CORTIS K.COOPER, Chevron Energy Technology Company, San Ramon, California. 9. JODY W. ... JOSEPH R. GERACI, University of Maryland, Baltimore. 13. BARBARA A. ...... Horne, R. Gorton, R. J. Gamble, T. Smith, and D. Smith. 2011.
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
ISBN 978-0-309-28845-3 350 pages 7 x 10 PAPERBACK (2013)
Committee on the Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Mississippi Canyon-252 Oil Spill on Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico; Ocean Studies Board; Division on Earth and Life Studies; National Research Council
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Committee on the Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Mississippi Canyon-252 Oil Spill on Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico Ocean Studies Board Division on Earth and Life Studies
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
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NOTICE: The project that is the subject of this report was approved by the Governing Board of the National Research Council, whose members are drawn from the councils of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The members of the Committee responsible for the report were chosen for their special competences and with regard to appropriate balance. This study was supported the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under contract number 10-DELS-294-01. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the organizations or agencies that provided support for the project. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data or International Standard Book Number 0-309-0XXXX-X Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 97-XXXXX Additional copies of this report are available from the National Academies Press, 500 Fifth Street, N.W., Keck 360, Washington, DC 20001; (800) 624-6242 or (202) 334-3313; Internet, Copyright 2013 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit, self-perpetuating society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering research, dedicated to the furtherance of science and technology and to their use for the general welfare. Upon the authority of the charter granted to it by the Congress in 1863, the Academy has a mandate that requires it to advise the federal government on scientific and technical matters. Dr. Ralph J. Cicerone is president of the National Academy of Sciences. The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964, under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences, as a parallel organization of outstanding engineers. It is autonomous in its administration and in the selection of its members, sharing with the National Academy of Sciences the responsibility for advising the federal government. The National Academy of Engineering also sponsors engineering programs aimed at meeting national needs, encourages education and research, and recognizes the superior achievements of engineers. Dr. C. D. (Dan) Mote, Jr., is president of the National Academy of Engineering. The Institute of Medicine was established in 1970 by the National Academy of Sciences to secure the services of eminent members of appropriate professions in the examination of policy matters pertaining to the health of the public. The Institute acts under the responsibility given to the National Academy of Sciences by its congressional charter to be an adviser to the federal government and, upon its own initiative, to identify issues of medical care, research, and education. Dr. Harvey V. Fineberg is president of the Institute of Medicine. The National Research Council was organized by the National Academy of Sciences in 1916 to associate the broad community of science and technology with the Academy’s purposes of furthering knowledge and advising the federal government. Functioning in accordance with general policies determined by the Academy, the Council has become the principal operating agency of both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering in providing services to the government, the public, and the scientific and engineering communities. The Council is administered jointly by both Academies and the Institute of Medicine. Dr. Ralph J. Cicerone and Dr. C. D. (Dan) Mote, Jr., are chair and vice chair, respectively, of the National Research Council.
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
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COMMITTEE ON THE EFFECTS OF THE DEEPWATER HORIZON MISSISSIPPI CANYON-252 OIL SPILL ON ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN THE GULF OF MEXICO LARRY A. MAYER (Chair), University of New Hampshire, Durham MICHEL C. BOUFADEL, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark JORGE BRENNER, The Nature Conservancy, Corpus Christi, Texas ROBERT S. CARNEY, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge CORTIS K.COOPER, Chevron Energy Technology Company, San Ramon, California JODY W. DEMING, University of Seattle, Washington DAVID J. DIE, University of Miami, Florida JOSH EAGLE, University of South Carolina, Columbia JOSEPH R. GERACI, University of Maryland, Baltimore BARBARA A. KNUTH, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York KENNETH LEE, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Perth, Western Australia JAMES T. MORRIS, University of South Carolina, Columbia STEPHEN POLASKY, University of Minnesota, St. Paul NANCY N. RABALAIS, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, Chauvin CHRISTOPHER REDDY,1 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts RALPH G. STAHL, JR., DuPont Company, Wilmington, Delaware DAVID W. YOSKOWITZ, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi Staff KIM WADDELL, Study Director SHERRIE FORREST, Associate Program Officer LAUREN HARDING, Senior Program Assistant (until October, 2012) HEATHER CHIARELLO, Senior Program Assistant JESSICA DUTTON, Mirzayan Fellow (until May, 2012) CONSTANCE KARRAS, Postgraduate Fellow (from September, 2012) DEBRA DAVIS, Editor
Resigned from the Committee. v P R E P U B L I C A T I O N
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OCEAN STUDIES BOARD ROBERT A. DUCE, Chair, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas E. VIRGINIA ARMBRUST, University of Washington, Seattle EDWARD A. BOYLE, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge RITA R. COLWELL, University of Maryland, College Park SARAH W. COOKSEY, State of Delaware, Dover CORTIS K. COOPER, Chevron Corporation, San Ramon, California ROBERT HALLBERG, NOAA/GFDL and Princeton University, New Jersey H. TUBA ÖZKAN-HALLER, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon DAVID HALPERN, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California BARBARA A. KNUTH, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York GEORGE I. MATSUMOTO, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing, California STEVEN A. MURAWSKI, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg CLAUDIA BENITEZ-NELSON, University of South Carolina, Columbia JOHN A. ORCUTT, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California STEVEN E. RAMBERG, Penn State Applied Research Lab, Washington, DC ANDREW A. ROSENBERG, Union of Concerned Scientists, Cambridge, MA DANIEL L. RUDNICK, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California MARTIN D. SMITH, Nicholas School of the Environment Duke University, Durham, North Carolina PETER L. TYACK, University of Saint Andrews, United Kingdom DON WALSH, International Maritime Incorporated, Myrtle Point, Oregon DAWN J. WRIGHT, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, California JAMES A. YODER, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts Ex-Officio MARY (MISSY) H. FEELEY, ExxonMobil Exploration Company, Houston, Texas OSB STAFF SUSAN ROBERTS, Director DEBORAH GLICKSON, Senior Program Officer CLAUDIA MENGELT, Senior Program Officer KIM WADDELL, Senior Program Officer PAMELA LEWIS, Administrative Coordinator SHERRIE FORREST, Associate Program Officer HEATHER CHIARELLO, Senior Program Assistant LAUREN HARDING, Senior Program Assistant (until October 2012) CONSTANCE KARRAS, Postgraduate Fellow (from September 2012)
vi P R E P U B L I C A T I O N
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report was greatly enhanced by the participants of the meetings held as part of this study. The Committee would like to acknowledge the efforts of those who gave presentations at the committee meetings: Donald F. Boesch (University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science), Garret Graves (State of Louisiana), John Hankinson (Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force), Captain James Hanzalik (U.S. Coast Guard), Kathy Kling (Iowa State University), Jacqui Michel (Research Planning, Inc.), Paul Montagna (Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M Corpus Christi), Steve Picou (University of South Alabama). This report has been reviewed in draft form by individuals chosen for their diverse perspectives and technical expertise, in accordance with procedures approved by the NRC’s Report Review Committee. The purpose of this independent review is to provide candid and critical comments that will assist the institution in making its published report as sound as possible and to ensure that the report meets institutional standards for objectivity, evidence, and responsiveness to the study charge. The review comments and draft manuscript remain confidential to protect the integrity of the deliberative process. We wish to thank the following individuals for their participation in the review of this report: PAUL MONTAGNA, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi DONALD BOESCH, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Cambridge MERV FINGAS, Spill Science, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada JUDY MCDOWELL, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts GARRY PETERSON, Stockholm University, Sweden STEVE MURAWSKI, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg ROBERT DIAZ, Virginia Institute of Marine Science (retired), Ware Neck HEATHER TALLIS,Stanford University, California DAVID KARL, University of Hawaii, Honolulu KATHLEEN SEGERSON, University of Connecticut, Storrs MICHAEL ZICCARDI, University of California, Davis CHRISTOPHER M. REDDY, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts JÖRG IMBERGER, University of Western Australia, Crawley Although the reviewers listed above have provided many constructive comments and suggestions, they were not asked to endorse the conclusions or recommendations nor did they see the final draft of the report before its release. The review of this report was overseen by John J. Boland, Johns Hopkins University, appointed by the Divison on Earth and Life Studies, and David A. Dzombak, Carnegie Mellon University, appointed by the Report Review Committee, who were responsible for making certain that an independent examination of this report was carried out in accordance with institutional procedures and that all review comments were carefully considered. Responsibility for the final content of this report rests entirely with the authoring committee and the institution.
vii P R E P U B L I C A T I O N
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viii P R E P U B L I C A T I O N
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Ecosystem Services Approach
Chapter 3: Resilience and Ecosystem Services
Chapter 4: Oil Spill Response Technologies
Chapter 5: Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico
Chapter 6: Research Needs in Support of Understanding Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico
Appendix A: Committee and Staff Biographies
ix P R E P U B L I C A T I O N
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
The unprecedented volume, depth, and spatial scale of the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill created many enormous challenges for policymakers. Among these was the difficult task of restoring the ocean and coastal ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) to the condition they would have been in but for the spill. While multiple state and federal agencies had experience in the restoration of damaged natural resources, no agency had ever been faced with a spill affecting such a wide area and such a broad range of ecosystems. This report aims to answer the question: in what ways might using an “ecosystem services approach” help these agencies to achieve their mission, as mandated by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, of “making the environment and the public whole.” 1 The ecosystem services approach is different from traditional approaches to damage assessment and restoration (e.g., the Natural Resources Damage Assessment, NRDA) because it focuses not on the natural resources themselves, but on the valuable goods and services these resources supply to people. Taking an ecosystem services view can supplement traditional methods of assessing, or valuing, damage to natural resources by estimating flows of goods and services before and after an event. In addition, thinking in terms of ecosystem services would change the way that the public and agencies conceptualize and discuss restoring natural resources to their former condition. For example, if the goal is to restore the flow of ecosystem goods and services, how should restoration funds be spent? The ecosystem services approach is not a panacea, although the Committee believes it has great potential to improve natural resource damage assessment and restoration efforts. This report explores both the potential benefits, and the limits, of the ecosystem services approach in several ways. After explaining the conceptual basis for the approach and how it might add to current methods, the report examines the obstacles to application. To illustrate these broad discussions, the report includes several case studies. Together with the more general material, these case studies make clear that the ecosystem services approach will add value along several dimensions. First, by framing damage assessment and restoration as an ecosystems services issue, an ecosystem services approach can change the public’s perception of natural resources and the ways agencies manage for healthy ecological systems. One of the strengths of the ecosystem 1
15 C.F.R. § 990.30 (2012).
1 P R E P U B L I C A T I O N
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
services concept is that it highlights the ways in which healthy ecosystems support healthy economies. Second, as the report discusses in detail, building workable models for implementing an ecosystem services approach will require both better and novel efforts in collecting data about the interactions within ecosystems and the connections between ecosystems and benefits—both economic and nonmonetized types, such as cultural and spiritual. These efforts, in and of themselves, will contribute to public understanding of the relationships between humans and the environment; in addition, they will enable the public to inform policymakers about such relationships in the unique context of their own communities. One of the key facts central to this discussion is that communities depend on ecosystem goods and services to differing extents and in very different ways. Finally, if there is success in developing workable models for measuring natural resource damages in terms of ecosystem services, such models will facilitate the effort to make the public whole in the wake of future disasters. INTRODUCTION On April 20, 2010, an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) platform, which was drilling the Macondo well in Mississippi Canyon Block 252 in the GoM, killed 11 oil workers and injured 17 others, resulted in the largest oil spill in U.S. history, and inevitably impacted the ecosystem services of the GoM. An estimated 4.9 million barrels, ± 10 percent, (approximately 205.8 million gallons) of oil flowed from the wellhead following the explosion. 2 For context, this amount of oil represents approximately one-third of the nation’s daily consumption of oil. The DWH oil spill was unprecedented in both its magnitude (see Figure S.1) and the ocean depth at which oil was released, and the event captured the fears and concerns of the nation during the spring and summer of 2010. Recognizing the complexity of the spill and the potential of the consequences, members of the United States Congress requested a study by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to evaluate the impacts of the DWH oil spill on natural resources and ecosystem services in the GoM. The complete statement of task is given in Chapter 1.
According to McNutt et al. (2012), BP’s containment efforts captured approximately 800,000 barrels of oil before it reached the marine environment, making the total amount of oil to enter the water column closer to 4.2 million barrels.
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Figure S.1. Location of the Macondo wellhead and spatial extent of the DWH oil spill in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (Source: NOAA).
Supplying fish to markets, hunting wild game in coastal marshes, and marveling at the powdery white sand at the beach are just three examples of what an ecosystem can provide that people value and enjoy. Formally, ecosystem services are defined as “the benefits provided by ecosystems to humans that contribute to making human life both possible and worth living.” These services are the result of functioning ecosystems—the interactions of plants, animals, and microbes with the environment—and can be classified into four categories: x x x x
Provisioning services (e.g., material goods such as food, feed, fuel, and fiber); Regulating services (e.g., climate regulation, flood control, and water purification); Cultural services (e.g., recreational, spiritual, and aesthetic services); Supporting services (e.g., nutrient cycling, primary production, and soil formation). THE SETTING
The GoM is a highly productive marine ecosystem that is surrounded by the United States, Mexico, and Cuba. It is the world’s seventh largest peripheral sea, with a surface area of
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
1.51 million km2 and a volume of 2.4 million km3. The great habitat complexity in the GoM is thought to support the region’s high biodiversity, which consists of both endemic and cosmopolitan species. The GoM ecosystem is subject to a number of modern stressors, including habitat loss, overfishing, impacts of flood control on sediment supply, degraded water quality, and pollution resulting from activities such as oil and gas development. Harmful algal blooms and hypoxia frequently drive mobile animals from certain areas or decrease habitat suitability, and increasing coastal development and recent intense hurricanes have been destroying coastal habitats. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES AND IMPACTS FROM THE DWH OIL SPILL Given the scale of the DWH oil spill, the potential for disruption of ecosystem services in the GoM was significant. These services provide direct and indirect benefits to the 20 million people who live in the region; they support, among many other economic activities, one of the nation’s most productive commercial and recreational fisheries, a $50 billion tourism industry, and an energy sector that produces about 30 percent of the nation’s oil and nearly 20 percent of its natural gas. This report examines the impacts of the DWH oil spill on ecosystem services of the GoM, the ways in which an ecosystem services approach could help in remediating those impacts, and the challenges and limitations of applying the ecosystem services approach. The key to feasible application of the ecosystem services approach is the development of tools capable of establishing and quantifying causal links between the event, an injury to an ecosystem, the resulting decrease in goods and services provided by that system, and the cost of that decreased production of goods and services to individual communities and society at large. There are three kinds of obstacles to building and applying these tools. First, there is the difficulty in establishing a baseline measure of goods and services produced by the system just prior to the harmful event Simply put, one cannot assess damages—that is, the difference between conditions before and after the harmful event—if one does not know what they were before. Assuming that a baseline is established, a second major obstacle is the difficulty of developing a model that can fully predict the impact of the event on the ecosystem and provide defensible estimates of the costs of reduced goods and services production resulting from the release of a given amount and kind of pollutant (or any other human-induced stressor) into that ecosystem. While existing ecosystem models cannot do this, these models might serve as the basis for models that can. The third obstacle discussed relates to the relative values of various ecosystem services. Some ecosystem goods and services are more easily priced than others. For example, economists will have a much better idea of how to price a decrease in a system’s ability to produce fish for a commercial fishery than a decrease in the deep ocean’s ability to regulate nutrient transport to surface waters. And, even where we are able to measure services, policymakers will—due to resource limitations—have to prioritize among restoration options. The first case raises concerns that more-difficult-to-price services will be discounted or ignored
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
in decision-making; the second simply highlights an important limitation to the ecosystem service (or any) approach to damage assessment and restoration. RESILIENCE AND ECOSYSTEM SERVICES Ecosystems are subject to natural disturbances such as fires, floods, droughts, and disease outbreaks, as well as human-caused disturbances, including oil spills. Ecosystems are also subject to slowly changing long-term stresses, such as nutrient enrichment and changes in sediment supply, as observed in the GoM. These long-term stresses can affect the ability of the system to respond to a shock like the DWH oil spill. A resilience framework focuses attention on shocks (pulse disturbances), long-term stresses (press disturbances), and the response of complex systems to these shocks and stresses. Does a system recover slowly or rapidly from a shock? What factors within the system allow for more rapid and more complete recovery? Do attempts to stabilize certain components of systems lead to reduction in overall system resilience and greater potential for large changes? Considerations of resilience are especially important in systems that can undergo persistent and fundamental shifts in structure and function following disturbances (“regime shifts”). Increasing resilience can reduce the risk that the system will cross critical thresholds and undergo a detrimental regime shift. On the other hand, decreasing resilience can increase the probability of a beneficial regime shift. Understanding how to increase (or decrease) system resilience places a premium on knowledge of system dynamics, including feedbacks among system components as well as an understanding of uncertainty and variability in dynamic systems. Can factors that increase system resilience be identified and managed to increase the resilience of a system to a “desirable” state, or the inverse? System resilience can play an important role in maintaining conditions that promote the sustainable provision of ecosystem services that contribute to human well-being. However, a narrow focus on trying to stabilize complex systems to provide a constant flow of ecosystem services may reduce system resilience and increase vulnerability. An event like the DWH oil spill may disrupt service provision, but a resilient ecosystem will allow faster recovery so that service provision will return sooner rather than later or never. Although resilience is an important concept, much like the concept of ecosystem services, providing practical and specific advice to managers to “increase the resiliency of ecosystem services” is a difficult task at present. As noted above, managing resilience requires understanding the dynamics of complex and highly variable systems. Such understanding is often quite limited. Without such understanding it can be quite difficult in practical contexts to know how management actions affect resilience. Overall, the Committee concludes that resilience is a useful conceptual framework and provides important general guidance, but that it is often quite limited in its ability to provide specific recommendations to managers.
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
THE CASE STUDIES Due to time and space limitations, this report could not address all of the impacts of the DWH oil spill with respect to all ecosystem services of the GoM. Rather, the report illustrates these impacts through four case studies. The DWH oil spill impacted each of the four ecosystem service categories in the GoM—that is, provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting services. Some impacts were ephemeral, some persist, and many are under investigation or unknown at this time. The case studies apply the ecosystem services approach to key ecosystem services, consider how they may have been impacted by the DWH oil spill, examine methods for making baseline measurements, and explore the adequacy of existing baseline data for the GoM. Additionally, for each case study, we offer suggestions for additional measurements that can be made to enhance an ecosystem services approach to damage assessment. Wetlands The first case study is based on coastal wetlands in the GoM, which cover a large region in the Northern GoM. Half of the nation’s coastal wetlands are found along the GoM and, of these, approximately 40 percent are in Louisiana. Unfortunately, many wetlands were among the closest land points (only about 40 miles) from the Macondo well. Coastal wetlands, including salt marshes and mangrove plant communities, provide a wealth of supporting, regulating, provisioning, and cultural services that include maintenance of soil and sediment (shoreline stabilization), nutrient regulation and water quality, provision of food, recreational opportunities, and hazard moderation. In our wetland case study, we focus primarily on the regulating service of hazard moderation (specifically storm mitigation) to illustrate the opportunity that exists in using the ecosystem services approach when the underlying ecosystem science and the particular ecosystem service are well-known and supported by a rich literature. The ecosystem service of storm mitigation also benefits from having been monetized, in that the costs of storm damage and savings due to wetland buffers can be quantified. The value of ecosystem services for GoM storm protection is directly related to the total area of wetlands and to plant community composition. Consequently, change in total wetland area is the most direct and practical measurement of change in ecosystem services in Gulf Coast wetlands, typically measured by remote sensing by planes and satellites. Remote sensing is used to efficiently map, monitor, and detect changes in wetlands’ health and vegetation profiles, but verification of these changes at greater resolution by on-the-ground measurements is still needed. During the DWH oil spill, some 1,100 linear miles of coastal salt marsh wetland were impacted at some time during the event. Crude oil can smother vegetation by coating leaf surfaces and cause toxic effects, particularly the lighter fractions of the oil that are more water-soluble. The DWH-sourced oil was already weathered and rendered heavier by the time it
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
reached shore, so many of the impacts were associated with the weight of the oil breaking the stems of the plants; oil also coated the leaves and smothered plants and their roots. Oil spill cleanup can also have detrimental effects on marshes, including physical disturbance and compaction of vegetation and soil associated with cleanup activities. Consequently, many portions of the marshes were designated for “no further treatment” (allowing the oil to biodegrade over time) due to access, degree of oiling, and other considerations. The expectations for long- and short-term effects of oil fouling of marshes depend on the areal extent of the exposure and its magnitude. The overall impacts in the GoM wetlands can be summed up as follows: x x x x
Acute effects on marshes, where the biota is not expected to recover, appear to be confined to the edges of bays, canals, and creeks in a limited subset of the oiled wetlands. Where the vegetation has died in heavily oiled areas, and their root systems lost, there was erosion of sediment leading to the conversion of once productive marshland to open water. Subsequent tropical storm activity resulted in additional erosion of oiled marshes. Based on numerous studies that document a rapid recovery from oiling and a relatively low sensitivity of perennial marsh vegetation to hydrocarbons, GoM marsh vegetation can be expected to suffer little or no long-term impairment from the DWH oil spill in areas where roots and rhizomes survived the initial impact of oil fouling. If roots and rhizomes did not survive, the area will not recover on its own.
These impacts need to be viewed in the context of significant and continuing losses of wetlands in the GoM due to many other stressors, including subsidence, dredging of canals, salt intrusion, and sediment starvation. Fisheries The second case study relates to fisheries, a provisioning service that has a rich literature associated with its valuation and assessment. Fisheries in the GoM provide some of the most important and lucrative services through the production of seafood, industrial fish products, and recreational fishing. In recent times, this service has been seen as a good candidate for a holistic integration of management at an ecosystem scale that includes both ecological and human components. Although fisheries have been developing this integration through the promotion of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management, the approach does not yet consider ecosystem services as a guiding principle. Fisheries, however, offer many examples where human impacts on the ecosystem structure and ecological and economical productivity are regularly quantified. In this second case study we explore specifically a
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
provisioning service, the provision of seafood from the Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, we explore how the ecosystem services approach may help quantify the possible impacts of oil spills on seafood production. Some measure of the potential disruption to the provision of seafood from the spill can be visualized by examining the spatial extent of the fishery closures imposed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the aftermath of the oil spill and entry of oil into estuarine waters (Figure S.2). The closures were intended to limit the risk of harvesting contaminated seafood. However, the closures underestimated the spatial extent of potential fishery impacts, because fish can migrate through the spill area but be caught elsewhere and larvae that survive direct impacts from the spill may end up as juvenile fish in other regions. Still, by preventing fishermen from accessing resources, these closures alone decreased fishery landings in the GoM by as much as 20 percent, and created an immediate economic hardship to fishermen affected by the closures.
Figure S.2. Fishery closure imposed by NOAA to ensure seafood safety, effective on May 17, 2010. The precise areas closed changed daily as NOAA sampled seafood in the area and the geographical extent of the detected oil changed (Source: NOAA).
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Unlike many of the ecosystem services that are provided by the GoM, fisheries have long been researched, monitored, and evaluated quantitatively. Although this research has generally focused on how to best manage individual fisheries, it has also provided valuable insight into marine ecosystem processes and fisheries baselines. Unfortunately, impacts on fishery productivity from oil spills and other stressors are not as well-understood. Despite long-term studies and ongoing development of models, the ability to detect spatial and temporal differences in fishery productivity in the GoM is limited. Recent developments in fishery data collection, such as the introduction of vessel monitoring systems in the reef fish fishery of the GoM, could improve estimates of abundance. However, any mortality or reduction in individual fitness caused by the spill directly or indirectly may take years or, for some species, decades to transfer through the ecosystem and be observed. Much like the health and nature of fisheries, the value of fisheries in the GoM has long been considered, but available data may not provide a complete picture. Federal and state agencies charged with managing fisheries estimate the direct value of commercial fisheries to the fisherman with this straightforward formula: the dockside value of the catch (the amount that the fisherman receives) minus any expenses incurred to capture those fish. The methodology for evaluating the economic effects of an oil spill, like any other effect of pollution, on commercial fisheries is also relatively simple in concept. The economic costs of pollution are derived from either reduced production (due to dieoffs or fishery closures) or by a drop in consumer demand due to the perception of reduced fish quality or safety. As stated above, the immediate economic impact was a 20 percent drop in landings for 2010. Marine mammals Bottlenose dolphins were chosen as the third case study for numerous reasons that include their role in several categories of ecosystem services—regulating, supporting, and particularly cultural. This case study also allowed us to explore approaches to estimating the value of passive use and existence, a key, but difficult-to-establish, metric for cultural ecosystem services. While research is limited, more is known about bottlenose dolphins than virtually any other cetacean. The world’s longest-running study of a wild dolphin population, spanning five generations, is located in Sarasota Bay in the Eastern GoM. Bottlenose dolphins are capable of self-recognition, which ranks them highly on a cognitive scale. They are also apex predators, a role they share with humans, and play a role in regulating the GoM food web. As apex predators, the dolphins’ health and well-being serves as an important indicator of the health of the GoM and oceans in general. Their rank as the most studied and arguably the most popular and charismatic marine mammal makes them a centerpiece for conservation science, education, and eco-tourism. The hundreds of dolphins that have stranded in the GoM before, during, and especially after the DWH spill have stimulated considerable public concern, which speaks to our cultural needs and sensitivities regarding their “value” as an ecological resource and ecosystem service. If a determination is made that the recent mortality event is linked to the DWH oil spill, an opportunity may exist to establish a plan
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
that includes the protection and restoration of dolphin habitat as well as the reduction of dolphin mortality from human activities. The deep Gulf of Mexico Finally, the deep GoM was selected as the last case study in part because of its location with respect to the DWH blowout and spill. The deep sea was also selected in light of the increasing concern and risk posed by the energy industry as it works at the leading edge of engineering in the most poorly understood of the impacted habitats. The biota of the surrounding seafloor at 1,500 meters depth and of the water column through which a plume of hydrocarbons and dispersants flowed received the most immediate impact of the uncontrolled discharge. Sufficient knowledge of deep-sea processes and GoM-specific information is available to begin the process of identifying ecosystem services, considering the impact of the DWH oil spill, examining methods of measuring baselines, and identifying gaps in current databases. However, the area is so vast and sampling is so sparse that gaps in knowledge of the GoM deep sea inhibit our ability to apply an ecosystem services approach in a quantitative way. Delineating what we do and do not know about this extensive sub-region can be helpful for identifying relevant processes and uncertainties and thus directions for future investigation. Based on current understanding, the primary ecosystem services of the deep GoM generally fall in the category of supporting services. The deep GoM resupplies nutrients depleted during photosynthetic activity in the photic (where sunlight is available) zone. Given that the aphotic zone is vastly larger than the photic zone, the deep GoM provides these nutrients at a rate totally independent of the photic zone’s biological demand and is thus a very stable source of nutrients to overlying life. This stability provides the whole GoM with greater resilience. The regulatory service of pollution attenuation provided by the deep Gulf of Mexico is also an important service. For example, natural populations of deep-sea oildegrading bacteria digested a significant amount of the DWH oil. This ecosystem service is well-documented for shallow marine and intertidal environments, but was unknown for the deep-sea water column prior to the DWH oil spill. The release of crude oil from the Macondo well thus created a unique opportunity to study this phenomenon. THE OIL SPILL RESPONSE EFFORTS In addition to the impacts of the spill itself, the oil spill response techniques that were employed also had potential impacts on ecosystem services. The response efforts used following the DWH oil spill included the decision to allow or foster the natural breakdown of oil (natural attenuation), the use of chemical dispersants, in situ burning, and skimmers at sea,
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
as well as booms, berms, and hydrologic modification closer to shore to prevent spilled oil from reaching sensitive shoreline habitats. The techniques applied offshore—in situ burning, skimming, and dispersants in particular—were effective in significantly reducing the volume of oil before it came ashore. Estimates of the reduction range from 17 percent to as much as 40 percent. There was a great deal of public concern regarding the amount of dispersants applied and the novel subsurface application of the chemicals. However, the dispersants were effective in breaking up the oil both at the surface and in the water column, thereby making the oil much more available for biodegradation by hydrocarbon-digesting marine microbes. While a number of studies have shown dispersed oil to be toxic, especially to juvenile stages of many marine species, the dilution and mixing effects of the open ocean may have mitigated the toxic effects in the case of the DWH oil spill. The techniques applied near shore and onshore varied in their effectiveness, with the least effective being the construction of sand berms, due primarily to the timing and scale of the efforts relative to the oil distribution at the time. The report also discusses the cleanup operations for the oil that did make it to shore, including manual removal of oil, sand washing, and surf washing. The final analysis and assessment of impacts due to the response techniques will require the release of damage assessment data that are presently being analyzed, as well as future long-term monitoring data that may become available after this report is published. LOOKING AHEAD As the nation moves forward after the DWH oil spill, the substantial funding that is and will be available through the criminal and civil settlements offers an unprecedented opportunity to establish a comprehensive baseline and fundamental understanding of the GoM, a critical component of an ecosystem services approach. To fully implement an ecosystem services approach for the GoM, several key research needs must be addressed. First, there is a critical need for an overarching infrastructure for organizing and integrating the wealth of data that has been and will be collected in the GoM. This infrastructure will be needed to support comprehensive ecosystem models that can be used to evaluate the impacts of human activities on the ecosystem’s ability to provide services. The development of this infrastructure must engage the participation of the academic community, federal agencies, industry, and the public. Funding for this infrastructure and its maintenance will need to be stable and long-term. Second, although a substantial body of data exists to support a better understanding of ecosystem structure and function within the GoM, a comprehensive model that incorporates biophysical, social, and economic data for the GoM should be developed in the long term, while models for subcomponents of the GoM and its services are necessary in the short term. Data regarding socioeconomics and human dependencies
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
lag far behind. Integration of such data into social-ecological models is essential. For an ecosystem services approach to be successful, this issue needs be the focus of additional data collection going forward. Future research efforts must include both the collection and the synthesis of these data so that the appropriate models can include the full range of social and ecological impacts and be used to better inform our decision-makers. Third, research and management focused on resilience both in principle and in specific applications would be useful. Resilience provides a valuable conceptual framing for managing complex systems because it focuses attention on how systems are affected by shortterm disturbances and long-term stresses, such as hurricanes and wetland losses. Resilience may be increased through management decisions that incorporate the contribution of biodiversity and the connectivity that sustain and maintain ecosystems. Resilience can also be improved by adaptive management and by improving governance from local to regional scales to enhance the functioning of institutions and to improve social cohesion. Promoting the diversification of local economies will also improve the resilience of communities. However, obtaining adequate data for measuring the resilience of a social system is particularly difficult, because the state or “measure” of the baseline social system has not been identified or may continuously change. Still, efforts should be made to maximize our understanding of resilience in these systems. As with ecosystem services, there are tradeoffs; managing for the resilience of a particular service may reduce the resilience of another service. CONCLUSION There will be funding opportunities through multiple venues to achieve better preparedness before another event like the DWH oil spill in the GoM, but there must be coordination so as to foster innovation while not wasting funds, duplicating efforts, and causing harm. Communities and natural resource managers of the GoM face many challenges as they contemplate and select research priorities and restoration plans. Among these are helping stakeholders to consider how best to manage multiple ecosystem services across a diverse and large marine ecosystem. As many in the region have already realized, past decisions that were designed to enhance a particular ecosystem service in order to maximize a particular benefit—energy development, fisheries, or tourism, just to mention a few—have resulted in tradeoffs that diminished the capacity of other ecosystem services to deliver benefits. While the fines, penalties, and litigation outcomes will help to fund and further our scientific understanding of the GoM ecosystem and how it functions, policymakers and the public should consider potential tradeoffs as they set priorities and goals for restoring and strengthening their communities and the natural resources of the GoM. The ecosystem services approach is one tool that could be used during this deliberation to more fully capture the value of assorted services in the GoM.
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
1 Introduction
Hydrocarbon extraction generates economic benefits and environmental risks. The environmental risks of offshore hydrocarbon extraction were made readily apparent on April 20, 2010, when the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) platform drilling the Macondo well in Mississippi Canyon Block 252 (MC-252) exploded. In the aftermath of the explosion, an estimated 4.9 million barrels 1 (> 200 million gallons) of crude oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) over a period of 3 months, resulting in the largest marine oil spill and environmental response in U.S. history (Lubchenco et al., 2012; McNutt et al., 2012). In the time since the spill (more than 3 years at the time this report went to press), numerous commissions, committees, and panels have focused on the causes of the explosion, reviewed the immediate response procedures, and offered suggestions for changes in practice, policy, and regulatory regimes to help minimize the likelihood that a disaster like the DWH oil spill could happen again (Institute of Medicine, 2010: National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, 2011; NRC, 2011). Over this same time period, the academic research community, the private sector, and the federal government have embarked on a range of studies aimed at understanding the impacts of the spill on the environment, economy, and people of the GoM region (NOAA, 2012b). The spill also triggered a legal process—the Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA)—to assess the “injury” (defined as the observable or measurable adverse change in a natural resource or impairment of a natural resource service) and plan for restoration (see NOAA, 2012c). NRDA is designed to determine the extent of damage, to develop, implement, and monitor restoration plans, and to establish compensation for the costs of assessment and restoration from those deemed responsible for the injury. The ultimate goal of the compensation and restoration process is to “make the environment and public whole.” 2 The application of NRDA to oil spills is authorized under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, legislation that was created partly in response to an earlier environmental disaster, the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska.
According to McNutt et al. (2012), BP’s containment efforts captured approximately 800,000 barrels of oil before it reached the marine environment, making the total amount of oil to enter the water column closer to 4.2 million barrels. 2 15 C.F.R. § 990.30 (2012).
