Anisotropic Doubly-Curved Shells

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3rd Ed. 2013 - ISBN: 9788874886210 .... Research Notices, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, ISRN Mechanical ...... to solve the strong or weaN forms of the equations inside each element, mapped into the ...... Differential Quadrature Method, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 27, 1001-1025, 2008. [319] F.
Francesco Tornabene Michele Bacciocchi

STRUCTURAL AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS BOOK SERIES TITLES IN THIS SERIES: • F. Tornabene, N. Fantuzzi, M. Bacciocchi, E. Viola – Laminated Composite DoublyCurved Shell Structures - Differential Geometry Higher-Order Structural Theories 1st Ed. 2016 - ISBN: 978-88-7488-958-7

• SPB2015 - International Conference on Shells Plates and Beams - Editors: A. J.M. Ferreira, E. Viola, F. Tornabene Ed. 2015 - ISBN: 9788874888863 • F. Tornabene, R. Dimitri – Stabilità dell’equilibrio elastico 1st Ed. 2015 - ISBN: 9788874888450 • U. Andreaus – Scienza delle Costruzioni Ed. 2016 - ISBN: 9788874889266 Volume unico • A. Taliercio – Introduzione alla Meccanica dei Solidi 2nd Ed. 2014 - ISBN: 9788874887781 • A. Taliercio – Meccanica dei Sistemi di Travi 2nd Ed. 2009 - ISBN: 9788874882069 • A. Taliercio, A. Corigliano – Meccanica Computazionale 1st Ed. 2005 - ISBN: 9788874881888 • A. Frangi – Cinematica e Statica dei Sistemi di Corpi Rigidi 3rd Ed. 2013 - ISBN: 9788874886210

This book aims to present in depth several Higher-order Shear Deformation Theories (HSDTs) by means of a unified approach for the mechanical analysis of doubly-curved shell structures made of anisotropic and composite materials. In particular, the strong and weak formulations of the corresponding governing equations are discussed and illustrated. The approach presented in this volume is completely general and represents a valid tool to investigate the structural behavior of many arbitrarily shaped structures. An isogeometric mapping procedure is also illustrated to this aim. Special attention is given also to advanced and innovative constituents, such as Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs), Variable Angle Tow (VAT) composites and Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs). In addition, several numerical applications are developed to support the theoretical models. Accurate, efficient and reliable numerical techniques able to approximate both derivatives and integrals are presented, which are respectively the Differential Quadrature (DQ) and Integral Quadrature (IQ) methods. Finally, two numerical techniques, named Strong Formulation Finite Element Method (SFEM) and Weak Formulation Finite Element Method (WFEM), are developed to deal with multi-element domains characterized by arbitrary shapes and discontinuities.

• R. Brighenti – Analisi Numerica dei Solidi e delle Strutture 2nd Ed. 2016 - ISBN: 9788874889884 • S. Lenci, F. Clementi – I compositi nell’ingegneria strutturale 1st Ed. 2009 - ISBN: 9788874883387 • D. Bigoni, A. Di Tommaso, M. Gei, F. Laudiero, D. Zaccaria – Geometria delle Masse 1st Ed. 1995 - ISBN: 9788874887149

Higher-Order Strong and Weak Formulations for Arbitrarily Shaped Shell Structures

• F. Tornabene, N. Fantuzzi – Mechanics of Laminated Composite Doubly-Curved Shell Structures 1st Ed. 2014 - ISBN: 9788874886876

DiQuMASPAB Project and Software

ISBN 978-88-9385-080-3

Euro ISSN 2421-2822

Higher-Order Strong and Weak Formulations for Arbitrarily Shaped Shell Structures

Anisotropic Doubly-Curved Shells

• F. Tornabene, N. Fantuzzi, M. Bacciocchi, E. Viola – Laminated Composite DoublyCurved Shell Structures - Differential and Integral Quadrature Strong Formulation Finite Element Method 1st Ed. 2016 - ISBN: 978-88-7488-958-7

Anisotropic Doubly-Curved Shells


The Esculapio Series in “Structural and Computational Mechanics” has been inaugurated with the aim of arranging a series of books in these key fields related to academic research, education and industrial applications. The Esculapio Series publishes high-level texts for academic students, deep studies on good practice and industrial technology, interesting and fundamental research topics related to industrial development and engineering practices. The readership encapsulates undergraduate and PhD students, researchers, scientists and free-lancers within applied mechanics topics. Civil/structural, mechanical, aerospace, naval, nuclear, automotive, materials, environmental, electrical, and biomedical engineers could benefit from this book series. The present book series would be the natural home for authors proficient in mechanics of materials, mechanics of structures as well as computational and applied mechanics.

Francesco Tornabene

Michele Bacciocchi

The Esculapio Series will focus on the following research areas, but not limited to: • Applied mechanics • Applied mathematics • Computational mechanics • Theoretical modeling • Engineering structures • Typical materials: concrete, metal, wood, masonry, etc. • Classical and advanced numerical methods • Composite Materials • Nonlinearities • Repair and reinforcements • Meta-materials and advanced materials • SMART structural components

Francesco Tornabene Michele Bacciocchi

Anisotropic Doubly-Curved Shells Higher-Order Strong and Weak Formulations for Arbitrarily Shaped Shell Structures

STRUCTURAL AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS BOOK SERIES ISSN 2421-2822 ISBN 978-88-9385-080-3 DOI 10.15651/978-88-938-5080-3 Editor in chief: FRANCESCO TORNABENE - University of Bologna, Italy Scientific Committee: ERASMO VIOLA, University of Bologna, Italy FRANCESCO UBERTINI, University of Bologna, Italy JUNUTHULA N. REDDY, Texas A&M University, USA ROMESH C. BATRA, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA ANTONIO J.M. FERREIRA, University of Porto, Portugal LORENZO DOZIO, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy GIORGIO ZAVARISE, University of Salento, Italy STEFANO LENCI, Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy ROBERTO NASCIMBENE, Eucentre, Italy SALVATORE BRISCHETTO, Polythechnic of Turin, Italy ROSSANA DIMITRI, University of Salento, Italy Chief assistant: NICHOLAS FANTUZZI, University of Bologna, Italy MICHELE BACCIOCCHI, University of Bologna, Italy First edition: August 2018 Publishing Manager: Alessandro Parenti Editorial Staff: Carlotta Lenzi, Laura Tondelli The reader can photocopy this publication for his personal purpose within the limit of 15% of the total pages and after the payment to SIAE of the amount foreseen in the art. 68, commas 4 and 5, L. 22 April 1941, n. 663. For purposes other than personal, this publication may be reproduced in return for payment within the limit of 15% of the total pages with the prior and compulsory permission of the publisher. CLEARedi - Centro Licenze e Autorizzazioni per le Riproduzioni Editoriali Corso di Porta Romana, n. 108 - 20122 Milano e-mail: [email protected] - sito:

40131 Bologna - Via U. Terracini 30 - Tel. 051-63.40.113 - Fax 051-63.41.136

This Book is dedicated to all our opposers

“One Book for the Lord of the Shells on his differential throne. One Book to rule all the shells, one Book to find them, One Book to bring them all and in the theory bind them. In the Land of Shellwood where the Truth lies”.

About the Authors 

)UDQFHVFR 7RUQDEHQH ZDV ERUQ LQ %RORJQD -DQXDU\   6FKRROOHDYLQJ H[DPLQDWLRQ LQ D FODVVLFDO OLFHR DFKLHYHG DW /LFHR &ODVVLFR San Luigi LQ %RORJQD LQ  3DWHQW IRU ,QGXVWULDO ,QYHQWLRQ Friction Clutch for High Performance Vehicles 4XHVWLRQ %2$ ILOHG RQ  LQ 1DWLRQDO 3DWHQW %RORJQD ,WDO\  'HJUHH LQ Mechanical Engineering &RXUVHRI6WXGLHVLQStructural Mechanics RQ7KHVLV 7LWOH LQ ,WDOLDQ  Dynamic Behavior of Cylindrical Shells: Formulation and Solution )LUVW SRVLWLRQ REWDLQHG LQ WKH FRPSHWLWLRQ IRU DGPLVVLRQ WR WKH 3K' LQ Structural Mechanics LQ 'HFHPEHU  :LQQHURIWKHVFKRODUVKLSCarlo Felice JodiIRUDGHJUHHLQStructural MechanicsLQ3K'LQStructural MechanicsDWWKH$OPD0DWHU6WXGLRUXP8QLYHUVLW\RI%RORJQDRQ3K'7KHVLV7LWOH LQ,WDOLDQ  Modeling and Solution of Shell Structures Made of Anisotropic Materials2ZQHURIWKHUHVHDUFKJUDQWHQWLWOHG Unified Formulation of Shell Structures Made of Anisotropic Materials. Numerical Analysis Using the Generalized Differential Quadrature Method and the Finite Element MethodIURP-DQXDU\WR-DQXDU\ DW WKH $OPD 0DWHU 6WXGLRUXP  8QLYHUVLW\ RI %RORJQD -XQLRU UHVHDUFKHU IRU WKH UHVHDUFK SURJUDP HQWLWOHG Advanced Numerical Schemes for Anisotropic Materials IURP 'HFHPEHU  WR -DQXDU\  DW WKH $OPD 0DWHU 6WXGLRUXP  8QLYHUVLW\ RI %RORJQD 5HVHDUFK $FWLYLWLHV LQ FROODERUDWLRQ ZLWK )RUHLJQ DQG 1DWLRQDO 8QLYHUVLW\ 3URIHVVRUV $XWKRU RI WKH  ERRNV 6RPH RI WKHP HQWLWOHG Meccanica delle Strutture a Guscio in Materiale Composito Il metodo Generalizzato di Quadratura Differenziale  Mechanics of Laminated Composite Doubly-Curved Shell Structures The Generalized Differential Quadrature Method and the Strong Formulation Finite Element MethodLaminated Composite Doubly-Curved Shell Structures I. Differential Geometry. Higher-Order Structural Theories  Laminated Composite Doubly-Curved Shell Structures II. Differential and Integral Quadrature. Strong Formulation Finite Element Method  0HPEHU RI WKH (GLWRULDO %RDUG RI WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDOV Journal of Engineering International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences Composite Structures Technologies Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics Journal of Composites Science Advanced Materials and Technologies Heliyon International Scholarly Research Notices Mathematical Problems in Engineering ISRN Mechanical Engineering Journal of Computational Engineering Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Science (GLWRULQ&KLHI RI WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDOV Curved and Layered Structures Journal of Composites Science 0HPEHU RI 6FLHQWLILF &RPPLWWHH 3URPRWHUDQG6HFUHWDU\RI&,0(67&HQWHUCenter for Studies and Research on the Identification of Materials and Structures³0LFKHOH&DSXUVR´DWWKH'HSDUWPHQW',&$0RIWKH$OPD0DWHU6WXGLRUXP8QLYHUVLW\RI %RORJQD VLQFH  $XWKRU RI PRUH WKDQ RQH KXQGUHG DQG QLQHW\ UHVHDUFK SDSHUV VLQFH  $VVLVWDQW 3URIHVVRUDWWKH$OPD0DWHU6WXGLRUXP8QLYHUVLW\RI%RORJQDIRUP$SULOWRQRZ7HDFKLQJDFWLYLWLHV IRU WKH IROORZLQJ FRXUVHV Dynamics of Structures Computational Mechanics Plates and Shells Theory of Structures+HUHFHLYHVKDELOLWDWLRQVDV)XOODQG$VVRFLDWH3URIHVVRULQ$UHD% 6WUXFWXUDO0HFKDQLFV DQG DV $VVRFLDWH 3URIHVVRU LQ $UHD $ $HURQDXWLFDO DQG $HURVSDFH (QJLQHHULQJ DQG 1DYDO $UFKLWHFWXUH  +LV UHVHDUFKIRFXVHVRQ6WUXFWXUDO0HFKDQLFVDQG&RPSXWDWLRQDO0HFKDQLFV 


