Jun 27, 2013 ... Call to Order-Chairperson Kimberly Morris called the meeting to order at ...
Pledge of Allegiance-Chairperson Kimberly Morris called for the ...
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Village of Angel Fire P.O. Box 610 Angel Fire, NM 87710 575-377-3232 Beautification Meeting Minutes Thursday, June 27, 2013 I. II. III.
Call to Order-Chairperson Kimberly Morris called the meeting to order at 2:10pm. Pledge of Allegiance-Chairperson Kimberly Morris called for the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call-Present at the meeting were Chuck Howe, Lisa Mitchell, Pete Peterson and Kimberly Morris. Also present was Tracy Orr. A quorum was not established therefore, the meeting proceeded just as a discussion, and not an official meeting. No decisions could be made or voted on. These are the notes from this meeting. Old Business A. Christmas Decorations-Lisa Mitchell discussed her successful presentation at Rotary on Wednesday, June 26, 2013. Several people at that meeting purchased Christmas decorations. Lisa Mitchell reported that she and Cynthia Collier will be working on the wreath project. Cynthia Collier is doing a prototype for the committee to look at. Tracy Orr will be adding to the poster some information on the 8’ skier and the snowflakes plus pictures from our flower project. B. Flowers and Banners-Tracy Orr is working with Hawk Media for pictures to use on the banners. We should be ready soon to order them. C. Funding-Lisa Morales from the Chronicle might have some ideas for grant money for the Christmas and banner decorations. Tracy Orr will get with her regarding this. D. Public Events to Educate-Our Business After Hours will be held on Thursday, July 11th from 5:30-7:00pm. We will be sharing our program with Lindsey Builders, Angel Fire Homes, Pioneer Title and DL Frye. Tracy Orr will meet with this group to decide the program, food, cake, etc. The Beautification Committee would like a booth where they can present the Lamp Post Fund among other things. The APP will be discussed during the evening too. Committee members can mingle with the guests, encouraging sign ups for the decorations. Jesse Chaney will interview Lisa Mitchell, Kimberly Morris and Chuck Howe on the Beautification Committee. Other suggested venues for talking to people were the Black Lake Social Club, Garden Club and other social organizations. E. Sangre de Cristo Homebuilders-It was suggested that we ask the Homebuilders to sponsor or encourage participation in a Christmas decoration contest. A category for businesses and one for homes would be a good idea. Entrants would pay a nominal fee to enter. The Committee could be the judges. F. Angel Fire Proud-New Mexico True-Tracy Orr is working on the logo aspect of this slogan with the Tourism Department to make sure we are following their guidelines. New Business A. Discussion of Village Business After Hours Presentation-We will be sharing our time with Lindsey Construction, D.L. Frye, Pioneer Title and Angel Fire Homes. We will be providing the cake and some food. Tracy Orr will meet with Jo Mixon and representatives of the business to go over logistics. Other Business-None Requests and Responses from Audience Next Meeting Date-The next meeting date will be set for Tuesday, July 9th at 2pm.
Adjournment-The meeting was not adjourned as there was not a quorum.