following components, core, primary and secondary ... circumstances. ... produced and load-current in transformer windings and ... sufficient window space left.
International Journal of Recent Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJRAET) _______________________________________________________________________________________________
An Approach For Journey with Hybrid Transformers 1
Mahantesh S Patil, 2Shabaz Ahmed Dar, 3Rohit Kumar
Dept of Electrical and Electronics, University Visveswaraya College Of Engineering, Bengaluru, India Dept of Computer Applications, Dayananda Sagar College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Bengaluru, India 3 Dept of Electronics and Communications, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India
Abstract—Hybrid transformer has shown improvements in transformer efficiency which can be attained by Switching between series and parallel winding. To control the switching of the windings and condition of the transformer, a microcontroller-based control Has been established the microcontroller allows measurement of the Instantaneous current to determine the most effective configuration that the windings should be in. In this research paper, we are trying to focus efficiency of a transformer maybe changed with rearranging with primary and secondary windings. Keywords—Applications; Conventional; Determination; Fundamentally; Limbs; Modifications; Transformer
I. INTRODUCTION Many steps and calculations are presented based on the design of conventional power transformers. The steps to determine the construction of the core, number of turns and wire size will not differ from those which are found in conventional transformer designs in many text books [4]. Although every book perhaps proposes different scheme of designs, the essence in the design of transformers is the same i.e. they include basic rules such as: determination of core material, size, and construction; determination of number of turns, on the primary and secondary sides; determination of wire size on the primary and secondary sides. These can include: output requirement or power rating of the transformer; input and output voltages. Flux density in the core, power factor, primary and secondary current density, temperature rise, frequency. The process of constructing a transformer is in fact not upfront, further modifications or corrections to one or more parameters may be required to ensemble the requirements. For example, the number of turns on either side of the transformer is too far from an integral number. This case is often avoided and needs further modification to get a better integral number of turns. Perhaps it will be necessary to increase the number of turns by some percent and repeat until the result is satisfactory [11]. Designs of Hybrid transformers that will be presented in this chapter are limited to transformers having a small power rating (up to 5 kav) where natural circulation of air can provide
sufficient cooling transformers.
II. CONSTRUCTION OF HYBRID TRANSFORMERS When constructing a transformer, the first significant consideration that should be made is the choice of designing. There are many types of construction that can be implemented, however, knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each construction type perhaps will result in achieving better design for a certain application. Construction of transformers essentially have the following components, core, primary and secondary windings, As per the preparation of the core and its windings, constructions of transformer can mostly be divided into two categories called shell-type and coretype [5]. Accordingly, a core type transformer is characterized by, having one iron path only in a rectangular form. The primary and secondary windings may be positioned in one or the two limbs. A shell type transformer however has the following characteristics: having two or more magnetic paths, the core is positioned around the windings. This type of construction is favorable for power transformers where large current is made to flow. The iron shell provides better mechanical protection to the windings in such circumstances.
Figure 1 – Relationship between Load and Heat Produced in Transformer Windings.
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International Journal of Recent Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJRAET) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ When transformer is loaded, Primary windings and Secondary windings produce heat and connections due to I2R. At low loads, the amount of heat produced will be minor but as burden rises, the amount of heat produced becomes substantial. At full load, the windings will be functioning at or near their design temperature [5]. Figure 1 shows the relationship between the heat produced and load-current in transformer windings and connections.
