AN OVERVIEW OF. SEPARATION AXIOMS IN RECENT RESEARCH. D. Narasimhan. Department of Mathematics. Srinivasa Ramanujan Centre.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 76 No. 4 2012, 529-548 ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version) url:
AN OVERVIEW OF SEPARATION AXIOMS IN RECENT RESEARCH D. Narasimhan Department of Mathematics Srinivasa Ramanujan Centre Sastra University Thanjavur, INDIA
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to exhibit the recent research on separation axioms, TS -space, pairwise TS -space, semi star generalized W -T 1 space, 2 pairwise semi star generalized W -T 1 spaces and pairwise complemented spaces 2 and its properties. AMS Subject Classification: 54E55 Key Words: TS -space, pairwise TS -space, semi star generalized W -T 1 space, 2 pairwise semi star generalized W -T 1 spaces 2
1. Introduction Separation axioms are one among the most common, important and interesting concepts in Topology. They can be used to define more restricted classes of topological spaces. The separation axioms of topological spaces are usually denoted with the letter “T” after the German “Trennung” which means separation. Most of the weak separation axioms are defined in terms of generalized closed sets and their definitions are deceptively simple. However, the structure and the properties of those spaces are not always that easy to comprehend. The separation axioms that were studied together in this way were the axioms for Hausdorff spaces, regular spaces and normal spaces. Separation Received:
December 20, 2011
c 2012 Academic Publications, Ltd.
D. Narasimhan
axioms and closed sets in topological spaces have been very useful in the study of certain objects in digital topology [1, 2]. Khalimsky, Kopperman and Meyer[3] proved that the digital line is a typical example of T 1 -spaces. There were many 2 definitions offered, some of which assumed to be separation axioms before the current general definition of a topological space. For example, the definition given by Felix Hausdorff in 1914 is equivalent to the modern definition plus the Hausdorff separation axiom. The first step of generalized closed sets was done by Levine in 1970 [5] and he initiated the notion of T 1 -spaces in unital topology which is properly placed between T0 2 space and T1 -spaces by defining T 1 -space in which every generalized closed set 2 is closed. After the works of Levine on semi open sets, several mathematicians turned their attention to the generalizations of various concepts of topology by considering semi open sets instead of open sets. When open sets are replaced by semi open sets, new results were obtained. Consequently, many separation axioms has been defined and studied. Meanwhile, in 1963, Kelly [20] introduced the concept of bitopological spaces by using quasi metric space as a natural structure. This spaces is a richer in structure than that of topological spaces and it is much of use in the study of generalizations of topological notions and implications in bitopological situation. Then he initiated the study of separation properties for bitopological spaces and introduced the terms pairwise Hausdorff, pairwise regular, pairwise completely regular and pairwise normal spaces. After this, researchers are turned their interest to extend the concepts of topological spaces into bitopological settings. In recent years many separation axioms and generalizations of closed sets have been developed by various authors. Thus, the study of topological invariants is the prime objective of the Topology. Keeping this in mind several authors invented new separation axioms. The present paper is not an exception to this trend. The main focus of the present paper is to focus the new separation axioms in both unital and bitopological spaces and study their properties. In the year 2000, the concepts of semi star generalized open and semi star generalized closed sets were introduced and studied by K. Chandrasekhara Rao and K. Joseph [28] in topological spaces. It was observed that every closed set is a semi star generalized closed set. Further K. Chandrasekhara Rao extended the concepts to bitopological spaces [29] in 2005. No separation axiom has been defined so far by using the concept of semi star generalized closed sets in topological and bitopological spaces. So the recent research focuses its attention on the definition of a new class of separation axioms using the above mentioned sets in topological and bitopological spaces.
After the work of Hdeib on w-closed sets in 1992 [16], gw-closed sets, rgwclosed sets were introduced and discussed by K.Y. Al-Zoubi [18] and Ahmad Al Omari [19] in 2005 and 2007 respectively. They also provided separation axioms, namely, gw-T 1 -spaces and rgw-T 1 -spaces using gw-closed set and rgw2 2 closed set. It is identified that no generalization of closed sets using w-closed set and s∗ g-closed set has been made so far. Therefore by defining new closed set using s∗ g-closed set and w-closed set another class of separation axioms is propounded in unital and bitopological spaces.
