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Soo-Hyun Kim. Memory Research and Development Division, Hynix Semiconductor Inc., San 136-1, Ami-ri, Bubaleub,. Icheon-si, Kyoung-gi-do 467-701, Korea.

An experimental investigation on the switching reliability of a phase change memory device with an oxidized TiN electrode Dae-Hwan Kang,a兲 In Ho Kim, Jeung-hyun Jeong, and Byung-ki Cheongb兲 Thin Film Materials Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, 39-1, Hawolgok-dong, Sungbuk-gu, Seoul 136-791, Korea

Dong-Ho Ahn, Dongbok Lee, Hyun-Mi Kim, and Ki-Bum Kim School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nano Systems Institute-National Core Research Center, Seoul National University, San 56-1, Shinlim-dong, Kwanak-gu, Seoul 151-742, Korea

Soo-Hyun Kim Memory Research and Development Division, Hynix Semiconductor Inc., San 136-1, Ami-ri, Bubaleub, Icheon-si, Kyoung-gi-do 467-701, Korea

共Received 15 November 2005; accepted 23 June 2006; published online 13 September 2006兲 Fluctuations 共or drifts兲 in switching voltages such as programming set/reset voltages and threshold voltage pose serious obstacles to the reliable operation of electrical phase change memory devices. Using a phase change memory device having a GeSb2Te4 phase change material and TiN electrode, these fluctuations are demonstrated to result from device resistances varying with programming cycles. Fluctuating resistances appear to stem primarily from large contact resistances at the interface between the phase change material and the TiN electrode and from inhomogeneous phase distribution across the GeSb2Te4 layer due to unsuccessful heat confinement near the interface with TiN. Oxidation of a TiN electrode surface 共via thermal annealing at 350 ° C under an atmospheric gas mixture of 97.9 vol % N2 and 2.1 vol % O2兲 is very effective in the reduction of fluctuations in device resistances and switching voltages hence the resulting increase in the programming cycles by two orders of magnitude. From a high resolution transmission electron microscopy, the oxidized surface was shown to consist of a titanium oxide layer primarily with Ti2O3 crystallites which is presumed to yield enhanced stability of the device by the following two effects. Firstly, Ge, Sb, and Te atoms would have stronger bonds to oxygen atoms than to nitrogen atoms by about 0.5 eV, thereby producing more robust interface. Accordingly, the magnitude of contact resistance and its variation are reduced significantly so as to have little influence on the device resistances and their fluctuations. Secondly, thermally and electrically more resistive nature of the oxide layer would tend to yield, by enhanced generation and confinement of Joule heat, more uniform temperature distribution across the phase change material layer, rendering possibly a more homogeneous single phase material hence steadier sheet resistances with programming cycles. © 2006 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2338130兴 I. INTRODUCTION

The electrical phase change memory 共originally known as the Ovonic memory兲 has been revitalized as one of the promising nonvolatile memory devices for next generations.1 This memory utilizes fast and reversible transitions between amorphous 共reset兲 and crystalline 共set兲 phases of Te-based chalcogenide semiconductors such as Ge2Sb2Te5 and GeSb2Te4, together with large concurrent changes in electrical resistivity by a factor of 10±4 – 10±6. Through remarkable progresses in the reduction of operating current and in the process optimization phase change memory 共PCM兲 has been recently standing out as the most promising nonvolatile memory for next generations.2,3 Concerning the device reliability, however, problems are still lingering on the way to practical use. For instance, variaa兲

