An Axiomatization of the Euclidean Compromise Solution Mark Voorneveld
Department of Mathematics, University of Utrecht, P.O.Box 80010, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands.
[email protected]
Anne van den Nouweland Department of Economics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1285, USA.
Abstract: The Euclidean compromise solution in multicriteria optimization is a solution
concept that assigns to a feasible set the alternative with minimal Euclidean distance to the utopia point. The purpose of this paper is to provide a characterization of the Euclidean compromise solution.
Keywords: Compromise solutions, axiomatization, multicriteria optimization.
1 Corresponding
1 Introduction Multicriteria optimization extends optimization theory by permitting several | possibly con icting | objective functions, which are to be `optimized' simultaneously. By now an important branch of Operations Research (see Steuer et al., 1996), it ranges from highly verbal approaches like Larichev and Moshkovich (1997) to highly mathematical approaches like Sawaragi et al. (1985), and is known by various other names, including Pareto optimization, vector optimization, ecient optimization, and multiobjective optimization. Formally, a multicriteria optimization problem can be formulated as Optimize
f (x); : : :; fn (x) 1
subject to x 2 F;
where F denotes the feasible set of alternatives and n 2 N the number of separate objective functions fk : F ! R (k = 1; : : :; n). The simultaneous optimization of multiple objective functions suggests the question: what does it mean to optimize, i.e., what is a good outcome? Dierent answers to this question lead to dierent ways of solving multicriteria optimization problems. For a detailed description and good introductions to the area, see White (1982), Yu (1985), and Zeleny (1982). Yu (1973) introduced compromise solutions, based on the idea of nding a feasible point that is as close as possible to an ideal outcome. Zeleny (1976) even states this informally as an axiom of choice: \Alternatives that are closer to the ideal are preferred to those that are farther away. To be as close as possible to the perceived ideal is the rationale of human choice." The ideal point, or utopia point, speci es for each objective function separately the optimal feasible value. Assume, for instance, that in the optimization problem (1) higher values of the objective functions correspond with better outcomes. In that case, the utopia point u 2 Rn is de ned by taking
8k 2 f1; : : :; ng : uk = max f (x): x2F k 2
Whereas Yu (1973) concentrates on distance functions de ned by `p-norms, possible extensions include the use of dierent norms (cf. Gearhart, 1979) or penalty functions (cf. White, 1984). In a manifesto, Bouyssou et al. (1993) observe that within multicriteria decision making `[a] systematic axiomatic analysis of decision procedures and algorithms is yet to be carried out'. Yu (1973, 1985) and Freimer and Yu (1976) already indicate several properties of compromise solutions. In this paper we concentrate on the Euclidean compromise solution, selecting the feasible point that minimizes the Euclidean distance to the utopia point, and provide a list of properties characterizing this solution: the Euclidean compromise solution is shown to be the unique solution concept satisfying these properties on a domain of multicriteria optimization problems. Most of the axioms can be found in Yu (1973, 1985) and Freimer and Yu (1976). Two new axioms are introduced: a projection property and a scaling property. The projection axiom indicates that if all likely solution candidates, i.e., all Pareto optimal points, have the same value according to a certain criterion, then attention can be restricted to the remaining coordinates. The scaling axiom tells how the solution reacts to rescaling the coordinates of certain symmetric choice sets by a positive constant. The set-up of the paper is as follows. Section 2 contains preliminary results and de nitions. The Euclidean compromise solution and the domain of choice problems are de ned in Section 3. In Section 4, the axioms are stated and it is shown that the Euclidean compromise solution indeed satis es these properties. Our main result, Theorem 5.4, is given in Section 5, where the Euclidean compromise solution is shown to be the unique solution concept satisfying these properties. Section 6 contains remarks on possible modi cations of our characterization and related literature.
