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Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan .... Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, The Inte
Technical Report #99022

An Improved Tabu Search Method for the Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem Koji Nonobe and Toshihide Ibaraki Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan

fnonobe,[email protected] August 1999 (revised in January 2000)

Abstract Aiming at developing a general problem solver for combinatorial optimization problems, we consider in this paper the weighted constraint satisfaction problem (WCSP), which, given a number of constraints and their weights of importance, asks to minimize the total weight of unsatis ed constraints. We propose a tabu search algorithm for WCSP with the features that it uses an evaluation function, de ned in terms of the modi ed weights of constraints, for guiding the search, and that it incorporates an automatic control mechanism of the weights in the evaluation function. Using this code, we solved a number of problems including those from real applications such as generalized assignment, set covering, parallel shop scheduling, timetabling and nurse scheduling. Many problems that arise in cellular manufacturing can also be formulated as WCSP, including the problems of cell formation and tool selection. Our computational results indicate that the control mechanism of weights makes our tabu search more powerful, and our algorithm is practically usable.

Key words: combinatorial optimization problem, weighted constraint satisfaction problem, scheduling, general problem solver, tabu search.    POUR LE PROBLEME  UNE METHODE TABOU AMELIOR EE DE   SATISFACTION DE CONTRAINTES PONDEREES Resume Dans le but de developper une methode generale de resolution de problemes d'optimisation combinatoire, nous considerons dans cet article le probleme de satisfaction de contraintes  ponderees (WCSP, Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem). Etant donne un certain nombre de contraintes et leur poids associe, ce probleme demande a minimiser le poids total des contraintes insatisfaites. Nous proposons un algorithme de recherche tabou pour WCSP ayant une double particularite: d'une part, il utilise une fonction d'evaluation de nie en terme du poids modi e des contraintes, a n de guider la recherche; d'autre part, il incorpore un mecanisme de contr^ole automatique du poids dans la fonction d'evaluation. En utilisant ce code, nous avons resolu un certain nombre de problemes, issus notamment d'applications reelles, tels que les problemes d'a ectation generalisee, de recouvrement d'ensembles, de gestion d'emploi du temps et de gestion des horaires des in rmieres. Beaucoup de problemes rencontres en genie genetique se pret^ent egalement a une formulation en terme de WCSP, comme le probleme de la formation de cellules ou de la selection d'outils. Nos resultats de calcul montrent que le mecanisme de contr^ole du poids rend notre methode tabou plus puissante, et notre algorithme est utilisable en pratique.


1 Introduction The constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) seeks an assignment of values to variables such that all the given constraints are satis ed. CSP receives increasing attention as it can formulate many combinatorial problems encountered in real applications. However, the speci ed constraints are often so tight that problems may have no assignment satisfying all the constraints. In such cases, it is naturally required to satisfy as many important constraints as possible. The weighted constraint satisfaction problem (WCSP) is an enhanced framework of CSP that can deal with these over-constrained problems. Many problems that arise in cellular manufacturing can also be formulated as WCSPs. An example is the cellular formation problem. In this problem, we are asked to decompose the set of all machines into machine cells, each of which processes the assigned part families. Although the types of constraints and objectives may vary depending on the situations, the problem can be written as a WCSP by regarding the machines as variables that take the values of the corresponding machine cells. Furthermore, WCSP can also handle some extensions; e.g., each part has several alternative process plans (routings), and it is required to select the tools to be equiped on the machines [28, 30]. We develop in this paper an ecient WCSP solver that can be used as a general problem solver for combinatorial optimization problems. In this approach, the problem at hand is reformulated as a WCSP and then solved by an algorithm for WCSP. The main advantage of this approach is that users do not need to develop algorithms specialized to the problem, but have only to describe them in the form of WCSP. Furthermore, our code contains automatic mechanisms of tuning the program parameters and users do not need to spend time on preconditioning the code (although it may be possible to achieve higher performance in return if users tune program parameters for themselves). The performance of a general purpose solver may not be as high as that of specialized solvers. However, it is still worth developing as it saves the manpower and time required to develop specialized codes. In this direction, we have already proposed a tabu search algorithm with some encouraging computational results in [27]. Tabu search is a variant of the local search algorithms in which the search history is utilized to make the remaining search process more ecient [15, 16]. In this paper, we describe how the previous tabu search algorithm is modi ed and improved. In addition to the classical CSP, its extended frameworks have been studied, mainly in the eld of arti cial intelligence. As for WCSP, Freuder and Wallace [11] considered its special case called the maximal constraint satisfaction problem (Max-CSP), in which all constraints have the same weight; they extended some basic backtracking and local consistency methods for CSP to Max-CSP. Then, a number of papers on WCSP have been published (e.g., Lecture notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, The International Conferences on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, which have been held every year since 1995). Since the sizes of problems we consider in this paper are not so small as being exactly solved, our interest consists in heuristic methods, which are typically based on local search. In [31], Wallace and Freuder investigate some heuristic methods for Max-CSP, which are based on the min-con icts heuristic [23] and combined with some strategies such as \walk", \reset" and \tabu". Comparing the performance of several local search procedures, Wallace [32] says that the min-con icts heuristic combined with the random walk strategy (MHRW) is a most successful method for Max-CSP. In [12], Galinier and Hao present a tabu search algorithm for Max-CSP, and give computational results showing that their method performs better than MHRW. In [17], Hao and Dorne solve the graph coloring problem and the frequency assignment problem to evaluate di erent heuristics 2