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
The procedures for implementation of the NRDA process were developed based on experience from spills that, at the time, had been of limited volume and constrained to relatively shallow waters. Under typical NRDA practice, losses are generally measured in simple ecological terms (e.g., number of acres damaged or number of fish killed) and restoration generally follows relatively simple equivalency approaches (e.g., acres of habitat restored or fish stocks replaced). In situations where sufficient pre-spill baseline data exist and where the oil spill was relatively minor, the assessment of impact can be straightforward (e.g., the income lost from the closure of a particular fishery) and compensation easily determined. However, for many other situations, the complex interconnections of the ecosystem are not well-understood and thus quantification of the full impact of the spill on all components of the ecosystem may be difficult, if not impossible. These challenges to the assessment of damages under NRDA increase with the spatial and temporal scale of the injury and the complexity of the ecosystems involved, making it more difficult to understand and account for the full range of ecological and societal impacts. The difficulty of quantifying the level of injury is further complicated when an event occurs in an ecosystem that is subject to other unrelated (to the specific event) natural and anthropogenic environmental changes. In these cases, the injury caused by a specific spill must be assessed relative to dynamic or shifting baseline data. The DWH oil spill was a large-scale event with impacts in the entire water column, from deep to shallow, and from open waters in the Gulf to coastal marshes and beaches. The ecology of the GoM system is complex and incompletely understood. It is also a highly dynamic system, with a number of natural and human processes causing changes that make for a constantly shifting baseline. All of these conditions make attribution of injury and recovery planning challenging. The interconnected nature of the coastal and marine ecosystems in the GoM makes it difficult to isolate injury to a single resource or single ecosystem process. Impacts tend to spread through the system because of physical processes, like currents that spread oil from place to place, and biological processes that carry pollutants through the food chain and, as with migrating waterfowl, potentially cause impacts far from the site of the oil spill. In addition, an understanding of social and economic processes is needed to translate how biophysical changes in ecosystems translate to injury to various segments of the public. Highly complex interconnected systems like the GoM require a more holistic view of ecosystems and the role of the people within them. Two concepts articulate this more holistic view: ecosystem-based management and ecosystem services. An ecosystem-based management approach takes into account the complexity of interactions within an ecosystem (including humans) rather than focusing on single resources or species in isolation (Christensen et al., 1996). Ecosystem-based management is also a central element in the recently released National Ocean Policy Implementation Plan 3 as well as an evolving theme in current fisheries management efforts in the United States (Sissenwine and Murawski, 2004). Ecosystem services are the benefits that
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the public receives from natural resources and the ecological processes provided by ecosystems (Daily, 1997; Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005a). Ecosystem services are produced as a result of the normal functioning of the ecosystem—the interactions of plants, animals, and microbes with the environment. Ecosystem services include provisioning services (the material goods provided by ecosystems—including food, feed, fuel, and fiber), regulating services (climate regulation, flood control, and water purification), cultural services (recreational, spiritual, and aesthetic), and supporting services (nutrient cycling, primary production, and soil formation). These services have immense value to society and are essential to the well-being of all people. The GoM provides a broad array of provisioning, regulating, supporting, and cultural ecosystem services. Coastal tourism (a cultural service), for example, has an estimated worth of $19.7 billion per year (National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, 2011). The wetlands and marshes of the Gulf region play a critical role in storm surge protection (a regulating service) as well as nutrient cycling and water purification (supporting services) and commercial fisheries landings (a provisioning service), which account for approximately 25 percent of the seafood provided by the contiguous United States (NMFS, 2010a). Additionally, the people of the GoM region and the nation as a whole also benefit from the vast hydrocarbon resources of the GoM which, in 2009, accounted for 29 percent of the total crude oil and 13 percent of the natural gas production in the United States (USEIA, 2010). The evolving understanding of human-ecosystem interactions, as articulated by ecosystem-based management and particularly the concept of ecosystem services, offers an opportunity to address some of the challenges inherent in assessing the impacts of an event like the DWH spill. By taking a more holistic view of ecosystem interactions and particularly by following these interactions through all relevant trophic levels and spatial connections to their ultimate impact on human well-being, an ecosystem services approach to damage assessment offers the opportunity to capture a more complete picture of potential impacts and a broader range of restoration options. This is particularly relevant to a spill the size, duration, depth, and complexity of the DWH oil spill, where oil and dispersants were released at 1,500 m depth into a relatively poorly understood deep-sea ecosystem that includes deep-sea corals and chemosynthetic communities (organisms that derive their energy from oxidizing inorganic molecules). Oil, dispersants, and dispersed oil then traversed through the water column, interacting with fish, marine mammals, and other organisms throughout the trophic web, making their way through the photic zone, with some ending up on beaches and in salt marshes. All this occurred in a region that has been subject to numerous other natural disasters (e.g., hurricanes) and human actions (e.g., levee construction for flood control, fertilizer application, etc.) that have created dynamic baselines from which to estimate the impact of the spill. Never before has the United States faced a spill of this magnitude or with the potential to impact all trophic levels of such a complex and dynamic ecosystem. To completely understand and quantify the impact of this spill will require a thorough understanding of the interactions and linkages between and among the various components and processes of these ecosystems
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and their ultimate impact on human well-being. Recognizing these unique and unprecedented aspects of the DWH oil spill and the associated complexity of the task of assessing damages, Congress requested that the National Academy of Sciences evaluate the effects of the DWH oil spill on the ecosystem services of the GoM. A Committee was established in January 2011 and charged with addressing the questions posed in the following Statement of Task: Statement of Task 1. What methods are available for identifying and quantifying various ecosystem services? What are the spatial and temporal scales conducive to research, that provide meaningful information for the public and decision-makers? 2. What methods and types of information can be used to approximate baselines (but-for-thespill) for distinguishing effects on ecosystem services specific to the spill? 3. What kinds of valuation methods are appropriate for measuring ecosystem services over time with regard to recovery under the following approaches: natural processes, mitigation, and restoration efforts? What baseline measures are available that would provide benchmarks for recovery and restoration efforts? 4. What ecosystem services (provisioning, supporting, regulating, and cultural services) were provided in the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem prior to the oil spill? How do these differ among the subregions of the Gulf of Mexico? 5. In general terms, how did the spill affect each of these services, and what is known about potential long-term impacts given the other stresses, such as coastal wetland loss, on the Gulf ecosystem? 6. How do spill response technologies (e.g., dispersant use, coastal berm construction, absorbent booms, in situ burning) affect ecosystem services, taking into account the relative effectiveness of these techniques in removing or reducing the impacts of spilled oil? 7. In light of the multiple stresses on the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem, what practical approaches can managers take to restore and increase the resiliency of ecosystem services to future events such as the Deepwater Horizon Mississippi Canyon-252 spill? How can the increase in ecosystem resiliency be measured? 8. What long term research activities and observational systems are needed to understand, monitor, and value trends and variations in ecosystem services and to allow the calculation of indices to compare with benchmark levels as recovery goals for ecosystem services in the Gulf of Mexico?
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Sixteen Committee members were selected, representing a broad range of backgrounds and expertise (ecology, geology, geophysics, microbiology, fisheries, veterinary medicine, economics, environmental law, environmental engineering, biological oceanography, marine chemistry, biochemistry, human dimensions of natural resource management, and benthic and coastal habitats). Since its initial meeting in late January 2011, the Committee held six meetings and public information-gathering sessions. The Committee was charged with producing an Interim Report (NRC, 2011) and this Final Report. The Interim Report focused primarily on the first three tasks and was designed to offer early guidance to federal agencies involved in the NRDA and restoration efforts. To address these tasks, the Interim Report provided an overview of the unique physiographic, oceanographic, and ecological components of the GoM and the range of habitats that make up the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem. It then introduced the generic concept of ecosystem services and an “ecosystem services approach” for estimating the impact of an event like the DWH oil spill, contrasting this approach with the current NRDA process and its use of habitat or resource equivalency as a means for “making the environment and the public whole.” These equivalency approaches were designed to help overcome the challenges involved in estimating harm to natural resources, and thus have become, in effect, surrogates for estimating how to make the environment and the public whole. By and large, they focus on estimating the implicit value of an injured habitat or organisms rather than on their ultimate value to people. In taking an equivalency approach, there is the potential to miss some contributions of the ecosystem to human well-being and miss or underestimate longer-term impacts. Another difficulty with equivalency approaches is that they do not readily address the human dimension, at least not in a quantitative manner. It is for this reason that equivalency approaches can fall short of making the public whole. One way to help alleviate this issue is through an ecosystem services approach since it can accommodate inclusion of the human dimension. On the ecological side, an ecosystem services approach may also expand the array of possible restoration projects by designing novel ways (independent of lost habitats or resources) to restore the loss of ecosystem services. The critical question of what it really means to make the environment and the public whole (and the tradeoffs associated with these decisions) is further addressed in Chapters 2 and 3 of this final report. The Interim Report also introduced approaches for establishing the baseline ecosystem measurements needed to understand the damages caused by the spill and highlighted key parameters that have been or should be measured in the GoM to understand the state of the ecosystems, and the services they provided, before the DWH oil spill. As explained in this final report, depending on the ecosystem service being addressed, there are vast differences in the amount and quality of data available. This fact, combined with the dynamic (and already degraded) nature of many of the ecosystems in the GoM, make the establishment of pre-spill baseline levels from which to judge the impact of the spill one of the major challenges of any approach to damage assessment. In the last chapter of the Interim Report, the committee explored the process of estimating the impact of an event like the DWH oil spill on several ecosystem components (wetlands and fisheries) through the use of ecological production functions (models that capture
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
a mechanistic understanding of how changes in ecosystem parameters impact ecosystem services) and then discussed economic approaches (market and nonmarket) for quantifying the monetary value of the ecosystem service. The Interim Report offered specific illustrative examples of several types of measurements that would augment and complement standard NRDA measurements and facilitate the application of an ecosystem services approach to estimating the impact of the DWH oil spill. In closing the Interim Report, we also acknowledged that while an ecosystem services approach offers great potential for a more complete and realistic estimate of both short- and long-term impacts of an event like the DWH oil spill, the approach is still very early in its development and there are many challenges to its implementation, the most serious of which is an incomplete understanding of the complex interactions of most ecosystems—i.e., the lack of fully comprehensive ecosystem models. In the time period between completion of the Interim Report and this final report, many thousands of additional samples have been taken and analyses completed, addressing the issue of the impact of the DWH oil spill on various components of the GoM ecosystem. While many of the results of these analyses are still not public due to the ongoing NRDA process and the time necessary to complete the studies, peer-reviewed publications are beginning to appear, allowing the committee to arrive at a clearer and better-documented picture of some of the short-term impacts of the spill. In addition, a greater understanding of the nature of ecosystem services in the GoM is evolving. In this context, Chapter 2 of this report revisits the concept of ecosystem services and the ecosystem services approach to damage assessment, addressing the first two statements of task. More importantly, the challenges of implementing an ecosystem services approach in the GoM are explored in more detail. In particular, (1) shifting or dynamic baselines in the GoM; (2) the lack of complete or validated ecosystem models that capture the full complexity of ecosystem interactions in the GoM; and (3) understanding tradeoffs related to restoration choices in making the public whole. Each of these challenges is significant, yet despite them, the Committee still concludes that an ecosystem services approach has much to offer. Chapter 3 addresses the concept of resilience (the capacity of a system to rebound from disturbances) in the context of ecosystem services and outlines the challenges faced by managers in attempting to restore or increase the resilience of the ecosystem services in the GoM (Task 7 of the Statement of Task). The consideration of resilience can provide a useful framework for the management of complex systems like the GoM, an area prone to major disturbances such as hurricanes. This is especially relevant where the goal of management is to maintain the provision of valuable ecosystem services. However, there are difficulties associated with measuring resilience and potential legislative barriers in implementing resilience-based management strategies. The magnitude, scale, and depth of the DWH oil spill led to the application of many response technologies at scales never before attempted, including the input of 1.8 million gallons of chemical dispersants (Federal Interagency Solutions Group, 2010), applied both at the surface and at 1,500 m depth. Chapter 4 offers a comprehensive overview of the response technologies used during and after the DWH oil spill. The chapter examines their effectiveness and considers their potential impacts on ecosystem services of the GoM (Task 6). None of the
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response technologies could be expected to be 100 percent effective, and each has limitations and potential impacts on ecosystem services. In this context, Chapter 4 also explores the concept of using Net Environmental Benefit Analysis and “influence diagrams” to evaluate the risks versus the benefits of using different technologies. To bring the discussion of ecosystem services in the GoM into focus, Chapter 5 expands on the information provided in the Interim Report regarding the specific ecosystem services provided by the GoM (and thus addresses Tasks 1 through 5). In doing so, ecosystem services in the GoM are characterized within a geospatial context and a description is given of how ecosystem services vary as a function of scale and in response to changes in physical and environmental setting. Some of the documented impacts of the DWH oil spill on the ecosystem services of the GoM are outlined in four case studies that offer examples of the opportunities and challenges of using an ecosystem services approach to damage assessment. The four case studies presented in this chapter (wetlands, fisheries, marine mammals, and the deep sea) were chosen to provide examples of how an ecosystem services approach may be applied to assessing the impacts of the DWH spill on several key ecosystem services in the GoM. They represent a range of conditions with respect to the amount and utility of available data, our fundamental understanding of the functioning of the subcomponents of the ecosystem they represent, the value of the services in market and nonmarket terms, and the range of the impacts of the spill on the services. For each of these case studies, we identify key ecosystem services, consider how they may have been impacted by the DWH oil spill, examine methods for making baseline measurements, and explore the adequacy of existing baseline data for the GoM. Additionally, for each case study we offer suggestions for additional measurements that can enhance an ecosystem services approach to damage assessment. As such, they serve as exemplars of how an ecosystem services approach can add to our ability to capture the full impact of an event like the DWH oil spill and, at the same time, illustrate the challenges faced in attempting this approach. The Interim Report and this Final Report identify many areas where data collection or a fundamental understanding of system processes are lacking, highlighting the need for additional research to take full advantage of the potential that an ecosystem services approach offers for damage assessment in the GoM. Chapter 6 discusses how to address gaps in knowledge and/or data. To accomplish this, it reviews the post-spill actions that led to a series of legislative directives regarding response activities and a remarkable level of increased funding aimed at both GoM-related research and restoration. The DWH oil spill focused national and international attention on the environmental implications of a deep-water drilling accident. The magnitude, depth, and breadth of the spill challenged all those responsible for responding and providing for restoration. New approaches were developed “on the fly” for the response (Lubchenco et al., 2012). Additional new approaches may be needed to fully understand both the impacts and to make the environment and the public whole. Drilling in the deep Gulf of Mexico started in 1975, yet our understanding of the ecosystem in which this drilling is taking place is still not at a level where the impact of an accident on the people of the region, and perhaps the nation, can be predicted. The last catastrophic spill, the Exxon Valdez spill of 1989, prompted the Oil Pollution Act,
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
which was intended to address many of the important issues raised by the Exxon Valdez spill. The DWH oil spill differs in many important respects from the Exxon Valdez spill (e.g., Exxon Valdez spill was in shallow water from a tanker that impacted coastal and rocky beaches in a cold environment). Many of the lessons learned from the Exxon Valdez spill are not necessarily applicable to a spill in the deep GoM. Lessons learned from the DWH oil spill eventually may work their way into new legislation. Perhaps more forward-thinking systematic actions could put society in a better position to react the next time a disaster strikes. The Committee hopes this broader message has been heard and that this report can, in some way, contribute to new efforts focused on developing the appropriate levels of understanding and suites of tools needed before the next disaster occurs.
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
2 The Ecosystem Services Approach
An approach to damage assessment that fully takes into account the impact of an event on all aspects of human well-being—an ecosystem services approach—can improve efforts to remediate the damage to natural resources caused by events such as the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill. This approach has promise in the two phases of remediation: assessment of the damage and restoration. In the area of assessment, conceiving of resources as part of systems that supply valuable goods and services to people provides a different way of measuring losses—that is, in terms of changes in the flows of those goods and services. With respect to restoration, an ecosystem services approach can expand the menu of restoration projects used to put the public owners of the resource in the position they were in prior to the harmful event. In this chapter, we first explain the concept of ecosystem services and summarize the various definitions of the term that have been developed in an extensive literature. Next, we discuss the role of “ecological production functions” in producing ecosystem services and the challenges of assigning an economic value to ecosystem services, such as uncertain and dynamic baselines for ecological and human components of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) ecosystem, impacts of multiple stressors, inadequacies of data and modeling tools, and the challenges of “making the public whole” in response to system disturbances such as the DWH oil spill. These ideas are further explored in Chapter 5, where we take a more detailed look at ecosystem services specific to the GoM and use four case studies to explore how current and expanded impact studies can be used to enable an ecosystem services approach to damage assessment. The chapter provides an overview of the steps required to translate the concept of ecosystem services into practical tools that can aid in remediation efforts, and explores three major obstacles to building and applying these tools. First, in order to assess damages, one needs to establish a baseline measure of goods and services produced by the system just prior to the harmful event; but differences in the pre- and post-spill state of the GoM ecosystem are difficult to establish because the pre-spill state is not fully known. Associated with this challenge is the added complication of dynamic or shifting baselines. Assuming that a baseline is established, a second major obstacle is the difficulty of developing a model that can provide defensible estimates of the full impact and costs of reduced goods and services production resulting from the release of a given amount and kind of pollutant (or any other human-induced stressor or stressors) into the ecosystem. Existing ecosystem models are capable of measuring some, but not all, of the complex and 21 P R E P U B L I C A T I O N
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
intertwined social-ecological impacts of an event like the DWH oil spill; however, these models might serve as the basis for models that can. The third obstacle relates to the relative values of various ecosystem services. Some ecosystem goods and services are more easily priced than others. For example, economists have a much better idea of how to price a decrease in a system’s ability to produce fish for a commercial fishery than a decrease in a system’s ability to provide socio-economic stability to small, rural communities. And, even where we are able to measure services, policymakers will—due to resource limitations—have to prioritize among restoration options. The first case raises concerns that more-difficult-to-price services will be discounted or ignored in decision-making; the second simply highlights an important limitation to the ecosystem service (or any) approach to remediation. We conclude that the key to feasible application of an ecosystem services approach is the development of tools capable of establishing and quantifying causal links between the event, an injury to an ecosystem, the resulting decrease in goods and services provided by that system, and the cost of that decreased production of goods and services to individual communities and society at large. WHAT ARE ECOSYSTEM SERVICES? Society benefits from a wide variety of resources and processes that are provided by ecosystems. These benefits are known as ecosystem services, and are produced as a result of the functioning of an ecosystem—the interactions of plants, animals, and microbes with the environment (NRC, 2011). There is a rich and evolving literature on ecosystem services offering a variety of definitions (e.g., Barbier, 1994; Costanza et al., 1997; Daily, 1997; de Groot, 1987; de Groot et al., 2002; Ehrlich and Mooney, 1983; EPA, 2009; MEA, 2005; NRC, 2005a; TEEB, 2010; Westman, 1977; Wilson and Carpenter, 1999). The common thread through all of these definitions is the concept of a relationship between ecosystems and the value humans derive from them. In 2000, the United Nations commissioned the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) to summarize the current status and future conditions of biodiversity and ecosystems, and to describe the consequences of ecosystem change for human well-being, including secure livelihoods, social cohesion, security, and freedom of choice and action (MEA, 2005). The MEA defines ecosystem services as “the benefits provided by ecosystems to humans, which contribute to making human life both possible and worth living” (MEA, 2005). Moreover, the MEA defines explicit categories of ecosystem services, including: x Provisioning services (e.g., material goods such as food, feed, fuel, and fiber); x Regulating services (e.g., climate regulation, flood control, water purification); x Cultural services (e.g., recreational, spiritual, aesthetic); and x Supporting services (e.g., nutrient cycling, primary production, soil formation). P R E P U B L I C A T I O N
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
The Ecosystem Services Approach
These service categories are now widely accepted and form the basis for the discussion of ecosystem services throughout this report. When applied to the GoM, discussions of ecosystem services must take into account the geographic, oceanographic, ecological, and social context of the GoM. Details of the GoM ecosystem and the regional context for the GoM were presented in the Interim Report prepared by this Committee (NRC, 2011). APPLYING THE ECOSYSTEM SERVICES APPROACH Measuring the impact of human actions on the environment—either intentional actions brought about by a policy or management change, or unintentional actions, like an oil spill—requires an understanding of three important linkages: environmental impacts, ecological production functions (i.e., models for ecosystem interactions), and valuation (Figure 2.1). The first question that must be considered when implementing an ecosystem services approach is: What are the impacts of decisions and disturbances (whether or not caused by humans) on the structure (composition, physical, biological, and social organization) or on the basic functioning (interaction of humans, plants, animals, microorganisms and their environment) on the social-ecological systems? Second, how do these changes in the structure and function of ecosystems lead to changes in the potential provisioning of ecosystem services? An important step in this process is underpinned by developing ecological production functions. Harm to ecological production functions may lead to reductions in the ability of the ecosystem to generate ecosystem services. And, because most ecosystems have the ability to “right” themselves from harm, an attribute termed resilience, it is important to determine the strength of that ability when response and other management actions are taken. We discuss the importance of resilience in natural systems such as the GoM ecosystem and, in particular, its relevance to the DWH oil spill in Chapter 3. The third linkage, shown in Figure 2.1, is how changes in the provisioning of ecosystem services affect human well-being, and how the value of those changes can or should be estimated. Economic valuation is sometimes used to estimate the value of ecosystem services in monetary terms. Summing up the estimated values across all individuals affected by a change in services can identify the overall societal value that is impacted by the change in the ecosystem. However, the values of some ecosystem services are difficult to measure in monetary terms. It is not necessary to measure all ecosystem services in monetary terms to be of use in decision-making (Polasky and Segerson 2009). Aspects of these three linkages are illustrated below.
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Figure 2.1: The three important links from human actions to human well-being through ecosystems: 1) environmental impacts, 2) ecological production functions, and 3) valuations (adapted from NRC, 2005a; 2011).
Environmental impacts, NRDA, and ecosystem services In the United States, the legal context for measuring environmental impacts of certain oil or chemical spills is defined through the Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) process and implemented under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, a topic discussed in the Interim Report (NRC, 2011). The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is one of several federal and state groups involved in the NRDA process; additional details on the status of their efforts can be found at NOAA (2012a). 1 NOAA has a three-phase approach to NRDA: 1) pre-assessment; 2) restoration planning; and 3) restoration implementation.
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
The Ecosystem Services Approach
The phases and methods are generally described in the applicable regulations 2 and in NOAA’s Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program (DARRP) guidance documents (Huguenin et al., 1996; Reinharz and Michel, 1996) (Figure 2.2).
Figure 2.2: Illustration of the Damage Assessment Process. Source: NOAA, 2012c.
Those charged with representing the public in an assessment of the damages from an oil spill (the Trustees) first need to determine if a pathway exists between the releases of contaminants or response actions (e.g., oil, dispersants, or stranded boom in tidal marshes) and potential impacts. Once that is established, that group will then move on to the restoration planning phase. The restoration planning phase includes injury assessment and scoping for appropriate restoration projects, including soliciting public input. After the injury is quantified and the appropriate amount and types of restoration activities are identified, a final restoration plan (in some cases, multiple plans) is implemented and monitored for success. Emergency and early restoration actions can occur prior to injury quantification and implementation of a final restoration plan(s) (NOAA, 2012c). Under current NRDA practice, injuries to natural resources and losses are generally measured in ecological terms (e.g., number of acres damaged or number of fish killed) and restoration generally follows relatively straightforward equivalency approaches (e.g., acres of habitat restored or fish stocks replaced). These equivalency approaches can be applied to the DWH oil spill (NRC, 2011; NOAA, 2012b). Since the DWH oil spill, numerous studies under the NRDA process have focused on better understanding the impact of the oil spill on the GoM ecosystem (NOAA, 2012b). Many thousands of samples and observations have been, and continue to be, taken and analyses are underway; some of the results are published, while others are not yet public. 2
15 C.F.R. § 990 (2012).
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Certain impacts may not become apparent until well into the future, if at all. Yet, against this backdrop, the government is legally obligated to conduct a timely assessment of the damages associated with the event. 3 In the Interim Report (NRC, 2011), the Committee discussed the potential advantages of using an ecosystem services approach to damage assessment for the DWH oil spill and suggested possible mechanisms for its use within the existing NRDA process. For example, for the ecosystem service of hazard moderation (through reduction of storm surges) provided by wetlands, it was suggested that damage assessment sampling should include documentation of plant type, height, and density as well as estimates of the vegetation likely to experience salt burn and dieoff, measurements of the areal extent of wetlands harmed, and estimates of the ability of wetlands to recover with and without human intervention. Such a suite of measurements would then allow the determination of an ecological production function that could relate the plant height, density, and areal extent to wave energy reduction. This approach focuses not only on the restoration of damaged resources (as per current damage assessment practice), but also on establishing and maintaining the usefulness of those resources to the public. It is this broader view that may be particularly applicable to an event of the magnitude and complexity of the DWH oil spill, which is the focus of this report. Ecological production functions An important underpinning of an ecosystem services approach is the ecological production function (Box 2.1). In simple terms, an ecological production function
BOX 2.1 Ecological Production Functions Production functions are tools used by economists to describe how inputs can be transformed into outputs. A production function gives the feasible output of goods and services that can be produced from a given set of inputs. For example, what is the maximum amount of steel (output) that can be produced from a given amount of iron ore, energy, machinery, and labor (inputs)? The notion of production functions applied to ecological systems has a long history in agricultural economics (e.g., crop yield functions) and resource economics (e.g., bioeconomic modeling of fisheries and forestry). Production functions have also been applied recently to the provision of ecosystem services (e.g., NRC, 2005a; Barbier, 2007; Daily et al., 2009; Tallis and Polasky, 2009). An ecological production function specifies the output of ecosystem services generated by an ecosystem given its current condition. Changes in ecosystem conditions, either from natural disturbances such as hurricanes or from human disturbances such as an oil spill, can alter the amount and quality of the various ecosystem services supplied. For example, degradation of coastal marshes may reduce protection from storm surges and reduce nursery habitat for fish, in addition to other service losses.
represents the chemical, physical, and biological processes or elements that work collectively to provide the service that is valued by people. 3
15 C.F.R. § 990 (2012).
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
The Ecosystem Services Approach
For some ecosystem services, ecological production functions are fairly wellunderstood and data exist that can be used to quantify the amount of a service provided. A good example of a fairly well-understood and well-studied ecosystem service is carbon sequestration in the biomass of terrestrial ecosystems, particularly forests. The U.S. Forest Service collects data on biomass in forests by stand age and tree species for different areas of the country (Gan and Smith, 2006). These data, along with knowledge of the carbon ratio in biomass, can be used to calculate carbon sequestered in forests. In marine systems, production function approaches have been used to study the productivity of fisheries as a function of ecosystem conditions (Barbier, 2000; Barbier, 2003; Barbier and Strand, 1998; Barbier et al., 2002; Ellis and Fisher, 1987; Kahn and Kemp, 1985; Lynne et al., 1981; McConnell and Strand, 1989; Parks and Bonifaz, 1994; Sathirathai and Barbier, 2001; Swallow, 1994) although there is far greater uncertainty in the functional relationship between habitat conditions and fishery productivity. The Interim Report (NRC, 2011) provided some examples of the data and analyses required to establish ecological production functions for different resource categories, expanding upon the basic NRDA approach to include information about key ecosystem services. Additional examples of production functions and the types of data required to characterize them are provided in the case studies detailed in Chapter 5. Valuation: current understanding of the value of ecosystem services As illustrated in Box 2.1, ecological production functions can be used to estimate reductions in ecosystem services. A challenge arises in attempting to quantitatively determine the impact of reductions in ecosystem services on human well-being. Economists often do this through a process that attempts to determine the monetary value of ecosystem services. The most fully developed approach for valuing ecosystem services comes from economics. Economic analysis of ecosystem services can generate estimates of the value of services in terms of a common (monetary) metric. An economic analysis provides decisionmakers with clear comparisons of the benefits and costs of alternative choices. Given preferences, the value of an ecosystem service can be measured in terms of what the individual would be willing to give up to get more of the ecosystem service. By measuring what an individual is willing to give up in terms of a monetary metric, or “willingness to pay,” the economic approach to valuation generates measures of the relative value of goods and services. Valuation of ecosystem services does not need to be in monetary terms. This is simply a useful and well-recognized approach to quantify the willingness to trade one thing for another. For goods and services that are traded in markets, an individual’s willingnessto-pay, or price, for a marginal change in the good or service is reflected in an individual’s demand curve. Aggregating across all individuals who purchase the good or service generates an estimate of societal value of the good or service. A fundamental assumption of this approach is that individuals have well-defined and stable preferences. Most ecosystem services, however, are not directly traded in markets, so the direct approach to estimating value via observing market transactions is not possible. P R E P U B L I C A T I O N
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Environmental economists have developed a set of approaches for nonmarket valuation that are applicable for estimating the value of many ecosystem services. These methods have been widely applied to value such things as carbon sequestration (Tol, 2009), water quality improvements (Johnston et al., 2005; Smith and Desvouges, 1986), wetlands (Boyer and Polasky, 2004; Woodward and Wui, 2001), and endangered species (Richardson and Loomis, 2009). Nonmarket valuation methods have been discussed extensively in Champ et al. (2003), Freeman (2003), NRC (2005a), EPA (2009), TEEB (2010), and in Chapter 4 of the Interim Report (NRC, 2011) with regard to their application to valuing ecosystem services. In the case of the DWH oil spill, what is of primary relevance in applying the valuation approaches is to estimate the value of the change of ecosystem services attributable to the oil spill. It should be noted that there are critics of these economic approaches to valuation. Some psychologists, for example, question the assumption that people have well-defined, stable and consistent preferences that they bring to decision-making. A body of work in both psychology and behavioral economics has documented systematic departures from classic assumptions of rational behavior (e.g., Ariely, 2009; Kahneman and Tversky, 1979). A body of experimental evidence suggests that people often construct their preferences when called upon to make decisions and are therefore sensitive to the context and framing of decisions (e.g., Lichtenstein and Slovic, 2006). Sociologists question the central focus on individuals and individual decisions, which they posit does not give proper consideration to how values are shaped by larger groups, norms, and culture. Despite these criticisms and the fact that other approaches to valuation do exist, virtually all valuations of ecosystem services to date have used the economic approach to quantify values. 4 Obstacles to Application of the Ecosystem Services Approach Thus far, we have focused on discussing the elements of an ecosystem services approach, illustrated in Figure 2.1, and the potential benefits of using this approach for assessing damages resulting from an event like the DWH oil spill. The approach has the potential to capture a more holistic picture of impacts on the ecosystem and on human wellbeing, and thereby provide a more realistic view of the overall range of damages, as well as the potential to increase the number of restoration options. We now examine the challenges of applying this approach to the GoM and DWH oil spill. The Interim Report (NRC, 2011) briefly identified some of the major challenges to application of the ecosystem services approach. In the following section, we address three major challenges in detail, with particular focus on the GoM and the DWH oil spill: (1) shifting baselines of physical, chemical, and biological processes and socio-economic conditions; (2) the lack of completed or validated comprehensive models for application of the ecosystem services approach for measuring impacts of the DWH spill on the GoM and
See U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Science Advisory Board (2009) for a review of both economic and noneconomic approaches.
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
The Ecosystem Services Approach
dependent human communities; and (3) deciding how to make the tradeoffs that may be necessary in applying an ecosystem services approach to the DWH oil spill. Establishing the baseline The quantification of the effects of, and recovery from, an event like an oil spill are difficult, particularly when they must be measured against a changing marine environmental background (NRC, 2003; Peterson, 2001; Spies et al., 1996; Wiens, 1995). The baseline includes or may include the fact that recovery from a prior disturbance is underway and that this must somehow be taken into account in determining the pre-spill status in assessing damages. Assessing initial damage from the acute effects of the spill, especially those of socioeconomic importance, is difficult, but assessing recovery is perhaps even more challenging. Recovery is further removed in time from the acute phase of the damage, and thus may be occurring in a different environmental and socio-economic framework (and location) than that existing at the time of the accident. Figure 2.3 provides a simplified illustration of how stressors on an ecosystem, in this case a salt marsh, may result in short- and long-term changes in the system and ultimately in the services it provides. Under Scenario A, baseline ecological services are produced at a variable rate over time, but that variability falls within a range that is likely dependent on factors that influence the ecological production functions and the resilience innate to the system. After a major stress to the system—Hurricane Katrina, for example, in the case of the GoM—two outcomes are likely: the level of services under Scenario A continues, but is reduced; or the impact from another stressor like the DWH oil spill provides additional stress that the system is unable to withstand, as in Scenario B. Under both scenarios, it is possible that ecosystem services will decline and, depending on conditions that influence the underpinning ecological production functions, may or may not recover to their original level over time. Other potential outcomes of the type of stress rendered by Hurricane Katrina and the DWH oil spill include Scenario D, where restoration and response actions enable the system to recover, but not to the baseline condition; and Scenario C, where restoration and response actions are highly beneficial to the extent that the ecosystem services have recovered and are back to levels similar to those found prior to the two major stressors. One of the important aspects illustrated by Figure 2.3 is that it shows the importance of pre-stressor monitoring data. Without such pre-event monitoring, it would be difficult to isolate the impact of the spill as well as to determine the success of the restoration actions.
