Introduction. ⢠Expand resources without QoS or SLA violation. ⢠Mechanisms of Autonomic Computing can be used in monitoring of a computational cloud.
An Autonomic Computing-based Architecture for Cloud Computing Elasticity Emanuel Ferreira Coutinho - Virtual University Institute (UFC-VIRTUAL) Danielo Gonçalves Gomes - Teleinformatics Engineering Department (DETI) José Neuman de Souza - Computer Science Department Federal University of Ceara (UFC) - Fortaleza - Brazil
1. Introduction • Expand resources without QoS or SLA violation • Mechanisms of Autonomic Computing can be used in monitoring of a computational cloud • Resources can be added and removed from the environment as pre-established thresholds • This type of monitoring strategy is directly associated with one of the main characteristics of cloud computing: elasticity • Objective: This paper aims to propose an architecture for cloud computing using concepts of Autonomic Computing for providing an elastic environment
2. Autonomic Architecture • Architecture based on some concepts of Autonomic Computing described by Kephart and Chess (control loops, collectors, actuators, rules and self configuration)
Infrastructure I=
Rule r
Metric Metric m Operator Reference Value v Action
Metric Value
3. Material and Methods • Horizontal elasticity strategy • 4 virtual machines • To trigger elasticity actions: Percentage average of virtual machines CPU usage
SLA Violations
maximum amount of resources
Components and relationships
More resources
CPU consumption better distributed Proximity to the limits More "steps"
4. Conclusion and Future Work
Private and public cloud (hybrid cloud)
• Experiments show it is possible to use Autonomic Computing and cloud computing along with various technologies and different providers • Evolution of the proposed architecture • Different criteria for rules design (e.g. average response time of requests) • Large-scale experiments to validate the architecture