Anisotropic Doubly-Curved Shells


F. Tornabene, M. Bacciocchi

Index  35()$&(;9,, 

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%$ )LQOD\VRQ DQG /( 6FULYHQ The method of weighted residual: a review $SSOLHG 0HFKDQLFDO 5HYLHZV &: %HUW DQG 0 0DOLN Differential quadrature method in computational mechanics $SSOLHG 0HFKDQLFDO5HYLHZV 5 %HOOPDQ DQG - &DVWL Differential quadrature and long-term integration -RXUQDO RI 0DWKHPDWLFDO $QDO\VLVDQG$SSOLFDWLRQV 5 %HOOPDQ %* .DVKHI DQG - &DVWL Differential quadrature: a technique for the rapid solution of nonlinear partial differential equations-RXUQDORI&RPSXWDWLRQDO3K\VLFV 5%HOOPDQDQG565RWKMethods in Approximation'5HLGHO3XEOLVKLQJ&RPSDQ\ -9 9LOODGVHQ DQG :( 6WHZDUW Solution of Boundary-Value Problems by Orthogonal Collocation &KHPLFDO(QJLQHHULQJ6FLHQFH 6$ 2UV]DJ Numerical methods for the simulation of turbulence 3K\VLFV RI )OXLGV 6XSSOHPHQW ,,   - 9LOODGVHQ Solution of Differential Equation Models by Polynomial Approximation (Physical & Chemical Engineering Science)3UHQWLFH+DOO 5 $VNH\ Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions &%0616) 5HJLRQDO &RQIHUHQFH 6HULHV LQ $SSOLHG0DWKHPDWLFV6,$0 '*RWWOLHEDQG6$2UV]DJNumerical Analysis of Spectral Methods. Theory and Applications&%06 16) 5HJLRQDO &RQIHUHQFH 6HULHV LQ $SSOLHG 0DWKHPDWLFV 6RFLHW\ IRU ,QGXVWULDO DQG $SSOLHG 0DWKHPDWLFV ')XQDURPolynomial Approximation of Differential Equations6SULQJHU -3%R\GChebyshev and Fourier Spectral Methods'RYHU3XEOLFDWLRQV & &DQXWR 0@ -72GHQDQG-15HGG\An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Finite Elements-RKQ:LOH\  6RQV >@ -72GHQDQG-15HGG\Variational Methods in Theoretical Mechanics6SULQJHU >@ 7-5+XJKHVThe Finite Element Method3UHQWLFH+DOO >@ +.DUGHVWXQFHUFinite Element Handbook0F*UDZ+LOO >@ 22 2FKRD DQG -1 5HGG\ Finite Element Analysis of Composite Laminates .OXZHU $FDGHPLF 3XEOLVKHU >@ 2&=LHQNLHZLF]Origins, Milestones and Directions of the Finite Element Method - A Personal View $UFKLYHVRI&RPSXWDWLRQDO0HWKRGV(QJLQHHULQJ >@ 5+0DF1HDOFinite Elements: Their Design and Performance0DUFHO'HNNHU >@ .+|OOLJFinite Element Method with B-splines6,$0 >@ -15HGG\An Introduction to the Finite Element Method0F*UDZ+LOO >@ -15HGG\An Introduction to Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis2[IRUG8QLYHUVLW\3UHVV >@ 3. .\WKH DQG 05 6KlIHUNRWWHU Handbook of Computational Methods for Integration &KDSPDQ  +DOO&5&3UHVV >@ (2xDWHStructural Analysis with the Finite Element Method, Linear Static. Volume 1. Basis and Solids 6SULQJHU >@ 8/HHSpectral Element Method in Structural Dynamics:LOH\ >@ *5/LXDQG177UXQJSmoothed Finite Element Methods&5&3UHVV >@ . :LĞQLHZVNL Finite Rotation Shells. Basic Equations and Finite Elements for Reissner Kinematics 6SULQJHU >@ :2VWDFKRZLF]3.XGHOD0.UDZF]XNDQG$=DNGuided Waves in Structures for SHM. The TimeDomain Spectral Element Method-RKQ:LOH\ 6RQV

Anisotropic Doubly-Curved Shells

Bibliography >@ %1 -LDQJ The least-squares finite element method: theory and applications in computational fluid dynamics and electromagnetics6SULQJHU >@ ( 2xDWH Structural Analysis with the Finite Element Method, Linear Static. Volume 2. Beams, Plates and Shells6SULQJHU >@ 2& =LHQNLHZLF] 5/ 7D\ORU DQG -= =KX The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals %XWWHUZRUWK+HLQHPDQQ

   >@ -5 4XDQ A Unified Approach for Solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Chemical Engineering Applications0DVWHUWKHVLV8QLYHUVLW\RI1HEUDVND/LQFROQ >@ )&LYDQSolution of Transport Phenomena Type Models by the Method of Differential Quadratures as Illustrated on the LNG Vapor Dispersion Process Modeling3K'WKHVLV8QLYHUVLW\RI2NODKRPD >@ )&LYDQDQG&06OLHSFHYLFKApplication of differential quadrature to transport processes-RXUQDORI 0DWKHPDWLFDO$QDO\VLVDQG$SSOLFDWLRQV >@ )&LYDQDQG&06OLHSFHYLFKSolution of the Poisson equation by differential quadrature,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDOIRU1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ ) &LYDQ DQG &0 6OLHSFHYLFK Differential quadrature for multi-dimensional problems -RXUQDO RI 0DWKHPDWLFDO$QDO\VLVDQG$SSOLFDWLRQV >@ )&LYDQDQG&06OLHSFHYLFKOn the solution of the Thomas-Fermi equation by differential equation´ -RXUQDORI&RPSXWDWLRQDO3K\VLFV >@ ) &LYDQ DQG &0 6OLHSFHYLFK Application of differential quadrature in solution of pool boiling in cavities3URFHHGLQJVRI2NODKRPD$FDGHP\RI6FLHQFHV >@ -2 0LQJOH Computational considerations in non-linear diffusion ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDO IRU 1XPHULFDO 0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ -2 0LQJOH The method of differential quadrature for transient nonlinear diffusion -RXUQDO RI 0DWKHPDWLFDO$QDO\VLVDQG$SSOLFDWLRQV >@ %$)LQOD\VRQNonlinear analysis in chemical engineering0F*UDZ+LOO >@ -5 4XDQ DQG &7 &KDQJ New insights in solving distributed system equations by the quadrature method - I. Analysis&RPSXWHUVDQG&KHPLFDO(QJLQHHULQJ >@ -5 4XDQ DQG &7 &KDQJ New insights in solving distributed system equations by the quadrature method - II. Numerical experiments&RPSXWHUVDQG&KHPLFDO(QJLQHHULQJ >@ &: %HUW 6. -DQJ DQG $* 6WUL] Two new approximate methods for analyzing free vibration of structural components$,$$-RXUQDO >@ &:%HUW6.-DQJDQG$*6WUL]Nonlinear bending analysis of orthotropic rectangular plates by the method of differential quadrature&RPSXWDWLRQDO0HFKDQLFV >@ &:%HUWDQG00DOLNThe differential quadrature method for irregular domains and application for plate vibration,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI0HFKDQLFDO6FLHQFHV >@ &:%HUWDQG00DOLNFree vibration analysis of tapered rectangular plates by differential quadrature method: a semi-analytical approach-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ &:%HUWDQG00DOLNFree vibration analysis of thin cylindrical shells by the differential quadrature method-RXUQDORI3UHVVXUH9HVVHO7HFKQRORJ\ >@ &: %HUW ; :DQJ DQG $* 6WUL] Differential quadrature for static and free vibration analyses of anisotropic plates,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI6ROLGVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ &: %HUW ; :DQJ DQG $* 6WUL] Static and free vibrational analysis of beams and plates by differential quadrature method$FWD0HFKDQLFD >@ &: %HUW ; :DQJ DQG $* 6WUL] Convergence of DQ method in the analysis of anisotropic plates -RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ :/ &KHQ A New Approach for Structural Analysis. The Quadrature Element Method 3K' WKHVLV 8QLYHUVLW\RI2NODKRPD >@ :/&KHQ$*6WUL]DQG&:%HUWA new approach to the differential quadrature method for fourthorder equations,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDOIRU1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ :/&KHQ$*6WUL]DQG&:%HUWHigh accuracy plane stress and plate element in the quadrature element method,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI6ROLGVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ -)DUVDDevelopment of a Differential Quadrature Technique for the Fundamental Frequency Analysis of Tapered, Orthotropic, Anisotropic and Laminated Thin Plates3K'7KHVLV8QLYHUVLW\RI2NODKRPD 

F. Tornabene, M. Bacciocchi

Bibliography >@ 6.-DQJApplication of Differential Quadrature to the Analysis of Structural Components3K'WKHVLV 8QLYHUVLW\RI2NODKRPD >@ 6.-DQJ&:%HUWDQG$*6WUL]Application of differential quadrature to static analysis of structural components,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ .- .DQJ DQG &: %HUW Flexural-torsional buckling analysis of arches with warping using DQM (QJLQHHULQJ6WUXFWXUHV >@ .- .DQJ &: %HUW DQG $* 6WUL] Vibration analysis of shear deformable circular arches by the differential quadrature method-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ .- .DQJ &: %HUW DQG $* 6WUL] Vibration and buckling analysis of circular arches using DQM &RPSXWHUVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ .-.DQJ&:%HUWDQG$*6WUL]Vibration analysis of horizontally curved beams with warping using DQM-RXUQDORI6WUXFWXUDO(QJLQHHULQJ >@ 0 0DOLN Differential Quadrature Method in Computational Mechanics. New Developments and Applications3K'WKHVLV8QLYHUVLW\RI2NODKRPD >@ 00DOLNDQG&:%HUWVibration analysis of plates with curvilinear quadrilateral platforms by DQM using blending functions-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ $* 6WUL] :/ &KHQ DQG &: %HUW Static analysis of structures by the quadrature element method (QEM),QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI6ROLGVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ $* 6WUL] :/ &KHQ DQG &: %HUW Free vibration of plates by the high accuracy element method -RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ $* 6WUL] ; :DQJ DQG &: %HUW Harmonic differential quadrature method and applications to analysis of structural components$FWD0HFKDQLFD >@ ; :DQJ DQG &: %HUW A new approach in applying differential quadrature to static and free vibrational analyses of beams and plates-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ ;:DQJ$*6WUL]DQG&:%HUWFree vibration analysis of annular plates by the DQ Method-RXUQDO RI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ ; :DQJ &: %HUW DQG $* 6WUL] Differential quadrature analysis of deflection, buckling and free vibration of beams and rectangular plates&RPSXWHUVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ ; :DQJ &: %HUW DQG $* 6WUL] Buckling and vibration analysis of skew plates by differential quadrature method$,$$-RXUQDO

   >@ &6KXGeneralized differential-integral quadrature and application to the simulation of incompressible viscous flows including parallel computation3K'7KHVLV8QLYHUVLW\RI*ODVJRZ >@ &6KXDQG%(5LFKDUGVParallel simulation of incompressible viscous flows by generalized differential quadrature&RPSXWLQJ6\VWHPVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ & 6KX DQG %( 5LFKDUGV Application of generalized differential quadrature to solve two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDOIRU1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ)OXLGV 

   >@ 6% 'RQJ A block-stodola eigensolution technique for large algebraic systems with non-symmetrical matrices,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ +&KXQJFree vibration analysis of circular cylindrical shells-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ  >@ $.XNUHWL-)DUVDDQG&:%HUWFundamental frequency of tapered plates by differential quadrature -RXUQDORI(QJLQHHULQJ0HFKDQLFV >@ )&LYDQLetter to Editor. Comment on ‘Application of generalized quadrature to solve two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations’, by C. Shu and B.E. Richards ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDO IRU 1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ)OXLGV >@ :&KHQDQG@ 5+ *XWLHUUH] DQG 3$$ /DXUD Vibrations of non-uniform rings studied by means of the differential quadrature method-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ 3$$ /DXUD DQG 5+ *XWLHUUH] Analysis of vibrating circular plates of nonuniform thickness by the method of differential quadrature2FHDQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ .@ & 6KX @ & 6KX An efficient approach for free vibration analysis of conical shells ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDO RI 0HFKDQLFDO6FLHQFHV >@ &6KX%&.KRR@ : &KHQ 7; =KRQJ DQG 63 /LDQJ On the DQ analysis of geometrically non-linear vibration of immovably simply-supported beams-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ +=*XDQG;::DQJOn the free vibration analysis of circular plates with stepped thickness over a concentric region by the differential quadrature element method -RXUQDO RI 6RXQG DQG 9LEUDWLRQ   >@ .@ 1 %HOORPR Nonlinear models and problems in applied sciences from differential quadrature to generalized collocation methods0DWKHPDWLFDODQG&RPSXWHU0RGHOOLQJ >@ & 6KX DQG + 'X Implementation of clamped and simply supported boundary conditions in the GDQ free vibration analysis of beams and plates,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI6ROLGVDQG6WUXFWXUHV  >@ &6KXDQG+'XA generalized approach for implementation general boundary conditions in the GDQ free vibration analysis of plates,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI6ROLGVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ & 6KX DQG + 'X Free vibration analysis of laminated composite cylindrical shells by DQM &RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ >@ &6KXDQG@ &6KX@ .0/LHZ-%+DQDQG=0;LDRVibration analysis of circular Mindlin plates using the differential quadrature method-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ

F. Tornabene, M. Bacciocchi

Bibliography >@ ,%RQ]DQLSolution of Nonlinear Evolution Problems by Parallelized Collocation-Interpolation Methods &RPSXWHUVDQG0DWKHPDWLFVZLWK$SSOLFDWLRQV >@ : &KHQ 7; =KRQJ DQG & 6KX Lyapunov formulation for efficient solution of the Poisson and convection-diffusion equations by the differential quadrature method-RXUQDORI&RPSXWDWLRQDO3K\VLFV  >@ -% +DQ DQG .0 /LHZ Analysis of annular Reissner-Mindlin plates using differential quadrature method,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI0HFKDQLFDO6FLHQFHV >@ /+XDDQG.@ 3 0LUIDNKUDHL DQG ' 5HGHNRS Buckling of circular cylindrical shells by the differential quadrature method,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI3UHVVXUH9HVVHOVDQG3LSLQJ >@ =$6LGGLTLDQG$5.XNUHWLAnalysis of eccentrically stiffened plates with mixed boundary conditions using differential quadrature method$SSOLHG0HFKDQLFDO0RGHOOLQJ >@ 6 7RPDVLHOOR Differential quadrature method: application to initial-boundary-value problems -RXUQDO RI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ & 6KX DQG + ;XH Comparison of two approaches for implementing stream function boundary conditions in DQ simulation of natural convection in a square cavity,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI+HDWDQG )OXLG)ORZ >@ & 6KX .6 @ )/ /LX DQG .0 /LHZ Free vibration analysis of Mindlin sector plates: numerical solutions by differential quadrature method &RPSXWHU0HWKRGV LQ$SSOLHG 0HFKDQLFV DQG (QJLQHHULQJ  >@ )/ /LX DQG .0 /LHZ Differential quadrature element method: a new approach for free vibration analysis of polar Mindlin plates having discontinuities &RPSXWHU 0HWKRGV LQ $SSOLHG 0HFKDQLFV DQG (QJLQHHULQJ >@ )//LXDQG.0/LHZAnalysis of vibrating thick rectangular plates with mixed boundary constraints using differential quadrature element method-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ )/ /LX DQG .0 /LHZ Vibration analysis of discontinuous Mindlin plates by differential quadrature element method-RXUQDORI9LEUDWLRQDQG$FRXVWLFV >@ ,%RQ]DQLDomain decomposition and discretization of continuum mathematical models&RPSXWHUVDQG 0DWKHPDWLFVZLWK$SSOLFDWLRQV >@ -% +DQ DQG .0 /LHZ Axisymmetric free vibration of thick annular plates ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDO RI 0HFKDQLFDO6FLHQFHV >@ .0 /LHZ DQG 70 7HR Three-dimensional vibration analysis of rectangular plates based on differential quadrature method-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ .0 /LHZ 70 7HR DQG -% +DQ Comparative accuracy of DQ and HDQ methods for threedimensional vibration analysis of rectangular plates ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDO IRU 1XPHULFDO 0HWKRGV LQ (QJLQHHULQJ >@ '5HGHNRSDQG%;XVibrational analysis of toroidal panels using the differential quadrature method 7KLQ:DOOHG6WUXFWXUHV >@ & 6KX DQG + ;XH Solution of Helmholtz equation by differential quadrature method &RPSXWHU 0HWKRGVLQ$SSOLHG0HFKDQLFVDQG(QJLQHHULQJ >@ & 6KX DQG @ & 6KX DQG @ .@ & 6KX Application of differential quadrature method to simulate natural convection in a concentric annulus,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDOIRU1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ)OXLGV >@ & 6KX DQG &0 :DQJ Treatment of mixed and nonuniform boundary conditions in GDQ vibration analysis of rectangular plates(QJLQHHULQJ6WUXFWXUHV >@ &6KXDQG:&KHQOn optimal selection of interior points for applying discretized boundary conditions in DQ vibration analysis of beams and plates-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ 7@ &6KXDifferential Quadrature and Its Application in Engineering6SULQJHU >@ *) &DUH\ DQG %$ )LQOD\VRQ Orthogonal collocation on finite elements´ &KHPLFDO (QJLQHHULQJ 6FLHQFH >@ 6$2UV]DJSpectral methods for problems in complex geometries-RXUQDORI&RPSXWDWLRQDO3K\VLFV  >@ %0HWLYHWDQG@ $73DWHUDA spectral element method for fluid dynamics: laminar flow in a channel expansion-RXUQDO RI&RPSXWDWLRQDO3K\VLFV >@ & &DQXWR 0@ :2VWDFKRZLF]3.XGHOD0.UDZF]XNDQG$=DNGuided Waves in Structures for SHM. The TimeDomain Spectral Element Method-RKQ:LOH\ 6RQV

   >@ & )UDQFLRVL DQG 6 7RPDVLHOOR A modified quadrature element method to perform static analysis of structures,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI0HFKDQLFDO6FLHQFHV >@ &)UDQFLRVLDQG67RPDVLHOORStatic analysis of a Bickford beam by means of the DQEM,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDORI0HFKDQLFDO6FLHQFHV >@ @ +==KRQJDQG7@ @ @ +==KRQJDQG@ += =KRQJ &/ 3DQ DQG + @ 1 ;LDR DQG += =KRQJ Non-linear quadrature element analysis of planar frames based on geometrically exact beam theory,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI1RQ/LQHDU0HFKDQLFV >@ 5 +H DQG += =KRQJ Large deflection elasto-plastic analysis of frames using the weak-form quadrature element method)LQLWH(OHPHQWVLQ$QDO\VLVDQG'HVLJQ >@ +==KRQJDQG=*@ %/LX@ @ 66( /DP Application of the differential quadrature method to two-dimensional problems with arbitrary geometry&RPSXWHUV 6WUXFWXUHV

   >@ *5 /LX DQG 7@ g &LYDOHN Discrete singular convolution methodology for free vibration and stability analyses of arbitrary straight-sided quadrilateral plates&RPPXQLFDWLRQVLQ1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ  >@ g&LYDOHNA four-node discrete singular convolution for geometric transformation and its application to numerical solution of vibration problem of arbitrary straight sided quadrilateral plates $SSOLHG 0DWKHPDWLFDO0RGHOOLQJ >@ g&LYDOHNDQG%g]WUNVibration analysis of plates with curvilinear quadrilateral domains by discrete singular convolution method6WUXFWXUDO(QJLQHHULQJDQG0HFKDQLFV >@ .0 /LHZ DQG -% +DQ A four-node differential quadrature method for straight sided quadrilateral Reissner/Mindlin plates&RPPXQLFDWLRQVLQ1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ -% +DQ DQG .0 /LHZ An eight-node curvilinear differential quadrature formulation for Reissner/Mindlin plates&RPSXWHU0HWKRGVLQ$SSOLHG0HFKDQLFVDQG(QJLQHHULQJ >@ -% +DQ DQG .0 /LHZ Static analysis of Mindlin plates: the differential quadrature element method (DQEM)&RPSXWHU0HWKRGVLQ$SSOLHG0HFKDQLFVDQG(QJLQHHULQJ >@ &6KX:&KHQDQG+'XFree vibration analysis of curvilinear quadrilateral plates by the differential quadrature method-RXUQDORI&RPSXWDWLRQDO3K\VLFV >@ @ ( 9LROD ) 7RUQDEHQH DQG 1 )DQWX]]L Generalized differential quadrature finite element method for cracked composite structures of arbitrary shape&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ ( 9LROD ) 7RUQDEHQH ( )HUUHWWL DQG 1 )DQWX]]L Soft core plane state structures under static loads using GDQFEM and Cell Method&0(6 >@ ( 9LROD ) 7RUQDEHQH ( )HUUHWWL DQG 1 )DQWX]]L GDQFEM numerical simulations of continuous media with cracks and discontinuities&0(6 >@ ( 9LROD ) 7RUQDEHQH ( )HUUHWWL DQG 1 )DQWX]]L On Static Analysis of Plane State Structures via GDQFEM and Cell Method&0(6 >@ 1)DQWX]]L)7RUQDEHQHDQG(9LRODGeneralized Differential Quadrature Finite Element Method for Vibration Analysis of Arbitrarily Shaped Membranes ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDO RI 0HFKDQLFDO 6FLHQFHV  

   >@ 0$'H5RVDDQG&)UDQFLRVLExact and approximate dynamic analysis of circular arches using DQM ,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI6ROLGVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ /+XDDQG.@ .&-DQHDQG&&+RQJThermal bending analysis of laminated orthotropic plates by the generalized differential quadrature method0HFKDQLFV5HVHDUFK&RPPXQLFDWLRQV >@ .@ .@ .0 /LHZ DQG )/ /LX Differential quadrature method for vibration analysis of shear deformable annular sector plates-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ 7@ 1 %HOORPR ( 'H $QJHOLV / *UD]LDQR DQG $ 5RPDQR Solutions of nonlinear problems in applied sciences by generalized collocation methods and mathematica &RPSXWHUV DQG 0DWKHPDWLFV ZLWK $SSOLFDWLRQV >@ &: %HUW DQG 0 0DOLN Letters to the editor. Comments on ‘Differential quadrature method for vibration analysis of shear deformable annular sector plates¶-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ  >@ 7& )XQJ Solving initial value problems by differential quadrature method - part 1: first-order equations,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDOIRU1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ 7&)XQJSolving initial value problems by differential quadrature method - part 2: second- and higherorder equations,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDOIRU1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ / +XD DQG .@ .0/LHZ707HRDQG-%+DQThree-dimensional static solutions of rectangular plates by variant differential quadrature method,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI0HFKDQLFDO6FLHQFHV >@ )/ /LX Differential quadrature element method for buckling analysis of rectangular Mindlin plates having discontinuities,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI6ROLGVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ 0 0DQFXVR DQG ) 8EHUWLQL Collocation methods with controllable dissipation for linear dynamics &RPSXWHU0HWKRGVLQ$SSOLHG0HFKDQLFVDQG(QJLQHHULQJ >@ & 6KX : &KHQ + ;XH DQG + 'X Numerical study of grid distribution effect on accuracy of DQ analysis of beams and plates by error estimation of derivative approximation ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDO IRU 1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ

Anisotropic Doubly-Curved Shells

Bibliography >@ &6KX+;XHDQG@ & 6KX DQG .+$ :HH Numerical simulation of natural convection in a square cavity by simplegeneralized differential quadrature method&RPSXWHUVDQG)OXLGV >@ -:DQJ.0/LHZ0-7DQDQG65DMHQGUDQAnalysis of rectangular laminated composite plates via FSDT meshless method,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI0HFKDQLFDO6FLHQFHV >@ ;:DQJ DQG@ &3 :X DQG 6- &KLX Thermally induced dynamic instability of laminated composite conical shells ,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI6ROLGVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ &3 :X @ 6 7RPDVLHOOR Stability and accuracy of the iterative differential quadrature method ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDOIRU1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ 67RPDVLHOORSimulating non-linear coupled oscillators by an iterative differential quadrature method -RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ ;:DQJ07DQDQG@ -==KDQJ7@ *3 =RX DQG 66( /DP Post-buckling analysis of imperfect laminates using finite strips based on a higher-order plate theory ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDO IRU 1XPHULFDO 0HWKRGV LQ (QJLQHHULQJ    >@ 10 $XFLHOOR DQG 0$ 'H 5RVD Two approaches to the dynamic analysis of foundation beams subjected to subtangential forces&RPSXWHUVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ g&LYDOHNApplication of differential quadrature (DQ) and harmonic differential quadrature (HDQ) for buckling analysis of thin isotropic plates and elastic columns(QJLQHHULQJ6WUXFWXUHV >@ 0 'DUYL]HK $ 'DUYL]HK 5 $QVDUL DQG &% 6KDUPD Buckling analysis of generally laminated composite plates (generalized differential quadrature rules versus Rayleigh-Ritz method) &RPSRVLWH 6WUXFWXUHV >@ +'LQJ&6KX.6@ ;:DQJDQG@ ;:DQJDQG@ ; :DQJ @ ( 9LROD DQG ( $UWLROL The G.D.Q. Method for the Harmonic Dynamic Analysis of Rotational Shell Structural Elements6WUXFWXUDO(QJLQHHULQJDQG0HFKDQLFV >@ (9LROD($UWLROLDQG0'LOHQDAnalytical and Differential Quadrature Results for Vibration Analysis of Damaged Circular Arches-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ ( 9LROD DQG ) 7RUQDEHQH Vibration analysis of damaged circular arches with varying cross-section 6WUXFWXUDO,QWHJULW\DQG'XUDELOLW\ 6,'6'+0  >@ ;+ :DQJ DQG ' 5HGHNRS Natural frequencies and mode shapes for an orthotropic thin shell of revolution7KLQ:DOOHG6WUXFWXUHV >@ ;:XDQG:.RQJA highly accurate linearized method for free boundary problems&RPSXWHUVDQG 0DWKHPDWLFVZLWK$SSOLFDWLRQV >@ = =RQJ .@ g &LYDOHN An efficient method for free vibration analysis of rotating truncated conical shells ,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI3UHVVXUH9HVVHOVDQG3LSLQJ >@ / *RYRQL 0 0DQFXVR DQG ) 8EHUWLQL Hierarchical higher-order dissipative methods for transient analysis,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDOIRU1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ * .DUDPL 3 0DOHN]DGHK DQG 65 0RKHESRXU DQM free vibration analysis of moderately thick symmetric laminated plates with elastically restrained edges&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ 30DOHN]DGHKDQG*.DUDPLDifferential quadrature nonlinear analysis of skew composite plates based on FSDT(QJLQHHULQJ6WUXFWXUHV >@ ' 5HGHNRS Three-dimensional free vibration analysis of inhomogeneous thick orthotropic shells of revolution using differential quadrature-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ

F. Tornabene, M. Bacciocchi

Bibliography >@ (9LROD DQG ) 7RUQDEHQHVibration analysis of conical shell structures using GDQ Method )DU (DVW -RXUQDORI$SSOLHG0DWKHPDWLFV >@ % ;X DQG ' 5HGHNRS Natural frequencies of an orthotropic thin toroidal shell of elliptical crosssection-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ ;+:DQJ%;XDQG'5HGHNRSTheoretical natural frequencies and mode shapes for thin and thick curved pipes and toroidal shells-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ 1%HOORPR%/RGV55HYHOOLDQG/5LGROILGeneralized Collocation Methods: Solution to Nonlinear Problems%LUNKlXVHU >@ g &LYDOHN Nonlinear analysis of thin rectangular plates on Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation differential by DSC-HQM methods$SSOLHG0DWKHPDWLFDO0RGHOOLQJ >@ ++DIWFKHQDUL0'DUYL]HK$'DUYL]HK5$QVDULDQG&%6KDUPDDynamic analysis of composite shells using differential quadrature method&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH Modellazione e Soluzione di Strutture a Guscio in Materiale Anisotropo 3K' WKHVLV 8QLYHUVLW\RI%RORJQD >@ )7RUQDEHQHDQG(9LRODVibration analysis of spherical structural elements using the GDQ Method &RPSXWHUV 0DWKHPDWLFVZLWK$SSOLFDWLRQV >@ (9LROD0'LOHQDDQG)7RUQDEHQHAnalytical and numerical results for vibration analysis of multistepped and multi-damaged circular arches-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ ( 9LROD DQG ) 7RUQDEHQH Dynamical analysis of spherical shell structural elements using the First Order Shear Deformation Theory Mechanical Vibration: where do we stand? &,60 FRXUVHV DQG OHFWXUHVHGE\,(OLVKDNRII6SULQJHU:LHQ1HZ@ ;:DQJNonlinear stability analysis of thin doubly curved orthotropic shallow shells by the differential quadrature method&RPSXWHU0HWKRGVLQ$SSOLHG0HFKDQLFVDQG(QJLQHHULQJ >@ $0DU]DQL)7RUQDEHQHDQG(9LRODNonconservative stability problems via Generalized Differential Quadrature Method-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH DQG ( 9LROD 2-D solution for free vibrations of parabolic shells using Generalized Differential Quadrature Method(XURSHDQ-RXUQDORI0HFKDQLFV$6ROLGV >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH ( 9LROD DQG '- ,QPDQ 2-D Differential Quadrature solution for vibration analysis of functionally graded conical, cylindrical and annular shell structures -RXUQDO RI 6RXQG DQG 9LEUDWLRQ  >@ )7RUQDEHQHFree Vibration analysis of functionally graded conical, cylindrical shell and annular plate structures with a four-parameter power-law distribution&RPSXWHU0HWKRGVLQ$SSOLHG0HFKDQLFVDQG (QJLQHHULQJ >@ )7RUQDEHQHDQG(9LRODFree vibration analysis of functionally graded panels and shells of revolution 0HFFDQLFD >@ )7RUQDEHQHDQG(9LRODFree vibrations of four-parameter functionally graded parabolic panels and shell of revolution(XURSHDQ-RXUQDORI0HFKDQLFV$6ROLGV >@ (9LRODDQG)7RUQDEHQHFree vibrations of three parameter functionally graded parabolic panels of revolution0HFKDQLFV5HVHDUFK&RPPXQLFDWLRQV >@ )7RUQDEHQH$0DU]DQL(9LRODDQG,(OLVKDNRIICritical flow speeds of pipes conveying fluid by the Generalized Differential Quadrature Method $GYDQFHV LQ 7KHRUHWLFDO DQG $SSOLHG 0HFKDQLFV   >@ )7RUQDEHQHFree vibrations of laminated composite doubly-curved shells and panels of revolution via the GDQ Method&RPSXWHU0HWKRGVLQ$SSOLHG0HFKDQLFVDQG(QJLQHHULQJ >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH 2-D GDQ solution for free vibrations of anisotropic doubly-curved shells and panels of revolution&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ )7RUQDEHQHFree vibrations of anisotropic doubly-curved shells and panels of revolution with a freeform meridian resting on Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundations &RPSRVLWH 6WUXFWXUHV    >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH $ /LYHUDQL DQG * &DOLJLDQD FGM and laminated doubly-curved shells and panels of revolution with a free-form meridian: a 2-D GDQ solution for free vibrations ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDO RI 0HFKDQLFDO6FLHQFHV >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH Meccanica delle Strutture a Guscio in Materiale Composito. Il metodo Generalizzato di Quadratura Differenziale(VFXODSLR >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH $ /LYHUDQL DQG * &DOLJLDQD Laminated composite rectangular and annular plates: a GDQ solution for static analysis with a posteriori shear and normal stress recovery&RPSRVLWHV3DUW% (QJLQHHULQJ

Anisotropic Doubly-Curved Shells

Bibliography >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH $ /LYHUDQL DQG * &DOLJLDQD Static analysis of laminated composite curved shells and panels of revolution with a posteriori shear and normal stress recovery using Generalized Differential Quadrature Method,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI0HFKDQLFDO6FLHQFHV >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH $ /LYHUDQL DQG * &DOLJLDQD General anisotropic doubly-curved shell theory: a Differential Quadrature solution for free vibrations of shells and panels of revolution with a free-form meridian-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ ( 9LROD / 5RVVHWWL DQG1)DQWX]]LNumerical investigation of functionally graded cylindrical shells and panels using the generalized unconstrained third order theory coupled with the stress recovery &RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ $-0)HUUHLUD(9LROD)7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]LDQG$0=HQNRXUAnalysis of sandwich plates by generalized differential quadrature method0DWKHPDWLFDO3UREOHPVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ9RO$UWLFOH,'  >@ )7RUQDEHQHDQG$&HUXWLFree-form laminated doubly-curved shells and panels of revolution resting on Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundations: a 2-D GDQ solution for static and free vibration analysis :RUOG-RXUQDORI0HFKDQLFV >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH DQG $ &HUXWL Mixed static and dynamic optimization of four-parameter functionally graded completely doubly-curved and degenerate shells and panels using GDQ method 0DWKHPDWLFDO 3UREOHPVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ9RO$UWLFOH,' >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH DQG -1 5HGG\ FGM and laminated doubly-curved and degenerate shells resting on nonlinear elastic foundations: a GDQ solution for static analysis with a posteriori stress and strain recovery-RXUQDORI,QGLDQ,QVWLWXWHRI6FLHQFH >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH DQG ( 9LROD Static analysis of functionally graded doubly-curved shells and panels of revolution0HFFDQLFD >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH ( 9LROD DQG 1 )DQWX]]L General higher-order equivalent single layer theory for free vibrations of doubly-curved laminated composite shells and panels &RPSRVLWH 6WUXFWXUHV    >@ ( 9LROD ) 7RUQDEHQH DQG 1 )DQWX]]L General higher-order shear deformation theories for the free vibration analysis of completely doubly-curved laminated shells and panels &RPSRVLWH 6WUXFWXUHV   >@ (9LROD)7RUQDEHQHDQG1)DQWX]]LStatic analysis of completely doubly-curved laminated shells and panels using general higher-order shear deformation theories&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ ;:DQJDQG@ 5 =KDQJ DQG+= =KRQJWeak form quadrature element analysis of planar slender beams based on geometrically exact beam theory$UFKLYHRI$SSOLHG0HFKDQLFV >@ 1 )DQWX]]L DQG ) 7RUQDEHQH Strong Formulation Finite Element Method for Arbitrarily Shaped Laminated Plates – Part I. Theoretical Analysis$GYDQFHVLQ$LUFUDIWDQG6SDFHFUDIW6FLHQFH  >@ 1 )DQWX]]L DQG ) 7RUQDEHQH Strong Formulation Finite Element Method for Arbitrarily Shaped Laminated Plates – Part II. Numerical Analysis$GYDQFHVLQ$LUFUDIWDQG6SDFHFUDIW6FLHQFH  >@ $-0)HUUHLUD(&DUUHUD0&LQHIUD(9LROD)7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]LDQG$0=HQNRXUAnalysis of thick isotropic and cross-ply laminated plates by generalized differential quadrature method and a unified formulation&RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ >@ )7RUQDEHQHDQG1)DQWX]]LMechanicsof Laminated Composite Doubly-Curved Shell Structures. The Generalized Differential Quadrature Method and the Strong Formulation Finite Element Method (VFXODSLR >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH1 )DQWX]]L ( 9LROD DQG ( &DUUHUDStatic analysis of doubly-curved anisotropic shells and panels using CUF approach, differential geometry and differential quadrature method &RPSRVLWH 6WUXFWXUHV± >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH 1 )DQWX]]L ( 9LROD DQG -1 5HGG\ Winkler-Pasternak foundation effect on the static and dynamic analyses of laminated doubly-curved and degenerate shells and panels&RPSRVLWHV3DUW% (QJLQHHULQJ >@ ( 9LROD / 5RVVHWWL 1 )DQWX]]L DQG ) 7RUQDEHQH Static Analysis of Functionally Graded Conical Shells and Panels Using the Generalized Unconstrained Third Order Theory Coupled with the Stress Recovery&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV

F. Tornabene, M. Bacciocchi


   >@ (-.DQVDMultiquadrics - A scattered data approximation scheme with applications to computational fluid-dynamics - I surface approximations and partial derivative estimates&RPSXWHUVDQG0DWKHPDWLFV ZLWK$SSOLFDWLRQV >@ (-.DQVDMultiquadrics - A scattered data approximation scheme with applications to computational fluid-dynamics - II solutions to parabolic, hyperbolic and elliptic partial differential equations &RPSXWHUVDQG0DWKHPDWLFVZLWK$SSOLFDWLRQV >@ *( )DVVKDXHU Solving differential equations with radial basis functions: multilevel methods and smoothing$GYDQFHVLQ&RPSXWDWLRQDO0DWKHPDWLFV >@ *()DVVKDXHUMeshfree Approximation Methods with Matlab:RUOG6FLHQWLILF3XEOLVKLQJ >@ *( )DVVKDXHU DQG -* =KDQJ On choosing ‘optimal’ shape parameters for RBF approximation 1XPHULFDO$OJRULWKPV >@ $-0)HUUHLUDDQG*()DVVKDXHUComputation of natural frequencies of shear deformable beams and plates by an RBF-pseudospectral method &RPSXWHU 0HWKRGV LQ $SSOLHG 0HFKDQLFV DQG (QJLQHHULQJ  >@ $-0 )HUUHLUD *( )DVVKDXHU 5& %DWUD DQG -' 5RGULJXHV Static deformations and vibration analysis of composite and sandwich plates using a layerwise theory and RBF-PS discretizations with optimal shape parameter&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV

   >@ 6 5LSSD An algorithm for selecting a good value for the parameter c in radial basis function interpolation$GYDQFHVLQ&RPSXWDWLRQDO0DWKHPDWLFV >@ +:HQGODQGMeshless Galerkin methods using radial basis functions´0DWKHPDWLFVRI&RPSXWDWLRQ  >@ 0'%XKPDQQRadial basis functions$FWD1XPHULFD >@ -* :DQJ DQG *5 /LX On the optimal shape parameters of radial basis functions used for 2-D meshless methods&RPSXWHU0HWKRGVLQ$SSOLHG0HFKDQLFVDQG(QJLQHHULQJ >@ $-0 )HUUHLUD &0& 5RTXH DQG 3$/6 0DUWLQV Analysis of composite plates using higher-order shear deformation theory and a finite point formulation based on the multiquadric radial basis function method&RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ >@ &6KX+'LQJDQG.6@ $-0 )HUUHLUD &0& 5RTXH DQG 501 -RUJH, Free vibration analysis of symmetric laminated composite plates by FSDT and radial basis functions &RPSXWHU 0HWKRGV LQ $SSOLHG 0HFKDQLFV DQG (QJLQHHULQJ >@ $-0 )HUUHLUD &0& 5RTXH DQG 501 -RUJHAnalysis of composite plates by trigonometric shear deformation theory and multiquadrics&RPSXWHUVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ $-0 )HUUHLUD &0& 5RTXH DQG 501 -RUJH Modelling of composite and sandwich plates by a trigonometric layerwise deformation theory and radial basis functions&RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ  >@ + 'LQJ & 6KX .6 @ :;:X&6KXDQG&0:DQJVibration analysis of arbitrarily shaped membranes using local radial basis function-based differential quadrature method-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ 6 ;LDQJ .0 :DQJ @ 9 %D\RQD 0 0RVFRVR DQG 0 .LQGHODQ Optimal constant shape parameter for multiquadric based RBF-FD method-RXUQDORI&RPSXWDWLRQDO3K\VLFV >@ 6;LDQJ=@ &0&5RTXH'&XQKD&6KXDQG$-0)HUUHLUDA local radial basis functions - Finite differences technique for the analysis of composite plates (QJLQHHULQJ$QDO\VLVZLWK %RXQGDU\ (OHPHQWV  >@ $-0)HUUHLUD&0&5RTXH$0$1HYHV501-RUJH&006RDUHVDQG.0/LHZBuckling and vibration of isotropic and laminated plates by radial basis functions&RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ  >@ $-RGDHL0-DODODQG0+@ $0$1HYHV$-0)HUUHLUD(&DUUHUD&0&5RTXH0&LQHIUD501-RUJHDQG&006RDUHV A quasi-3D sinusoidal shear deformation theory for the static and free vibration analysis of functionally graded plates&RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ >@ $56HWRRGHK07DKDQLDQG(6HODKLTransient dynamic and free vibration analysis of functionally graded truncated conical shells with non-uniform thickness subjected to mechanical shock loading &RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ >@ $0$ 1HYHV $-0 )HUUHLUD ( &DUUHUD 0 &LQHIUD &0& 5RTXH 501 -RUJH DQG &00 6RDUHV A quasi-3D hyperbolic shear deformation theory for the static and free vibration analysis of functionally graded plates&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ 0 *KHUORQH / ,XUODUR DQG 0 'L 6FLXYD A novel algorithm for shape parameter selection in radial basis functions collocation method&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ $-0 )HUUHLUD ( &DUUHUD 0 &LQHIUD DQG &0& 5RTXH Radial basis functions collocation for the bending and free vibration analysis of laminated plates using the Reissner-Mixed Variational Theorem (XURSHDQ-RXUQDORI0HFKDQLFV$6ROLGV >@ $0$ 1HYHV $-0 )HUUHLUD ( &DUUHUD 0 &LQHIUD &0& 5RTXH 501 -RUJH DQG &00 6RDUHVFree vibration analysis of functionally graded shells by a higher-order shear deformation theory and radial basis functions collocation, accounting for through-the-thickness deformations (XURSHDQ -RXUQDORI0HFKDQLFV$6ROLGV >@ @ $0$ 1HYHV $-0 )HUUHLUD ( &DUUHUD 0 &LQHIUD &0& 5RTXH 501 -RUJH DQG &00 6RDUHVStatic, free vibration and buckling analysis of isotropic and sandwich functionally graded plates using a quasi-3D higher-order shear deformation theory and a meshless technique&RPSRVLWHV3DUW% (QJLQHHULQJ >@ )7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]L(9LRODDQG$-0)HUUHLUDRadial basis function method applied to doublycurved laminated composite shells and panels with a general higher-order equivalent single layer theory &RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ >@ 0'HKJKDQDQG$1LNSRXUNumerical solution of the system of second-order boundary value problem using the local radial basis functions based differential quadrature collocation method $SSOLHG 0DWKHPDWLFDO0RGHOOLQJ >@ / ,XUODUR 0 *KHUORQH DQG 0 'L 6FLXYD Energy based approach for shape parameter selection in radial basis functions collocation method&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV

