rofessor, Depnrtnzent of Economic Geograplzy and Urb~rn and Regional .... finance, vocational training, research and development (R&D), and industrial ...
Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth Edited by
Philip Cooke University Research Profkssor in Regional Developnzent and Director, of Wc~le.~, Cardifi UK Centre for Aclil,iarzced Studies, U~iii~ersity
Bjm-n Asheim Professor, C I R C L E (Centrefbr Innovation, Researclz. rrnd Conzpeterzce in tlie Learrzirzg Econonz.y) and Depu~tnzentof H~lnzanGeography, Lurid Uniilersity, Sweden, cznd Uni~jersit~) of Agder, Norvl~ay
on Boschma rofessor, Depnrtnzent of Economic Geograplzy and Urb~rnand Regional esearrh Centre Utreclzt ( U R U ) , Utreclzt University, Tlze Netlzer.lrnzds sor, Departn~ento f Geogrcqdzy and St C~ltlzarine'sCollege, sity of Cambridge, U K ss Adnzinistrntion, Berz-Gurion Unil~ersity
sor and Heud, Innstit~lteJor Regionczl Developnzent and Eni~ironment, sity of Econonzics and Business, Vienna, Austria
am, UK Northampton, MA, USA
O Phlip Cookc, Bjnrn Ashein?,Ron Boschma, Ron Martin, DaSna Schwartz and Franz Todtling 201 1
All rights reserved. No part OS this publication may be ueproduced, stored in a retkieval system or any fonn or by any means, clcctronic, mechanical or photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior pcrrnission of the publisher. Published by Edward Elear Puhlishine Limited The Lypiatts 15 Lansdown Road Cheltenham Glos GL50 2JA UIC U
Edward Elgar Publishing, lnc, William Pratt House 9 Dewey Court Northampton Massachusetls 01060 USA
A catalogue record for this hook is available from the British Library Library of Congress Control Number: 2010939195
Lisl of:figures List of tables List of boses List ufcontributurs Preface
1 Introduction to the IIandbook of Regiorzal Innovalion and Growtll Philip Cookce, Bjurn Asheinz, Ron Boschrna, Ron A4rrrtirz, Dajim Scl71varlz arzd Frrrrzz Torlfling
ix X XI
xii xv 1
2 3 4 5
Introduction Bjarn Asheir17 and Drrfiln Schi.~~nrtz Schnmpeter and regional innovation Esben Slot11Anrler.c.eri Neo-Schumpeterian perspectives on innovation and growth David Wore Regional agglomeration and growth: the classical approach Eirik Vatwe Innovation, product life cycle and diffusion: Vernon and beyond G~mthcrTichy Perspectives on mature Marshallian industrial districts Mcrrco Bellancli The new Marshallian districts and their process of internationalization Fiorenza Belzrssi
32 43
54 67
78 90
ISRN 978 l 84844 417 1 (cascd) Typeset by Servis Filmsetting Ltd. Stockport, Cheshire Printed and bound by MPG Books Group, UK
Introduction Philil~Coolce, Franz Ttjrltling rmd Drffi~nScl?~enrtz 8 Innovation and productivity: local competitiveness and the role o r space Robertn Capello Human capital and labour mobility determinants of regional innovation Daniel Felserzstein The geography of knowledge flows Stefimo Breschi Regional innovation and diversity Simonrr Ir111zn7rrrir~o
103 107 119 132 143
12 Networks orinnovation Eliscr Gi~rliurli 13 From regional anchors to anchoring Lisri De Propris and Olivier. Crevoisier PART 111 REGIONAL INNOVATION AND EVOLUTION
14 15
16 17 18 19
lntroduclion Run Boschnia o~zdRoiz Murti17 Technological relatedness, relaled variety and economic geography Roiz Boschnm and ICoerz Frenlcerz Regional economies as path-dependent systems: some issues and implications Roil Martin Absorptive capacity in a regional context Marici Abrecr Regional knowledge networlcs Michael Sleiner Regional comnpetiliveness: rrom endowments to externalities to evolution Ron Mcirtin Regional cultural economy: evolution and innovation AI Janies
21 22 23 24
Introduction Philip Cooke and Bjorn Ashein7 Proximity and innovalion Cl~ristopheCurrincnzenux and Marie Cortr The changing form and geography of social capital St~lar.1Rosenfeld Cluster evolution Arne lsalcserz Transversality and regional innovation platforms Plzilip Coolce Technology clusters Ecli.vrrrd Maleclci
PART V REGIONAL WORLDS O F lNNOVATION Introduction Pliilip Coolce aizdDr~fi?r~ Schl~~artz 25 Worlds of production: conventions and the nlicrofoundations of regional economies Peter S~rizle))
Culture as a source for guowlh and change: some evidence from cultural clusters in Andalusia L~rcirir70Lrrzzeretti Service innovation Yulco Aoj>rlnzuund Rorj, Hurner Regional services innovation /'/?;l@ C(J,ei.,to,ice uj'hsiovnrion iri Europe. London, U K and New York, USA: Pinter. Caoke, F., M. Heidenreich and H - J . Braczyk (eds) (2004). Regio,,ol h~ituirrlio,?Sysleri?,~,2nd edn, London: Routledge. Crevoisier, 0. (2004), 'Tlie innovative milieus approach: toward a territorialized understanding of thc economy'?, Ecorron,ic Ceogl'a~I/~j~),, 80, 367-79. Crouch, C., P. Le G a l b , C, Trigilia and H . Voclzkow (2001), Locol Pi.o~l~rctio,iSytenis iri firrope: Rise or. Deinire.?,Oxford: Oxford University Press. C ~ o u c h ,C., C. Trigilia, H. Voelzkow and P. Le Gales (2004), Cl?ortgiizg Governrri!ce ~ / L u e a Ecor,oa,ies: / R e . ~ l ~ o nof ~ eEsii.ol,ear, .~ Local Prud~,clioi~ S,~sten?.s,New York: Oxford University Press. Dosi, G. (1988), 'The nature of thc innovative process', in G. Dosi, C. Freeman, R. Nelson. G. Silverberg and L. Soetc (cds), Teci~niciilCliieige and Ecoi>oi~ric Tiieoq,, London, U1C and New York, USA: Pinter. pp. ~. 221-38.
Edquist, C. (ZOOS), 'Systems of innovation: perspectives and challenges', in 1. Fageiberg, D.C. Mowery and R.R. Nelson (eds), The O\-fo~.dHon,arlbooli of Ii,irosation, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 181-208. Enright, M. (2003), 'Regional clustcrs: what we know and what we should know'. in J. Brkker, D. Dolrse and R. Soltwedel (eds), It~r,ovnfioirClrru1ei.s or~dIrrler-regioiialCo,~8pelitio,,,Berlin: Springer, pp. 99-129. European Co8nmission (2001), Tile Rcgiunnl Din~ensioaqf the Eirrupeo,~Reseorcli Are