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Figure 2.3: Hypothetical baseline of an ecosystem (salt marsh) service pre- and post-DWH oil spill and possible recovery responses. Baseline A is the hypothetical trajectory in the absence of the spill. Trajectory B is a hypothetical negative response to DWH, while D is a hypothetical positive response. Trajectory C is the possible response following restoration. Source: Committee
To quantitatively assess recovery from a spill event requires either a well-designed Before and After Control Impact (BACI) approach, or an approach that compares measurements of the environmental variable of interest along a gradient of perturbation (Wiens, 1995). This gradient can be across space or time. One must be certain that, when numbers of organisms are being compared for assessment of recovery, attributes such as age or reproductive potential are taken into account. For example, in marine birds, young, inexperienced animals do not have the same value to the population as experienced, breeding adults. The natural variability inherent in estimates of populations introduces considerable uncertainty in assessing impact and recovery following major stressor events such as oil spills or loss of habitat. Confidence limits in excess of 20 percent of the mean size are typical in wildlife censuses (Geissler, 1990). Such variability in the estimated mean makes it certain that population changes will be difficult to detect without a high degree of replication spatially and temporally before and after an event. More importantly, under some circumstances estimates of recovery based on the population returning to a “window” of natural fluctuation could minimize the time to true recovery. If there are no data to implement a BACI approach, it may be possible to compare suitable data on the measurable parameters during and immediately after the spill to any suitable long-term database that may provide evidence of change in relatively well-monitored ecosystem components (e.g.,
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
The Ecosystem Services Approach
the long-term fisheries data collected by NOAA Fisheries, marine mammal surveys, and sea turtle surveys). Determining the spill impacts on social structure and its recovery is equally difficult in the context of changing baselines. Economic conditions outside the control of a community, such as fuel prices, may constrain the ability of the community to harvest fishery resources unless they are sufficiently abundant to cover the cost of fuel. Therefore, a reduction in the abundance of fishery resources associated with a spill may make harvesting economically infeasible. There may be underlying trends of economic stressors that may mask or compound the impact of stressors that resulted from the DWH oil spill. For example, following the DWH oil spill, the federal government imposed a moratorium on deep-water drilling pending further study on blowout prevention and response. It was reported that, during this time, deep-water drilling vessels and parts of the service fleet and logistics industry moved to Brazil to operate. 5 Such vessels and other equipment would not likely return to the initial location immediately after expiration of the moratorium. It will take more than a few years to determine the long-term economic impacts of the DWH spill on this sector. During this time, a global economic effect (e.g., oil embargo or new discoveries of oil elsewhere worth exploring) could readily shift the “average” baseline. Models and data needs As briefly discussed in the Interim Report (NRC, 2011) perhaps the most notable challenge to our ability to apply an ecosystem services approach to the GoM is the lack of comprehensive models for assessing conditions in the GoM. These computer models, or simulations, are needed to better understand the potential impacts associated with the DWH oil spill on GoM ecosystem services. Ideally, a thorough ecosystem services approach would be based on a mechanistic understanding of, and model for, the complex linkages and interdependencies of the ecosystem being studied, socio-economic factors, and the linkages of the natural ecosystem processes to sociological processes that represent the local coastal communities and the broader U.S. and global economies. Such a model would allow for predicting the provision of ecosystem services given the state of the ecosystem (i.e., the ecological production functions). The generation of such a model requires either a comprehensive empirical database (from which interactions can be derived and predicted) or a thorough theoretical understanding of the complex interactions of the system—both of which are currently lacking. An ongoing challenge is that the data collected under the NRDA process are not always the most appropriate for developing a basic understanding of variability in biological and other processes. This understanding is essential for developing appropriate ecosystem models for the GoM.
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
An example of a thorny modeling issue: multiple stressors Multiple stressors often affect ecosystems, populations, or communities, and present extra challenges to those tasked with understanding the impacts of stressors on the ecosystem (Ferenc and Foran, 2000). For instance, a Louisiana bay or wetland may be subject to changes in salinity due to freshwater diversions, eutrophication due to excess nutrients, changes in inorganic nutrient regimes, or changes in turbidity with wind-mixing. Being able to determine the effects of oil on these ecosystems is complicated by these and other stressors. The northern GoM and especially the Louisiana coast are experiencing relatively rapid sea level rises compared to other locations in the world (Donaghue, 2011). This is due to a combination of global (eustatic) sea level rise superimposed on (a) the sediment-limited and extensively manipulated Mississippi River deltaic system and (b) an isostatically sinking continental margin. Factors such as regional fluid withdrawal and sediment compaction are also thought to contribute to the relative sea level rise (Walker et al., 1987). The net result is a dramatic transition of estuarine habitats, the natural resources they support, and the human communities that depend upon them. Multiple or single stressors may also be cumulative over time. For instance, the sediment contaminant levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from produced water discharges in inshore and offshore waters represent the discharge of these materials over many years (Rabalais et al., 1992; 1998). Also, while the range of exposure of sediments and fauna to PAHs produced from waters around oil platforms on the continental shelf of the GoM may be limited to the periphery of the production platform, the cumulative effect of many such discharges may be more concerning. Likewise, although a pulse of high nitrate-nitrogen loading from a freshwater diversion into a salt marsh may seem to stimulate above-ground biomass, longer-term exposure endangers below-ground root biomass, leading to its subsequent decomposition and eventual erosion (Darby and Turner, 2008; Deegan et al., 2012; Turner, 2011). Stressors may include socio-economic factors that would create variability around a baseline that is a goal for recovery. The coastal county population of the GoM was approximately 14.2 million in 2010 (NOAA, 2013a). Between 1960 and 2008, the Gulf coastline counties had seen an increase in population of over 150 percent (Wilson and Fischetti, 2010). Increases in population are not uniform across the landscape. Human populations are also shifting as more individuals move from flood-prone areas to higher elevation. Shifts in population, socio-economics, and the ability of human communities to provide adequate support for new populations with new needs can interact as stressors that might affect the baseline sought for “recovery” of social systems. These coastline populations receive considerable economic benefit from the GoM, as evidenced by an estimated employment of over 6.2 million people in the region in 2010 6. Many important ecosystem services are now threatened by multiple stressors on the functions and processes of natural ecosystems. Oil and gas development currently has the greatest economic value in the GoM ecosystem (NOAA, 2011a) through its extraction, transportation, and transformation into 6
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
The Ecosystem Services Approach
petroleum-based products. Fisheries, both commercial and recreational, are the most valuable, marketable living resource produced by the GoM system. In 2011, the market value of the catch from commercial fishing was worth $818 million just off the vessel; the value of the fish increases as it moves up through the value chain and is processed and sold at retail. In 2011, some 3 million recreational anglers took 23 million fishing trips in the GoM, worth $9.8B in terms of sales impacts (NOAA, 2013b). Seafood from the GoM also supports artisanal and subsistence fishing, although data on these activities are rare or nonexistent. It is clear that many local communities, especially in the North-Central GoM coastal region, depend on a combination of energy-related economic development and natural resource harvesting. These economic pursuits often support and supplement harvesting, but also are antagonistic due to the environmental impacts on fisheries by the energy sector in the GoM. As the fortunes of the oil and gas development and production industry wax and wane in the northern GoM, the economies of many coastal communities follow suit. Similarly, as the economic viability of fishing fluctuates, communities may switch employment opportunities or suffer the same economic declines as the fishery resources. This is explored further under the topic of community resilience in Chapter 3. The northern GoM social-ecological system that was impacted by the DWH oil spill is also subject to multiple external forces over which the region has, in reality, little control. There is a suite of global and domestic economic forces that impact the region. These include fluctuating fuel prices, an influx of imported goods such as cultured shrimp, and the loss of social services through federal and state budget cuts. These forces represent a further challenge to a social structure that depends on healthy, functioning ecosystems for food, jobs, well-being, and a sense of identity. An episodic impact, such as the loss of 5 acres of salt marsh and its ecosystem services is more easily quantifiable, and the baseline more obvious, than a suite of interacting chronic impacts amid a shifting set of baselines further influenced by global market forces. As we have noted in this section, baseline conditions within the GoM, or any ecosystem for that matter, change over time. This presents a challenge to those who are attempting to parse out the natural variability in a system from the potential impacts associated with stressors originating from the DWH oil spill. One way to help alleviate some of those challenges is to have models that can approximate biotic and abiotic conditions in the system and then used to understand how stressors impact the system and the services it can provide. As discussed in the following section, models are being developed that might be able to help in this regard. Existing models Over the last 15 years, marine ecosystem models have been developed with a variety of purposes, but, more recently, attempts have been made to use these models to evaluate the consequences of external events on the dynamics of ecosystems. Ecosystem models can be used to study and predict future changes in the ecosystem because direct experimentation on the ecosystem is seldom possible, especially when the ecosystem considered is large and has open boundaries such as the ecosystem of the GoM. Few of the existing marine ecosystem
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
models have been developed with the objective of enhancing an understanding of the dynamics in a holistic ecosystem services approach; however, many of them are useful to evaluating a particular subset of services. The following paragraphs discuss some of the models developed to support management of marine ecosystems and how they might be used to support an ecosystem services approach. We first look at models that were designed for fishery applications, and then at others aimed at modeling broader segments of marine systems. Fishery ecosystem models (FEMs) Fishery Ecosystem Models (FEMs) are distinct from purely ecological ecosystem models in that they consider not only the biological components of the ecosystem but also the fishery, which includes a human component. The structure of a FEM reflects the priorities of fishery managers and includes harvest activities. Thus the monitoring and management process related to fisheries is included in the model, but components representing other marine industries often are ignored. FEMs allow researchers to narrow the set of possible hypotheses that one can test when an ecosystem is disturbed by the actions of humans. Although typically these disturbances are related to the possible cascading effects of increases or declines in harvests (Fulton, 2010), they also can be disturbances of the type caused by direct and indirect mortality resulting from pollution (Yanez-Arencibia and Day, 2004). By reducing the set of possible hypotheses, these models can help in the design of studies that will collect the necessary data to more precisely estimate the effects of pollution on future fishery and ecosystem productivity. In that regard, they also can help in the development of effective responses to oil spills (Freire et al., 2006). Although the ability of these models to predict the precise magnitude of changes is still questioned (Butterworth and Plagányi, 2004), they have been shown to be useful in predicting the direction of change and the order of magnitude of the change, and have been used recently to inform management decisions related to fisheries ecosystems (Fulton et al., 2007; Fulton, 2010). One type of FEM, Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) is a modeling framework that integrates a wide range of biological and fisheries dynamics for multiple species and functional groups (biomass pools) over long time periods, using a trophic mass-balance approach (Christensen and Walters, 2004). Although designed as a FEM, EwE has been used for addressing many aspects of marine ecosystem dynamics, including analyses of oil spill impacts from the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in the Prince William Sound ecosystem (Okey and Pauly, 1999). Oil spill effects can be represented as both direct mortality events on susceptible biomass pools and as bioaccumulation of oil-related contaminants, using EwE’s Ecotracer routine (Christensen and Walters, 2004). EwE models have been developed at three spatial scales within the GoM: (1) bay-estuary (Rosado-Solorzano and Guzman Del Proo, 1998; Vega-Cendejas and Arreguin -Sanchez, 2001); (2) regional shelf (Arreguin-Sanchez and Manickchand-Heilman, 1998; Arreguin-Sanchez et al., 2004; Okey et al., 2004); and (3) basin (Walters et al., 2008). Within the context of the DWH event, EwE could at least serve to identify the components of the model ecosystem most likely to be affected by the oil spill.
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
The Ecosystem Services Approach
Whole-ecosystem models Atlantis is an ecosystem modeling framework with sub-models that simulate oceanography, ecology, fish population dynamics, fishing fleet dynamics, economics, fisheries stock assessments, management decisions, and exploitation (Fulton et al., 2004a, 2004b; Fulton et al., 2011). Atlantis provides a detailed model of higher trophic level dynamics, fisheries, and socioeconomics, which may allow the impacts of spills like the DWH to be traced all the way to the human impacts. The Atlantis model is driven by strong oceanographic data that could be used for projecting the distribution of oil following a spill in the GoM. The model can also interface with finer-scale and more detailed models applied to some components of the ecosystem. Plaganyi (2007) found that Atlantis is the best wholeecosystem model currently available for evaluating the management strategy for marine ecosystems, in part because its modular structure allows great flexibility in modeling a range of ecosystems. However, one significant limitation of the current model is that modelers cannot apply a sensitivity analysis to show how the uncertainty in the output of the model can be attributed to different sources of uncertainty in its inputs. There are several integrated models capable of modeling the joint provision of multiple ecosystem services. These models have been developed primarily for terrestrial systems (e.g. Kareiva et al., 2011), but some models also have been applied to coastal and marine systems. One integrated model built specifically for coastal and marine ecosystems is the Marine Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (Marine InVEST). Marine InVEST is a flexible tool that is spatially explicit, can be run at different levels of complexity to account for different data availability and knowledge of the system, and maps the provision and value of multiple ecosystem services as a function of social and ecosystem conditions (Guerry et al., 2012). The model has been applied in a variety of sites, including Mobile Bay, Alabama and Galveston, Texas as well as the West Coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, and Belize. Marine InVEST is designed primarily for use with coastal ecosystems and does not yet model deep sea ecosystem services. The model currently includes the ability to assess habitat susceptibility to various environmental stressors, wave energy, aquaculture, coastal protection, coastal erosion, aesthetic quality, and a simple fisheries model; soon-to-be-released modules will cover water quality, shellfish, wind energy, recreation, and tourism. Further applications allow for valuing ecosystem services when tradeoffs are made—for example, differences in construction for rebuilding a barrier island intended for wave surge protection versus one developed for tourism. The Multi-Scale Integrated Models of Ecosystem Services (MIMES) were developed to fully account for several relevant factors that contribute to human well-being, including built, social, and natural capital. These are conceptually complex, spatially explicit models that were created by the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics at the University of Vermont. 7 MIMES is a suite of simulation models that are designed to quantify the implications of human uses in the natural environment. These models integrate socioecological relationships, analyses, strategies, and policies to comprehend the links and 7
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
interdependencies that exist between complex subsystems. The five subsystems are: atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and “anthroposphere” (human habitats), which constitute an integrated approach to assess the capacity of complex systems to deliver a healthy stream of benefits to people. The Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services (ARIES) tool constitutes a suite of applications that maps concrete, spatially explicit beneficiaries of ecosystem services and quantifies their demand for each service. 8 ARIES is a modeling platform, rather than a single model or collection of models, delivered to end users through an online Web tool. The ARIES approach is to map benefits, beneficiaries, and service flows to allow managers and conservationists to visualize, value, and manage the ecosystems on which the human economy and well-being depend. By accounting for biophysical flows of ecosystem services across the landscape, ARIES can link marine and terrestrial habitats. For example, ARIES is being used to model flows of sediment, nutrients, and freshwater from land to near-shore ecosystems, allowing users to model changes in provision of marine ecosystem services based on changing land use practices in Madagascar (Wendland et al., 2010). In addition, ARIES has been implemented in several project sites located in America, Europe, and Africa. Application of marine ecosystem models to GoM services While each of the models described above offers some potential for providing critical insight into the impact of an event like the DWH oil spill on the ecosystems services of the GoM, the ability of a model to accurately predict outcomes is a function of the degree to which the model captures the physics and complex interactions of a particular ecosystem, including human communities, and the accuracy of the data used to parameterize the model. Data needed to parameterize ecosystem models to the GoM typically come from published data (e.g., Collins et al., 1983; Leidy and Jenkins, 1977; Leidy and Plosky, 1980) from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) databases such as the NMFS recreational fishery statistics, 9 NMFS Fishery-Independent Survey System, 10 NMFS Southeast Data Assessment and Review (a fishery stock assessment process), 11 as well as from the expertise of those who live and work in the GoM. Additional data on the ecosystem produced by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) consortia 12 and the NRDA process are likely to facilitate implementation of these models for the GoM. Input from stakeholders will also be necessary, so that the models correctly capture the most important components of the system that are relevant to them. Nevertheless, baseline data may be insufficient. One of the limitations of the ecosystem services approach is the lack of socioeconomic data needed to implement a more robust and complex understanding of the human dependencies on natural systems. Although models exist to explore some of these dependencies and the capacity of systems to provide a healthy stream of benefits to citizens 8 10 11 12 9
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
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(e.g., InVEST models, 13 and MIMES 14), no comprehensive model has been developed that integrates the biological, physical, and socio-economic dimensions, and data are often lacking on social aspects of the system such as the multi-generational linkages described earlier. Emerging ecosystem models, such as Atlantis, could be modified to support an ecosystem services approach, because such models include both shallow and deep-water components of the ecosystem, chemical and physical processes, and certain components of human dimensions. There is currently an effort led by the University of South Florida, the University of Miami, and NOAA to develop such a model for the GoM with the purpose of evaluating fishery management strategies. 15 The model can be thought of as a snapshot of the best currently available information about the fishery ecosystem of the GoM. Current model implementations, including the one being developed for the GoM, however, fall short of considering all ecosystem services. The Marine InVEST group of the Natural Capital Project consortium 16 (a consortium of institutions developing tools for facilitating the inclusion of natural capital into policy and business decisions), including the Nature Conservancy, began implementing the InVEST models of ecosystem services in the Galveston Bay area in early 2012. This project is developing methods for assessing nature-based and engineered adaptation solutions to climate change. The project is funded by the Climate and Societal Interactions Program of NOAA. Although there are no structural impediments to it, there have not been any applications of the MIMES nor of the ARIES models to ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico. Thus, while several ecosystem models under development are relevant to the GoM, none of them incorporates all of the relevant processes describing the dynamics of the provision of ecosystem services in the GoM. Lack of a comprehensive model for the GoM ecosystem remains a major challenge to the ecosystem services approach as well as fuller application of the NRDA process to the DWH spill. The models presented above, however, are appropriate for the evaluation of the impacts of the DWH spill on various subsets of ecosystem services. Until a more comprehensive model for the GoM is developed it will be necessary to consider an approach that uses multiple models to assess changes in ecosystem services of the GoM related to the DWH oil spill. Outside-the-model obstacles to the ecosystem services approach We can think of the ecosystem services approach as a lens that allows us to view natural systems in a different way: as sources of services and goods for people (Figure 2.4). Use of the lens conceptually deconstructs each natural system into a set of ecosystem services and goods. Deconstructing the natural system into its component services and goods can provide insight into the value of the natural system. Identification of the goods 13 15 16 14
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Figure 2.4. An example (a salt marsh) of a natural system viewed as resource of services and goods via an ecosystem services approach. Source: Committee
and services provided by the natural system can also change the way we think about approaches to making the public whole when natural systems have been damaged. Figure 2.4 helps illustrate some high-level problems inherent in using an ecosystem services approach to remediation. These problems are not intractable; rather, we denote them as high-level because they are problems that will arise even if we can develop effective methods to identify baselines and to model the linkages between impacts and costs. In this section, we highlight three issues. First, as noted in Figure 2.4 in the valuation question related to the ecosystem service of “community stability,” some services are difficult, if not impossible, to measure. We describe this broad category of services as “indirect benefits” and provide examples of these benefits as they were brought to our attention by community representatives from around the GoM. The important point is that, even though a service may be difficult to measure, it may still have enormous value. Policymakers should take steps to ensure that difficult-to-measure, but important services are given adequate consideration in decision-making processes. Second, even assuming we can measure the value of all services, policymakers will still be faced with evaluating difficult tradeoffs among restoration options. Resources are limited, and choices may have diverse impacts on different sectors of the public in different
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
The Ecosystem Services Approach
regions. Finally, using an ecosystem services approach to restoration can raise concerns about replacing nature with man-made substitutes. Policymakers should be clear that using such substitutes is not an objective of the ecosystem services approach, but rather a last resort—that is, an option to be employed only where there is no other way to make the public whole. Indirect benefits Economic metrics can be used to evaluate many types of ecosystem services, but are not effective at measuring the value of important services such as the contribution of a healthy ecosystem to the social stability of rural communities. The relationship between ecosystems and communities is particularly relevant throughout the GoM region. Many coastal communities depend on access to the GoM ecosystems and the diverse services they provide, including the economic benefits that result from oil and gas exploration and the extraction and production of hydrocarbons. It is also important to note that populations and communities are themselves diverse and the perceptions of these ecosystem services can vary greatly and consequently influence their value and utility at quite local scales. The result of these interactions over generations is a social-ecological fabric underpinned by the GoM and its multitude of ecosystem services. Hence it is not unexpected that impacts to these services would also translate, directly or indirectly, into impacts on the social-ecological fabric of this region. This is explored further in Box 2.2 below.
Box 2.2 Additional Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on Coastal Communities in the Gulf of Mexico The Gulf region comprises diverse human communities, each with its own cultural dynamics and values, and each reliant on a suite of cultural, provisioning, regulating, and supporting ecosystem services in the Gulf. Ecosystem services, such as fisheries, not only provide commercial and recreational value, but also are integral to the lives of people within these communities. Many traditions and lifestyles of Gulf residents are based on their relationship with the waterways and land around them that have defined their way of life for generations. Because these contributions are often difficult to evaluate and quantify, they may be overlooked when assessing the impacts of disasters like the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill. th
At a public session of the Committee’s 5 meeting held on April 25, 2012 in Mobile, Alabama, the Committee heard a series of presentations by invited community leaders and representatives on the impacts of the DWH oil spill. In addition to the direct economic effects, many of the presenters discussed lifestyle changes that the spill has imposed on their communities. Natalie Bergeron, Executive Director of Project LEARN–LaTerre in Chauvin, Louisiana, defined “lifestyle” as a “composite of motivations, needs, and wants … influenced by factors such as culture, family, reference groups, and social class.” Bergeron further stated that lifestyle is “expressed in both work and leisure behavior patterns, in activities, attitudes, interests, opinions, values, and allocation of income” and “reflects people’s self-image or self-concept: The way they see themselves and believe they are seen by others.”
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
She explained that jobs in the bayou communities, which in large part include shrimping, crabbing, oyster harvesting, and charter fishing, are intertwined with the cultural history, values, and ultimately, the overall lifestyles of the people in these communities. Many fishing enterprises, particularly in the shrimping industry, are family operations that were severely impacted by the fisheries closures in the Gulf. Closures not only affect people who make a living catching fish, but also impact other members of the community who benefit from fishing activities. As part of the social fabric of many small coastal communities, fishermen and fisherwomen routinely set aside a portion of their catch to share with community members in need—the elderly, the disabled, and the unemployed. This seafood provides much of the protein in the diets of these individuals and families, and the closures forced these people to spend a larger portion of their very limited income on other sources of protein. Bergeron also reported that the market for Gulf seafood remained depressed since the DWH oil spill due to low demand and the public perception that Gulf seafood was not safe. She concluded by emphasizing that the spill’s impacts compounded existing stressors on the communities such as limited access to employment, adequate housing, health care, and education. Maryal Mewherter, representing the United Houma Nation, described the tribe’s historical reliance on Louisiana’s coastal environment for food, materials for handicrafts, traditional medicine, and other cultural practices. These include weaving marsh grasses into baskets, making jewelry from fish scales and seashells, and collecting assorted medicinal plants and mosses. The United Houma Nation also relies on commercial fishing as the “economic foundation” of their community. In reference to the DWH oil spill, Mewherter stated that, “[w]ith fishing being a fundamental component of tribal living, the cultural impacts of this disaster on our indigenous communities are difficult to assess.” She emphasized the point that cumulative impacts—from multiple hurricanes, the recent global economic downturn, loss of wetlands due to erosion and subsidence, and the DWH oil spill— have collectively imposed severe challenges to the way of life of tribal members. As with the other bayou communities, the oiling of the wetlands and the fishery closures greatly reduced the tribe’s ability to be self-sufficient in feeding themselves and generating income from traditional crafts and medicines. One of the primary challenges facing the Houma Nation is the land loss in the coastal wetlands; families and villages are being displaced, and available land further inland and at higher elevations is limited. While wetland loss is a historic and ongoing challenge, the DWH oil spill is seen as an exacerbating factor. The Houma Nation also struggles to influence both state and federal agencies—especially in the development of land use policies and restoration efforts in the wetlands and barrier islands in the Gulf. Mewherter ended by pointing to a tribal crest bearing the image of the red crawfish, which serves as the war emblem of the Houma tribe and is an identifying symbol within the Houma community, another example of how significant local resources are to the tribe’s culture. Khai Nguyen, a business development counselor for the Mary Queen of Viet Nam Community Development Corporation, highlighted the impacts of the DWH oil spill on the local Vietnamese-American community. According to Nguyen, many of the first Vietnamese settlers in the region arrived in 1975 as war and political refugees after the conclusion of the Vietnam War. They were, in large part, from three fishing villages in Northern Vietnam, and found the New Orleans area of Louisiana attractive because of its similar climate and proximity to rich fishing grounds. In addition to serving as a basis for supporting their families, both in the United States and back in Vietnam, the Gulf fisheries provide the local Vietnamese-American community with subsistence catch. As with the other coastal communities, Vietnamese-American fishers historically have saved a portion of their catch to feed their families and their neighbors, as well as to trade for vegetables and other farm products with the gardeners in their community. Nguyen stated that many of the local VietnameseAmerican people have sought compensation for their loss of subsistence since the DWH oil spill, but without proof of subsistence use, they found it nearly impossible to succeed with their claims. Still, Nguyen says that the “fishermen are willing to go through the process to stand up for their way of life.”
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
The Ecosystem Services Approach
As with the other communities, the fishery closures and subsequent loss of income forced a number of Vietnamese-Americans to apply for social services for the first time in their lives. Facing these difficulties and others, many Vietnamese-American fishers have reiterated their commitment to see their children acquire better education and new opportunities in different fields. In contrast to the previously mentioned presentations that focused on the loss of coastal and marine ecosystem services and subsequent community impacts, the presentation by Jackie Antalan, Director of Building Lasting Organizations in Communities, Inc., and a family services advocate on behalf of rural African-American communities, focused on the impacts of the DWH oil spill response and cleanup on inland communities. According to Antalan, nearly 40,000 tons of oil and dispersantladen debris from the spill cleanup efforts were dumped in nine rural landfills across Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. Public health concerns were primarily two-fold: air quality (volatiles from the oiled debris were detectable in many neighborhoods) and contamination from the oil and dispersants leaching from the debris in these dumps into local water tables and supplies. Antalan asserted that a significant percentage of the debris was sent to dumps in communities with predominantly African-American, Latino, and Native-American populations. Secondary to the public health concerns was the lack of communication between the DWH oil spill’s responsible parties and public sector agencies involved in the cleanup efforts with the impacted communities. The lack of communication led to the perception among these communities that their fears and concerns—real or perceived—were not being acknowledged nor addressed by local and regional officials. Collectively, these presentations highlight some of the pressing challenges affected communities face that are difficult to measure and address following a disaster of the magnitude of the DWH oil spill. The loss or degradation of ecosystem services results in income losses, but also losses in community self-sufficiency, sense of identity, and independence. The fact that several of these communities engage in traditional but not commercial transactions in providing or sharing resources is an example of how typical quantitative economic impact metrics may be inadequate in capturing the real value of the transaction or its loss. It is also clear that the communities that are particularly reliant on the ecosystem services of the Gulf are as vulnerable as the Gulf ecosystem itself. Just as estimating the impacts of the DWH oil spill on the diverse suite of ecosystem services in the Gulf presents challenges, so does estimating the impacts of the spill on these diverse Gulf communities and their traditions, cultures, and values.
By definition, ecosystem services are linked to human well-being through the regulating, provisioning, supporting, and cultural services they provide. Figure 2.5 (MEA, 2005), “depicts the strength of linkages between categories of ecosystem services and components of human well-being that are commonly encountered, and includes indications of the extent to which it is possible for economic, social, and technological factors to mediate the linkage. The strength of the linkages and the potential for mediation differ in different ecosystems and regions. In addition to the influence of ecosystem services on human well-being depicted here, other factors including other environmental factors as well as economic, social, technological, and cultural factors influence human well-being.” Thus, ecosystem services provide both direct and indirect benefits to humans, which in turn collectively contribute to the various human systems that support social cohesion, security, adequate livelihoods, individual and community health, and ultimately freedom of choice and action in pursuing a lifestyle of choice.
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Figure 2.5: Linkages between ecosystem services and human well-being. Source: MEA, 2005.
When events occur that disrupt or interfere with the normal functioning of ecosystems, ecosystem services may be impaired. This potentially can cause both short- and long-term harm, and loss of benefits to the individuals and communities that depend on those services (see also Adger, 2000). Understanding and quantifying the nature and level of these impacts is a difficult and complex task, but one that is essential for establishing the appropriate procedures for recovery, restoration, and management, and when applicable, for seeking compensation for damages caused. This latter point is particularly relevant to the ongoing NRDA process being undertaken by state and federal natural resource agencies and described in the Interim Report (NRC, 2011). Considering Tradeoffs in an Ecosystem Services Approach The goal of the NRDA process is to “make the environment and the public whole for the injuries to natural resources and services” (NOAA, 1996). Disturbances to ecosystems such as the DWH spill lead to changes in ecosystems and the provision of at least some services in some locations for some period of time. This is true even if the ecosystem eventually fully recovers. Recovery that aims to “make the environment and the public whole” will therefore necessarily involve evaluating tradeoffs. Is restoration that involves increases in ecosystem services provision in the future, perhaps involving a different mix of P R E P U B L I C A T I O N
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
The Ecosystem Services Approach
services and provided in different locations, sufficient to offset the damages to ecosystem services? The question of “benefits for whom” further complicates issues of making the public whole. For example, mitigation efforts that restore ecosystem processes and enhance provision of services in a different location from damages caused by disturbance can generate benefits for other communities that are distinct from the set of communities negatively impacted by the disturbance. Assessing whether recovery efforts are adequate to make the environment and the public whole is easiest when ecosystem conditions and services are restored as close as possible to original conditions. The success of restoration can be determined by comparing ecosystem condition and service provision with pre-disturbance levels. As discussed above, baseline conditions may not have been accurately measured or may be continually changing, which complicates setting the goal for restoration. Restoration efforts may then aim for restoring proximal ecosystem conditions such as equivalent amounts of “healthy marsh habitat” under the hypothesis that restoring such conditions will lead to full restoration of pre-disturbance service provision. The traditional approach under NRDA has been to restore equivalent acres of habitat, populations of species, or other resources known to have been harmed. However, it may not be possible to restore pre-disturbance conditions, or at the very least, doing so will take time. Large-scale disturbances to ecosystems can cause fundamental shifts in ecosystem processes that can make it time-consuming, resource intensive, or in some instances impossible to recover pre-disturbance conditions (see the discussion of resilience in Chapter 3). In this case, restoration efforts may by necessity aim to replace ecosystem conditions in other locations or replace damaged services via other means, raising questions about what are adequate replacements to “make the environment and the public whole.” Ecosystems provide multiple services that benefit a range of groups in society. For example, coastal ecosystems provide fish and shellfish, recreational opportunities, aesthetic beauty, habitat for species, storm protection, carbon sequestration, and other services. Ecosystem services cannot be simultaneously maximized; as one service is optimized, other services may be reduced or lost (Holling and Meffe, 1996). Tradeoffs inevitably must be made in deciding which ecosystem services to restore or made more resilient, even with the influx of research and resources of the scope committed to the GoM region since the DWH oil spill. Dynamic societal objectives combined with heterogeneous human communities make selecting or predicting the highest priority services difficult. Ecosystems services tradeoff decisions often show a preference for provisioning services first, then regulating, cultural, and supporting services in that order (Pereira et al., 2005), potentially disadvantaging human communities dependent on cultural services. Even if a set of preferred ecosystem services could be agreed upon, no one service is likely to benefit all people equally; often there will be disconnects between where the benefits are experienced and where the costs are borne (Carpenter et al., 2009). Inherently, the distribution of benefits will be determined based on a wide variety of variables, including but not limited to spatial dimensions such as the geographic proximity to the ecosystems providing the services and temporal variables (Rodriguez et al., 2006) (see also Chapter 5). For example, in the case of fisheries, those in the fishing industry in the GoM are likely to be the most immediate beneficiaries of a recovered fishery, but fishery product consumers across the globe may also benefit. The benefits associated with storm P R E P U B L I C A T I O N
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
mitigation from wetlands, on the other hand, are almost entirely determined by one’s geographic position relative to the specific GoM wetland that has been maintained (or degraded or lost). From a practical perspective, it is important to consider who will reap the benefits and who will endure the costs associated with particular ecosystems services. Identification of primary stakeholders associated with each service identifies what incentive they have to either support or oppose restoration efforts. More importantly, however, it allows decisionmakers to consider whether or not particular groups or communities are being fairly or disproportionately harmed or enriched. Use of an ecosystem services approach raises a potentially problematic question about what it means to “make the environment and the public whole.” For example, suppose that a coastal wetland that provided coastal protection for a community is damaged and restoration efforts are directed to build a seawall for that community that provides equal coastal protection. In this case, the particular ecosystem service has been replaced and it could be argued that the community has been made whole. This argument, however, makes many stakeholders nervous. Policymakers should be clear that in employing an ecosystem services approach to remediation the goal is not to replace the lost natural system with a set of constructed replacements or a long-term period of payment to users for the lost ecosystem service value. Rather, the objectives should be framed in a much more limited manner. Replacement projects for services will not “make the environment whole” but may be appropriate where there is no feasible way to restore natural systems and where the replacement is acceptable to the public. It will often be the case that the restoration of natural systems is not feasible even in a world of unlimited resources, due to our inability to clean or reconstruct ecosystem components such as salt marsh or benthic habitats. If this is the case, it is better to implement a publicly acceptable project that restores lost services rather than denying any compensation to the public simply because compensation could not be complete. Summary An ecosystem services approach to evaluating the impact of events like the DWH oil spill involves measuring the impact of the event on the structure and function of the socialecological system (typically through comparisons to baseline data), understanding how changes in the structure and function affect the provision of ecosystem services (typically through modeling), and how changes in the provision of ecosystem services affect human well-being (typically through an economic valuation process). Such an approach can offer a more holistic view of impacts as well as expand the possibilities for restoration actions aimed at “making the public whole.” An ecosystem services approach to damage assessment is not incompatible with the current Oil Pollution Act’s Natural Resources Damage Assessment process. However, data sets more appropriate for the development of ecological production functions and for measuring human dependencies on natural systems may be required. While there are clear advantages to an ecosystem services approach, there are also many challenges, including: P R E P U B L I C A T I O N
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1- The lack of adequate baseline data for some parameters, particularly for those related to the human dimension of impacts. In the absence of adequate baseline data, it will be difficult to determine the full impact of an event like the spill, particularly in an environment like the GoM where the baselines are dynamic and where economic conditions are often impacted by events far-removed from the local community. 2- It is difficult to parse out the impact of a single event like the DWH spill in a complex environment like the GoM that is subject to multiple natural and anthropogenic stressors. The key to addressing this challenge is the development of validated models that can be used to understand how individual stressors impact the ecosystem and the services it provides. While numerous models for various components of the system are currently under development, fully comprehensive models for social-ecological linkages and interactions are not currently available. 3- While using an economic valuation process as a proxy for impact is convenient, it does not necessarily capture all of the goods and services provided by a natural system and replacement sources may not be a perfect substitute for the services provided by the natural system (e.g., a seawall will replace the storm protection of a destroyed marsh, but may have other negative impacts). These tradeoffs must be carefully weighed when applying an ecosystem services approach. Despite these challenges, the ecosystem services approach, when used prudently, can offer an enhanced opportunity to more fully approach the goal of making the public whole in response to an event like the DWH oil spill in that it may provide otherwise unavailable information on the value of lost goods and services.