Present address: Semiconductor Business, R&D Division, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. b兲 Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; electronic mail: [email protected] 0021-8979/2006/100共5兲/054506/9/$23.00

tions in resistance4 and even malfunctions5 at successive switching operations seriously limit read operation and device cyclability as well. According to Lai,5 failures observed at successive switching operations may be categorized into three different types: stuck-set, stuck-reset, and reset migration. When a PCM device is stuck-set or stuck-reset, it cannot be switched to a reset or a set state, respectively, any more. In a device with the reset migration failure, programming reset current or reset voltage drifts with switching cycles. It has been suggested that the stuck-set and stuckreset are closely related with physical failures such as undesirable phase segregation, detachment of phase change material layer from electrodes, etc., while the reset migration may be caused somehow by the instability of interface between phase change material and electrodes. In this study, it is reported that migrations in threshold voltage Vth, set voltage Vset, and reset voltage Vreset are significantly reduced in pore-type phase change memory devices with an oxidized TiN electrode. These devices are shown to yield a better programming cyclability probably

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© 2006 American Institute of Physics

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J. Appl. Phys. 100, 054506 共2006兲

Kang et al.

FIG. 1. Cross-sectional view of the pore-type phase change memory device used in the present study: 共a兲 schematic diagram and 共b兲 scanning electron microscopy image.

because of such stabilized switching characteristics. As it turns out, these results may be attributed not only to reduced contact resistance and its variation resulting from stronger Ge–, Sb–, and Te–O bonds at the interface of GeSb2Te4 with an oxidized TiN but also to homogenization of an amorphous or a crystalline phase of GeSb2Te4 material stemming from an electrically and thermally resistive nature of titanium oxide interface layer. II. EXPERIMENT A. Device fabrication and electrical switching tests

Pore-type phase change memory devices were fabricated to have a GeSb2Te4 phase change material and an oxidized TiN electrode with either 50 or 70 nm contact hole, as shown in Fig. 1. It was previously reported6 that a surface oxidation of TiN electrode is quite effective to reduce set and reset voltages, lowering power consumption in phase change memories. The surface oxidation was made via thermal annealing of a half-formed device with a bare contact hole at 350 ° C under an atmospheric gas mixture of 97.9 vol % N2 and 2.1 vol % O2 prior to GeSb2Te4 deposition. From crosssectional transmission electron microscopy, it was found that the oxidized layer on the TiN surface has a thickness ranging from 5 to 10 nm with varying the annealing time from 10 to 60 min. For comparison, a reference device without oxidation was also prepared. In as-fabricated devices, the GeSb2Te4 material has an amorphous phase. In order to prepare the devices for subsequent switching operations,7 they were all first fired by sweeping a current up to 5 mA. The threshold voltages at first firings were scattered in the range of 1.0– 1.6 V for all devices and unaffected by oxidation treatments. A first-fired device was then reversibly switched between set 共crystalline phase兲 and reset 共amorphous phase兲 states. A reset pulse was made to have a voltage from 3.0 to 5.5 V and a fixed duration of 70 ns using a pulse generator 共Agilent 81110©, 165 MHz兲. Following a reset operation, the device was subject to a current sweeping from 0 to 5 mA 共time/current steps= 1 ms/ 25 ␮A兲 using a voltage/current source-measure unit 共Keithley 236©兲. An I-V curve with a threshold switching was obtained and subsequently the value of Vth was determined from a voltage-snapback point. By such a current sweeping, the device was left in a low-resistance crystallized 共set兲 state. Between set and reset operations, resistances of the device were measured at the read voltage of 0.2 V. Tran-

FIG. 2. A transmission line model 共TLM兲 pattern used to measure the contact resistances at the interfaces between GeSb2Te4 and TiN: 共a兲 schematic layout and 共b兲 optical microscope image 共plane view兲.

sient on/off tests were also carried out by cyclic repetition of an essentially identical sequence of write pulses that would affect, in each cycle, switchings from a reset state to a set state and lastly to another reset state. Each cycle led to a resistance-voltage 共R-V兲 plot from which representative values of Vset and Vreset are readily determined. B. Measurement of contact resistance at the GeSb2Te4 / TiN interface