adopted within the local search framework. In these reports, the problems solved are Max-CSPs rather than WCSPs (i.e., their constraints are unweighted), and most of the problem instances are not from practical applications, but randomly generated. Lau [20] proposes a heuristic method for WCSP, which is based on the randomized rounding of a semide nite program (SDP) relaxation. In [20], in addition to a worst-case analysis, computational experiments are also conducted, but random instances are used. On the whole, there have not been many attempts to actually conduct comprehensive computational experiments for various WCSP instances arising in real applications. This paper is aimed to improve this situation of WCSP. The local search type heuristics like tabu search applied to WCSP may not perform well, in comparison with Max-CSP, if the given weights are directly used for the search process. This is because the quality of a solution (assignment) is likely to be dominated by the penalties for the constraints with large weights, and thus constraints with relatively small weights tend to be neglected. To overcome this diculty, we guide the search by an evaluation function, which is di erent from the original penalty function but re ects its essence. We also propose a mechanism that dynamically controls the weights in the evaluation function during the search. In our algorithm, the standard tabu search procedure is repeatedly executed, controlling the weights at the end of each round of tabu search. After each round of tabu search, the weights in the evaluation function are increased if they correspond to those constraints violated by the best assignment found in the round; their values are determined according to the amounts of violations, but are always kept within the original values of the weights. The overall control rule resembles the subgradient method applied to Lagrangian relaxations [14]. Using the developed code, we then conduct computational experiments for the generalized assignment problem and the set covering problem, as well as some real application problems such as parallel shop scheduling, timetabling and nurse scheduling. Through these computational experiments, we show that our algorithm performs well for various combinatorial problems with varied weights of constraints. For example, for the generalized assignment problem, our algorithm competes with most of the special purpose algorithms with respect to both the quality of solution and the required computational time. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the control mechanism of weights improves the performance of our algorithm, by comparing it with our previous tabu search [27] and a mixed integer programming (MIP) solver Cplex.

2 Formulations of CSP and WCSP CSP is formally de ned as follows. We are given n variables X (i = 1; 2; . . . ; n), each taking a value in the nite domain D , and m constraints C (` = 1; 2; . . . ; m), each de ned by a set of all the legal t -tuples on variables X 1 ; . . . ; X t` , i






C (X 1 ; X 2 ; . . . ; X t` )  D 1 2 D 2 2 1 1 1 2 D t` : `







The objective of CSP is to nd an assignment of exactly one value to each variable (in the rest of the paper, we refer to such an assignment simply as an assignment) such that all constraints are satis ed. Now, we introduce the value-variable x for each pair of variable X and value j 2 D , such that ( if variable X takes value j; (1) x = 01;; otherwise. ij





There are

P i

jD j value-variables in total. i

With these value-variables, an assignment can be 3

represented by a 0-1 vector x = (x

satisfying that



j i = 1; 2; . . . ; n; j 2 D ) i

for all i:


X = fxj x satis es (2)g:


2 i We denote the set of all assignments by j

x = 1; ij


There may exist no assignment that satis es all constraints. In such cases, we are often asked to satisfy the maximum number of constraints, if all the constraints are of the same importance. This problem is called the maximal CSP (Max-CSP) [11], and is a special case of the weighted CSP (WCSP), which is de ned in the following. WCSP introduces a weight w  0 and a penalty function p (x)  0 for each constraint C , and is formulated as the following minimization problem: `




p(x) =

subject to x 2 X ;