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
3 Resilience and Ecosystem Services
INTRODUCTION Chapter 2 introduced the concept of ecosystem services and outlined an “ecosystem services approach” to damage assessment for events like the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill. This chapter addresses resilience and its relationship to ecosystem services. Ecosystems are subject to natural disturbances such as fires, floods, droughts, and disease outbreaks, as well as human-caused disturbances, including oil spills. Ecosystems are also subject to slowly changing long-term stresses, such as nutrient enrichment and changes in sediment supply. These long-term stresses can affect the ability of the system to respond to a shock like the DWH oil spill. A resilience framework focuses attention on shocks (pulse disturbances), long-term stresses (press disturbances), and the response of complex systems to these shocks and stresses (Ives and Carpenter, 2007). Does a system recover slowly or rapidly from a shock? What factors within the system allow for more rapid and more complete recovery? Do attempts to stabilize certain components of systems lead to reduction in overall system resilience and greater potential for large changes (Gunderson and Holling, 2002)? Considerations of resilience are especially important in systems that can undergo persistent and fundamental shifts in structure and function following disturbances (“regime shifts”). Increasing resilience can reduce the risk that the system will cross critical thresholds and undergo a detrimental regime shift. On the other hand, decreasing resilience can increase the probability of a beneficial regime shift. Understanding how to increase (or decrease) system resilience places a premium on knowledge of system dynamics, including feedbacks among system components, as well as an understanding of uncertainty and variability in dynamic systems (Walker and Salt, 2006). Can factors that increase system resilience be identified and managed to increase (decrease) the resilience of a system to a “desirable” (“undesirable”) state? System resilience can play an important role in maintaining conditions that promote the sustainable provision of ecosystem services that contribute to human well-being. However, a narrow focus on trying to stabilize complex systems to provide a constant flow of ecosystem services may reduce system resilience and increase vulnerability (Gunderson et al., 1995). An event like the DWH oil spill may disrupt service provision, but a resilient ecosystem will allow faster recovery so that service provision will return sooner rather than later or never.
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Resilience and Ecosystem Services
Finding 3.1. Resilience provides a useful conceptual framework for managing complex systems. It focuses attention on system dynamics and how systems are affected by shortterm disturbances and long-term stresses. In the context of resilience of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) ecosystem, the Committee was charged with addressing the following set of questions from the Statement of Task (see Chapter 1): “In light of the multiple stresses on the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem, what practical approaches can managers take to restore and increase the resiliency of ecosystem services to future events such as the Deepwater Horizon Mississippi Canyon-252 spill? How can the increase in ecosystem resiliency be measured?” Although resilience is an important concept, much like the concept of ecosystem services, providing practical and specific advice to managers to “increase the resiliency of ecosystem services” is a difficult task at present. As noted above, managing resilience requires understanding the dynamics of complex and highly variable systems. Such understanding is often quite limited. Without such understanding, it can be quite difficult in practical contexts to know how management actions affect resilience. Some researchers have gone so far as stating that resilience is “too vague of a concept to be useful in planning” or ecosystem management (Lindenmayer and Hunter, 2010). Finding 3.2. Limited data and understanding of complex system dynamics make it difficult to provide specific practical advice to managers on how to restore or increase the resilience of ecosystem services. The next section explores definitions of resilience, its application in ecosystems and in integrated social-ecological systems, and the relationship between resilience and provision of ecosystem services. The final sections discuss options to manage systems in order to try to enhance resilience and approaches for measuring changes in resilience. RESILIENCE IN SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEMS AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO ECOSYSTEM SERVICES Defining ecological and engineering resilience The study of resilience emerged primarily in ecology, with initial applications focused on the resilience of ecosystems (Holling, 1973), but resilience is now used more broadly in ecology, economics, engineering, law, natural resource management, psychology, sociology, and other disciplines. The concept of resilience has been applied to ecological systems, social systems, and more recently to integrated social-ecological systems (Berkes and Folke, 1998; Berkes et al., 2003). With the spread of the use of resilience has come a spread of meanings. As long as each field of study used separate meanings of the term that were well-defined within the contexts of that field, few problems arose. However, in an interdisciplinary context like the
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
resilience of ecosystem services in response to a perturbation like the DWH spill, multiple definitions of resilience can come into play, leading to confusion (Gallopin, 2006). In this report, we define the term resilience as the ability of a system subject to disturbance to retain its essential structure, function, and feedbacks (Walker and Salt, 2006) and return to its pre-disturbance state. There are two distinct notions of resilience that fit within this general definition, depending on whether the system is characterized by a single equilibrium or multiple equilibria (Holling, 1996). We use the term “equilibrium” of a dynamic system to refer to the state where the system will not change unless subjected to a disturbance, also called “steady-state.” More generally, one can refer to a “regime” of a dynamic system in which the system follows a given trajectory rather than being static. So, for example, a system may follow a regular cycle and will continue on this cycle unless disturbed. The notion of resilience for a single equilibrium system focuses on the speed with which it returns towards equilibrium following a disturbance and is referred to as “engineering resilience” (Holling, 1996). The notion of resilience for systems with multiple equilibria focuses on the magnitude of disturbance the system can absorb without shifting to a new equilibrium (Walker et al., 2004). This form of resilience is referred to as “ecological resilience” (Holling, 1996). Engineering resilience Engineering resilience refers to the speed of recovery of a system to return to equilibrium following a disturbance. For example, how fast does a material return to its original form following a shock that deforms the material? A related notion is resistance, which is the ability of a disturbed system to stay near equilibrium. A rubber band is easily stretched when force is applied (low resistance) but quickly returns to its original shape (high resilience) once the force is removed. A steel rod, on the other hand, is highly resistant to force, but it will bend once the force is sufficiently strong and remain bent even when the force is removed (low resilience). Both the rubber band and the steel rod can retain their original form after being subject to a disturbance, but only the rubber band returns to its original form after it is deformed by the force of the disturbance. A sufficiently strong disturbance will cause the rubber band to break or the steel rod to bend, which may lead to a new type of equilibrium discussed below under the heading of ecological resilience. Ecologists have a long history of studying disturbance and recovery. Clements (1936) held that the predictable succession of species followed trajectories towards a specific climax state following a disturbance. Considerable progress was made in the 1950s to provide a solid theoretical basis and predictive capability for this view of resilience as recovery to a climax state. This line of investigation led to seminal works on post-disturbance ecosystem recovery (e.g., Odum, 1969; Connell and Slater, 1977). Ecologists have been especially interested in the relationship between species diversity and resilience. Intuitively, it seems that high diversity should be related to greater resilience. Similar to how a diverse portfolio of assets is used as a strategy to reduce financial risks, highly diverse ecosystems are more likely to contain species that can respond well to particular kinds of disturbances, thereby allowing the system as a whole to better maintain functions in the face of disturbances (Tilman et al., 1996; 2005). However, May (1974) showed mathematically that
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Resilience and Ecosystem Services
greater diversity could lead to lower system stability. In principle, empirical evidence is largely supportive of the hypothesis that greater species diversity leads to greater system stability (Tilman and Downing, 1994; Tilman, 1996; Tilman et al., 2006). However, there remains some debate as to whether high species diversity contributes to system stability by increasing resilience (McCann, 2000; Naeem, 2002; Rooney et al., 2006; Ives and Carpenter, 2007). Ecological resilience During the 1960s ecologists questioned the view that ecological systems tended towards a unique climax state and instead raised the possibility that systems might have multiple potential equilibria (Holling, 1965; Lewontin, 1969). Once disturbed, new conditions can foster a new set of feedbacks and prevent the system from returning to its pre-disturbance equilibrium. For example, plants absorb phosphorus and limit algal growth in shallow lakes with low levels of phosphorus. An increase in phosphorus inputs, however, can lead to algal blooms that reduce light penetration and kill plants, releasing more phosphorus for algae. Algal domination can persist even when phosphorus inputs into the lake decline back to original levels (Carpenter, 2003). With multiple equilibria, which equilibrium a system will tend to move towards depends upon the set of system conditions. Multiple equilibria generate the potential for a system to cross critical thresholds and flip between equilibria (see Figure 3.1). In the context of multiple equilibria, resilience typically refers to the ability of a system to undergo disturbance without crossing a critical threshold and therefore return towards the same equilibrium state (Carpenter et al., 2001; Gunderson and Pritchard, 2002; Holling, 1973; 2001). When a system crosses a critical threshold, the system is said to have undergone a “regime shift.” Once a regime shift has occurred, it may be difficult for the system to reverse back to the original equilibrium. Simply removing the stresses that lead to a regime shift may be insufficient to return to the original state (Scheffer et al., 2001). Evidence of regime shifts has been found in a several types of ecosystems (e.g., Beisner et al., 2003) including shallow lakes (Scheffer and Carpenter, 2003), grassland grazing systems (Van de Koppel et al., 1997), coral reefs (Hughes et al., 2003), and other marine systems (Petraitis et al., 2009, Nyström et al., 2012). However, some researchers have been skeptical of the evidence for regime shifts. Sousa and Connell (1983; 1985) proposed strict criteria for judging whether an observed change represented a single system with multiple steady states and found little convincing evidence for multiple states. Schroder et al. (2005) reviewed experimental studies testing for alternative stable states and found mixed results.
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Figure 3.1: Illustration of a regime shift. Initially, the system is in equilibrium in regime 1. It will remain in regime 1 unless a sufficiently strong disturbance pushes it over the tipping point and into regime 2. Once the system is in regime 2, the system will need an even stronger disturbance to shift it back to regime 1. (Source: Biggs et al, 2012; ml)
The mechanics of ecological resilience Ecological systems with strong negative feedbacks are resilient. Negative feedbacks work in opposition to any disturbance and tend to push a system back toward equilibrium. A thermostat provides an example of a negative feedback. In economic systems, price responses often function as negative feedbacks. In cases of excess demand, prices increase thereby reducing demand and increasing supply, thus bringing demand back into balance with supply. On the other hand, the existence of positive feedbacks tends to reinforce disturbances, leading to instability. For example, the introduction of fire-adapted invasive grass species tends to promote fire, which in turn reinforces the competitive advantage of these grasses, leading to a new equilibrium dominated by fire-adapted invasive species (Mack and D’Antonio, 1998). The concept of negative feedback can be traced to early 20th century work by Russian physiologist P.K. Anokhin (1935). Indeed, physiology has a long history of describing negative feedback systems that operate at the organismal level to maintain homeostasis in body temperature and chemistry. Homeostasis in physiology is the maintenance of a constant internal environment in response to a changing external environment. A great deal of research has been done at the organismal level to understand how feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis. Salt marshes, like those found in the GoM, provide a good example of negative feedbacks that maintain ecosystem conditions in the face of disturbances and long-term stresses. Salt marshes accumulate sediments at rates that can keep the marsh in equilibrium with sea level even with sea level rise (Morris et al., 2002). This type of feedback has been termed ecogeomorphological (Fagherazzi et al., 2004) or ecogeomorphic feedback (Kirwan et al., 2010). The sedimentation of suspended solids carried by tides over the marsh surface increases with the duration of flooding (Friedrichs and Perry, 2001; Krone, 1985) and with the density of
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Resilience and Ecosystem Services
standing vegetation (Morris et al., 2002). Flood duration is proportional to the depth of the marsh surface below mean high water, at least until the surface falls below the lowest tide level. In addition to surface deposition, production of organic matter, primarily of roots and rhizomes, contributes to the total accumulation rate (Reed, 1995; Turner et al., 2001). Density and primary productivity of vegetation is related to flood duration and depth (Morris et al., 2002). For the dominant salt marsh species, smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, plant growth occurs between mean sea level and mean high water (McKee and Patrick, 1988), with maximal growth near the middle of this range (Morris et al., 2002; Figure 3.2). Sea level rise, an issue of particular concern in the Northern GoM, will decrease relative elevation of coastal marshes. If initial marsh elevation is above the elevation of optimal growth, sea level rise will increase primary production and sedimentation (Figure 3.2). This feedback maintains the elevation of the marsh, within limits. However, if the rate of sea level rise is too great, a decrease in elevation of the marsh will decrease primary production and sediment accretion and the marsh surface will fall further behind rising sea level, culminating in the collapse of the marsh and loss of ecosystem services. Consequently, the most stable elevation is one that is higher than optimal for maximum vegetation growth. This illustrates an important general point: aiming to maximize a particular ecosystem service can be counterproductive to other desirable properties such as resilience or other ecosystem services, such as storm protection.
Figure 3.2: Conceptual model of the effect of relative elevation on salt marsh primary production and sediment accretion. MSL = mean sea level; MHW = mean high water. Source: based on model in Morris et al., 2002.
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Resilience in social-ecological systems Humans are an integral part of virtually all ecosystems, including the GoM ecosystem. Human actions have modified the flow of the Mississippi River, redirected sediment and nutrient loadings into the GoM, loaded pollutants into the water, built cities and towns along the coastline, built canals through coastal marshes, harvested various species of fish and shellfish, and extracted resources such as oil and natural gas. Inclusion of human behavior, and the feedbacks between human behavior and environmental conditions, can mean that the resilience of social-ecological systems differs in important ways from the underlying resilience of ecological systems without consideration of humans (Berkes et al., 2003; Walker et al., 2006). In thinking about the resilience of the GoM system and the ecosystem services that it provides, it is the resilience of the social-ecological system that is of greatest relevance. Knowledge of the resilience of social-ecological systems, however, is even more limited than knowledge of the resilience of ecosystems. Much of the literature on the resilience of social-ecological systems is abstract and general, making it difficult to provide specific, practical suggestions to managers. Social scientists have begun to incorporate notions of resilience into their analysis of social systems. Perhaps the most relevant social science analysis in the context of ecosystem services is “community resilience.” Community resilience refers to a community’s ability to recover from losses imposed by disturbances, such as oil spills and hurricanes, without significant external assistance (Cutter et al., 2008; Mileti, 1999). The resilience of human communities is related to the resilience of ecosystems to which communities are linked, but community resilience and ecological resilience are not perfectly correlated. Resilient ecosystems can contribute to social and economic well-being by providing a stable base for a diverse set of industries (fishing, recreation, and tourism) and stable provision of ecosystem services that contribute to quality of life (Adger et al., 2005). Resilient ecosystems can also provide protection against disturbances that would reduce income or quality of life, such as storm surge protection and flood control. However, a community may be resilient despite being linked to irresilient ecosystems. For example, a community that has diversified sources of income may be resilient in the face of disturbances to ecosystems that disrupt specific industries such as commercial fishing. If community members have ready access to other forms of employment or to community support mechanisms that allow for retooling and retraining they may not suffer much long-term loss when one particular industry is disrupted (Cutter et al., 2008). In general, a highly diversified economy, including sectors that are buffered from disturbances, will tend to reduce the dependence of the social and economic system on ecosystem resilience. Resilience of human communities can also impact the resilience of ecosystems. Human actions resulting in changes in land use, nutrient cycling, hydrology, or in pollution levels can reduce ecosystem resilience. For example, increased sediment loading and over-harvesting of grazing fish can make coral reefs more susceptible to bleaching and die-offs. When human communities are overly reliant on the provision of a small set of industries, such as sole reliance on fisheries or oil and gas production, they may become locked into certain patterns of behavior that add stress to ecosystems, which can make it difficult to maintain social-ecological system resilience.
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Changes in ecosystems and in social systems can be mutually reinforcing (positive feedbacks). In some cases, this can lead to a virtuous cycle where improved community wellbeing leads to better environmental protection that further promotes community well-being. But the cycle can also go in the other direction. For example, the decline of coral reefs may cause a decline in fisheries or tourism, with consequent decreases in community vitality and increases in social stress. Such stress may lead to reductions in coral reef protection, with further degradation of the reefs. In fishery-dependent communities, environmental shocks that affect the underlying productivity of a fishery may push fishermen to intensify their harvest to maintain their income. But intensified harvesting can further reduce stocks and harm future productivity, requiring even more harvesting pressure in the future. Such downward spirals lead to unsustainable outcomes. The ability to change human behavior and management in light of changes in underlying conditions (“adaptability”) is an essential component of overall social-ecosystem resilience (Folke et al., 2010). Highly functioning human systems can learn and adapt their behavior to maintain overall social-ecological system resilience. For example, good management that reduces fishing pressures when fish stocks are depleted and allows harvests to expand when stocks are abundant can help stabilize fish populations. In contrast, rigid adherence to constant harvest quotas set for average conditions in the face of a variable environment can lead to fishery collapse (Roughgarden and Smith, 1996). Poverty or lack of properly functioning governance can lead to maladapted behavior and rapid decline of system conditions. Part of living successfully in a dynamic and changing world involves adapting to new conditions and some authors have broadened the concept of social-ecological resilience to allow for adaptation. Folke et al. (2010) define resilience of social-ecological systems as the ability “to continually change and adapt yet remain within critical thresholds. This adaptability is part of resilience.” Adaptability may require that some aspects of the system change in order for the whole system to retain essential system properties. For example, sea level rise may require shifts in the location of coastal marshes as well as human infrastructure to maintain desirable ecosystem services and avoid future damages from flooding. Some adaptation, especially in the face of large disturbances, may require fundamental transformations (Walker et al., 2004; Folke et al., 2004). Transformations can be traumatic, as when fisheries collapse and fisherman must find a new way to make a living. Planning ahead for the possibilities of transformations can reduce the burden, such as by providing retraining support during periods of adjustment. The institutional and governance capacity of social-ecological systems is a crucial element for having capacity to adapt, transform, and innovate (Folke et al., 2010; Gunderson, 2000; Gunderson and Folke, 2011; Olsson et al., 2004). Finding 3.3. Resilience in social-ecological systems depends on the feedbacks between ecological and human communities. Because of the feedbacks between human behavior, environmental conditions, ecosystem services, and human well-being, understanding resilience of social-ecological systems requires integrated analysis that includes both nature and people.
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
The relationship between resilience and the provision of ecosystem services Productive ecosystems are necessary for the supply of ecosystem services. Ecosystems that lack resilience are vulnerable to disturbances that can lead to reductions in the supply of ecosystem services. Maintaining a stable supply of ecosystem services, therefore, depends on having resilient ecosystems. The GoM ecosystem is subject to periodic disturbances from hurricanes or oil spills, which can cause temporary declines in service provision. But a resilient ecosystem will allow speedy recovery of ecosystem service provision. After the DWH oil spill, many fisheries in the GoM were closed because of health concerns, and tourism revenue in the GOM coastal region in 2010 was substantially lower than in 2009. However, fisheries were reopened and tourism rebounded quickly. The number of visitors and tourism revenues were higher in a number of locations in 2011 than in 2009 (AGCCVB, 2012; Mississippi Development Authority/Division of Tourism, 2012). Some ecosystem services are valuable precisely because they increase the resilience of social-ecosystem systems. Ecosystem services like flood mitigation and coastal protection from storm surge reduce the size of disturbances and the destruction that floods and storm surge cause to human communities. Several studies have analyzed the value of coastal marshes, mangroves, and other habitats for protection of coastal communities from storm surge (e.g., Barbier et al., 2008; Costanza et al., 2008; Das and Vincent, 2009). It is often difficult to be precise about how much protection ecosystems are likely to provide given the variability of storms, including wind speed and direction, duration, and arrival of the storm relative to high tides (Koch et al., 2009), but there can be little doubt that the contribution of coastal ecosystems can be significant (see chapter 5 for additional details). Some ecosystem services can be replaced by human-engineered services. For example, storm protection can be provided by green infrastructure (coastal marshes) or grey infrastructure (concrete barriers), and water purification for clean drinking water can be provided by forests and wetlands that filter nutrients and pollutants or by water treatment facilities. Loss of ecosystem resilience can compromise ecosystem services and may require the expense of replacing the ecosystem service with the human-engineered service. In some instances, humanengineered service provision may undermine the provision of other services—for example, building concrete barriers could protect one section of coastline but intensify erosion in nearby locales, resulting in increased vulnerabilities elsewhere along the coast. Coastal communities are often highly dependent on coastal resources for their livelihood. The ecosystem services provided to the community may be quite diverse, as they are in the GoM, and include commercial and recreational fishing, beach tourism, wildlife viewing, marine transportation, and other extractive uses. Any event that impacts the ecosystem, such as an oil spill, can have an impact on multiple ecosystem services, with consequent impacts on the human community (Adger, 2000). Highly dependent communities can be severely impacted by disruptions to ecosystems that cause a loss of ecosystem services. Finding 3.4. Communities with highly diversified economies and social structures are better placed to withstand disturbances to ecosystems that affect the provision of ecosystem services.
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Managing for Resilience The health and well-being of coastal communities in the Gulf are tied to the continued flow of services provided by coastal and marine ecosystems. A key question for such communities is how to maintain the flow of valuable ecosystem services in the face of long-term social and ecological changes and short-term disturbances such as oil spills and hurricanes. Resilience of the system in the face of ongoing shocks and stresses should be an important objective of resource management. This section begins with a discussion of ways in which system resilience could potentially be influenced by management actions, both when the specific sources of disturbance can be identified (specific resilience), and when they cannot (general resilience). The next part of this section discusses current management approaches used by federal agencies with respect to managing the resilience of the GoM social-ecological system and then explores metrics that can be used to measure changes in resilience. The final part discusses ecosystem restoration, which is a management strategy of particular interest following a human-caused disturbance like an oil spill. Managing for general and specific resilience When managers know the specific types of disturbances they are likely to face, there are often specific measures they can take to increase system resilience to these disturbances (Adger et al., 2005). Management for specific resilience involves using knowledge of specific types of disturbances to design plans to minimize damages and aid in recovery from these disturbances. For example, a coastal system subject to periodic hurricanes could increase social-ecological resilience by: x
x x x
Increasing the areal extent and health of coastal marshes and mangroves, which can serve as a buffer to absorb wave energy between the open water of the ocean and coastal communities (Barbier et al., 2008; Costanza et al., 2008; Das and Vincent, 2009), though there remain questions about the effectiveness of vegetation to provide protection (Feagin et al., 2010); Improving communications and early warning systems to provide information to people of impending danger; Investing in disaster preparedness and planning; and Changing infrastructure and building design and location to minimize the risk of loss from storm surge or wind damage.
Building system resilience to more swiftly recover from oil spills can be aided by many of these same measures as well as by investing in safety procedures and engineering to reduce the risk of catastrophic accidents, and by investing in emergency response capabilities should an accident occur. Managers face a more challenging task in creating “general resilience” that allows for greater capacity to respond to many different types of disturbances, some of which will undoubtedly come as a surprise (Adger et al., 2005; Anderies et al., 2006; Walker and Salt,
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
2006; 2012). Certain system properties are thought to increase general system resilience in a wide range of circumstances. Several authors have described properties to increase general resilience, which we summarize in five strategy categories (see Table 3-1) and describe in more depth below. Table 3.1: Principles of management for general resilience of social-ecological systems
Resilience strategy
Maintain, diversity, variability, redundancy
Levin (1999): Eight commandments for ecosystem management Maintain heterogeneity Preserve redundancy
Manage feedbacks and slowly changing variables
Tighten feedback loops
Manage modularity and connectivity Adaptive management, learning, anticipate potential future outcomes
Sustain modularity
Improve governance, and increase social capital
Build trust
Reduce uncertainty Expect surprise
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Walker and Salt (2006): Nine attributes of resilience Promote and sustain diversity in all forms (biological, landscape, social and economic) Embrace and work with ecological variability rather than attempting to control and reduce it Tighten feedbacks Have a policy focus on slowly changing variables associated with thresholds Modularity Emphasize learning, experimentation, locally developed rules, and embrace change Promote trust, social networks, and leadership Include redundancy in governance structures and a mix of institutional types Include all ecosystem services in development proposals and assessments
Biggs et al. (2012): Seven generic principles for enhancing resilience Maintain diversity and redundancy
Manage slow variables and feedback
Manage connectivity Encourage learning and experimentation Foster understanding of social-ecological systems as complex adaptive systems Broaden participation Promote polycentric governance systems
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Maintaining diversity, variability, and redundancy Sophisticated financial investors know that diversification reduces risk, or to use a more biologically-based metaphor, that it isn’t smart to “put all your eggs in one basket.” In socialecological systems, diversification can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including maintaining biodiversity or increasing economic diversification. Maintaining biodiversity Although May (1974) showed that increased diversity could reduce system stability, recent theory and empirical work has led to the conclusion that increased biodiversity generally enhances ecosystem resilience and stability (Folke et al., 2004; Tilman and Downing, 1996). Biodiversity represents a form of insurance, providing redundancy that can buffer ecosystems against losses of particular species and reduce the chance that important ecosystem functions will be compromised (McCann, 2000; Naeem, 2002). Greater diversity also increases the probability that there is a species present that is well-suited to particular conditions, thereby allowing a high level of function under varying conditions (Chapin et al., 1995; Isbell et al., 2011). Redundancy within functional groups like primary producers is important (Levin et al., 1998), as is response diversity where there is a broad range of species-specific responses to perturbations (Folke et al., 2002, Elmqvist et al., 2003). Greater biodiversity should therefore increase the probability that a system will provide a consistent level of performance over a given unit of time (Naeem and Li, 1997). The relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem resilience may take different forms, depending on the underlying mechanism (Figure 3.3). Three possible models for the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem resilience are: (a) the linear model, (b) the keystone model, in which the presence of one or a few keystone species are crucial for ecosystem resilience, and (c) the redundancy model, in which the functions that maintain ecosystem stability are duplicated by numerous species. The available evidence favors the redundancy hypothesis (Cardinale et al., 2011). However, species redundancy decreases over time as species sort into niches (Reich et al., 2012), and certain species may be critical for ecosystem functioning under particular environmental conditions (Isbell et al., 2011). Although greater diversity tends to lead to greater system resilience, some ecosystems are highly resilient even though they are not particularly diverse, such as coastal wetlands. Plant biodiversity and biomass decreases with increasing salinity from tidal fresh water wetlands to salt marshes (Wieski et al., 2010). Salt marshes on the GoM coast are dominated by the smooth cordgrass Spartina alterniflora. Despite low plant biodiversity, salt marshes are extremely resilient, even in the face of the DWH oil spill (Silliman et al., 2012). Salt marshes exemplify extreme environments characterized by hypoxic soils, high salinity, and high sulfide concentrations (soluble sulfide concentrations of 1–5 millimolar in soil are lethal to most plant life). S. alterniflora also tolerates organic toxins (DeLaune et al., 1984; Li et al., 1990; Webb et al., 1985), which partially explains their rapid recovery following oil spills.
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Figure 3.3: Conceptual models of possible alternative responses of ecosystem resilience to biodiversity. Source: Modified from Naeem (2002).
Economic diversification Enhancing economic diversity is another route to increasing resilience of socialecological systems. Communities whose economies are heavily dependent on specific natural resources are vulnerable to shocks to those resources. Highly diversified economies, like biodiversity rich ecosystems, can weather shocks to particular resources or particular industries, much as ecosystems can lose some species and still maintain overall system performance (Briguglio, 2009; Rose, 2007). Sectoral diversification is expected to have a positive influence on economic resilience (Simmie and Martin, 2010). The reliance of the economy on specific natural resources makes the GoM region vulnerable to shocks like the DWH oil spill. Fishing grounds were closed and recreational and tourism activities suffered large losses in 2010 following the spill. Some communities along the Gulf Coast are almost totally reliant on the oil and gas industry, fishing, recreation, and tourism. When these industries experience downturns, the economies of these communities suffer. In the case of the DWH oil spill, however, much of the economic harm—though serious—was temporary. The immediate aftermath of the DWH oil spill in 2010 was very difficult for many GoM communities (see Box 2.2 in Chapter 2). However, oil and gas production, fishing, and
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Resilience and Ecosystem Services
tourism largely rebounded in 2011. Drilling was allowed to resume, fisheries were reopened, and tourists returned. Managing feedbacks and slowly changing variables Strong negative feedbacks increase system resilience by offsetting the effect of a disturbance that pushes a system away from equilibrium. Negative feedbacks exist in ecological systems in which biological organisms perpetuate conditions favorable to their continued existence. In social-ecological systems, management directed to maintain existing conditions can provide negative feedbacks. For example, fisheries management that adjusts harvest quotas based on current population size can help stabilize fish populations by reducing harvests when stocks are low and increasing harvests when stocks are high (Reed, 1978; 1979). However, managing to maintain stable stocks can mean highly variable harvests from year to year. But maintaining constant harvests, especially if set to maximize yields in an average year, can lead to fishery collapse (Roughgarden and Smith, 1996). Managing systems to maintain stability for certain outcomes, such as harvests, can reduce stability in other dimensions and can affect overall system resilience (Gunderson and Holling, 2002; Gunderson and Pritchard, 2002). Long-term changes or trends in environmental or social conditions (“slow variables”) can also have a large influence on resilience. Much as an individual whose general health is declining is more susceptible to disease, ecosystems compromised by ongoing stress may be more vulnerable to rapid change from disturbances (Gunderson and Holling, 2002; Walker and Salt, 2006). For example, levees and channels to reduce flooding along the Mississippi River have changed the supply of sediment to coastal systems and made parts of Louisiana more susceptible to damage from coastal storm surges (Costanza et al., 2006). Modularity and connectivity Connections among components within a system can allow shocks to propagate through the system so that tightly coupled systems may be more vulnerable to system-wide risks (May et al., 2008). Building in a degree of modularity may be important for preserving overall resilience (Levin, 1999). Placing booms to limit the spread of oil into coastal marshes is one example of modularity in practice. However, marine systems are inherently highly interconnected and sometimes interconnections provide resilience, such as when local populations are reestablished through re-colonization following local extinction events. An objective of an ecosystem services approach is to attempt to understand interconnections, but our ability to manage connectivity/modularity in practical situations is often limited. Adaptive management and learning If we knew exactly what the future had in store, it would be easier to plan for it. But as Yogi Berra said, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” In adaptive management, managers try to gain information through experimentation and learning to reduce
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
uncertainty and improve ongoing management (Holling, 1978; Lee, 1993; Walters, 1986). Adaptive management has proven difficult to implement in practice, in part because it involves risk-taking that can put managers in a difficult position of justifying failures even when they provide valuable information, and also because it requires resources for ongoing monitoring and evaluation (Lee, 1999). An area of particular importance for managing complex systems is having some ability to predict regime shifts prior to their occurrence. There are some signals of the imminent onset of a regime shift (Scheffer et al., 2009; 2012). Whether these signals can be received in time, and management shifted to forestall a regime shift, is more doubtful (Biggs et al., 2009). The potential for a harmful regime shift in the future should influence current management. In most cases, the potential for a future regime shift should cause management to take precautionary actions to reduce the probability of its occurrence (Polasky et al., 2011). However, there are cases where the impact of a potential regime shift on management works in the opposite direction. For example, the threat of collapse of a resource stock may cause resource managers to use the resource more aggressively (“use it or lose it”; Reed, 1984; 1988). Improving governance and increasing social capital The ability of a social-ecological system to recover from shocks such as a hurricane or an oil spill is improved by having highly functional institutions and a high degree of social cohesion. Disasters that inflict large-scale and widespread damage put ecosystems and human communities under great stress. Help from outside the stricken area, such as federal government assistance, is often essential to provide relief in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. But longterm recovery depends in large part on resources and resourcefulness of the local community (Picou and Martin, 2006). Good governance also aids in assessing potential threats and longterm stresses and in bringing about changes in management or behavior to address these (Folke et al., 2010). Trust in institutions is a key variable in getting cooperation for making changes, especially if it requires at least some short-term sacrifice. Lack of good governance or social capital can lead to social, economic, or ecological decline and a downward spiral in environmental conditions and human well-being (Folke et al., 2010). Finding 3.5. x Although systems are complex, it may be possible to manage in ways that increase system resilience. Management itself can enhance system resilience if it creates responses to current conditions in ways that dampen disturbances. The effectiveness of management can be improved by improving understanding of system dynamics, reducing uncertainty, and gaining better early warning signals of approaches to thresholds. x Management for specific resilience uses knowledge of specific types of disturbances to design plans to minimize damages and promote recovery. x Management for general resilience is needed when the type of disturbance is unknown or when many types of disturbances are possible. Conserving biodiversity or increasing economic diversity can make social-ecological systems more resilient for a range of different of disturbances, as can other management approaches as
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summarized in Table 3.1. The emphasis on properties to promote general resilience is important given the inability to predict the type, timing, scale, and interaction of future disturbances. Federal governance options and political limitations While management to increase resilience can have a number of benefits, it will be difficult to translate resilience theory into improved agency decision-making for ecosystem service management. To the extent that management for resilience represents a significant change from current management priorities or decision-making processes, it could require congressional authorization in the form of new or amended laws (Ruhl, 2012). A fundamental principle of federal administrative law, rooted in Article I of the U.S. Constitution, is that agencies cannot act in ways that exceed the statutory authority Congress has given to them (Doremus, 2001). Whether resilience management is consistent with current resource management laws depends upon current statutory authority and details of resilience management. For example, an agency committed to incorporating resilience management would need to: x x x x
craft a firm definition of resilience for the system in question; identify a means of measuring the current state of resilience; build a model capable of predicting to some degree of certainty the resilience effects of specific decisions (or to design management experiments that could lead to the development of predictive capacity); and, explain both the process and the results to the public and to the judges likely to review the agency’s decisions (Allen et al.,2011).
