` ∀x(A(x) ⊗ C) is not free in C.
if x
⊗ For any D: V UD (∀xA(x) × U (C) = U (A(x)) × C) = UD (∀xA(x)) D D,[x/u] u∈D V (C) = (U (A(x)) × U (C)) = U D D,[x/u] D,[x/u] u∈D V u∈D (UD,[x/u] (A(x) ⊗ C)) = UD (∀x(A(x) ⊗ C)) Completeness is proved exactly as completeness of the propositional system, where references to theorem 4 are substituted by references to theorem 7. 2
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