w p (x) `




where p (x) takes a value depending on the amount of violation of C by x. Throughout this paper, we assume that p (x) takes value 0 if x satis es C , and a positive integer value otherwise. This assumption on p is introduced mainly for the ease of intuitive understanding and description, though it is not mathematically needed. (In [5, 20], each p (x) is regarded to take value 0 (resp., 1) if C is satis ed (resp., violated) by x.) In [3], two problems Semiring-based CSP and Valued CSP, which contain WCSP as a special case, are de ned. When WCSP is viewed as a Semiring-based CSP, each penalty term w p (x) in (4) is referred to as the value of C , while in a Valued CSP formulation, it corresponds to the valuation of C . We note here that the penalty function method has been commonly used in nonlinear and combinatorial optimizations [10] to transform a constrained problem into an unconstrained problem. The original objective function f (x) is augmented with p(x) of (4) after removing all constraints, and the unconstrained minimization problem with the augmented objective function `











f~(x) = f (x) +


w p (x) `




is then solved. In many cases, constraints are classi ed into hard constraints and soft constraints, meaning that the former must always be satis ed for the obtained assignment to be meaningful, while the latter may remain violated if it is dicult to satisfy them. In the framework of WCSP, hard (resp., soft) constraints can be handled as those with large (resp., small) weights, and therefore both hard and soft constraints are processed on the same mathematical basis. This is di erent from other approaches such as the constraint hierarchies framework [4], which deals with hard and soft constraints in di erent preference levels. Given a problem to solve, there may be more than one formulation into a WCSP. In each formulation, we must determine what are variables and domains, and how we describe constraints, their weights and penalty functions. Although this is a very important issue, we do not discuss it 4

in this paper, partly because it is user's responsibility and partly because the task of a problem solver is to exhibit reasonable performance to whatever formulations provided by the user. For this reason, in our experiments reported later, we assume that problems are formulated in a rather simple way. Each constraint C is described as either a linear inequality `


a x



b ;




where a


and b are given integers, or an all di erent constraint `

all di erent(X 1 ; X 2 ; . . . ; X t` ); `




which asks all the speci ed variables X 1 ; X 2 ; . . . ; X t` to take di erent values. For constraints (6) and (7), we de ne their penalty functions by `



8 0g. (



(k )











Case 2: Otherwise, let



for all `; (12)


u := v ( 01) ; k





for all `;



where 0 < < 1 is a program parameter, and  = min 1; (x(k)01) . Then, apply max` ` (12) after substituting u for v( 01) . p





This update rule of weights is conceptually based on that of the subgradient method [18]. Each minimization problem (11) with v = v ( ) corresponds to a Lagrangian relaxation [14] of the original minimization problem (4), where the weights v ( ) are considered as Lagrangian multipliers, and min q(v ( ) ; x)  min p(x) (14) x2X x2X holds by 0  v ( )  w. When the (k 0 1)-th round of tabu search T S is completed, if q(v ( 01) ; x( 01) ) < p(x3 ) holds (i.e., Case 1 applies), then the weight vector v( 01) is updated by (12), which is similar to the update formula of Lagrangian multipliers in the subgradient method. In this case, the weights v ( 01) of constraints C ; ` 2 L are considered to be too small in comparison with the original weights w . Thus, such v( 01) are increased by the amount proportional to the penalty p (x( 01) ), unless it exceeds w . As a result of increasing v ( 01) to v ( ) , the new q (v ( ) ; x( 01) ) may become equal to p(x3 ); otherwise some weight v( 01) reaches w. On the other hand, since each problem (11) is only approximately solved, the best solution x( 01) in the previous round may not satisfy (14). That is, if q (v ( 01) ; x( 01) )  p(x3 ) holds (i.e., Case 2 applies), it seems that the tabu search procedure does not perform well for the weight vector v ( 01) , and we conclude that it is hopeless to nd a solution better than the incumbent solution x3 , as long as we use the weights v ( 01) or larger. In this case, we reduce all the weights v ( 01) by multiplying by (< 1) in (13) before applying (12). After reducing all weights, it becomes possible to increase those weights v ( 01) which have already reached w . Another multiplier  is introduced in (13) so that no weight v ( ) becomes larger than the incumbent penalty value p(x3 ). This is explained as follows. To obtain a solution better than x3 , the algorithm looks for only those solutions which satisfy all constraints C whose weights satisfy v  p(x3 ) (recall that p (x) takes an integer value). Therefore, those constraints C whose weights satisfy v > p(x3 ) are considered to be over-weighted, and we keep such weights v rather small, that is, within the incumbent penalty value p(x3 ). Now, the entire algorithm is described as follows: k








































CSP algorithm Step 0 (initialization): Generate an initial solution x(0) 2 X randomly, and initialize the incumbent solution by x3 := x(0) . Set initial weights v (1) := w and k := 1. Step k (tabu search and update of weights):