2. TS -Spaces In this section we established the new separation axiom, which defines a new topological space, called TS -space [(1).Chandrasekhara Rao, K. and Narasimhan, D., TS -Spaces, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 77(2A) (2007), 363-366, (2).Chandrasekhara Rao, and Narasimhan, D., Characterizations of TS -Spaces, International Mathematical Forum, 4(21) (2008), 1033-1037.] with the help of s∗ gclosed sets. Also some important topological properties namely, closed hereditary property and productive property are discussed for TS -spaces. A necessary and sufficient condition for a topological space to be a TS -space is also obtained. Further some relations between TS -space and the already known topological spaces are established. Definition 2.1. A topological space (X, τ ) is called TS -space if every s∗ g-closed set is closed in X. Example 2.2. Let X = {a, b, c}, τ = {φ, X, {a}}. Then s∗ g -closed sets in X are φ, X, {b, c}, which are closed in X. Hence (X, τ ) is TS -space. Now, we begins with the topological properties (topological invariants). Theorem 2.3. (1) Let (X, τ ) be a TS -space. If Y is a closed subspace of X, then (Y, τY ) is a TS -space. (i.e) TS -space is closed hereditary. (2) Let IQbe an index set. Let {Xi , i ∈ I} be a TS -space. Then their product X = Xi is also a TS -space. (i.e) TS -space is productive. (3) The image of a TS -space under a continuous, open bijective map f : X → Y is a TS -space, where Y is another topological space. A necessary and sufficient condition for a topological space X to be a TS space is now characterized through the singleton sets.
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Theorem 2.4. A topological space (X, τ ) is TS -space if and only if the singleton {x} is either open or semi closed. K. Chandrasekhara Rao and K. Joseph proved that s∗ g-closed sets are closed under finite union and s∗ g-open sets are closed under finite intersection. They proposed two problems regarding the intersection of two s∗ g-closed sets and the union of two s∗ g-open sets. By way of answering these problems, the following interesting results are obtained. In a TS -space, (a) the intersection of two s∗ g-closed sets is s∗ g-closed, (b) the union of two s∗ g-open sets is s∗ g-open. Now, we shall try to relate it to the concepts that have been previously introduced. Now, it is convenient to establish the relation between the topological spaces with the existing separation axioms and the relatively new TS -spaces. (a) Every T 1 -space is a TS -space. 2
(b) Every Tb -space is a TS -space. (c) Every α Tb -space is a TS -space. (d) Every door space is a TS -space. The converses of the assertions of the above theorem are not true in general. That can be verified from the previous example. In a topological space every s∗ g-closed set is gs-closed and sg-closed but not reversible in general. The following theorem shows that the reverse is true in Tb -spaces. (a) Every gs closed set in a Tb -space is s∗ g-closed. (b) Every sg-closed set in a Tb -space is s∗ g-closed. (c) Every subset of a complemented Tb -space is s∗ g -closed. (d) Every subset of a complemented T 1 -space is s∗ g closed. 2
Theorem 2.5. Every αg-closed set in a α Tb -space is s∗ g-closed. From the above theorem, we observe that, Every subset of a complemented αTb -space is s∗ g-closed. Theorem 2.6. TS -space.
(a) If (X, τ ) is both Tp∗ -space and ∗ Tp -space then X is a
(b) If (X, τ ) is both Tc -space and T 1∗ -space then X is a TS -space. 2
Theorem 2.7. If X is complemented TS -space, then X is a T 1 -space. 2
Theorem 2.8. Let X be a complemented space. Then 1. Every δg-closed set is s∗ g-closed in X. 2. For a subset A of X is δg-closed, then A is δb g -closed. In any topological space (X, τ ), every δb g -closed set is s∗ g-closed. Then we obtain the following. Theorem 2.9.
(1) Every s∗ g-closed set is closed in a TS -space.
(2) Every δb g -closed set is closed in a TS -space. (3) If (X, τ ) is both TS -space and g Tbδg -space then X is a T 1 -space. 2
Theorem 2.10.
(a) Every α Tc -space X is a TS -space if X is T 1∗ -space. 2
(b) Every Tαgs -space X is a TS -space. (c) If (X, τ ) is a Td -space and T 1 -space then X is a TS -space. 2
(d) If (X, τ ) is both Ω T 1 -space and T 1Ω -space then X is a TS -space. 2
(e) If (X, τ ) is both Tc -space and T 1Ω -space. Then X is a TS -space. 2
( f) Suppose X is a ♯ Tb -space and Tb♯ -space. Then X is a TS -space. (g) Suppose X is a ♯ Tc -space and T 1♯ -space. Then X is a TS -space. 2
(h) Suppose X is a
♯ gs Tc -space
♯ gs T 1 -space.
Then X is a TS -space.
