New Haven, Connecticut. [1973â ] Rev: 1-16. ..... Lepidopterist (Salem) (1918-1931). 87. THE LEPIDOPTERIST. Salem, Massachusetts. [1918-1931] Rev: 2-4, ...
92 Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera
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An Annotated List of Lepidopterological Journals Gerardo Lamas Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Apartado 140434, Lima-14, Peru.
Abstract. One hundred and seventy-five periodical publications, dealing exclusively or almost exclusively with lepidopterological matters, are listed herein. Each entry includes data on the title(s) of the serial, place(s) and date(s) of publication, and issues examined by the author.
During preparation of a Bibliography on the Neotropical Butterflies (Lamas, Robbins & Field, in press), a large number of periodicals were searched. Naturally, special efforts were made to consult runs as complete as possible of those journals dealing mostly with Lepidoptera. As a consequence of that bibliographic research, I became interested in learning how many lepidopterological journals were in existence in the world. The results were quite unexpected, as 175 different periodicals have been located, over half of which (94) still are being published. Only periodical publications treating Lepidoptera exclusively or almost exclusively have been considered. Each entry in this list is arranged alphabetically by journal title, and includes data on any title changes, place(s) and date(s) of publication, and a list of the issues actually examined by the author (indicated by “Rev:”). In several cases, it has proven impossible to locate complete runs of a periodical, in spite of having had access to the superb holdings of the British Museum (Natural History), Smithsonian Institution, National Agricultural Library (Maryland) and Library of Congress (Washington, DC), besides many other smaller libraries. Particularly frustrating have been some of the ephemeral serials of restricted circulation, including many Japanese journals and, especially, periodicals treating matters related to silk moths and sericulture. Unfortunately, natural history libraries commonly do not have large holdings of the latter, and for that reason I have been unable to consult most of such titles listed herein which have been extracted from secondary sources. As with other bibliographic publications, the present one certainly will prove incomplete; I trust readers will be kind enough to point out to me any inaccuracies and omissions that I have incurred. Information for the present list was gathered prior to May 31, 1991. Acknowledgments. My heartiest thanks go to all librarians who have helped me throughout the years in gathering bibliographic information and, especially, to my friends Mayumi Takahashi and Scott E. Miller, who commented on an earlier manuscript list and provided several additions to it. Ulf Eitschberger sent important data on several European journals, and John T. Polhemus a most useful list of Japanese periodicals.
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1. ACTA RHOPALOCEROLOGICA. Gengen-Sha Company. Fukuoka. [1977-1982] Rev: 1977(1,2), 1979( , ,3). 2. ACTA SERICOLOGICA. Sericultural Experiment Station. Norinsho. [1952→ ] Rev: None. 3. ALEXANOR. Revue des Lépidoptéristes Français. Paris. [1959→ ] Rev: 1-16. 4. L’AMATEUR DE PAPILLONS. Journal de Lépidoptérologie. Paris. [1922-1938] Rev: 1-8, 9(1-4) (all published). Continued as: Revue française de Lépidoptérologie (1938-1958). ANNALES DU LABORATOIRE D’ÉTUDES DE LA SOIE. Lyon. See Rapport du Laboratoire d’Études de la Soie. 5. 5. ANTHOCARIS. Matsumoto Konchû Danwakai. Nagano. [1954-1959] Rev: None. 6. APATURA. Revista de Lepidopterología de la Sociedad Astúrica de Lepidopterología. Oviedo. [1979→ ] Rev: 1. 