An overview of municipal solid waste management and landfill leachate treatment: Malaysia and Asian perspectives Mohamad Anuar Kamaruddin, Mohd Suffian Yusoff, Lo Ming Rui, Awatif Md Isa, Mohd Hafiz Zawawi & Rasyidah Alrozi Environmental Science and Pollution Research ISSN 0944-1344 Environ Sci Pollut Res DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-0303-9
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Author's personal copy Environ Sci Pollut Res DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-0303-9
An overview of municipal solid waste management and landfill leachate treatment: Malaysia and Asian perspectives Mohamad Anuar Kamaruddin 1,2 & Mohd Suffian Yusoff 3 & Lo Ming Rui 3 & Awatif Md Isa 3 & Mohd Hafiz Zawawi 4 & Rasyidah Alrozi 5
Received: 1 November 2016 / Accepted: 21 September 2017 # Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017
Abstract Currently, generation of solid waste per capita in Malaysia is about 1.1 kg/day. Over 26,500 t of solid waste is disposed almost solely through 166 operating landfills in the country every day. Despite the availability of other disposal methods, landfill is the most widely accepted and prevalent method for municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal in developing countries, including Malaysia. This is mainly ascribed to its inherent forte in terms cost saving and simpler operational mechanism. However, there is a downside. Environmental pollution caused by the landfill leachate has been one of the typical dilemmas of landfilling method. Leachate is the liquid produced when water percolates through solid waste and contains dissolved or suspended materials from various disposed materials and biodecomposition processes. It is often a highstrength wastewater with extreme pH, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), inorganic salts and toxicity. Its composition differs over the time and space within a particular landfill, influenced by a broad spectrum of factors, namely waste composition, landfilling practice Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues * Mohamad Anuar Kamaruddin
[email protected]
Environmental Technology Division, School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia
Center of Excellence, Geopolymer & Green Technology (CEGeoGTech), Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia
School of Civil Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia
College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Jalan Serdang, Seksyen 11, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Penang, Malaysia
(solid waste contouring and compacting), local climatic conditions, landfill’s physico-chemical conditions, biogeochemistry and landfill age. This paper summarises an overview of landfill operation and leachate treatment availability reported in literature: a broad spectrum of landfill management opportunity, leachate parameter discussions and the way forward of landfill leachate treatment applicability. Keywords Landfill . Leachate . Operation . Municipal solid waste
Introduction Solid waste management in Malaysia has become a more challenging task to authorities due to the exponential increase in solid waste production (Hannan et al., 2015) as a result from fast pace urbanisation and population growth with the expected population that will reach 33.4 million by year 2020 (Bong et al., 2016). Based on the population growth year to year, it is estimated that the solid waste generation will reach 31,000 t/ day by 2020 (Tan, et al., 2014). Traditionally, Malaysia is practising conventional landfilling method for municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal (Kadir et al., 2013). Current scenario indicates that 94.5% of MSW are disposed on the landfill whilst the remaining is diverted into resource recovery and composted activities (Tan et al., 2014). However, significant environmental impact by landfilling activity is associated with this method. As the urbanisation has growth from time to time, a number of existing landfills reach its maximum design capacity faster than its design life whereby construction of new landfill sites has become difficult due to scarcity of land available for disposal (Moh and Manaf, 2014). Besides, impacts on public health and safety issues have become the main reasons
Author's personal copy Environ Sci Pollut Res
that the dependency on landfilling for MSW disposal is less favourable to the stakeholders. Owing to the current situation of waste management, the government of Malaysia has considered alternative solution on solid waste management (SWM) to reduce the dependency on landfilling method (Tan et al. 2015). Under the Tenth Malaysian Plan, the government has been considering alternative methods for solid waste management such as waste-toenergy (WTE) (incineration), composting, recycling nonorganic waste and inert landfill, which are solutions to be practiced to reduce the dependence on MSW disposal from conventional collection and disposal in unsanitary landfill (Moh and Manaf, 2014, Fazeli et al., 2016). This article will review the solid waste management in Malaysia. The discussion will mainly focus on landfill operation and leachate treatment because it is main option for disposal of MSW in Malaysia. Despite the previous review, none has considered an alternative method for MSW disposal. Hence, this review will include an alternative method for disposing solid waste in Malaysia with a comparison of its application, policy and also its advantages and disadvantages to fill this gap. The technology of solid waste disposal has evolved from conventional to advanced systems which emphasise more on the design, storage capacity and economical principle in receiving various types of wastes including leachate treatment availability. These are the main factors taken into consideration when planning a solid waste disposal site. Above all, proper decisions during designing stage, operation and longterm post-closure plan could ensure efficient monitoring of leachate generation which by far continues to generate even after the landfills have ceased their operation (Kamaruddin et al., 2013). In general, a landfill will undergo chemical and physical changes caused by the degradation process of solid waste refuse with the soil matrix once the landfilling is complete. Liquid percolates through solid waste matrix and assists with rainwater’s biochemical, chemical and physical reactions within solid waste refuse directly influencing the quantity and quality of the leachate. Additionally, leachate quality and quantity are also influenced by landfill age, precipitation, weather variation, waste type and composition (Kamaruddin et al., 2015a). Principally, a functional landfill site is always built with a leachate treatment facility to remove hazardous pollutants in the leachate. Therefore, finding a sustainable method for leachate treatment has always been a priority for landfill managers in order to safely discharge treated leachate into the water bodies without endangering the environment. Over the last decades, new and advanced landfill leachate treatment methods have received significant interests which offer better removal of pollutants. By utilising these new technologies, difficult parameters are much easier to treat nowadays. In the early days, landfill leachate was mainly disposed by channelling the leachate pipes to the sewer system and released into the sea. Alternatively, there was also a separate
system where the leachate pipes connected to domestic sewage network at conventional sewage plant (Ahn et al. 2002) and treated simultaenously. However, as the volume of leachate generation increased over time with wide variations in leachate pollutants, this method reduced the treatment efficiency of sewage plant (Çeçen and Aktas 2004). Concerning this, many additional treatments have been proposed and invented in treating landfill leachate separately. Virtually, various types of treatments have been explored including biological, physical, chemical and physicochemical techniques. As far as the authors are concerned, most of the treatments in the market today have their own advantages and limitations. For example, biological treatment is undoubtedly the most effective way in treating high concentration of BOD5 (Renou et al. 2008). However, depending on the nature of leachate pollutants, sludge bulking may occur in conventional aerobic system which disturbs the leachate treatability. Conventional physico-chemical techniques such as chemical precipitation (Chen et al. 2012), adsorption (Ching et al. 2011, Kamaruddin et al. 2015b, Lim et al., 2009, Singh et al. 2012), coagulation/flocculation (Liu et al. 2012, AlHamadani et al. 2011, Ghafari et al. 2010) and chemical oxidation (Sun et al. 2009, Anglada et al. 2011, Cortez et al. 2011) may be used as co-treatment along biological treatments. These techniques have been proven suitable in dealing with difficult parameters in leachate including humic, fulvic acid, heavy metals, adsorbable organically bound halogens (AOXs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and several other of persistent organic pollutants (Abbas et al. 2009). Very recently, numerous studies have focused on new and advance treatment. In view of that, various factors have been considered in proposing an ideal treatment system that results in high efficiency of parameter reduction as to comply with the permissible discharge limit enforced by the authorities. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to summarise leachate sustainable treatment processes including biological, physical and chemical techniques reported in the past 10 years. The articles discussed in depth about existing and new methods in treating high concentration of leachate and its progress in the recent years. Relationship of MSW generation and other factors Briefly, population exponential growth, urbanisation, economic development and high consumption rates are the key factors that propagate waste generation in Asian developing cities (Bank 2011; Imura et al. 2005). They accelerate municipal solid waste generation, alter the waste composition and revolutionise the waste management approaches (Table 1). For major high-income Asian cities like Kuala Lumpur, the quantity and quality of waste generation are apparently comparable to those in Western countries (USEPA 2010). In Malaysia, MSW generation had risen more than 91% in last
Author's personal copy Environ Sci Pollut Res Table 1 Contaminants that contribute to COD.
Biodegradable/non-biodegradable compounds Suspended solids and liquids
Microbes, colloids, emulsions, fat, oil and grease
Miscible liquids Dissolved solids and liquids
Alcohols, benzene, glycerin, oils, etc. Acids, salts, sugar, etc.