2 Preliminaries Let n 2 N. For vectors a; b 2 Rn, write
a = b , 8k 2 f1; : : : ; ng : ak = bk a = b , 8k 2 f1; : : : ; ng : ak = bk a b , a = b; and a 6= b 3
a > b , 8k 2 f1; : : : ; ng : ak > bk Relations 5; ; < are de ned analogously. Denote Rn = fx 2 Rn j x = 0g and Rn = fx 2 Rn j x > 0g. For two sets A; B Rn, de ne A + B = fa + b j a 2 A; b 2 B g. Let a 2 Rn. With a slight abuse of notation, we sometimes write a + B instead of fag + B . Let n 2 N and S Rn. A point x 2 S is Pareto optimal in S if there is no feasible alternative y 2 S such that y x. The set of Pareto optimal points of S is denoted by PO(S ): 8n 2 N; 8S Rn : PO(S ) = fx 2 S j6 9y 2 S : y xg: +
Lemma 2.1 Let n 2 N and S Rn be nonempty, compact. For each x 2 S there exists a vector y 2 PO(S ) such that y = x.
Proof. Consider T = (fxg + Rn ) \ S . Let y 2 arg maxz2T Pni zi, which exists by compactness of T and continuity of the function z 7! Pni zi. Then y 2 PO(S ) and y = x by +
de nition of T .
The inner product is denoted by h; ; i:
8n 2 N; 8x; y 2 Rn : The Euclidean norm is denoted by k k:
n X hx; yi = x y : i=1
i i
8n 2 N; 8x 2 Rn : kxk = hx; xi: The ball centered at x 2 Rn with radius r > 0 is denoted B (x; r):
B (x; r) = fy 2 Rn : ky ? xk 5 rg:
Remark 2.2 Let y 2 B (x; r) with ky ? xk = r. We often use the fact that fz 2 Rn : hy ? x; zi = hy ? x; yig is the unique hyperplane supporting the ball B (x; r) at the point y.
Let n 2 N; n = 2, and consider a coordinate i 2 f1; : : :; ng. The function that projects each x 2 Rn to the point in Rn? obtained by omitting the i-th coordinate is denoted by pi . Formally, 1
8x = (x ; : : :; xi? ; xi; xi ; : : :; xn) 2 Rn : pi (x) = (x ; : : : ; xi? ; xi ; : : : ; xn): 1
We say that pi(x) 2 Rn? is the vector obtained from x 2 Rn by projecting away the i-th coordinate. If S Rn, then pi (S ) = fpi (s) j s 2 S g. For x; y 2 Rn, de ne x y = (x y ; : : : ; xnyn), the vector obtained by coordinatewise multiplication. For a set S Rn, x S = fx s j s 2 S g. For x 2 Rn , de ne x? = ( x1 ; : : :; x ), the vector obtained by taking coordinatewise reciprocals. For a normal h 2 Rn and a number a 2 Rn, the hyperplane H (h; a) and corresponding halfspace H ? (h; a) are de ned as follows: 1
1 1
H (h; a) = fx 2 Rn j hh; xi = ag; H ? (h; a) = fx 2 Rn j hh; xi 5 ag:
Lemma 2.3 Let n 2 N; h; b 2 Rn ; a 2 R. Then b H ? (h; a) = H ? (h b? ; a). Proof. Let y 2 b H ? (h; a). Then y = b x for some x 2 H ?(h; a), so hh b? ; yi = Pn h bixi = Pn hixi = hh; xi 5 a, so y 2 H ? (h b? ; a). i i b Conversely, let y 2 H ? (h b? ; a). Take x = b? y 2 Rn. Then hh; xi = Pni hi yb = hh b? ; yi 5 a, so x 2 H ? (h; a) and y = b x 2 b H ? (h; a). 2 1
