An Architectural Design for Knowledge Asset Management System

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Management System ... knowledge asset management from multiple perspectives. ... products, processes and services that can be used by business associates ...
An Architectural Design for Knowledge Asset Management System H.R. Vishwakarma1, B.K. Tripathy1, D.P. Kothari1, VIT University, Vellore-632014, Tamil Nadu, India {[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]} 1

Abstract. Knowledge assets (KAs) are the main focus for knowledge management as these are considered most valuable in this knowledge-driven economy. However, the tasks of understanding, valuation and management of knowledge assets have been daunting in contrast their physical counterparts. There have been no generally agreed frameworks for carrying out the above tasks. Organizations strive to minimize the cost of creating and managing knowledge assets and to maximize value addition from knowledge assets. Also, they provide knowledge services to its internal and external customers using knowledge assets and processes with the help of knowledge workers. Hence, efficient management of knowledge assets is often the central theme in most organizational knowledge management (KM) programmes. In this paper, we discuss knowledge asset management from multiple perspectives. We propose a set of generic steps involved in knowledge asset management (KAM) and also propose an architectural design for managing knowledge assets in organizational settings. Keywords: Knowledge management, Knowledge workers, Knowledge process, Knowledge assets, Knowledge artifacts, Knowledge services, Knowledge asset management system

1 Introduction In today’s economy, organizations are focusing more on knowledge assets (KAs) rather than physical assets. Knowledge management programmes are being adopted by many organizations in order to gain competitive advantage in market increasingly dominated by knowledge-based products and services. Articulating knowledge vision and developing knowledge management strategy is one of the top agenda points in boardroom discussions in most organizations. Knowledge vision and strategy drive the knowledge processes used and services provided by organizations. Knowledge processes represent internal perspective of knowledge management whereas knowledge services are external perspectives typically catering to needs of customers. Many organizations have begun to convert internally generated knowledge into knowledge-based products, processes and services that can be used by business associates and customers. An organization has to consider seven aspects related to knowledge management so as to ensure leverage of its knowledge resources. These aspects are knowledge strategy, knowledge structure, knowledge workers, knowledge process, knowledge services, knowledge assets and finally knowledge systems.

proposed an architectural design for managing knowledge assets in organizational settings. Further work can be carried to assess quality of knowledge assets and value addition from knowledge assets to organizations.

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