Inorganic compounds Dissolved
Cations: metals (Fe), metalloids (As) Anions: CN-, NO2-, SO22-, S2-
Source: Morreno-Castillas ea tal. (2007)
10 years (Periathamby et al. 2009). Setting record by producing over 26,000 t of waste per day in 2010, average waste generation rate in Malaysia is around 1.0 kg/capita/day and increased up to 2.2 kg/capita/day in the major city, Kuala Lumpur (Table 2). By the year 2020, Malaysian MSW generation is projected to rise inexorably to 36,800 t/day or over 13.4 million tonnes per annum (Bank 2011). Agamuthu (2011) even predicted the number could go higher than 38,000 t/day by 2020. The increment of MSW generation rate is largely due to the rapid annual population growth of 2.4% since 1994 (Manaf and Samah, 2009). The figure is also expected to increase as Malaysia becomes wealthier, in tandem with the waste generation trend in Asian countries (Fig. 1). Table 2 Influence of population size, urbanisation and gross domestic product (GDP) on MSW generation rate in Malaysia (2010)
However, Malaysian waste generation pattern seems to be more complex than expected. Current data analysis reveals that relationship amongst income level, urbanisation and waste generation in Malaysia is still indeterminate (Fig. 2). MSW composition and its characteristics could indicate elements contained and their potential pernicious environmental impacts. Understanding this matter is crucial for waste management planning (Idris et al. 2004). Feasible waste minimisation and disposal scheme could be identified and designed based on the waste composition studies. Indeed, composition of MSW is highly heterogenous, dynamic and influenced by socio-geographical factors. Lower-income developing countries with greater rural population like
Population (millions)a
Urbanisation level (%, compared to 2000)a
GDP/capita at current price (RM)b
Waste generation (tonnes/day)c
Waste generation per capita (kg/capita/day)
Johor Kedah Kelantan Melaka Negeri Sembilan
3.35 1.95 1.54 0.82 1.02
71.9 64.6 42.4 86.5 66.5
20,911 13,294 8273 24,697 27,485
2800.29 1936.66 1512.41 752.47 1106.99
0.83 0.99 0.98 0.91 1.08
Pahang Perak Perlis Pulau Pinang Sabah Sarawak Selangor
1.50 2.35 0.23 1.56 3.21 2.47 5.46
50.5 69.7 51.4 90.8 54.0 53.8 91.4
22,743 16,088 15,296 33,456 17,242 33,307 31,363
1399.59 2233.09 285.90 1590.35 1990.91 1889.25 4133.21
0.93 0.95 1.24 1.01 0.62 0.76 0.75
Terengganu Kuala Lumpur Labuan Putrajaya Total (national)
1.04 1.67 0.09 0.07 28.30
59.1 100.0 82.3 100.0 71.0
19,225 55,951 29,116 N.A. 27,113
1290.75 3697.88 95.21d 36.45d 26,751.41
1.24 2.21 1.06d 0.52d 0.95
N.A. not available a
DOS (2011) (source)
DOS (2011) (source)
MHLG (2011) (source)
Estimated figure based on individual state MSW generation growth rate
Author's personal copy Environ Sci Pollut Res 1.5 MW Generation Rate (kg/capita/day)
Fig. 1 Relationship between GDP/capita in USD and MW generation in Asian countries. Adapted from AIT/UNEP (2010)
Brunei Darussalam
Republic of Korea Singapore
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Mandalay, Myanmar
Indonesia Vietnam Philippines
0.0 100
1,000 10,000 GDP/capita in USD (2006)
Myanmar, Cambodia and Indonesia generate more food or organic wastes (Fig. 3). There is no difference for Malaysia. Organic waste contributes over 40% of the total MSW in Malaysia, whilst recyclables like paper, plastic, glass and metal occupy much smaller portion of the waste stream (Table 3). The organic waste has high moisture content with bulk density over 200 kg/m3 (Manaf and Samah, 2009). SWM strategy in Malaysia has been transformed from simple guidelines in 1988 to current strategic management plan (Fig. 4) (Agamuthu 2010). Under the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007, solid waste management services encompass separation, storage, collection, transportation, transfer, processing, recycling, treatment and disposal of controlled solid waste. Currently, Malaysian policy and legislative frameworks are formulated, synchronised and promulgated to actuate integrated sustainable Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (3R)-based solid waste management. The thrust of this management strategy is set on waste management hierarchy concept identical to those of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and European Union (EU), prioritising
waste minimisation, with disposal like landfilling as the last resort (Fig. 5). The target improvements for Malaysian current waste management policies are outlined in Table 4. Besides, Malaysian government has taken a leap in adopting integrated sustainable solid waste management system, federalising household waste collection and transportation in Malaysia. Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007 was gazetted and enforced in September 2011, giving power to the Federal Government to centralise and regulate solid waste management throughout Malaysia except Sabah and Sarawak (Nadzri 2008). However, hitherto Pulau Pinang, Perak, Selangor, Kelantan and Terengganu are exempted from the plan (MHLG 2012). Taking over responsibility on solid waste management from the local authorities could be a huge challenge for the Malaysian government, since no country had succeeded in solid waste management centralisation (Bank 2011). Implementation of sustainable waste management in Malaysia is still young vis-à-vis other developed countries like Japan and Singapore. Hezri (2010) had addressed its four
120 Urbanisation (%, compared to 2000)A
Fig. 2 GDP/capita, urbanisation and waste generation/capita by state in Malaysia. Adapted from DOS, 2011, and MHLG (2011)
Kuala Lumpur Pulau Pinang
Melaka W. P. Labuan
80 Perak
Johor Negeri Sembilan
Terengganu Perlis
20 *Bubble size indicates waste generation per capitaC 0
20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 GDP/capita at current price in RM (2010)B
Author's personal copy Environ Sci Pollut Res GDP/capita (USD)
Fig. 3 MSW composition in Asian countries. Adapted from AIT/UNEP (2010)
Japan Mongolia Singapore Republic of Korea Lao PDR Philippines Brunei-Muara, Brunei Darussalam Hanoi, Vietnam Thailand Malaysia China Indonesia Phnom Penh, Cambodia Myanmar 0%
major constraints: (1) waste management federalisation is less applicable for devolving power at lower level; (2) waste management service privatisation has proven to be problematic in the past; (3) the roles of government and businesses in 3R implementation are over-emphasised neglecting potential of informal recycling; and (4) public awareness on waste issues is still moderately low. Multi-faceted cooperation from the solid waste management stakeholders is imperative in realising national waste management goals. Landfill
15.0 16.8 19.8
34,264 1,224 31,028 18,395
26.3 30.0
581 1,352 30,342 723 3,166 5,943 2,022 1,641 513 232
32.7 36.0 41.9 43.0 47.0 49.0 63.0 63.3 73.3
20% Food wastes
40% 60% Paper Plastic Metal
80% Glass
100% Others
gaseous pollutants that require ultimate disposal. Despite municipal solid waste disposal by landfilling has been debated as a misnomer hiding the waste under cover, it is still the inherently prevalent solution for developing countries (Vesilind et al. 2010). It is preferred in tackling overwhelming MSW conundrums due to its simpler operational protocol and cost-effectiveness (Aziz et al. 2007). Now, landfill construction and operation costs in Malaysia are estimated at RM 30 million and RM 28.80–49.00 per tonne of solid waste, respectively (MHLG 2012). Of Malaysian MSW, 95–97% is disposed in landfills (Nadzri 2007) and, by the year 2020, 44% of them will be disposed in sanitary landfills (Periathamby et al. 2009).
Overview Landfill classification system Ranked at the bottom of sustainable waste management hierarchy, final waste disposal technologies like sanitary landfill and incineration remain crucial albeit immense amount of waste can be slashed through 3Rs. Landfilling is broadly recognised as a proper waste disposal method outdoing incineration, because the latter only reduces waste volume but still generates residuals and Table 3 Waste composition in Malaysia
Waste composition
In Malaysia, landfills are categorised using three classification systems which are based on indicators like decomposition process employed, operational status for sanitary landfill and type of waste disposed. The details of these classification systems are featured in the following sections.
Percentage of wet weight 19751
Paper Plastic
7.0 2.5
8.0 0.4
23.6 9.4
8.9 3.0
9.0 3.9
23.7 11.2
Glass Metal Textiles Wood Others N.A. not available a
Periathamby et al. (2009)
NSWMD (2011)
2.5 6.4 1.3 6.5 0.9
0.4 2.2 2.2 1.8 0.3
4.0 5.9 N.A. N.A. 8.8
3.0 4.6 N.A. N.A. 32.1
3.9 5.1 2.1 N.A. 4.3
3.2 4.2 1.5 0.7 12.3
45.0 7.0 24.0 3.0 6.0 N.A. N.A. 15.0
Author's personal copy Environ Sci Pollut Res Management Guidelines of Clinical and related Wastes in Hospitals and Healthcare Establishments (1993)
Action Plan for Waste Management in Hospitals and Healthcare Establishment 1993
Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Corporation Strategic Plan (2009-2013)
National Solid Waste Management Policy (2006)
Signatory to Agenda 21, UN Conference on Environment and Development (1992) Master Plan on National Waste Minimization (2006-2020) Earth Summit (1992) Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Act 1978
1981 Local Government Act 1976
2+1 Solid Waste Collection System (2012)
World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002)
Action Plan for a Beautiful and Clean Malaysia (1988)
UN Conference on Human Environment 1972
National Strategic Plan for Solid Waste Management in Malaysia (2005)
Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (1989)
Environmental Quality Act (Scheduled Waste) Regulations 2005
Environmental Quality (Environmental Impact Assessment ) Act 1987
Private Healthcare Facilities and Services Act 1998
Environmental Quality Act 1974
Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Corporation Act 2007 [Act 673]
Environmental Quality Act (Prescribed Activities) Order 1989 Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act 2007 [Act 672]
Fig. 4 Malaysian roadmap towards sustainable solid waste management. Adapted from MHLG (2012), Agamuthu (2010), IGES et al. (2009), Goh (2007)
Classification based on decomposition process In this classification system, microbial degradation environment is determined whilst its aeration and leachate collection measures are evaluated for further distinction. Table 5 describes the characteristics of the landfill types.