(i) Suppose X is a ♯ T 1 -space and T 1♯ -space. Then X is a TS -space. 2
3. Pairwise TS -Spaces As a continuation of the previous section, the concept of pairwise TS -spaces [(1).Chandrasekhara Rao, K. and Narasimhan, D., Pairwise TS -Spaces, Thai Journal of Mathematics, 6(1) (2008), 1-8, (2).Chandrasekhara Rao, K and Narasimhan, D., Characterizations of pairwise complemented spaces, Antarctica J. Math., No.3(1),(2006),17-27.] is extended to bitopological spaces and its
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basic properties are discussed. In this section another new separation axiom is defined in bitopological spaces in which τ1 τ2 -s∗ g closed sets and τ2 -closed sets are coincide and τ2 τ1 -s∗ g closed sets and τ1 -closed sets are coincide. Definition 3.1. A bitopological space (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is called a pairwise TS space if every τ1 τ2 -s∗ g closed set is τ2 - closed in X and every τ2 τ1 -s∗ g closed set is τ1 - closed in X. Example 3.2. Let X = {a, b, c}, τ1 ={φ, X, {a}}, τ2 = {φ, X, {a}, {a, c}}. Then (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is a pairwise TS -space. Theorem 3.3. Let (X, τ1 , τ2 ) be a pairwise TS -space. (a) If Y is a τ2 -closed subspace of X, then (Y, τ1/Y , τ2/Y ) is a τ1 τ2 -TS -space and (b)If Y is a τ1 -closed subspace of X, then (Y, τ1/Y , τ2/Y ) is a τ2 τ1 -TS -space In the next theorem we establish that a pairwise TS -space is productive. Theorem 3.4. Let IQbe a index set. Let {Xi , i ∈ I) be a pairwise TS -space. Then their product X = Xi is a pairwise TS -space. Theorem 3.5. The inverse image of a τ1 τ2 -s∗ g closed set under a pairwise continuous, pairwise open bijective map f : X → Y is τ1 τ2 -s∗ g closed, where X and Y are bitopological spaces. Theorem 3.6. The image of a pairwise TS -space under a pairwise continuous, pairwise open bijective map f : X → Y is a pairwise TS -space, where X and Y are bitopological spaces. ( ( ( ( ( (
Theorem 3.7. In a pairwise TS -space, a ) the intersection of two τ1 τ2 -s∗ g closed sets is τ1 τ2 -s∗ g closed, b ) the union of two τ1 τ2 -s∗ g open sets is τ1 τ2 -s∗ g open, c ) every pairwise T 1 -space is a pairwise TS -space, 2 d ) every pairwise Tb -space is a pairwise TS -space, e ) every pairwise α Tb -space is a pairwise TS -space, f ) every pairwise door space is a pairwise TS -space.
However the converses of the assertions of the above theorem are not true as can be seen from the following example: Example 3.8. In Example 3.2, (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is a pairwise TS -space but not a pairwise T 1 -space, pairwise Tb -space, pairwise α Tb -space or a pairwise door 2 space. Theorem 3.9. If (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is both pairwise Tp∗ -space and pairwise ∗ Tp space then X is a pairwise TS -space.
The following theorem yields the necessary and sufficient condition for a bitopological space X to be a pairwise TS -space. Theorem 3.10. A bitopological space (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is a pairwise TS -space if and only if the singleton {x} is either τi -open or τj -semi closed, i, j = 1, 2 and i 6= j. Theorem 3.11. If a bitopological space (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is pairwise Tc -space and (X, τi ) is T 1∗ -space, i = 1, 2, then X is a pairwise TS -space. 2
Theorem 3.12. In any bitopological space (X, τ1 , τ2 ), every τi τj -δb g closed set is τi τj -s∗ g closed, i, j = 1, 2 and i 6= j. Since every τi τj -s∗ g closed set is τj -closed in a pairwise TS -space, every τi τj -δb g closed set is τj -closed in a pairwise TS -space, i, j = 1, 2 and i 6= j. Theorem 3.13. (a) Every pairwise g Tbδg -space (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is pairwise T 1 -space if it is pairwise TS -space. 2
(b) Every pairwise α Tc -space X is a pairwise TS -space if (X, τi ) is T 1∗ -spaces, 2 i = 1, 2. (c) Every pairwise Tαgs -space X is a pairwise TS -space. (d) If (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is a pairwise Td -space and pairwise T 1 -space then X is a 2 pairwise TS -space. (e) If (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is both pairwise Ω T 1 -space and pairwise T 1Ω -space then X 2
is a pairwise TS -space. (f) If (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is both pairwise Tc -space and pairwise T 1Ω -space, then X is 2
a pairwise TS -space.
