An Innovative and Simple Intelligent Health Monitoring System to Observe Patients’ Physical Conditions from Remote Places 1
Farhan Obaidi Turjo, 2Nawshed Ahmed, 3Tanvir Islam, 4A. K. Mahbubul Hye and 5Bishwajit Banik Pathik 1,2,3,4 Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB), Banani, Dhaka 1213 1
[email protected],
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Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB), Banani, Dhaka 1213
[email protected] Abstract—This article presents a simple yet unique health monitoring system especially for the critical or unattended patients who need continuous observation. In this system patients' physical information i.e. body temperature, pulse rate, blood glucose level have been measured using different sensors which are then automatically uploaded to online for observation of their physicians or the relatives who are at distance places from the patients. Here, firstly patients' body temperature, pulse rate, blood glucose level are measured using different sensors which are then fed for processing to a micro-controller. The processed data is sent to LCD display, where these information has been viewed for the first time, as well as to a computer through RF (Radio Frequency) module. Next the data from module is converted by RS232 to USB converter and decoded by mikroC software. At last the decoded data from the device is updated online automatically in the interval of 15 seconds with the help of a software platform. This novel system would be helpful for the relatives as well as the doctors to monitor the patients' condition from anywhere and to react quickly in case of unwanted serious condition. Index Terms—Health monitoring system; Pulse sensor; Temperature sensor; Wireless data transfer; Blood glucose meter.
I. INTRODUCTION An intelligent monitoring system is a system that autonomously monitors its environment through its sensors, processes the data from the sensors and reports about these data. This paper will describe a designed system that will be used to monitor patients continuously in their daily life. The goal of this research is to provide health care services to anyone at any time, overcoming the constraints of place and time. Sometimes critical patients, elderly people, physically challenged persons are required to keep under continuous health checking or treatment. Again, in many situations people are found with medical issues e.g. obesity, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, diabetes etc. who are reluctant or unable to go to physicians though they need routine medical checkups. This designed system can provide them with a smarter and personalized way of receiving medical services which will also reduce the cost and save valuable time [15].
978-1-4799-6428-4/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE
The entire system is designed using micro-controller. It is a system that automatically collects the body temperature, pulse rate, level of blood sugar of a patient, which is then converted and fed to the micro-controller. The micro-controller processes information, sends it to a computer through RF module which is decoded and uploaded to a website by a software platform. Since the information of the patients is in online, doctors or the relatives of the patients can check them anytime from anywhere. II. RELATED STUDY A. Recent works on health monitoring system A large number of works regarding pervasive health care are carried out recently. Several health care projects are in full swing in different universities and institutions, with the objective of providing more and more assistance to the elderly persons. An organization named CAST (Center for Aging Services Technologies) has proposed a safe home which will helps elderly by utilizing a sensor-based bed to track the sleep and weight, tracking their activities which could later be used in detecting diseases [1]. Almost similar kind of research has been carried out at the Center for Future Health where infrared sensors, monitoring devices and bio-sensors have been used to provide a unified solution for the seniors in the home [2]. A similar type of project named AHRI (Aware Home Research Initiative) is going on at GeorgiaTech University [3]. A project named MobiHealth is building a system for collecting vital body signals and manipulating those in distant health care institutes [4][5][6][10]. The Terva monitoring system can collect data related to a person’s health condition (body temperature, blood pressure, insomnia level, etc.) over a specified period of time. The combined system loses its mobility option as it housed in a suitcase containing a laptop, pressure monitor and different sensors. [7]. A system for managing obesity entitled Wireless Wellness Monitor had been designed with various measuring devices, a server as database which is connected to internet by Bluetooth technology and Jini network to supports Java dynamic networking [8] [9]. Again, a system named Wellness Assistant
(WA), has been designed which uses pervasive computing technologies for the people with obesity, diabetes, or high blood pressure, conditions which need constant monitoring using cheap, handheld common devices. with short range wireless capabilities [12] [13]. The Centre for Pervasive Health Care University of Aarhus has introduced a research program to develop and evaluate pc technologies for physicians and general people [14]. B. PIC Micro-controller (PIC16F76) A Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) is a type of microcontroller component that is used in the development of electronics, pcs, robotics and similar devices. A PIC is also known as a programmable interface controller and programmable intelligent pc.
time. For recharging purpose an adapter has been introduces to recharge the battery for long time use. F. Operational Amplifier (MCP602) The MCP602 dual operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth product of 2.8 MHz with low typical operating current of 230 µA and an offset voltage that is less than 2 mV. The MCP602 uses Microchip's advanced CMOS technology, which provides low bias current, high-speed operation, high open-loop gain and rail-to-rail output swing. .
Fig. 2. Operational Amplifier (MCP602).
Fig. 1. PIC Micro-controllers (PIC16F76).