(1) Execute one round of tabu search and compute (x ; x ) := ( ) ( 01) T S (v ; x ; num iteration), where num iteration is a program parameter. Let the next solution x( ) := x . If p(x ) < p(x3 ) holds, then 3 update x := x . (2) If the stopping criterion is met, output x3 and terminate; otherwise let k := k + 1, and update weights to v( ) by (12) and (13). Go to Step k. local









Our algorithm includes two program parameters, and num iteration. From our preliminary experiments, it is observed that the computational results are not very sensitive to unless is close to 1. Hence we set := 0:5 in our implementation. The other parameter num iteration is more crucial. If num iteration is larger, T S in Step k (1) is likely to nd better solutions, but consumes more computational time. Thus, for small instances such as the university timetable in Section 4, it appears better to set num iteration rather large; e.g., 3000, while for large instances such as the nurse scheduling problem in Section 4, num iteration should be set to be smaller; e.g., 30. Of course this decision highly depends on the available computational time. To improve the applicability of our algorithm, therefore, we control num iteration adaptively as follows. We consider that the algorithm is divided into a number of phases, each starting whenever Case 2 is applied in updating the weights in Step k (2). We rst set num iteration to 1 and adjust it at the end of each phase: If the incumbent solution was improved during the last phase, we halve num iteration, while we double it if the incumbent solution remains the same for three phases since the last change of num iteration. This rule reduces the task of nding an appropriate value of num iteration and works well for most instances we tested.

4 Computational experiments To demonstrate the wide applicability and e ectiveness of our algorithm, we solved two standard combinatorial optimization problems, the generalized assignment problem and the set covering problem, as well as three practical problems taken from real applications. In this section, we report their computational results. Our algorithm is coded in C and run on a workstation Sun Ultra 2 (300MHz). 4.1

Generalized assignment problem

The generalized assignment problem (GAP) asks to nd a minimum cost assignment of n jobs to d agents such that each job is assigned to exactly one agent, and for each agent, the total resource requirement of the assigned jobs does not exceed its capacity. Let f1; 2; 1 1 1 ; ng be a set of jobs, and f1; 2; 1 1 1 ; dg be a set of agents. We de ne the cost c (> 0) of assigning job i to agent j , the amount of resource r required by assigning job i to agent j , and the resource capacity b of agent j . By introducing a 0-1 variable x for each pair of job i and agent j such that ( if job i is assigned to agent j; x = 01;; otherwise; GAP can be formulated as follows: ij







subject to

c x ij






x = 1; ij



for all i;



r x ij


b ; j

for all j:



It is not dicult to see that this is in the form of WCSP, in which the variables are corresponding to jobs and the domain of each variable is given as the set of agents. The objective function (15) is realized as a linear inequality constraint XX

c x ij







c x for each assignment whose penalty function (de ned by (8)) gives the total cost x. In the WCSP formulation, the weight of (18) is set to be suciently smaller than those of constraints (17), so that feasible solutions to GAP have higher priority of being chosen. Notice that constraints (16) are already in the form of (2), and we do not need to consider them explicitly in the WCSP formulation. In our experiments, we used 18 GAP benchmark instances consisting of three types C, D and E. Each type contains six instances with n = 100 or 200, and d = 5, 10 or 20. These instances are available via WWW1 , and have been tested by many researchers. We solved them by our WCSP algorithms with and without the automatic control mechanism of weights v (denoted as Controlled and Fixed, respectively), where Fixed corresponds to one of our previous CSP algorithms in [27]. In Fixed, the weight v given to each constraint of (17) is xed to a suciently large value during the search, while that of (15) (i.e., (18)) is xed to 1. We compared their results with those by other four algorithms specially developed for GAP; a genetic algorithm by Chu and Beasley (CB) [7], a tabu search by Laguna et al. (LKGG) [19], a MAX-MIN ant system by Lourenco and Serra (LS) [22] and an ejection chain approach by Yagiura, Ibaraki and Glover (YIG) [33]. Table 1 shows the best cost and the computational time (in seconds) obtained by these algorithms (in the case of CB, the average values of ten runs are shown). CB, LS and the rest were run on a Silicon Graphics Indigo (R4000, 100MHz), a Sun Ultra 1 (167MHz), and a Sun Ultra 2 (300MHz), respectively. The speeds of Silicon Graphics Indigo (R4000, 100MHz) and Sun Ultra 1 (167MHz), respectively, are estimated about 3{8 and 1.5{2 times slower than Sun Ultra 2 (300MHz) according to the results that we ran our code on some di erent computers, and [9]. The computational results of LKGG and LS are taken from [33], and the results of CB for type E are not available (denoted N.A.). These results indicate that our algorithm Controlled is inferior to YIG, which is the best among the tested six algorithms, but appears to be at least as good as other GAP algorithms even if the di erence of machines is taken into account. In addition to the fact that the results of Fixed are much worse than those of Controlled, we can also observe the tendency that, for instances of type C (resp., E), the di erence between the cost found by Fixed and the best one found by YIG is relatively small (resp., large). This can be explained by the tightness of constraints. The problem instances tested here are generated so that constraints of type C (resp., E) are loosest (resp., tightest) among the three types. Since instances whose constraints are loose may have many good feasible solutions, the objective functions for type C are rather easily minimized even if the search is con ned to the set of feasible solutions. We can improve the performance of Fixed by adjusting the weight vector v. For example, by manually tuning v , we could obtain solutions of costs 1937, 6386 and 12789, respectively, for i