according to their operational status. However, the Technical Guideline for Sanitary Landfill, Design and Operation, August 2006 by the Department of Local Government, Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MHLG), Malaysia has included open dumping as level 0 landfill. Landfill levels classified by MHLG, Malaysia can be categorised as follows:
Classification based on sanitary landfill system Sanitary landfill is an engineered waste disposal method emphasising technical aspects like siting, design, operation and long-term environmental impacts. Unlike sanitary landfill, open dumpsite is not designed to deal with leachate, landfill gas and odour management. Therefore, typical sanitary landfill system excludes un-engineered open dumpsite and divides landfills into four different levels (levels 1–4) Fig. 5 Comparison between Malaysian and UNEP/EU waste management hierarchies. Adapted from UNEP (2010), European Commission (2010) and MHLG (2009)
Level 0: open dumping Level 1: controlled tipping Level 2: sanitary landfill with a bund and daily cover soil Level 3: sanitary landfill with leachate recirculation Level 4: sanitary landfill with leachate treatment Technical aspects of each level are shown in Table 6. In Malaysia, only eight landfills are considered as sanitary
Waste prevention
Other recovery (e.g energy)
Intermediate treatment
Disposal (e.g. landfill)
Final Disposal
Less favoured opons
Author's personal copy Environ Sci Pollut Res Table 4 National Strategic Plan for Solid Waste Management (NSPSWM) targets
Level of service
Present (%)
2003–2009 (%)
2010–2014 (%)
2015–2020 (%)
Extend collection service Reduction and recovery
75 3–4
80 10
85 15
90 22
Closure of dump sites
112 sites
Source separation (urban)
Source: EPU (2006)
landfills. Details regarding current Malaysian landfill levels are unavailable. However, Idris and Inanc, 2004 claimed that there were 77 open dumpsites, 49 controlled tipping landfills (level 1) and 35 level 2–4 landfills in 2002 (Table 7). To tackle overwhelming MSW conundrums in Malaysia, ten new landfills will be constructed whilst 42 existing landfills will be upgraded under the Tenth Malaysia Plan (2011–2015). Classification based on waste type Landfills in Malaysia are also classified according to waste type. Following countries like Australia and Japan, Prof. Zaini Ujang divides landfills in Malaysia into three classes: class I, hazardous waste; class II, designated waste; and class III, municipal solid waste (Ujang 2004; UNEP 2005). This is similar to the European Commission Waste Landfill Directive (1999) which categorises landfills into waste landfills for hazardous waste, non-hazardous waste and inert waste (Sunkin et al., 2002; Williams 2013). Nevertheless, classification system under German Waste Disposal regulation is more detailed with five classes as follows: Class 0: inert waste Class I: quite inert municipal waste (e.g. some incineration ashes) Class II: municipal waste Class III: hazardous waste Table 5
Class IV: underground disposal site (inert waste and hazardous/nuclear waste in salt caverns) (KühleWeidemeier 2003)
Semi-aerobic landfill (Fukuoka method) Semi-aerobic landfill is the most desirable landfill design for Malaysia (MHLG 2006). It is also referred to as “passive aeration” by the United Nations (UN) and was approved as a new Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) on 15 July 2011(Tashiro 2011). Initiated by Prof. Masataka Hanashima of Fukuoka University, a pilot semi-aerobic landfill was first tested in 1975 at Shin-Kamata Landfill in Fukuoka, Japan (Chong et al. 2005). The so-called Fukuoka method has been practically tested throughout Japan and other countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Sri Lanka and Iran. It is initially designed for temperate climate and adopted in tropical countries since 1980s. In a semi-aerobic landfill system, oxygen flows into the waste mass through the leachate collection pipes by passive ventilation to accelerate aerobic microbial decomposition in the waste body. It hastens waste stabilisation and improves leachate water quality. Meanwhile, leachate and gas are discharged continuously using leachate collection and gas venting system. The mechanism of Fukuoka method is illustrated in Fig. 6. Semi-aerobic landfill design requires meticulous planning by considering actual site conditions like
Landfill classification system based on decomposition process employed
Landfill type
Anaerobic landfill
Solid wastes are filled in dug area of plane field or valley. Waste is commingled with water in anaerobic condition Solid waste is covered in a sandwich shape. Condition in solid waste is same as anaerobic landfill Leachate collection system is installed at the bottom of the landfill site. Others are the same as anaerobic sanitary landfill. The conditions are still anaerobic but the moisture content is much less than anaerobic sanitary landfill Leachate collection duct is bigger than the one of improved sanitary landfill. The opening of the duct is surrounded by air and the duct is covered with small crushed stones. Moisture content in solid waste is low. Oxygen is supplied to the solid waste from leachate collection duct The leachate collection pipe and air supply pipes are attached. Air is forced to enter solid waste causing it becomes more aerobic than semi-aerobic landfill
Anaerobic sanitary landfill covered daily Improved anaerobic sanitary landfill
Semi-aerobic landfill with natural ventilation and leachate collection facilities Aerobic landfill with forced aeration
Author's personal copy Environ Sci Pollut Res Table 6 Operational criteria for sanitary landfill (levels 0–4)
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Perimeter fence
Drainage facility
Daily soil cover Enclosing embankment
✓ ✓
✓ ✓
✓ ✓
Designated unloading area
Separated working area
Scavenging prohibition Environmental protection
✓ ✓
✓ ✓
✓ ✓
Gas venting Leachate collection
✓ ✓
✓ ✓
Leachate recirculation
Leachate monitoring Leachate treatment
✓ ✓ ✓
Liner Adapted from DOLG (2006) and Agamuthu and Fauziah (2008)
precipitation rate, ambient temperature, soil foundation and rainwater flow area (Matsufuji 2007). Semi-aerobic landfill is claimed to be a simple environmentally and economically sound technology. The advantages of semi-aerobic landfill are listed down as follows:
It purifies leachate significantly by increasing waste decomposition rate.
Table 7 Solid waste disposal sites in Malaysia (as of September 2015)
Closed landfill
& &
It contributes towards global warming mitigation by reducing methane gas emission substantially. The risk of gas explosion and fire hazard is reduced by releasing gas from ventilation pipes. It converts open dumps into sanitary landfills in an easier way. Earlier landfill rehabilitation is expected through enhanced stabilisation.
Operating landfill Non-sanitary landfill
Non-sanitary landfill (Inert landfill)
Sanitary landfill
Johor Kedah Kelantan Melaka Negeri Sembilan Pahang Perak Perlis
23 6 6 5 11 16 12 1
12 9 13 2 7 16 17 1
– – – – – – – –
2 – – – – – – –
14 9 13 2 7 16 17 1
Pulau Pinang Sabah Sarawak Selangor Terengganu Kuala Lumpur Labuan Sum Total
1 2 14 14 12 7 0 130 296
1 19 46 3 8 0 1 155
1 – – 2 – – – 3
– – 3 3 – – – 8
2 19 49 8 8 0 1 166
Adapted from MHLG (2012), NSWMD (2011)
Author's personal copy Environ Sci Pollut Res Fig. 6 Semi-aerobic landfill mechanism. Source: Tashiro (2011b)
It is cost-effective. This is due to the high degree of freedom in construction material selection and utilisation of less intensive leachate treatment system.
It is easy to construct, operate and maintain. Self-purifying capacity is used to stabilise waste body and only requires commonly used machinery and equipment. Unfortunately, in tropical climate, semi-aerobic landfill’s convectional air flow and air penetration into the waste mass are weaker due to the higher ambient temperature and precipitation rate, respectively (Yamada 2011). To overcome these constraints and propel wider usage globally, the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan is currently augmenting the landfill design in collaboration with Laem Chabang Municipality and Kasetsart University, Thailand (Yamada 2011).
demand (BOD) level in leachate and reduces its pH level; the gasification process generates gas from organic acid, reducing BOD level and increasing pH (Matsufuji 2007). Biodegradation is driven by aerobic and anaerobic microbes which are usually from soil cover, MSW, recirculated leachate and wastewater treatment sludge. Seven major anaerobic bacteria are depicted in Table 8. Most studies divide biodegradation into five distinct phases (O'Leary, 2002; Worrell and Vesilind, 2011). Figure 7 illustrates the landfill leachate and gas generation of each phase. The rate of each phase is different for each landfill due to heterogenous physical, chemical and biological environments within the landfills. Hence, composition of leachate produced is used as an indicator to determine the degree of waste stabilisation (Table 9). This is vital for environmental monitoring, especially for the design and operation of leachate management facilities (Foo, 2009; Matsufuji 2007).
Principals of decomposition of waste in landfill Landfill leachate Generally, decomposition in landfill can be divided into three categories, i.e. physical, chemical and biological decomposition. Their progress rates are highly dependent on the waste characteristics. Physical decomposition occurs during segregation and mechanical size reduction, whilst chemical decomposition involves processes like combustion, pyrolysis and gasification. Biological degradation initiates right after the waste is transferred into the landfill. In fact, the waste has started undergoing biodeterioration right after the waste is being thrown away. Biodegradation is the part that we are concerned. It generates highly contaminated hazardous leachate and gases. It involves two key processes, i.e. solubilisation and gasification, which are governed by both aerobic and anaerobic decomposition (Matsufuji 2007). Solubilisation process produces soluble organic acids, ammonia and carbon dioxide (CO 2), subsequently increases biochemical oxygen
After landfilling, solid waste undergoes physico-chemical and biological changes. As a result of precipitation, surface runoff Table 8 Important microbial groups promoting anaerobic waste degradation Microbial group
Amylolytic bacteria Proteolytic bacteria Cellulolytic bacteria Hemicellulolytic bacteria Hydrogen-oxidising methanogenic bacteria Acetoclastic methanogenic bacteria Sulphate-reducing bacteria
Starches Proteins Cellulose Hemicellulose Hydrogen Acetic acid Sulphate
Source: Worrell and Vesilind (2011)
Author's personal copy Environ Sci Pollut Res
and infiltration or intrusion of groundwater percolating through landfill storage, the degradation of the organic fraction of the wastes in combination with percolating rainwater leads to the generation of a highly contaminated liquid called “leachate” (Kurniawan, 2006; Renou et al. 2008; Wang et al. 2002). In short, leachate is the liquid that has percolated through waste mass and infused with dissolved or suspended matters (O’Leary 2002). It is turbid, malodorous and often dark brownish in colour. Leachate can be characterised by two major factors, i.e. quantity (volumetric flow rate) and quality (chemical composition) (Renou et al. 2008; Tatsi and Zouboulis 2002). Leachate quantity
Fig. 7 Schematic of water balance components within a landfill. Source: Worrell and Vesilind (2011)
Table 9 Landfill constituent concentration ranges as a function of landfill stabilisation degree
In Malaysia, each tonne of MSW generates 150 l of leachate (Agamuthu and H. 2008). Based on daily MSW generation rate of over 26,000 t in 2010, it is estimated that over 3.9 million litres of leachate is produced every day in Malaysia nowadays. Estimation of leachate production over landfill’s life span is crucial for environmental monitoring and potential
Acid formation
Methane fermentation
COD, mg/L Total VOA, mg/L as acetic acid Ammonia, mg/L-N pH
480–18,000 100–3000 120–125 6.7
1500–71,000 3000–18,800 2–1030 4.7–7-7
580–9760 250–4000 6–430 6.3–9.0
31–900 0 6–430 7.1–9.0
Conductivity, μS/cm BOD5, mg/L BOD5/COD ratio Sulphate, mg/L Calcium, mg/L
2450–3310 N.A. > 0.5 N.A. N.A.
1600–17,100 4000–40,000 0.58 70–1750 10–2500
2900–7700 20–550 0.06 10–420 20–600
1400–4500 N.A. < 0.1 N.A. N.A.