3 The Euclidean compromise solution The Euclidean compromise solution assigns to a feasible set the alternative with minimal Euclidean distance to the utopia point. Each feasible set is assumed to be a nonempty, compact, and convex subset of a nite dimensional Euclidean space (endowed with the standard topology). Let n 2 N denote the number of criteria or coordinates and de ne n = fS Rn j S is nonempty, convex, compactg; the collection of choice sets in Rn. As usual, for a choice set S 2 n and a feasible alternative x 2 S , the coordinate xk (k = 1; : : :; n) indicates how alternative x is evaluated 5
according to the k-th criterion. It is assumed throughout that larger values are preferred to smaller values. The collection of all choice sets is denoted : = [1n n : =1
Let n 2 N; S 2 n. The utopia point u(S ) of S is the point in Rn that speci es for each criterion separately the highest achievable value:
u(S ) = (max s ; : : :; max s ): s2S s2S n 1
By compactness of S , the utopia point is well-de ned. In the proof of Theorem 5.3, we also use the disagreement point d(S ), de ned as
d(S ) = (min s ; : : : ; min s ): s2S s2S n 1
A solution concept on is a function ' on that assigns to each choice set S 2 a feasible point '(S ) 2 S . The Euclidean compromise solution is the solution concept Y that assigns to each S 2 the feasible point closest to the utopia point u(S ):
8S 2 : Y (S ) = arg min ku(S ) ? xk: x2S Since S is nonempty, compact, and convex and the function k k is strictly convex, the function Y is well-de ned. The choice sets with utopia point equal to the zero vector deserve special mention.
8n 2 N : n = fS 2 n j u(S ) = 0g; 0
= [1n n : 0
The following lemma indicates that is closed under rescaling of its coordinates and projections and also that utopia vectors and Pareto optima are in a sense robust against projections. The proofs are trivial exercises; we suce with proving one of them.
Lemma 3.1 Let n 2 N; n = 2; S 2 n ; i 2 f1; : : : ; ng, and x 2 Rn . The following ++
claims hold:
(a) pi (S ) 2 n? ; 1
(b) If PO(S ) fx 2 Rn j xi = 0g, then pi (PO(S )) = PO(pi (S )); (c) pi(u(S )) = u(pi(S )); (d) x S 2 n. Proof. We only prove (b). Assume that PO(S ) fx 2 Rn j xi = 0g. Let v 2 pi(PO(S )). Then there exists a ve 2 PO(S ) such that pi(ve) = v. Suppose v 2= PO(pi (S )). Then w v for some w 2 pi(S ). Let we 2 S be such that pi (we ) = w. By Lemma 2.1, there exists a xe 2 PO(S ) such that xe = we. Then ve; xe 2 PO(S ) implies vei = xei = 0 and pi (xe) = pi(we ) = w v = pi(ve), so xe ve, contradicting ve 2 PO(S ). Hence v 2 PO(pi (S )). Conclude that pi (PO(S )) PO(pi (S )). Let v 2 PO(pi (S )). Then there exists a ve 2 S such that pi (ve) = v. By Lemma 2.1, there exists a we 2 PO(S ) such that we = ve. Then pi (we ) = pi (ve) = v 2 PO(pi (S )), so the weak inequality must be an equality: v 2 pi (PO(S )). Conclude that pi(PO(S )) 2
PO(pi (S )).
