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James Prinsep (1837) -. Who was the Greek Ambassador in the. court of Chandragupta Maurya? - Megasthenese. Who is genera

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Remnants of Meluha


11 Which is the oldest Veda? - The Rig Veda The Rig Veda consists of ------- hynins? - 1028 11 The hymns or suktas of Rig Veda are grouped into -------mandalas? - 10 Mandala.s 01 Which Mandala of the Rig Veda contains the Gavatri Mantra? - Mandala 3 11 The Gavatri Mantra is dedicated to which god? - Savitri 01 Which Mandala of the Rig Veda contains Purusha sukta and Nadistuti sukta? 10th Mandala Whiclris the only grain referred to in the Rig Veda? - Yava Which Veda states that War begins in the minds of men ? - Atharva Veda

What was the period of the Indus Valley Civilization? - 2550 BC to 2050 BC 11 Which was the first settlement to be discovered in Indus Valley Civilization? - Harappa 01 Ilarappa was situated on the banks of the river -------? - Ravi 11 Which is the largest known Indus Valley city? - Mohenjodaro 11 On the banks of which river was Mohenjodaro situated? - Indus Which settlement of the Indus Valley Civilization literally means Mound of the Dead? - Mohenjodaro Which famous Indus valley site is at present situated in Larkana District of

Eight types of Marriage

ih Veda

The Atharva Veda mentions eight forms of marriages. They are; Brahma marriage :- The father finds an educated man and proposes the marriage of his (laughter to him. l)aiva marriage :- The father gives away his daughter to a priest as sacrificial fees. Arsha marriage The groom gives a cow, and a hull to the father of the bride and the father exchanges his daughter in marriage Prapatya marriage :- A couple agree to get married by exchanging some mantras Gandharva marriage :- The couple live together out of love by mutual consent 01 Asura marriage:- The groom offer a dowry to the father of the bride and he receives the bride in exchange Rakshasa marriage The groom forublv abduct the girl and marry. 01 Paishacha marriage -Where a man forces himself on a woman when she is drunken or unconscious

Sindh Province in Pakistan? - Mohenjodaro 11 Which Indus sallev settlement in Gujarat was an outpost for sea trade9 11 From



Translations litO ftgdS into i-

which Indus Valley site did the bronze statue of dancing girl excavated9 Rig Veda - H H Wilson Mohenjodaro Ramayana 01 The Mesopotamian literature refers to - Ralph T.H. Griffith merchants of Meluha. Meluha has been Mahabharatha identified with -------? - Kisari Mohan Ganguly - Harappan Civilization 01 Arthasastra Which were two important Harappan - R. Shyamasastri crops? Bhagavat Gita - Barley & Wheat Charles Wilkins 11 In which Harappan site was fire altars Manusmriti identified? - Sir William Jones - Kalibangan (Rasthan) 01 Which civilization was the earliest to produce cotton? belongs to -------site? - Harappan Mohenjodaro 01 Which Harappan site was opposite to 11 Which Indian archaeologist discovered Mohenjodaro on the Indus River? - Kot Diji - RB D anem]i From which Harappan site was a dock01 Which is known as the Vedic Period n yard excavated? ancientindian history? - omnai The famous structure of Grcat Bath 150(1 (300 BC



- James Prinsep (1837) Who was the Greek Ambassador in the court of Chandragupta Maurya? - Megasthenese Who is generally considered as the first foreign traveller to India? - Megasthenese Who was the author of the work 'Indica? - Megasthenese Alexander the Great invaded India in the year ------ 326 BC Which famous minister of Chandragupta Maurva authored 'Arthasastra? - Chanakra (Kautilya) Who was the father of Ashoka? - Bindusara Which Indian king was known as

First Jam Council was held at Pataliputra by Sthulahhadra in the beginning of :3rd century BC. It resulted in the compilation of 12 Acigas. The Second Council was held at \allabhi (Gujarat) in the fifth Century, Al) under the leadership of DesTidhigani.

Devanampriya? - Ashoka Ashoka fought the Kalinga war in the year -------? -261BC 11 Who was the first ruler in the history to take measures for wildlife protection? -Ashoka Who was the founder of Sunga Dynasty? - Pushyamitra Sunga 11 Which rulers were also known in the name of Andhras? - Satavahanas 01 Who was the most famous Kushan ruler? - Kanishka 01 Who is known as the Second Ashoka? - Kanishka Who started the Saka Era in AD 78? -Kanishka The (iandhara School of Art got patronage under which dynasty? - Kushans 01 Who were the first Indian dynasty to issue gold coins? - Kushans

the verse

RigVeda Which Veda deals with music? Sama Veda Which Vedas part is Ayurveda? Atharva Veda Who was the first person to translate all four Vedas to English? Ralph T H Griffith The Upanishads are -------in number? - 108 Which is considered as the largest epic in the world? Mahabharatha What is also known as the Fifth Veda? Mahabharatha layasamhita and Satasahasra Samhita' were the former names of-------Mahabharatha 11 Which parva of Mahabharatha contains Bhagavat Gita? - Bliishma Parva Where was Mahavira born in 540 BC' Kundala Grama Hos many Thirthankaras are there in Jainisrn9 24 Who was the 24th Thirthankara' - Vardhamana Mahavira Who is considered as the first Thirthankara of Jainism? - Rishabha I)igambara and Swethambara are two sects of------- Jainism Where was Buddha born in 563 BC? - Lumbini (Nepal) With which religion is Four Noble Thiths and F i(,ht Fold Paths are associated9 Buddhism Buddha attained Parinirvana at --------Kushinagara 11 Who called Buddha as the Light of Asia? - Edwin Arnold Which work describes the stories of ,,uuuna and eney are ouu in numoer: Jataka Stories Mahayana and Hinayana are the two sects of ? Buddhism tinder which king s patronage the Jainism reached its highest point? Chandragupta Maurya Which Mauryan Emperor is known as the Constantine of Buddhism? Ashoka 11 Who founded the Haryanka Dynasty of Magaclha? - Bimbisara 11 Who was the famous son of Bimbisara9 Ajathasatru 11 Who founded the Maurvan Empire m 321 BC? - Chandragupta Maurya Who was the first person to decipher the Rock Edicts of Ashoka?

Jam Councils


Councls i

First Buddhist Council was held soon alter the mahaparinirsana of the Buddha around 40() BC under the patronage of king Ajathasatru with the monk Mahakasvapa presiding at Rgriha in the Sattapani Case - -. ' Second Buddhist BuddhistCouncil was held in 383 BC. The idea of this council was to settle a dispute on Vinaya Pitaka, the code of discipline. It was held at Vaishali under the patronage of King Kalasoka and the presidency of Sabakami. 11 Third Buddhist Council was held in 250 BC at Pataliputra under the patronage of King Ashoka and under the presidency of Moggaliputta Tissa. The teachings of Buddha which were under two baskets were now classified in 3 baskets as Abhidhamma Pitaka was established in this council, and they were known as 'Tripitaka'. 01 Fourth Buddhist Council was held at Kundalvana, Kashmir in 72 Al) under the patronage of Kushan king Kanishka and the president of this council was Vasumitra, with Asvaghosa as his deput: This council distinctly divided the Buddhism into 2 sects Mahayana & Hinayana.