In many ways, the challenges that agencies face in resilience management are similar to those in adaptive management. As J.B. Ruhl has written: “For adaptive management to flourish in administrative agencies, legislatures must empower them to do it, interest groups must let them do it, and the courts must resist the temptation to second-guess when they do in fact do it” (Ruhl, 2012). Some federal agencies, notably the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, have begun to recognize the importance of resilience management and incorporate it into their broader policy objectives (Benson and Garmestani, 2011). President Obama’s Executive Order 13,547 1 issued in 2010 seeks to, “improve the resiliency of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems, communities, and economies”. It remains to be seen how agencies will translate these general policy statements into on-the-ground decision-making. Implementing management-for-resilience could, in theory, be easier in the marine environment than in terrestrial environments. Unlike terrestrial systems, the oceans are entirely public and are not interspersed with private holdings. The federal government thus has more freedom both to set and adjust regulations. In federal waters outside state jurisdiction, federal 1
Exec. Order No. 13,547, 75 Fed. Reg. 43023 (July 22, 2010).
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agencies could manage all resource use holistically to attain broad systemic goals. Finally, there is a tradition in laws pertaining to resource use in the oceans meant to function under changing environmental conditions and substantial uncertainty. The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) requires regular input of scientific information and annual consideration of management measures, which enable decision-makers to respond to environmentally driven stock fluctuations (Carlarne and Eagle, 2012). Still, resilience management in the GoM system faces challenges. The U.S. lacks a legal tradition of managing complex systems as multiple, interacting systems. Congress has traditionally written laws that address resources individually; thus, the MSA governs the use of fisheries, the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act regulates oil and gas and mineral use, and so on (Eagle, 2006). The resource-by-resource approach is less amenable to resilience management than a place-based approach. That approach, where a single agency has jurisdiction over most resource use within a single place (e.g., a national park) permits an agency to manage an integrated system. In addition, the GoM system is affected by actions taken on land that influence nutrient and sediment inputs and are controlled by agricultural and other policies (Rabalais et al., 2002; 2007). Finally, although there are no private property interests in federal Gulf waters, there are private interest groups that would likely oppose significant changes to the current system of resource management. Such groups might fear that the “new” regulatory regime would result in significant reductions in their income or in their ability to shape management decisions. Because these groups have the incentives and resources to oppose change at all levels, a management shift would need to explain why the benefits of the shift would outweigh the real or perceived costs (Ruhl, 2012). Finding 3.6. While the maintenance of resilient ecosystems has a number of benefits, including provision of a steady flow of ecosystem services, political, legislative, and institutional barriers may impede implementation of resilience management. Option: implement a portfolio approach to management How might governments manage publicly owned resources in a way that minimizes disruption to the flow of ecosystem services during and after a disaster? One approach to mitigating the impacts of disasters on service flows is to move away from the current legal approach to managing marine ecosystems and toward a set of laws that aim to manage distinct, defined areas of the sea for narrower, specific objectives. The direct management of marine life populations in federal waters of the GoM currently occurs pursuant to two laws: the MSA and the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). While one can debate the efficacy of these laws in achieving their stated objectives, there is no debate that each law uses a single, science-based concept aimed at achieving a single goal with respect to the marine species managed within the Gulf under the auspices of those laws. The MSA attempts to achieve “sustainable fisheries” using the science-based concept of “optimum yield,” while the MMPA attempts to maintain an “optimum sustainable population level” using the science-based concept of “potential biological removals.”
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Because of the substantial scientific uncertainty involved in estimating necessary numerical targets, such as optimum yield and potential biological removals, it might be possible to increase the resilience of marine ecosystems by diversifying management strategies and objectives on a geographical or stock-by-stock basis. So, Congress could, for example, modify the MSA and the MMPA so that managers would be required to apply a range of strategies and objectives over a set of geographically defined management areas or over a set of distinct fish or mammal populations. Some areas or species could be managed using more conservative versions of the traditional optimum yield or potential biological removals tools; in the alternative, areas or species could be managed using entirely different approaches and with different ends in mind. So, for example, one could imagine managing a particular area for “ecosystem integrity” rather than “sustainable fisheries.” The theory underlying this diversification approach is based on well-accepted principles that economists have developed to guide investors in the business world. The idea is that, in a realm characterized by substantial uncertainty, such as the stock market or marine ecosystems, a “portfolio approach” to investing can help achieve an optimal combination of risk and return. As Gordon Munro has observed, fishery (or ecosystem) management is similar to other forms of capital management: Economists view capture fishery resources, as they do all natural resources, as a form of natural capital, assets that are capable of yielding a stream of economic returns (broadly defined) through time. Since fishery resources are capable of growth (like forests, but unlike minerals), these resources—natural capital—can be managed on a sustained basis, essentially by skimming off the growth through harvesting. This also means that the resources can provide economic benefits to society indefinitely. It means further that one can, within limits, engage in positive investment in the natural capital by harvesting less than the growth (Munro, 2008, p.14). Designing and implementing a portfolio-based law for managing marine ecosystems such as the GoM would be challenging, but not impossible. Conceptually, such laws offer one of the most promising approaches to enhancing system resilience and thereby reducing the impacts of future manmade or natural disasters on the people who rely on those systems. Finding 3.7. One option for facilitating management for resilience is to employ a portfolio approach in designing the system of laws regulating use of the Gulf of Mexico. Under a portfolio approach, different management goals and strategies would be applied to discrete geographic ocean and coastal areas. Among other things, a portfolio approach, as compared to an aspatial management strategy that tries to ensure that all similar systems provide equal amounts of all services, provides a buffer against uncertainties, including future large-scale disturbances. Implementing this portfolio approach would require congressional action because a set of new statutes would be needed.
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Ecosystem Restoration and Resilience Following an oil spill or other disturbance to an ecosystem, a key management objective is ecosystem restoration. Ecosystem restoration following a disturbance and ecosystem resilience are closely linked. Systems with low resilience may recover slowly or switch to a different regime and fail to return to original conditions. Of particular relevance in the case of the DWH oil spill is how well ecosystem restoration will work to recover ecosystems to pre-spill conditions, both in terms of restoring the provision of ecosystem services and resilience to further disturbances and ongoing stresses. Much has been written about the restoration of the Mississippi River Delta (Boesch et al., 1994; Boesch et al., 2006; CPRA, 2012; Day et al., 2007; USACE, 2009). Restoration efforts in the delta take place in the midst of long-term changes as well as periodic disturbances. Coastal wetlands in the Mississippi River Delta have failed to maintain elevation relative to mean sea level due to an inadequate supply of sediment. Prior to European colonization and the engineering of the Mississippi River, sediment-laden water routinely spilled over the river’s natural levees during flood events and nourished the wetlands. This process has been disrupted by armoring levees to prevent flooding, damming tributaries in the river basin, dredging canals, and other alterations that reduce sediment delivery to the delta and alter its hydrology. Since the 1930s, the delta has lost over 4,800 km2, an area nearly the size of Delaware (Barras et al., 2003; Dunbar et al., 1992), and could lose an additional 1,600 km2 by the year 2050 (Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Task Force and the Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Authority, 1998). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) identified 2,460 km2 of marsh or open water in five planning units within the lower delta requiring 5,263,606,448 cubic yards (4 km3) of sediment for restoration (USACE, 2009). A 2008 NRC (National Research Council) report noted, “if wetlands cannot be maintained, this implies that decision makers and citizens ultimately will have to make hard choices about where restoration can take place and where it cannot.” Much less is known about restoration efforts in other types of ecosystems. It may also be difficult or impossible to fully restore some ecosystems after disturbances. Changes in landscape structure, loss of native species or invasion by exotics, changes in species dominance hierarchies, trophic interactions, and biogeochemical processes may prevent returning to pre-disturbance conditions. Moreover, restoration efforts can be altered by feedbacks among biotic and physical processes (Ehrenfeld and Toth, 1997; Suding et al., 2004). Restoration in the absence of knowledge of these feedbacks may launch an ecosystem down an unpredictable trajectory. Restoration of ecosystem services does not necessarily follow from the restoration of ecosystem structure or the appearance of a habitat to a former state. Zedler (2000) concluded that numerous variables, including landscape setting, habitat type, hydrological regime, soil properties, topography, nutrient supplies, disturbance regimes, invasive species, seed banks, and declining biodiversity can constrain the restoration process in wetlands. Zedler also concluded that, “although many outcomes can be explained post hoc, we have little ability to predict the path that sites will follow when restored in alternative ways, and no insurance that specific
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targets will be met” (Zedler, 2000). However, this predictive capability is precisely what we seek in an ecosystem services approach. There is no existing roadmap for restoring all ecosystem services and functions. Currently, the best we can hope to accomplish are a few practical goals. A target for a coastal wetland might be the restoration to an elevation that is more resilient and that raises productivity and its value as wildlife habitat, knowing that it may not be practical or even possible to restore its original species composition. Conceptually, an ecosystem might cross a threshold in transitioning from one ecological state to another, such that restoration to a previous state is impeded by biotic and abiotic barriers (Figure 3.4). Examples of biotic thresholds could be the invasion of an exotic species (e.g., the common reed, Phragmites spp.) that excludes less competitive species, or a disease (e.g., chestnut blight) that eliminates a dominant member of the biological community. Examples of abiotic thresholds include salt water intrusion into a freshwater wetland as a consequence of rising sea level. Whether recovery of ecosystem services or ecosystem restoration is the goal, the endpoints must be defined in terms of practical metrics that can be monitored and a plan of action implemented that is grounded in a thorough knowledge of the ecosystem.
Figure 3.4: Summary of the state (boxes) and transition (arrows) approach to ecosystem degradation and restoration. Hypothesized thresholds, indicated by vertical bars, may prevent recovery from a more degraded state to a less degraded state. Source: Redrawn from Hobbs and Cramer (2008).
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Finding 3.8. Restoration aimed at returning a system to pre-disturbance conditions is closely related to resilience. Systems that have crossed critical thresholds following a disturbance can be difficult to restore and restoration in the absence of a detailed understanding of system dynamics may launch an ecosystem down an unpredictable trajectory. Whether recovery of ecosystem services or ecosystem restoration is the goal, the endpoints must be defined in terms of practical metrics that can be monitored. Measuring Resilience The definitions of engineering and ecological resilience provide a basis for designing measures of resilience. Engineering resilience is the speed of recovery or the decay rate of the perturbation. Engineering resilience can be quantified post hoc as the time required to return to a pre-disturbance state following an experimental or natural disturbance. In natural systems with sufficiently rapid recovery such as the sessile biota of the rocky intertidal, monitoring of recolonization can be done following disturbance (Conway-Cranos, 2012). One could also attempt to measure the speed of recovery of in social-ecological systems following disturbances. For example, how fast or complete is recovery within a community or an industry following a shock like a hurricane or an oil spill? Engineering resilience can also be modeled. This can be done with various degrees of mathematical sophistication (DeAngelis, 1980; Neubert and Caswell, 1997; Pimm and Lawton, 1980). With a model of system dynamics, an estimate of engineering resilience may be simulated for various severity levels of disturbances. While straightforward in theory, there are at least three practical challenges to measurement of engineering resilience. First, there is the question of what particular measures or metrics will be used. Some system components or ecosystem services may recover more quickly than others. For example, species diversity may well return to a previous state at a different rate than primary productivity, or not at all. Hence, quantifying resilience may be heavily influenced by the choice of what is measured. Second, measurements of the speed of return require having accurate baselines that measure conditions prior to the disturbance. The issue of baselines was discussed in the Interim Report (NRC, 2011) and is discussed further in Chapter 5. Third, disturbances that differ in type or scale are likely to result in quantitatively or possibly qualitatively different degrees of responses relevant to resilience (Carpenter et al., 2001). Systems may be highly resilient to some kinds of shocks but not others. Measurement of ecological resilience is a more complex matter. Social-ecological systems are often too complex to enable researchers to accurately model potential regime shifts or to have much confidence in simulation results. However, there have been attempts to capture critical indicators of ecological resilience. Borrowing the concept of “critical slowing down” from physics, an indicator of ecological resilience might be the rate of recovery from small perturbations where the recovery rates decrease as a regime shift is approached (van Nes and Scheffer, 2007; Scheffer et al., 2012). Changes in other system properties, such as variance, spatial correlation, autocorrelation, and skewness, may also prove useful in detecting approach to critical thresholds (Scheffer et al., 2012). But this field is quite new and does not yet have a body of well-established results that can be used to guide management or policy.
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Resilience and Ecosystem Services
Other research has explored the concept of functional diversity (Allen et al., 2005), response diversity (Petchey and Gaston, 2009), and population densities in stochastic systems (Ives, 1995). These approaches require species-level ecological information about function and response. For some groups of organisms, like birds, this may be inferred from size and morphology (Cummings and Child, 2009). When a system is well-understood, it may be more straightforward to define appropriate metrics for ecosystem resilience. With respect to tidal wetlands, for example, it seems prudent to adopt practical metrics that are inclusive of numerous ecosystem services and overall ecosystem function. Practical metrics that have these characteristics would be: 1) change in total wetland area by plant community type, and 2) relative elevation (relative to mean sea level). Similarly, critical components of a given ecosystem service under study should be identified that can be used to measure resilience. The ability to do this will be directly linked to our understanding of the ecological production functions associated with the service and ties directly back to our understanding of ecosystem dynamics. Finding 3.9. The measurement of resilience poses a number of conceptual and practical challenges. Measures of speed of recovery to pre-disturbance conditions (engineering resilience) depend on having good baseline data and may vary depending on what ecosystem service or system component is measured and what type and severity of disturbance is considered. Measuring how likely a system is to cross a critical threshold and undergo a regime shift (ecological resilience) is a topic that is at the frontier of science. Consensus on practical measures that can be used to predict the location of critical thresholds or the probabilities of regime shifts does not yet exist. However, for specific systems, it may be possible to define a set of metrics that measure key conditions or processes linked to system dynamics that can predict the resilience of the system and the provision of ecosystem services. Resilient ecosystems can lead to the resilience of specific ecosystem services. However, ecosystems typically generate multiple ecosystem services. Changes in ecosystem structure and function will generally not affect all ecosystem services in the same manner. Therefore, one could have quite different outcomes for different services following a disturbance. As noted by Carpenter et al. (2001), to evaluate a system’s resilience, one needs to identify the initial state of the system (regime) and what disturbances can impact that system. If the system is viewed through the lens of ecosystem services, then there is a need to identify the most important services and how these may be affected by potential alternate states of the system. For example, coastal marsh habitat of the Gulf provides several significant services, two of which are storm surge protection and fishing opportunities, both recreational and commercial. The quality of these services is directly linked to the structural condition of the marsh. Fragmented marsh, characterized as having a high ratio of edge to area, provides an environment for high-quality recreational fishing and also habitat for commercially important species, but is less effective for storm protection. Whereas, continuous or connected marsh provides a higher quality of storm surge protection, but is not as good for recreational and commercial fishing (Minello et al., 1994; Peterson and Turner, 1994; Zimmerman et al., 2002). The quality of each of these services is strongly connected to two alternate states of marsh habitat. Focusing on the resilience of a particular state of a habitat (fragmented versus continuous marsh) can also lead to resilient
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
ecosystem services that are connected to a specific state of the habitat. As a society we would prefer having more of all ecosystem services, but given that only one condition can occur at one time, there will be tradeoffs between services. Finding 3.10. As a society we would rather have all ecosystem services at the highest quality level. But, given that multiple services often emanate from a single habitat, resilience of a particular service can sometimes be at the cost of the resilience of another service.
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
4 Oil Spill Response Technologies
INTRODUCTION In addition to exploring the viability of an ecosystem services approach to damage assessment and approaches to measuring and increasing the resiliency of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) ecosystems, the committee was also charged with evaluating the relative effectiveness of the various spill response technologies used during the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill and, where possible, the effect of these technologies on the ecosystem services of the GoM (Task 6 of the Statement of Task; see Chapter 1). The U.S. government’s estimate of the fate of the spilled oil is illustrated in Figure 4.1 below. Given the magnitude, location, and depth of the DWH oil spill, a number of response technologies were applied at scales that have never before been attempted. The focus of these efforts was to contain, remove, and remediate the oil at sea prior to its transport into sensitive wetland and intertidal regions (where cleanup is particularly difficult and costly) by employing a wide array of technologies, including mechanical recovery operations focused on containment and recovery of the spilled oil, chemical treatments designed to disperse oil before it reaches sensitive coastal habitats, and a number of shore-based mitigation strategies. In the case of chemical dispersants, the volume used in surface and subsurface applications (1.8 million U.S. gallons) (Federal Interagency Solutions Group, 2010) elicited public concerns over the potential impacts of the dispersants on ecosystems and the services they provide. Near shore, several berms and reaches to prevent oil from making landfall were constructed in Louisiana at a cost of $220 million (National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, 2011). To clean oil from beaches, sand washing and surf washing were performed. In the effort to clean oil from marshes, physical removal of the oil by manual labor, floating machinery, and manual cropping of oiled vegetation were employed. Natural processes, such as abiotic weathering and microbial degradation, also played a major role in oil removal. The monitoring of natural recovery processes following an oil spill without active intervention (natural attenuation) must be considered a valid oil spill response option under certain circumstances. If oil has impacted a sensitive shoreline such as a wetland, which precludes the use of invasive cleanup operations, natural attenuation would be the response of choice once accessible floating oil has been removed using absorbents. For areas in which a spill is logistically inaccessible for reasons of remoteness (the Arctic, for example), 69 P R E P U B L I C A T I O N
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
stormy weather, or lack of equipment and manpower, natural attenuation might be the only option available.
Figure 4.1. Deepwater Horizon oil budget calculator (Federal Interagency Solutions Group, 2010). Lehr B, Bristol S, Possolo A (2010) Oil Budget Calculator Deepwater Horizon, Technical Documentation, A Report to the National Incident Command, November 2010 (Coastal Response Research Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH). Available at
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Oil Spill Response Technologies
This chapter reviews the suite of spill response technologies applied during the DWH oil spill, presents the effectiveness and risks associated with their use, discusses how they were applied in response to the DWH oil spill, and, where possible, assesses their potential impacts on the ecosystem and their services of the GoM. The discussion begins with potential responses at sea that can prevent adverse impacts, moves to potential responses on and near the shore that can prevent adverse impacts, and then ways to treat impacted shoreline habitats. The final section deals with natural attenuation—the natural fate of oil in the marine environment. Our understanding of the efficacy of response technologies used during the DWH spill is rapidly evolving with papers and reports continuing to be published. The results presented in this chapter may be verified, challenged, or negated by further findings. The extrapolation to ecological relevance of lab-based studies is tenuous at times, but lab studies do provide information about the potential cause and level of effect under certain circumstances. Studies on long-term changes in populations and community structure and function under the Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) remain undisclosed or have not been completed. Given these constraints, the Committee acknowledges that it may never be possible to fully understand how some technologies have affected ecosystem processes and functions. CHEMICAL DISPERSANTS Chemical oil dispersants are proprietary mixtures of surfactants and solvents that are applied directly to an oil spill in order to reduce the natural attractive forces within the oil. The use of chemical oil dispersants offshore can be effective in preventing heavy oiling of sensitive coastal environments, such as beaches and wetlands, and in mitigating risks associated with marine and terrestrial wildlife coming into direct contact with a surface oil slick. Some (Lehr et al., 2010) have calculated that the use of dispersants helped keep an estimated 500,000 barrels of the DWH oil away from the highly productive and sensitive coastal areas, but there is no feasible way to verify this estimate. When an oil slick is sprayed with dispersant and exposed to mixing energy, typically from wave action, some of the oil is broken up into small droplets, which may then become entrained in the water column (Li et al., 2008; Li et al., 2009a; Li et al., 2009b; Lunel, 1995). Since the chemically dispersed oil droplets may be small enough to be neutrally buoyant, diffusion and advection transport processes are expected to dilute the plume over a large volume to concentrations below toxicity threshold limits—a key objective for the use of dispersants. Furthermore, as microbial degradation of oil spilled at sea primarily occurs at the oil-water interface, oil biodegradation rates should be enhanced provided the dissolved oil concentration is not so large as to be toxic to the microbes. At the large scale, the overall biodegradation rate is increased when dispersants are used effectively (Venosa and Holder, 2007; Venosa and Zhu, 2003a). In addition, small droplets enhance dissolution of soluble and semi-volatile compounds into surrounding waters, resulting in fewer airborne volatiles, which may pose a health and safety risk to cleanup workers. However, one consequence of dispersant use is that oil concentrations may increase in the water column and potentially increase exposure for pelagic species.
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Finding 4.1. Chemical dispersants have long been applied to oil spills to break up oil into smaller droplets. From a purely physical perspective, chemical oil dispersants can reduce oil concentrations at the surface by increasing horizontal and vertical mixing of the oil. This tends to enhance biodegradation, and mitigate the adverse effects of the oil at the surface including the reduction of vapors (thus enhancing the safety of response personnel). However, the overall volume of ocean impacted by the oil will increase which may have adverse effects especially for subsurface biota. Use of dispersants during the DWH oil spill response Approval and monitoring of dispersant application About 1.8 million gallons of dispersants were used during the DWH oil spill response. Both product formulations used in the GoM—Corexit 9527 and 9500—were approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the National Contingency Plan for the treatment of oil spills. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010) report concluded that “because of the strict guidelines that must be followed to utilize dispersants, it is unlikely that the general public will be exposed (directly) to (the) product.” The report further states that “ingredients are not considered to cause chemical sensitization; the dispersants contain proven, biodegradable and low toxicity surfactants.” The use of chemical dispersants at the DWH oil spill site was regulated under the Clean Water Act. During the spill response, approximately 1.8 million gallons of Corexit brand chemical oil dispersant were applied (Figure 4.2): 1.07 million gallons of Corexit 9527 and 9500A at the surface and 772,000 gallons of Corexit 9500 via subsurface injection (Federal Interagency Solutions Group, 2010). Figure 4.3 shows the geographical area where approximately 90 percent of the aerial surface dispersant spraying occurred.
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Oil Spill Response Technologies
Figure 4.2. Cumulative surface and subsurface dispersant use by day of spill response. Source: Federal Interagency Solutions Group, 2010.
Figure 4.3. Region in which 90 percent of aerial dispersant spray passes occurred. (Source: Created by O'Brien's Response Management).
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Dispersant application methods Chemical dispersants are most often sprayed directly onto a surface oil slick from an airplane or ship. During the DWH oil spill response, chemical oil dispersants were also injected directly into the stream of oil and gas flowing from the damaged wellhead located 1,522 m below the surface of the ocean. Additional details regarding the impacts of these application methods are discussed below. Subsurface injection of dispersant at the wellhead One of the most innovative and controversial aspects of the immediate response to the DWH oil spill was the injection of 770,000 gallons of Corexit 9500 at the wellhead. One aspect of the controversy was whether the dispersant was necessary to keep some of the oil from reaching the surface. A plume of oil formed at depths between 1,100 and 1,200 m below the surface (Reddy et al., 2011). Some (e.g., Peterson et al., 2012), have suggested that the subsurface dispersants had little impact in dispersing the spill or preventing oil from reaching the surface. They argue that the turbulence in the oil jet was sufficient to induce massive dispersion. They offer anecdotal evidence that the BP videos taken at the wellhead during the DWH spill suggested that the dispersant injection wand sometimes missed the main oil plume, therefore making the dispersant ineffective. Paris et al. (2012) also argue that the application of subsurface dispersants did little to alter the vertical distribution of oil. However, their argument depends heavily on the use of an algorithm to estimate the oil droplet size that is based on oil-in-water emulsions whose relevance to the blowout problem is debatable. Furthermore their calculated droplet size for the DWH oil spill in the absence of dispersant is so small that it could not explain the observed surface slick that formed immediately above the well. An argument for the efficacy of subsurface dispersants is provided by the American Petroleum Institute (2012), which provides aerial photographs taken during the DWH oil spill that show the surface slick nearly disappeared when subsurface dispersant injection was initiated, then reappeared when the dispersant was stopped. Other evidence for the efficacy of subsurface dispersant use is provided by Johansen et al. (2013) and Brandvik et al. (2013), who describe studies of droplet size in simulated blowout plumes conducted in a 6 m laboratory tank. Their results show roughly a three-fold decrease in modal droplet size when dispersant is applied at ratios used in the DWH oil spill. From the laboratory data, they develop an algorithm for droplet size based on a modified Weber law that accounts for the effects of dispersant. The algorithm gives a reasonable fit to their laboratory studies as well as several other relevant studies. This algorithm suggests that dispersant application in the DWH oil spill dramatically reduced the droplet size. As discussed earlier in this chapter, the formation of smaller oil droplets would enhance oil biodegradation rates. Of course, even if subsurface dispersant application does keep more oil below the surface, the concern is that dispersing the oil will simply increase the concentration of bioavailable oil in one environmental compartment, the water column, and decrease it in
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Oil Spill Response Technologies
another, the shoreline. Despite this obvious tradeoff, the Presidential Commission concluded that dispersant application had reduced the overall risks associated with the spill (National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, 2011). The alternative to using dispersants would have been to allow additional oil from the Macondo wellhead to impact Gulf coastal marshes and beaches. Dispersant effectiveness The effectiveness of a dispersant for the treatment of oil spilled at sea is largely dependent on a number of physicochemical factors such as oil properties, turbulence (e.g., waves for dispersant applied at the surface), temperature, oil weathering, salinity of the sea water, and the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance of the dispersant (Chandrasekar et al., 2005; 2006; Mukherjee and Wrenn, 2009). Biodegradation of chemically dispersed oil Dispersants can enhance the initial rate of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation by being the first substrate utilized by the hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria to grow and colonize dispersed oil droplets (Varadaraj et al., 1995). However, the observed effects of chemical dispersants on the rate of oil biodegradation have varied among studies (NRC, 2005b). Stimulation of biodegradation rates by the use of chemical dispersants occurred in some studies (Swannell and Daniel, 1999; Traxler and Bhattacharya, 1978), but chemical dispersion had no effect or inhibited biodegradation in others (Foght and Westlake, 1982; Lindstrom and Braddock, 2002). Corexit concentrations of 1 to 10 milligrams per milliliter that were likely encountered during the actual dispersant application promoted the biodegradation of DWH oil in laboratory tests, but also caused significant reductions in production and viability of the hydrocarbon degraders, Acinetobacter and Marinobacter (Hamdan and Fulmer, 2011). Marinobacter was most sensitive to the dispersant, with nearly 100 percent reduction in viability and production. Dispersant concentrations within the immediate vicinity of the wellhead may have reduced the capacity of some microorganisms in those waters to bioremediate the dispersed oil due to the elevated concentrations of dispersant and oil above toxicity threshold limits, which became reduced as the plume moved farther away. Attempts have been made to predict the rate of oil biodegradation in the environment from the results of kinetic models based on laboratory data (Venosa and Holder, 2007; Zahed et al., 2011). Lee et al. (2011) highlighted two important challenges to consider in experimental designs. The first challenge is to conduct tests at the low dispersed oil concentrations representative of field conditions where rapid dilution occurs. Many previous biodegradation studies were conducted at unrealistically high concentrations of dispersed oil in closed microcosms. Studying dispersed oil biodegradation at concentrations several orders of magnitude above expected at-sea concentrations in closed systems could limit biodegradation
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
rates and total degradation by exhausting the available nutrients. Some researchers attempted to address this by adding nutrients to the system, but that action can lead to unrepresentative modification of the microbial community. The second challenge is to maintain a stable dispersion within the test system. Under normal sea-state conditions, oil droplets have a strong tendency to become more dispersed over time, especially for subsurface plumes where droplets can freely move in all three dimensions. Even for surface slicks, Langmuir cells (Langmuir, 1938; Leibovich, 1983) and the action of waves (Elliot et al., 1986; Boufadel et al., 2006) can temporarily overpower the oil buoyancy and drive the droplets several meters down into the water column, thus dramatically reducing the concentration and the chance of coalescence. It is difficult to simulate these kinds of spreading mechanisms in a laboratory setting. Until these issues are addressed in experimental research, actual rates for the biodegradation of chemically dispersed oil at sea will remain unknown. Biodegradation of dispersants The biodegradation of oil spill dispersants and the surfactants used in them are relatively well studied (Baumann et al., 1999; Garcia et al., 2009; Lindstrom and Braddock, 2002; Liu, 1983; Odokuma and Okpokwasili, 1992; Una and Garcia, 1983). In general, results indicate that most surfactant formulations are readily biodegraded under aerobic conditions by marine bacteria (Lee et al., 1985; Liu, 1983; Una and Garcia, 1983), with the rate of biodegradation under anaerobic conditions being much lower (Berna et al., 2007; Ying, 2006). Different types of surfactants, and even individual surfactants of the same class, can biodegrade at different rates, depending on environmental conditions and the structural complexity of a dispersant’s chemical branching. For example, Una and Garcia (1983) observed extensive biodegradation of the ethoxylated nonionic surfactants used in Corexit 9527 and 9500 in pure cultures of bacteria isolated from an estuary. These nonionic surfactants are sorbitan mono- and tri-(9Z)-9-octadecenoate poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivatives, known commercially as Tween 80 and Tween 85. The authors also noted that poor biodegradation (< 20 percent) of Span 80, the unethoxylated nonionic surfactant constituent in Corexit products, may have been caused by substrate inhibition due to the extremely high surfactant concentration (5 grams per liter), which likely would have impacted the integrity of bacterial membranes (Garcia et al., 2009). Biodegradation of Corexit 9500 and Louisiana sweet crude (similar to the Macondo oil in properties and hydrocarbon constituents) was analyzed by Campo et al. (2013) at both sea surface and sea floor temperatures, and they observed complete degradation of specific surfactants such as dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate (DOSS) within 28 days. Finding 4.2. Existing studies of the biodegradation rate of dispersants alone show that they do degrade, though at rates that depend strongly on the concentration of dissolved oxygen and the composition of the surfactant. The biodegradation rate of chemically dispersed oil can also vary widely, but some, if not all, of this variation reflects the lack of realism in the underlying experiments. Further studies are needed that use realistic
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initial dispersed oil concentrations, and that avoid boundary effects that increase oildispersant concentrations. Toxicity and bioaccumulation of dispersed oil, dispersants, and surfactants While a great deal of work has been done under controlled laboratory conditions to evaluate the toxicity of chemical oil dispersants and dispersed oil in the marine environment, differences in results have been observed due to factors such as species-specific sensitivity, the particular dispersant formulation used, and experimental conditions (George-Ares and Clark, 2000). For example, with exposure of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) to dispersed oil, toxicity has been found to be related to concentration, duration of exposure, and life stage exposed (McIntosh et al., 2010). Some controversy remains over the use of dispersants (Chapman et al., 2007) because they may elicit toxic responses. Corexit 9500 and Corexit 9527 used in the DWH oil spill response result in low to moderate toxicity to most aquatic species in laboratory tests (George-Ares and Clark, 2000). However, there is evidence that oil dispersed as small droplets in the water column might be more bioavailable, and therefore more toxic, than the oil alone. For example, fish studies with newly hatched mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) in 96-hour static renewal tests have shown that dispersant additions induced changes in aqueous concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) that affect larval survival, body length, or ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase activity, an indicator of contaminant uptake (Couillard et al., 2005). At 0.2 gram per liter, the addition of dispersant caused two-fold and five-fold increases in the concentrations of total PAHs and high-molecularweight PAHs (three or more benzene rings). Recent studies have focused on the evaluation of chronic effects from short-term exposures to dispersants and dispersed oil (Hannam et al., 2009; McFarlin et al., 2011a). Much consideration has also been given to the environmental persistence of dispersants, dispersed oil, or dispersant byproducts at low concentrations (Lee et al., 2011). A study conducted by Fuller et al. (2004) using two fish species, Cyprinodon variegatus and Menidia beryllina, and one shrimp species, Americamysis bahia (formerly Mysidopsis bahia), and the luminescent bacterium, Vibrio fischeri, was designed to evaluate the relative toxicity of test media prepared with dispersant, weathered crude oil, and weathered crude oil plus dispersant. The study’s results indicated that the toxicity of chemically dispersed oil preparations was equal to or less than that of the oil alone. However, the real source of toxicity was a function of the soluble crude oil components, which would likely not persist over time. In an EPA study by Hemmer et al. (2010) looking at toxicity of Louisiana sweet crude (LSC), chemical oil dispersants, and chemically dispersed LSC on Menidia beryllina and Americamysis bahia (two species used by Fuller et al. above), the toxicity of the dispersant alone was lower than that of LSC or dispersed LSC, which both showed moderate to high toxicity. Similarly, Milinkovitch et al. (2011) found that there is no significant difference between the toxicity of naturally and chemically dispersed oil when looking at a series of biomarker responses in the gills of golden grey mullet (Liza aurata).