7. APOLLO. Bulletin of the Lepidoptera Specialist Group. International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Gray’s River, Washington. [1979] Rev: 1 (all published). 8. ARQUIVOS DE ENTOMOLOGIA. SÉRIE A. Escola de Agronomia “Eliseu Maciel”. Pelotas. [1958-1963] Rev: 1A, 1B, 3-4, 8A, 13-14 (all published). 9. ARQUIVOS DE ENTOMOLOGIA. SÉRIE B. Escola de Agronomia “Eliseu Maciel”. Pelotas. [1959-1962] Rev: 1A, 1B, 3-4, 8A, 13-14 (all published). 10. ATALA. The Journal of Invertebrate Conservation. The Xerces Society. New Haven, Connecticut. [1973→ ] Rev: 1-16. Note: Subtitle varies: Atala. Communication of the Xerces Society (vols. 1-2); Atala. Journal of the Xerces Society (vols. 312). 11. ATALANTA. Norsk Lepidopterologisk Selskaps Tidsskrift. Oslo. [1967-1968] Rev: 1(1-2) (all published). Continued as: Atalanta Norvegica (1969→ ). 12. ATALANTA. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Forschungszentrale für Schmetterlingswanderungen. Würzburg. [1964→ ] Rev: 1-21. 13. ATALANTA NORVEGICA. Norsk Lepidopterologisk Selskaps Tidsskrift. Oslo. [1969→ ] Rev: 1(3-5), 2-3, 4(1-2). Formerly: Atalanta (Oslo) (1967-1968). 14. THE AURELIAN. A Journal of Lepidoptera. Beckley, Sussex. [1978-1980] Rev: 1(1-4) (all published). 15. BAPTRIA. Suomen Perhostutkijain Seura r. y. Lepidopterologiska Sällskapet i Finland r. f. Helsinki. [1976→ ] Rev: 3(1-2, ,4), , 5( , ,3-4), 6-11, 12(1). 16. BERICHT DES SCHLESISCHEN TAUSCH-VEREINS FÜR SCHMETTERLINGE. Brieg. [1840-1846] Rev: 1-6.
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17. BIBLIOGRAPHIA EUROPAEA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA. Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica. Karlsruhe. [1982-1988] Rev: 1979/80, 1981-1986. Continued as: Bibliographica Palaearctica Lepidopterologica (1989→ ). 18. BIBLIOGRAPHICA PALAEARCTICA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA. Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica. Karlsruhe. [1989→ ] Rev: 10. Formerly: Bibliographia Europaea Lepidopterologica (19821988). 19. BOLETIM TÉCNICO DE SERICICULTURA. Campinas. [1955→ ] Rev: None. Formerly: Sericicultura. Serviço de Sericicultura (Campinas) (1936-1952). 20. BOLETÍN INFORMATIVO. SOCIEDAD MEXICANA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGÍA, A.C. México. [1975-1982] Rev: 1-8, 8(1) (all published). 21. BULLETIN OF THE ALLYN MUSEUM. Sarasota, Florida. [1971→ ] Rev: 1-131. 22. THE BULLETIN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA ENTOMOLOGISTS. Saint Paul, Minnesota. [1967-1972] Rev: 2-4, 5(1-2) (all published). Formerly: Newsletter of the Association of Minnesota Entomologists (1966-1967). 23. BULLETIN. CERCLE DES LÉPIDOPTÉRISTES DE BELGIQUE. BELGISCHE LEPIDOPTEROLOGISCHE KRING. Bruxelles. [1972→ ] Rev: 3-15, 16(1-2). 24. BULLETIN OF THE CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN MUSEUM. Colorado Springs, Colorado. [1938-1939] Rev: 1(1-2) (all published). 25. BULLETIN. THE ENTOMOLOGISTS’ EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION. Denver, Colorado. [1936] Rev: 1(1-3) (all published). 26. THE BULLETIN OF THE HILL MUSEUM. A Magazine of Lepidopterology. Witley, Surrey. [1921-1932] Rev: 1-4 (all published). 27. THE BULLETIN OF THE LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Kyôto. [1946] Rev: 1(1-4) (all published. 28. BULLETIN OF THE SERICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Tokyo. [1918→ ] Rev: None. 29. BULLETIN OF SERICULTURE AND SILK INDUSTRY. Uyeda. [19 ?-1941?] Rev: None. 30. BULLETIN DE LA SOCI)T) DES L)PIDOPT)RISTES FRAN’AIS. Paris. [1976-1978] Rev: 1(1-3), 2(1-4) (all published). 31. BULLETIN DE LA SOCIÉTÉ LÉPIDOPTÉROLOGIQUE DE GENÈVE. Genève. [1905-1945] Rev: 1-7, 8(1-5).