Magnesium, mg/L Iron, mg/L Manganese, mg/L Zinc, mg/L Potassium, mg/L Sodium, mg/L Phosphorus, mg/L Cadmium, mg/L Chromium, mg/L
N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
50–1150 20–2100 0.3–65 0.1–120 1085a 1340a 6a 0.005a 0.28a
40–350 3–280 0.03–45 0.03–4
N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Cobalt, mg/L
Copper, mg/L Lead, mg/L Nickel, mg/L Chloride, mg/L
N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
0.065a 0.09a 0.17a 2120a
Adapted from Worrell and Vesilind (2011), Kjeldsen et al. (2002) N.A. not available a
No significant difference between acid formation and methane fermentation phases
N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
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risk management. Leachate formation is dependent on the water balance of landfill site. Water balance is the general term used to conceptualise the variation of moisture content in landfill over time due to water inputs and outputs. Leachate formation propagates when the moisture content in waste cell exceeds its field capacity, the maximum moisture content that a porous medium able to hold. The quantity of leachate generation is affected by two components, i.e. (1) direct landfill moisture contributors like rainfall, snowmelt, groundwater intrusion, initial moisture and leachate recirculation and (2) landfill moisture distribution influencers namely refuse age, pretreatment, permeability, compaction, particle size and density (El-Fadel et al. 2002). All factors must be taken into consideration for leachate generation estimation. Leachate production can be calculated using the Water Balance Method developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Fenn et al., 1975). It is a onedimensional analysis concluding the amount of water that enters remains and egresses from the soil cover and waste mass. The quantity of potential leachate generation is the amount of water in excess of landfill field capacity. This method has been adapted and developed into other more sophisticated models like the Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP) by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Schroeder et al., 1994), Neural Network-based Leachate Prediction (NN-Leap) (Karaca and Özkaya 2006), Serial Water Balance Method (De Velásquez et al. 2003), Flow Investigation of Landfill Leachate (FILL) (Khanbilvardi et al. 1995) and SOILINER (Johnson 1986). Besides, Min et al. (2010) had proved that MODFLOW-SURFACT can be used to estimate landfill leachate hydraulic performance as well. Amongst all, the HELP, which is free and currently at its 3.07 version, is the most broadly utilised model. However, several studies claimed that it should only be used for landfill design evaluation since the results generated over time are often inconsistent with actual scenarios (Donevska et al. 2010; Min et al. 2010; São Mateus et al. 2012; Shariatmadari et al. 2010; Worrell and Vesilind, 2011).
Leachate quality Although USEPA (USEPA 2010) have categorised landfill leachate as an excluded hazardous waste, uncontrolled by principal hazardous waste regulations under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), it is still widely considered as a complex naturally occurring hazardous liquid. Toxicity analyses using various batteries of bioassays from multiple trophic levels have concluded that municipal landfill leachate is genotoxic and highly ecotoxic (irrespective of its stabilisation status), equivalent to that of industrial landfill leachate (Emenike et al. 2012; Jemec et al. 2012; Matejczyk
et al. 2011; Pablos et al. 2011; Rojas and Sahagún 2012; Widziewicz et al. 2012). The pollutants generated depend on the physical, chemical and biological mediated processes, particularly waste biodegradation process (Worrell and Vesilind, 2011; Wu et al. 2004). Owing to that, leachate quality varies over time depending on the waste biodegradation phases. Leachate contains various organic materials (biodegradable and non-biodegradable carbon, humic acids and fulvic acids) and the inorganic material such as colloidal, heavy metals and non-organic salts like sodium, calcium, sulphate, ammonia and high concentration toxics (Aziz et al. 2004; Kang et al., 2002; Wang et al. 2002). Classification of leachate constituents into four major principal components listed below has been propounded (Christensen et al. 1994; Kjeldsen et al. 2002). Dissolved organic matter [chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC), volatile fatty acids (VFA) and more refractory compounds like fulvic-like and humic-like compounds], inorganic macrocomponents [calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), ammonium (NH4+), iron (Fe2+), manganese (Mn2+), chloride (Cl−), sulphate (SO42-) and hydrogen carbonate (HCO3−)], heavy metals [cadmium (Cd2+), chromium (Cr3+), copper (Cu2+), lead (Pb2+), nickel (Ni2+) and zinc (Zn2+)] and xenobiotic organic compounds (XOCs) and other aromatic compounds are usually presence in relatively low concentration, i.e. less than 1 mg/L of individual compounds. Amongst all, contaminants like organic matters, ammoniacal-nitrogen, heavy metals and colour are fundamentals in leachate quality assessment. Predominance of these constituents in landfill leachate quality is of utmost concern. Understanding of these contaminants is crucial for the implementation of viable leachate treatment designs. Leachate parameters Organic matters Organic detritus is broken down through oxidation or digested by water-borne bacteria to produce energy for growth and reproduction, causing scarcity of dissolved oxygen for other organisms, fish in particular. Organic matter or so-called organic loading in leachate is usually determined by measuring its COD, BOD and TOC. BOD, COD and TOC are measured by oxidising organic matter using bacteria, chemical agents and thermal process, respectively. COD is commonly used for discharge consent, whereas BOD is favoured for surface water discharge consent due to its substantial impacts on flora and fauna (EPA 2000). BOD is similar to COD as they both indicate the amount of organic compounds in water through oxygen demand measurement. However, BOD is more specific targeting biologically active organic matters, whereas COD considers all chemically
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oxidisable compounds. COD level is contributed by any biodegradable organic compounds, non-biodegradable compounds and inorganic oxidisable compounds (MorenoCasillas et al. 2007). Wider variety of organic matter that contribute to COD also makes COD value usually greater than BOD value. In actual practise, COD is the most desirable alternative to BOD. COD testing only takes few hours whilst BOD5 requires 5 days. Despite COD as an independent assay from BOD, they share an empirical relationship enabling BOD value prediction using COD value (Kiepper 2010). Moreover, BOD5/COD ratio can be utilised to assess the biodegradability and the toxicity of organic compounds that inhibit BOD5 measurement. If the ratio is high, the sample contains more biodegradable materials and less toxicity or vice versa. Leachate is classified as fresh, intermediate or stabilised if its BOD5/COD value is > 0.5, 0.1–0.5 or < 0.1, respectively (Amokrane et al., 1997; Comstock et al. 2010; Huo et al. 2009; Kjeldsen et al. 2002). Leachate with BOD5/ COD ratio less than 0.1 is also considered as toxic (Samudro and Mangkoedihardjo 2010). Using BOD5/COD ratio zonation concept, Samudro and Mangkoedihardjo (2010) had suggested a leachate treatment decision-making methodology (Fig. 8). It can be used as a reference during leachate treatment facility design.
adverse impacts on living organisms (EPA 2000; Kjeldsen et al. 2002; Slack et al. 2005). It takes the nature several decades to reduce the NH3-N concentration to safe level (EPA 2000). Indeed, a landfill site may still produce leachate with high concentration of NH3-N over 50 years after filling operations have ceased (Chu et al. 1994). High concentration of NH3-N can stimulate algal growth, inhibit biodegradation, hinder biological treatment performance, restrain nitrification, reduce dissolved oxygen through eutrophication and have toxic effects on aquatic organisms (Aydın and Kuleyin 2011; Bashir et al. 2010; Jokela et al. 2002; Uygur and Kargı 2004). EPA (2000) also stressed that it exhibits acute toxicity effects on salmonid and nonsalmonid fish species at a concentration between 0.002 and 10 mg/L (non-ionised ammonia). Heavy metals Leachate pollution potential or ecotoxicology is usually scrutinised based on metallic elements like Pb, Cd, copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr) and nickel (Ni) (Kjeldsen et al. 2002; Øygard et al. 2007). Most heavy metals in leachate are emanated by the waste disposed in landfill, especially with the overwhelming high-tech product consumption in current technosphere. As discussed previously, during the acetogenic phase, greater metal solubility in acidic condition results in high concentrations of metals like iron, manganese, calcium and magnesium in leachate (Table 16). Heavy metals are insoluble and remain at low concentrations during the methanogenic stage. Landfill leachate is one of the major anthropogenic heavy metal sources in nature. Many heavy metals are vital for living organisms. Deficiency of these essential trace elements will have adverse impact on their biological functions. However, when they exceed the optimal levels, they may be toxic and
Ammoniacal-nitrogen Nitrogen compounds in leachate are organic nitrogen, ammoniacal-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen and nitrite. The nitrogen compounds are leached slowly from the breakdown of protein and other nitrogen-containing organic compounds. They are biologically interchangeable depending on ambient conditions. Ammoniacal-nitrogen is of utmost concern to environmentalists. Ammoniacal-nitrogen (NH3-N) is identified as the major contaminant that remains in mature landfill leachate and has BOD5/COD 1.0
Microbial & phytotreatment
Fig. 8 BOD5/COD triangle zones for feasible leachate treatment selection. Adapted from Samudro and Mangkoedihardjo (2010)
Natural treatment
Acceptable /stable zone
Toxic zone (1st Priority
(3rd Priority BOD5 (mg/L)
Local 10
COD (mg/L)
Local 50 100
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malignant. Discharging heavy metal polluted leachate into ecological pathways particularly waterways exposes us to the risk of heavy metal contamination. These metallic elements enter our food web and are ingested into our bodies through food and water consumptions. The worst part is metals are persistent and do not break down, neither in natural environment nor in our bodies. They only transform from one oxidation or complex state to another (Agarwal et al. 2010; Nordberg et al., 2007). They will accumulate in our bodies until they are eliminated through gastrointestinal and renal excretions (Nordberg et al., 2007). Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in tissue over extended timescales could lead to lethal toxic stress in our bodies, causing chronic health effects. The similar scenarios occur on flora and fauna. Literally, heavy metal concentration is relatively low in mature landfill leachate compared to other water quality parameters like ammoniacal-nitrogen and COD. Hence, they are usually of less concern in leachate treatment design. However, the cocktail effect of these low concentrated metals has been underrated (Backhaus and Faust 2012; Nordberg et al., 2007). It is strongly believed that the mixture of low concentrated metals may cause acute health problems, though there is still a huge gap in the understanding of their interaction mechanisms and ecotoxicity.