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
A study by Judson et al. (2010) using in vitro (cell-based) assays concluded that while some dispersants did show low potential for endocrine disruption, most (including Corexit) did not show any significant effect. Research into the toxicity of a series of chemical oil dispersants (the Corexit series of dispersants were not tested) on two Indo-Pacific branching coral species found that the two corals were sensitive to both chemical oil dispersants and chemically dispersed oil, but that toxicity decreased sharply with dilution (Shafir et al., 2007). During this study, the water-soluble oil fraction was also tested and showed relatively low toxicity, but naturally dispersed crude oil was not evaluated. Using the frog (Xenopus) embryo teratogenesis assay, Smith et al. (2012) reported a range of abnormalities due to Corexit 9500A (concentration range: 1 to 1,000 PLFUROLWHUVȝ/ SHUOLWHU) that included edemas of the pharynx, thorax, and eye, and incomplete and reversed gut coiling. Fish are highly mobile and will encounter dispersed oil. Greer et al. (2012) showed that brief exposures of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) embryos to low concentrations of chemically dispersed Alaskan North Slope and Arabian light crude oils for 2.4 hours could induce blue-sac disease and reduce the percentage of normal embryos at hatching. Furthermore, toxicity increased with exposure time. However, fish are not expected to be exposed for long time periods to dispersed oil, due to natural dilution processes under dynamic open ocean conditions (Lee et al., 2011). Concerns have been raised by the media over the potential effects of the crude oil and dispersants on the food web dynamics in the GoM (Mascarelli, 2010). Microcosm experiments performed in situ in North Inlet Estuary near Georgetown, South Carolina, using DWH oil and a Texas crude oil noted a decrease in chlorophyll a in phytoplankton as crude oil concentration increased from 10 to 100 microliters per liter (Gilde and Pinckney, 2012). Researchers interpreted this change as a decrease in biomass rather than in the pigment itself, because of the short duration of the experiments. Diatom, cyanobacteria, euglenophyte, and chlorophyte abundances were unaffected or increased with increased oiling, whereas cryptophyte abundance decreased. The authors suggested that oiling could result in changes in phytoplankton community composition within salt marsh estuaries impacted by the DWH oil, thereby affecting higher trophic levels such as zooplankton, which selectively feed on phytoplankton that might be killed by the oil (Gilde and Pinckney, 2012). Graham et al. (2010) found that į13C depletion, used as a tracer of oil-derived carbon in mesozooplankton and suspended particulate samples in near-surface and bottom waters from four stations in 8 to 33 m water depth in the northern GoM, corresponded with the arrival of surface slicks from the DWH oil spill and demonstrated that carbon from the spill was incorporated into both trophic levels of the planktonic food web. Ortmann et al. (2012) conducted mesocosm experiments to determine the response of the surface microbial community off Alabama to Macondo well oil and Corexit 9500A. The results suggested that the oil alone increased the abundance of ciliates (predators of the carbondigesting bacteria), and therefore the likelihood of carbon being transferred up the food web. However, when dispersant or dispersed oil was used, an increase in heterotrophic prokaryotes ensued with a significant inhibition of ciliates. The decrease in nutrients and increased growth suggested that the prokaryotes were able to use the dispersant and dispersed oil as a carbon source. Fewer ciliates indicated that a reduction in the grazing microbes was occurring, with a
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corresponding decrease in carbon transfer to higher trophic levels (although the carbon transfer was not measured). They hypothesized that the addition of dispersant and dispersed oil to the northern GoM from the DWH incident may have reduced the carbon transfer to higher organisms and potentially decreased zooplankton and fish production on the shelf. On the other hand, in a previous mesocosm study conducted on the Pacific coast off Canada, Lee et al. (1985) noted that the presence of crude oil dispersed with Corexit 9527 may have reduced the grazing pressure by bacterivores such as ciliates on potential oil-degrading bacteria. Satellite measurements of algal blooms in the Gulf suggest that the spill may have triggered an increase in these blooms. Initial results of changes in the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) fluorescence line height as a proxy for phytoplankton biomass and a source of carbon for trophic transfer 1 showed a statistically significant chlorophyll a anomaly in an area exceeding 11,000 km2 in August 2010, about 3 weeks after the Macondo well was capped (Hu et al., 2011). The values of fluorescence line height were higher than in any similar August imagery from 2002 to 2009 (Hu et al., 2011). A second bloom from December 2010 to January 2011 seemed to have been from strong upwelling and mixing events during late fall, but data were insufficient to support or reject a hypothesis that subsurface oil from the DWH oil spill may have contributed to its occurrence (Hu et al., 2011). These studies highlight the need to fully understand the long-term effects of residual oil and dispersed oil in the marine environment. Dispersant application during the DWH oil spill occurred at a time when birds in the Gulf region were nesting. Some birds and their eggs may have been exposed to oil, Corexit, or dispersed oil. To test the embryotoxicity of Macondo well oil dispersed with Corexit 9500 to a model bird species, 50:1 and 10:1 mixtures of weathered Macondo well crude oil (collected from the GoM) and Corexit were applied to the shells of mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) eggs in ranges of 0.1 to 59.9 mg for the 50:1 mixture, and 0.1 to 44.9 mg for the 10:1 (Finch et al., 2012). No deformities were observed, which is consistent with a previous study using weathered MC252 oil (Finch et al., 2011). It appears that the weathering of the oil reduces the potential toxic effects on bird eggs; in previous studies, fresh crude oils have been shown to be embryotoxic and teratogenic (Hoffman and Albers, 1984), as they contain lighter molecular weight components, including PAHs (Barron et al., 1999), that can penetrate the eggshell and membrane. During response operations following the DWH oil spill, the EPA issued a number of directives (EPA, 2010) to monitor the efficacy of subsurface oil dispersant injection and the fate and transport of dispersed oil, and to provide operational shutdown criteria. Based on the results of daily field data reports, the EPA had the authority to suspend the application of dispersants due to a significant reduction in dissolved oxygen, 2 high mortality in rotifer toxicity tests, and factors related to human health. In support of these mandates, the EPA conducted a series of toxicity experiments to determine the potential threat posed to marine organisms as a result of the large volumes of dispersant being applied during the spill response (Hemmer et al., 2010). The acute toxicity and capacity for endocrine disruption and other biological activity of 1 2
U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA):
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
eight chemical oil dispersant formulations in the presence of LSC oil, at recommended application rates, were evaluated with GoM mysid shrimp, Americamysis bahia, and the inland silverside fish, Menidia beryllina. Acute toxicity testing was conducted using the LC50 metric, which identifies the lethal concentration (LC) at which 50 percent of the test species die over a given period of time. The capacity of the dispersants to act as endocrine disruptors, or engage in other biological activity, was determined using a series of standardized in vitro (cell-based) assays. Overall, the dispersant-LSC oil mixtures were considered to be highly to moderately toxic, depending on the test species and dispersant. Corexit 9500A, which was used for both surface and subsurface application during the DWH oil spill response, was considered moderately toxic for both species. The toxicity of the dispersant alone was lower than that of LSC or dispersed LSC. In light of the varied and somewhat circumstantial results being obtained for toxicity studies of chemical oil dispersants, George-Ares and Clark (2000) suggested that factors such as toxicity of dispersed oil, dilution and degradation in the environment, species or resources requiring priority protection, potential adverse effects of all response options, and the potential for recovery of sensitive habitats and populations should weigh more heavily in the decisionmaking process than dispersant toxicity alone. Some consideration has also been given to the bioaccumulation of surfactants. There is evidence that surfactants of all classes are readily taken up across the gills of some marine animals (EOSCA, 2000) and that nonionic and ionic surfactants (such as those found in most oil dispersants) may be effectively biotransformed and eliminated via the gall bladder (Tolls et al., 1994). A review of the bioaccumulation potential of surfactants conducted by the European Oilfield Specialty Chemicals Association (EOSCA) concluded that although surfactants and their metabolites can be found in aquatic organisms following exposure, there was no evidence to support biomagnification of surfactants through the food web (EOSCA, 2000). Clearly there are numerous ongoing studies of the toxicity of dispersants and dispersed oil, some with conflicting or inconclusive results. The body of evidence does imply that, in general, dispersant and dispersed oil do biodegrade in the marine environment. The fate of dispersant surfactants in laboratory studies is highly dependent on the concentration and chemical characteristics of the surface-active compounds, the microbes available, and the methods used to monitor biodegradability. The degradation of surfactants in combination with the crude oil hydrocarbons remains a challenge in analytical chemistry. Finding 4.3. There is some evidence that chemically dispersed oil and some dispersant compounds are toxic to some marine life, especially early life stages. There is contradictory evidence as to whether chemically-dispersed oil is more or equally toxic to marine life compared to undispersed oil. The use of dispersants does reduce the amount of oil available to reach shorelines and shallow water environments and impact additional marine life. These facts may be weighed in considering the net environmental benefit to having used dispersants in the DWH oil spill.
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Dispersant degradation during the DWH oil spill The Operational Science Advisory Team (OSAT, 2010) chose the chemical indicators 2butoxyethanol, dipropylene glycol n-butyl ether (DPnB), propylene glycol, and DOSS of Corexit dispersants 9500 and 9527 to monitor the expanse of Corexit and the DWH dispersed oil. Dispersant indicator chemicals were found in the water column in a wide range of concentrations. Seventy-nine percent of offshore water column samples were positive for Corexit chemical indicators, while the indicators were observed in only a small fraction (90 percent mortality of above-ground biomass of smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora. Plants took much longer to recover from exposure to diesel fuel than from exposure to crude oil (Lin and Menselssohn, 2003). In contrast, 90 percent survival of saltmeadow cordgrass, Spartina patens, was observed in plots containing sediments with 25 km away along the modeled route of a deep hydrocarbon plume, 2 sites > 25 km under the known route of the surface slick, and 8 reference sites previously sampled in the Deep Gulf of Mexico Benthos (DGOMB) study (Rowe and Kennicutt, 2009). The sampling resembled traditional infaunal surveys with supporting geological and chemical analysis. A multicorer was proposed as the primary sampling device. Supplementing these traditional deep-sea approaches has been the use of a sediment-profiling camera, a device useful for assessing the thickness of deposited layers. Macrofauna would be examined at each site in three cores with a surface area of 0.03 m2, and meiofauna from a single core with an area of 0.01 m2. A workplan to investigate large animals living on the sediment surface at 10 sites using remotely operated vehicle (ROV) imaging surveys of bottom and water column was approved October 2011. Plankton studies offshore were initiated in November 2010, but seldom included samples deeper than the 200 m upper limit of the deep ocean. A work plan to sample deep mesopelagic and bathypelagic fish using midwater trawls was submitted November 30, 2010. When considering supporting and regulating ecosystem services, the primary impacts to the deep system will include reductions of dissolved oxygen and nitrate and toxic effects on biota. A blowout at the seafloor of a deep-water oil well has been recognized by regulatory agencies as a worst-case scenario since the onset of deep drilling (Carney, 1998), with the subsurface behavior of plumes examined during an experimental release (Johansen, 2000). Study of the acute effects on the deep-water column, deep bottom, and surface were initiated as part of the NRDA process as well as by separately funded independent scientists. As noted earlier, NRDA findings have not been made public as of this writing, but publicly available results that have undergone peer review do provide a basic scenario. Since the hydrocarbons forcefully jetting into the bottom waters consisted of a wide range of particle sizes, a subsurface plume of slowly rising droplets as well as a soluble fraction was expected. This expectation was confirmed and documented by Camilli et al. (2010), with little early indication of microbial consumption and associated oxygen reduction. An extensive amount of soluble component was subsequently reported (Reddy et al., 2011) as well as microbial consumption accompanied by drawdown of oxygen (Camilli et al., 2010; Valentine et al., 2012) and nitrate (Hazen et al., 2010). Thus, the DWH oil spill is highly likely to have impacted regional gas exchange and nutrient dynamics. Hydrocarbons, unlike natural detritus, lack nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Microbial shifts to consuming hydrocarbons will thus alter the cycling of these essential nutrients. Larger-scale mixing will reduce these impacts over time. Such an event was anticipated and modeled by BOEM-supported researchers prior to the spill using the smaller Ixtoc 1 oil spill from 1979 as an input example, along with mixing models of the Gulf (Jochens et al., 2005). Among the damage assessments for the water column, mud bottoms, and hardgrounds, only results for the latter two have been reported. At the time of the blowout, the MMS (now BOEM) was supporting exploration and study of deep coral aggregations in the northern Gulf of Mexico in conjunction with regulation development. That effort was redirected to impact
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Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico
assessment. Dead and dying corals with brown, flocculent material on them were reported and reasonably attributed to exposure to hydrocarbon/dispersant plumes (White et al., 2012). Three months after the Macondo well was capped, nine sites of deep sea coral communities, located more than 20 km from the well and at depths of 290 to 2,600 m, were investigated using a remotely operated vehicle, the Jason II (White et al., 2012). These sites included seven that had been observed in 2009, and all were healthy, showing no impact from the spill. However, one site at 11 km southwest of the well and 1,370 m deep, which would have been in the path of the hydrocarbon plume, was covered by brown flocs and had coral colonies exhibiting obvious signs of stress such as bare skeleton, tissue loss, sclerite enlargement, excess mucous production, and abnormally colored or malformed commensal ophiuroids (White et al., 2012; WHOI, 2012). Of 43 corals, 46 percent showed impacts extending to more than half of the colony, and 25 percent showed impacts exceeding 90 percent of the colony at this one site only. Strongly reinforcing the interpretation of a spill impact was the analysis of hopanoid petroleum biomarkers isolated from the floc collected from the impacted corals: comprehensive twodimensional gas chromatography revealed a high degree of similarity with Macondo well oil (Boehm and Carragher, 2012). Although there is some contention as to whether or not these observed effects on the coral colony are due to the DWH spill, rather than nearby natural seeps or submarine landslides (Boehm and Carragher, 2012), the possibility of these alternatives is low, given the extensive surveys of the area in question (White et al. 2012). Available information indicating impacts on the large fauna on the extensive mud bottom are based on analysis of ROV video recordings (Valentine and Benfield, 2013). The bottom was surveyed at four locations north, south, east, and west 2,000 m from the DWH blowout preventer (BOP); a fifth site was 500 m north of the BOP. Faunal density, species richness, and species composition varied spatially in a manner consistent with impact at the 500-m site and at the western and southern 2,000-m sites. The conclusion that impacts had occurred was reinforced by observation of low numbers of apparently dead holothuroids and sea pens at those locations. Impact to mid-water zooplankton was indicated by the presence of dead pyrosomes and salps on the seafloor at all locations. Unlike the observations of impacted corals on deep hardgrounds (White et al., 2012), no collected specimens or sediments were taken for hydrocarbon analysis. The reported impact on corals and soft-bottom biota are consistent with these observations. Effects might be sufficiently great so as to influence potential commercial upperocean pelagic species, which are somewhat dependent on the biomass aggregations of the deepscattering layer and on the seafloor. Spill impact on the nonliving resources of the deep GoM may come through increased regulation and prohibitions intended to prevent environmental damage. Finding 5.17. The generally low level of understanding about the deep GoM makes it very difficult to assess the full impact of the DWH blowout and spill on ecosystem services. There are few, if any, ways in which the spill will have altered the larger-scale physics of the deep GoM, leaving only the biological and biogeochemical processes subject to major impact. It is, however, possible to consider likely impact scenarios on
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
supporting, regulating, and provisioning services. The cultural impacts of the spill are more nebulous, but include what might best be called a loss of wilderness.
Baseline data for the deep GoM The U.S. Department of the Interior has the authority to manage seafloor mineral resources in federal submerged lands to the extent of the EEZ. Since receiving the initial mandate, the required tasks have been carried out under different organizational arrangements, beginning with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and then followed by the Minerals Management Service (MMS) and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE). Following the DWH oil spill, BOEMRE was divided into the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. The critical task of identifying information needed to assure protection of the natural and human environment has been the primary responsibility of the Environmental Studies Program (ESP), which was initiated in 1973 (NRC, 1992) and is currently a component of BOEM. ESP has a headquarters division and regional programs in the Gulf of Mexico, Pacific, and Alaska. 8 ESP has a scientifically trained staff, but lacks a dedicated research component and, in most instances, supports information gathering by means of the Department of Interior procurement authority, which includes competitive bidding, cooperative agreements, memoranda of understanding, and the like. Contracts to carry out studies in deep water have traditionally gone to various combinations of academic institutions and the offshore service industry. Partnerships within government have made use of research platforms and staffs of NOAA and the Biological Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey. As a result of the continuing efforts of ESP and its partners and contractors, the GoM is one of the most extensively studied regions of the world’s oceans on a relative basis (volumetrically, most of the global ocean remains unexplored). As will be discussed later, there are many data gaps and inadequately addressed phenomena that prevent the establishment of ecological production functions for the deep sea of the GoM. However, a basic level of understanding of species inventory and the physical environment has been established for the continental shelf and the deep basin. Until the late 1980s, the primary sources of information about the deep GoM came from the sampling programs directed by Willis Pequegnat at Texas A&M University between 1964 and 1973 and were supported without regard to oil and gas development primarily by the U.S. Navy’s Office of Naval Research (ONR). With the intention to bring these results into the decision-making process for pioneering deep oil leases, BOEM supported an initial synthesis of results from 111 sampling stations above 1,000 m in the U.S. EEZ between Brownsville, Texas, and Desoto Canyon (Pequegnat et al., 1976). Subsequently, 8
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Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico
a Gulf-wide synthesis of 246 stations was supported (Pequegnat, 1983). The stations were sampled primarily for megafauna on the continental slope to a basin depth of 3,658 m. Extensive hardgrounds on the west Florida Escarpment and Yucatan Peninsula prevented investigation of these eastern and southeastern regions. The Pequegnat et al. sampling efforts collected some hydrographic data, but was primarily a zoogeographic study and biodiversity inventory. As such, it lacked the more comprehensive suite of measurements that became standard in BOEM-initiated baseline studies on the continental shelf. These more comprehensive investigations included the South Texas Outer Continental Shelf Study (STOCS), the Mississippi Alabama Florida (MAFLA) study, and the Southwest Florida Shelf (SFLA) study, which included sediment hydrocarbon and metal contaminant measurements along with biological surveys (Carney, 1996). These studies were ecologically comprehensive in that they examined both the seafloor (benthos) and water column (pelagos). A BOEM deep-sea baseline-type study was initiated and carried out on five cruises between 1983 and 1985. The primary results of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf Study (NGMCS) were presented in its third- and fourth-year annual reports (Galloway et al., 1986; 1987). The sampling design was not hypothesis-driven in a formal sense, but incorporated Pequegnat's system of faunal zones and the need to compare eastern, central, and western planning regions. In addition to benthic fauna, alkanes were analyzed for indication of petroleum hydrocarbon, along with metals. Pelagic work was limited to water column hydrology and chemistry. The 10 years following the completion of the NGMCS study saw the initiation of sufficient deep-oil drilling that a second comprehensive benthic study was initiated in 1999, the Deep Gulf of Mexico Benthos (DGoMB) project. Sampling was carried out between 2000 and 2002. Major results were published in a special volume of Deep-Sea Research (Rowe and Kennicutt, 2008) and a final report issued by Rowe and Kennicutt (2009). Although lacking a substantial water column analysis component, the DGoMB study is noteworthy with respect to future transition from habitat characterization to an ecosystem services approach. It included ecosystem function and model development in addition to the more traditional biological surveys. Sampling design was structured around specific hypotheses and included stations in close proximity to the DWH site. Primary productivity and carbon flux to the bottom, although not directly measured, were estimated from surface chlorophyll data. Benthic microorganisms were included as well as animal taxa. BOEM has contracted three major studies of seep communities and has afforded this special habitat protection through issuance of a Notice to Lessees (BOEM, 2012; Federal Register, 2012). When protection of deep coral habitat became a major issue in the European Union, BOEM contracted a series of studies to map and assess similar systems in the GoM and elsewhere within the U.S. EEZ. The second large study of deep corals, “Lophelia II,” was underway at the time of the DWH blowout and was converted into an NRDA task. Role of Industry in Baseline Development
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People generally familiar with environmental permitting may assume that the offshore industry carries out substantial environmental surveys prior to any drilling activity. Were that the case, a baseline would have been determined for the thousands of wells already drilled. In fact, the Department of the Interior, in the role of manager of nationally owned offshore lands, carries out studies and prepares reports that meet NEPA requirements. The offshore industry has relatively minimal requirements to contribute to the overall understanding of the ecology of either the deep or shallow GoM. Much of the data developed by industry and submitted as part of the permitting and planning process are proprietary and not available for review. The primary requirement in deep water is that the proposed drilling must avoid sensitive habitats such as seep or hardgrounds. As evidence that such systems are being avoided, BOEM accepts geophysical or video recordings of the bottom taken by remotely operated vehicles. The industry does from time to time exceed BOEM’s minimal baseline requirements. Any ecological data gathered, however, is considered proprietary or otherwise not made available for independent scientific analysis. A particularly noteworthy program in which industry makes a major contribution to data gathering and understanding of deep circulation is the BOEM Deepwater Current Monitoring on Floating Facilities program initiated in 2005. With few exceptions, floating facilities in water deeper than 400 m must acoustically monitor water movement through most of the water column. The data are publicly available online from the National Data Buoy Center (Bender and DiMarco, 2008). The heavily studied but so-poorly-known contradiction Given that BOEM studies have provided so much information about the deep GoM, it is critically important to understand why the region has often been characterized as “poorly known” during and subsequent to the DWH spill. Beyond a lack of familiarity with GoM studies on the part of some spill responders, four causes can be suggested and corrected: (1) sparse data; (2) data less suited to serving as a baseline; (3) limited ability to access data collected over 3 decades; and (4) lack of conceptual frameworks that produce useful syntheses of existing data. With respect to sparse data, a major challenge to managing the deep GoM or any other portion of the United States’ deep EEZ is the problem of obtaining adequate data density to support management decisions and provide an adequate baseline from which to assess any damage due to exploitation. The deep GoM is a very large area that must be sampled by very small devices for understanding ecology and ecosystem services. This is especially the case for biotic inventories, sediment analyses, and benthic metabolism. How little of the actual deep habitat is actually sampled can be seen from an examination of the two major biological surveys of the deep GoM bottom: Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope (NGMCS) study (Pequegnat et al., 1990) and the Deep Gulf of Mexico Benthic study (Rowe and Kennicutt 2008). In the relatively recent DGOMB, the sedimentary biota was sampled with a corer 271 times for a total area sampled of only 46 m2 (Wei et al., 2010). The older NGMCS study took more cores for similar analysis, 324, but these were of a smaller size and the total area sampled
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was only about 20 m2. Thus the major portion of deep GoM sampling that has contributed to habitat classification and that might be used as a baseline for the deep sedimentary environment has covered a seafloor area of less than 70 m2. Given that the deep Gulf is not a homogeneous region, it remains grossly under-sampled. The deep water column biota has largely been ignored: there are few pre-spill data sets to either characterize the habitat or serve as a baseline. With respect to collecting relevant data, management agencies such as BOEM are faced with the challenge of balancing regulatory obligations and limited budgets with evolving strategies of natural systems management and an incomplete understanding of what parts of natural systems are most important. Based on prior recommendations to increase data density and gather data relevant to ecosystem functioning (NRC, 1992), it might be useful to assess the progress and limitations of deep GoM understanding of the past 20 years. As part of that assessment, the data requirements of the ecosystem services approach can be determined. With respect to data access, all reports produced by ESP since its inception are available online at the Environmental Studies Program Information System. 9 Studies completed prior to the use of digital media are available as scanned images. Seriously limiting the utility of the many reports is the lack of a central topic index and geospatial information other than regional. The extent to which reports include the critically important raw and processed data is highly variable. BOEM partners with the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) of NOAA for data archival. Much oceanographic data collected before 1995, however, remains in the MultiDiscipline Archives Retrieval System (MULDARS) format, which is no longer supported. In addition to ESP studies, BOEM obtains information about the deep environment from industry during the process of approving exploration and development plans. The information includes video surveys to determine if protected habitats are present and seismic data for multiple purposes. Although of considerable ecological relevance, these data are proprietary and unavailable for independent analysis. Obtaining more data of greater relevance and facilitating access to them all hinge upon the question of how the data are to be utilized. As more and more data are being collected, there is a growing need for an integrative process for search, retrieval, and analyses of these data. Finding 5.18. As discussed throughout this report, contemporary management of deepsea resources will benefit from the adoption of new perspectives such as ecosystembased management, ecosystem services approach, management for resilience, and others. For each of these perspectives new ideas are being proposed and critically examined. Meshing this process of idea evaluation with appropriate and adequate field data is a critical activity that should engage the participation of the academic community, federal agencies and the offshore industry. BOEM's deep-water program initiated a limited geospatial ecological synthesis effort in the form of Grid Programmatic Environmental Assessments (GPEA). The deep GoM was divided initially into 17 and later 18 regions (Richardson et al., 2008). Depending primarily upon proprietary data submitted as part of exploration and development plans, a decision would 9
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
be made as to the adequacy of or the need for more information. For example, DWH’s Mississippi Canyon lease block 252 is in grid cell 16. MMS issued an environmental assessment for this lease block in 2002 (MMS, 2002), indicating the judgment that data were adequate—a conclusion that might profitably be reexamined in light of events. How effectively executed GPEA were prior to the DWH spill can be argued, but with more careful examination of criteria and with all data available and accessible, a similar approach may be useful going forward. Deep sea GoM conclusions The DWH spill occurred within the deep habitats of the GoM, producing a sustained buoyant plume that rose to the surface, crossing the density gradient (pycnocline) and contaminating both the slowly mixed lower and more rapidly mixed upper water column. In addition, nonbuoyant plumes remained in the lower volume, contaminating water and bottom areas as these plumes intersected the continental slope. The environmental impacts of these contaminations are being investigated as part of the NRDA process, but few results had been released at the time of this writing. That work requires the time-consuming processing of samples of small fauna. In the case of deep corals that are more easily observed in the field, however, areas of injury consistent with exposure to deep plumes has been documented. Due to the increasing exploitation of deep-water areas, including the GoM, deep habitats will be increasingly at risk. With respect to the deep-sea environment of the GoM, an ecosystem services approach affords the potential to greatly improve the effectiveness of environmental management, especially as the ecosystem services approach is refined to better consider the ecological functions of this very large but poorly understood system. The benefit of the ecosystem services approach is that it is directed to an understanding of ecosystem interactions rather than simply promoting species inventory and habitat classification. It is likely that microbial and faunal contributions to hydrocarbon attenuation, carbon sequestration, and nutrient recycling are critical ecosystem services that may require careful management. Actual assessment of ecosystem services and their distribution across the deep GoM will, however, require substantial innovation both conceptually and technologically. Work needs to be done from a thoughtfully developed conceptual base, guiding careful sampling, with access to integrative tools for analysis and synthesis. Of the ecosystem services considered, the linked biological, geochemical, geological, and physical systems of the GoM interact to provide critical supporting and regulating services. The exact nature, rates, and distribution of the interactions and resulting services present many critical questions. How does the complex circulation across two sills and the Caribbean prevent deep hypoxia within the GoM basin under normal and spill-impacted conditions? How does the complex deep circulation interact with the Loop Current to determine the distribution of recycled nutrients within the GoM and the larger Atlantic? From a comprehensive perspective, what is the carbon balance of the GoM: is the deep a net sink or a net source?
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Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico
Of very special interest is the ability of the microbial system, closely linked to the physical system, to consume and respire naturally seeping liquid and gas hydrocarbons. How does this attenuation capacity vary within the GoM, as well as other regions of the global ocean? How does it impact nutrient and gas balance in slowly mixed deep water? Can this capacity be decreased by industrial accidents or other mismanagement? It is through the development of the broad-based knowledge of the ecosystem dynamics of the deep GoM required for an ecosystem services approach that we can hope to answer many of these fundamental questions. CHAPTER SUMMARY The four case studies presented in this chapter (wetlands, fisheries, marine mammals and the deep sea) were chosen to provide examples of how an ecosystem services approach may be applied to assessing the impact of the DWH oil spill on several key ecosystem services in the GoM. They represent a range of conditions with respect to the amount and utility of available data, our fundamental understanding of the functioning of the subcomponents of the ecosystem they represent, the value of the service in market and nonmarket terms, and the range of the impacts of the spill on the services. As such, they serve as exemplars of how an ecosystem services approach can add to our ability to capture the full impact of an event like the DWH oil spill and, at the same time, the challenges faced in attempting this approach. From the case studies presented, it should be clear that within the GoM there are some ecosystem services (e.g., storm mitigation from wetlands) for which years of research and baseline measurements create a situation where adequate ecological production functions and valuation processes exist to carry out an ecosystem services approach to damage assessment, with a high likelihood that the result will provide a more holistic view of the impact of the DWH spill and a wider range of restoration options. In the case of the ecosystem services provided by fisheries, valuation techniques are well-established (at least for the provisional services) and a significant amount of baseline data exist, but these data suffer from a lack of spatial specificity, especially when assessing impacts on the current and future productivity of the fisheries. The final two examples (marine mammals and the deep GoM) highlight the difficulties in estimating the full range of impacts when the current database, level of understanding of ecosystem interactions, and approaches to valuation are clearly inadequate. Nonetheless, in each case, the potential benefits of an ecosystem approach are outlined. The research efforts needed to make reaping these benefits a reality are addressed in the next chapter.
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
6 Research Needs in Support of Understanding Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico
INTRODUCTION As has been discussed throughout this report, the concept of ecosystem services offers the potential to view human-ecosystem interactions in a holistic fashion that may provide decision-makers with broadened opportunities to understand the impacts of natural and humancaused events in complex systems like the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). An ecosystem services approach to damage assessment may also offer managers a broader array of restoration options as well as approaches to ensuring long-term resilience. The report has also pointed out that while conceptually an ecosystem services approach has many advantages, its application in real-world situations faces a number of challenges, many of them revolving around a limited mechanistic understanding of the detailed linkages and interactions in an ecosystem of the complexity of the GoM. Other fundamental challenges involve how to relate changes in the ecosystem directly to benefits (or deficits) in human well-being, and understanding the potentially complex tradeoffs among the benefits (or deficits) that can result from various restoration strategies. Some ecosystem services are well-defined and well-documented—for instance, wetland mitigation of storm impacts or their contribution to fisheries production (as discussed in Chapter 5). For some of these well-defined ecosystem services, there are also methods for establishing a monetary value of the service, which provides one measure of benefits. The development of relationships between ecosystems and the value humans derive from them in the case of less-well-defined ecosystem services is still in a nascent stage. Considerations of ecosystem services are particularly important in the GoM region, where the livelihoods and lifestyles of many coastal communities have been tied closely to access to and quality of GoM ecosystems, often for multiple generations. Having outlined many of the challenges faced in applying an ecosystem services approach (see Chapter 2) to understanding the impact of an event like the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill on the GoM ecosystem throughout this report, this final chapter focuses on the question: “What long-term research activities and observational systems are needed to understand, monitor, and value trends and variations in ecosystem services and to allow the calculation of indices to compare with benchmark levels as recovery goals for ecosystem services in the Gulf of Mexico?” (Task 8 of the Statement of Task). In discussing these
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research and observational needs, it is hoped that the groundwork will be laid for establishing methodologies that will facilitate the application of an ecosystem services approach in the GoM and other ecologically sensitive regions. CONTEXT OF RESEARCH IN THE GULF OF MEXICO IN LIGHT OF THE DWH OIL SPILL Directives and funding for restoration Long-term research and data collection activities to support an ecosystem services approach to GoM management will be conducted in a framework of legislative directives and focused funding that stem from government actions and monetary settlements resulting from the DWH oil spill. In addition to the traditional Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) process (see Chapter 2), which began almost immediately after the spill, President Obama directed, through Executive Order 13,554, the establishment of the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force and charged it with developing a “Gulf of Mexico Regional Ecosystem Restoration Strategy” within a year of the order. 1 The “Gulf of Mexico Regional Ecosystem Restoration Strategy” (Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, 2011) proposed a science-based Gulf Coast ecosystem restoration agenda, including goals for ecosystem restoration, development of a set of performance indicators to track progress, and means of coordinating intergovernmental restoration efforts guided by shared priorities. In the strategy, Federal efforts were to be efficiently integrated with those of local stakeholders and a particular focus was to be given to innovative solutions and complex, large-scale restoration projects. The strategy also identified monitoring, research, and scientific assessments needed to support decision-making for ecosystem restoration efforts and to evaluate existing monitoring programs and gaps in current data collection. The U.S. Congress passed the Resources and Ecosystem Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act) on June 29, 2012 and President Obama signed it into law on July 6, 2012. The RESTORE Act allocates 80 percent of the administrative and civil penalties levied under the Clean Water Act (CWA) to the Gulf Restoration Trust Fund within the Treasury Department (Figure 6.1). The remaining 20 percent of the CWA fines will go to the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund. The amount of civil penalties that may be recovered, as well as the timing of recovery, is currently unknown, but it is very likely that the amount will involve billions of dollars. Thirty percent of the RESTORE Act funds will be managed by the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, an entity that replaced the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force through an Executive Order dated September 10, 2012. 2 The Council is charged 1
Exec. Order No. 13,554, 75 Fed. Reg. 62313 (Oct. 8, 2010); 2 Exec. Order No. 13, 626, 77 Fed. Reg. 56749 (Sept. 10, 2012).
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
with developing a comprehensive plan for ecosystem restoration in the Gulf Coast (Comprehensive Plan), that includes, “identifying projects and programs aimed at restoring and protecting the natural resources and ecosystems of the Gulf Coast region, to be funded from a portion of the Trust Fund; establishing such other advisory committees as may be necessary to assist the Gulf Restoration Council, including a scientific advisory committee and a committee to advise the Gulf Restoration Council on public policy issues; gathering information relevant to Gulf Coast restoration, including through research, modeling, and monitoring; and providing an annual report to the Congress on implementation progress.” Thirty-five percent of the RESTORE Act funds will be divided equally among the five impacted states for ecological restoration, economic development, and tourism promotion: 30 percent will be divided among the states according to a formula to implement individual state expenditure plans as approved by the Council; 2.5 percent will be given to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for a monitoring, observation, and technology program; and the final
RESTORE Act Science Programs 2.5% + 25% interest Council Funds 30% + 50% interest
Centers for Excellence 2.5% + 25% interest
Equal Allocation 35%
Impact-Based Allocation 30%
2010 Population of “coastal counties” 20%
Distance to Drilling Unit 40%
Miles of Oiled Shoreline 40%
Figure 6.1. Distribution of RESTORE Act funds (based on Tulane Institute on Water Resources Law and Policy for “Promise, Purpose, and Challenge: Putting the RESTORE Act into Context for the 3 Communities and Ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico.”
3 %20Water%20Institute%20RESTORE%20Act%20White%20Paper%204-8-13(2).pdf.