In order to examine the electrical characteristics of the interfaces between the memory material and the electrodes, contact resistances were measured using a transmission line model 共TLM兲 method.8 The method is well known as a very simple and reliable technique to measure both the contact resistance at a metal/semiconductor Ohmic interface and the sheet resistance of semiconductor. Shown in Figs. 2共a兲 and 2共b兲 are a schematic layout and an optical image of our TLM pattern with GeSb2Te4 material on a patterned electrode of either TiN or oxidized TiN for 30 min 共hereafter “oxidized” refers to “oxidized for 30 min” unless specified otherwise兲. According to the model, a total resistance RT between combinations of two Al pads is given by Eq. 共1兲 when parasitic resistances due to metallic layers 共Al and TiN兲 are assumed to be negligible, RT = 2Rc + Rsh

d , W


where Rc is the contact resistance at GeSb2Te4 / TiN interface, Rsh is the sheet resistance of GeSb2Te4 material, d is the distance of two TiN pads, and W is the width of GeSb2Te4 transmission line 共200 ␮m兲, respectively. By a linear fitting of measured RT data with respect to d in the manner of Eq. 共1兲, Rc and Rsh can be readily determined from the intercept with RT axis 共i.e., 2Rc for d = 0兲 and the slope 共Rsh / W兲, respectively. C. Compositional and structural analyses of the GeSb2Te4 / TiN interface

The oxidation treatment of TiN electrode may produce changes not only in the chemical composition and the bonding character of the surface layer of TiN electrode itself but also the bonding environment of Ge, Sb, and/or Te atoms facing TiN electrode. To obtain information in this regard, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy 共XPS兲 was performed with the layered structures of GeSb2Te4 on either nonoxidized TiN or oxidized one. In addition, a high resolution transmis-

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J. Appl. Phys. 100, 054506 共2006兲

FIG. 4. 共a兲 Low-field resistances measured for the reset and set states of the devices with nonoxidized and various oxidized TiN electrodes, respectively. 共b兲 Variation of Vth with programming cycles for the same devices.

FIG. 3. 共a兲 Variation of low-field resistance with switching counts and 关共b兲 and 共c兲兴 threshold switching I-V curves after a few reset operations in the devices with nonoxidized and 30 min oxidized TiN electrodes, respectively.

sion electron microscopy 共HRTEM兲 was carried out in a cross-sectional view mode to examine the atomic structure of an oxidized layer.

noticed that the I-V slope 共device resistance兲 as well as the snapback voltage for a threshold switching varies among different curves. By contrast, a device with oxidized TiN electrode tends to yield much steadier values of Rset, Rreset, and Vth with cycles, as shown in the lower half of Fig. 3共a兲, and in the I-V curves of Fig. 3共c兲. Erratic variations in Rset and Rreset are found much reduced and correspondingly, the I-V switching curves appear more robust. The effects of oxidized TiN electrode are more clearly seen from Figs. 4共a兲 and 4共b兲 summarizing the results for various oxidation times. Along with reduced scatters, mean values of Rset, Rreset, and Vth are characteristically much smaller for all devices with oxidized TiN electrode. In addition, it is noticeable from Fig. 4共b兲 that Vth’s at the first threshold switching are considerably higher than those of successive switchings 共so called as first-firing effect7兲 in all devices, indicating that they are independent of TiN oxidation process. As for set and reset voltages, TiN oxidation treatment also yields a noticeable stabilizing effect, as shown in Fig. 5, representing R-V plots from transient on/off tests with the device having an oxidized TiN electrode and the reference one, respectively. For the device with an oxidized TiN, R-V plots appear more reproducible with the switching voltages,

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Improvement of memory switching performance in the device with an oxidized TiN electrode

Shown in Fig. 3共a兲 are changes in resistance with switching counts for the devices having a nonoxidized and an oxidized TiN electrode, respectively. With the test scheme stated above, over 60 switchings were made between high-resistive amorphous 共reset兲 and low-resistive crystalline 共set兲 states of both devices and some elementary stability characteristics were compared between the two. In the case of a nonoxidized TiN electrode, the resistance values of the two limiting states 共Rset and Rreset兲 are significantly fluctuating with switching counts, along with a drift in the resistance ratio in the range of 101 – 102. Correspondingly, I-V curves were found to vary with switching counts, as illustrated in Fig. 3共b兲, by the curves of a few selected reset states. It should be

FIG. 5. Variation of low-field resistance with pulse voltage for the devices with nonoxidized and 30 min oxidized TiN electrodes, respectively. For each device, ten different R-V plots were collected.

