An integration of GIS and remote sensing in groundwater ...

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Abstract. The importance of groundwater is growing based on an increasing need and decreasing spring discharges in the Burdur area. Remote Sensing and ...
An integration of GIS and remote sensing in groundwater investigations: A case study in Burdur, Turkey Erhan Sener · Aysen Davraz · Mehmet Ozcelik

Abstract The importance of groundwater is growing based on an increasing need and decreasing spring discharges in the Burdur area. Remote Sensing and the Geographic Information System (GIS) have been used for investigation of springs, which are an important groundwater source. The chemical composition of groundwater is not of drinking water quality in Burdur city and water in the Burdur residential area is being obtained from the Cine plain. The purpose of this study was to investigate new water sources by using remote sensing and GIS methods. Geology, lineament and land use maps of the research area were prepared using the Landsat TM satellite image composed of different analyses on the TM 7–4-1 band. In addition, contours, creeks, roads and springs were digitized using a topographic map of 1/100,000 scale to produce a drainage density map. A groundwater potential map was produced which integrated thematic maps, such as annual rainfall, geology, lineament density, land use, topography, slope and drainage density. According to this investigation, the surrounding villages of Askeriye, Bugduz, Gelincik, Taskapı and Kayaaltı were determined to be important from the point of view of groundwater potential in the research area. Keywords Burdur · Geographical Information System · Groundwater Exploration · Remote Sensing

Introduction Remote Sensing and the Geographical Information System (GIS) with their advantages of spatial, spectral and temporal availability and manipulation of data covering large and inaccessible areas within a short time have Received: 31 July 2003 / Accepted: 21 July 2004 Published online: 6 November 2004  Springer-Verlag 2004 E. Sener · A. Davraz ()) · M. Ozcelik Department of Geological Engineering, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey e-mail: [email protected] Hydrogeology Journal (2005) 13:826–834

become very handy tools in accessing, monitoring and conserving groundwater resources. It also has been found that remote sensing, besides helping in targeting potential zones for groundwater exploration, provides input towards estimation of the total groundwater resources in an area. It was the purpose of this investigation to discover new water resources in Burdur, located in the southwest of Turkey, using remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) methods (Fig. 1). The research was done in an area of approximately 437 km2. Drinking water in Burdur has been obtained from wells and springs about 10 km south of Burdur in the Cine plain . Due to the over development of wells in the Cine plain a decrease of groundwater levels has been observed. Separately, local management plan the needs for water supply to settlements on the Cine plain. Therefore, it is necessary to find new water sources for Burdur.

Methodology This research was accomplished by using the Erdas Image 8.4 process software, Arc GIS 8.2 and Arc View 3.2 (3D analyst and spatial analyst extensions) and SPSS 11 statistical programs at the Suleyman Demirel University Remote Sensing Centre in Turkey. In this study, Landsat ETM+ (178–34 scenes) from the year 2000 images and a 1/100,000 scaled topographical map of Isparta- M24 have been used. In addition, annual rainfall data for the surrounding area was used for the annual rainfall map. The topographical map was digitized using the Arc Info 7.2.1 version software program. Topological changes and coordinate transform were corrected and the data converted to Arc View software program with the 3.2 version. In this study, four stages were applied: collection, satellite image processing, digitizing—building a database and spatial analyses (Fig. 2).

Satellite Data Analysis Satellite data provides quick and useful baseline information on the parameters controlling the occurrence and movement of groundwater, e.g. geology, geomorphology, soils, landuse, lineaments etc. DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0378-5

827 Fig. 1 Location map of the study area

In this study, basic maps such as lineaments and geologic maps in a digital form were produced to analyze and to interpret the satellite data. The satellite data registration, correction (geometric and atmospheric) and other image processing (such as enhancement, filtering, classifications, resolution merge), together with field checking of the relevant area were applied. All the available spatial data were assembled in a digital form, and properly registered to make sure the spatial component overlapped correctly. This produced mapped layers, including annual rainfall, geology, lineament density, topographic elevation, slope, drainage density and landuse. Various analyses, such as table analysis and weight calculation, were made for extracting this data. Suitable weights were assigned for different parameters to assess groundwater potential (Table 1). The values of the weightages are based on Musa et al. (2000).

