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Apr 16, 2018 - integrated manufacturing/Nano Science & Tech. / Aeronautical. Engg. /any specialization related to ma

ANNA UNIVERSITY Chennai – 600 025 Advt. No.: CEG/PT/AG/SERB/EEQ/JRF-1/2018/01

Date: 16-04-2018

Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (PG Professional) Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (PG Professional) for DST-SERB funded project, “Variable Frequency Ultrasonic treatment on Microstructure and Dry Sliding Wear behaviour of Mg Alloy/UHTC Composites” in the Department of Industrial Engineering, CEG-campus, Anna University, Chennai-600 025. Name of the Post

: Project Associate (Junior Research Fellow)

Number of the Post

: 1


: 1year with extension based on the performance up to 32 months.





M.E. /M. Tech. /M.S. (Research) (Manufacturing/ Production/ Engg. Design/ Manufacturing System Management/Computer integrated manufacturing/Nano Science & Tech. / Aeronautical Engg. /any specialization related to manufacturing or Design or Materials). Experience related to the area of project (Stir casting of Metal Matrix Composite/ Testing & Analysis of composite etc) and willingness to pursue Ph.D. in Anna University, Chennai.

: Rs. 25,000/- (+30% HRA) for 1nd and 2nd year, and


Rs. 28,000/- (+ 30% HRA) for 3rd year as Senior Research Fellow Applications duly filed (Hard copy) in as per the enclosed format with the attested copy of the testimonials should be sent to, Dr. A.Gnanavelbabu, Principal Investigator & Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Anna University, CEG-Campus, Chennai 600025, on or before 03-05-2018.       

Short listed candidate will be called for written exam and/ or an interview. Interview Date, time and place will be informed through email only. The appointment will be purely on temporary basis. No TA/DA will be provided. The decision of the selection committee for the aforementioned post is final. The selection committee reserves the right to fill up or not fill up the advertised post. Selected candidate might have to join by 01-06-2018.

For Queries, contact: [email protected], 044-22367886 and +91 9551133779


APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW (PG PROFESSIONAL) for the project entitled “Variable Frequency Ultrasonic treatment on Microstructure and Dry Sliding Wear behaviour of Mg Alloy/UHTC Composites” funded by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), New Delhi.

For Office Use only Affix your recent passport size photo

Ref. No.: Application No.: Received Date:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Name of the Applicant Current Designation and Affiliation Name of the Father and Mother Date of Birth Sex Marital Status Nationality & Religion Community Address i. Permanent



10. Contact Phone Numbers 11. Email Address

(To be typed) : : : : : : : : : :


Resi. Mobile

: : :

12. Academic record : For each of the following examinations, starting from Matriculation to the highest qualification: (enclose the copies of supporting documents) S.No Degree 1 2 3 4

Name of the College/University

Year of Passing


% of Marks & Class

13. Experience: Industry, R&D, Academic, Consultancy, Others- Starting from the present employer (enclose the copies of supporting documents) Position Held

Name & Address of the Employer

Nature of Work

Period From



Title and abstract of UG/PG project or any other Research project



Journal/Conference publications

: (enclose publications)



: (Provide two referees address)


Any other information you would like to provide in support of your application

Total Service

Declaration: I declare that the information furnished above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that no related information is concealed. If any discrepancy is observed at any stage, Anna University Chennai will be free to cancel my selection/candidature.

Date: Place:

Candidate's Signature