This powerful (200 nanosecond instruction execution) yet easy-to-program CMOS FLASH-based 8-bit micro-controller packs Microchip's powerful PIC® architecture into an 28-pin package and is upwards compatible with the PIC16C5X, PIC12CXXX and PIC16C7X devices. The PIC16F76 features 5 channels of 8-bit Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter with 2 additional timers, 2 capture/compare/PWM functions and the synchronous serial port can be configured as either 3-wire. C. Pulse Sensor Heart rate is a very vital health parameter that is directly related to the soundness of the human cardiovascular system. This pulse sensor is a technique of measuring the heart rate through Pulse Sensor AMPED using a PIC micro-controller. While the heart is beating, it is actually pumping blood throughout the body, and that makes the blood volume inside the finger artery to change too. This fluctuation of blood can be detected through an optical sensing mechanism placed around the Pulse Sensor AMPED. The signal can be amplified further for the micro-controller to count the rate of fluctuation, which is actually the heart rate. D. Radio Frequency module (RF module) Radio frequency module is used for various purposes. In this project RF module is used for wireless connectivity. Here host micro-controller interface RF module has been used. This RF module includes UART (Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter). This made easy to connect the system with desired pc. E. Battery In this project battery has been used for backup power source. So that user can use the device on go. By using battery the device can be used anywhere or on the run. This gave more mobility for the project. 4.2V cell has been used for the device to give enough backup protection in any situation for long
G. Glucometer A glucose meter (or diabetic measuring system) is a medical device for determining the approximate concentrate value of glucose in the blood. The value of the blood glucose is transferred to the micro-controller by which a patient can see the glucose rate on the LCD display. A blood drop is placed on a one time use test strip from which the glucose meter measures the blood glucose level. H. Temperature Sensor LM35 The LM35 is an integrated circuit sensor that can be used to measure temperature with an electrical output proportional to the temperature (in ⁰C). It can measure temperature more accurately than a using a thermistor. The sensor circuitry is sealed and not subject to oxidation, etc. The LM35 generates a higher output voltage than thermocouples and may not require that the output voltage be amplified. It has an output voltage that is proportional to the Celsius temperature. The scale factor is .01V/⁰C The LM35 does not require any external calibration or trimming and maintains an accuracy of +/-0.4 ⁰C at room temperature and +/- 0.8 ⁰C over a range of 0 ⁰C to +100 ⁰C.
Fig. 3. Temperature Sensor LM35.
III. METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY The information about designing the circuits were collected from many sources i.e. books, papers, websites etc. and was studied well to get idea. It has studied on different kind of health monitoring system and also the use of micro-controller. Micro-controller was implemented to run the system. Here,
Proteus has been used as simulation software for designing and simulation purpose.
and RF transmitter feeds the data to RF receiver. RF receiver is equipped with RS232 to USB converter, which is
IV. DESIGN AND OPERATION A. Designed System At first the pulse rate sensor and the temperature sensor is connected to the user/patient. The data from the pulse rate sensor and temperature sensor then sent to the micro-controller. Micro-controller only receives digital signal, therefore ADC has implemented for the pulse sensor because pulse sensor sent analog data. Temperature sensor sent the data directly to the micro-controller because it sent digital data. Pulse rate data is updated in every 15 seconds with time duration of one minute which is coded by micro-controller. The final reading from the micro-controller goes to the LCD and then to RF module. RF transmitter sent the data and RF- receiver received the data. Then the data is converted to USB by RS232 converter. Then the data is debugged by the mikroC PRO for PIC software and finally can see the data on pc. From pc the data is sent online by Dropbox. Then client can view the data from web page via online. B. Block Diagram Different sensors e.g. pulse, temperature, blood sugar are attached to user to take data from the patient. These sensors are connected to micro-controller. Though pulse rate sensor data is analog so an analog-to-digital converter has been used to feed digital data to micro-controller (Fig.4). LCD display and RF transmitter are connected to a microcontroller. After processing all data, the LCD displayes the data
Fig. 4. Block diagram of designed system.
plugged in to a pc. In the computer mikroC software has been used to decode the data which is transmitting from the device simultaneously. At last the decoded data has been processed to online. C. Circuit Diagram The entire circuit of system has been presented in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Circuit diagram for the total system.
to Dropbox which helps to access the file online. However, Proteus simulation software has been used for designing and simulation purpose (Fig. 8-12).
Fig. 6. Circuit design of Pulse Sensor. Fig. 8. Simulation of temperature with result.
Fig. 9. Simulation result of pulse rate. Fig. 7. Circuit design of Glucometer.