Let n 2 N; S 2 n . The choice set S is closed with respect to cyclical rotation (cf. Yu, 1973, p. 940) if for each x 2 S and each permutation : f1; : : : ; ng ! f1; : : : ; ng : (x ; : : : ; x n ) 2 S , i.e., if S is symmetric with respect to the line f(t; : : :; t) 2 Rn j t 2 Rg. (1)
( )
4 Properties of the Euclidean compromise solution In this section, we list six properties of solution concepts, explain them, and indicate that the Euclidean compromise solution satis es each of them. Let ' be a solution concept on . Consider the following axioms:
Pareto Optimality (PO): 8n 2 N; 8S 2 n : '(S ) 2 PO(S ). Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA): 8n 2 N; 8S; T 2 n : if u(S ) = u(T ); S T; and '(T ) 2 S; then '(S ) = '(T ). Symmetry (SYM): 8n 2 N; 8S 2 n : if S is closed w.r.t. cyclical rotation, then 'i(S ) = 'j (S ) for all i; j 2 f1; : : : ; ng. 7
Translation Invariance (TI): 8n 2 N; 8S 2 n ; 8x 2 Rn : '(x + S ) = x + '(S ). Projection (PR): 8n 2 N; n = 2; 8S 2 n : if there exists an i 2 f1; : : : ; ng such that xi = yi for all x; y 2 PO(S ); then pi ('(S )) = '(pi (S )). 0
Scaling (SC): Let n 2 N; n = 2; t 2 R , and a 2 R be such that the set ++
= fx 2 Rn j 8i 2 f1; : : : ; ng : x
n X xi 5 ag i 2 [?t; 0] and i=1
has utopia point u(B ) = 0 2= B . Let s 2 Rn . Then ++
8i; j 2 f1; : : : ; ng : ''i((ss BB)) = ssj''i((BB )) : j i j Pareto optimality requires that ' selects a Pareto optimal alternative in each choice set. Independence of irrelevant alternatives states that if the utopia point remains unaected and one only discards irrelevant alternatives (alternatives x 2 T with x 6= '(T )), then the solution does not change. If ' satis es symmetry, then it assigns equal value to each of the coordinates of a symmetric choice set. Translation invariance indicates that the only eect of translating a choice set is that the solution is translated to the same extent. The projection axiom indicates that if all likely solution candidates, i.e., all Pareto optimal points, of a choice set S 2 n (n = 2) have the same value according to a certain criterion, then attention can be restricted to the remaining coordinates. Part (a) of Lemma 3.1 indicates that the projected problem is indeed a choice problem. Let n 2 N; n = 2; S 2 n , and i 2 f1; : : : ; ng such that xi = yi for all x; y 2 PO(S ). Let v 2 S be such that vi = ui(S ). Since S 2 n ; ui(S ) = 0. By Lemma 2.1, v 5 w for some w 2 PO(S ). Then 0 = vi 5 wi 5 ui(S ) = 0, so wi = 0. By assumption, xi = wi = 0 for all x 2 PO(S ). So the projection axiom can be equivalently stated as follows: 0
Projection (PR): 8n 2 N; n = 2; 8S 2 n : if PO(S ) fx 2 Rn j xi = 0g for some i 2 f1; : : : ; ng; then pi('(S )) = '(pi(S )). 0
As opposed to independence of irrelevant alternatives, this axiom is a way to require independence of irrelevant criteria. Just like the previous axioms, this axiom is satis ed by many compromise solutions. 8
The nal property, the scaling axiom, is what makes the Euclidean compromise solution stand out from other compromise solutions. It tells how the solution reacts to rescaling the coordinates of a highly symmetric choice set. If each coordinate i of such a choice set B is rescaled by a positive factor si, then the ratio 'i(s B )='j (s B ) in the new choice set s B diers from the ratio 'i(B )='j (B ) in the original choice set B by a factor sj =si for each pair of coordinates i; j . In the game theoretic literature on bargaining (cf. Nash, 1950, Roth, 1985), such proportionality properties, in combination with translation invariance, are common axioms to describe the eect of ane transformations on solutions to bargaining problems. The following theorem indicates that the Euclidean compromise solution satis es the six properties.
Theorem 4.1 The Euclidean compromise solution Y satis es PO, IIA, SYM, TI, PR,
and SC.