Colour Colour is a direct visual indicator for wastewater contamination level. Although this may not be absolutely true, it does have a close relationship with wastewater quality. Aziz et al. (2007) had confirmed that leachate colour is attributed to organic matter in leachate. This argument is in line with other researchers who suggested that humid substances formed from organic materials contribute to leachate colour (Annadurai et al., 2004; Wu et al. 2010; Zouboulis et al. 2004). Humid substances are complex macromolecular products derived from any organic matter like animal and plant debris (like lignin, carbohydrates and proteins), microfauna, biological waste and pesticides (Wu et al. 2010). Humic substances are divided into three fractions namely humic acids, fulvic acids and humin according to their solubility in different pH conditions. Humic acids are not soluble in water under acidic conditions (pH < 2) but are soluble at higher pH. Fulvic acids are soluble at any pH whilst humin is not soluble at any pH. Humin is of less concern since it is hydrophobic. During the landfill maturation process, the biodegradable fraction of organic compounds is reduced. However, the refractory humic substances, particularly humic acids and fulvic acids, remain ubiquitous as the major constituent of dissolved organic matters (Christensen et al. 1994; Kang et al. 2002; Wiszniowski et al. 2004). Due to high concentration of humic
substance in landfill leachate, leachate may appear yellow, brown or even black in colour (Zouboulis et al. 2004). Several studies have stated that humic substance may bind with heavy metals and organic pollutants like pesticides, insecticides and herbicides in leachate and transfers them into the environment (Kang et al. 2002; Nanny and Ratasuk 2002). Unfortunately, these recalcitrant compounds are harsh and hard to be treated. They cause biofouling (Yuan and Zydney 1999), hinder organic pollutant decomposition in acidic condition (Lipczynska-Kochany and Kochany 2008), increase coagulant demand and inhibit adsorption process. Besides, when they undergo disinfection with chlorine, they will react and form carcinogens like trihalomethanes and halogenic acids (Kang et al. 2002; Katsumata et al. 2008). In short, colour is a useful prognostic environmental risk assessment tool for leachate because it reflects the concentration of recalcitrant humic compounds in leachate. Factors affecting leachate characteristics Leachate generation and its composition are attributed to various factors which can be categorised into landfill operation (compaction of waste, operation method, daily cover material, waste/landfill age, superficial drainage, site hydrology, infiltration), solid waste characteristics (type and original moisture content, water-holding capacity) and climatic conditions (rainfall, humidity, ambient temperature, evaporation, evapotranspiration) (Aziz et al. 2004). However, only major factors like solid waste characteristics, climatic condition and landfill age will be elucidated. Solid waste composition Heterogeneity of solid waste characteristics in landfill contributes immensely to the variation of leachate characteristics (Ehrig and Robinson 2010). Most contaminants in leachate are from the disposed waste as the waste breaks down and infuses the pollutants into leachate. Only a little portion of them is due to geochemical sources. Generally, waste chemical composition or its relative proportion of putrescible matter determines the extent of biochemical decomposition in landfill, whilst physical waste properties like density influences water percolation through the waste, resulted in different leachate flow rates. Owing to this, waste with high organic and moisture contents escalates formation of extremely strong leachate (El-Fadel et al. 2002). Several studies had found that organic waste minimisation measures like segregation, waste pretreatment with composting and recycling had significant augmenting impacts on leachate quality (Jokela et al. 2002). Even modifying organic waste physical properties like shredding would increase surface area for biochemical process and promote waste stabilisation (Komilis et al. 1999). However, Elagroudy et al.
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(2009) asserted that altering waste density does not do the trick and has little effect on leachate quality. Based on the correlation between waste composition and leachate characteristics, scientists have recommended a review of current landfilling operational practices, opting for a more cost-effective leachate treatment framework (Ehrig and Robinson 2010). Climatic condition Seasonal climatic variations influence leachate characteristics by altering ambient temperature and landfill water balance. Temperature and moisture content have immense impact on microbial activity and subsequently affect waste biodegradation efficiency in landfill. Besides, the more water input into the waste mass, the more leachate generation. Several studies had denoted the significance of humidity or moisture content in MSW stabilisation (González et al. 2011). Tränkler et al. (2005) found that biodegradation is slower during the dry season or in dry areas but improves during the rainy season. The same research also claimed that over 60% of the precipitation contributed in leachate formation. Hence, the quantity of leachate generated is dependent on water ingression, especially rainfall. In terms of the temperature, biological decomposition appears to be faster in higher temperature (Reinhart 1998). Higher temperature induces greater bacterial activity and propels biochemical breakdown of solid waste. Therefore, the leachate quality varies with temperature fluctuations. Khattabi et al. (2002) proved this point as his hourly leachate quality observation showed that leachate generated during the midday had higher electrical conductivity, chloride and COD. To summarise, the quantity and quality of landfill leachate are dependent on climatic conditions. Hot and humid weather induces greater production of less contaminated landfill leachate. Landfill age Studies unfolding the relationship between leachate quality and landfill age are scanty. Literally, landfill age is not the exact factor affecting leachate quality but the biochemical decomposition process. Researchers tend to relate leachate quality to landfill age but not the biodegradation process because practically it is difficult to predict leachate quality based on landfill stabilisation stage. Landfill stabilisation stage determination requires data about its leachate or landfill gas characteristics, the information we want at the first place. Lack of any information about its leachate or landfill gas characteristics, determination of landfill stabilisation stage is nearly impossible for sanitary landfill. In other words, landfill age is a
feasible alternative factor for leachate quality prediction, instead of the biodegradation phase. As a landfill becomes older, the waste encapsulated becomes stabilised and the contaminants in leachate slowly taper off. As discussed in the previous section, it shifts from acclimation phase towards maturation phase and leachate characteristics alter in every distinct biochemical decomposition stage. Leachate composition pattern over these stabilisation phases is depicted in Table 9. Premised on the relationship between landfill age and stabilisation stage, generalised leachate characteristics over timescales are proposed (Table 10). Nevertheless, a word of caution, classification of leachate based on landfill age is not definite. Landfill leachate treatments Leachate is hazardous and detrimental. If it is discharged without proper treatment, it may cause pollution and results in catastrophic impacts on living organisms. Moreover, it jeopardies concrete structures such as pile, beam and the piping system in light of its corrosive properties (Agamuthu and H. 2008). Deleterious impacts of inappropriate leachate management on our ecosystem are evident and have been highlighted in many literatures, albeit much of the mechanism remains unclear. Hence, leachate management is now one of the critical challenges associated with landfill operation (MéndezNovelo et al. 2005). Leachate effluent quality has to be good enough and complies with the increasingly stringent domestic discharge standards, ensuring the minimal possible impact on our precious ecosystem. Table 11 shows the leachate discharge standards from different countries. Studies addressing the development of feasible technologies to tackle leachate purification are significant, in order to ensure sustainable development (Rivas et al. 2003). However, owing to the variability in leachate characteristics, the proper design of leachate treatment systems can be complicated (Tchobanoglous et al. 1993). The treatability of landfill leachate is governed by its composition and characteristics. A wealth of leachate treatment technologies has been developed and evolved over the years. They can be organised into three principal groups, namely leachate channelling, biological treatments and physico-chemical treatments (Fig. 9). Biological treatments are efficient in removing organics, whilst physico-chemical methods cope with the recalcitrant compounds. Brief descriptions of these technologies are summarised in Tables 12, 13, 14 and 15. Each of these techniques has its own advantages and drawbacks (Table 16). Therefore, leachate treatment systems often employ sequential treatment design with integration between physico-chemical and biological (aerobic and/or anaerobic) processes (Guo et al. 2010; Tatsi et al. 2003; Wiszniowski et al. 2004), for example a membrane bioreactor (MBR) which incorporates both biological reactor and membrane filtration in a
Author's personal copy Environ Sci Pollut Res Table 10 General landfill leachate characteristics at different age
Landfill age (years)
Parameter (mg/L) *No unit for pH, BOD5/COD and TOC/COD
Stabilisation status
Young (fresh)
Mature (stabilised)
3000–60,000 1500–20,000 0.5–1.0
3000–15,000 N.A. 0.06–0.5
100–2800 80–160 < 0.1
< 0.3 100–2000
0.3–0.5 N.A.
> 0.5 N.A.
Ammoniacal-nitrogen Organic nitrogen
10–800 10–800
30–1800 N.A.
20–900 80–120
pH Alkalinity as CaCO3 Total hardness as CaCO3 Total suspended solids Heavy metals
4.5–7.5 1000–10,000 300–10,000
6.5–7.5 N.A. N.A.
6.6–7.5 200–1000 200–500
200–2000 > 2.0
N.A. < 2.0
100–400 < 2.0
Total phosphorus Orthophosphate Calcium Magnesium Potassium
5–100 4–80 200–3000 50–1500 200–1000
N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
5–10 4–8 100–400 50–200 50–400
BOD5/COD TOC/COD Total Kjeldahl nitrogen
Chloride Sulphate Total iron
200–3000 50–1000 50–1200
N.A. N.A. N.A.
100–400 20–50 20–200
Adapted from Kurniawan et al. (2006), Fan et al. (2006), Alvarez-Vazquez et al. (2004), Tatsi and Zouboulis (2002), Kang et al. (2002), O'Leary (2002) N.A. not available
single operating system. Such leachate treatment system has captivated uprising research interest over past 10 years.