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J. Appl. Phys. 100, 054506 共2006兲

FIG. 6. Variation of low-field resistance with programming cycles for the devices with nonoxidized and 30 min oxidized TiN electrodes, respectively.

Vset and Vreset, which tend to have less variations in the ranges of 0.4– 0.6 V and 2.0– 3.0 V, respectively. Complying with these results, a device with oxidized TiN electrode was also found to have a pronouncedly improved endurance against extended programming cycles relative to the one with a nonoxidized TiN. Shown in Fig. 6 are the low-field resistance values of the devices varying with cycles. Compared with a poor cyclability 共less than 102 cycles兲 of the device with a nonoxidized TiN, the device with an oxidized TiN continues working properly until it gets stuck at ⬃3 ⫻ 102 ⍀ after 105 cycles, failing to reproduce a reset state any further 共stuck-set fail兲. The detailed mechanism of this failure is not understood yet but it may be related with an undesirable phase formation at the interface between GeSb2Te4 and oxidized TiN materials. From the experimental findings described above, the following two questions apparently arise. Firstly, “what are the possible causes of the fluctuations in reset and set resistances and correspondingly in reset, threshold, and set voltages?” And secondly, “how these fluctuations may be suppressed by the oxidation of TiN electrode?”. We attempt to answer these questions in the following sections. B. Reductions in contact resistance and its variation in the device with an oxidized TiN electrode

For the TLM analysis to be valid, a GeSb2Te4 material must have an Ohmic contact with a TiN electrode. Shown in Figs. 7共a兲 and 7共b兲 are typical I-V curves taken from four different material combinations at d = 70 ␮m: an amorphous 共a-兲 and a crystalline 共c-兲 GeSb2Te4 materials in contact with a patterned TiN electrode either nonoxidized or oxidized, respectively. In all combinations, contacts appear evidently Ohmic. Interestingly, differences in I-V curves caused by surface oxidation of TiN electrode are found to be clearly larger when GeSb2Te4 material is crystalline. Considering that both devices were prepared via the same processes otherwise, this may be accounted for in terms of the difference in contact resistance, which will be discussed later. TLM analyses were carried out using four different combinations of material states as described above: 共a- , c-兲GeSb2Te4 on 共nonoxidized, oxidized兲 TiN. For each combination, measurements of sheet/contact resistance were made using several copies of an identical TLM pattern. The

FIG. 7. 关共a兲 and 共b兲兴 Typical I-V curves taken from four different material combinations at d = 70 ␮m: an amorphous 共a-兲 and a crystalline 共c-兲 GeSb2Te4 materials in contact with a patterned TiN electrode either nonoxidized or oxidized, respectively. Notice that all the contacts are Ohmic. 关共c兲 and 共d兲兴 Resistances due to TLM measurements as a function of interpad distance for an amorphous and a crystalline GeSb2Te4 phase change material, respectively. 关共e兲 and 共f兲兴 Contact and sheet resistances determined from the intercepts with RT axis and the slopes 共Rs / W兲 for 共c兲 and 共d兲, respectively.