j for types C and D, for type





Table 1: Computational results for GAP: Comparison with other special purpose algorithms. type C C C C C C D D D D D D E E E E E E

size n


100 100 100 200 200 200 100 100 100 200 200 200 100 100 100 200 200 200

5 10 20 5 10 20 5 10 20 5 10 20 5 10 20 5 10 20

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

CB cost1 time2 1938.3 302.4 1406.0 394.2 1249.4 669.3 3463.9 810.1 2819.5 1046.0 2405.8 1792.3 6394.8 530.3 6427.6 1094.7 6308.5 2126.1 12826.1 1942.8 12627.0 3189.6 12528.1 5565.1 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

LKGG cost time3 1931 150.0 1403 150.0 1245 150.0 3457 300.0 2812 300.0 2396 300.0 6386 150.0 6406 150.0 6297 150.0 12788 300.0 12537 300.0 12436 300.0 12687 20000.0 11641 20000.0 8522 20000.0 25147 20000.0 23567 20000.0 22659 20000.0

LS cost time4 1942 358.5 1407 384.7 1247 703.3 3467 2088.2 2818 2331.3 2405 3332.9 6476 2542.9 6469 5986.7 6358 14125.3 12923 21952.1 12746 52763.2 12617 116969.0 12836 1358.1 11780 3332.6 8717 5516.9 25317 12342.6 23620 30865.6 22779 68442.0

YIG cost time3 1931 150.0 1402 150.0 1243 150.0 3456 300.0 2806 300.0 2392 300.0 6357 150.0 6358 150.0 6221 150.0 12746 300.0 12446 300.0 12284 300.0 12682 150.0 11577 150.0 8443 150.0 24930 300.0 23302 300.0 22377 300.0

Controlled cost 1933 1402 1244 3459 2810 2395 6375 6426 6330 12763 12482 12403 12733 11709 8646 24984 23468 22790


150.0 150.0 150.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 300.0 300.0 300.0


cost 1964 1431 1297 3501 2918 2472 6592 6684 6669 13424 13374 13360 15122 14365 10543 33817 39539 38057

time3 150.0 150.0 150.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 300.0 300.0 300.0

the average incumbent cost of 10 runs. the average total CPU time [sec] of 10 runs on Silicon Graphics Indigo (R4000, 100MHz). the total CPU time [sec] on Sun Ultra 2 (300MHz). the total CPU time [sec] on Sun Ultra 1 (167MHz). our previous CSP algorithm in [27].


three instances of types C, D and E with n = 100, d = 5, within 150 seconds of computational time. But these solutions are still worse than those obtained by Controlled. Furthermore, this approach is against our goal of developing a problem solver that is easy to use. 4.2

Set covering problem

The set covering problem (SCP) is a well known combinatorial optimization problem de ned as follows: X


cx i



subject to

 1; ` = 1; 2; . . . ; m; x 2 f0; 1g; i = 1; 2; . . . ; n;


a x `i




where c is a positive integer and a is 0 or 1. Similarly to GAP, we can easily see that SCP is already formulated as a WCSP. Table 2 shows the computational results for 20 benchmark instances from OR Library2 . In addition to our two algorithms, Controlled and Fixed, three special purpose SCP algorithms BaCa, BeCh and CFT are tested, where BaCa and CFT are Lagrangian based heuristics by Balas and Carrera [1] and by Caprara, Fischetti and Toth [6], respectively, and BeCh is a genetic algorithm by Beasley and Chu [2]. In Table 2, the sizes of instances, n, m and the density (i.e., the percentage of a = 1) are indicated. For each instance, the best costs and the CPU times (in seconds) to nd the best solutions (for CB, the average values of ten runs) are reported, except that the overall CPU times (in second) are reported for BaCa. The results of BaCa, BeCh, CFT and ours are run on VAX 6400, Silicon Graphics Indigo (R4000, 100MHz), DEC station 5000/240 and Sun Ultra 2 (300MHz), respectively. The speeds of VAX 6400, Silicon Graphics Indigo (R4000, 100MHz) and DEC station 5000/240 are perhaps 30{80, 3{8 and 10{20 times slower than Sun Ultra 2 (300MHz), respectively, according to our crude estimation. First, we can see that our algorithm is drastically improved by incorporating the control mechanism of weights. Since our algorithms do not apply a preprocessing that reduces the sizes of instances by xing some variables, like other algorithms developed for SCP, our codes are rather slow. However, it should be pointed out that, in most cases, our algorithm Controlled could nd good solutions whose costs are close to the best ones. i