Geology-Hydrogeology A geological map of the study area was prepared using the Landsat ETM+ satellite image of the year 2000 composed of different analysis (contrast enhancement, spatial filters and band ratio) on the ETM+ 7,4,1 band together with field checking. The Kayikoy Formation, Karaburun Formation, Burdur Formation and alluvium are autochthonous units and the Gokcebag˘ Complex and Akdag Limestone, allochthonous units, all were observed in the research area (Figs. 3 and 4). The Kayikoy Formation consists of sedimentary rock sequences, components of which are sandstone, conglomerate, shale, clayey limestone and cherty limestone. Hydrogeology Journal (2005) 13:826–834

It was deposited as a flysch facies of Upper PaleoceneMedium Eocene age (Gormus and Ozkul 1995). The Kayikoy Formation, representing the flysch properties, was described as an impermeable unit. The Gokcebag ophiolitic complex is formed of limestone, diabase, serpentine, peridotite, gabbro, radiolarite and chert series. The emplacement age of the complex is Late Lutetian (Ertunc et al. 2001). The Gokcebag Complex was also described as an impermeable unit. The Akdag Limestone is located as an olistolith within the Gokcebag Complex. The unit, which shows aquifer properties, is widespread in the research area. Kocapınar and Taskapı springs, which discharge from the Akdag Limestone, provide some of the drinking water needs of Burdur city (Tasdelen 1994). The Karaburun Formation consists of a conglomerate of polygenic pebbles (Oligocene). Conglomerates may contain water within karstic cavities and in fractures. However, this unit does not form an aquifer due to its limited outcrop in the investigated area. The Burdur Formation is composed of a marl, claystone, mudstone and weakly cemented sandstone with tuff, tuffite and travertine and is Pliocene in age. The sandstone and tuff layers within the Burdur Formation contain some groundwater depending on its thickness. In some dug wells within the Cine plain, travertine yields some water. In the research area, a Quaternary age unit was described as alluvium. The unit consists of gravel, sand, clay and silt, which are loosely cemented. The Burdur residential area is located on the alluvium, which is described as a good aquifer due to the presence of water in sand and DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0378-5

828 Fig. 2 Methodology flowchart for groundwater exploration

gravel beds. Yields from wells range between 8 to 55 l\sec depending on the thickness of the alluvium and more permeable gravel layers. According to their hydrogeological properties, the lithological units in the investigation area were evaluated and a table of suitable weightages for geology is shown in Table 1.

Lineament Analysis Lineaments give a clue to movement and storage of groundwater (Subba et al. 2001) and therefore are important guides for groundwater exploration. Recently, many groundwater exploration projects made in many different countries have obtained higher success rates when sites for drilling were guided by lineament mapping (Teeuw 1995). In the research area, the lineaments have been identified with the aid of lineament filters and visual comments on the Landsat ETM+ 7 band. Most of the lineaments have a trend of N20-50W. A total of 171 lineaments Hydrogeology Journal (2005) 13:826–834

were identified in the area. Minimum lineament length is 26.74 m and the longest lineament observed was 5,619 m. A lineament density map was prepared by IDW interpolation method used with one grid cell per square km (Fig. 5). Suitable weightages for lineament density are shown in Table 1. The values of the weightages were proposed by Krishnamurty et al. (1996, 1997). Groundwater potential in the area increases with higher lineament density. The springs located in the research area were digitized and were placed on the lineament map using the Arc View program. In general, all springs were developed on lineaments (Fig. 5).

Drainage Density Drainage pattern is one of the most important indicators of hydrogeological features, because drainage pattern, texture and density are controlled in a fundamental way by the underlying lithology. In addition, the creek pattern is a reflection of the rate that precipitation infiltrates DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0378-5

829 Table 1 Weight values according to different parameters

Parameters Lithology

Lineament density (km/km2)

Drainage density (km/km2)

Topography elevation (m)

Slope gradient


Annual rainfall (mm)

Weight Alluvium Akdag Limestone Karaburun Formation Burdur Formation Gkcebag Complex Kayıkoy Formation 0–0.600 0.600–1.200 1.200–1.800 1.800–2.400 2.400–3.100 0–0.500 0.500–1.000 1.000–1.500 1.500–2.000 2.000–2.500 1,700–1,900 1,500–1,700 1,300–1,500 1,100–1,300 900–1,100 64-90 25-63 10-24 4-9 0-3 Urban Forest Scrub Agriculture Water body 420–440 440–460 460–480 480–500 500–520

70 50 40 30 15 10 30 40 50 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 60 30 40 50 60 70

Fig. 3 Geological map

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830 Fig. 4 Generalized stratigraphical column

compared with surface runoff. The infiltration-runoff relationship is controlled largely by permeability, which is in turn, a function of the rock type and fracturing of the underlying rock or bedrock surface (Edet et al. 1998). Creeks from the topographical map (1/100,000 scale) were digitized using the Arc Info program. A drainage density map was prepared from drainage length per square km (Fig. 6). In addition, a table of suitable weightages for drainage density was also prepared and presented in Table 1.