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2.5 percent will be used by the five impacted states for the establishment of research centers of excellence. The CWA is only one of the potential grounds for responsible-party statutory liability for damage caused by the spill; the Oil Pollution Act, discussed below, is another. In May 2010, BP Production and Exploration committed $500 million over a 10-year period to create a broad, independent research program to be conducted at research institutions primarily in the U.S. Gulf Coast States. 4 BP initially granted year-one block grants in June 2010 to Gulf state institutions and the National Institutes of Health to establish critical baseline data as the foundation for subsequent research as well as support for studying the health of the oil spill workers and volunteers. Smaller “bridge” grants, totaling $1.5 million, were awarded in the summer of 2011, allowing researchers with National Science Foundation (NSF) Rapid Response Research (RAPID) grants to complete their research. The first major competition for research consortia was completed in the fall of 2011, with the awarding of $112.5 million in grants to eight research consortia. These consortia completed their first year of activities in December 2012. Smaller investigator grants totaling $22.5 million were awarded in fall 2012. 5 A new request for proposals for research consortia directed to larger overall research questions will entertain proposals in the early part of 2014 for the next 3-year period. 6 Additionally, a November 5, 2012 settlement between the U.S. Department of Justice and BP Exploration and Production, for the latter’s guilty plea for a number of violations related to the Macondo blowout, provides several billion dollars for restoration, research, education, outreach, and monitoring. 7 An additional settlement between the U.S. Department of Justice and Transocean Deepwater Inc. was reached on February 14, 2013 regarding Transocean’s violation of the CWA from DWH oil spill disaster. 8 Included in these two settlements were awards of nearly $2.5 billion dollars to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to remedy harm and eliminate or reduce the risk of future harm to Gulf Coast natural resources and $500 million dollars to the National Academy of Sciences for a program focused on human health and environmental protection, including issues relating to offshore drilling and hydrocarbon production and transportation in the GoM and on the Outer Continental Shelf. Additional research funds are being provided by federal entities, states, nongovernmental organizations, and private foundations. For instance, almost immediately following the spill, the NSF made available significant funds from its programs to support DWH oil spill research. Over 150 RAPID grants and Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) RAPID grants were awarded to ocean scientists for research directed to certain aspects of the spill. Subsequent NSF funding has been awarded through the competitive programs system. Thus, from an unprecedented environmental event, significant funding has become available to conduct research across a broad spectrum of issues.
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The final amount of funds to be directed to various activities through potentially numerous avenues depends on the outcome of legal proceedings between the Department of Justice and the responsible parties. The NRDA process and fines determined under the Oil Pollution Act, the establishment and collection of penalties under the Clean Water Act, and plans for Gulf Coast restoration provide the impetus and funding for unprecedented opportunities for research and restoration. These include restoring ecosystems damaged by the spill as well as addressing longer-term modifications of the GoM ecosystem by a number of human activities. Restoration will be in direct response to damages from the oil spill, but offers the opportunity for a system recovery that considers a vision of human and natural systems resilience. Finding 6.1. The funding from the settlements stemming from the DWH oil spill, coupled with public- and private-sector investment, present an unprecedented opportunity to create research and restoration programs that could establish a level of understanding and baseline information about the GoM that may overcome the challenges faced in fully evaluating ecosystem services in this vulnerable region. Research activities The early recognition of the DWH oil spill as an environmental disaster of unprecedented proportion led to a rapid response by researchers from many sectors. As outlined in the Interim Report (National Research Council, 2011), immediately after the spill began, the federal government initiated a large-scale sampling program to fulfill its obligation for assessing the injury to the public caused by the spill under the NRDA process. The data collected in support of NRDA represent some of the most comprehensive sampling that has ever been done in the GoM. As discussed in the Interim Report and in Chapter 2, the data collected in support of NRDA assessments are designed to support traditional damage assessment approaches (i.e., losses are generally measured in simple ecological terms rather than in terms of losses to the value of ecosystem services), and thus may not be directly useful for enhancing our understanding of ecological production functions and ecosystem services. Collection and analysis of data under NRDA continue as this report is being written and efforts have been made to make some of the data public, 9 but many of the results will remain confidential until the completion of litigation efforts. Nonetheless, once fully available to the public and the research community, the NRDA data sets will inevitably be an invaluable addition to the overall database and understanding of the GoM. Along with the federal response under NRDA, researchers from private industry, universities, research institutions, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) moved as quickly as possible to begin the scientific assessment of the oceanic and onshore processes and impacts. Methodologies included collecting biota census data (with multiple variables), the Before and After Control Impact (BACI) approach (in those situations where scientists were able to assess habitats before and after exposure to the oil), comparisons of assorted 9
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environmental variables to long-term data, if available, and the deployment of sensitive and state-of-the-art instrumented arrays in the deep ocean and atmosphere. While still very early in this process, the results of the research, unless confidential, are being published with unprecedented speed in highly respected peer-reviewed journals. The research and the publications continue and fate and effects will be communicated for years to come. However, at some point, the liable entities and the resource managers may not have a mandate to continue with analyses and interpretation of oil-spill-related research. As outlined above, the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) has funded eight regionally-led consortia to conduct leading edge research on the GoM. The research funds are administered by GoMRI interacting with a Research Board to ensure high scientific standards and to buffer the research programs from the funding source. Research projects focused on the following tasks: 1. Physical distribution, dispersion, and dilution of petroleum (oil and gas), its constituents, and associated contaminants (e.g., dispersants) under the action of physical oceanographic processes, air-sea interactions, and tropical storms. 2. Chemical evolution and biological degradation of the petroleum/dispersant systems and subsequent interaction with coastal, open-ocean, and deep-water ecosystems. 3. Environmental effects of the petroleum/dispersant system on the sea floor, water column, coastal waters, beach sediments, wetlands, marshes, and organisms; and the science of ecosystem recovery. 4. Technology developments for improved response, mitigation, detection, characterization, and remediation associated with oil spills and gas releases. 5. Impact of oil spills on public health. Finding 6.2. The current research directions underway have the potential to greatly enhance our understanding of the GoM ecosystem. If these efforts directly address the quantification of ecosystem services, the results of the research will better serve to improve management and the long-term health of the GoM system. Research background and plans for the Gulf of Mexico This section reviews what research is currently being planned and, from the perspective of ecosystem services, what additional efforts might enhance our understanding of the ecosystem dynamics of the GoM and their value to the well-being of the people of the region. Response technologies At the advent of the DWH oil spill, there was an obvious lack of technical knowledge on how to stop the flow of oil, which was pouring out at a rate of up to 60,000 barrels per day, and possibly more (McNutt et al., 2012), from a wellhead located 1,500 m below the sea surface.
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Additional concerns centered on how to prevent the spread of oil at the surface and into coastal waters and onto coastal landforms, as well as how to deal with the oil that made landfall. In the history of oil spill cleanup, a variety of technological response measures have been developed. Some have proven more effective than others, and all need to be examined and applied in the context of prevailing environmental, habitat and oiling conditions. Chapter 4 of this report provides a detailed examination of the response technologies used for the DWH oil spill, including a look at their relative effectiveness, the efficacy of treatment with dispersants, research conducted before and during the spill, continuing research on dispersants, observations of the subsurface and surface plumes, the role of physical and biological degradation of hydrocarbons, and methods for dealing with beached oil and oiled wetlands. The questions and controversy associated with the use of emerging technologies (e.g., subsurface injection of dispersants and in situ burning) during the spill highlight the need for new research, particularly the need to accurately predict the impact of dispersants on biodegradation rates and the long-term effects of dispersed oil on the food web and on ecosystem services. The American Petroleum Institute has issued a request for proposals for the study of the use of dispersants at depth, and one of the eight GoMRI consortium programs (C-MEDS) is focusing entirely on the chemistry of dispersants. 10 Specific topics outlined in the C-MEDS research task include: the design of porous particles that would stabilize at the oil-water interface and deliver dispersant and biological nutrients, the use of computational methods to establish the self-assembly of surfactants at conditions of high pressure and low temperature and to understand dispersant configuration at the oil-water interface, and the use of natural biologically derived surfactants that are hydrophobin-based proteins or polysaccharides such as cactus mucilage. A recent paper by Paris et al. (2012) concluded that the injection of the dispersants into the wellhead did little to increase dispersion of the oil beyond what was already occurring from effects of shear emulsification. However, the literature review presented in Chapter 4 suggests that this is an unresolved issue and one that is in need of further investigation. The fate and transformations of oil from the DWH oil spill will continue to be influenced by natural attenuation processes. Continued observations, monitoring, and research of these processes, especially in relation to technological countermeasures, are warranted. Further studies are needed that use realistic initial dispersed oil concentrations, and that avoid boundary effects that increase oil-dispersant concentrations. The effectiveness and net benefits of many of the response technologies varied due to environmental conditions (such as the sea surface conditions, currents, and depth of the wellhead) as well as the timing of their application. Additional research and experience will be needed to refine and enhance the effectiveness of any of these technologies—with the ultimate goal of reducing the impacts of applying these technologies and mitigating the impacts of the spill on ecosystem services. Decision science tools 10
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Ultimately, the decisions made for the use of response technologies will be tied into a net environmental benefit analysis (NEBA) (see Chapter 4). The extension of these analyses is the construction of “influence diagrams,” a graphical network showing probabilistic relationships and how decisions that are made in solving a problem are likely to affect various outcomes (see Figure 6.2). In retrospect, the use of influence diagrams could have helped in the consideration of resource value and potential risk in order to prepare decision models for emergency response prior to the spill (Carriger and Barron, 2011). For such diagrams to be reliable, an understanding of the mechanistic linkages among ecosystem processes is required. The technological actions taken in response to the DWH oil spill and the subsequent data from further research that is underway should assist in the creation of these diagrams.
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Figure 6.2. Influence diagram for the DWH oil spill (reprinted with permission from Carriger and Barron, 2011).
An interactive, layered mapping Web application for the GoM called ‘SPECIESMAP’ has been designed to help fill knowledge gaps regarding potential DWH oil spill impacts to fish species such as relocation of spawning grounds, bioaccumulation of hydrocarbons, altered
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Research Needs in Support of Understanding Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico
migration routes, expanding hypoxic dead zones, affected life-history stages, reduced populations, and extinctions (Chakrabarty et al., 2012). Another identified knowledge gap for which information would have been useful in an influence diagram is the circulation of water masses within the GoM. There were fears that some of the oil from the DWH oil spill was going to pass through the Straits of Florida and contaminate the Atlantic, but there is no evidence that such oil passage occurred. Additional concerns were voiced by the government of Mexico that oil residuals would enter Mexican waters. Recent modeling of the spill (Le Henaff et al., 2012) has shown that currents were created by southerly winds to drive the surface oil toward the northern shores of the GoM. These winds were in effect for the first 15 days of the blowout from April 20, 2010, and continued in June and July, which minimized the amount of oil entrained by the Loop Current and drawn into the central Gulf, so that no oil impacted the shores of Southern Florida. Had information of this sort been appropriately incorporated into the decision-making process at the time of the spill, many unwarranted concerns could have been avoided. Thus, along with the research needed on the specific impact of a particular response technology (e.g., the effect of dispersants on biodegradation), research is needed to fill the knowledge gaps associated with our understanding of ecosystem dynamics. This is discussed in the next section. Finding 6.3. The oil spill response technologies applied during the DWH oil spill resulted in both beneficial and detrimental effects on ecosystems and the services they provide to humans. The development of additional guidelines to improve the effectiveness of various technologies, and protocols to monitor the impacts on ecosystems and the services they provide, are of paramount importance. The decisions that determine when and where to apply these technologies are guided by decision science tools such as net environmental benefit analyses and influence diagrams, which can only be effective if there is an understanding of the mechanistic linkages among the ecosystem processes. Background research and data At the onset of the DWH oil spill, there was great concern over the lack of background research and data, particularly for the blue-water GoM and the deep-water environments of the blowout area. Subsequent efforts to collect data revealed that in some areas and for some variables there was a significant amount of pre-spill data available, but for others, pre-spill data were severely lacking. In some cases, the lack of an organizing structure and aggregated body of knowledge to make sense of the data was the more limiting factor rather than lack of data per se. The former Minerals Management Service (now Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, BOEM) has supported deep-water GoM research since the early 1970s. Earlier zoological expeditions to the deep GoM were funded by the Department of the Navy. This information is found primarily in gray-literature reports, but is available. As a result of the BOEM
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Environmental Studies Program’s historic and continuing efforts, the GoM is one of the more extensively sampled regions of the world’s oceans, yet this sampling only represents a tiny fraction of the volume of the region. Although there are many data gaps and inadequately addressed phenomena, a basic level of understanding has been established for the continental shelf and the deep basin (see Chapter 5, The Deep Gulf of Mexico). Similarly, research on methane seeps, related processes, and the biodiversity of organisms there and elsewhere in the deeper GoM on escarpments, salt domes, and hard banks is further advanced in the GoM than in many areas and is continuing. Much of the research on oil and methane seeps has been funded by NSF as well as BOEM. Genomic data from biodiversity studies of the shelf edge and slope banks are stored at GenBank 11 and BOLD (Barcode of Life) 12 and are fully available to the public. Requirements for data collection, data quality control and assurance, and transfer of those data with appropriate metadata to funding agencies have changed dramatically since the early 1970s, when baseline data became an area of emphasis for the GoM in the advent of oil and gas drilling and development. There was no consistent mechanism for reporting of data or metadata for many survey-type data collections such as BOEM-funded work, the fisheryindependent data of the Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP), and many other programs in the GoM. There are improved mechanisms for data quality assurance/quality control, designated national data repository systems to which the data are to be sent, Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata requirements, Data Management and Control (DMAC) methods for oceanographic data submission to the Integrated Ocean Observing System and the numerous regional associations, such as the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System Regional Association (GCOOS-RA) and the Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (SECOORA), and specific mechanisms for shared open-source modeling components. It would be difficult to incorporate historic data into the new data compliance systems, but the opportunity may exist in the overall need for historic data to be made available. Less is known about the open water ecosystem and deep GoM, but there are long-term observational data on marine mammals collected by NOAA and special studies funded by BOEM. Planktonic data from NOAA fisheries surveys are part of the National Ocean Data Center (NODC) or other federal data repositories. More recent tagging studies of bluefin tuna (Census of Marine Life, 13 and listed publications) revealed migration patterns and a breeding area in the GoM, but much remains unknown about their larval and early life history. Background data are missing for many components of the open GoM; for example, mesopelagic fish populations and their ecology are poorly documented. SEAMAP is a state-federal-university program for collection, management, and dissemination of fishery-independent data and information in the Southeastern United States. Major activities in the GoM include shrimp and groundfish surveys, ichthyoplankton surveys, collection of environmental and benthic data, mapping of live and hard bottom areas, 11 13 12
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investigations of low oxygen and other environmental perturbations, and the establishment of a regional, user-friendly data management system that can be accessed by all marine management agencies in the Southeastern United States. The GoM SEAMAP effort was implemented in 1981 (Eldridge, 1988), and large databases archiving the results of the field and laboratory efforts are maintained by SEAMAP in Pascagoula, Mississippi.14 These data provide a longterm assessment of numerous organisms in the GoM. BOEM requires ADCP (acoustic Doppler current profiler) data from any floating platform in the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf leasing areas in water depths of 400 m or greater. These data provide important input for circulation models. Other coastal ocean observing platforms exist in the GoM (see Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System 15 and SECOORA 16 for the location and data products generated from these systems). Further, there are many satellite observing systems and interpretation activities in the GoM, and numerous ocean modeling efforts. SURA (Southeastern Universities Research Association) has funded over the last several years a “Super-Regional Testbed to Improve Models of Environmental Processes on the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Coasts,” 17 specifically research and transition to operations models of estuarine hypoxia, shelf hypoxia, and coastal inundation. The shelf hypoxia effort used multiple physical and coupled physical-biogeochemical models, including the U.S. Navy’s regional circulation prediction system for the GoM and Caribbean, as a baseline operational capability, along with other physical models for the Northern GoM. The findings of this project will be published in the Journal of Geophysical Research in 2013. Some of the best data taken as background to the oil spill, at least in the near-shore area as pre-exposure conditions, were collected before the oil reached the shoreline as a basis for the eventual NRDA by the Trustees under the Oil Pollution Act. As noted earlier, these data collections are continuing, but many of the results are being held in confidence until the completion of litigation efforts. The NRDA assessment of DWH oil spill extends beyond previous deep habitat descriptions of the GoM (e.g., benthic faunal inventory and biodiversity). The NRDA collection of data in the deep sea has been intensive and spatially dense for the benthos as well as full water column faunal inventories, resulting in much better information about these previously understudied systems. Figures 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4 illustrate the numerous types of samples and their distribution that will support the NRDA process as well as provide a large reservoir of background data because not all sites will have had Macondo oil exposure. As indicated earlier, NRDA assessments are primarily based upon traditional damage assessment approaches and may not be as useful for enhancing our understanding of ecological production functions and ecosystem services. The eventual deposition of these data and the data generated by the GoMRI research programs into national ocean data repositories or their equivalent will provide much-needed “background” data for the Northern GoM.
14 16 http://www.secooraedu. 17 15
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Figure 6.2. Living resource samples for the DWH oil spill natural resource damage assessment process. Source: ets/downloads_pdfs/Green_book_year_2_report_final.pdf.
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Figure 6.3. Overview of offshore and deep-water stations sampled on recent (2010) Gyre and Ocean Veritas cruises and prior 2000–2002 MMS (now BOEM) sponsored cruises (Rowe and Kennicutt 2009, DGoMB sites). Rings centered around the wellhead are 25 km apart. Sediment samples were collected with multi-corers at all sites. Source: Study Plan for NRDA-Phase II Project Deepwater Sediment Sampling to Assess Post-Spill Benthic Impacts from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Deepwater Benthic Communities Technical Working Group, May 20, 2011; Source:
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Figure 6.4. Priority stations from fall 2010 response cruises (Gyre and Ocean Veritas) that are selected for the initial suite of macrofaunal and meiofaunal analyses. Rings centered around the wellhead are 25 km apart. Source: Study Plan for NRDA-Phase II Project Deepwater Sediment Sampling to Assess Post-Spill Benthic Impacts from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Deepwater Benthic Communities Technical Working Group, May 20, 2011; Source:
Finding 6.3. There is a broad spectrum of background pre-spill data that has been collected as part of the NRDA process. The data, once released to the public, should contribute significantly to the body of background data that can help characterize much of the GoM. Recently, Murawski and Hogarth (2013) evaluated the state of current observational programs in the GoM and concluded that some programs provide “adequate” baseline data for the following parameters: annual extent of hypoxia off Louisiana; some water quality and pathogen metrics; population abundances of some fishery and protected species; sea level height; conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and nutrient levels; and primary productivity, land-use, and wetland landscape change trends from satellite imagery. On the other hand, they contend that adequate observational data do not exist for: contaminants in water and sediment; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and metabolites in seafood; fundamental health data on fish, mammals, turtles, invertebrates, and deep ocean benthic
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communities; and the economic, social, and public health of the Gulf Coast. While Murawski and Hogarth (2013) pointed to a lack of fishery independent population abundance data and distribution data for turtles and marine mammals, it was pointed out earlier in this chapter that these data do exist—i.e., SEAMAP 18 and NOAA 19—in addition to the collection of similar data through the NRDA process. Similarly, what seems to be considered a lack of fundamental oceanographic and meteorological data are covered by moorings of the National Data Buoy Center 20 and the ADCP current meter measurements from offshore oil and gas platforms. In summary, there are existing data sets, ocean observing capabilities, and continuing basic observational data being collected by many groups in the GoM. For some parameters, there is adequate observational data, but for others there is still a need for more robust measurements. It should also be noted that it is beyond available or future funding to have a full suite of background data in support of any potential disaster. Given the oil and gas reserves of the GoM, however, there are basic data that should become part of a systematic monitoring system. There were several efforts to compile background information during the oil spill and beyond, including the NOAA Deepwater Horizon Archive, 21 the Joint Analysis Group (JAG) for Surface and Sub-Surface Oceanography, Oil and Dispersant Data, 22 Naval Oceanographic Office Special Support-GOMEX Mississippi Canyon 252 Oil Spill, 23 and others. There is, however, no integrative superstructure or roadmap to available data; the development of such a capability will be even more essential as new data arrive from the ongoing and planned research activities. Despite the tremendous amount of funding that will be available to GoM researchers, there will likely never be enough financial support for all the potentially important assessment and monitoring activities needed to capture the state and function of the GoM’s natural and social systems. The necessary types and amounts of baseline data that may be suddenly needed when there is an environmental disaster cannot be fully anticipated. However, as seen with the DWH oil spill, while there was an existing cache of long-term and baseline data available, it was not tabulated and synthesized, nor was it accessible from a unified, easily accessible data system. With the advent of the DWH oil spill, build-out plans for physical, chemical, and biological monitoring, such as documented by the GCOOS-RA, provide a structure upon which to begin building the necessary framework for identifying baselines, physical forcing, biological communities, and ecosystem functions (Jochens and Watson, 2013). The structure and synthetic nature of such a database calls for (1) a mechanism to create, populate, and maintain relevant data sources in a public format as assessment, restoration, and monitoring activities continue, and (2) a long-term mechanism for additional input and maintenance with dedicated funding. Thus while historic, ongoing, and planned data collection and monitoring efforts will likely provide much of the needed baseline data from which the impact of future events like the DWH oil spill on ecosystem function and structure could be discerned, the need for an 18 20 21 22 23 19
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overarching structure to serve as an integrator of the wealth of data that has been, is being, and will continue to be collected in the GoM is viewed by this committee as a critical research need. Finding 6.5. There are already a number of background data repositories among federal agencies such as NOAA and the U.S. Navy. There is, however, no integrative superstructure or roadmap to available data; the development of such a capability will be even more essential as new data arrive from the ongoing and planned research activities in the GoM. A database will be needed that can create, populate, and maintain relevant data sources in a public format as assessment, restoration, and monitoring activities continue. This can only be successful if there is a long-term mechanism for additional input and maintenance with dedicated funding. There have been several efforts at developing assessments and research and monitoring plans for the GoM over the last several decades. Much of the information in these efforts is relevant to better understanding the GoM ecosystem and its components and processes, but not entirely applicable to the needs of research concerning the fate and effect of the DWH oil spill. As outlined throughout this report, however, a fundamental understanding of the GoM ecosystem is critical to an ecosystem services approach to damage assessment and restoration efforts. Thus these research directions, while not explicit in their identification of ecosystem services, may provide key components of the bigger picture. The most recent process to develop a stakeholder-driven research plan that identifies and addresses regional research priorities began with the Gulf of Mexico Alliance, with funding from the National Sea Grant Program to assist GoM groups that conduct or use marine and coastal research. This regional plan is similar to seven others around the United States that also address the Ocean Research Priorities Plan (Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology, 2007) resulting from the U.S. Ocean Commission and subsequent National Ocean Policy. Initial efforts to bring stakeholders together were set back by the 2005 hurricane season with Katrina and Rita, but eventually five workshops were held across the Gulf region to examine what research plans existed and what were the needs of the Gulf constituency at all levels. This plan was complete at the time of the oil spill, and immediately the four Gulf of Mexico Sea Grant Programs re-examined the plan in light of the oil spill. 24 This plan is discussed in Box 6.1.
The revised version of the Gulf of Mexico Research Plan is available at
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Box 6.1 The Gulf of Mexico Research Plan: An Opportunity to Improve Our Understanding of Ecosystem Services The range and scope of research needs for the Gulf of Mexico are extensive and require prioritization in order to be effective and responsible with the available funding. Fortunately, some 1,500 people from over 250 universities, government agencies, businesses, NGOs, and other organizations worked together to provide broad constituent input in the development of the Gulf of Mexico Research Plan (GMRP). The goal of the plan is to assist the GoM research community, including those who conduct or administer research or use research findings. The highest-rated GoM research priorities were organized into five theme areas: (a) ecosystem health indicators; (b) freshwater input and hydrology; (c) habitats and living resources; (d) sea-level change, subsidence, and storm surge; and (e) water quality and nutrients. The Committee found many of these priorities to be consistent with those we have identified for advancing our understanding of ecosystem services in the GoM and that would be useful for enhancing community and ecosystem resilience in preparation for future environmental challenges, whether they are episodic (i.e., oil spills or hurricanes) or chronic (i.e., sea level rise and wetland loss) events. Of the many research priorities presented in the GMRP, only a few mention ecosystem services specifically, but most of them provide a starting point for research that would support a better understanding of ecosystem services in the GoM. Following are some key examples of how the scope of ongoing work might be enlarged toward this end. The relevant Ocean Research Priorities Plan (ORPP) priority number is identified for each focus area. x
Understand and predict the impact of natural and anthropogenic processes on ecosystems (ORPP Research Priority 14). Understand how the current level of regional development and man-made infrastructure influences the flow of freshwater into the GoM and how much of that inflow and sediment discharge is needed to support healthy and functional wetlands in light of challenges such as sea level rise and habitat loss due to erosion. There is also a suite of factors that relate to land use—pollution and storm water runoff, wastewater, and nutrient loads from agriculture—that contribute to a number of chronic problems in the GoM, such as harmful algal blooms and hypoxia zones. A key priority is to examine their impacts on ecosystem health, sea grasses, biodiversity, and higher trophic organisms. x
Develop socioeconomic assessments and models to evaluate the impact of multiple human uses on ecosystems (ORPP RP15). Identify the social and economic drivers that influence how communities use, conserve, and protect their natural resources. It would be useful to identify and estimate the socioeconomic tradeoffs associated with changes in protecting and restoring resources and ecosystems at various scales. x
Develop appropriate indicators and metrics for sustainable use and effective management of GoM marine resources and ecosystems (ORPP RP16). Identify appropriate tools and techniques that can evaluate the status and health of ecosystems and resources, specifically those that can be used readily and quickly in the field for the detection of harmful levels of bacteria, contaminants, toxins, and pathogenic organisms. x
Stewardship of Natural and Cultural Resources: Understand interspecies and habitat/species relationships to support forecasting resource stability and sustainability (ORPP RP2). Identify and model the connections among and between habitats and living marine resources for the goal of supporting sound ecosystem-based resource management decisions. This would include
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tracking changes in habitat quality (and quantity) and in ecosystem structure and function in order to be able to identify the effects of these changes on marine organisms and their populations. x
Understand human use patterns that may influence resource stability and sustainability (ORPP RP3). Establish the value of GoM ecosystem services, including depleted and renewable resources, to allow for informed decisions on the placement, construction, development, and expansion of largescale commercial and industrial enterprises. x
Increase resilience to natural hazards by developing multi-hazard risk assessments and models, policies, and strategies for hazard mitigation (ORPP RP7). Determine and predict the physical impacts of climate change on coastal and upland areas in terms of factors such as sea level change, rate of elevation change, shoreline change, loss of barrier islands, and change in regional hydrology and apply this knowledge in habitat restoration efforts. It will be important to examine the public’s perception of sea level change and find effective ways to communicate the issue at the individual, community, and government levels. Predict socioeconomic impacts of climate and sea level change on population dynamics, community infrastructure, and on short- and long-term community demographic shifts. Characterize and model community and ecological resilience to natural hazards, considering the ecological footprint and level of vulnerability of the built environment, and identify methods to reduce losses. Model the attributes, factors, and strategies that contribute to making a community successfully resilient. x
Understand response of coastal and marine systems to natural hazards and apply that understanding to assessments of future vulnerability to natural hazards (ORPP RP6). Many of the same challenges for increasing resilience for human communities exist for the natural ecosystems of the GoM, so there is a need to determine how storm surge, subsidence, and sea level change affects ecosystems. Identify the optimal use and allocation of sediment and evaluate the rates of shoreline change from anthropogenic and natural impacts, including sediment mobilization, transport, and deposition from major storm events. Analyze how coastal and near-shore morphology and biota protect inland areas from hurricane impacts by absorbing wind and storm surge energy and determine the economic costs and benefits of this protection. x
Understand the impact of climate variability and change on the biogeochemistry of the ocean and implications for its ecosystems (ORPP PR12). Determine changes in freshwater, nutrient, pollution, groundwater, and sediment input due to changes in pattern and quantity of precipitation and predict the subsequent impact of these inputs on geochemical and physical coastal processes and biological communities.
In addition to the GoMRI initiatives, over the next 2 years, the GoM Regional Sea Grant Consortium, the EPA Gulf of Mexico Program, and NOAA are sponsoring $1.3 million in research aimed at improving approaches for valuing the ecosystem services of the GoM. In particular, the research will focus on the services provided by marshes, mangroves, and oyster reefs. The GCOOS-RA 25 has a detailed plan for “A Sustained, Integrated Ocean Observing 25
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System for the Gulf of Mexico (GCOOS): Infrastructure for Decision-making” (the Build-Out Plan; see also Jochens and Watson, 2013). The GCOOS-RA worked over the past decade to identify the needs of the stakeholders for data, information, and products about the GoM, its resources, and its ecosystem. These results were used by the GCOOS-RA Board to identify the key elements of the GCOOS Build-Out Plan, the first version of which is complete. However, this plan will continue to develop and evolve, especially in view of the oil spill and developing restoration plans. NOAA and collaborators have developed the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Monitoring Implementation Plan for an Operational Observation System (2009, revised 2012). The Gulf of Mexico Alliance and the GCOOS-RA are developing the Harmful Algal Bloom Integrated Observing System. All these monitoring plans were constructed with the input of multiple stakeholder groups, including representatives from academia, state and federal agencies, industry, recreational and commercial fishers, tourism interests, boaters, health service agencies, resource managers, and members of the public. Thus, the plans, and necessary implementation, serve to improve not only long-term and broad data collection and our understanding of the GoM, but also societal needs. Multiple observatory systems will establish critical time-series that can be used as baseline data should another event like the DWH oil spill occur. The ORPP (2013) emphasizes the critical need for ocean observations at scales that are temporally and spatially relevant for decisions concerning effective adaptation, management, and mitigation. At the same time, consideration should be given to maintaining vessel and satellite capability. Both science and policy call for improving integrated ocean observing capability across the United States and internationally. Updated research priorities report Six years have passed since the Ocean Research Priorities Plan (2007) was developed. An updated report (Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology, 2013) says the DWH oil spill highlighted the “complex interplay of society and human health with chemical, physical, and biological aspects of the ocean and our coasts.” The report emphasizes the “wide and reverberating impacts that the loss of ocean and coastal resources can have on our country” as well as on local coastal communities, both ecological and sociological. The report identifies “significant areas in need of improvement, including our ability to monitor and observe the ocean in real time; to rapidly share information; to understand, model, and predict the consequences of extreme events in the context of a changing ocean; and to apply those insights to a rapid and effective response.” It also identifies an important overarching societal theme—global change—that requires a more realistic and forward-thinking treatment for restoration responses. The 2013 update also illustrates the direct link between the research priorities and the application of basic research to sound policy and management decisions. Fundamental research continues to be the anchor for issues that have the potential to alter our economy, our security, our environment, and our daily lives. In this vein, the research priorities related to the effects of major oil spills and the recovery of ecological and social systems still
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requires more emphasis on ecosystem services, how they are defined, measured, and equated to ecosystem processes and functions. There are numerous research plans for the GoM, well-planned scenarios for observation systems, and numerous documents on how the restoration should proceed. More plans will be added as the various agencies, councils, and states (as outlined in the RESTORE Act) develop restoration guidance and plans for monitoring of its effectiveness. Ecosystem services are often not clearly identified in these plans, but in attempting to capture the workings of the GoM ecosystem, they begin to build an understanding of GoM ecosystem processes that is essential to understanding ecosystem services. In the section below we look at where these research efforts can be enhanced to specifically address ecosystem services. Research Needs Specific to Ecosystem Services and Their Valuation As discussed in Chapters 2 and 3, the fundamental challenges faced in applying an ecosystem services approach to damage assessment in the GoM are related to understanding baseline levels in a shifting or dynamic regime, the lack of comprehensive mechanistic models of ecosystem processes in the GoM, the uncertainty and limited data associated with characterizing the human benefits that flow from ecosystem services, and finally, relating ecosystem services to long-term resilience. Given the substantial ongoing data collection efforts undertaken in response to the DWH oil spill, along with the planned research and monitoring efforts, the baseline data needed to determine the impact on ecosystem function and structure of a future event like the DWH oil spill will likely be available. While appropriate baseline data are an important component of the ecosystem services approach, the baseline data alone are not sufficient to fully use ecosystem services as an approach to damage assessment, particularly in a regime as dynamic as the GoM. Critical to the success of an ecosystem services approach is a better understanding of the mechanistic linkages between processes in the ecosystem—the ecological production functions described in the Interim Report (National Research Council, 2011) and Chapter 2. Developing these ecological production functions for the GoM will be challenging, but essential to any effort to develop a full ecosystem services approach. End-to-end ecosystem models Ideally, the best solution to being able to quantify ecosystem services in the GoM (and thus the impact of an event like the DWH oil spill on those services) is to develop end-to-end models for assessing the interplay of chemical, physical, biological and socioeconomic conditions in the GoM. Such models would provide mechanisms to more fully understand the potential impacts associated with the DWH oil spill on GoM ecosystem services. End-to-end models are complete system models that can relate drivers of changes such as climate change to effects on ecosystem structure and function, such as the biomass of a particular subcomponent of the ocean biota (Travers et al. 2007; Fulton 2010; Rose et al. 2010). In traditional
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compartmentalized thinking, these two ends may be viewed as being unconnected, or there is a failure to investigate links that effectively connect them. While a single end-to-end model that incorporates all of the relevant processes—biophysical and socioeconomic dimensions— describing the dynamics of the provision of all ecosystem services in the GoM would be ideal, it is probably unrealistic to expect that such a model will be developed for a system as complex at the GoM. Currently, there is no single ecosystem model that incorporates the full range of physical, chemical, or biological processes, let alone one that also fully incorporates an ecosystem services approach that further integrates socioeconomic dimensions. The models presented in Chapter 2 (Ecopath with Ecosim, Atlantis, Marine InVEST, MIMES, ARIES), however, provide the opportunity to evaluate the impact of an event like the DWH oil spill on components of the ecosystem and carry these components to a subset of ecosystem services. The Marine InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Tradeoffs) 26 models provide the ability to explore some of these dependencies and trace the impact on the capacity of systems to provide ecosystem services and the value of the changes in ecosystem services to various groups in society. InVEST models are based on production functions that define how an ecosystem’s structure and function affect the flows and values of ecosystem services. With validation, these models can also provide useful estimates of the magnitude and value of services provided. Marine InVEST could also be used to analyze tradeoffs among bundles of services provided under different management alternatives—for example, differences in rebuilding a barrier island intended for wave surge protection versus one developed for tourism. Ecosystem models, such as Atlantis, could be modified to support an ecosystem services approach because such models include both shallow and deep-water components of the ecosystem, chemical and physical processes, and certain components of human dimensions. Finding 6.6. Future efforts should be focused on expanding the current generation of ecosystem models, or coupling them with other models, so that they may better approach the “ideal” goal of an end-to-end model. Inclusion of the human dimension and economics into these types of models is essential for these models to have the capability of valuing changes in ecosystem services following disturbances such as oil spills. As these models are further developed and verified, they will help to improve our understanding of the full value of ecosystem services provided by the GoM ecosystem, as well as in national efforts to prepare management plans for improving and protecting the services for future generations. The development of a single end-to-end ecosystem/social economic system model for the GoM may never be fully realized; however, the development of models of key subcomponents of the system is a critical research area that needs to be addressed.