total resistance RT was measured from a current level at the applied voltage of 10 mV with varying the distance d from 10 to 70 ␮m in each pattern and is shown in Figs. 7共c兲 and 7共d兲. The corresponding Rsh and Rc values determined via Eq. 共1兲 are shown in Figs. 7共e兲 and 7共f兲, respectively. From Figs. 7共c兲 and 7共d兲, the combinations having a-GeSb2Te4 materials are found to yield fairly linear RT-d relations with pronouncedly positive slopes while linearities and finite slopes are not so obvious for those having c-GeSb2Te4. From the measurement geometry of a TLM pattern,8 RT is supposed to vary in proportion to d when Rc ⬍ Rsh, whereas such a proportionality may not be present when Rc 艌 Rsh. Thus, it follows that the combinations having a-GeSb2Te4 fall into the former category while those having c-GeSb2Te4 into the latter one. Indeed, it is clearly demonstrated in Figs. 7共e兲 and 7共f兲 that Rc’s of the interfaces with a-GeSb2Te4 are smaller by an order of 101 – 102 than Rsh’s, whereas Rc’s of the interfaces with c-GeSb2Te4 are compa-

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FIG. 8. XPS compositional depth profiles of some elements in the layered structures of SiO2 共capping layer兲 50 nm/ GeSb2Te4 50 nm/ TiN 50 nm: 共a兲 nonoxidized and 共b兲 30 min oxidized TiN electrodes. Ti 2p spectra across the interface of amorphous GeSb2Te4 material and TiN electrode: 共c兲 nonoxidized and 共d兲 30 min oxidized TiN electrodes.

rable to or higher than Rsh’s. These results indicate that the Rc was not decreased so much as Rsh by the annealing treatment 共300 ° C and 5 min兲 transforming an amorphous GeSb2Te4 material into a crystalline phase. From comparison between the combinations having different electrodes, it is obvious that both total resistance RT and its sample-to-sample scatter are significantly smaller for the combinations having an oxidized TiN electrode regardless of the phase state of GeSb2Te4 material. Most strikingly, Rc values of such combinations are smaller by more than one order of magnitude, nearly negligible relative to Rsh values. These results seem to provide the bases of understanding the contrasting characteristics of the two different devices shown in Figs. 3–6. As for the device having the c-GeSb2Te4 / TiN interface, in particular, the total device resistance would be primarily governed by a predominating Rc over Rsh of GeSb2Te4. In terms of device’s sensing margin, represented by the ratio of total device resistance between the set and the reset states, the predominance of Rc is clearly undesirable since it would render the phase-state dependent Rsh relatively insignificant, giving rise to a decreased sensing margin. Moreover, a large Rc value may not be beneficial to a stable operation of the device. It should be reminded that Rc is a property of an interface which is essentially planar and exceedingly limited in area. In the presence of a local variation in structure and composition, therefore, Rc tends to fluctuate much more readily than Rsh. With a large Rc, a local variation at the interface could produce a large fluctuation in RT of a set state and, in turn, of a reset state and accordingly large fluctuations in switching voltages. These undesirable device characteristics can be improved by the oxidation treatment of a TiN electrode by way of reducing Rc value. In light of the preceding discussions,

attention is called to apparently somewhat larger Rreset / Rset ratios as well as markedly stabilized set resistance of the device with an oxidized TiN electrode in Fig. 3共a兲. In the following, the reasons behind the reduced Rc are explored by analyses of the composition and structure of the oxidized TiN interface with GeSb2Te4. C. Presence of titanium oxide layer on the oxidized TiN interface and its possible effect on contact resistance

XPS is an effective tool to obtain information on the compositional profile 共qualitative兲 and atomic bonding character of constituent elements with a depth resolution of below 10 nm. Shown in Figs. 8共a兲 and 8共b兲 are the depth profiles of some elements in the layered structures of SiO2 共capping layer兲 50 nm/ GeSb2Te4 50 nm/ TiN 50 nm 共a兲 without and 共b兲 with oxidation. In both cases, significant amounts of O and C are detected in the interior and at the surface of TiN. Presumably, they were incorporated from a low-vacuum environment or a contaminated chamber wall during reactive sputtering deposition of TiN. From comparison between the two cases, however, it is evident that remarkable changes were made in O and N profiles at the surface of TiN by oxidation treatment: prominent O enrichment as well as N depletion. These changes are presumed to attend the formation of a thin titanium oxide surface layer, which is known to occur frequently during oxidation of TiN especially with porous columnar grains.9 In fact, Ti 2p XPS spectra of Fig. 8共d兲 display strong Ti–O peaks near the interface of the oxidized TiN with GeSb2Te4, as compared with the nonoxidized case of Fig. 8共c兲. To characterize the structural features of the surface oxide layer, a HRTEM was conducted on the cross section of

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J. Appl. Phys. 100, 054506 共2006兲

Kang et al.