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32. BUTLLETÍ DE LA SOCIETAT CATALANA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGÍA. Mataró. [1979→ ] Rev: 21-46, , , , ,51-52. Formerly: Comunicacions de la Comissió de Lepidopterología (1977-1978). 33. BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS. The Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan. Kyôto. [1949-1955] Rev: 1(2), 2-5 (all published). Formerly: The Transactions of the Nippon Lepidopterological Society (1945). Continued as: Tyô to Ga. Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan (1955→ ). 34. THE BUTTERFLY CLUB. Howell Mountain Butterfly Club. Sanitarium, California. [1946-1947] Rev: 1( , ,3-11, ), 2(1). 35. BUTTERFLKY & DISTRIBUTION. Society for the Study of Butterflies. Aomori. [1980→ ] Rev: None. 36. THE BUTTERFLY FARMER. A monthly magazine for amateur entomologists. Truckee, California. [1913-1914] Rev: 1(1-12) (all published). 37. BUTTERFLY NEWS. The popular butterfly & conservation newspaper. Global Butterfly Services. Dorset. [1985→ ] Rev: 1-13. 38. BUTTERFLY PARK NATURE CLUB NEWS. Roscoe, California. [1929-1932] Rev: 1(1-12), 2(1-5), 3(1-8), 4(1). 39. CELASTRINA. Tsugaru Entomological Society. Aomori. [1978→ ] Rev: None. 40. CHÔ CHÔ. The Rhopalocerists’ Magazine. Fukuoka. [1978→ ] Rev: 1-4, ,6, 7(1-10). 41. CHÔHÔ. Butterflies Talk. Club Musashino. Tokyo. [1966-1969] Rev: None. 42. CLUB NOTES, MOTH AND BUTTERFLY CLUB. Gravel Switch, Kentucky. [?1947-1953] Rev: [7](1-5). Continued as: Notes on Moths and Butterflies (1953-1955). 43. COENONYMPHA. Hokkaido Lepidopterological Society. Hokkaido. [1955→ ] Rev: None. COMPTE RENDU DES TRAVAUX DU LABORATOIRE D’ÉTUDES DE LA SOIE. Lyon. See Rapport du Laboratoire d’Études de la Soie. 44. COMUNICACIONS DE LA COMISSIÓ DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGÍA. Institució Catalana d’Història Natural. Mataró. [1977-1978] Rev: 11-20. Continued as: Butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Lepidopterología (1979→ ). 45. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE LEPIDOPTERA OF NORTH AMERICA. Decatur, Illinois. [1911-1924] Rev: 1-4, 5(1-3) (all published).
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46. CORIDON. A Magazine for the Lepidopterist. Bourne End, Bucks. [1960] Rev: 1(1-2) (all published). Continued as: Coridon. A Review for the Lepidopterist. Series B (1961-1963). 47. CORIDON. A Review for the Lepidopterist. Series A. Bourne End, Bucks. [1961-1964] Rev: 1-6 (all published) 48. CORIDON. A Review for the Lepidopterist. Series B. Bourne End, Bucks. [1961-1963] Rev: 1-5 (all published). Formerly: Coridon. A Magazine for the Lepidopterist (1960). 49. CORRESPONDENZ-BLATT DES ENTOMOLOGISCHEN VEREINS “IRIS” ZU DRESDEN. Dresden. [1884-1888] Rev: 1(1-5) (all published). Continued as: Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift herausgegeben von der Entomologischen Verein “Iris” zu Dresden. Lepidopterologische Hefte (1889-1902). 50. COSMIA. Gunma Heterocerists’ Society. Gunma. [1965-1971] Rev: None. 51. DANAUS. The Newsletter about the Migratory Monarch Butterfly. Santa Monica, California. [1988→ ] Rev: 1-5. 52. DATA ON THE SURVEY OF SILKWORM RAISING. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Tokyo. [1952→ ] Rev: None. 53. DEUTSCHE ENTOMOLOGISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT HERAUSGEGEBEN VON DER GESELLSCHAFT IRIS ZU DRESDEN IN VERBINDUNG MIT DER DEUTSCHEN ENTOMOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT ZU BERLIN. LEPIDOPTEROLOGISCHE HEFTE. Dresden. [1889-1902] Rev: 2-14 (all published). Formerly: Correspondenz-Blatt des Entomologischen Vereins “Iris” zu Dresden (1884-1888). Continued as: Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris (19021944). 54. DEUTSCHE ENTOMOLOGISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT IRIS [or “IRIS”]. Deutsche Entomologische Verein Iris. Dresden. [1902-1944] Rev: 15-57 (all published). Formerly: Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft Iris zu Dresden in Verbindung mit der Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Lepidopterologische Hefte (1889-1902). 55. DISCUSSION ON MULBERRY AND SILKWORM TECHNOLOGY. Japan Sericulture Information Association. Tokyo. [1947→ ] Rev: None. 56. ENCYCLOPÉDIE ENTOMOLOGIQUE. SÉRIE B. III. LEPIDOPTERA. Recueil d’Études Biologiques et Systématiques sur les Lépidoptères du Globe. Paris. [1925-1930] Rev: 1-3 (all published).