4. Semi Star Generalized w-T 1 -Spaces 2
Now, we introduce the concept of semi star generalized w-closed sets [Chandrasekhara Rao, K. and Narasimhan, D., Semi star generalized w-closed sets, South East Asian j. Math. & Math. Sc., Vol.8 No.1 (2009), 31-38.] in topological spaces and we prove that an arbitrary union of s∗ gw-closed sets is s∗ gwclosed set and an arbitrary intersection of s∗ gw-open sets is s∗ gw-open. Also a necessary and sufficient condition for a set A of X to be a s∗ gw-closed set is obtained. Further a new separation axiom which defines semi star generalized
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w-T 1 -space, is introduced with the help of the above mentioned closed sets and 2 different types of s∗ gw-continuity [Chandrasekhara Rao, K. and Narasimhan, D, Semi Star Generalized w-continuity in topological spaces, Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics, Vol.1 (1), (2009) 23-28.] are studied. Definition 4.1. A set A of a topological space (X, τ ) is called semi star generalized w-closed ( s∗ gw-closed ) if clw (A) ⊆ U wheneverA ⊆ U and U is semi open in X. Example 4.2. Let X be the set of all real numbers ℜ, τ = {φ, ℜ, ℜ − Q}, where Q is the set of all rational numbers. Then Q is s∗ gw-closed. Theorem 4.3. Let (X, τ ) be a topological space and A ⊆ X. Then the following are true. (a) If A is w-closed, then A is s∗ gw-closed., (b) If A is semi open and s∗ gw-closed, then A is w-closed. (b) If A is s∗ gw-closed, then A is gw-closed. Since, clw (A) ⊆ cl(A), we have the following theorem: Theorem 4.4. Every s∗ g-closed set is s∗ gw-closed and every closed set is s∗ gw-closed. Now we find the condition under which the superset of a s∗ gw-closed set to be a s∗ gw-closed. Theorem 4.5. If A is s∗ gw-closed in X and A ⊆ B ⊆ clw (A), then B is s∗ gw-closed. Next we observe that s∗ gw-closed sets are closed under finite union. Theorem 4.6. If A and B are s∗ gw-closed sets then so is A ∪ B. We note that in any topological space, the arbitrary union of cl(Ai ), i ∈ I is contained in closure of arbitrary union of subsets Ai . But the equality holds when the collection {Ai , i ∈ I} is locally finite. Hence we discuss the following. Theorem 4.7. The arbitrary union of s∗ gw-closed sets Ai , i ∈ I in a topological space (X, τ ) is s∗ gw-closed if the family {Ai , i ∈ I} is locally finite. Theorem 4.8. Let B ⊆ A ⊆ X where A is open and s∗ gw-closed in X. Then B is s∗ gw-closed relative to A if and only if B is s∗ gw-closed relative to X. Now we establish a necessary and sufficient condition for a set A of X to be s∗ gw-closed set.
Theorem 4.9. A set A is s∗ gw-closed in X if and only if clw (A) − A contains no nonempty semi closed set. Corollary 4.10. Let A be s∗ gw-closed. Then A is w-closed if and only if clw (A) − A is semi closed. Theorem 4.11. If A is s∗ gw-closed and A ⊆ B ⊆ clw (A) then clw (B) − B contains no nonempty semi closed set. Definition 4.12. A set A of a topological space (X, τ ) is called semi star generalized w-open ( s∗ gw-open ) if and only if AC is s∗ gw-closed. Example 4.13. In example 4.2, ℜ − Q is s∗ gw-open. Theorem 4.14. A set A is s∗ gw-open if and only if F ⊆ intw (A) whenever F is semi closed and F ⊆ A. The finite union of two s∗ gw-open sets is not s∗ gw-open in general. But it is so when both sets are separated. Two sets A and B are said to be separated if A ∩ cl(B) = φ = cl(A) ∩ B. Then we have, if A and B are separated s∗ gwopen sets, then A ∪ B is s∗ gw-open set. When we think about intersection we obtain, s∗ gw-open sets are closed under finite intersection, that is if A and B are s∗ gw-open sets, then so is A ∩ B. The arbitrary intersection of s∗ gw-open sets is s∗ gw-open set when the indexed family of s∗ gw-open sets is locally finite. Theorem 4.15. The arbitrary intersection of s∗ gw-open sets Ai , i ∈ I in a topological space (X, τ ) is s∗ gw-open if the family {AC i , i ∈ I} is locally finite. Now we find the condition for the subset of s∗ gw-open set to be s∗ gw-open. Theorem 4.16. If A is s∗ gw-open in X and intw (A) ⊆ B ⊆ A, then B is s∗ gw-open. Theorem 4.17. A set A is s∗ gw-closed in X if and only if clw (A) − A is s∗ gw-open. Theorem 4.18. If A set A is s∗ gw-open in a topological space (X, τ ), then G = X whenever G is semi open and intw (A) ∪ AC ⊆ G. Theorem 4.19.