Recent development of landfill leachate treatment technology Membrane bioreactor and electro-Fenton process—India Suresh (2016) have conducted a by using Fenton pretreated landfill leachate with membrane bioreactor process and then post-treated by electro-Fenton process. The pretreated values of parameters were taken from previous studies which has BOD/COD ratio 0.39. Result showed that percentage removal obtained for BOD, COD, ammonium nitrogen, phosphate, sulphate, sulphide and chloride was 79, 75, 74, 100, 59, 66 and 56%, respectively. After electro-Fenton followed by MBR process, the percentage removal obtained for BOD, COD, ammonium nitrogen, phosphate, sulphate, sulphide and chloride was 74, 77, 88, 65, 66 and 83%, respectively. It
can be concluded that percentage removal of pollutants increased after post-treatment. Optimisation of SBR system for sanitary landfill leachate—Egypt Fouad et al. (2016) studied on improvement of leachate wastewater treatment through addition of Micrococcus bacteria into a mini-model SBR unit during aeration stage. The test was conducted by using a three-sequence SBR tank. The first tank was a primary sedimentation tank which is functional for precipitation of leachate wastewater with retention time of 12 h. The second tank was the first aeration tank with the function of oxidising and fixing organic materials. Aeration and flipping are done by using the compressed and diffused air method through perforated air pipes with a retention time of 12 h. The third tank was the second aeration tank which the Micrococcus bacterium was added inside the tank and retention time was allowed for 12 h. Three different samples were collected from each tank. Samples were collected after
– 0.05 – 0.1 0.5
– 27
– 4.9 – –
– – –
– 0.46
0.54 – – –
– – – – – –
– –
– – – –
– 0.001 –
0.005 0.25
0.2 0.25
0.05 5.0
0.05 0.005 – –
– – 7.0 2.0 0.0001 –
TDS NH3-N Total nitrogen Inorganic nitrogen
TKN Mercury, Hg Aluminium, Al
Cadmium, Cd Chromium, Cr (III)
Chromium, Cr (IV) Chromium, Cr (V) Chromium, Cr (VI) Nickel, Ni Lead, Pb
Copper, Cu Zinc, Zn
Arsenic, As Cyanide Magnesium, Mg Manganese, Mn
Phosphorus, P Tin, Sn Boron, B Iron, Fe Silver, Ag Selenium, Se
– 0.2 – – – 0.5 10.0 – – 0.05
0.1 0.1 – 0.5
0.5 2.0
– 0.296
3.0 – – – – –
0.1 0.2
1.0 0.5
0.5 0.1
0.05 0.5
– 0.001 0.5
– 2.0 – –
– 20
32 6.5–8.5 – 20 –
– –
– – 70 –
10 –
– – – 20 200
– 6–9 – 56 –
– 5.5–9 – – –
Temperature, °C pH Turbidity (NTU)
USAa, c
– – – 10.0 – –
– – – –
0.5 – – 1.0 0.0001 0.005
0.05 – – –
0.01 0.05
– 0.0044 – 0.15 0.005
– – – – – – –
0.002 –
– 0.0001 –
– 0.5 5 –
15 20
– 6.5–9 20 10 –
– –
30 – –
– – – –
– 30
– 5.5–8.5 – 30 120
Maximum discharge standard (mg/L, unless stated otherwise)
Landfill leachate discharge standards for different countries
Table 11
– – – – – –
– – – –
– –
– – – – –
– –
– – –
– 50 – 150
– –
– – – – 50
South Koreah
3.0 0.001 0.3 0.1 – –
– 0.1 0.1 0.1
– –
3.0 – – – – –
0.1 – – –
– –
10.0 – 10.0 20.0 0.1 0.1
2.0 1.0 – 0.5
2.0 2.0
– – – – – –
– – – 5.0
2.00 5.00
– 0.20 1.00 5.00 0.10 0.02
0.05 0.05 – 0.20
0.20 2.00
0.05 0.20 0.10 2.0 2.0
– 1.00 0.20 – 0.1
0.01 0.20
– 0.005 –
– 5.00 – –
– 50
40 6–9 – 20 400
0.02 – –
0.03 –
100 – –
3000 – – –
– 30
– 5.5–9 – 20 120
– –
0.1 2.0
– 0.1 –
– 5.0 100 –
– 700
45 6–10 – 700 1500
Hong Kongk
– –
0.01 0.1
– 0.001 –
– 25 40 –
– 30
– – – 30 100
– –
– –
– 0.0005 0.2
– 0.5 0.05 –
0.1 1.0
– – – – –
Author's personal copy Environ Sci Pollut Res
– – –
– –
– –
0.05 – –
– –
– –
2000 K2PtCl6
– – –
– –
– –
South Koreah
Environmental Quality (Control of Pollution from Solid Waste Transfer Station and Landfill) Regulations (2009)
Rukapan (2007)
Water Pollution Control Ordinance (1997)
MEP and GAQSIQ (2008)
Ahn et al. (2002)
Ngo et al. (2008)
Trebouet et al. (2001)
Oliver (2005)
Stegmann et al. (2005)
EPA (2000)
Environment Agency (2008)
Maximum monthly average
Kashiwadai et al. (2007)
– not available
0.2 – 10.0
– 1.0 –
0.029 – –
0.3 – –
Phenol Sulphide Oil and grease –
15.0 –
– –
– –
15.0 0.05
Fluoride Formaldehyde
1.0 –
– –
– –
– –
Barium, Ba Total toxic metals
USAa, c
Maximum discharge standard (mg/L, unless stated otherwise)
Table 11 (continued)
5.0 ng/L 0.1 –
0.02 –
0.1 –
40 (dilution multiple method)
– – –
– –
– –
0.5 5.0 50.0 4.0 Lovibond units (25 mm length)
10.0 –
6.0 4.0
Hong Kongk
– – – –
– –
– –
0.001 0.50 5.00 100 ADMI (American Dye Manufacturers Institute)
2.00 1.00
1.00 –
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Environ Sci Pollut Res
Author's personal copy Environ Sci Pollut Res Landfill Leachate Treatment Methods
Biological methods
Leachate channelling Aerobic treatment
Combined treatment with domestic sewage
Physical/Chemical methods Anaerobic treatment
Coagulation-flocculation Flotation
Suspended growth biomass system
Attached growth biomass system
Suspended growth biomass system
Attached growth biomass system
Chemical precipitation Adsorption
Rotating biological contactor
Anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR)
Anaerobic filter
Sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
Trickling filter
Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB)
Hybrid filter
Aerated lagoon
Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR)
Activated sludge process
Air stripping Electrochemical process Chemical oxidation Ion exchange
Anaerobic fluidised bed filter
Sand filtration
Membrane filtration Reed bed
Fig. 9 Hierarchy of landfill leachate treatments
constant retention times at 6, 9 and 12 h. For all samples, physico-chemical parameters were measured including COD, BOD, total suspended solids (TSS), pH, total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total phosphorus (TP) and NH3-N. Results of the test show that SBR without bacterial additive has decreased the COD, BOD and TSS by 91.7, 90.4 and 92.9%, respectively. However, by applying the bacterial additive in SBR, the COD, BOD, TSS, TKN and NH3-N tend to decrease by 97.9, 98.0, 98.3, 90.5 and 95.1%, respectively.
enough pressure to maintain the liquid state of water). Apart from this, the study by using response surface methodology (RSM) also was conducted to determine what parameter (temperature, residence time and hydrogen peroxide concentration) played the most important role. Based on results obtained, the reduction of COD obtained was at 300 °C, 500 mM H2O2 and 180 min residence time. It was determined that the combination of oxidant concentration and temperature is the rate-determining factor, whereas residence time has a lesser effect on the process.
Landfill leachate treatment by hydrogen peroxide—Greece Hydrated lime and caustic soda—Malaysia Kirmizakis et al. (2014) studied about reduction of the organic load of a mature landfill leachate by applying hydrogen peroxide under subcritical condition using novel experiment setup. Procedure of experiment was carried out by filling the leachate onto laboratory-scale, stainless steel reactors and also by adding appropriate quantities of hydrogen peroxide. The purpose of using hydrogen peroxide is to produce hydroxyl radicals that are highly reactive and oxidise the organic molecules of the leachate which can be archived under subcritical condition (temperature in the range of 100–374 °C with Table 12
Hanira et al. (2017) in their study have investigated the uses of hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2) and caustic soda (NaOH) as a softener agent in the removal of NH3-N, COD and colour in a jar test experiment which was performed using Ca(OH)2 and NaOH at varying dosages ranging from nil to 12 g L−. Ca(OH)2 and NaOH have the potential of increasing the pH of the treatment process. The RSM was also used to predict the optimum dosage and suitable types of chemicals for the removal of NH3-N, COD and colour. The results obtained
Description of leachate channelling methods
Leachate channelling Method Combined treatment with domestic sewage Recirculation
Brief description At location where a landfill is near a wastewater collection system, leachate is piped into the sewer system and undergoes treatment with domestic sewage at conventional wastewater treatment plant Leachate is transferred from the base of landfill back to the tip. It infiltrates into waste body again to enhance decomposition and eventually improves leachate quality
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Description of aerobic biological leachate treatment methods
Biological methods (aerobic treatment) Method
Brief description
Suspended growth biomass system
A system where the bacteria grow and are suspended in the reactor liquid. It usually has sludge that is considered to be granular or flocculent in nature (often both granular and flocculent sludges coexist in a reactor)
Activated sludge process
Microorganisms develop in a tank injected with oxygen forming biological flocs (mixed liquor). The microorganisms which are in suspension in the mixture consume the organic matter in leachate and transform it into new microbial biomass, carbon dioxide and water. Subsequently, it reduces the organic content in leachate. At the clarifier or settling tank, sludge settles and the supernatant is discharged as effluent. A portion of the sludge is returned to the aeration tank to re-seed incoming leachate with microorganism. The excess sludge is removed. Generally, the reactions that take place in an activated sludge are absorption of soluble, colloidal and suspended organics on sludge flocs, biodegradation (oxidation) of organics, bacteria ingestion by protozoa, oxidation of ammonium to nitrite and nitrate as well as denitrification Microorganisms are in suspension just like in the activated sludge. However, the major difference is that aeration and sludge settlement take place in the same tank in a batch mode based on cycle of operations. A SBR is therefore designed to operate under non-steady state condition unlike the conventional activated sludge which operates under a continuous flow process. The cycles comprise periods for leachate filling, aeration, settling and decanting. Leachate filling (loading) is the intake of influent leachate in the SBR tank where microorganisms will have contact with organic substances. Then, oxygen is injected to facilitate substrate consumption by microorganism (biodegradation) as well as nitrification. After aeration, solid-liquid separation takes place and the sludge settles leaving clear treated effluent above the sludge blanket. Decanting (extraction) withdraws the treated effluent from the reactor without disturbing the settled sludge.
Sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
Aerated lagoon
Reed bed
Attached growth biomass system Rotating biological contactor
Trickling filter
Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR)
An aerated lagoon is normally an artificial pond with microorganisms just like in an activated sludge reactor. Dissolved oxygen is present throughout much of its depth. However, it can exist naturally as well Also known as wetland normally has a gentle sloping bed lined with impermeable barrier and planted with emergent hydrophytes such as reeds (phragmites), bulrush (scirpus) or cattails (typha). The inlet and outlet zones are usually constructed of crushed stones. As the leachate travels slowly through the bed following a horizontal flow path, oxygen diffuses into the beds then aerobic bacteria around the reed rhizomes uses it to oxidise organics in leachate. The gravel or soil in which the reeds grow also acts as a filter medium Either fixed film or carried media (the latter suspended in the liquid) is utilised in the system to provide a space for the bacteria to grow and attach to A rotating biological contactor is also known as a biorotor. It has circular plastic discs mounted on a shaft which partially submerged in a tank containing leachate. As the shaft is slowly rotated, the leachate passes over the disc surface. The microorganisms adhere to the disc and start consuming organics in leachate, assimilating and treating the organics. Aerobic condition is maintained. The disc provides contact between microorganisms and the leachate, whilst mixing and aerating the mixed liquor A trickling filter or so-called biological aerated filter consists of a bed of highly permeable media, a water distributor and an under drain system. Microorganisms attached on the filter medium like rocks, plastic and wood consume organic matters in leachate as food and degrade them. It provides a surface for the microorganisms and hold back suspended solids acting as a biological contactor as well as a filter, eliminating the need for a separate sedimentation step. Typically, the filter bed is circular with varying depths from 0.9 to 2.5 m with an average of 1.8 m. It is generally believed that it can achieve better nitrification compared to activated sludge operations. Simultaneous removal of carbon and nitrogen is possible in a trickling filter MBBR is also known as suspended-carrier biofilm reactor (SCBR) or fluidised bed reactor. MBBR process is based on the use of continuously moving suspended porous polymeric carriers for microorganism attachment in aeration tank. Microorganisms attach themselves and grow on a plastic biofilm carrier or biocarrier that are suspended and in continuous movement within the reactor on a specified volume. The biocarriers are designed for good mass transfer of substrate and oxygen to the microorganisms. At the settling tank, sludge settles and the supernatant is discharged as effluent. A portion of the sludge is returned to the aeration tank to re-seed incoming leachate with microorganism
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Description of anaerobic biological leachate treatment methods
Biological methods (anaerobic treatment) Method
Brief description
Suspended growth biomass system Anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR)
As discussed It is similar to aforementioned SBR but in anaerobic condition
Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB)
UASB involves an upward passage of leachate through an anaerobic sludge bed in a tank. As the leachate passes through the sludge, microorganisms in the sludge consume and degrade organics in the leachate. Eventually, biogas (methane and carbon dioxide) is produced. As the gas moves upwards to escape, hydraulic turbulence takes place in the reactor prompting mixing to enable more contact between microorganisms and substrate. This enhances biodegradation. The gas is collected at the top of the reactor. The sludge settles and the supernatant is discharged as effluent
Anaerobic filter
It has a filter medium which anaerobic bacteria populations can establish upon and then degrade organic substances in leachate as it moves slowly across the medium. The filter medium acts as a biological contactor as well as a filter, eliminating the need for a separate sedimentation step. Eventually, biogas (methane and carbon dioxide) is produced at the same time
Hybrid filter
Hybrid bed filter consists of an anaerobic filter on top and an up-flow sludge blanket at the bottom. It acts as a solid-gas separator and enhances solid’s retention without causing channelling or short circuit. Its solid removal is enhanced by maximising microorganism population in the reactor
Anaerobic fluidised bed filter
It is similar to aforementioned fluidised bed filter but in an anaerobic condition
showed that optimum conditions obtained from desirable response for Ca(OH)2 were at 5.9 g L−1 of dosage, where NH3N, COD and colour were successfully reduced up 52, 17.5 and 65%, respectively. In contrast, the optimum conditions obtained from desirable response for NaOH were at 6.4 g L−1 of dosage, where NH3-N, COD and colour were successfully remove up to 35, 2 and 49%, respectively.