Here, PIC16F76, a Pic micro-controller has been used in the circuit. The port 5 and 1 are not connected with any components. The feedback resistance is kept 1.35M ohms. The higher level of voltage was set to be 12 volts, and the lower level of voltage is kept 0 volts (ground- earth). In Fig. 6 and 7 the designed circuit of measuring pulse and glucose level have been shown respectively. D. Online processing RF module was used to send data from device to personal pc. Then using “MIKROC Pro for PIC” software it decoded the data from RF receiver which is plugged in to USB. Then made a free web page with the help of (a web site which helps to create free web page without any domain). In that web page an application called Dropbox has been added. Dropbox is a well-known application used for storing any sort of data and gaining that data from anywhere. E. Operations of the System This project has used several sensors which measures temperature, pulse rate, blood sugar level. It has used microcontroller PIC16F76, LCD LM016L, which shows the reading of the patient. It has also used RF (Radio Frequency) module (RF receiver and transmitter) which helps to receive data and to transfer it wirelessly. Here RS232 to USB converter was used to transfer data wirelessly to a computer. The data is then debugged by mikroC Pro for PIC software and generates a .txt file containing detail result of patents condition which is saved
Fig. 10. Simulation of diabetic (low sugar).
F. Results By the use of respective sensors the body temperature, heart rate of a person and the blood sugar level and taking the average readings and by fixing maximum and minimum values of the data is transferred to micro-controller. Transmitted
Fig. 11. Simulation result of diabetic (High sugar).
Fig. 12. Simulation result of diabetic (normal sugar).
pulse data after digital conversation from analog data by ADC (Analog to Digital Converter), the data stores to EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) and the data are displayed on LCD. From Micro-controller PIC16F76 the data transferred to RF transmitter. By UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) receives the digital data converts into serial form for RF module so that the respective vital sign values are seen in pc. From pc the data are seen by doctors or others from online web page. Observer can download the data for other purpose also.
Fig. 13. Patient wearing the sensors and viewing data from internet.
Fig. 14. Observation of data online.
Fig. 13 represents a patient wearing sensors which are connected to the micro-controller. The device collects the data from the patient and processes to a computer and processed it to online automatically and viewed the data by a mobile phone through internet Fig. 14. But as the project uses the RF module, it has some noise disturbance on the data transmitting and receiving system. Ignoring that portion the project is properly working
With the advances in information and communication technologies, have opened new horizons have been opened regarding the modification in traditional healthcare system, which should be solved by collaboration between engineers and medical professionals. Through this research a simple yet innovative wireless health monitoring system has been developed for critical patient using wireless sensors. According to the practical results it could be mention that these kind of monitoring systems are very suitable for critical patients who need continuous observation as well as the for patients of rural or areas of natural disaster. Through this system, patient’s family can be benefited in terms of time and energy to care and monitor their patient’s health. By using this reliable health monitoring system physicians can save their time and can check patient’s condition anytime from anywhere. REFERENCES [1] Centre for Pervasive Health care. Available at website : [2] Java Cryptography Extension. Available at website: ide.html. [3] S. I. Ahamed, M. M. Haque, K. Stamm, and A. J. Khan. Wellness assistant: A virtual wellness assistant using pervasive computing. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Seoul, Korea,pages 782-787, March 2007. [4] D. M. Fraser. Biosensors: Making sense of them. Medical Device Technology, 5(8):38-41, Feb 1994. [5] S. K. S. Gupta, S. Lalwani, Y. Prakash, E. Elsharawy, and L. Schwiebert. Towards a propagation model for wireless biomedical applications. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 3:1993-1997, May 2003. [6] S. P. J. Higson, S. M. Reddy, and P. M. Vadgama. Enzyme and other biosensors: Evolution of a technology. Engineering Science and Education Journal, pages 41-48, Feb 1994. [7] A. van Halteren, R. Bults, K. Wac, N. Dokovsky, G. Koprinkov, I. Widya, D. Konstantas, V. Jones,and R. Herzog. Wireless body area networks for healthcare: the mobihealth project. Stud Health Technol Inform, 108:181-193, 2004. [8] N. Saranummi, I. Korhonen, M. van Gils, and S. Kivisaari. Barriers limiting the diffusion of ict for proactive and pervasive health care. Proceedings of the IX MEDICON, Pula, Croatia, 4(29):1988-1991,Oct 2001. [9] A. van Halteren, D. Konstantas, R. Bults, K. Wac, N. Dokovsky, G. Koprinkov, V. Jones, and I. Widya. Mobihealth: ambulant patient monitoring over next generation public wireless networks. Stud Health Technol Inform, 106:107-122, 2004. [10] J. Parkka, M. van Gils, T. Tuomisto, R. Lappalainen, and I. Korhonen. Wireless wellness monitor for personal weight management. Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine, IEEE EMBS International Conference, pages 8388, Nov 2000. [11] N. Saranummi, I. Korhonen, M. van Gils, and S. Kivisaari. Barriers limiting the diffusion of ict for proactive and pervasive health care. Proceedings of the IX MEDICON, Pula, Croatia, 4(29):1988-1991,Oct 2001.
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