The intersection of a s∗ gw-open set and w-open set is
s∗ gw-open. The next theorem deals with the product of two s∗ gw-open sets in topological spaces. Theorem 4.20. If A × B is s∗ gw-open subset of (X × Y, τ × σ), then A
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is s∗ gw-open subset in (X, τ ) and B is s∗ gw-open subset in (Y, σ). A space (X, τ ) is a generalized w-T 1 (simply, gw-T 1 ) if every gw-closed set 2 2 in (X, τ ) is w-closed. A space X is a regular generalized w-T 1 (simply, rgw-T 1 ) 2 2 if every rgw -closed set in (X, τ ) is w-closed. In continuation, the notion of new topological space, called s∗ gw-T 1 -space is introduced in unital topology. 2
Definition 4.21. A space (X, τ ) is a semi star generalized w-T 1 (simply, 2 ∗ 1 ) if every s gw-closed set in (X, τ ) is w-closed.
s∗ gw-T
Theorem 4.22. For a space (X, τ ), the following are equivalent. (a) X is a s∗ gw-T 1 , 2
(b) Every singleton is either semi closed or w-open. Since, every s∗ gw-closed set is rgw-closed, gw-closed, we have the following: Theorem 4.23. Every rgw-T 1 space is s∗ gw-T 1 space and every gw-T 1 2 2 2 space is s∗ gw-T 1 space. 2
In view of s∗ gw-continuity,the following are discussed. Definition 4.24. A map f : X → Y is called (a) s∗ gw-continuous if the inverse image of w-closed set in Y is s∗ gw-closed in X. (b) s∗ gw-irresolute if the inverse image of s∗ gw-closed set in Y is s∗ gw-closed in X. Concerning the composition of functions, the composition of two s∗ gwcontinuous functions is not s∗ gw-continuous in general and we have the following results. Theorem 4.25. (a) The composition of two s∗ gw-irresolute functions ∗ is s gw-irresolute, or equivalently, If f, g are s∗ gw-irresolute, then gof is also s∗ gw-irresolute. (b) If f is s∗ gw-irresolute and g is s∗ gw-continuous, then gof is also s∗ gwcontinuous. Theorem 4.26.
a) Every s∗ gw-continuous function is gw-continuous,
b) Every s∗ gw-continuous function is rgw-continuous. Since every w-closed set is s∗ gw-closed, we have the following theorem:
Theorem 4.27. Every s∗ gw-irresolute map is s∗ gw-continuous map. The next theorem shows that s∗ gw-T 1 spaces are preserved under s∗ gw2 irresolute map provided it is also a pre w-closed map. Theorem 4.28. Let f : X → Y be onto s∗ gw-irresolute and pre w -closed map. If X is s∗ gw-T 1 then Y is also s∗ gw-T 1 . 2
Now, we define a new class of closed map in topological spaces. Definition 4.29. A map f : X → Y is called s∗ gw-closed if image of a closed set in X is s∗ gw-closed in Y . Theorem 4.30.
a) Every s∗ gw-closed function is gw-closed,
b) Every s∗ gw-closed function is rgw-closed. Note that, A subset A ⊆ X is said to be w-c-closed provided that there is a proper subset B for which A=clw (B). A map f : X → Y is said to be (a) gw-c-closed if f (A) is gw-closed in Y for every w-c-closed subset A ⊆ X and (b) rgw-c-closed if f (A) is rgw-closed in Y for every w-c-closed subset A ⊆ X. Now, it is intended to define another type of closed map, as given below. Definition 4.31. A map f : X → Y is called (a) s∗ gw-c-closed if f (A) is s∗ gw-closed in Y for every w-c-closed subset A ⊆ X. (b) irresolute map if inverse image of semi closed in Y is semi closed in X. Theorem 4.32. Let f : X → Y be irresolute map and s∗ gw-c-closed. Then f (A) is s∗ gw-closed in Y for every s∗ gw-closed subset A of X. Theorem 4.33. Let f : X → Y be semi open preserving and w-irresolute map, if B is s∗ gw-closed in Y, then f −1 (B) is s∗ gw-closed in X. Theorem 4.34. Let f : X → Y be irresolute map and s∗ gw-closed and A is s∗ g-closed in X. Then f (A) is s∗ gw-closed. Theorem 4.35. Let f : X → Y be irresolute map and pre w-closed and A is s∗ gw-closed in X. Then f (A) is s∗ gw-closed. Definition 4.36. A map f : X → Y is said to be w-contra-S-map if for every semi open subset V of Y , f −1 (V ) is w-closed.