Proof. Yu (1973, pp. 939-940) indicates that the Euclidean compromise solution satis es
PO, IIA, and SYM. It is easy to see that it also satis es TI. To see that Y satis es PR, let n 2 N; n = 2; S 2 n and assume that for i 2 f1; : : : ; ng : PO(S ) fx 2 Rn j xi = 0g. According to Lemma 3.1, we have that pi(S ) 2 n? and pi (PO(S )) = PO(pi (S )). That pi(Y (S )) = Y (pi (S )) follows from the following chain of equivalent statements: 0
Y (S ) solves min kxk , Y (S ) solves x2min kxk x2S PO S , Yi(S ) = 0 and pi (Y (S )) solves x2POminp S kxk , Yi(S ) = 0 and pi (Y (S )) solves x2min kxk p S , Yi(S ) = 0 and pi (Y (S )) = Y (pi (S )): ( )
The rst and third equivalence follow from PO of Y , the second from the assumption that xi = 0 for all x 2 PO(S ), and the fourth by de nition of Y (pi (S )). To see that Y satis es SC, let n 2 N; n = 2; t 2 R , and a 2 R be such that the set ++
= fx 2 Rn j 8i 2 f1; : : : ; ng : x 9
n X xi 5 ag i 2 [?t; 0] and i=1
has utopia point u(B ) = 0 2= B . Clearly a < 0. SYM and PO of Y on B imply that (2) Y (B ) = na (1; : : : ; 1) < 0: Let s 2 Rn and A := s B . Notice that u(A) = s u(B ) = 0(2= A). By Lemma 2.3, ++
A = fx 2 Rn j 8i 2 f1; : : : ; ng : x
n x X i 2 [?ts ; 0] and 5 ag: i
i=1 si
By de nition of Y (A), the ball B (u(A); kY (A)k) around the origin u(A) = 0 with radius kY (A)k and the choice set A have only the point Y (A) in common. By the separating hyperplane theorem, there exists a hyperplane separating the ball and A, supporting the ball at Y (A). By Remark 2.2, this hyperplane is unique. Since PO(A) = fx 2 Rn j 8i 2 f1; : : :; ng : xi 2 [?tsi; 0] and Pni xs = ag, its normal is (a multiple of) the vector s? = ( s1 ; : : : ; s ) 2 Rn . This means that Y (A) = s? for some 2 R and that Y (A) satis es Pni Y s A = a. Solving this yields = ks?a1k2 and 8i 2 f1; : : : ; ng : Yi(A) = ks?ak s : i Combining this with (2) yields: 8i; j 2 f1; : : : ; ng : YYi((AA)) = ssj = ssjYYi ((BB )) : j i i j This proves that Y satis es SC. 2 =1
1 2
5 Axiomatization of the Euclidean compromise solution In this section, the Euclidean compromise solution is shown to be the unique solution concept on satisfying PO, IIA, SYM, TI, PR, and SC. The proof is split up into several cases. Every solution concept that satis es PO must select the utopia outcome, if this is feasible. This applies in particular to all one-dimensional choice problems S 2 . 1
Proposition 5.1 Let ' be a solution concept on that satis es PO. Let S 2 be such that u(S ) 2 S . Then '(S ) = u(S ). 10
Proof. Since u(S ) = x for each x 2 S , u(S ) 2 S implies PO(S ) = fu(S )g. By PO:
'(S ) = u(S ).
In choice problems with utopia point zero and a Euclidean compromise solution which is smaller in each coordinate than the utopia point, every solution concept satisfying PO, IIA, SYM, and SC coincides with the Euclidean compromise solution.