   >@ +'LQJ&6KX.6@ +%DUDUQLD0-DODDO(*KDVHPL66ROHLPDQL''*DQMLDQG)0RKDPPDGLNumerical simulation of joule heating phenomenon using meshless RBF-DQ method,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI7KHUPDO6FLHQFHV  >@ 66ROHLPDQL0-DODDO+%DUDUQLD(*KDVHPL''*DQMLDQG)0RKDPPDGLLocal RBF-DQ method for two-dimensional transient heat conduction problems,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RPPXQLFDWLRQVLQ+HDWDQG0DVV 7UDQVIHU >@ 46KHQLocal RBF-based differential quadrature collocation method for the boundary layer problems (QJLQHHULQJ$QDO\VLVZLWK%RXQGDU\(OHPHQWV >@ 05 +DVKHPL DQG ) +DWDP Unsteady seepage analysis using local radial basis function-based differential quadrature method$SSOLHG0DWKHPDWLFDO0RGHOOLQJ >@ 0-DODDO66ROHLPDQL*'RPDLUU\(*KDVHPL+%DUDUQLD)0RKDPPDGLDQG$%DUDULNumerical simulation of electric field in complex geometries for different electrode arrangements using meshless local MQ-DQ method-RXUQDORI(OHFWURVWDWLFV >@ 6 6ROHLPDQL '' *DQML ( *KDVHPL 0 -DODDO DQG + %DUDU Meshless local RBF-DQ for 2-D heat condution: a comparative study7KHUPDO6FLHQFH66 >@ 05 +DVKHPL DQG ) +DWDP Unsteady seepage analysis using local radial basis function-based differential quadrature method$SSOLHG0DWKHPDWLFDO0RGHOOLQJ >@ 66ROHLPDQL$4DMDUMD]L+%DUDUQLD$%DUDULDQG*'RPDLUU\Entropy generation due to natural convection in a partially heated cavity by local RBF-DQ method0HFFDQLFD >@ -' 5RGULJXHV &0& 5RTXH $-0 )HUUHLUD 0 &LQHIUD DQG ( &DUUHUD Radial basis functionsdifferential quadrature collocation and a unified formulation for bending, vibration and buckling analysis of laminated plates, according to Murakami’s Zig-Zag theory&RPSXWHUVDQG6WUXFWXUHV  >@ 6 6ROHLPDQL .XWDQDHL 1 5RVKDQ $ 9RVRXJKL 6 6DJKDIL $ %DUDUL DQG 6 6ROHLPDQL Numerical solution of stokes flow in a circular cavity using mesh-free local RBF-DQ (QJLQHHULQJ $QDO\VLV ZLWK %RXQGDU\(OHPHQWV >@ $ .KRVKIHWUDW DQG 0- $EHGLQL A hybrid DQ/LMQRBF-DQ approach for numerical solution of Poisson-type and Burger's equations in irregular domain $SSOLHG 0DWKHPDWLFDO 0RGHOOLQJ    >@ $.KRVKIHWUDWDQG0-$EHGLQLNumerical modeling of long waves in shallow water using LRBF-DQ and hybrid DQ/LRBF-DQ2FHDQ0RGHOOLQJ >@ 0'HKJKDQDQG$1LNSRXUThe solitary wave solution of coupled Klein–Gordon–Zakharov equations via two different numerical methods&RPSXWHU3K\VLFV&RPPXQLFDWLRQV >@ /+RPD\RRQ0-$EHGLQLDQG605+DVKHPLRBF-DQ solution for shallow water equations-RXUQDO RI:DWHUZD\3RUW&RDVWDODQG2FHDQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ @ &0&5RTXH'&XQKD&6KXDQG$-0)HUUHLUDA local radial basis functions-Finite differences technique for the analysis of composite plates (QJLQHHULQJ$QDO\VLVZLWK %RXQGDU\ (OHPHQWV  >@ -'5RGULJXHV&0&5RTXH$-0)HUUHLUD(&DUUHUDDQG0&LQHIUDRadial basis functions-finite differences collocation and a unified formulation for bending, vibration and buckling analysis of laminated plates, according to Murakami’s zig-zag theory&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ &0& 5RTXH -' 5RGULJXHV DQG $-0 )HUUHLUD Analysis of thick plates by local radial basis functions-finite differences method0HFFDQLFD >@ ()%ROOLJ1)O\HUDQG*(UOHEDFKHUSolution to PDEs using radial basis function finite-differences (RBF-FD) on multiple GPUs-RXUQDORI&RPSXWDWLRQDO3K\VLFV

   >@ 05 +DVKHPL 0- $EHGLQL DQG 3 0DOHN]DGHK Numerical modeling of long waves in shallow water using Incremental Differential Quadrature Method2FHDQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ 05 +DVKHPL DQG 0- $EHGLQL Numerical modelling of water hammer using differential quadrature method$,3&RQIHUHQFH3URFHHGLQJV

Anisotropic Doubly-Curved Shells

Bibliography >@ 05 +DVKHPL 0- $EHGLQL DQG 3 0DOHN]DGHK A differential quadrature analysis of unsteady open channel flow$SSOLHG0DWKHPDWLFDO0RGHOOLQJ >@ 05+DVKHPL0-$EHGLQL631HLOODQG30DOHN]DGHKTidal and surge modelling using differential quadrature: a case study in the Bristol channel&RDVWDO(QJLQHHULQJ

   >@ /=KDQJ@ &+:1J@ & 7VDL ' @ 0+DPLGL0+DVKHPL17DOHEEH\GRNKWLDQG61HLOONumerical modelling of the mild slope equation using localised differential quadrature method2FHDQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ 0 1DVVDU 06 0DWEXO\ DQG 2 5DJE Vibration analysis of structural elements using differential quadrature method-RXUQDORI$GYDQFHG5HVHDUFK >@ 7 :DQJ 6 &DR DQG @ @ 3 =DKHGLQHMDG 3 0DOHN]DGHK 0 )DULGD DQG * .DUDPL A semi-analytical three-dimensional free vibration analysis of functionally graded curved panels ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDO RI 3UHVVXUH 9HVVHOV DQG 3LSLQJ >@ 605 .KDOLOL $$ -DIDUL DQG 6$ (IWHNKDUL A mixed Ritz-DQ method for forced vibration of functionally graded beams carrying moving loads&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ 6$ (IWHNKDUL DQG $$ -DIDUL A mixed method for free and forced vibration of rectangular plates $SSOLHG0DWKHPDWLFDO0RGHOOLQJ >@ 6$ (IWHNKDUL DQG $$ -DIDUL Modified mixed Ritz-DQ formulation for free vibration of thick rectangular and skew plates with general boundary conditions $SSOLHG 0DWKHPDWLFDO 0RGHOOLQJ   >@ 6$ (IWHNKDUL DQG $$ -DIDUL A simple and accurate mixed FE-DQ formulation for free vibration of rectangular and skew Mindlin plates with general boundary conditions0HFFDQLFD

   >@ *::HLDiscrete singular convolution for the solution of the Fokker-Planck equation7KH-RXUQDORI &KHPLFDO3K\VLFV >@ *::HLDiscrete singular convolution for the sine-Gordon equation3K\VLFD' >@ *::HLSolving quantum eigenvalue problems by discrete singular convolution-RXUQDORI3K\VLFV% $WRPLF0ROHFXODUDQG2SWLFDO3K\VLFV >@ *: :HL Wavelets generated by using discrete singular convolution kernels -RXUQDO RI 3K\VLFV $ 0DWKHPDWLFDODQG*HQHUDO >@ '& :DQ DQG *: :HL Numerical solution of incompressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations by efficient discrete singular convolution method$FWD0HFKDQLFD6LQLFD >@ *::HLDiscrete singular convolution for beam analysis(QJLQHHULQJ6WUXFWXUHV >@ *::HLVibration analysis by discrete singular convolution-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ  >@ *: :HL A new algorithm for solving some mechanical problems &RPSXWHU 0HWKRGV LQ $SSOLHG 0HFKDQLFVDQG(QJLQHHULQJ >@ *::HL@ *::HL@ g&LYDOHNNonlinear dynamic response of laminated plates resting on nonlinear elastic foundations by the discrete singular convolution-differential quadrature coupled approaches &RPSRVLWHV 3DUW % (QJLQHHULQJ >@ g &LYDOHN Nonlinear analysis of thin rectangular plates on Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundations by DSC–HDQ methods$SSOLHG0DWKHPDWLFDO0RGHOOLQJ

   >@ ; :X + 'X DQG : .RQJ Differential quadrature Trefftz method for Poisson-type problems on irregular domains(QJLQHHULQJ$QDO\VLVZLWK%RXQGDU\(OHPHQWV >@ ; /LX DQG ; :X Differential quadrature Trefftz method for irregular plate problems (QJLQHHULQJ $QDO\VLVZLWK%RXQGDU\(OHPHQWV >@ ;:XDQG@ *5/LXMesh Free Methods. Moving Beyond the Finite Element Method&5&3UHVV >@ +/LDQG660XOD\Meshless Methods and their Numerical Properties&5&3UHVV >@ 73 )ULHV DQG +* 0DWWKLHVClassification and overview of meshfree methods 7HFKQLFDO8QLYHUVLW\ %UDXQVFKZHLJ%UXQVZLFN*HUPDQ\

   >@ 660XOD\+/LDQG66HHOn the random differential quadrature (RDQ) method: consistency analysis and application in elasticity problems&RPSXWDWLRQDO0HFKDQLFV >@ 660XOD\+/LDQG66HHOn the convergence of random differential quadrature (RDQ) method and its application in solving nonlinear differential equations in mechanics&0(6 >@ 60XOD\DQG+/LAnalysis of microelectromechanical systems using the meshless random differential quadrature method$GYDQFHG0DWHULDOV5HVHDUFK >@ 66 0XOD\ + /L DQG 6 6HH On the development of adaptive random differential quadrature method with an error recovery technique and its application in the locally high gradient problems &RPSXWDWLRQDO0HFKDQLFV >@ 66 0XOD\ Development of a novel strong-form meshless technique : random differential quadrature (RDQ) method with applications for 2-D multiphysics simulation of pH-sensitive hydrogel3K'7KHVLV 1DQ\DQJ7HFKQRORJLFDO8QLYHUVLW\6LQJDSRUH >@ +/L660XOD\DQG66HHOn the location of zeroes of polynomials from the stability analysis of novel strong-form meshless random differential quadrature method&0(6 >@ +/LDQG660XOD\2D simulation of the deformation of pH-sensitive hydrogel by novel strong-form meshless random differential quadrature method&RPSXWDWLRQDO0HFKDQLFV >@ + /L DQG + =RX A random integral quadrature method for numerical analysis of the second kind of Volterra integral equations-RXUQDORI&RPSXWDWLRQDODQG$SSOLHG0DWKHPDWLFV >@ :. /LX 6 -XQ DQG @ :. /LX 6 -XQ DQG @ & 6KX DQG /) )DQ A new discretization method and its application to solve incompressible NavierStokes equations&RPSXWDWLRQDO0HFKDQLFV >@ &6KXDQG@ @ &+ =KRX DQG & 6KX Simulation of self-propelled anguilliform swimming by local domain-free discretization method,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDOIRU1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ)OXLGV

   >@ :4&KHQ&)/YDQG=*%LDQElasticity solution for free vibration of laminated beams&RPSRVLWH 6WUXFWXUHV >@ &)/YState-Space-Based Differential Quadrature Method and Its Applications3K'7KHVLV=KHMLDQJ 8QLYHUVLW\3HRSOH¶V5HSXEOLFRI&KLQD >@ &)/=&=KDQJDQG:4&KHQFree vibration of generally supported rectangular Kirchhoff plates: State-space-based differential quadrature method ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDO IRU 1XPHULFDO 0HWKRGV LQ (QJLQHHULQJ >@ &) / DQG :4 &KHQ A hybrid elasticity method for bending and free vibration of composite laminates&0(6 >@ @ $-RGDHL0-DODODQG0+@ &3 :X DQG 5@ .0 /LHZ @ .0 /LHZ @ .0/LHZ DQG@ .0/LHZ@ .0 /LHZ @ :/DQKH:+RQJKXQDQG:'DRELQDynamic stability analysis of FGM plates by the moving least squares differential quadrature method&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ 9 6ODGHN - 6ODGHN DQG / 6DWRU Physical decomposition of thin plate bending problems and their solution by mesh-free methods(QJLQHHULQJ$QDO\VLVZLWK%RXQGDU\(OHPHQWV >@ /6DWRU96ODGHNDQG-6ODGHNCoupling effects in elastic analysis of FGM composite plates by meshfree methods&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV

Anisotropic Doubly-Curved Shells

Bibliography >@ / 6DWRU 9 6ODGHN DQG - 6ODGHN Analysis of Beams with Transversal Gradations of the Young's Modulus and Variable Depths by the Meshless Method6ORYDN-RXUQDORI&LYLO(QJLQHHULQJ  >@ 2 5DJE 06 0DWEXO\ DQG 0 1DVVDU Analysis of composite plates using moving least squares differential quadrature method$SSOLHG0DWKHPDWLFVDQG&RPSXWDWLRQ

   >@ 7%HO\WVFKNR@ 7 =KX - =KDQJ DQG 61 $WOXUL A meshless Local Boundary Integral Equation (LBIE) method for solving nonlinear problems&RPSXWDWLRQDO0HFKDQLFV >@ 7=KX-=KDQJDQG61$WOXULA Local Boundary Integral Equation (LBIE) method in computational mechanics, and a meshless discretization approach&RPSXWDWLRQDO0HFKDQLFV

F. Tornabene, M. Bacciocchi

Bibliography >@ 7=KX-=KDQJDQG61$WOXULA Meshless Numerical Method Based on The Local Boundary Integral Equation (LBIE) to solve linear and nonlinear boundary value problems (QJLQHHULQJ $QDO\VLV ZLWK %RXQGDU\(OHPHQWV >@ 61 $WOXUL - 6ODGHN 9 6ODGHN DQG 7 =KX The local boundary integral equation (LBIE) and it's meshless implementation for linear elasticity&RPSXWDWLRQDO0HFKDQLFV >@ - 6ODGHN 9 6ODGHN DQG 61 $WOXUL Local boundary integral equation (LBIE) method for solving problems of elasticity with nonhomogeneous material properties&RPSXWDWLRQDO0HFKDQLFV  >@ 96ODGHN-6ODGHNDQG61$WOXULNumerical integration of singularities in meshless implementation of local boundary integral equations&RPSXWDWLRQDO0HFKDQLFV >@ -6ODGHN96ODGHNDQG61$WOXULA pure contour formulation for the meshless local boundary integral equation method in thermoelasticity&0(6

   >@ :+5HHGDQG75+LOOTriangular mesh methods for the neutron transport equation7HFKQLFDO5HSRUW /$85/RV$ODPRV6FLHQWLILF/DERUDWRU\ >@ 3/HVDLQWDQG3$5DYLDUWOn a finite element method for solving the neutron transport equation. In Mathematical Aspects of Finite Elements in Partial Differential Equations GH %RRU & HG  $FDGHPLF 3UHVV >@ 2& =LHQNLHZLF] 5/ 7D\ORU 6- 6KHUZLQ DQG - 3HLUR On discontinuous Galerkin methods ,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDOIRU1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ

   >@ += =KRQJ Spline-based differential quadrature for fourth order differential equations and its application to Kirchhoff plates$SSOLHG0HFKDQLFDO0RGHOOLQJ >@ 4*XRDQG+=KRQJNon-linear vibration analysis of beams by a spline-based differential quadrature method-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ + =KRQJ DQG 4 *XR Vibration analysis of rectangular plates with free corners using spline-based differential quadrature6KRFNDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ + =KRQJ DQG 0 /DQ Solution of nonlinear initial-value problems by the spline-based differential quadrature method-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ $ .URZLDN Symbolic computing in spline-based differential quadrature method &RPPXQLFDWLRQV LQ 1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ $ .URZLDN Methods based on the differential quadrature in vibration analysis of plates -RXUQDO RI 7KHRUHWLFDODQG$SSOLHG0HFKDQLFV >@ $ .RUNPD] $0 $NVR\ DQG , 'DJ Quartic B-spline differential quadrature method ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDORI1RQOLQHDU6FLHQFH >@ % *XSWD DQG 9. .XNUHMD Numerical approach for solving diffusion problems using cubic B-spline collocation method$SSOLHG0DWKHPDWLFVDQG&RPSXWDWLRQ >@ $ .URZLDN Modified spline-based differential quadrature method applied to vibration analysis of truncated conical shells(QJLQHHULQJ&RPSXWDWLRQV >@ $ .URZLDN Determination of the weighting coefficients for differential quadrature method based on spline interpolation7HFKQLFDO7UDQVDFWLRQV0HFKDQLFV0 >@ * $URUD DQG *. 6LQJK Numerical solution of Burgers’ equation with modified cubic B-spline differential quadrature method$SSOLHG0DWKHPDWLFVDQG&RPSXWDWLRQ >@ $.RUNPD]DQGø'D÷Numerical Simulations of Boundary-Forced RLW Equation with Cubic B-Splinebased Differential Quadrature Methods $UDELDQ -RXUQDO IRU 6FLHQFH DQG (QJLQHHULQJ    >@ 2+0RKDPPHG)6)DGKHODQG0$6DHHGNumerical solution of a uniform beam problem using gspline-based differential quadrature method -RXUQDO RI $O1DKUDLQ 8QLYHUVLW\ 6FLHQFH    >@ ' %DUUHUD 3 *RQ]iOH] ) ,EixH] DQG 0- ,EixH] A general spline differential quadrature method based on quasi-interpolation-RXUQDORI&RPSXWDWLRQDODQG$SSOLHG0DWKHPDWLFV

   >@ , %DEXVND - &KDQGUD DQG -( )ODKHUW\ Adaptive Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations6,$0

Anisotropic Doubly-Curved Shells

Bibliography >@ , %DEXVND 2& =LHQNLHZLF] - *DJR DQG (5 GH $ 2OLYHLUD Accuracy Estimates and Adaptive Refinements in Finite Element Computations-RKQ:LOH\DQG6RQV >@ ( 5DQN DQG , %DEXVND An expert system for the optimal mesh design in the hp-version of the finite element method,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDOIRU1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ -( )ODKHUW\3- 3DVORZ06 6KHSKDUG DQG -'9DVLODNLV Adaptive methods for Partial Differential Equations6,$0 >@ : 5DFKRZLF] -7 2GHQ DQG / 'HPNRZLF] Toward a universal h-p adaptive finie element strategy, part 3, design of h-p meshes &RPSXWHU 0HWKRGV LQ $SSOLHG 0HFKDQLFV DQG (QJLQHHULQJ    >@ %6]DERDQG,%DEXVNDFinite Element Analysis:LOH\DQG6RQV >@ .&ODUN-()ODKHUW\DQG066KHSKDUG, Applied Numerical Mathematics6SHFLDO,VVXHRQ$GDSWLYH 0HWKRGVIRU3DUWLDO'LIIHUHQWLDO(TXDWLRQV >@ , %DEXVND -( )ODKHUW\ :' +HQVKDZ -( +RSFURIW -( 2OLJHU DQG 7 7H] Modeling Mesh Generation and Adaptive Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 7KH ,0$ 9ROXPHV LQ 0DWKHPDWLFVDQGLWV$SSOLFDWLRQV6SULQJHU9HUODJ >@ 5 9HUIXUWK A Review of Posteriori Error Estimation and Adaptive Mesh Refinement Techniques 7HXEQHU:LOH\ >@ '% 'XQFDQ Applied Numerical Mathematics 6SHFLDO ,VVXH RQ *ULG $GDSWDWLRQ LQ &RPSXWDWLRQDO 3'(V7KHRU\DQG$SSOLFDWLRQV >@ 0:%HUQ-()ODKHUW\DQG0/XVNLQGrid Generation and Adaptive Algorithms7KH,0$9ROXPHV LQ0DWKHPDWLFVDQGLWV$SSOLFDWLRQV6SULQJHU >@ &6FKZDEP- and Hp- Finite Element Methods: Theory and Applications in Solid and Fluid Mechanics (Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation)&ODUHQGRQ

   >@ $16KHUERXUQHDQG0'3DQGH\Differential quadrature method in the buckling analysis of beams and composite plates&RPSXWHUVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ ;:DQJDifferential quadrature for buckling analysis of laminated plates&RPSXWHUVDQG6WUXFWXUHV  >@ + 'X .0 /LHZ DQG 0. /LP Generalized differential quadrature method for buckling analysis -RXUQDORI(QJLQHHULQJ0HFKDQLFV >@ 6 0RUDG DQG ) 7DKHUL Application of differential quadrature method to the delamination buckling of composite plates&RPSXWHUVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ 6 0RUDG DQG ) 7DKHUL Delamination buckling analysis of general laminated composite beams by differential quadrature method&RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ >@ = *LUJLQ @ ;:DQJ;:DQJDQG;6KLAccurate buckling loads of thin rectangular plates under parabolic edge compressions by the differential quadrature method ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDO RI 0HFKDQLFDO 6FLHQFHV   >@ / -LDQJ @ ; :DQJ / *DQ DQG @ = @ : =KDQJ DQG ; :DQJ Elastoplastic buckling analysis of thick rectangular plates by using the differential quadrature method&RPSXWHUVDQG0DWKHPDWLFVZLWK$SSOLFDWLRQV >@ 30DOHN]DGHK05*ROEDKDU+DJKLJKLDQG$$OLEH\JL%HQLBuckling analysis of functionally graded arbitrary straight-sided quadrilateral plates on elastic foundations0HFFDQLFD

F. Tornabene, M. Bacciocchi

Bibliography >@ *5DMX=:XDQG30:HDYHUPostbuckling analysis of variable angle tow plates using differential quadrature method&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV

   >@ $*6WUL] 6. -DQJ DQG &: %HUW Nonlinear bending analysis of thin circular plates by differential quadrature7KLQ:DOOHG6WUXFWXUHV >@ @ *5/LXDQG7@ &1 &KHQ DQFEM analyses of static and dynamic nonlinear elastic-plastic problems using a GSRbased accelerated constant stiffness equilibrium iteration technique -RXUQDO RI 3UHVVXUH 9HVVHO 7HFKQRORJ\ >@ + =KRQJ DQG 4*XR Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of Timoshenko Beams Using theDifferential Quadrature Method1RQOLQHDU'\QDPLFV >@ 53&KHQ:+=KRX+=:DQJDQG@ --/LDQG&-&KHQJDifferential quadrature method for nonlinear vibration of orthotropic plates with finite deformation and transverse shear effect-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ 30DOHN]DGHKA differential quadrature nonlinear free vibration analysis of laminated composite skew thin plates7KLQ:DOOHG6WUXFWXUHV >@ g &LYDOHN % g]WXUN DQG $ @ -/LXDQG;:DQJAn assessment of the differential quadrature time integration scheme for nonlinear dynamic equations-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ $ .RUNPD] DQG ø 'D÷ A differential quadrature algorithm for simulations of nonlinear Schrödinger equation&RPSXWHUVDQG0DWKHPDWLFVZLWK$SSOLFDWLRQV >@ 30DOHN]DGHKDifferential quadrature large amplitude free vibration analysis of laminated skew plates based on FSDT&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ -/LXDQG;:DQJAn assessment of the differential quadrature time integration scheme for nonlinear dynamic equations-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ @ ++DNLPLDQG60RUDGLDrillstring vibration analysis using differential quadrature method-RXUQDORI 3HWUROHXP6FLHQFHDQG(QJLQHHULQJ >@ 3 -LDQ6KH @ 5 -LZDUL 5& 0LWWDO DQG .. 6KDUPD A numerical scheme based on weighted average differential quadrature method for the numerical solution of Burgers’ equation $SSOLHG 0DWKHPDWLFV DQG &RPSXWDWLRQ >@ *@ 0 6DODK 50 $PHU DQG 06 0DWEXO\ The differential quadrature solution of reaction-diffusion equation using explicit and implicit numerical schemes$SSOLHG0DWKHPDWLFV

   >@ %+HDQG;:DQJError analysis in differential quadrature method7UDQVDFWLRQVRI1DQMLQJ8QLYHUVLW\ RI$HURQDXWLFDQG$VWURQDXWLF >@ +'X0./LPDQG50/LQApplication of generalized differential quadrature method to structural problems,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDOIRU1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ >@ +'X0./LPDQG50/LQApplication of generalized differential quadrature to vibration analysis -RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ 00DOLNDQG)&LYDQA comparative study of differential quadrature and cubature methods vis-à-vis some conventional techniques in context of convection-diffusion-reaction problems &KHPLFDO (QJLQHHULQJ6FLHQFH >@ -$& :HLGHPDQ DQG 6& 5HGG\ A MATLAB differentiation matrix suite $&0 7UDQVDFWLRQV RQ 0DWKHPDWLFDO6RIWZDUH >@ = =RQJ A variable order approach to improve differential quadrature accuracy in dynamic analysis -RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ : ;LRQJKXD DQG @ -$ &RWWUHOO $ 5HDOL @ $5HDOLAn isogeometric analysis approach for the study of structural vibrations-RXUQDORI(DUWKTXDNH (QJLQHHULQJ >@ -$ &RWWUHOO 7-5 +XJKHV DQG @ + 6DGHJKLDQ DQG * 5H]D]DGHK Comparison of generalized differential quadrature and Galerkin methods for the analysis of micro-electro-mechanical coupled systems &RPPXQLFDWLRQV LQ 1RQOLQHDU 6FLHQFHDQG1XPHULFDO6LPXODWLRQ >@ ; :X DQG @ 6$ (IWHNKDUL DQG $$ -DIDUL A mixed modal-differential quadrature method for free and forced vibration of beams in contact with fluid0HFFDQLFD >@ 1 )DQWX]]L New Insights into the Strong Formulation Finite Element Method for Solving Elastostatic and Elastodynamic Problems&XUYHGDQG/D\HUHG6WUXFWXUHV >@ 1)DQWX]]L)7RUQDEHQH(9LRODDQG$-0)HUUHLUDA Strong Formulation Finite Element Method (SFEM) Based on RBF and GDQ Techniques for the Static and Dynamic Analyses of Laminated Plates of Arbitrary Shape0HFFDQLFD >@ )7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]LDQG0%DFFLRFFKLThe Strong Formulation Finite Element Method: Stability and Accuracy)UDFWXUHDQG6WUXFWXUDO,QWHJULW\ >@ )7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]LDQG0%DFFLRFFKLFree Vibrations of Free-Form Doubly-Curved Shells Made of Functionally Graded Materials Using Higher-Order Equivalent Single Layer Theories&RPSRVLWH3DUW %(QJLQHHULQJ >@ *&DUSHQWLHUL)7RUQDEHQH/$VFLRQHDQG))UDWHUQDOLAn Accurate One-Dimensional Theory for the Dynamics of Laminated Composite Curved Beams-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ )7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]L0%DFFLRFFKLDQG(9LRODAccurate Inter-Laminar Recovery for Plates and Doubly-Curved Shells with Variable Radii of Curvature Using Layer-Wise Theories &RPSRVLWHV 6WUXFWXUHV