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Theorem 4.37. Let f : X → Y be w-contra-S-map and s∗ gw-c-closed. Then f (A) is s∗ gw-closed in Y for every subset A of X. Theorem 4.38. If f : X → Y is s∗ gw-continuous {resp. s∗ gw-irresolute} and X is s∗ gw-T 1 then f is w-continuous {w-irresolute}. 2
Theorem 4.39. A function f : X → Y is bijective, semi open preserving and s∗ gw-continuous map. Then f is s∗ gw-irresolute map. Theorem 4.40. Let f : X → Y is s∗ gw-closed if and only if for each subset B of Y and for each w-open set U containing f −1 (B), there is an s∗ gw-open set V of Y such that B ⊆ V and f −1 (V ) ⊆ U .
5. Pairwise Semi Star Generalized W -T 1 -Spaces 2
In this section we first extend the concept of semi star generalized w-closed sets in bitopological spaces as a continuation of the previous section. (Chandrasekhara Rao, K. and Narasimhan, D., Semi star generalized wclosed sets in Bitopological Spaces, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, Vol 4(12) (2009), 587-595.) Definition 5.1. A set A of a bitopological space (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is called τ1 τ2 -semi star generalized w - closed (τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed) if τ2 -clw (A) ⊆ U wheneverA ⊆ U and U is τ1 -semi open in X. Example 5.2. Let X be the set of all real numbers ℜ, τ1 = {φ, ℜ, ℜ − Q}, τ2 ={φ, ℜ, Q},where Q is the set of all rational numbers. Then ℜ−Q is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed. Theorem 5.3. Let (X, τ1 , τ2 ) be a bitopological space and A ⊆ X. Then the following are true. (a) If A is τ2 -w closed, then A is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed. (b) If A is τ1 -semi open and τ2 -s∗ gw closed, then A is τ2 -w closed. (b) If A is τ2 -s∗ gw-closed, then A is gw-closed. Since, τ2 -clw (A) ⊆ τ2 -cl(A), we have the following theorem. Theorem 5.4. Every τ1 τ2 -s∗ g closed set is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed and every τ2 -closed set is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed. Theorem 5.5. If A is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed in X and A ⊆ B ⊆ τ2 -clw (A), then B is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed.
If A and B are τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed sets then so is A ∪ B. The arbitrary union of τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed sets Ai , i ∈ I in a bitopological space (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed if the family {Ai , i ∈ I} is locally finite in (X, τ2 ). Theorem 5.6. Let B ⊆ A ⊆ X where A is τ1 -open and τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed in X. Then B is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed relative to A if and only if B is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed relative to X. From the above theorem we have, if A is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed, τ1 -semi open in X and F is τ2 -w closed in X, then A ∩ F is τ2 -w closed in X. Theorem 5.7. If a set A is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed in X then τ2 -clw (A) − A contains no nonempty τ1 -semi closed set. Hence we prove, let A be τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed. Then A is τ2 -w-closed if and only if τ2 -clw (A) − A is τ1 -semi closed. Theorem 5.8. If A is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed and A ⊆ B ⊆ τ2 -clw (A) then τ2 -clw (B) − B contains no nonempty τ1 -semi closed set. Definition 5.9. A set A of a topological space (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is called τ1 τ2 semi star generalized w open ( τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open ) if and only if AC is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed. Example 5.10. In example 5.2, Q is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open. Theorem 5.11. A set A is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open if and only if F ⊆ τ2 -intw (A) whenever F is τ1 -semi closed and F ⊆ A. If A and B are separated τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open sets then A ∪ B is a τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open set. If A and B are τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open sets then so is A ∩ B. Theorem 5.12. The arbitrary intersection of τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open sets Ai , i ∈ I in a bitopological space (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open if the family {AC i , i ∈ I} is locally finite in (X, τ2 ). Now we look for the condition under which the subset of τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open set to be τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open. Theorem 5.13. If A is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open in X and τ2 -intw (A) ⊆ B ⊆ A, then B is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open. Theorem 5.14. If a set A is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed in X, then τ2 -clw (A) − A is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open. Theorem 5.15. If A set A is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open in a bitopological space (X, τ1 , τ2 ), then G = X whenever G is τ1 -semi open and τ2 -intw (A) ∪ AC ⊆ G.