FIG. 9. 关共a兲 and 共b兲兴 Cross section TEM images of a 30 min oxidized TiN at a low magnification and at a high resolution, respectively. 关共c兲 and 共d兲兴 Electron diffraction patterns reconstructed by fast Fourier transform 共FFT兲 analysis of the nanometer-size crystallite on the boxed region in 共b兲. Integers in 共d兲 correspond to spot numbers designated in Table I.

an oxidized TiN. Shown in Fig. 9 are 共a兲 a highmagnification bright-field image and 共b兲 an atomic-resolution image of an oxidized TiN. The surface oxide layer is found to be 7 – 8 nm thick and appears to consist mostly of crystallites in an amorphous matrix otherwise. From an electron diffraction pattern reconstructed by a fast Fourier transform 关see Fig. 9共c兲 or 9共d兲兴 of the atomic-resolution image of the selected area in Fig. 9共b兲, d spacings were determined to show a good agreement with some of the known d spacings of titanium sesquioxide 共Ti2O3兲, as summarized in Table I. Ti2O3 is thermodynamically favored to form over TiO2 but not over Ti3O5 or TinO2n−1 共4 艋 n 艋 9, Magnéli phases兲 during oxidation of TiN 共or Ti兲 under an atmospheric environment in the temperature range of 273– 1273 K.10 Nevertheless, Ti2O3, a phase with less oxygen content than Magnéli phases, comes to presence, which may be accountable by an oxygen-deficient environment of the present oxidation process 共a gas mixture of 97.9 vol % N2 and 2.1 vol % O2兲. Ti2O3 is known as a semiconductor or a semimetal with the

electrical resistivity of 3 ⫻ 10−4 – 5 ⫻ 10−2 ⍀ cm in the temperature range of 250– 1000 K.11 Since the oxide layer is not only very thin but is largely made up of electrically conducting Ti2O3 crystallites, its sheet resistance would make little increment to the device resistance: the resistance of a 7-nm-thick oxide layer with 10−3 ⍀ cm in the contact area of 50⫻ 50 nm2 is no more than 28 ⍀, which is too small to affect the device resistance. With regard to changes in atomic bonding character at the GeSb2Te4 / TiN interface due to the formation of the oxide layer, XPS spectra of Fig. 10 taken from SiO2/amorphous GeSb2Te4 / TiN layered structures are very suggestive. It is noticed that all the peaks due to Ge, Sb, and Te atoms are shifted to higher bonding energies by about 0.5 eV in the interface by oxidation treatment. These shifts can be taken as signatures of higher bond strengths of Ge, Sb, or Te element with O rather than with N in view of the respective bond strengths in diatomic gas phases, as listed in Table II. It is mostly likely that the formation of stronger bonds of Ge, Sb,

TABLE I. Comparison between the calculated d spacings from lattice images of nanometer-size crystallites and the known values of d spacings of titanium sesquioxide 共Ti2O3兲 from Joint Committee for Powder Diffraction Studies 共JCPDS兲 database 共JCPDS 43-1033兲. Ti2O3 共JCPDS 43-1033兲a Calculated d spacings 共nm兲 关from a FFT analysis on Fig. 9共b兲兴 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0.3733 共Spot Nos. 1–4兲 0.2540 共Spot Nos. 5, 6兲

0.2147 共Spot Nos. 7 and 8兲 0.1739 共Spot Nos. 9 and 10兲

d spacing 共nm兲





0.3734 0.2707 0.2579 0.2268 0.2242 0.2122 0.1867 0.1703 0.1676 0.1638

0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 1

1 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 2

2 4 0 6 3 2 4 6 1 2

84 88 90 7 38 8 33 100 1 8

¯ c, a = 0.5158 nm and c = 1.3611 nm. Crystal system: rhombohedral; space group: R3


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J. Appl. Phys. 100, 054506 共2006兲

Kang et al.

