Anaesthetic agents: Controlling Exposure under COSHH
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(e-mail: {, m.cao, b.jayawardhana} This work was sup- ... This inconsistency is in the form of a combination of a constant bias and a finite.
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the anaesthetic efficacy of clove oil, the main active component (70 to 90%) of ...
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, Hammell, K.L., Horsberg, T.E., Johnson, G.R., Rainnie, D.J., Speare, D.J., 1
tivation of soluble guanylate cyclase in vascular .... 0.005) (fig. 2C),. Halothane also caused a significant decrease in NOS activity at all concentrations (fig. 3).
while the DHP L-channel activator, Bay K 8644, reduced the anaesthetic ... for halothane in dogs. ... high-dose pentobarbital in severe head trauma. Clinical.
Every artificial agent operating in a physical domain shares the need to .... Icarus
is a language for specifying the behavior of agents that perform cognitively rich,.
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Mar 26, 2008 - arXiv:0803.3720v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 26 Mar 2008. Quantum Magnets under Pressure: Controlling Elementary Excitations in TlCuCl3.
Mar 26, 2008 - 7 Institut Laue Langevin; BP 156; 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9; France. (Dated: June .... longitudinal mode [7, 8] emerges as the small ordered mo-.
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Anaesthetic agents: Controlling Exposure under COSHH
Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) 2025 and Health Building Note (HBN) 26
and there is no significant leakage from the anaesthetic system, it is unlikely that.