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Theorem 5.16. The intersection of a τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open set and τ1 -w open set is always τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open. Theorem 5.17. If A×B is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open subset of (X×Y, τ1 ×σ1 , τ2 ×σ2 ), then A is τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw open subset in (X, τ1 , τ2 ) and B is σ1 σ2 -s∗ gw open subset in (Y, σ1 , σ2 ). Definition 5.18. A space (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is a pairwise regular generalized wT 1 (simply, pairwise rgw-T 1 ) if every τ1 τ2 -rgw closed set in (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is τ2 -w 2 2 closed and τ2 τ1 -rgw closed set in (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is τ1 -w closed. From the previous section, a space (X, τ ) is a semi star generalized w-T 1 2 (simply, s∗ gw-T 1 ) if every s∗ gw-closed set is w-closed. In this sequel we define 2 the following. Definition 5.19. A space (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is a pairwise semi star generalized w-T 1 (simply, pairwise s∗ gw-T 1 ) if every τ1 τ2 -s∗ gw closed set in (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is 2 2 τ2 -w closed and τ2 τ1 -s∗ gw closed set in (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is τ1 -w closed. Theorem 5.20. For a space (X, τ1 , τ2 ), the following are equivalent. (a) X is pairwise s∗ gw-T 1 , 2
(b) Every singleton is either τi -semi closed or τj -w open, i 6= j. Since, every τ1 τ2 -s∗ gwclosed set is τ1 τ2 -rgw closed, we have the following Theorem 5.21. Every pairwise rgw-T 1 space is pairwise s∗ gw-T 1 space. 2
Concerning the continuity and composition of functions, we observe the following. Definition 5.22. A map f : X → Y is called (a) pairwise s∗ gw-continuous if the inverse image of σj -w closed set in Y is τi τj -s∗ gw closed in X, i, j = 1,2, i 6= j. (b) pairwise s∗ gw-irresolute if the inverse image of σi σj -s∗ gw closed set in Y is τi τj -s∗ gw closed in X, i, j = 1,2, i 6= j. Theorem 5.23. (a) The composition of two pairwise s∗ gw-irresolute functions is pairwise s∗ gw-irresolute. Equivalently, If f, g are pairwise s∗ gw-irresolute, then gof is also pairwise s∗ gw-irresolute. (b) If f is pairwise s∗ gw-irresolute and g is pairwise s∗ gw-continuous, then gof is also pairwise s∗ gw-continuous.
The composition of two pairwise s∗ gw-continuous functions is not pairwise s∗ gw-continuous. Theorem 5.24. a) Every pairwise s∗ gw-continuous function is pairwise gw-continuous, and b) Every pairwise s∗ gw-continuous function is pairwise rgw-continuous. The next theorem shows that pairwise s∗ gw-T 1 spaces are preserved under 2 pairwise s∗ gw-irresolute map if it is also a pairwise pre w-closed map. Theorem 5.25. Let f : X → Y be onto pairwise s∗ gw-irresolute and pairwise pre w-closed map. If X is pairwise s∗ gw-T 1 then Y is also pairwise 2 s∗ gw-T 1 . 2
Theorem 5.26. closed,
a) Every pairwise s∗ gw-closed function is pairwise gw-
b) Every pairwise s∗ gw-closed function is pairwise rgw-closed. Since every τj -w closed set is τi τj -s∗ gw closed, we have the following theorem. Theorem 5.27. continuous map.
Every pairwise s∗ gw-irresolute map is pairwise s∗ gw-
6. Pairwise Complemented Spaces Now we characterize complemented spaces using generalized sets and some separation axioms in bitopological spaces [Chandrasekhara Rao, K and Narasimhan, D., Characterizations of pairwise complemented spaces, Antarctica J. Math., No.3(1), (2006), 17-27.]. In addition pairwise T 1 -spaces are also discussed with 2 pairwise complemented spaces. In particular, a necessary and sufficient condition for a bitopological space to be a pairwise T 1 - spaces is obtained. 2
Definition 6.1. A space (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is said to be pairwise complemented if every τ1 -open set is τ2 -closed and every τ2 -open set is τ1 -closed. Example 6.2. Let X = {a, b, c}, τ1 = {φ, X, {a}} τ2 = {φ, X, {b, c}}, then (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is pairwise complemented space. Theorem 6.3. If X is pairwise complemented TS -space, then X is pairwise a T 1 -space 2
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Lemma 6.4. ( a ) Every τ1 τ2 -gs closed set in a pairwise Tb -space is τ1 τ2 s∗ g closed, ( b ) Every τ1 τ2 -sg closed set in a pairwise Tb -space is τ1 τ2 -s∗ g closed. Theorem 6.5. ( a ) Every subset of a pairwise complemented Tb -space is τ1 τ2 -s∗ g closed, ( b ) Every subset of a pairwise complemented T 1 -space is τ1 τ2 -s∗ g closed. 2
Lemma 6.6. Every τ1 τ2 -αg closed set in a pairwise α Tb -space is τ1 τ2 -s∗ g closed. Theorem 6.7. τ1 τ2 -s∗ g closed.