TABLE II. Diatomic bond strengths D0 关D0 is defined as D0共A − B兲 = ⌬H0f 共A兲 + ⌬H0f 共B兲 − ⌬H0f 共AB兲 in Ref. 12兴 in diatomic gas phases containing Ge, Sb, or Te element at room temperature. Bond strength 共kcal/mol兲 Ge–N Sb–N Te–N


123.36 72± 12 90.52b

Bond strength 共kcal/mol兲 Ge–O Sb–O Te–O

158.2± 3 89± 20 93.4± 2


Corresponds to the Ge2N共g兲. Corresponds to the SeN共g兲 due to the absence of data related with Te–N gas phase.


FIG. 10. Ge 3d, Sb 4d, and Te 4d XPS spectra across the interfaces of amorphous GeSb2Te4 material with nonoxidized or 30 min oxidized TiN electrode.

and Te atoms with O in the oxidized TiN would render an interface that could possibly have less defects due to increased barrier for defect formation hence a reduced contact resistance. D. Evolution of temperature profiles in the devices with nonoxidized and oxidized TiN electrodes

The aforementioned oxide layer is presumed to be electrically and thermally more resistive than TiN 共see Table III兲 and, therefore, most likely to enhance generation and retention of Joule heat for a given electrical input power. In order to examine the possible consequences of such changes on the stabilization of resistances and switching voltages, spatial and temporal temperature profiles were calculated by use of

a MATLAB®-based finite element method 共FEM兲 toolkit. For calculations, the device was assumed to have a cylindrical symmetry with the radial cross section schematically shown in Fig. 11共a兲 and the material constants listed in Table III were utilized. Illustrated in Figs. 11共b兲 and 11共c兲 are the serial snapshots of the temperature profiles in the course of heating by a 1 mA reset pulse of 20 ns duration at the central axis of symmetry of the respective devices without and with an interface oxide layer of 10 nm thick. For this calculation, the electrical resistivity of the interface oxide was taken to be 3 ⫻ 10−2 ⍀ cm and the thermal conductivity of 5 W / m K. With a different choice of constants, calculated temperatures in the GeSb2Te4 layer of the device with an oxidized TiN were found to vary significantly in magnitude but to remain always higher than in the nonoxidized case inasmuch as the electrical and the thermal resistivities of the oxide are higher than TiN. These relatively higher temperatures can account for lower switching voltages of the oxide-formed devices in Figs. 4共b兲 and 5 of the present study and in Fig. 3 of our previous study6 as well. More importantly, a drastic difference in the temperature profile can be noticed within the GeSb2Te4 layer by comparison between Figs. 11共b兲 and 11共c兲. In the case of a device without the interface oxide layer, the temperature distribution across the GeSb2Te4 layer is very inhomogeneous. Near the TiN bottom electrode, in particular, heat confinement is exceedingly difficult, leaving a vicinal layer of phase change material in a melting-free solid state all the time. Accordingly, a reset operation would always yield a tandem structure of a crystalline and an amorphous phase across the GeSb2Te4 layer. In a device with the interface oxide layer,

TABLE III. Some physical constants of amorphous and crystalline GeSb2Te4, SiO2, Al, TiN, and Ti2O3 at room temperature.

Crystalline GeSb2Te4a,b Amorphous GeSb2Te4a,b SiO2 共fused silica兲 Al TiN Ti2O3

Mass density ␳ 共⫻106 g / m3兲

Specific heat c 共J/g K兲

Thermal conductivity ␬ 共W/m K兲

Electrical resistivity ␳elec 共␮⍀ cm兲

6.47 ⬍6.47 2.27 2.71 5.24 4.375d

0.202 0.202 1.05 0.897 0.784 0.697d

0.5 0.17 1.4 237 22 1–10d

103 – 104c 107 – 108c 1015 3 100c 3 ⫻ 10−4 – 5 ⫻ 10−2e


Reference 13. Reference 14. c Measured values using a four-point probe in this study. d Assumed to be medium values of TiO2 and Ti. e Reference 11. b

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J. Appl. Phys. 100, 054506 共2006兲

Kang et al.