F. Tornabene, M. Bacciocchi

Bibliography >@ )7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]L)8EHUWLQLDQG(9LRODStrong Formulation Finite Element Method Based on Differential Quadrature: A Survey$SSOLHG0HFKDQLFV5HYLHZV >@ )7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]L(9LRODDQG5&%DWUDStress and Strain Recovery for Functionally Graded Free-Form and Doubly-Curved Sandwich Shells Using Higher-Order Equivalent Single Layer Theory &RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ ( 9LROD 0 0LQLDFL 1 )DQWX]]L DQG $ 0DU]DQL Vibration Analysis of Multi-Stepped and MultiDamaged Parabolic Arches Using GDQ&XUYHGDQG/D\HUHG6WUXFWXUHV >@ ( 9LROD ) 7RUQDEHQH DQG 1 )DQWX]]L Stress and Strain Recovery of Laminated Composite DoublyCurved Shells and Panels Using Higher-Order Formulations.H\(QJLQHHULQJ0DWHULDOV  >@ 6%ULVFKHWWR)7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]LDQG0%DFFLRFFKLRefined 2D and Exact 3D Shell Models for the Free Vibration Analysis of Single- and Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes7HFKQRORJLHV  >@ 1)DQWX]]L0%DFFLRFFKL)7RUQDEHQH(9LRODDQG$-0)HUUHLUDRadial Basis Functions Based on Differential Quadrature Method for the Free Vibration of Laminated Composite Arbitrary Shaped Plates&RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ >@ )7RUQDEHQH6%ULVFKHWWR1)DQWX]]LDQG(9LRODNumerical and Exact Models for Free Vibration Analysis of Cylindrical and Spherical Shell Panels&RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ >@ )7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]L0%DFFLRFFKLDQG5'LPLWULDynamic Analysis of Thick and Thin Elliptic Shell Structures Made of Laminated Composite Materials&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ )7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]L0%DFFLRFFKLDQG5'LPLWULFree Vibrations of Composite Oval and Elliptic Cylinders by the Generalized Differential Quadrature Method 7KLQ:DOOHG 6WUXFWXUHV    >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH 1 )DQWX]]L 0 %DFFLRFFKL DQG ( 9LROD A New Approach for Treating Concentrated Loads in Doubly-Curved Composite Deep Shells with Variable Radii of Curvature&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV  >@ )7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]L0%DFFLRFFKLDQG(9LRODHigher-Order Theories for the Free Vibration of Doubly-Curved Laminated Panels with Curvilinear Reinforcing Fibers by Means of a Local Version of the GDQ Method&RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ >@ 0%DFFLRFFKL0(LVHQEHUJHU1)DQWX]]L)7RUQDEHQHDQG(9LRODVibration Analysis of Variable Thickness Plates and Shells by the Generalized Differential Quadrature Method &RPSRVLWH 6WUXFWXUHV  >@ 6 %ULVFKHWWR ) 7RUQDEHQH 1 )DQWX]]L DQG ( 9LROD 3D Exact and 2D Generalized Differential Quadrature Models for Free Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates and Cylinders0HFFDQLFD  >@ 1)DQWX]]L5'LPLWULDQG)7RUQDEHQHA SFEM-Based Evaluation of Mode-I Stress Intensity Factor in Composite Structures&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ 1 )DQWX]]L ) 7RUQDEHQH DQG ( 9LROD Four-Parameter Functionally Graded Cracked Plates of Arbitrary Shape: a GDQFEM Solution for Free Vibrations 0HFKDQLFV RI $GYDQFHG 0DWHULDOV DQG 6WUXFWXUHV >@ 6 .DPDULDQ 0 6DOLP 5 'LPLWUL DQG ) 7RUQDEHQH Free Vibration Analysis of Conical Shells Reinforced with Agglomerated Carbon Nanotubes,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI0HFKDQLFDO6FLHQFHV  >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH General Higher Order Layer-Wise Theory for Free Vibrations of Doubly-Curved Laminated Composite Shells and Panels 0HFKDQLFV RI $GYDQFHG 0DWHULDOV DQG 6WUXFWXUHV    >@ )7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]LDQG0%DFFLRFFKLHigher-Order Structural Theories for the Static Analysis of Doubly-Curved Laminated Composite Panels Reinforced by Curvilinear Fibers 7KLQ:DOOHG 6WUXFWXUHV >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]L DQG 0 %DFFLRFFKL The Local GDQ Method for the Natural Frequencies of Doubly-Curved Shells with Variable Thickness: A General Formulation&RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ  >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH 1 )DQWX]]L 0 %DFFLRFFKL DQG ( 9LROD Effect of Agglomeration on the Natural Frequencies of Functionally Graded Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Laminated Composite Doubly-Curved Shells&RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH 1 )DQWX]]L DQG ( 9LRODInter-Laminar Stress Recovery Procedure for Doubly-Curved, Singly-Curved, Revolution Shells with Variable Radii of Curvature and Plates Using Generalized Higher-

Anisotropic Doubly-Curved Shells


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Order Theories and the Local GDQ Method0HFKDQLFVRI$GYDQFHG0DWHULDOVDQG6WUXFWXUHV  ( 9LROD / 5RVVHWWL 1 )DQWX]]L DQG ) 7RUQDEHQH Generalized Stress-Strain Recovery Formulation Applied to Functionally Graded Spherical Shells and Panels Under Static Loading&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV  1 )DQWX]]L DQG ) 7RUQDEHQH Strong Formulation Isogeometric Analysis (SFIGA) for Laminated Composite Arbitrarily Shaped Plates&RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ )7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]L0%DFFLRFFKL$0$1HYHVDQG$-0)HUUHLUDMLSDQ Based on RBFs for the Free Vibrations of Laminated Composite Doubly-Curved Shells&RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ  )7RUQDEHQH5'LPLWULDQG(9LRODTransient Dynamic Response of Generally-Shaped Arches Based on a GDQ-Time-Stepping Method,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI0HFKDQLFDO6FLHQFHV ) 7RUQDEHQH 1 )DQWX]]L DQG 0 %DFFLRFFKL The GDQ Method for the Free Vibration Analysis of Arbitrarily Shaped Laminated Composite Shells Using a NURBS-Based Isogeometric Approach &RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV 1)DQWX]]L6%ULVFKHWWR)7RUQDEHQHDQG(9LROD2D and 3D Shell Models for the Free Vibration Investigation of Functionally Graded Cylindrical and Spherical Panels&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV  5 .DQGDVDP\ 5 'LPLWUL DQG ) 7RUQDEHQH Numerical Study on the Free Vibration and Thermal Buckling Behaviour of Moderately Thick Functionally Graded Structures in Thermal Environments &RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV ) 7RUQDEHQH 1 )DQWX]]L DQG 0 %DFFLRFFKL 2Q WKH 0HFKDQLFV RI /DPLQDWHG 'RXEO\&XUYHG 6KHOOV 6XEMHFWHGWR3RLQWDQG/LQH/RDGV,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI(QJLQHHULQJ6FLHQFH 5'LPLWUL1)DQWX]]L)7RUQDEHQHDQG*=DYDULVHInnovative Numerical Methods Based on SFEM and IGA for Computing Stress Concentrations in Isotropic Plates with Discontinuities ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDORI0HFKDQLFDO6FLHQFHV )7RUQDEHQH6%ULVFKHWWR1)DQWX]]LDQG0%DFFLRFFKLBoundary Conditions in 2D Numerical and 3D Exact Models for Cylindrical Bending Analysis of Functionally Graded Structures 6KRFN DQG 9LEUDWLRQ9RO$UWLFOH,' 5'LPLWUL@ ) 7RUQDEHQH 1 )DQWX]]L 0 %DFFLRFFKL DQG -1 5HGG\ A Posteriori Stress and Strain Recovery Procedure for the Static Analysis of Laminated Shells Resting on Nonlinear Elastic Foundation &RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ >@ 0 1HMDWL $ $VDQMDUDQL 5 'LPLWUL DQG ) 7RUQDEHQH Static and Free Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Conical Shells Reinforced by Carbon Nanotubes ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDO RI 0HFKDQLFDO6FLHQFHV >@ 1)DQWX]]L)7RUQDEHQH0%DFFLRFFKL$0$1HYHVDQG$-0)HUUHLUDStability and Accuracy of Three Fourier Expansion-Based Strong Form Finite Elements for the Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDOIRU1XPHULFDO0HWKRGVLQ(QJLQHHULQJ  >@ )7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]LDQG0%DFFLRFFKLLinear Static Behavior of Damaged Laminated Composite Plates and Shells0DWHULDOV >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH 1 )DQWX]]L DQG 0 %DFFLRFFKL Mechanical Behaviour of Composite Cosserat Solids in Elastic Problems with Holes and Discontinuities&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ $/.DODPNDURY)7RUQDEHQH30&/3DFKHFR0$6DYLDQG*&6DKDGeometrically Non-Linear Elastic Model for a Thin Composite Layer with Wavy Surfaces=$00-RXUQDORI$SSOLHG0DWKHPDWLFV DQG0HFKDQLFV >@ 01HMDWL5'LPLWUL)7RUQDEHQHDQG0+RVVHLQ@ '%DQLü0%DFFLRFFKL)7RUQDEHQHDQG$-0)HUUHLUDInfluence of Winkler-Pasternak Foundation on the Vibrational Behavior of Plates and Shells Reinforced by Agglomerated Carbon Nanotubes $SSOLHG6FLHQFHV >@ )=DUH-RXQHJKDQL5'LPLWUL0%DFFLRFFKLDQG)7RUQDEHQHFree Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Porous Doubly-Curved Shells Based on the First-Order Shear Deformation Theory $SSOLHG 6FLHQFHV >@ 1 )DQWX]]L / /HRQHWWL 3 7URYDOXVFL DQG ) 7RUQDEHQH Some Novel Numerical Applications of Cosserat Continua,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI&RPSXWDWLRQDO0HWKRGV >@ )=DUH-RXQHJKDQL30RKDPPDGL'DVKWDNL5'LPLWUL0%DFFLRFFKLDQG)7RUQDEHQHFirst-Order Shear Deformation Theory for Orthotropic Doubly-Curved Shells Based on a Modified Couple Stress Elasticity$HURVSDFH6FLHQFHDQG7HFKQRORJ\ >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH DQG 5 'LPLWUL A Numerical Study of the Seismic Response of Arched and Vaulted Structures Made of Isotropic or Composite Materials(QJLQHHULQJ6WUXFWXUHV >@ 5 'LPLWUL ) 7RUQDEHQH DQG * =DYDULVH Analytical and Numerical Modeling of the Mixed-Mode Delamination Process for Composite Moment-Loaded Double Cantilever Beams &RPSRVLWH 6WUXFWXUHV  >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH 1 )DQWX]]L 0 %DFFLRFFKL DQG ( 9LROD Mechanical Behavior of Damaged Laminated Composites Plates and Shells: Higher-Order Shear Deformation Theories &RPSRVLWH 6WUXFWXUHV   >@ )7RUQDEHQHDQG0%DFFLRFFKLEffect of Curvilinear Reinforcing Fibers on the Linear Static Behavior of Soft-Core Sandwich Structures-RXUQDORI&RPSRVLWHV6FLHQFH >@ 1 )DQWX]]L ) 7RUQDEHQH 0 %DFFLRFFKL DQG $-0 )HUUHLUD On the Convergence of Laminated Composite Plates of Arbitrary Shape through Finite Element Models-RXUQDORI&RPSRVLWHV6FLHQFH  >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH DQG 6 %ULVFKHWWR 3D Capability of Refined GDQ Models for the Bending Analysis of Composite and Sandwich Plates, Spherical and Doubly-Curved Shells7KLQ:DOOHG6WUXFWXUHV  >@ 6%ULVFKHWWRDQG)7RUQDEHQHAdvanced GDQ Models and 3D Stress Recovery in Multi-layered Plates, Spherical and Double-Curved Panels Subjected to Transverse Shear Loads &RPSRVLWHV 3DUW % (QJLQHHULQJ >@ )7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]LDQG0%DFFLRFFKLStrong and Weak Formulations Based on Differential and Integral Quadrature Methods for the Free Vibration Analysis of Composite Plates and Shells: Convergence and Accuracy(QJLQHHULQJ$QDO\VLVZLWK%RXQGDU\(OHPHQWV >@ 0$UHIL(05%LGJROL5'LPLWUL0%DFFLRFFKLDQG)7RUQDEHQH$SSOLFDWLRQRIVLQXVRLGDOVKHDU GHIRUPDWLRQ WKHRU\ DQG SK\VLFDO QHXWUDO VXUIDFH WR DQDO\VLV RI IXQFWLRQDOO\ JUDGHG SLH]RHOHFWULF SODWH &RPSRVLWHV3DUW%(QJLQHHULQJ