Parallel shop scheduling

Let us consider a parallel shop scheduling problem encountered in real applications [25]. The tested problem instance consists of 11 jobs, which are classi ed into 7 groups, and 4 parallel machines. For each job r, the machines on which job r can be processed are speci ed, and the total days demanded for processing r is also given. Each job can be processed on more than one machine with preemption and be also processed on several machines in parallel. Jobs are scheduled on a day basis, and the schedule horizon is 31 days. This problem has the following constraints:


Each machine can process only one job at a time, and runs even on weekends and holidays. Once the processing of a job is initiated, it must be continued for at least three days.


Table 2: Computational results for SCP: Comparison with other special purpose algorithms. instances E.1 E.2 E.3 E.4 E.5 F.1 F.2 F.3 F.4 F.5 G.1 G.2 G.3 G.4 G.5 H.1 H.2 H.3 H.4 H.5

size n


500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000

density 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%

BaCa cost time1 29 251.3 32 345.6 28 367.9 29 352.2 28 280.2 14 306.6 15 402.5 15 347.9 15 340.1 14 282.8 183 1480.1 161 1682.1 175 1721.0 176 1509.9 172 1193.4 68 2220.2 67 1730.5 63 2013.9 62 1612.2 58 1460.7

BeCh cost2 time3 29.0 13.5 30.6 213.5 27.7 68.1 28.0 190.8 28.0 12.4 14.0 27.0 15.0 27.6 14.0 94.3 14.0 74.1 13.7 53.7 177.7 361.0 156.3 127.4 167.9 249.7 170.3 532.3 169.4 194.1 64.0 594.4 64.0 187.4 59.1 637.3 58.9 770.3 55.1 158.9

CFT cost time4 29 26.0 30 408.0 27 94.2 28 26.3 28 36.6 14 33.2 15 31.2 14 248.5 14 31.0 13 201.1 176 147.0 154 783.4 166 978.0 168 378.5 168 237.2 63 1451.1 63 887.0 59 1560.3 58 237.6 55 155.4

Controlled Fixed6 cost 29 30 27 28 28 14 15 14 14 14 177 156 168 172 169 64 65 61 59 56

time5 35.9 579.3 98.9 203.9 36.2 89.5 51.1 351.0 94.9 62.1 383.5 179.0 304.9 203.1 570.9 473.9 535.3 253.2 434.8 350.3

cost 49 49 60 64 37 18 21 18 22 16 723 850 755 849 801 157 163 144 137 199

time5 138.4 56.1 217.2 418.7 300.3 248.6 453.0 93.3 89.4 404.4 495.8 594.4 558.2 508.4 529.1 486.0 357.3 593.4 488.0 586.4

1. the total CPU time [sec] on VAX 6400. 2. the average incumbent cost of 10 runs. 3. the average CPU time [sec] required to nd the incumbent solutions of 10 runs on Silicon Graphics Indigo (R4000, 100MHz). 4. the CPU time [sec] required to nd the best solution on DEC station 5000/240. 5. the CPU time [sec] required to nd the best solution on Sun Ultra 2 (300MHz). 6. our previous CSP algorithm in [27].


Changing jobs within the same group on a machine takes no time, but changing a job into another job in a di erent group requires the setup construction of two days.

In the starting day of processing of a job and a setup construction, the switching operation is required.

The setup construction and the switching operation are possible only on weekdays, and their numbers in a day are at most two and three, respectively. The objective is to minimize the weighted sum of the total amount (days) of unsatis ed demands and the number of switchings, that is, w 2 (the total amount of unsatis ed demands) + w 2 (the number of switchings) (19) subject to all constraints. This problem can be written in the form of WCSP by introducing variable X for each pair of machine h and day t (hence 4 2 31 = 124 variables) together with its domain D = fjob 1, job 2, . . . , job 11, constructiong 2 fstarting day, elseg (24 values in total). Each value stands for the state of machine h on day t, and values with \starting day" correspond to switching operations. For example, the variable X taking value (job 1, starting day) means that on day t, processing of job 1 is initiated on machine h, which requires a switching operation. All the constraints can be described by 10295 linear inequalities. The constraints associated with the objective function (19) have the weight w or w , while others have suciently large weights; i.e., these constraints are hard. To compare our code with an existing general problem solver, we reformulated the resulting WCSP as the following mixed integer programming (MIP) problem: X wz minimize a











subject to

a x `ij




+z ;

for all `;






x z

x = 1; ij

for all i;


