An Enterprise Integration Application for Chemical Information and Tools for Green Chemistry ... Development Methodology. Platform ... the web or mobile clients.
An Enterprise Integration Application for Chemical Information and Tools for Green Chemistry Breanna
a,c Ford ,
a,c Winje ,
a,c Irimagawa ,
b,c Sadovnikova ,
a,c Broughton
Development Methodology
As a collaborative effort between the Elarabio Internship programs in Molecular Toxicology at UC Berkeley and The Risk Science Center at the University of Michigan, an Open Access portal, ChemTIPSTER (Chemical Toxins In Products: a Safety, Toxicity, Environmental Resource) was created and linked to a cloud-based secure exchange, ElaraPlatform, focused on the integration of services for multiple green chemistry initiatives.
The ElaraPlatform came into existence after listening at length to environmental groups, consultants, consumers, the chemical and consumer product industry about their needs for a centralized place to gain information regarding the Cal EPA DTSC Safer Consumer Products regulations and chemicals with the goal of aggregated data for quick comparisons and ultimately resources and tools. These needs were used to create ToxPlatform as a design template for the ElaraPlatform.
The goal was to provide industry stakeholders, environmental groups, governmental agencies and consumers easy access to important information and tools to assess specific chemicals known or deemed to be of concern for human health and the environment while maintaining confidential business information (CBI) for product stakeholders.
Open Access: A distinct need for a single source of information about all of the candidate chemicals (and only these) was needed by both industry and consumers. Confidential Business Information: Additional need for storage and cross-searching of CBI with the candidate chemical information was found in the business community and industry.
Databases and information from Authoritative Bodies (publically- accessible content)
Mobile app Content customized for individuals or groups of users
ToxPlatform with ToxVault
ChemTIPSTER Open Access Web Based
One way transfer of relevant content
Searchable, Secure exchange module Subscription based
The intern team for Elara Bioscience has taken an agile approach to the market research and platform development by producing functional, deliverable products in short phases - each of which builds and modifies the previous. The ElaraPlatform has been developed as follows:
After 4 years of planning, the Cal EPA DTSC Safer Consumer Product regulations came into effect in October 2013. The goal of these regulations is to remove chemicals, hazardous to both human health and environment, from consumer products by replacing them with safer alternatives. The long term goal of the regulations is to ensure that everyday products will contain more renewable materials and chemicals that will not persist in the environment at the end of their lifecycles and that consumer items are safe and sustainable before they enter the California marketplace by increasing effectiveness of alternative analysis.
All Chemicals (100,000+)
(subscription based)
Grade I Custom Tools
Elara Platform Apps
Grade II Custom Tools
Platform Architecture
Candidate Chemicals (1,200)
Initial List of Chemicals (153)
Content source
Future Initiatives
ToxVault provides a secure cloud based storage and data exchange for confidential business information. Key aspects of ToxVault include: • Data protection throughout a business enterprise, supply chain, and initial regulatory filings • Ability to co-mingle regulatory-related information and personal product information in a secure fashion
The ElaraPlatform is based on a flexible architecture designed for reuse and expansion. The current ToxPlatform is based on the Candidate Chemical data from the CalEPA DTSC Safer Consumer Product regulations. This dataset serves as a model for which additional taxonomies of data can be distributed in the future. These dataset taxonomies may focus on but are not limited to toxicological and biochemical data, as the platform architecture would be applicable to data from other domains as well. As a result of the flexibility of the ElaraPlatform Candidate Chemicals architecture the next ToxPlatform platform distribution on the Tox Taxonomy 2 development roadmap is an ElaraPlatform expansion to phytochemical Phyto PhytoPlatform Taxonomy 1 data associated with traditional therapeutics.
Business Network
Content source
ToxPlatform is the model for the development of the ElaraPlatform, a single platform based solution which allows for distributed and customized apps (in the form of mobile applications and web interfaces). These apps will contain targeted information for a subset of users without the struggle of maintaining the software for each custom app separately.
Key Features • Secure document sharing service • Cloud-based platform with unlimited capacity • Drag-and-drop publishing into fully searchable documents (original documents in over 300+ formats also saved) • One-way transfer-in from open source or CBI • Transfer-out of data fully controlled by user • Multilingual user interface and document support • Links to third party research tools which aid in the interpretation of data in the system • Enterprise level integration to ToxVault, allowing CBI to be maintained among business partners, departments, supply chains, and regulatory submissions • Aggregation of unstructured data from a curatorial network to aid in ease of viewing information • The ability to create small reusable solutions called apps which may be utilized both on the web or mobile clients
Secure Exchange
ToxVault Content source
Multiple users, suppliers, sellers: access and use controlled by administrator
Drag-and-drop publishing of business documents into ToxVault
Tox Hub
Subscriber data, CBI, can be intermingled with candidate chemical data securely
Stakeholder/client secure content exchange
Grade I Custom Tools
Phase I: Secure virtual dataroom Phase II: Open access web portal Phase III: ChemTIPSTER V1 Phase IV: Mobile application Phase V: Integrated analysis tools Phase VI: Expanded taxonomies
Approximately 1200 chemicals fell within the requirements, of these ~153 were chosen for initial regulation and 3 products have been selected for alternative analysis.
a,b,c Johnson
of Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology, University of California, Berkeley, CA; bDepartment of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; cElara Bioscience LLC, Berkeley, CA
Candidate chemicals are designated as having one of the following: • documented effects on air and/or water quality or as an endocrine disruptor, neurotoxicant, developmental and/or reproductive toxicant, respiratory toxicant, carcinogen, and/or mutagen • chemicals that are listed in biomonitoring studies, which document human exposure • chemicals that are persistent, bioaccumulate, and are toxic to environmental wildlife
and Dale E.
Abstract #1582 Poster #241
Categorization into fully searchable documents
Supply Chain
Controlled access established by administrator
Confidential Business Information on products, formulations, chemicals
(CBI & CC)
Subscriber Administrator maintains full control Electronic Submission to Regulatory Bodies planned for future release
We would like to thank Jim Burden, Richard Anderson, Mike Licardo and Dwight Ford for their advice, assistance and dedication to the development of the ElaraPlatform.