IV. PHILOSOPHY OF HYBRID TRANSFORMERS The idea of utilizing hybrid transformers starts from the fundamental reason of boosted. At the beginning of this segment however, the discussion will initially focus on the efficiency of a conventional transformer and characteristic of losses. It will be followed by explaining attempts to achieve the goal. Attempts will be made in the design of hybrid transformer by rearranging the primary and secondary windings to increase the efficiency throughout the interval of any variation in the load [9]. Instead of having one value of maximum efficiency with one fixed winding arrangement, two arrangements of windings on both primary and secondary will be utilized. These two arrangements of windings are made to have two values of maximum efficiency in two different points of the load. One of these points is chosen below point 'a' while another is set to a higher value. To accomplish the goal, the following attempts are made: To apply lower flux density and attain lower core loss when the transformer is working at low loads. As the working flux density is connected to the used number of turns, an attempt that is made to attain this condition is to apply extra turns or more turns. This strategy is implemented in the series configuration. To reduce the copper loss when the transformer is applied at high loads [5]. The copper loss can be reduced by implementing parallel configuration to some portions of turns. When extra turns are applied in a series configuration, the winding resistance will be slightly higher, and cause an increase in the copper loss. While this phenomenon certainly happened, with an satisfactory result. This case follows the fact that the series configuration is applied at a region where the copper loss is less dominant than the core loss. When a parallel configuration is applied, the reduction in the number of turns will cause an increase in the working flux density, which in turn incurs extra core loss. This is not really a drawback however, as the total losses, which are the most concern, again decrease when this configuration is applied at a region where the core loss is less dominant than the copper loss.
sufficient window space left. In parallel configuration, the use of lower number of turns will increase flux density [5]. Design should make sure that the flux density is below its saturation region. When designing a hybrid transformer, it should also be noted that whenever series or parallel configuration is applied, the transformer should maintain the same voltage at the secondary terminals. To achieve this condition, a choice on the number of primary and secondary windings should be made by considering their same proportionality between each configuration. furthermore, the primary and secondary side of the transformer should be switched to the same parallel or series configuration in case of the occurrence of a switching process.
VI. WINDING ARRANGEMENTS The arrangements of both primary and secondary windings are made up of some portions of fixed windings and other portions of windings that can be altered and arranged through the switches [8]. With this method, the series configuration can be made by closing the switch. And leaving and open. On the other hand, if switch is opened, and both are closed then the parallel arrangement is made.
VII. FUTURE ENHANCEMENT It can be made to work as a super conducting transformer. HV and LV tunable resonant transformer which will be made working at high transformable temperatures. This has great scope in future transmission lines.
Monitoring purpose can be carried out at the desirable range without the displacement of the crew [10]. The system cost can be reduced efficiently. Single microcontroller can be used to reduce complications in the system and wireless network.
IX. CROSS COUPLED COIL Savings of energy are made possible using the hybrid transformer with its series and parallel winding configuration features. This transformer enhances efficiency of conventional transformer by reducing the core loss at low loads and the copper loss at high loads [7]. During the operation of the hybrid transformer, the series configuration is applied to low loads to reduce the flux density while the parallel configuration is applied to high loads to reduce the winding resistances. More visible savings of energy can be expected from hybrid transformers having higher power ratings compared with a conventional transformer having the same power rating. Thus, the strategy of
There are limitations that should be considered when designing the hybrid transformer i.e. In series configuration, the use of extra turns will take more space of the core window. It should be noted that there is still _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSN (Online): 2347 - 2812, Volume-4, Issue -11_12, 2016 11
International Journal of Recent Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJRAET) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ implementing the hybrid transformer may provide a major advantage in the contribution of either short-term or long-term energy saving programs. The hybrid transformer also provides a further advantage in low load applications where the series configuration is implemented. In these circumstances, the transformer displays its capability of enhancing the power factor on the primary side. In the micro-controlled hybrid transformer, timings of triggers that should be applied to the SSRs and timings of switching from one configuration to another hold a crucial role. Right timings are required to achieve lowest harmonic generations and lowest transients as an effect of switching actions [12]. The use of T2 and its related registers, i.e. capture logic and compare logic registers, provides a solution to generate precise trigger sequences to turn on the SSRs. With the use of compare and capture interrupts, the trigger sequences can be produced without disturbances from any commands or normal procedures in the core program. The user interface that is provided in the control system design is very helpful for users to communicate with the controller. It enhances flexibility to direct the controller with a specific way of work. As a part of the control system, the combination of the LCD and the matrix keypad are sufficient aiding tools as input/output devices to access the user interface [6]. Finally, the use of the micro-controller in the system has also given a chance to extend the reliability of the system, i.e. by further developments of hardware and software parts to monitor and protect the hybrid transformer.
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X. CONCLUSION In this dissertation paper, we are trying to emphasis efficiency of a transformer which can be changed with rearranging the primary and secondary windings with variation of loads with range of voltage.
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