Coupling anammox and advanced oxidation-based technologies—Spain A study conducted by Anfruns et al. (2013) evaluated the suitability of combination of anammox process with advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) in treating of landfill leachate with high nitrogen and non-biodegradable organic matter concentration. This partial nitration-anammox system coupled with combination of coagulation/flocculation, ozonation and photo-Fenton was assessed in terms of nitrogen and carbon removal. The results obtained indicated that total nitrogen removal efficiency achieved in the range of 87–89% with both configuration without any external carbon source. The COD removal efficiencies obtained was 91% with combined coagulation/flocculation and ozonation process whilst 98% with photo-Fenton. This study proves that the combination of partial nitrationanammox system with photo-Fenton treatment is more efficient compared to coagulation/flocculation and ozonation treatment.
Mn and Ce oxide-impregnated GAC–ozone treatment process—Taiwan Wang et al. (2015) in their research studied treatability of landfill leachate by using Mn and Ce oxide-impregnated granular activated carbons (MnCe-ACs) with ozone process (MnCe-AC/O3). Several treatment processes were studied in this research for comparative study including granular activated carbon (GAC), MnCe-AC, O3, GAC/ O3 and MnCe-AC/O3 processes. The MnCe-AC/O3 process developed in this research combines both the advantages of MnCe-AC (adsorption and catalytic properties) and ozone (oxidation property). Eight MnCe-ACs are developed and prepared in this research. Experimental results indicate that MnCe-AC/O3 processes could effectively reduce humic acid, TOC and COD in the landfill leachate to desired levels. Results also show that the highest removal efficiency is MnCe-AC/O 3 , followed by GAC/O 3, O 3 , MnCe-AC and GAC.
Alternative MSW management in Malaysia In order to meet the demand and aspiration of government to reduce the dependent of landfill for disposing of MSW, other alternative has been initiated by the government of Malaysia. Some of these alternative methods are recycling, WTE, incineration, biological treatment/composting and landfill gas recovery system (LFGRS).
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Description of physico-chemical leachate treatment methods
Physical/chemical methods Method
Brief description
Coagulation-flocculation Coagulation and flocculation are used for the removal of impurities in the form of suspension or colloid. Coagulants like salts of iron or aluminium are usually added at controlled pH values to form floc, the solid precipitates containing colloidal particles which can be separated out using conventional solid-liquid separation processes. Flocculation encourages floc growth by gentle mixing to help the subsequent separation process. Coagulant aids (often polyelectrolyte compounds) may be added to improve coagulation by promoting the development of large, rapid-setting flocs Flotation
Chemical precipitation
Flotation or dissolved air flotation (DAF) exploits the ability of some substances to float on leachate surface e on their own or with the aid of air bubbles from below. It removes colloids, ions, macromolecules, microorganism and fibres from the leachate. The solid particles are attached to small air bubbles and float to the surface, forming a scum/sludge layer which can be removed by mechanical scrapers or scoops. Attraction between the air bubbles and the particles is due to the adsorption forces or physical entrapment of bubbles within the particle, colloid or floc Chemicals like hydrated lime, quicklime, magnesium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide are usually used to precipitate heavy metals as hydroxides. The hydrated lime, Ca(OH)2, is most widely used and is generally the cheapest. Addition of alkali is often required, to adjust its pH value to a point where the solubility of the metal of interest is minimal
Adsorption is the adhesion of a substance from a liquid phase onto the surface of a solid material. Various adsorbent materials can be used for leachate treatment. However, activated carbon is the most broadly used absorbent. Activated carbon is normally used in either a powdered form (powdered activated carbon) or in a granular form (granular activated carbon) Air stripping Ammonia stripping This is a physico-chemical process which removes ammonia as a gas from leachate. Ammonia dissolves in water to form the ammonium ion in the following manner: NH3 + H2O = NH4+ + OH− The relative proportions of dissolved ammonia gas and ammonium ions depend on the ph value and the temperature of the leachate. Only the ammonia form is removed (as ammonia gas) by air stripping. At normal temperatures and neutral pH values in leachate, only a small proportion (< 2%) of the total ammoniacal-nitrogen will be in the gaseous ammonia form. High pH values are achieved by the addition of chemicals, e.g. calcium hydroxide. As ammonium ion is converted to ammonia gas, leachate is cascaded down to allow the gas come out of solution and escape into the air. The air and gas are then treated with H2SO4 which absorbs the gas. It removes a constant percentage of the incoming ammonia, regardless of influent concentrations in leachate. Therefore, the progressive removal of ammoniacal-N is operating in a “half-life” manner Methane stripping The partition of methane between dissolved and gaseous phases is governed by Henry’s Law. Therefore, removal of methane gas from solution using the passage of air bubbles through the leachate will operate on a “half-life” principle. It means passage of a given volume of air through a given volume of leachate will reduce concentrations of dissolved methane by a fixed proportion Electrochemical process Electrochemical processes for leachate treatment include electro-coagulation/electro-flocculation, electro-flotation and electro-oxidation. The electrodes placed in the leachate can be aluminium or iron. With the application of an electric current, coagulants are formed by the dissolution of the anode. For electro-flotation, small bubbles are formed. Hydrogen gas is generated at the cathode and oxygen at the anode. Aluminium and iron precipitates formed can be removed by sedimentation or by flotation. Besides, the oxidation of organic substances and ammoniacal-nitrogen can occur directly at the anode or indirectly from the degradable content of the solution Chemical oxidation Oxidation involves the loss of one or more electrons from the element being oxidised with the electron acceptor being another element. These electron acceptors include an oxygen molecule or a chemical species containing oxygen. These electron acceptors or oxidants directly react and mineralise contaminants Advanced oxidation process (AOP) AOP have been proposed in recent years as an effective alternative for mineralisation of recalcitrant organics in landfill leachate. AOP enhance the chemical oxidation potentials by increasing the generation of the hydroxyl radicals. For landfill leachate treatment, a limited range of oxidants, primarily ozone (O3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) have found to be successful. Use of others has been limited by the concerns about formation of toxic reaction by-products. For example, chlorine and chlorine compounds give rise to trihalomethanes or other halogenated compounds In addition, most AOP use a combination of strong oxidants like O3 and H2O2; irradiation like ultra-violet (UV), ultra-sound (US) or electron beam (EB); and catalyst like transition metal ions or photocatalyst. Combinations like hydrogen peroxide and Fenton process (H2O2/Fe2+), O3/UV, H2O2/UV, UV/Fe2+ and UV/TiO2 are no stranger to leachate treatment Ion exchange Ion exchange removes ions from an aqueous solution by the exchange of anions or cations between contaminants and the exchange medium. It is a reversible interchange of ions between the solid and liquid phases with no permanent change in the solid structure. Typically, ion exchange materials consist of resins made from synthetic organic materials with ionic functional groups. Exchangeable ions are attached to these ionic functional groups. They may also be inorganic or natural polymeric materials Sand filtration Sand filtration involves the passage of the effluent through a high quality sand media with a specific particle size range between 0.8 and 1.7 mm. The application of sand filtration processes of any sort to raw leachates will rarely be appropriate.