FIG. 11. 共a兲 Schematic diagram of the radial cross section of the cylindrical device with the mesh structure employed in the calculation of temperature profile. 关共b兲 and 共c兲兴 Serial snapshots of the temperature profiles in the course of heating by a 1 mA reset pulse of 20 ns duration at the central axis of symmetry of the devices without and with an interface oxide layer, respectively.

temperature near the interface can be raised remarkably to reduce and furthermore to reverse temperature gradients across the phase change layer by way of enhanced generation and confinement of Joule heat by the oxide layer. As a result, a reset operation would produce a melt-quenched amorphous phase possibly across the entire GeSb2Te4 layer. Simple as it may be, another explanation is advanced, based on the observed differences, as to why reset resistances and accordingly switching voltages of a device with a TiN are more fluctuating than those of a device with an oxidized TiN. In view of the markedly steep temperature distribution within the phase change layer facing with a TiN electrode, a tandem structure of a crystalline and an amorphous phase appears very unstable to change its composition with respect to fluctuations in input reset voltage, for instance. Considering a large difference in electrical resistivity of the two phases, the tandem structure of a varying composition may give rise to a serial resistance of large fluctuating magnitudes accordingly. As for a set operation, these arguments may apply similarly. The oxidation process employed in the present work has a good compatibility with standard complementary metaloxide semiconductor 共CMOS兲 processes. Due to its relatively low thermal budget 共350 ° C for tens of minutes兲, the process is supposed to have little adverse effect on the device structure formed in the previous steps and its resulting characteristics. In fact, similar processes have been widely used to improve the performance of TiN diffusion barriers.9 We believe that the present oxidation process can be also adopted to fabricate T-plug-type memory cells constituting some of the latest prototypes of phase change random access memories.1–3

tions have much to do with fluctuations in contact resistance of a large magnitude at the GeSb2Te4 material/TiN interface and additionally with the phase inhomogeneity such as a two-phase reset state resulting from an inferior heat confinement in the GeSb2Te4 layer near the TiN electrode. The oxidation of TiN electrode at 350 ° C under an atmospheric gas mixture of 97.9 vol % N2 and 2.1 vol % O2 was found to reduce the values of set and reset resistances and their fluctuations, resulting in the stabilization of switching voltages. Consequently, the devices with an oxidized TiN electrode were made to endure beyond 104 programming cycles, which are higher by two orders of magnitude than the devices without oxidation. These results may be attributed to a thin titanium oxide layer of several nanometers thick between GeSb2Te4 material and TiN electrode. It was shown that this oxide layer consist primarily of Ti2O3 crystallites in an otherwise amorphous matrix and provides Ge, Sb, or Te atoms at the interface with chances of forming O bonds having increased binding energies by about 0.5 eV relative to the respective N bonds. This may lead to a more robust, defectless interface with significantly decreased contact resistance and its variation, consequently resulting in the reduced fluctuations of set/reset resistances and switching voltages. In addition, thermally and electrically more resistive nature of the interface oxide layer than TiN could play an important role in stabilizing these switching parameters by producing more uniform temperature profiles to have steadier sheet resistances of GeSb2Te4 material. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

This work was supported by the National Research Program for 0.1 Terabit Non-volatile Memory Devices sponsored by Korea Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Energy.


Large fluctuations in set and reset resistances and the corresponding set, threshold, and reset voltages are observed commonly in pore-type phase change memory devices with a GeSb2Te4 / TiN cell structure and they deteriorate the cycling performance of the device. It is suggested that these fluctua-

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