2 f0; 1g; for all i;  0; for all `;



and j 2 D ; i

where 0-1 variables x are the value-variables of (1), and z in the right hand side of constraint P indicates whether the original constraint a x  b is satis ed (i.e., z = 0) or violated (i.e., z > 0). This problem was solved by a general MIP solver Cplex. We solved four instances of (w ; w ) = (1, 0.5), (1, 1), (1, 2) and (1, 5), respectively, by our CSP algorithms without and with the automatic control mechanism of weights v (Fixed and Controlled), and by Cplex. In Fixed, the weights v in the evaluation function is xed to the original weights w. (It may be possible to improve the performance by using another v.) For each instance, we ran our codes ten times, each consuming ten minutes, while Cplex was run once for ten hours of computational time. In Table 3, the computational results are shown. For our codes, the minimum, average and maximum penalty values (out of ten runs) are indicated if all of the ten runs could nd some feasible schedules in the sense of satisfying all hard constraints (we say that such runs are successful); otherwise, the average penalty values for only successful runs and the success rate are described in the columns of \ave." and \max", respectively. These computational results say that the control mechanism of weights is quite e ective, and robust against the values of (w ; w ), while the solutions obtained by other algorithms get worse rapidly as the di erence between w and w becomes larger. ij














Table 3: Computational results for the parallel shop scheduling. (w ; w ) a



Fixed Controlled Cplex Fixed Controlled Cplex Fixed Controlled Cplex Fixed Controlled Cplex 1

(1, 0.5)


(1, 1)


(1, 2)


(1, 5)

min 24.0 16.0 16.0 38 17 19 51 18 24 95 18 39

penalty ave. (33.3)2 17.8 | (50.3)2 18.9 | (79.4)2 21.5 | (126.7)2 22.2 |

max (7/10)3 20.0 | (8/10)3 20 | (7/10)3 26 | (6/10)3 32 |

#runs 10 10 1 10 10 1 10 10 1 10 10 1

CPU time per run 10 [min] 10 [min] 10 [hr]4 10 [min] 10 [min] 10 [hr]5 10 [min] 10 [min] 10 [hr]6 10 [min] 10 [min] 10 [hr]7

1. 2. 3. 4.

our previous CSP algorithm in [27]. the average values for successful runs. \n/10" means that n runs out of 10 are successful. The best solution was found in about 9 hours (the second best one with penalty 16.5 was found in about 50 minutes). 5. The best solution was found in about 2 hours. 6. The best solution was found in about 7.5 hours (the second best one with penalty 25 was found in about 50 minutes). 7. The best solution was found in about 35 minutes. 4.4

University Timetable

Let us consider the problem of constructing a timetable at a university, as described in [24]. This example consists of 30 lectures, 13 professors, 60 students, 10 periods and 3 rooms. Each student selects 8{10 lectures (out of 30) that he/she wants to take. Therefore, all the lectures selected by a student are desired to be assigned to di erent periods (constraint 1). Each professor gives two or three lectures which must be given in di erent periods (constraint 2), and each professor has inconvenient periods (constraint 3). Furthermore, some lectures cannot be held in some rooms due to the numbers of available seats (constraint 4). Of course, each room is assigned to at most one lecture in each period (constraint 5). The objective is to nd a timetable that minimizes the number of con icts in constraints 1 and 3 while satisfying the rest. (The complete , \+" and \/" stand for day shift, evening shift, night shift, meeting and day o , respectively. In this schedule, the numbers of leaders from team B are not sucient in day shifts (i.e., only one leader is selected from team B) on the 11th, 12th and 20th, and these are all the violations.