Author's personal copy Environ Sci Pollut Res Table 15 (continued) Physical/chemical methods Method
Membrane filtration
Brief description Fixed bed sand filters, where a media (usually graded sand) traps and removes suspended solids from water passing through the media, may operate using gravity to drive water downwards or by means of pressure applied from a pump Membrane technology is the application of membrane materials for the separation of two solutions with different concentrations by a semi-permeable membrane. Pressure is induced to the more concentrated solution (leachate) to force water to the one of lower concentration, whilst most of the leachate compounds are well retained. However, the degree of retention varies depending on the membrane filtration scale (Fig. 10). Microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) are typical examples of membrane technology Microfiltration Microfiltration is a low-pressure cross-flow membrane process for separating colloidal and suspended particles in the range of 0.05–10 μm. The membrane configuration is usually in cross-flow where the leachate is circulated parallel or tangential to the membrane surface, ensuring limited clogging unlike in a frontal or dead-end filtration. As a result of the membrane pore sizes, passage of some organic substances and minerals is allowed. Therefore, MF cannot be used alone in leachate treatment. However, it can be used as pretreatment for other membrane processes like UF, NF or RO. Ultrafiltration Ultrafiltration is a membrane separation process similar to microfiltration, but with smaller pore sizes, in the range of 0.01–0.1 μm. It is a selective fractionation process utilising pressures up to 10 bar. Its configuration is usually in cross-flow as well. It is effective in eliminating macromolecules and particles, but it is strongly dependent on the type of material constituting the membrane. Although it allows the passage of low molecular weight organic solutes and salts through its membrane, it can be used as pretreatment for reverse osmosis since it can remove the larger molecular weight compounds that tend to disrupt (foul) the RO membrane Nanofiltration Nanofiltration is another pressure-driven membrane separation process with cross-flow membrane configuration. In NF, only water and substances with molecular weight less than 200 Da (1 Da = 1.66 E-27 kg) permeate the semi-permeable separation layer. Besides, NF membranes have a selectivity of charge for dissolved components. Monovalent ions and water permeate, whilst divalent and multivalent ions are retained Reverse osmosis It is also another cross-flow pressure-driven membrane process like MF, UF and NF. The membrane pore sizes are much smaller compared to those of NF, thus allowing only tiny amount of very low molecular weight solutes (ammonia and small chlorinated organic compounds) to pass through. The process exploits the natural phenomenon of osmosis whereby if two aqueous solutions, with different degree of concentration, are separated by a semi-permeable membrane, water from the weakest solution will pass through the membrane to dilute the higher concentration solution. The process will continue till solutions on both side of the membrane display the same degree of concentration. With reverse osmosis, the process is reversed. Pressure is applied to leachate against a semi-permeable membrane forcing the water molecules to pass through the membrane, thus forming the clean “permeate”. The majority of the solutes or contaminants will be left behind forming the “concentrate”. In contrast to normal filtration where solids are eliminated from a liquid, reverse osmosis succeeds in removing solutes from a solvent. It has the ability to concentrate all dissolved and suspended solids, retaining more than 98% of large molecules dissolved in leachate. The permeate contains a very low concentration of dissolved solids. It has been reported to be a very efficient and promising method for leachate treatment. This process is in use throughout Europe including Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Greece (Environmental Agency, 2007)
Colloids Dissolved salts
Organic macromolecules
RO 10-120 bar
Nanofiltration 5-10 bar
Ultrafiltration 1-10 bar
Microfiltration 0.2-5 bar
Fig. 10 Filtration scale comparison
Sand/Gravel filtration
100 Size (µm)
Sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
(b) Biological methods Activated sludge process
(Improve leachate quality)
Suspended solid
Target removal
Young Medium Old
50–70 –
50–90 –
> 90 60–80 –
Less expensive
Less expensive
Less expensive
Secondary Pretreatment Installation Economical Skilled required and clarifier use of space personnel operational requirement required Turbidity cost
Depending on domestic wastewater treatment plant
Average removal
Summary of landfill leachate treatments’ performance
(a) Leachate channelling Combined treatment with domestic sewage
Table 16
Similar to activated sludge but no separate clarifier needed; applicable only in relatively low flow rates;
Defoaming additives may be necessary; separate clarifier needed; hampered by refractory compound and excess biomass; inadequate sludge settleability and longer aeration times; high energy demand; costly
Least expensive and low efficiency
Excess biomass and nutrients; possible toxicity to microbes
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Trickling filter
Rotating biological contactor
Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) Anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR)
Reed bed
20–80 –
60–75 –
40–95 > 80
Good –
Young Medium Old
Average removal
Target removal
Aerated lagoon
Table 16 (continued)
30–40 30–40
Less expensive
Less expensive
Economical Skilled Secondary Pretreatment Installation use of space personnel clarifier required and requirement required operational Turbidity cost
Requires large land area; hampered by refractory compound and excess biomass Hampered by refractory compound and excess biomass Hampered by refractory compound and excess biomass Hampered by refractory compound and excess biomass; adhesion of heavy metals inhibits biological activities; high energy demand; costly Hampered by refractory compound and excess biomass Hampered by refractory compound;
hampered by refractory compound and excess biomass
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Hybrid filter
Anaerobic fluidised bed filter
Anaerobic lagoon
Membrane bioreactor
Anaerobic filter
Young Medium Old
55–90 –
> 80 > 85
60–95 –
> 80
50–90 –
Average removal
Target removal
Upflow anaerobic Organics sludge blanket reactor (UASB)
Table 16 (continued)
> 99
Less expensive
Economical Skilled Secondary Pretreatment Installation use of space personnel clarifier required and requirement required operational Turbidity cost
Hampered by refractory compound; long time and biogas Lower power requirements and sludge production than aerobic systems; requires heating; greater potential for process instability; slower than aerobic systems Subject to fouling
Hampered by refractory compound; long time and biogas Hampered by refractory compound; long time and biogas
long time and biogas Hampered by refractory compound; long time and biogas
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Target removal
Organic compounds
Organics; Poor detoxification
Chemical oxidation
Heavy metals, NH3-N and some anions
Chemical precipitation
Ammonia or volatile organics
Ammonia/air stripping
Suspended matter
< 30
< 30
– < 30
> 80
40–60 < 30
30–90 –
Good > 80 70–90 –
Young Medium Old
Average removal
I. Physical/chemical methods CoagulationHeavy flocculation metals and suspended solids
Table 16 (continued)
> 80
> 80
30–40 > 80
> 80
Less expensive
Less expensive
Less expensive
Economical Skilled Secondary Pretreatment Installation use of space personnel clarifier required and requirement required operational Turbidity cost
Works best on dilute waste
Produces sludge, possibly requires disposal as hazardous waste Carbon fouling can be a problem; variable costs depending on leachate; GAC adsorption is costly
Of limited applicability alone; may be used in conjunction with other treatment processes; high capital cost May require air pollution control equipment
High sludge production and subsequent disposal as hazardous waste
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Sulphate salts and hardness ions, like
Bacteria and high molecular weight organics
Suspended solids
60–80 > 99
60–80 60–80 > 99
Good 80
Young Medium Old
Average removal
of some inorganic species
Target removal
Electrro-chemical Suspended process solids and some inorganics
Table 16 (continued)
> 99
> 99
Economical Skilled Secondary Pretreatment Installation use of space personnel clarifier required and requirement required operational Turbidity cost
Subject to fouling; of limited applicability to leachate; costly Useful only as polishing step; costly; requires lower
stream; use of chlorine can result in formation of chlorinated hydrocarbons; residual problem like O3 for ozonation; require rigorous safety procedures; high energy consumption for photocatalytic methods Metal selective; costly; no chemical is required; high energy consumption Useful only as a polishing step; used after metal precipitation
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Ion exchange
Sand filtration
Reverse osmosis
Table 16 (continued)
Good > 90 > 90
Young Medium Old
> 90
Average removal
Dissolved Poor inorganics, anions/cations
Dilute solutions of organic and inorganic compounds Suspended matter
Ca(II) and Mg(II)
Target removal
> 99
> 99
Secondary Pretreatment Installation Economical Skilled required and clarifier use of space personnel operational requirement required Turbidity cost
Useful as polishing step after biological treatment; limited application due to high concentration of anions and cations; costly; high regeneration of materials
High initial capital cost and requires a high degree of control; useful only as polishing step
Costly; extensive pretreatment necessary
pressure than R0
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Recycling Recycling is the way of separating of separating of domestic waste, glass, paper and other material to be reused back by the industrial from benefit purposed (Zen et al., 2014). In Malaysia, about 80% of municipal solid are recyclable which is ideal for reducing total disposed waste quantities. Household is the main target for recycling as 70–80% of total solid waste composition found in landfill is from household (Moh & Manaf, 2014). Malaysia has targeting to archive 22% of total solid waste recycled by 2020 compared to current recycling rate which is only 5%. The history of recycling in Malaysia is begun in January 1993 through the National Recycling Camping in order to encourage household recycling activity. The result of the first recycling camping is low which is caused from the lack of participation from public due to poor public awareness and promotion program, lack of commitment personal of authority and improper of master plan focusing on recycling (Moh & Manaf, 2014). This result in the second nationwide camping which has been launched on 2 December 2000 with the participation of large counterpart including local authorities, business enterprises, commercial center, education institution and private solid waste concessionaires. From time to time, Malaysian government has put more effort to enhance recycling activity by emphasising the recycling activity in the National Policy of Solid Waste Management by using the concept and approach of 3Rs. In addition, the launching of the Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act 2007 (Act 672) has emphasised the household in Malaysia to conduct waste separation starting at their homes with a fine of 1000 Ringgit being imposed on households that disregarded the law (Zen et al., 2014). Several studies and reviews have been conducted by previous researchers on recycling which focus on factor affecting the efficiency of recycling activities. A study conducted by Zen et al. (2014) which determined underlying factors that involve in recycling, besides classifying those recyclers and non-recycles group. The study revealed that efficiency of recycle that differentiate between recyclers and nonrecycles group depends on socioeconomic level, awareness level and knowledge-related recycling. The study aimed to examine the recycling behaviour on urban household in determining the factor that influence the willingness of the recycle household waste conducted by Teo (2016). The results revealed that there were two distinct groups of recyclers which are proactive recycling and reactive recycling. Proactive recycling was found to be a group of households with the characteristic that enjoyed doing recycling activity and believe recycle is helpful in preservative the environment. This group also has the perspective of feeling guilty if they do not recycle. On the other hand, reactive recyclers were found to be a group of household which do not participate in recycling because of lack of interest and responsibility and also do not have time to
do that. This group of people also believe that issues of solid waste management are under responsible of local authority without engagement from them. The study also concludes that an increase of willingness to recycle is influenced by the recycling incentives and programs which can be improved by environmental policies of government and local authorities.
Conclusions Over the years, various sustainable landfill leachate treatment techniques have been proposed and tested for treating highly polluted leachate. At this point, here are some of the key points from the extensive discussions regarding sustainable landfill leachate treatment: &
& & &
Refractory compounds in leachate always change over times due to human activities. Therefore, modification of existing treatment technique may be viable to ensure the treatment efficiency is consistent and in accordance to the regulatory standards. There has been a steady progress of new and advanced sustainable landfill leachate treatment which has been proven to be a promising alternative. Utilising of advanced waste disposal method such as incineration and recycling may be opted to mitigate the generation of landfill leachate. Though there are still uncertainties whether these techniques could enhance environmental sustainability and safety of human being, more work should be done to ensure a livelihood of human being and earth coexistence. Therefore, a holistic approach is essential in finding a suitable leachate treatment opportunity in order to adhere to regulatory standard by authorities.
Acknowledgements This research is supported by Solid Waste Management Cluster (SWAM), Grant No.1001/CKT/870023, courtesy from Science and Engineering Research Center (SERC) Universiti Sains Malaysia.
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