Advances in Pure Mathematics, 2013, 3, 331-334 Published Online May 2013 (
An Elementary Proof of the Mean Inequalities Ilhan M. Izmirli Department of Statistics, George Mason University, Fairfax, USA Email:
[email protected] Received November 24, 2012; revised December 30, 2012; accepted February 3, 2013 Copyright © 2013 Ilhan M. Izmirli. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
ABSTRACT In this paper we will extend the well-known chain of inequalities involving the Pythagorean means, namely the harmonic, geometric, and arithmetic means to the more refined chain of inequalities by including the logarithmic and identric means using nothing more than basic calculus. Of course, these results are all well-known and several proofs of them and their generalizations have been given. See [1-6] for more information. Our goal here is to present a unified approach and give the proofs as corollaries of one basic theorem. Keywords: Pythagorean Means; Arithmetic Mean; Geometric Mean; Harmonic Mean; Identric Mean; Logarithmic Mean
1. Pythagorean Means For a sequence of numbers x x1 , x2 , , xn we will let
j 1 x j n
AM x1 , x2 , , xn AM x
1 1 1 1 x1 HM HM x2
The geometric mean of two numbers x1 and x2 can be visualized as the solution of the equation x1 GM GM x2
n n
GM x1 , x2 , , xn GM x x1j n j 1
HM x1 , x2 , , xn HM x
n n
x j 1
2) PM x, x, , x x 3) PM bx1 , bx2 , , bxn bPM x1 , x2 ,, xn
4) PM x1 , x2 is always a solution of a simple equation. In particular, the arithmetic mean of two numbers x1 and x2 can be defined via the equation AM x1 x2 AM
The harmonic mean satisfies the same relation with reciprocals, that is, it is a solution of the equation
1 1 2) HM x1 , x1 AM x , 1 1 x1
to denote the well known arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic means, also called the Pythagorean means PM . The Pythagorean means have the obvious properties: 1) PM x1 , x2 ,, xn is independent of order
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1) GM
1 1 1 n2 xn x1 x2
x1 x2 xn
This follows because AM x1 , x2 , , xn
HM x1 , x2 , , xn
2. Logarithmic and Identric Means The logarithmic mean of two non-negative numbers x1 and x2 is defined as follows:
LM 0, x2 LM x1 , 0 0 LM x1 , x1 x1 and for positive distinct numbers x1 and x2 APM
LM x1 , x2
x2 x1 ln x2 ln x1
The following are some basic properties of the logarithmic means: 1) Logarithmic mean LM a, b can be thought of as the mean-value of the function f x ln x over the interval a, b . 2) The logarithmic mean can also be interpreted as the area under an exponential curve. Since 1 x y y 1 t t t x x y d x dt ln x ln y 0 0 t
We also have the identity 1
LM x, y x1t y t dt 0
Using this representation it is easy to show that
LM cx, cy cLM ( x, y)
LM x0 , x1 , x2
The identric mean of two distinct positive real numbers x1 , x2 is defined as: 1
1 x x2 x2 x1 IM x1 , x2 2x e x1 1 with IM x1 , x1 x1 . The slope of the secant line joining the points a, f a and b, f b on the graph of the function
f x x ln x is the natural logarithm of IM a, b . It can be generalized to more variables according by the mean value theorem for divided differences.
3. The Main Theorem Theorem 1. Suppose f : a, b R is a function with a strictly increasing derivative. Then b
1) We have the identity
LM x 2 , y 2 LM x, y
f t dt x, y
which follows easily:
LM x 2 , y 2 LM x, y
x2 y 2 x y 2 ln x ln y ln x ln y x y 2
To define the logarithmic mean of positive numbers x0 , x1 , , xn , we first recall the definition of divided differences for a function f x at points x0 , x1 , , xn , denoted as
x0 , x1 ,, xn f For 0 m n
xm f
f xm
and for 0 m n 1 j and 1 j n 1 , xm , , xm j f xm 1 , , xm j f xm , , xm j 1 f xm j xm LM x0 , , xn
f b f a bf b af a ba f s s 2 ba ba for all s t in a, b . Let s0 be defined by the equation f b f a f s0 ba Then,
f t dt a
f b f a bf b af a ba f s0 s0 2 ba ba is the sharpest form of the above inequality. Proof. By the Mean Value Theorem, for all s, t in a,b , we have f t f s f u ts for some u between s and t . Assuming without loss of generality s t , by the assumption of the theorem we have f t f s t s f t
Integrating both sides with respect to t , we have
We now define
x0 x1 x1 x2 x2 x0 2 x2 x1 ln x0 x2 x0 ln x1 x0 x1 ln x2
n 1
n x0 , , xn ln
So for example for n = 2, we get Copyright © 2013 SciRes.
1 n
f t dt b a f s bf b af a a b
s f b f a f t dt a
and the inequality of the theorem follows. Let us now put
Thus we have
3 1 ba ba 23 ab 2 abH ab
g s b a f s bf b af a b
s f b f a f t dt a
implying H 2 ab
Note that g s b a f s f b f a
HM a, b GM a, b
Moreover, since b
g b g a b a f a f b f t dt a
there exists an s0 in a, b such that g s0 0 . Since f is strictly increasing, we have
1 Let us let f t . The condition of Theorem 1 is t satisfied. We can easily compute the s0 of the theorem from the equation
g s g s0 0 for s s0 and
g s g s0 0
1 1 1 b a 2 s0 b a as
s0 ab
for s s0 Thus, s0 is a minimum of g and g s0 g s for all sin a, b .
Our inequality becomes ln b ln a
4. Applications to Mean Inequalities We will extend the well-known chain of inequalities
HM a, b GM a, b A a, b
ln b ln a 1 ba ab
to the more refined
HM a, b GM a, b LM a, b
that is
GM a, b LM a, b
IM a, b A a, b using nothing more than the mean value theorem of differential calculus. All of these are strict inequalities unless, of course, the numbers are the same, in which case all means are equal to the common value of the two numbers. Let us now assume that 0 a b. 1 Let us let f t 2 . The condition of the Theorem 1 t is satisfied. Solving the equation 1 1 2 b2 a2 3 ba s0
Now let f t ln t . Again the condition of Theorem 1 is satisfied. The s0 of the theorem can be computed from the equation
s0 L
where L LM a, b Since b
ln tdt b a b ln b a ln a a
bb b a ln a a
s0 abH
ba 1 2 1 23 23 2 abH abH ab Copyright © 2013 SciRes.
1 ln b ln a s0 ba
we find where H HM a, b . Hence the left-hand side of the inequality becomes
ba 1 1 ab 2 ab ab
Thus, b
ln tdt b a ln I a
where I IM a, b . APM
Consequently our inequality becomes b a ln I
ba 1 ln L L ln eI 2 L
IM a, b AM a, b
Thus, we now have for a b HM a, b GM a, b LM a, b
IM a, b AM a, b
ln I ln L
that is,
LM a, b IM a, b
Finally, let us put f t t ln t . Again the condition of Theorem 1 is satisfied. Since in this case
f b f (a)
b ln b a ln a 1 ln I ba
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the s0 of the theorem can be computed as s0 I
The right-hand side of the inequality becomes ba b 2 ln b a 2 ln a I 2 ba
The integral on the left-hand side of our inequality yields b
t ln tdt 2 b 1
ln b a 2 ln a
1 2 b a2 4
e a b e a
,” Elemente
der Mathematik, Vol. 40, 1985, pp. 120-123.
1 b a I 2
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