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57. THE ENTOMOLOGIST’S EXCHANGE NEWS. Colorado Springs, Colorado. [1937-1942] Rev: 2( , ,3-12), 3(1-7), 4(1-10), 5(1-11), 6(1-10), 7(1-2). Formerly: Bulletin. The Entomologists’ Exchange Association (1936). 58. FRASS. An Ocassional Journal of Paralepidopterology. [1973-1976] Rev: 1-4 (all published). 59. FUTAO. Futao-Kai. Osaka. [1989→ ] Rev: 1-3. 60. GALATHEA. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen e.V. Nürnberg. [1985→ ] Rev: 1(1-4), 2(1-3). 61. GARUI TSUSHIN. The Japan Heterocerists’ Journal. Japan Heterocerists’ Society. Tokyo. [1954→ ] Rev: 1-142, suppls. 1-2. 62. HAMPSHIRE BUTTERFLY REPORT. British Butterfly Conservation Society. Hampshire Branch. [1985→ ] Rev: 1986. 63. HERBIPOLIANA. Buchreihe zur Lepidopterologie. Marktleuthen. [1983→ ] Rev: 1(1-2). 64. INDIAN JOURNAL OF SERICULTURE. Central Silk Board. Bombay. [1962→ ] Rev: None. 65. INDIAN SILK JOURNAL. A quarterly devoted to Indian Sericulture and Silk. Central Silk Board. Bombay. [ ? - ? ] Rev: None. 66. INSECT MIGRATION STUDIES. Annual Newsletter to Research Associates. West Hill, Ontario. [1973→ ] Rev: 10-12. Formerly: Insect Migration Studies. Newsletter to Research Associates (19 ?-1972). 67. INSECT MIGRATION STUDIES. Newsletter to Research Associates. Cobourg, Ontario. [19 ?-1972] Rev: 8-9. Continued as: Insect Migration Studies. Annual Newsletter to Research Associates (1973→ ). 68. IWASE. Osaka. [1983→ ] Rev: 1-4. THE JAPAN HETEROCERISTS’ JOURNAL. See Garui Tsushin. JOURNAL OF THE LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. See Yadoriga. 69. JOURNAL OF THE LEPIDOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY. [1959→ ] Rev: 13-43, 44(1-3). Formerly: The Lepidopterists’ News (1947-1959). 70. THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA. Lepidoptera Research Foundation, Inc. Beverly Hills, California. [1962→ ] Rev: 1-28.