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Submodels In the absence of completed and validated end-to-end models, submodels of components of the GoM ecosystem can be used to establish the value of ecosystem services within a distinct resource use, location, habitat, and user community. Because they only model part of the system, submodels may miss important connections with the unmodeled portions of the system. If constructed in a compatible manner, however, these submodels could be joined to build the more complete representations of GoM ecosystem interactions. Fishery ecosystem models (FEMs) are an example of carefully detailed submodels that consider both the biological components of the system as well as the socioeconomic aspects of the fishery. The structure of a FEM reflects the priorities of fishery managers and includes harvest activities, thus the monitoring and management process related to fisheries is included in the model. The state of biological stocks can be integrated with the value of economic benefits derived from the fishery. FEMs allow researchers to narrow the set of possible hypotheses about potentially important impacts when an ecosystem is disturbed by environmental change or human activities. These models can help in the design of studies to collect the necessary data to more closely estimate the effects of an environmental impact on future fishery and ecosystem productivity. One type of FEM, Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) is a modeling framework that integrates a wide range of biological and fisheries dynamics for multiple species and functional groups (biomass pools) over long time periods, using a trophic mass-balance approach (Christensen and Walters, 2004). Although originally designed as a FEM, EwE is used for addressing many aspects of marine ecosystem dynamics, including analyses of oil spill impacts from the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in the Prince William Sound ecosystem (Okey and Pauly, 1999). EwE could be used to identify the components of the model ecosystem most likely to be affected by the DWH oil spill. Merging social benefits to ecosystem models We have described the plethora of data collection activities that have taken place and are currently underway. The vast majority of the data collection activities are directed to generating sufficient baseline data about ecosystem function and structure or effects of particular response technologies. Effectively implementing an ecosystem services approach also requires collecting socioeconomic data. “Making the public whole” after a disturbance such as the DWH oil spill requires an improved understanding of its impacts on the value of various ecosystem services and of the populations and communities most affected. In many of the research programs mentioned above, with the exception of the GoM Sea Grant Consortium, the impacts on human communities are not rigorously integrated with ecosystem research. Many of the programs talk about how their results will benefit society, but a formal linkage between their biophysical output and the impact on human well-being is missing. The public is not homogeneous. Individuals and communities are affected by disturbances that alter the flow of ecosystem services in different ways, and also differ in their preferences for what services are important and what ecosystem services should be restored (or
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compensated for in some way). An individual with a seafood packing and distribution company in Houma, Louisiana will have a different perception of how the loss of a seafood supply affects their livelihood, as compared to a subsistence fisher living in a subsiding marsh landscape south of Houma in Terrebonne Bay. Submodels of a fishery, management decisions, and economics of a particular product could be developed that include the different types of social structures that depend on the fishery resources. Some values derived from fisheries, such as the profits of a commercial fishery, are much easier to estimate than others, such as the value of a subsistence fishery. A comprehensive analysis should strive to understand important benefits, even those that are difficult to assess. A list of data needs, as illustrated in Table 5.6 (Chapter 5) for the provisioning services of fisheries and the value associated with these data, would include length of period that the fishery was closed, estimated loss of catch, value of catch, alternative revenue streams, public perception of seafood safety and economic losses from buyer concern, unemployment costs, loss of licenses, and many others that would link the fishery catch reduction and economic hardship to the various groups in society that depend on that fishery. Tracking these variables offers a rather straightforward approach to monitoring the recovery of a community from an event like the DWH oil spill if the goal is simply to return to its pre-spill state (the concept of engineering resilience discussed in Chapter 3). If, however, the system undergoes a regime change due to the event, it will be much more difficult to determine the nature of the recovery (the concept of ecological resilience discussed in Chapter 3). Future research efforts should include the collection of data on the benefits derived from ecosystem services by various groups and communities so that the appropriate models can be built that include the full range of socioeconomic impacts including, as discussed below, those that may involve regime changes. Finding 6.7. A necessary step in modifying submodels that characterize specific components of the GoM ecosystem—such as the fishery ecosystem models (FEMs)—is to integrate a socioeconomic evaluation of a spill impact such as a reduction in fishery productivity and the subsequent economic loss to coastal communities. FEMs should be extended to include additional data that would allow estimation of ecosystem service values for the affected fishery. Other subcomponents of the GoM ecosystem and the services they provide (e.g., wetlands, deep sea, etc.) need to be modeled, which is a more realizable goal in the short term than constructing an end-to-end model. Merging the concept of resilience to ecosystem service models As discussed in Chapter 3, the concept of resilience, the capacity of a system to respond to disturbances, is a potentially important component of ecosystem management to provide for a continuing flow of valuable ecosystem services. We also discussed the importance of viewing resilience from an integrated social-ecological perspective that incorporates the links between human actions, ecosystem structure and function, and human well-being. Achieving socialecological system resilience is, in reality, quite difficult and requires considerable additional
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research into the determinants of resilience both in principle and in its application in particular systems. Finding 6.8. There is a lack of integrated systems research capable of analyzing the links between socioeconomic systems and ecosystems, as well as a lack of understanding of the complex feedbacks between components of systems necessary for understanding overall system dynamics and resilience. It may be possible to find key indicators that signal when systems are approaching thresholds. Improved methods to detect and avoid crossing thresholds that lead to reductions in valued ecosystem services could provide managers with important information and better management of the GoM system. Whether or not consideration of management of social-ecological system resilience is consistent with current resource management laws is not fully clear. If management for resilience represents a significant change from current management and decision-making processes, it would require congressional authorization in the form of new or amended laws (see e.g., Ruhl, 2012). To fully implement a resilience approach into practice, an agency would need to: (a) craft a firm definition of resilience for the system in question, (b) identify a means of measuring the current state of that system’s resilience, (c) build a model capable of predicting to some degree of certainty the resilience-effects of specific decisions (or to design management experiments that could lead to the development of predictive capacity), and (d) develop these tools such that the agency can explain both the process and the results to the public and to the judges likely to review the agency’s decisions (Allen et al., 2011). The current state of knowledge and practice falls far short of these standards. Valuing ecosystem services Ascribing value to ecosystem services is typically done using economic valuation methods. Economic valuation methods are capable of generating estimates of the value of services in terms of a common (monetary) metric. One of the challenges of applying an ecosystem services approach to the DWH oil spill, particularly with respect to whether or not it can be additive to the existing NRDA process, is that for many ecosystem services, there is either a lack of values associated with functions, a lack of data, or both preventing accurate quantification of ecosystem services as a function of ecosystem condition. Approaches and tools for assigning values to the ecosystem services impaired by the DWH oil spill will need to be developed and applied appropriately, particularly for ecosystem services for which human preference and use data are lacking. Some services are more readily quantified than others. For example, several studies have estimated the value of coastal marshes in providing hazard mitigation during hurricane wave surges on coastlines (see Chapter 5). The valuation for reduction of hazard mitigation may include changes in costs and availability of home insurance coverage or estimates of the likely reduction in damages with versus without an intact marsh. There are additional economic
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Research Needs in Support of Understanding Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico
values of ecosystem services for provisioning services, such as commercial and recreational fishing, or regulating services, such as nutrient and pollution removal, whose monetary values can also be estimated. The economic valuation of other potentially valuable services is more difficult. Evaluating changes in community vitality, way of life, aesthetic or spiritual values, or biological interactions in the mesopelagic portion of the northern GoM in economic terms fall into this category. While these valuation issues are difficult, they must be addressed if attempts are to be made of providing comprehensive measures of the impact on value in a common monetary metric from the DWH oil spill or other environmental harm. Finding 6.9. Considering the impact on human well-being of the DWH oil spill is of great importance, but our ability to analyze these impacts is still partial and incomplete. Consistent frameworks exist for their inclusion (e.g., NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science “Human Dimensions Strategic Plan” or the Marine InVEST models), yet our ability to integrate socioeconomic analysis with biophysical analysis lags behind. Models in which the stakeholders are identified, the impacts they experience are described, and the methods for assigning values to the loss or change in ecosystem services they experience should be explored. SUMMARY As discussed throughout this and the Interim Report (National Research Council, 2011), the Committee believes that an ecosystem services approach to damage assessment has several advantages over current practice. However, the research, data, and models needed to more fully incorporate this approach into a comprehensive assessment are lacking. The research funding and the release of data from the NRDA process that will be available through the settlement process offer an unprecedented opportunity to establish a comprehensive baseline and fundamental understanding of the GoM, a critical component of an ecosystem services approach. We have identified several key areas of research that are needed to fully implement an ecosystem services approach for the GoM. 1- While historic, ongoing, and planned data collection and monitoring efforts, with appropriate modifications, could likely provide much of the baseline data needed to discern the impact of future events like the DWH oil spill on ecosystem function and structure, the need for an overarching structure to serve as an integrator of the wealth of data that has been, is being, and will continue to be collected in the GoM is called out as a critical research need. These data and monitoring efforts must be maintained and even enhanced in some cases through long-term stable funding mechanisms. 2- The development of a single end-to-end biophysical-social-economic system model for the GoM would be ideal, but is probably unrealistic for a system as complex as the GoM. Instead, the short-term focus should be on the development of models of subcomponents of the GoM ecosystem and the services they provide (e.g.,
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
fisheries, wetlands, deep sea, etc.). These models must include the impacts on human well-being and approaches for valuing the ecosystem service. Ultimately, these subcomponents may be combined in working towards the establishment of a more complete ecosystem model for the GoM. 3- The committee believes that plans for current and future data collection may provide sufficient baseline data about ecosystem function and structure. One of the limitations of the ecosystem services approach, however, is the lack of socioeconomic data needed to implement a more robust and complete understanding of the human dependencies on natural systems. Currently these data are insufficient to address socioeconomic impacts, and future research efforts must include the collection and synthesis of data on relevant human factors so that the appropriate models can be built that include the full range of social and economic impacts. 4- It is critical to understand resilience in a socio-ecological context. This can be quite difficult and requires considerable additional research into the determinants of resilience, both in principle and in applications, in particular systems. Properly integrating resilience theory into management decisions—e.g., requirements for success in restoration—will require that current legislative barriers be resolved. 5- With respect to response technologies, the need to accurately predict the effectiveness of injection of dispersant at depth, the impact of dispersants on biodegradation rates, and the long-term effects of dispersed oil on the food web and other ecosystem services are most critical. Additional deep-sea reservoir oil spills pose an ever present risk in the GoM as the oil and gas industry moves more and more into deeper waters. Consequently, it would be appropriate for stakeholders to consider how the nation should prepare for an environmental event of the magnitude of the DWH oil spill. For instance, what is the unifying framework for addressing research, monitoring and modeling needs for baseline conditions, mitigation approaches, valuation of environmental impacts and loss of ecosystem services, and restoration of natural and social systems? How would success or effectiveness of these efforts be estimated? Statements were made after the Exxon Valdez grounding and oil spill that lessons learned from that spill would serve the nation in its response to the next large oil spill (Kurtz, 1995; Peterson et al., 2003). Legislation, such as the 1990 Oil Pollution Act, was passed to better ensure cleanup and responsibility for damages to the ecosystem, While some people familiar with the challenges of the deep ocean may have anticipated the failure of deep-water oil and gas exploration and production, the nation as a whole was not prepared for the magnitude of new and critical issues presented by the explosion and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon and wellhead rupture of the Macondo well. There are countless opportunities, at present, to ensure that the nation is better prepared for a similar incident in the future. These opportunities should not be wasted. The NRDA guidelines have been used and continue to be used to assess damages from the DWH oil spill. Just as better mechanisms for assessing and placing responsibility for
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Research Needs in Support of Understanding Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico
damages resulted from the Exxon Valdez grounding, the opportunity exists now to incorporate the concepts of ecosystem services, in practice and in law, to oil spill damage assessment and recovery strategies. The evolving understanding of human-ecosystem interactions as articulated by ecosystem-based management, and particularly the concept of ecosystem services, offers an opportunity to address some of the challenges faced by current NRDA practice. By taking a more holistic view of ecosystem interactions and particularly by following these interactions through all relevant trophic levels and spatial connections to their ultimate impact on human well-being, an ecosystem services approach to damage assessment offers the opportunity to capture a more complete picture of potential impacts of a damaging event and offer a broader range of restoration options. By further coupling ideas of ecosystem resilience with socioeconomic resilience, we would ensure that an ecosystem services approach would come closer to restoration of social-ecological systems following damage from a human-caused or natural disturbance. In closing, there are many challenges faced by the communities and natural resource managers of the GoM as they contemplate and set research priorities and select restoration plans. It will be important for all stakeholders to think about “how best to manage multiple ecosystem services across a diverse natural and sociological marine ecosystem?” As many in the region have already realized, past decisions that were designed to enhance a particular ecosystem service in order to maximize a particular benefit—energy development, fisheries, tourism, just to mention a few—may have resulted in tradeoffs that diminished the capacity of other ecosystem services to deliver the benefits that they might have provided. The ecosystem services approach is one tool that could be used to more fully capture the value of assorted services in the GoM—a very important step that could help GoM communities identify what is important to their way of life and informs management decisions that affect whether a new balance among their ecosystem service priorities is needed.
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Appendix A Biographical Sketches of Committee Members and Staff
Larry A. Mayer (Chair) is the Director of the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, CoDirector of the Joint Hydrographic Center, and Professor of Earth Science and Ocean Engineering at the University of New Hampshire. His research interests include sonar imaging, remote characterization of the seafloor, and advanced applications of 3-D visualization to ocean mapping challenges. Dr. Mayer received his Ph.D. from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in marine geophysics in 1979, and graduated magna cum laude with an Honors degree in geology from the University of Rhode Island in 1973. At Scripps his future path was determined when he worked with the Marine Physical Laboratory’s Deep-Tow Geophysical package, but applied this sophisticated acoustic sensor to study the history of climate. Dr. Mayer has participated in more than 50 cruises and has been chief or co-chief scientist of numerous expeditions, including two legs of the Ocean Drilling Program. Recently he has been involved (both at sea and in the lab) with the visualization of environmental data from the Deepwater Horizon incident and the application of acoustic techniques to monitor wellhead integrity and the subsurface environment in the region. He brings a strong set of spatial analysis skills and tools to this committee that will be valuable in mapping the affected areas of the Gulf and understanding impacts. Dr. Mayer served on the President’s Panel for Ocean Exploration and chaired the 2004 National Research Council’s Committee on National Needs for Coastal Mapping and Charting. Michel C. Boufadel is the Director of the Center for Natural Resources Development and Protection and a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Previously, he was a Professor and Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Temple University. Dr. Boufadel’s expertise includes investigating the offshore transport and fate of oil, original and dispersed, since 2001. He is very familiar with the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) and the various windcast and wave models, such as the Joint North Sea Wave Project (JONSWAP). Furthermore, Dr. Boufadel has developed a strong understanding of the physics of waterflow, oil transport, and oil transformation (with and without dispersants), and has a strong understanding of the role of oil viscosity, surface tension, emulsion, evaporation, droplet formation (i.e., dispersion), and breakup under various energy levels. Dr. Boufadel’s skills will be essential when the committee addresses the question of where the oil went and what it will likely do under a broad range of marine and coastal conditions. Dr. Boufadel earned a Ph.D. and a M.S. in environmental engineering from the University of Cincinnati in 1998 and 1992, respectively, and a B.S. in civil engineering and hydraulics from the Jesuit University at Beirut, Lebanon in 1988.
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Jorge Brenner is currently the Associate Director of Marine Science at the Nature Conservancy. Dr. Brenner is interested in ecosystem services health assessment, valuation models, and spatial dynamics of biodiversity. He is also working on marine conservation and sustainability sciences. Dr. Brenner has experience working on related issues in Mexico, the Mediterranean, and the Gulf of Mexico regions. He brings an international perspective to the committee in addition to his strength in identifying the relevant ecosystem services that the committee will need to quantify for valuation. He earned a Ph.D. in marine sciences from the Catalonia Polytechnic University in 2007, a M.S. in environmental engineering, and a B.S. in biochemical engineering and aquatic resources, from the Monterrey Technology Institute University in 1997 and 1995, respectively. Robert S. Carney is a Professor in Louisiana State University’s Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences. Dr. Carney’s primary research expertise is in deep-ocean biological oceanography, but he is also familiar with shallow systems having directed the Coastal Ecology Institute of LSU for 9 years. He has been awarded numerous grants for his research since 1978, including multiple awards from the Minerals Management Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to support the new sampling as well as reanalysis of archival deep Gulf of Mexico data. He is a PI in the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Census of Marine Life and co-directs international research on continental margin ecosystems. He is a founding member of INDEEP (International Network for Scientific Investigation of the Deep Sea) which will begin funding by Foundation TOTAL in 2011. In addition to basic science, he has published on the design of oil-related impact studies and information needs of deep ocean management. Dr. Carney will provide critical insights regarding the effects of the spill on benthic biota in the Gulf, particularly in the deeper waters near the blowout. In 1977 Dr. Carney earned a Ph.D. in oceanography from Oregon State University; he also earned a M.S. in oceanography from Texas A&M University in 1971 and a B.S. in zoology from Duke University in 1967. Cortis K. Cooper currently serves as Fellow with Chevron Energy Technology Company, a position he has held since 2002. Prior to beginning his service as Fellow, Dr. Cooper was employed as Scientist/Engineer at Chevron Exploration Technology for 12 years. In this position, he was primarily tasked with quantifying winds, waves, and currents for operation and design of offshore facilities worldwide including measuring and modeling oil spill fates; modeling hurricane alleys in the Gulf of Mexico; modeling sea level in the Caspian Sea; forecasting the Loop Current and associated eddies in the Gulf of Mexico; supervising major ocean current models in the Gulf of Mexico, W. Africa, NE Atlantic and NW Australia; leading a $1.6 million, 32-company joint industry project (JIP) to improve ocean towing; and leading a $2 million, 24-company JIP to investigate the fate of oil and gas from deepwater blowouts. Dr. Cooper was a member of the 2003 National Research Council’s Committee on Oil in the Sea: Inputs, Fates, and Effects, which initiated and led a field experiment in 2000 that simulated a deepwater blowout off Norway. He has studied the physical oceanography of the Gulf of Mexico for 25 years. Dr. Cooper brings a wealth of relevant skills to the committee, but his grasp of industry standard operating procedure (SOP) and his understanding of oil dispersion under various oceanographic conditions will be most useful. He earned a Ph.D. in environmental engineering from the University of Maine in 1987, and a M.Sc. and B.S. in civil engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1977 and 1975, respectively.
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Appendix A
Jody W. Deming holds the Walters Endowed Professorship in the University of Washington’s School of Oceanography. She has also served as Director of the University of Washington’s Marine Bioremediation Program. Dr. Deming has made major contributions to the understanding of life in deep sea and polar environments. As a marine microbiologist, Dr. Deming has focused her research efforts on the behavior of bacteria under conditions of extreme temperatures, pressures and salt concentrations. She has used a combination of observational, experimental and modeling approaches to explore the role of bacteria in the flow of carbon through deep-sea ecosystems, including in the Gulf of Mexico. Dr. Deming’s expertise on marine microbial communities and their role in ecosystem functioning will be essential as the committee assesses the impact of the oil on the lower trophic levels of the Gulf food web. Dr. Deming earned a Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Maryland, College Park in 1981, and a B.A. in biological sciences from Smith College in 1974. She was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2003 and is a current member of the OSB. David J. Die is an Associate Professor at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science and the Associate Director of the Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies. Dr. Die’s research focus is on the quantitative evaluation of fishery management strategies and his current portfolio includes collaborative development of a fishery ecosystem model for the Gulf of Mexico. He also has strong links to the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council and was the founding director of the Center of Independent Experts, a central part of the peer review process for the National Marine Fisheries Service. Dr. Die is the current chair of the big-eye tuna working group of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna and has recently been asked to serve on the international panel synthesizing tuna and billfish science for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. He has extensive knowledge of both the ecology and population dynamics of upper trophic levels in the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem and the fishing pressures, and management regimes, to which they are subject. He will bring an international perspective and a strong understanding of the impacts of the spill on the fishing industries in the Gulf. Dr. Die received a Ph.D. in biology and living resources from the University of Miami in 1989, and a B.Sc. in zoology and marine biology from the Universidad de La Laguna (Spain) in 1982. Josh Eagle is an Associate Professor of Law at the University of South Carolina School of Law and is affiliated with USC’s Marine Sciences Program and its School of Earth, Ocean and Environment. His expertise is in ocean and coastal law, natural resources law, environmental law, and property law. He has testified before Congress and the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force on legal issues related to ocean zoning and the siting of offshore energy facilities. Mr. Eagle’s expertise in pertinent laws and regulations, including the Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) process, will help the committee understand the legal implications of various definitions and assessments of ecosystem services. From 1990 to 1995, Professor Eagle served as a trial attorney for the United States Department of Justice in Washington, DC. From 1997 to 1998, he was wildlife counsel in the policy office of the National Audubon Society in Washington, DC. Mr. Eagle received a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center in 1990, an M.S. in Forest Sciences from Colorado State University in 1996, and a B.A. from Johns Hopkins University in 1985.
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Joseph R. Geraci is Professor in the Department of Pathology and in the Program of Comparative Medicine at the University of Maryland’s School of Medicine. His research over the past 40 years has focused on understanding how biological and environmental factors underpinning marine mammal health break down to affect the viability of the individual or population. Dr. Geraci has led research teams from the Arctic to the tropics, on studies of factors governing the health of marine mammals and their environment. He has published extensively on the effects of oil on marine mammals. In addition, Dr. Geraci has served as marine mammal health and program advisor to: the U.S. Department of Agriculture; Department of Justice; Marine Mammal Commission; National Marine Fisheries Service; U.S. Navy; Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans; the governments of Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Spain and the Caribbean and Pacific Rim nations; the International Whaling Commission; United Nations Environment Program; International Atomic Energy Agency; non-governmental organizations, aquariums and research laboratories internationally. Working with the National Marine Fisheries Service, he has played a founding role in developing U.S. regional marine mammal stranding-recovery programs into a nation-wide network with international reach. Dr. Geraci will provide an important set of skills in assessing the pathologies and mortalities of megafauna (like marine mammals and sea turtles) that are attributed to the oil spill. Dr. Geraci has a V.M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, a Ph.D. from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and a B.Sc. from Suffolk University in Boston. Barbara A. Knuth is Vice Provost, Dean of the Graduate School, Professor of Natural Resource Policy and Management and Associate Director of the Human Dimensions Research Unit in the Department of Natural Resources at Cornell University. Dr. Knuth’s research focus, through theory-development and empirical studies, advances understanding and practice related to the human dimensions of natural resource management, particularly related to fisheries and wildlife resources, and aims to foster integration of social science and natural/physical science information within natural resource management and policy decision making processes. Dr. Knuth’s expertise will help the committee accurately identify and quantify the relevant ecosystem services that have significant societal importance. She earned a Ph.D. in fisheries and wildlife sciences from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1986, an M.En., a B.Phil., and a B.A. from Miami University in 1982 and 1980, respectively. Kenneth Lee is the Director of the Wealth from Oceans National Research Flagship, part of Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. He leads a national team of multidisciplinary to promote research and development and the application of emerging technologies in ocean sciences to increase Australia's global competitiveness. Previously, he was Executive Director of the Centre for Offshore Oil, Gas and Energy Research (COOGER), part of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Dr. Lee’s research and project management activities include studies to link organic and inorganic contaminants, marine noise, and alterations in hydrodynamic processes to effects on biota, including commercial fisheries species; chemical/microbiological studies on the biotransformation and biodegradation of contaminants; development of novel approaches to assess the impact of organic pollutants by the development and validation of toxicity assays based on advances in genomics, microbial ecology, and biochemical analysis; coordination of multidisciplinary studies including the application of numerical models to predict the risk of industrial activities and contaminants on ecosystem health. Dr. Lee is one of the world’s leading experts on the effects of dispersants and other spill
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Appendix A
response technologies: This expertise will be most useful as the committee assesses the impact of the 1.8 million gallons of dispersants used in the DWH spill. He received a Ph.D. and M.Sc. in botany/environmental studies from the University of Toronto in 1982 and 1977, respectively, and a B.Sc. in biology from Dalhousie University in 1975. James T. Morris is the Director of the Belle Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Professor of Biological Sciences, Distinguished Professor of Marine Studies at the University of South Carolina, and an AAAS Fellow. Dr. Morris has authored more than 80 peer reviewed publications, largely focused on coastal wetlands. He has served on numerous committees and panels for various agencies, including the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), the Irish National Science Foundation, the National Research Council, and the IndoFlux committee of India. Dr. Morris has a long history of funding from NSF for research at North Inlet, South Carolina on the effects of sea-level change on coastal wetlands. Dr. Morris will help the committee assess the impacts of the spill (and spill responses) on the Gulf wetlands—arguably the most critical and complex habitat responsible for many of the ecosystem services under review with this study. He earned a Ph.D. in forestry and environmental studies and a M.S. in biology from Yale University in 1979 and 1975, respectively, and a B.A. in environmental sciences from the University of Virginia in 1973. Stephen Polasky is the Fesler-Lampert Professor of Ecological/Environmental Economics in the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Minnesota. His research interests include ecosystem services, natural capital, biodiversity conservation, endangered species policy, integrating ecological and economic analysis, renewable energy, environmental regulation, and common property resources. Papers authored by Dr. Polasky have been published in Biological Conservation, Ecological Applications, Journal of Economics Perspectives, Nature, Science, among others. He has served as co-editor and associate editor for the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. He previously held faculty positions in the Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics at Oregon State University (1993-1999) and the Department of Economics at Boston College (1986-1993). Dr. Polasky was the senior staff economist for environment and resources for the President’s Council of Economic Advisors 1998-1999. He was elected into the National Academy of Sciences in 2010. Also, he was elected as a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2009 and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2007. Dr. Polasky is a leader in the rapidly growing field of ecosystem services valuation, which is one of the core tasks for this study. Dr. Polasky received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Michigan in 1986. Nancy N. Rabalais is Executive Director and Professor at the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. Dr. Rabalais' research includes the dynamics of hypoxic environments, interactions of large rivers with the coastal ocean, estuarine and coastal eutrophication, and environmental effects of habitat alterations and contaminants. Dr. Rabalais is an AAAS Fellow, an Aldo Leopold Leadership Program Fellow, a National Associate of the National Academies of Science, a past president of the Estuarine Research Federation, a past vice-chair of the Scientific Steering Committee of Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone/International GeosphereBiosphere Program, and a past chair of the NRC Ocean Studies Board. She is a current member of the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Council, the National Sea Grant Advisory Board, a Trustee for the Consortium for Ocean Leadership, a member of the
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Governing Board for the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System, and an NRC committee member for Applying the Clean Water Act across the Mississippi River Basin. She received the 2002 Ketchum Award for coastal research from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and shares the Blasker award with R.E. Turner. She was awarded the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Ruth Patrick Award and the National Water Research Institute Clarke Prize in the summer of 2008. Her technical familiarity with the Gulf and the interface between the deep benthic habitats and habitats along the coastal and continental shelf will be useful in determining the impacts of the oil at various depths. Dr. Rabalais received her Ph.D. in zoology from the University of Texas at Austin in 1983. Ralph G. Stahl, Jr. received his B.S. in Marine Biology from Texas A&M University (cum laude), his M.S. in Biology from Texas A&M University, and his Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Toxicology from the University of Texas School of Public Health. After receiving his Ph.D., he was a National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, in the Department of Pathology at the University of Washington in Seattle where he investigated the impact of genetic toxins on biological systems. Ralph joined the DuPont Company in 1984 and in the intervening years has held both technical and management positions in the research and internal consulting arenas. His research over the last 25 years has focused primarily on evaluating the effects of chemical stressors on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Since 1993 Dr. Stahl has been responsible for leading DuPont's corporate efforts in ecological risk assessment and natural resource damage assessments for site remediation. He has been involved with oceanographic studies in the Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, biological and ecological assessments at contaminated sites in the US, Europe and Latin America, and numerous toxicological studies with mammals, birds and aquatic organisms. He has been selected by US EPA, Army Corps of Engineers, SERDP, National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences, National Academy of Science, the Water Environment Research Foundation, NOAA, State of Washington, State of Texas and others to national or state peer review panels on ecological risk assessment, endocrine disruption in wildlife, or natural resource injury determination. Dr. Stahl has served on the US EPA’s Science Advisory Board (Advisory Council on Clean Air Compliance Analysis, Ecological Effects Subcommittee), the Department of Interior’s FACA Panel on Natural Resource Damages, and currently is active in the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Ecological Risk Assessment Advisory Group. He is board certified in General Toxicology and is a Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology. He has authored over 45 peer reviewed publications on topics in environmental toxicology, ecological risk assessment, and risk management. He recently edited three books stemming from SETAC Education Foundation sponsored workshops, and currently serves on the Editorial Board of the journal Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. David Yoskowitz is the HRI Endowed Chair for Socio-Economics at the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies, and Professor in the College of Business at Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi. Dr. Yoskowitz’s interests include market and non-market valuation; ecosystem services; micro and small enterprise development; environmental and water markets; border economics; development microeconomics in Latin America; and socio-economic environment of the Gulf of Mexico region. Dr. Yoskowitz will bring a strong understanding of the Gulf ecosystem services and valuation, as well as a local appreciation of the smaller
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Appendix A
businesses and enterprises impacted by the spill. He received a Ph.D. in economics and a M.A. in economics from Texas Tech University in 1997 and 1994, respectively, and a B.A. in economics and finance from Bentley College in 1990. Staff Kim Waddell is a senior program officer with the Ocean Studies Board. He received his Ph.D. in the Biological Sciences from the University of South Carolina and his B.A. in Environmental Studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz. Dr. Waddell recently rejoined the NRC after a 6-year hiatus during which he was a research associate professor at the University of the Virgin Islands and Texas A&M University working to build marine and environmental research capacity in the Caribbean region. During his previous tenure with the NRC, Dr. Waddell directed a number of studies for the Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources including California Agricultural Research Priorities: Pierce’s Disease (2004), Biological Confinement of Genetically Engineered Organisms (2004), Animal Biotechnology; Science-based Concerns (2002), The Environmental Effects of Transgenic Plants (2002), Exploring Horizons for Domestic Animal Genomics (2002), and The Future Role of Pesticides in US Agriculture (2000). Sherrie Forrest is an associate program officer with the Ocean Studies Board and the Board on Science Education at the National Research Council. She currently supports the work of several projects, including the Roundtable on Climate Change Education and the Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Mississippi Canyon-252 Oil Spill on Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico, and previously worked on the Conceptual Framework for New Science Education Standards. She is also the study director on the Workshop on Climate Change Education in Formal Settings, K-14. She has a B.A. in English literature from Pepperdine University and an M.S. in biological oceanography from the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers University. Lauren Harding was a program assistant with the Ocean Studies Board from August 2011 to October 2012. In 2011, she graduated from High Point University majoring in biology and minoring in chemistry. As an undergraduate, she conducted an independent research project on cave ecosystems. Prior to her position at OSB, Lauren was a marketing and accounting assistant with Webco General Partnership, a company of the U.S. military resale market. Heather Chiarello joined the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in July 2008. She graduated magna cum laude from Central Michigan University in 2007 with a B.S. in political science with a concentration in public administration. Ms. Chiarello is currently a senior program assistant with the Ocean Studies Board in the Division on Earth and Life Sciences of the National Academies. She is pursuing a Master’s degree in sociology and public policy analysis at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Jessica Dutton received her B.A. from Mount Holyoke College, and her Ph.D. in marine biology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. As an ecological physiologist, her doctoral research focused on understanding the relationship between species tolerances and coastal environmental conditions, and how such patterns relate to range distributions and climate
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Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
change. She was a fellow in 2009 with the National Sea Grant Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Program, and in 2012 with the Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Fellowship Program at the National Academy of Sciences. In the latter position, and subsequently as a Research Associate, she has worked with the Ocean Studies Board on several NRC studies including the "Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Mississippi Canyon-252 Oil Spill on Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico," "Review of the National Ocean Acidification Research Plan," and "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Stock Rebuilding Plans of the 2006 Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act." Constance (Stacee) Karrasjoined the U.S. National Academy of Science in September 2012. She received her B.A. in Marine Affairs and Policy with concentrations in Biology and Political Science from the University of Miami in 2007. The following year she received an M.A. in Marine Affairs and Policy from the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. Most recently, she earned her J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law. Ms. Karras is now serving as a Post-Graduate Intern with the Ocean Studies Board in the Division of Earth and Life Sciences of the National Academies.
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