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m Interface ( erged in Sep. KitKat. Hop ate, is in alph mobile dev. 2007 along tware, and ces. (API) Versio ptember 200 pe the new habetical or vices come i.
Android d – The Wo orld’s most Powerful M Mobile Platfo orm Android d – An Intro oduction

At the ou utset, before e we go into the bits and pieces s of the World’s most Powe erful Mobile Platform, le et us first de elve into wh hy there is sso much fus ss about Android? Is it reallyy a mobile platform of th he masses or o just for tec chno-geeks?? Android is a mobile e operating system s base ed on the Linux kernel and was deeveloped by Google. Android is embedded in touch screen mobile dev vices such as smart phones an nd tablet compute ers. Some of o the other devices wh hich contain n Android OS are televiisions - And droid TV, cars - A Android Autto, and wris st watches - Android Wear. W Using g touch scrreen user in nputs on mobile d devices, a user u can pe erform real-w world action ns such as swiping, s tappping, pinch hing, and reverse pinching to t manipula ate the on-sscreen obje ects. It may also makke use of a virtual keyboarrd to perform m the input functions. S Some other examples of o Android O OS being em mbedded in devices such as game g conso oles, digital ccameras, an nd other elec ctronics item ms. Archite ecture of An ndroid Platfform Android Platform co onsists of a software sttack of different layers, where eachh layer is a group of several program co omponents. These inclu ude operatin ng system, middleware m and other im mportant applicattions.

Open H Handset Alliiance Every A Android Operating Syste em powered mobile dev vices come in many variieties of sha apes and sizes. A Android was unveiled in the year 2007 along g with the founding f of the Open Handset Alliance e—a consorrtium of harrdware, softtware, and telecommun nication com mpanies devoted to advancing open sta andards for mobile m devicces.

Android d Applicatio on Program m Interface ((API) Versio ons – Till date Android API version code eme erged in Sep ptember 200 08 with “Alp pha” as the starting API version code an nd now curre ently it is in KitKat. Hop pe the new API level will start with the letter “L L” as the version code from start s to till da ate, is in alph habetical orrder.

As of July 2013, Google Play store has over 1 million Android applications (“apps”) published and over 50 billion downloads. A developer survey conducted in April–May 2013 was found to have Android as the most preferred and used platform among developers i.e. 71% of the mobile developer’s population.

Conclusion: As part of TMC Academy’s Core Values, one of its core values is continuous improvement and TMC Academy ensures that its modules are latest and up to date. In line with TMC Academy’s strategic direction, TMC will offer a Higher Diploma in Information Technology course having a module, development of mobile applications using Android. The students of TMC Academy will learn how to program mobile applications (Apps) using Android and these students will also learn advanced application development in one of the current module offered by the University of Greenwich. This creates a value for the students to add new skills as part of their skills development and TMC academy is committed to providing a quality education for local as well as foreign students, will help them once they graduate and move onto their career in seeking jobs or to enhance their studies further.

Fareed Kaleem Khaiser Senior Lecturer School of Information Technology, Digital Media and Mass Communication TMC Academy

Reference Lists: 1. Android. 2014. Coming to watches, phones, tablets,TVs, and cars near you [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2014]. 2. Android Apps. 2012. Android Architecture - The Key Concepts of Android OS. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2014]. 3. Android (operating system) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2014. Android (operating system) Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2014]. 4. Jli Naija. 2014.Android Platform, Learn to use it better. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2014]. 5. Kamdar.K. 2014. Introduction to Android. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2014]. 6. Martin.F. 2014. New Android Policy?. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2014]. 7. Open Handset Alliance. 2014. Open Handset Alliance. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2014].