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71. THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA NEWSLETTER. Lepidoptera Research Foundation, Inc. Beverly Hills, California. [1980→ ] Rev: 1-9. 72. THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA. SUPPLEMENT. Lepidoptera Research Foundation, Inc. Beverly Hills, California. [1985→ ] Rev: 1. 73. JOURNAL OF SERICULTURAL SCIENCE. Japanese Society of Sericultural Science. Tokyo. [1930→ ] Rev: None. 74. KAKÔCHÔ. Nagoya Entomological Society. Aichi. [1949→ ] Rev: None. 75. KENTUCKY LEPIDOPTERIST. Nesletter of the Society of Kentucky Lepidopterists. Louisville, Kentucky. [1975→ ] Rev: 1-16, 17(1). 76. KONAMUSHI. Numata Rhopalocerists’ Society. Gunma. [1978→ ] Rev: None. 77. KOREAN JOURNAL OF SERICULTURAL SCIENCE. [19 ?→ ] Rev: None. 78. KORRESPONDENZBLATT. BEILAGE ZUR DEUTSCHEN ENTOMOLOGISCHEN ZEITSCHRIFT “IRIS”. Dresden. [1910] Rev: 1-12 (all published). 79. KUROSESERI. Kyushu Rhopalocerists’ Society. Kumamoto. [1966-1974] Rev: None. 80. KYUSHU NO CHÔ. Kyushu Rhopalocerists’ Society. Kumamoto. [1956-1957] Rev: None. 81. LEPIDOPTERA. Medlemsblad for Lepidopterologisk Forening. København. [1946-1951] Rev: 1946-1948/9, 1950(1). Continued as: Lepidoptera. Ny Serie (1965→ ). 82. LEPIDOPTERA. NY SERIE. Lepidopterologisk Forening. København. [1965→ ] Rev: 1-4, 5(1-2), suppls. 1-5. Formerly: Lepidoptera (København) (1946-1951). 83. LEPIDOPTERA. Official Bulletin of the Boston Entomological Club. Forest Hills, Massachusetts. [1918-1921] Rev: 2-4, 5(1-2) (all published). Formerly: The Lepidopterist (Roslindale) (1916-1917). 84. THE LEPIDOPTERA GROUP OF 1968 NEWSLETTER. Vejle. [197?→ ] Rev: 1(6), 2(5-7, 11-15). 85. THE LEPIDOPTERA GROUP OF 1968 SUPPLEMENT. Vejle [1977→ ] Rev: 1-2, , , , , ,8. 86. THE LEPIDOPTERIST. Official Bulletin of the Boston Entomological Club. Roslindale, Massachusetts. [1916-1917] Rev: 1(1-13) (all published). Continued as: Lepidoptera (Forest Hills) (1918-1921); and The Lepidopterist (Salem) (1918-1931). 87. THE LEPIDOPTERIST. Salem, Massachusetts. [1918-1931] Rev: 2-4, 5(1-3) (all published). Formerly: The Lepidopterist (Roslindale) (1916-1917).
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88. LEPIDOPTERISTS’ NEWS. Florida Society of Lepidopterists of the Florida Society of Natural History. Miami, Florida. [1932-1933] Rev: 1(1-2) (all published). 89. THE LEPIDOPTERISTS’ NEWS. The Monthly Newsletter of the Lepidopterists’ Society. Cambridge, Massachusetts. [1947-1959] Rev: 1-12 (all published). Continued as: Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society (1959→ ). 90. LEPIDOPTEROLOGISCHE RUNDSCHAU. Wien. [1927-1928] Rev: 1-2 (all published). 91. LILAC. Minoo Rhopalocerists’ Society. Osaka [1952-1962] Rev: None. 92. LINNEANA BELGICA. Revue Belge d’Entomologie. Bruxelles. [1958→ ] Rev: 1-11, 12 (1-4). 93. LUEHDORFIA NEWS. Luehdorfia Lovers Association. Nagano. [1965-1970] Rev: None. 94. MELANARGIA. Nachrichten der Arbeitsgemeinschaft rheinischwestfälischer Lepidopterologen. Leverkusen. [1989→ ] Rev: 1(1-3). Formerly: Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft rheinischwestfälischer Lepidopterologen (1977-1988). 95. MEMOIR. THE LEPIDOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY. New Haven, Connecticut. [1964→ ] Rev: 1-3. 96. MEMOIRS OF THE TSUKADA COLLECTION. Plapac Co., Ltd. Tokyo. [19 ?→ ] Rev: 3. 97. MEMÒRIES DE LA SOCIETAT CATALANA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGÍA. Mataró. [1986→ ] Rev: None. 98. MICROLEPIDOPTERA OF THAILAND. Scientific Results of the Lepidopterological Expeditions of the University of Osaka Prefecture to Thailand. Entomological Laboratory, University of Osaka Prefecture. Sakai, Osaka. [1987→ ] Rev: 1-2. 99. THE MID-CONTINENT LEPIDOPTERA SERIES. Saint Paul, Minnesota. [1967-1972] Rev: 1-3, 4(50-61), 5( ,63). 100. MIKABO. Tano Rhopalocerists’ Society. Gunma. [1950-1955] Rev: None. 101. MITTEILUNGEN DER ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT OSTWESTFÄLISCH-LIPPISCHER ENTOMOLOGEN. Bielefeld. [1965→ ] Rev: None. 102. MITTEILUNGEN DER ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT RHEINISCHWESTFÄLISCHER LEPIDOPTEROLOGEN. Düsseldorf. [1977-1989] Rev: 1-5, Beiheft 1 (all published). Continued as: Melanargia. Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft rheinisch-westfälischer Lepidopterologen (1989→ ). 103. MITTEILUNGEN DES ENTOMOLOGISCHEN VEREINES POLYXENA. Wien. [1906-1913] Rev: 1-6 (all published).