Anisotropic Doubly-Curved Shells

Bibliography >@ 5 -LZDUL 6 7RPDVLHOOR DQG ) 7RUQDEHQH A Numerical Algorithm for Computational Modelling of Coupled Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Systems(QJLQHHULQJ&RPSXWDWLRQV   >@ )7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]LDQG0%DFFLRFFKLFoam Core Composite Sandwich Plates and Shells with Variable Stiffness: Effect of Curvilinear Fiber Path on the Modal Response -RXUQDO RI 6DQGZLFK 6WUXFWXUHVDQG0DWHULDOV,Q3UHVV >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH 0 %DFFLRFFKL 1 )DQWX]]L DQG -1 5HGG\ Multiscale Approach for Three-Phase CNT/Polymer/Fiber Laminated Nanocomposite Structures3RO\PHU&RPSRVLWHV,Q3UHVV >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH 1 )DQWX]]L DQG 0 %DFFLRFFKL Refined Shear Deformation Theories for Laminated Composite Arches and Beams with Variable Thickness: Natural Frequency Analysis (QJLQHHULQJ $QDO\VLVZLWK%RXQGDU\(OHPHQWV,Q3UHVV >@ 0 %DFFLRFFKL Higher-order Strong and Weak Formulations for Arbitrarily Shaped Doubly-Curved Shells Made of Advanced Materials3K'7KHVLV8QLYHUVLW\RI%RORJQD >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@

   67LPRVKHQNRVibration Problems in Engineering'9DQ1RVWUDQG&RPSDQ\ 67LPRVKHQNRStrength of Materials3DUW,,,/DQFDVWHU3UHVV $(+/RYHA Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity'RYHU ,66RNROQLNRIITensor Analysis, Theory and Applications-RKQ:LOH\ 6RQV 67LPRVKHQNRDQG-1*RRGLHUTheory of Elasticity0F*UDZ+LOO ,66RNROQLNRIIMathematical Theory of Elasticity0F*UDZ+LOO 66*LOOThe stress analysis of pressure vessels and pressure vessel components3HUJDPRQ $66DDGDElasticity: Theory and Applications3HUJDPRQ3UHVV 6*/HNKQLWVNLLTheory of Elasticity of an Anisotropic Body0LU3XEOLVKHUV $,/XLUHTheory of Elasticity6SULQJHU

>@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@

   3.XKQStresses in Aircraft and Shell Structures0F*UDZ+LOO -/6DQGHUVAn Improved First Approximation Theory of Thin Shells1$6$755 67LPRVKHQNRDQG6:RLQRZVN\.ULHJHUTheory of Plates and Shells0F*UDZ+LOO :)OJJHStresses in Shells6SULQJHU $/*RO¶'HQYHL]HUTheory of Elastic Thin Shells3HUJDPRQ3UHVV 991RYR]KLORYThin Shell Theory31RRUGKRII 6$$PEDUWXVXP\DQTheory of Anisotropic Shells1$6$77) 9=9ODVRYGeneral Theory of Shells and Its Applications in Engineering1$6$77) +.UDXVThin Elastic Shells-RKQ:LOH\ 6RQV 6*/HNKQLWVNLL6:7VDLDQG7&KHURQAnisotropic Plates*RUGRQDQG%UHDFK6FLHQFH3XEOLVKHUV  $:/HLVVDVibration of Plates1$6$63 6&'L[RQDQG0/+XGVRQFlutter, Vibration and Buckling of Truncated Orthotropic Conical Shells with Generalized Elastic Edge Restraint1$6$71' 66 *LOO The Stress Analysis of Pressure Vessel and Pressure Vessel Components 3HUJDPRQ 3UHVV  $:/HLVVDVibration of Shells1$6$63 56]LODUGTheory and Analysis of Plates3UHQWLFH+DOO (+'RZHOOAeroelasticity of Plates and Shells1RRUGKRII,QWHUQDWLRQDO3XEOLVKLQJ /+'RQQHOBeams, Plates and Shells0F*UDZ+LOO -+HQU\FKThe Dynamics of Arches and Frames(OVHYLHU6FLHQFH &5&DOODGLQHTheory of Shell Structures&DPEULGJH8QLYHUVLW\3UHVV 3/*RXOGFinite Element Analysis of Shells of Revolution3LWPDQ3XEOLVKLQJ ),1LRUGVRQShell Theory1RUWK+ROODQG â0DUNXãThe Mechanics of Vibrations of Cylindrical Shells(OVHYLHU *,3VKHQLFKQRYA Theory of Latticed Plates and Shells:RUOG6FLHQWLILF3XEOLVKLQJ +67]RXPiezoelectric Shells.OXZHU$FDGHPLF3XEOLVKHUV -59LQVRQThe Behavior of Shells Composed of Isotropic and Composite Materials6SULQJHU 115RJDFKHYDThe Theory of Piezoelectric Shells and Plates&5&3UHVV &)%HDUGVStructural Vibration: Analysis and Damping$UQROG $..DZMechanics of Composite Materials&5&3UHVV $/LEDLDQG-*6LPPRQGVThe Nonlinear Theory of Elastic Shells&DPEULGJH8QLYHUVLW\3UHVV

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Bibliography >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@

.0/LHZ&0:DQJ@ $: /HLVVD DQG -' &KDQJ Elastic deformation of thick, laminated composite shells &RPSRVLWH 6WUXFWXUHV >@ 064DWXAccurate theory for laminated composite deep thick shells,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI6ROLGVDQG 6WUXFWXUHV >@ 0+ 7RRUDQL DQG $$ /DNLV General equations of anisotropic plates and shells including transverse shear deformations, rotary inertia and initial curvature effects-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ  >@ 064DWX Recent research advances in the dynamic behavior of shells: 1989-2000, Part 1: laminated composite shells$SSOLHG0HFKDQLFV5HYLHZV >@ 06 4DWX Recent research advances in the dynamic behavior of shells: 1989-2000, Part 2: homogeneous shells$SSOLHG0HFKDQLFV5HYLHZV >@ 0+ 7RRUDQL DQG $$ /DNLV Free vibration of non-uniform composite cylindrical shells 1XFOHDU (QJLQHHULQJDQG'HVLJQ >@ 06 4DWX 5 :DUVL 6XOOLYDQ DQG : :DQJ Recent research advances on the dynamics analysis of composite shells: 2000-2009&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ 0 @ 064DWX($VDGLDQG::DQJReview of Recent Literature on Static Analyses of Composite Shells: 2000-20102SHQ-RXUQDORI&RPSRVLWH0DWHULDOV

   >@ 6 $EUDWH Free vibration, buckling, and static deflection of functionally graded plates &RPSRVLWH 6FLHQFHDQG7HFKQRORJ\ >@ 5$$UFLQLHJDDQG-15HGG\Large deformation analysis of functionally graded shells,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDORI6ROLGVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ 5. %KDQJDOH 1 *DQHVDQ DQG & 3DGPDQDEKDQ Linear thermoelastic buckling and free vibration behaviour of functionally graded truncated conical shells-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ  >@ $-0 )HUUHLUD 5& %DWUD &0& 5RTXH /) 4LDQ DQG 501 -RUJH Natural frequencies of functionally graded plates by a meshless method&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ 5.DGROLDQG1*DQHVDQBuckling and free vibration analysis of functionally graded cylindrical shells subjected a temperature-specified boundary condition -RXUQDO RI 6RXQG DQG 9LEUDWLRQ    >@ ;4 +H 7@ .0/LHZ;4+HDQG6.LWLSRUQFKDLFinite element method for the feedback control of FGM shells in the frequency domain via piezoelectric sensors and actuators &RPSXWHU PHWKRGV LQ $SSOLHG 0HFKDQLFVDQG(QJLQHHULQJ >@ +01DYD]L++DGGDGSRXUDQG05DVHNKAn analytical solution for nonlinear cylindrical bending of functionally graded plates7KLQ:DOOHG6WUXFWXUHV >@ 7@ -/3HOOHWLHUDQG669HOAn exact solution for the steady-state thermoelastic response of functionally graded orthotropic cylindrical shells,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI6ROLGVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ 6& 3UDGKDQ Vibration suppression of FGM shells using embedded magnetostrictive layers ,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI6ROLGVDQG6WUXFWXUHV

F. Tornabene, M. Bacciocchi

Bibliography >@ 7 3UDNDVK DQG 0 *DQDSDWKL Supersonic flutter characteristics of functionally graded flat panels including thermal effect&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ 0&5D\DQG+06DFKDGHFinite element analysis of smart functionally graded plates,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDORI6ROLGVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ &0&5RTXH$-0)HUUHLUDDQG501-RUJHA radial basis function for the free vibration analysis of functionally graded plates using refined theory-RXUQDORI6RXQGDQG9LEUDWLRQ >@ +6 6KHQ Postbuckling analysis of pressure-loaded functionally graded cylindrical shells in thermal environments(QJLQHHULQJ6WUXFWXUHV >@ +66KHQFunctionally Graded Materials, Nonlinear Analysis of Plates and Shells&5&3UHVV >@ $+ 6RIL\HY The stability of functionally graded truncated conical shells subjected to aperiodic impulsive loading,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI6ROLGVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ $+ 6RIL\HY The stability of compositionally graded ceramic-metal cylindrical shells under aperiodic axial impulsive loading&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ $+ 6RIL\HY Thermoelastic stability of functionally graded truncated conical shells &RPSRVLWH 6WUXFWXUHV >@ - :RR DQG 6$ 0HJXLG Nonlinear analysis of functionally graded plates and shallow shells ,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI6ROLGVDQG6WUXFWXUHV >@ - :RR 6$ 0HJXLG -& 6WUDQDUW DQG .0 /LHZ Thermomechanical postbuckling analysis of moderately thick functionally graded plates and shallow shells ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDO RI 0HFKDQLFDO 6FLHQFHV >@ - @ $0=HQNRXUGeneralized shear deformation theory for bending analysis of functionally graded plates $SSOLHG0DWKHPDWLFDO0RGHOOLQJ

   >@ &1 &KHQ Dynamic equilibrium equations of composite anisotropic beams considering the effects of transverse shear deformations and structural damping&RPSRVLWH6WUXFWXUHV >@ -)+DOOProblems encountered from the use (or misuse) of Rayleigh damping(DUWKTXDNH(QJLQHHULQJ DQG6WUXFWXUDO'\QDPLFV >@ * 4LQJ @ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@

9&RPLQFLROLAnalisi Numerica0F*UDZ+LOO *0RQHJDWRFondamenti di Calcolo Numerico/HYURWWR %HOOD 2&=LHQNLHZLF]DQG5/7D\ORUThe Finite Element Method0F*UDZ+LOO & *DJOLDUGL DQG / *UDVVHOOL Algebra Lineare e Geometria YRO  3URJHWWR/HRQDUGR (VFXODSLR  $&DUSLQWHULCalcolo Automatico delle Strutture3LWDJRUD )&HVDULCalcolo Matriciale delle Strutture 1-23LWDJRUD 3. .\WKH DQG 05 6KlIHUNRWWHU Handbook of Computational Methods for Integration &KDSPDQ  +DOO&5&3UHVV (7RQWLDQG(1X]]RGradiente Rotore Divergenza3LWDJRUD -$ &RWWUHOO 7-5 +XJKHV DQG @ )7RUQDEHQHComportamento Dinamico dei Gusci Cilindrici: Formulazione e Soluzione0DVWHU7KHVLV LQ0HFKDQLFDO(QJLQHHULQJ >@ 1 )DQWX]]L Sul Comportamento delle Volte Cilindriche 7KHVLV LQ &LYLO (QJLQHHULQJ 8QLYHUVLW\ RI %RORJQD >@ 1)DQWX]]LEffetto della Curvatura sulla Risposta dei Gusci in Materiale Anisotropo0DVWHU7KHVLVLQ &LYLO(QJLQHHULQJ8QLYHUVLW\RI%RORJQD >@ 0 %DFFLRFFKL Teorie di Ordine Superiore per Strutture a Doppia Curvatura in Materiale Anisotropo 0DVWHU7KHVLVLQ&LYLO(QJLQHHULQJ8QLYHUVLW\RI%RORJQD

   >@ ) 7RUQDEHQH 1 )DQWX]]L DQG 0 %DFFLRFFKL DiQuMASPAB Software ',&$0 'HSDUWPHQW $OPD 0DWHU6WXGLRUXP8QLYHUVLW\RI%RORJQDKWWSVZZZHGLWULFHHVFXODSLRFRP'L4X0$63$% >@ )7RUQDEHQH1)DQWX]]LDQG0%DFFLRFFKLDiQuMASPAB: Differential Quadrature for Mechanics of Anisotropic Shells, Plates, Arches and Beams. User Manual(VFXODSLR%RORJQD

F. Tornabene, M. Bacciocchi