Theorem 5.2 Let ' be a solution concept on that satis es PO, IIA, SYM, and SC. Let n 2 N; n = 2 and S 2 n such that Y (S ) < u(S ). Then '(S ) = Y (S ). Proof. Since S 2 n : Y (S ) < u(S ) = 0. By de nition of Y (S ), the ball B (0; kY (S )k) around the utopia point u(S ) = 0 with radius kY (S )k and the choice set S have only the 0
point Y (S ) in common. By the separating hyperplane theorem, there exists a hyperplane that separates the ball B (0; kY (S )k) and S , supporting the ball at Y (S ). By Remark 2.2, this is the hyperplane H (h; a) with
h = u(S ) ? Y (S ) = ?Y (S ) > 0 and a = h?Y (S ); Y (S )i = ?kY (S )k < 0: 2
The choice set S lies in the halfspace H ? (h; a) = fx 2 Rn j hh; xi 5 ag. Choose t 2 R suciently large, so that the set A := fx 2 Rn j 8i 2 f1; : : : ; ng : xi 2 [? ht ; 0] and hh; xi 5 ag i satis es S A and u(S ) = u(A) = 0:
Such a number t 2 R exists, since S H ? (h; a); h > 0, and S is bounded. By Lemma 2.3, Xn B := h A = fx 2 Rn j 8i 2 f1; : : :; ng : xi 2 [?t; 0] and xi 5 ag: ++
Notice that u(B ) = h u(S ) = h 0 = 0 2= B , since a < 0. Since Y and ' satisfy SYM and PO, it follows that '(B ) = Y (B ) = na (1; : : : ; 1): (3)
Since A = h? B and h? > 0, (3) and SC of Y and ' imply ) = hi : 8i; j 2 f1; : : : ; ng : ''i((AA)) = YYi ((AA)) = hhi((a=n j j j a=n) hj 1
So '(A) = h and Y (A) = h for some ; 2 R. PO of Y and ' implies that hh; '(A)i = hh; Y (A)i = a, i.e., h?Y (S ); ?Y (S )i = h?Y (S ); ?Y (S )i = ?kY (S )k . So = = ?1 and '(A) = Y (A) = Y (S ). Since S A; u(S ) = u(A) = 0, and '(A) = Y (S ) 2 S , it follows from IIA of ' that '(S ) = '(A) = Y (S ). 2 2
The third result of this section considers choice sets in for which the Euclidean compromise solution has some, but not all, coordinates equal to the corresponding coordinates of the utopia point. On such choice sets, solution concepts satisfying PO, SYM, IIA, PR, and SC coincide with the Euclidean compromise solution. 0
Theorem 5.3 Let ' be a solution concept on that satis es PO, IIA, SYM, SC, and PR. Let n 2 N; n = 2 and S 2 n such that Y (S ) u(S ), but not Y (S ) < u(S ). Then 0
'(S ) = Y (S ).
Proof. As before, the unique tangent hyperplane H (h; a) separating the sets S and B (0; kY (S )k) has normal h = ?Y (S ) and a = ?kY (S )k . Recall that d(S ) is the dis2
agreement point of S . Take
T = fx 2 Rn j hh; xi 5 a and d(S ) 5 x 5 0g 2 n: Then
S T; u(S ) = u(T ) = 0; and Y (S ) = Y (T ):
The equality Y (S ) = Y (T ) follows from the fact that by construction the ball B (0; kY (S )k) and T have exactly the point Y (S ) in common. It suces to prove that
'(T ) = Y (T );
since (4), (5), and IIA of ' then imply '(S ) = '(T ) = Y (S ), which was to be shown. By assumption, the set
I = fi 2 f1; : : :; ng j Yi(S ) = ui(S )g = fi 2 f1; : : :; ng j Yi(T ) = ui(T )g = fi 2 f1; : : :; ng j hi = 0g 12
is nonempty. We claim that
8i 2 I : PO(T ) fx 2 Rn j xi = 0g:
To see this, let i 2 I and x 2 PO(T ). By de nition, xi 5 ui(T ) = 0. Suppose that xi < 0. Take y = x ? xiei x, where ei 2 Rn denotes the i-th standard basis vector. Then hh; yi = hh; xi ? hh; xi eii = hh; xi ? hixi = hh; xi 5 a. Moreover, d(S ) 5 x y 5 0. Hence y 2 T and y x, contradicting x 2 PO(T ). Conclude that (6) holds. By (6) and PO of ' and Y : 8i 2 I : 'i(T ) = Yi(T ) = 0: (7) Lemma 3.1 and PR of Y imply that for each i 2 I :
pi(PO(T )) = PO(pi (T )); pi(u(T )) = u(pi (T )); pi(Y (T )) = Y (pi(T )): So even though the set T has jI j coordinates i for which Yi(T ) = ui(T ), the choice set pi (T ) has only jI j ? 1 such coordinates. Repeated application of projection reduces this number to zero: Write I = fi(1); : : :; i(m)g and take (with a slight abuse of notation)