104. 105.
108. 109.
112. 113.
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MIYAZAKI NO CHÔ. Miyazaki Rhopalocerists’ Society. Miyazaki. [1968→ ] Rev: None. MONTHLY BULLETIN OF THE REPORT ON MOTHS AND BUTTERFLIES. Middle Thames Natural History Society. [ ? -1965] Rev: 12a, 13-17, , ,20-35, , ,38-43. NACHRICHTEN DES ENTOMOLOGISCHEN VEREINS APOLLO. Frankfurt-am-Main. [1976-1979] Rev: 1-4 (all published). Continued as: Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo. Neue Folge (1980→ ). NACHRICHTEN DES ENTOMOLOGISCHEN VEREINS APOLLO. NEUE FOLGE. Frankfurt-am-Main. [1980→ ] Rev: 1-10, suppls. 1-7. NAGANO GAHÔ. Nagano Heterocerists’ Society. Nagano. [1976→ ] Rev: None. NEOTROPICAL LEPIDOPTERA NEWS. Gainesville, Florida. [1987] Rev: 1 (all published). Continued as: Tropical Lepidoptera News (1989→ ). NEUE ENTOMOLOGISCHE NACHRICHTEN AUS DEM ENTOMOLOGISCHEN MUSEUM DR. ULF EITSCHBERGER. Beiträge zur Ökologie, Faunistik und Systematik von Lepidopteren. Marktleuthen. [1988→ ] Rev: 24-27. NEWS. THE BRITISH BUTTERFLY CONSERVATION SOCIETY. Quorn, Leicestershire. [1973→ ] Rev: 12-37. Formerly: Quarterly News. The British Butterfly Conservation Society (1972-1973). NEWS OF THE LEPIDOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY. [1959→ ] Rev: 1959-1990, 1991(1-3). NEWSLETTER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA ENTOMOLOGISTS. Saint Paul, Minnesota. [1966-1967] Rev: 1(1-4) (all published). Continued as: The Bulletin of the Association of Minnesota Entomologists (1967-1972). NEWS. NOUVELLES. NACHRICHTEN. SOCIETAS EUROPAEA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA. Karlsruhe. [1976→ ] Rev: 1-17. NEWS SHEET. THE BRITISH BUTTERFLY CONSERVATION SOCIETY. Over Compton, Sherborn, Dorset. [1968-1971] Rev: 1, ,3, ,5-8. Continued as: Quarterly News. The British Butterfly Conservation Society (1972-1973). NOTA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA. Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica. [1977→ ] Rev: 1-11, 12(1-3). NOTA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA. SUPPLEMENT. Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica. [1989→ ] Rev: 1-2. NOTES ON MOTHS AND BUTTERFLIES. Gravel Switch, Kentucky. [1953-1955] Rev: 7(9).
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123. 124.
125. 126. 127. 128. 129.
130. 131.