Topography Elevation and Slope Topographic data is a vital element in determining the water table elevations. The topographic map was digitized on a 1/100,000 scale base map (Fig. 7). Topographic contours were integrated into the GIS and used to derive a digital elevation model (DEM). Values of slope angle were taken from the DEM. Each grid cell represents the value of a slope gradient or slope angle in degrees. The table of suitable weightages for topography and slope are shown in Table 1. Hydrogeology Journal (2005) 13:826–834

Landuse The landuse of the research area is characterized by a mixture of forest cover, agricultural activities, residential area and water bodies. These were interpretable from satellite image and landuse maps. A table of suitable weightages for landuse is shown in Table 1.

Annual Rainfall An annual rainfall map of the research area was prepared by the IDW method using the annual rainfall measured at the meteorology stations and surrounding area. Grid cells (11 square km) were created on this map. A table of suitable weightages for annual rainfall was prepared according to the map (Table 1). The values of the weightage are from Krishnamurty et al. (1996–1997).

Spatial Analyses The final stage involves combining all thematic layers using the method that is modified from Musa et al. 2000. DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0378-5

831 Fig. 5 Lineament density map

Fig. 6 Drainage density map

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832 Fig. 7 Topographical elevation map

Fig. 8 Groundwater potential prediction zone map

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DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0378-5

Kayıkoy Formation Gokcebag Complex

Kayıkoy Formation Karaburun Formation and Gokcebag Complex 0.60–1.20 / 0–0.60 0.50–1.00/ 0–0.50 480–440 / 420–440 Agriculture—scrub 1,300–1,500 / 1,500–1,700 0–3, 4–9 Burdur Formation

1.20–1.80 / 0.60–1.20 1.00–1.50 / 0.50–1.00 460–480 Agriculture—scrub 1,100–1,300 / 1,300–1,500 0–3, 4–9

Akdag Limestone, Alluvium

1.80–2.40/2.40–3.10 (Alluv. NE) 1.50–2.00 /2.00 2.50 480–500 Agriculture—scrub 900–1,100 / 1,100–1,300 0–3, 4–9, 10–24

Geology / lithology

Lineament density Drainage density Rainfall (mm) Land use Topography elevation Slope

0.60–1.20 / 0–0.60 0.50–1.00/ 0–0.50 480–440 / 420–440 Agriculture-scrub-forest 1,100–1,300 / 1,700–1,900 0–3, 4–9

Very low Low Moderate High Groundwater potential zone

Table 2 The general evaluation


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The formula of the groundwater potential model (GP) as shown below: GP ¼ Rf þ Lt þ Ld þ Lu þ Te þ S þ Dd


where; Rf Lt Ld Lu Te S Dd

annual rainfall, lithology (geology), lineament density, land use, topography elevation, slope, drainage density.

A groundwater potential zone map of the research area was prepared (Fig. 8). In order to produce the map, a GIS model was used to integrate the thematic maps; geology, lineament density, rainfall, drainage density, topography elevation, slope and land use. Each thematic layer consisted of a grid cell. The grid cell in each of the thematic layers was categorized, depending on the contribution to groundwater potential. Finally, all the thematic layers were integrated using the groundwater potential model to produce the final derived layers. In addition, a general evaluation table was built using data given in Table 1. The outputs were then re-classed into four groups, high, moderate, low and very low groundwater potential (Table 2). According to the Table 2 and Fig. 8, the areas having high groundwater potential included the Akdag limestone and alluvium unit that have a very high-high drainage density and high rainfall ratio. The Burdur Formation forms the areas with moderate groundwater potential. The lineament density and drainage density are moderate-low in the Burdur Formation. The areas having low groundwater potential include the Karaburun Formation, Kayıkoy Formation and Gkcebag˘ Complex. The lineament density, drainage density and rainfall data of Karaburun Formation, Kayıky Formation and Gkebag˘ Complex are low-very low. According to this general evaluation, Table 2 and Fig. 8 correspond to each other.

Result and Discussion The indicators of groundwater occurrence are related to rainfall distribution, land use, geology, topographic elevation, slope and drainage features of the area. Satellite data has proven to be very useful for surface study, especially in detecting surface features and characteristics such as lineaments and geology. In order to predict the groundwater potential zones, different thematic maps were prepared. These include annual rainfall distribution, land use, geology, lineament density, topography elevation, slope and drainage density. Integrated assessment of thematic maps using a model developed based on GIS techniques was a suitable method for predicting groundwater potential. In the research area, the surrounding villages of Askeriye, Bugduz, Gelincik, Taskapı and DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0378-5


Kayaaltı are important from the point of view of groundwater potential according to this investigation. Those areas were investigated in detail for new water sources for Burdur city.

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DOI 10.1007/s10040-004-0378-5