Every subset of a pairwise complemented
α Tb -space
Theorem 6.8. If X is a pairwise complemented space, then every τi τj -δg closed set is τi τj -s∗ g closed in X, i, j = 1,2 and i 6= j. Theorem 6.9. Let (X, τ1 , τ2 ) be a pairwise complemented space. Then (a) Every τ1 τ2 -semi closed subset is τ1 -open and every τ2 τ1 -semi closed subset is τ2 -open. (b) Every subset of X is both τ1 τ2 -pre closed and τ2 τ1 -pre closed. (c) Every subset of X is both τ1 τ2 -semi pre closed and τ2 τ1 -semi pre closed. (d) Every subset of X is both τ1 τ2 -g closed and τ2 τ1 -g closed. (e) Every subset of X is both τ1 τ2 -sg closed and τ2 τ1 -sg closed. (f) Every τ1 τ2 -semi open subset is τ1 -closed and every τ2 τ1 -semi open subset is τ2 -closed. (g) Every subset of X is both τ1 τ2 -pre open and τ2 τ1 -pre open. (h) Every subset of X is both τ1 τ2 -semi pre open and τ2 τ1 -semi pre open. (i) Every subset of X is both τ1 τ2 -g open and τ2 τ1 -g open. (j) Every subset of X is both τ1 τ2 -sg open and τ2 τ1 -sg open. Theorem 6.10. If every τ1 τ2 -closed subset of a bitopological space X is τ1 τ2 -pre open then X is pairwise complemented. Now, we establish a necessary and sufficient condition for a bitopological space to be a pairwise T 1 - spaces. 2
Theorem 6.11. A bitopological space (X, τ1 , τ2 ) is pairwise T 1 if and 2 only if {x} is τ1 -open or τ2 -closed and {x}is τ2 -open or τ1 -closed . Corollary 6.12. X is pairwise T1/2 if and only if every subset of X is the intersection of all τi -open and τj -closed sets containing it, i, j = 1, 2. The condition for a bitopological space X to be a pairwise preregular T 1 2 through singleton set will be discussed in the following lemma. Lemma 6.13. For a bitopological space(X, τ1 , τ2 ), X is pairwise preregular T 1 if every singleton of X is either τ1 -regular closed or τ2 -pre open and either 2 τ2 -regular closed or τ1 -pre open. Lemma 6.14. For a space (X, τ1 , τ2 ) the following are equivalent. (a) X is pairwise pre-regular T 1
(b) Every nowhere τi -dense singleton of X is τj -regular closed. (c) The only nowhere τi -dense subset of X is empty set. (d) Every subset of X is both τ1 -pre open and τ2 -pre open. Theorem 6.15. A pairwise complemented T 1 space is pairwise discrete. 2
Theorem 6.16. Let X be a pairwise complemented space, then the following are equivalent. (a) X is pairwise semi T 1 2
(b) Every τ1 τ2 -sg closed set is τ1 -open and every τ2 τ1 -sg closed set is τ2 -open (c) Every τ1 τ2 -sg open set is τ1 -closed and every τ2 τ1 -sg open set is τ2 -closed. Theorem 6.17. Let X be a pairwise complemented space. Then the following are equivalent. (a) X is pairwise T 1 , 2
(b ) X is pairwise semi T 1 2
(c) X is pairwise discrete. Theorem 6.18. pairwise semi pre T 1 . 2
If X is pairwise complemented then the space X is
D. Narasimhan 7. Conclusion
From the study we observe the following: + Tp∗
door space
ց α Tb -space → ր Td + T 1
↓ TS -space ↑ ∗ α Tc + T 1
∗T p
ւ ← տ
1 2
+ T 1∗ 2
Tb -space Tαgs
Several spaces that fail to be T1 are important in the study of the geometric and topological properties of digital images in the study of digital topology. Although the digital line is neither a T1 -space nor an R0 -space, it satisfies a couple of separation axioms which are a bit weaker than T1 and R0 , that is, the digital line is both a T 3 -space (hence a semi-T1 -space) and a semi-R0 -space. 4 All the separation axioms (spaces) introduced from the research are weaker separation axioms. So, in future there is a possibility for applications of these separation axioms in digital topology. Further research may be undertaken in this direction.
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