Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Agenda. • Introduction to Mundane Astrology. – Samhita and its importance. – The great Varahamihira. – Areas of research (Geodetics and. Astro*Carto* Graphy).
Ancient Indian Astrology Classes Predicting Global Disasters Part I

Agenda • Introduction to Mundane Astrology – Samhita and its importance – The great Varahamihira – Areas of research (Geodetics and Astro*Carto*Graphy)

• Introduction to RSB (Rohini-Sakata-Bheda) • Introduction to research on “Wars of the World”

Introduction to Mundane Astrology • Jyotish – (Jyoth + ish) • Jyotisham triskandham hora, ganitam, samhitam (Hora, Ganita & Samhita) • Varahamihira (505 – 587 CE) • Limitations of his works • Geography • Precession of the Equinoxes • Recorded event dates

The Sanskrit Verse

When Saturn, Mars or Ketu (The Lunar node) cuts the Wain of Rohini, what shall I say, alas, for the whole world will perish being plunged in the ocean of misery

The Mother Theory Rohini-Sakata-Bheda (RSB) is referred to in the most ancient of Indian astrological literature as an event of great significance. RSB is said to occur when either Saturn, Mars or Lunar Node pass through the triangle formed by α, ε and γ stars of the Taurus Constellation Name of the classic


Chapter (Adhyay)

Verse (Sloka)

Surya Siddhanta (Modern)

Burgess (1858 CE)



Brihat Samhita

Varahamihira (505-587 CE)



Maha Bhaskariya

Bhaskara I (600 -680 CE)




Aryabhatta (476-550 CE)




Brahmagupta (598-665 CE)



Bramhasphupta-Siddhanta Brahmagupta (598-665 CE)




Lalla (720-790 CE)




Ganeshdevagya (1881 CE)



Rohini Western star name: Aldebaran

•Sidereal zodiac: 10° 23°20' Taurus ; •Tropical zodiac 6° - 19°20' Gemini •Wain of Rohini = around 17 Degree Taurus

Events – Case 1 • Hiroshima - August 6, 1945 8:15 AM (Little Boy) • Nagasaki – August 9, 1945 11:01 AM (Fat Man) • Mars • 16 Ta 12' 57.75" • Rohi

Case 2 • • • •

WTC - September 11, 2001 8:45:00 New York Saturn 20 Ta 58' 22.17" Rohi

Case 3 • • • • • • •

US Iraq War – Feb 22 2003 North Node 10 Ta 21' 12.86" Rohi Saturn 28 Ta 14' 19.03" Mrig

Some other events • Regina Cyclone 1912 June 30, 1912 4:30:00 pm Regina, Canada (Saturn 6 Ta 47' 29.20”) • Empire State Building Crash July 28, 1945 9:40:00 am New York (Mars 10 Ta 33' 49.67" Rohi) • NASA Columbia mishap February 1, 2003 14:00:00 (North Node 11 Ta 27' 41.94" Rohi) • Bhuj Earthquake January 26, 2001 8:46:00 (Saturn 0 Ta 11' 36.60”) • US Civil War April 12, 1861 (Mars 14 Ta 24' 58.31" Rohi ) • Vietnam War March-April 1972 (16 April Mars 20 Ta Rohi)

Limitations of the RSB Theory • Cannot explain all disasters • Is only applicable to human-history turning events • Is not precise • Does not answer the question “Where it will happen” • Saturn, Mars and North Node are all slow moving celestial bodies but disasters doesn’t occur every day in the period. The RBS theory fails to give details.

Advantages of RSB Theory • Analysis of ice-age • Analysis of geo-precipitation • Analysis of major global changes

Further improvements • Bring in other dimensions of aspects • Bring in other planets • Bring in Shupta Drishti (Nakshatra/Fixed Star aspect) • Bring in Astro*Carto*Graphy and Geodetic Zones

Is it only mentioned in Ancient India? • Sun twentieth of Taurus the earth will tremble very mightily, It will ruin the great theater filled: To darken and trouble air, sky and land, Then the infidel will call upon God and saints. – Nostradamus, Century 9, Quatrain 83 (1550 CE)

• The heaven shall burn at five and forty degrees, The fire shall come near the great new city, In an instant a great flame dispersed shall burst out, When they shall make a trial of Normans. – Nostradamus, Century 6, Quatrain 97 (1550 CE)

• Saturn in Bull, Jupiter in water, Mars in the arrow: Sixth of February will bring mortality. Those of Tardaigne at Bruges so great a breach, That the Barbarian chief will die at Ponteroso. – Nostradamus, Century 8, Quatrain 49 (1550 CE)

• Conversations with Nostradamus by Nostradamus, Dolores Cannon

Part 2 • • • • •

Why Rohini? Why Mars, Saturn and the Nodes only? Is it only Rohini? Are there other parameters to be considered? Live and on the spot analysis of disasters

Part 3 • When is the next one? • Where is the next one? • Can disasters be avoided?

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