5 Conclusion In this paper, we developed a tabu search algorithm for WCSP as a general problem solver for combinatorial optimization problems. To improve the performance of our algorithm, we introduced an evaluation function, which is di erent from the penalty function but re ects its essential part, and incorporated a control mechanism of the weights in the evaluation function. The wide applicability of our code was demonstrated by solving a number of problems including those taken from practical applications. As mentioned in Section 2, however, it is necessary to argue what are appropriate WCSP formulations of given problems. To this end, we should improve the exibility of our code so that users can easily incorporate their speci ed constraints into it. Furthermore, it is necessary to con rm if our control mechanism of weights performs well even when problems are formulated in another way. These are challenges in our future work. Acknowledgments

We appreciate Prof. S. Morito of Waseda University for the data of parallel shop scheduling in Section 4.3, and Prof. A. Ikegami of Seikei University for the data of nurse scheduling in Section 4.5. We also wish to thank the two anonymous referees for their valuable comments and suggestions. This research was partially supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scienti c Research of 18

nurses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



+ /

days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13141516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27282930 / 0 0 / /   / 0 = / 0 0  / = = / 0 = / 0 0 0   / 0 0 [][/] 0 0 0 0 = = [/] 0 0 0 [+] = / 0 0 [/] = = / 0 0   / / / / 0 0 [/] 0 = / / / 0 0 0 = = = / / 0 0 0 / 0 0   / 0 0 = = /  = = / 0 0 0 0   / [/][/] / 0 0   / 0 [+] 0 = = = [/][/] 0   / / 0 =   / 0 0 = / 0   / = = / 0 0   [/][/][/][/] 0 0 0 0 = 0   / = = / 0 0   / 0 0 0 [/][/]   / / 0 0 0 = = / 0 = / 0 = / 00 / 0 0 = / 0 0 / 0= = / 0 0 = / / 0 0 0 0 /  /   / 0 = / / 0 0 [+] 0 0 / 0 0 0 0 = / / 0 0   [/][/] 0 = = / [/] 0 = / 0 0 / =   / [/] 0 = / 0 0 0 = / 0 0 [/] 0 0 / 0 0 0  [+] 0   / / 0 0 0 = = = / / 0 [+] 0   / / 0 0 = = = / / / 0 = / 0 0 0 = = / [/] 0 0   / / [+] 0 0 0 / / 0 0 0   / 0 = / / 0 0 0   [/][/][/] 0 0 0 0 / / [+] = / / 0 0 / 0 0 0 0 = / 0 0 0 0 0 = / 0 [+] / [/][/][/] 0 =   / / 0 0 0 = = = [/][/][/] 0 0 0 = 0 / 0 =   / 0 0 [+][/][/] 0   / = = / 0 0 = / 0 0 = [/] / =  0 0 / / /   / 0 0 = = = / 0 0 / [/] =   / 0 0 / 0 0 0 0 = / 0 0 0 = / 0 = / 0 0 0 [+] = / / 0   [/][+] 0 = / 0 0 /   /   / 0 0 = / 0 =   / [+] 0 0 = / 0 0 [/][/]   / / 0 = = / 0 [/] = = / 0 0 0   [/][/] / 0 0 =   / / [+] 0 0 / = =   / 0 0 0 / = = / 0 [+] = = / 0 0 0 / 0 [+] / 0 0 0   [/][/][/][/] 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 0 = / 0 0 [/] / = = / 0 0   [/][/] 0 0 = = / 0 0 0 / 0 [+] 0 = / / 0 0 / [/] 0 = / 0 = = / 0 0 = = / 0 0 0 / 0 0   / [+] [+] 0 0 0 / =   [/] 0 0 / / 0 0 = / / 0 = / / 0 0 = = / 0 0 [+] / / / / 0 0 0 0 [/][/]   / 0 0 0 = / 0 0 = / 0 0 0 0 = = / [+] = [/][/] / 0 0 = / 0 0 0 0 / 0 = / 0 0   / 0 0 = [/][/] 0 0 = = = / /0= / 0= /  / / 0000== / 0 / 00/ 0 8 10 10101010 8 10 10 8 10 10 7 1010 8 10 10 10 8 9 10 13 10 10 10 101010 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 6 8 8 7 8 8 8 5 8 8 8 8 7 7 6

#each pattern 0 =+ / 11 4 6 0 9 12 5 3 1 9 12 6 3 0 9 9 5 6 1 9 10 5 6 0 9 10 5 6 0 9 14 5 2 0 9 12 4 4 1 9 14 4 3 0 9 9 6 4 2 9 12 4 4 1 9 15 2 2 1 10 11 6 2 1 10 9 6 5 1 9 12 5 4 0 9 11 4 4 2 9 9 5 6 1 9 9 5 6 1 9 13 4 2 2 9 13 5 2 1 9 12 6 2 1 9 12 5 2 2 9 13 4 2 1 10 13 6 2 0 9 10 5 6 0 9 287 121 94 20 228

0 : day shift

= : evening shift

 : night shift

+ : meeting / : day o [ ] : prespeci ed schedule Figure 1: A schedule of 25 nurses during 30 days found by our code.


Priority Areas \Algorithm Engineering as a New Paradigm: A Challenge to Hard Computation Problems" of the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan. The rst author is supported by Research Fellowship of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for Young Scientists.

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