Formerly: Club Notes, Moth and Butterfly Club (?1947-1953). NOVITATES MACROLEPIDOPTEROLOGICAE. Dresden. [1926-1930] Rev: 1-5 (all published). THE OHIO LEPIDOPTERIST. Newsletter of the Ohio Lepidopterists. Columbus, Ohio. [1979→ ] Rev: 1-12. THE OHIO LEPIDOPTERISTS RESEARCH REPORTS. Columbus, Ohio. [1980→ ] Rev: None. ORIENTERING FRA LEPIDOPTEROLOGISKE MEDDELELSER. Aarhus. [1975→ ] Rev: 2-12. PAPILIO. Gunma Rhopalocerists’ Society. Gunma. [1950-1953]. Rev: None. PAPILIO. Organ of the New York Entomological Club. New York, New York. [1881-1885] Rev: 1-3, 4(1-10) (all published). PAPILIO. NEW SERIES. Lakewood, Colorado. [1981→ ] Rev: 1-5. PAPILIO INTERNATIONAL. The Lepidoptera Group of 1968. Vejle. [1983→ ] Rev: 1-6. PARNASSIANA. Neubrandenburg. [1930-1939] Rev: 1-5 (all published). PARNASSIUS. Awaji Entomological Society. Hyôgo. [1967→ ] Rev: None. PHEGEA. Vereniging voor Entomologie van de Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Dierkunde van Antwerpen. Antwerpen. [1973→ ] Rev: 1-14, 15(1-2). PRIAMUS. Results of the Scientific Research on Entomology. Ankara. [1981→ ] Rev: 1-4, 5(1/2). PROCÈS VERBAUX/VERSLAGEN. CERCLE DES LÉPIDOPTÉRISTES DE BELGIQUE. BELGISCHE LEPIDOPTEROLOGISCHE KRING. Bruxelles. [1973] Rev: 1968-1971. PUBLICACIONES ESPECIALES. SOCIEDAD MEXICANA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGÍA, A. C. México. [1976→ ] Rev: 1-4. THE PUPAPER. Butterfly World. A classified Newsletter. Pendleton, Indiana. [1978?→ ] Rev: 5(1-3). QUARTERLY NEWS. THE BRITISH BUTTERFLY CONSERVATION SOCIETY. Over Compton, Sherborn, Dorset. [1972-1973] Rev: 9-11 (all published). Formerly: News Sheet. The British Butterfly Conservation Society (1968-1971). Continued as: News. The British Butterfly Conservation Society (1973→ ).
140. 141. 142. 143. 144.
149. 150.
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RAPPORT DU LABORATOIRE D’ÉTUDES DE LA SOIE. Lyon. [1887-1931] Rev: 1-17 (all published). Note: Volumes 1-7 (1887-1895) and 16-17 (1923-1931) as “Rapport...”; vols. 8-9 (1897-1899) and 13-15 (1909-1919) as “Compte Rendu des Travaux du Laboratoire d’Études de la Soie”; and vols. 10-12 (1901-1906) as “Annales du Laboratoire d’Études de la Soie”. REVISTA DE LA SOCIEDAD MEXICANA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGIA, A. C. México. [1975→ ] Rev: 1-12. REVUE FRANÇAISE DE LÉPIDOPTÉROLOGIE. Paris. [1938-1958] Rev: 9(5/6), 10-15, 16(1-4) (all published). Formerly: L’Amateur de Papillons (1922-1938). REVUE DU VER À SOIE. JOURNAL OF SILKWORM. Station de Recherches Séricicoles d’Alès. Alès, Gard. [1949-1977] Rev: 1-18 (all published). Continued as: Sericologia (1979→ ). THE RHOPALOCEOLOGICAL [sic] MAGAZINE. The Rhopaloceological [sic] Society. Tokyo. [1936] Rev: 1( ,2-4). THE RHOPALOCERISTS’ MAGAZINE. See Chô Chô. SAPHIRINUS. Amagasaki Rhopalocerists’ Society. Hyôgo. [1953-1956] Rev: None. SCOPARIA. Otaru Rhopalocerists’ Society. Hokkaido. [1960-1961] Rev: None. SERICICULTURA. Consiliul Superior al Agriculturii. Bucuresti. [1965→ ] Rev: None. SERICICULTURA. Jornal. Indústria de Seda Nacional. Campinas. [1927-1938] Rev: None. SERICICULTURA. Revista Mensal da S. A. Indústria de Seda Nacional. Campinas. [1934-1935] Rev: None. SERICICULTURA. Serviço de Sericicultura. Campinas. [1936-1952] Rev: None. Continued as: Boletim Técnico de Sericicultura (1955→ ). SERICOLOGIA. Revue de Vers à Soie. Journal of the Silkworms. Commission Séricicole Internationale. Lyon. [1979→ ] Formerly: Revue du Ver à Soie. Journal of Silkworm (19491977). SERICULTURE. Journal of the Faculty of Textiles and Sericulture. Shinshu University. Series E. Ueda. [1955→ ] Rev: None. SHILAP. REVISTA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGÍA. Sociedad HispanoLuso-Americana de Lepidopterología. Madrid. [1973→ ] Rev: 1-18. SOUTHERN LEPIDOPTERISTS’ BULLETIN. Jacksonville, Florida. [19 ?→ ] Rev: None. SOUTHERN LEPIDOPTERISTS’ NEWS. Jacksonville, Florida. [1979→ ] Rev: 1-3, 4(1-3).