V = pi m pi (T ); (
the choice set in n?jI j obtained from T by projecting away all coordinates in I . Then the set of coordinates j for which Yj (V ) = uj (V ) is empty: Y (V ) < u(V ). Theorem 5.2 and PR of ' and Y imply: 0
pi m pi (Y (T )) = Y (V ) = '(V ) = pi m pi ('(T )): (
Equality (7) indicates that Yi(T ) = 'i(T ) if i 2 I and equality (8) indicates that Yi(T ) = 'i(T ) if i 2= I , which proves (5). 2 The results above combine into our main theorem, the axiomatization of the Euclidean compromise solution.
Theorem 5.4 The Euclidean compromise solution Y is the unique solution concept on satisfying PO, TI, SYM, SC, IIA, and PR. 13
Proof. Y satis es the axioms by Theorem 4.1. Let ' be a solution concept on that also satis es them. Let S 2 and let T = ?u(S ) + S 2 . By TI of Y and ', it suces to show that '(T ) = Y (T ). If u(T ) 2 T , this follows from Proposition 5.1. If Y (T ) < u(T ), 0
it follows from Theorem 5.2; otherwise, it follows from Theorem 5.3.
6 Concluding remarks Bouyssou et al. (1993) promote an axiomatic approach to the study of decision procedures in multicriteria optimization. Theorem 5.4 characterizes the Euclidean compromise solution by means of six properties. Five of these properties, PO, SYM, IIA, TI, and PR, are shared by many compromise solutions. The scaling axiom SC is a proportionality property as encountered in the literature on bargaining and is speci c to the Euclidean compromise solution. In a recent article, Rubinstein and Zhou (1999) characterize the solution concept that assigns to each choice set the point closest to an exogenously given and xed reference point e, rather than the utopia point, which varies as a function of the choice set. Their axiomatization involves a symmetry condition and independence of irrelevant alternatives. Whereas the symmetry condition in Section 4, taken from Yu (1973), requires symmetry only in the line through the origin with equal coordinates, the symmetry condition of Rubinstein and Zhou applies to choice sets that are symmetric with respect to any line through the reference point e. The domain of our solution concepts was taken to be the collection of all nonempty, compact, convex subsets of nite-dimensional Euclidean spaces. The condition that choice sets are compact was used to guarantee the existence of utopia points. The boundedness condition inherent in compactness can be weakened: our axiomatization | with minor modi cations in the proofs | also holds on the domain of nonempty, convex, closed, and upper bounded subsets of nite-dimensional Euclidean spaces. There is an interesting duality between the multicriteria literature that suggests a compromise approach by nding a desirable alternative from a feasible set and the gametheoretic approach to bargaining. The compromise approach entails formulating a desirable, ideal point (the utopia point) and then `working your way down' to a feasible 14
solution as close as possible to the ideal. The bargaining approach entails formulating a typically undesirable disagreement point and then `working your way up' to a feasible point dominating the disagreement outcome. Mixtures of the two approaches, like the Kalai-Smorodinsky (1975) solution, exists as well. Conley, McLean, and Wilkie (1999) give an interesting discussion of this duality between the bargaining and the multicriteria optimization approach and also provide an axiom that is related to (but more involved than) our scaling axiom SC. Unfortunately, their treatment of the multicriteria approach contains several imprecisions.
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