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152. 153.
154. 155. 156. 157.
165. 166.
SPECIAL BULLETIN OF THE LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Osaka. [1965-1971] Rev: 1-5 (all published). SUGI TÔGE. Kyôto Rhopalocerists’ Society. Kyôto. [1976→ ] Rev: None. THE SWALLOWTAIL. The Journal of the Butterfly and Moth Stamp Society. Wiltshire. [1986→ ] Rev: 1(1-4). TERRITORY. Setagaya Rhopalocerists’ Association. Tokyo. [1977→ ] Rev: None. THECLA. Yamashiro Rhopalocerists’ Society. Kyôto. [1942-1944] Rev: None. TINEA. The Japan Heterocerists’ Society. Tokyo. [1953→ ] Rev: 1-11, 12(1-25). TOKURANA. Acta Rhopalocera. Mishima City. [1981→ ] Rev: 1-5, , ,8(1), 9-15, 16(1-2). Note: Vols. 1-4 as “Acta Rhopalocera”; 5-9 as “Acta Rhopalocerologica”; and 10-16 as “Reports on Rhopalocera”. TOKURANA SPECIAL. The Butterflies’ Magazine. Mishima City. [1985→ ] Rev: 1(pp. 1-36). THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. See Tyô to Ga. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE NIPPON LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETY. Kyôto. [1945] Rev: 1(1) (all published). Continued as: Butterflies and Moths. The Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan (1949-1955). TREBALLS DE LA SOCIETAT CATALANA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGIA. Mataró. [1978→ ] Rev: 1-7. TROPICAL LEPIDOPTERA. Association for Tropical Lepidoptera. Gainesville, Florida. [1990→ ] Rev: 1(1-2). TROPICAL LEPIDOPTERA NEWS. Association for Tropical Lepidoptera. Gainesville, Florida. [1989→ ] Rev: 2-4, 1991(1-2). Formerly: Neotropical Lepidoptera News (1987). TYÔ TO GA. Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan. Osaka. [1955→ ] Rev: 6-40. Formerly: Butterflies and Moths. The Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan (1949-1955). UTAHENSIS. Journal of the Utah Lepidopterists’ Society. Salt Lake City, Utah. [1981→ ] Rev: 7(1). VLINDERS. [1986→ ] Rev: None. WEEKLY BUTTERFLY’S TSU. Mokuyôsha Company. Tokyo. [1975→ ] Rev: None.
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172. 173. 174.
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WINGS. Newsletter of the Xerces Society. New Haven, Connecticut. [1974→ ] Rev: 1-15. XERCES SOCIETY BUTTERFLY COUNTS. The Xerces Society. New Haven, Connecticut. [1981→ ] Rev: 1979-1989. Note: Some issues are supplements to Atala, q.v. XERCES SOCIETY EDUCATIONAL LEAFLET. The Xerces Society. New Haven, Connecticut. [1978→ ] Rev: 1-9. XERCES SOCIETY INTERIM NEWSLETTER. The Xerces Society. New Haven, Connecticut. [1978→ ] Rev: 1-2. THE XERCES SOCIETY SELF-HELP SHEET. The Xerces Society. New Haven, Connecticut. [?1973→ ] Rev: 2-4, ,6-7. YADORIGA. Lepidopterological Society of Japan. Osaka. [1955→ ] Rev: 22-23, ,25-131. YÛGATO. Yûgakai (Heterocerists’ Association). Niigata. [1959→ ] Rev: None. ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR LEPIDOPTEROLOGIE. Fachorgan für die Gesamte Schmetterlingskunde. Krefeld. [1950-1955] Rev: 1-3 (all published). ZEPHYRUS. Chôrui Dôkôkai. Fukuoka. [1929-1947] Rev: 1-9 (all published).