Aug 3, 2009 - Download by: [La Trobe University]. Date: 06 ... from southern California, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 2:24, 717-719, DOI: 10.1080/ ...
Annals and Magazine of Natural History Series 13
ISSN: 0374-5481 (Print) (Online) Journal homepage:
A new species of Sabellidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from southern California Donald J. Reish To cite this article: Donald J. Reish (1959) A new species of Sabellidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from southern California, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 2:24, 717-719, DOI: 10.1080/00222935908655757 To link to this article:
Published online: 03 Aug 2009.
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Date: 06 January 2016, At: 05:54
Downloaded by [La Trobe University] at 05:54 06 January 2016
Dept. of Biological Sciences, Long Beach State College, Long Beach 15, California. WHILE studying the quantitative distribution in southern California, a new species of sabellid the genus Euchone Malmgren was discovered. by using a size one H a y w a r d orange-peel bucket
of marine invertebrates polychaete belonging to Collections were made (Reish & Winter, 1954).
Family SabeUidae. Genus EUCHONE Malmgren. Euchone limnicola, n. sp. (Figs. 1-5.) Numerous individuals were collected from Alamitos Bay Marina (type locality) and one specimen from Long Beach Outer Harbour, California. The substrate consisted of fine mud sediments in which the species constructed a mucoid tube with fine mud particles adhering to it. Specimens, some of which had developing eggs present in the ecelom, measured from 8 to 12 mm. in length and 1.0 mm. in width. This species has 26 clearly annulated setigerous segments, 8 of which are thoracic and 18 of which are abdominal; l0 posterior setigerous segments comprise the anal depression (Berkeley & Berkeley, 1952, figs. 250, 251). The branchial crown has seven pinnate radioles on each side; each radiole is provided with numerous filaments and united to one another by a membrane for two-thirds of their length. The collar is smooth, even, without eyespots, and has a cleft along the mid-dorsal line. The thoracic region has eight setigerous segments. The notopodium bears about seven superior simple capillary set~e (fig. l) per lobe, and about eight inferior subspatulate set~e (fig. 2) per lobe. The set~e in the thoracic neuropodium consist of only long-handled uncini numbering about 15 per lobe; each is provided with a long tooth and three or four smaller ones (fig. 3). About 25 to 30 avicular hooks are found in the abdominal notopodium; each has a large tooth and five smaller ones (fig. 4). The neuropodium has only simple capillary set~e numbering four to five per lobe (fig. 5). The setm of the anal depression are similar to those in the anterior eight abdominal segments. Remarks.--The genus E~chone contains 13 species (Hartman, 1951), of which eight are known from the Pacific Ocean. Euchone limnicola may be readily separated from the other Pacific species by its small
Reish : a new species of Sabellidae ( P o l y c h a e t a )
n u m b e r of s e g m e n t s a n d branchial radioles; it is closely related to E. rosea L a n g e r h a n s f r o m the A t l a n t i c Ocean, which, however, has f r o m 20 to 26 setigerous s e g m e n t s an'd five pairs of b r a n c h i a l radioles (Fauvel, 1927). T h e anal depression is c o m p o s e d of only four s e g m e n t s in E. rosea as c o m p a r e d to l() in E. limnicola. The sofa- are similar in b o t h species. T y p e m a t e r i a l . - - T h e h o l o t y p e a n d s e v e n p a r a t y p e s h a v e been placed in t h e p o l y c h a e t e collections of the Allan H a n c o c k F o u n d a t i o n , U n i v e r s i t y of S o u t h e r n California. Additional p a r a t y p e s h a v e been deposited in t h e U n i t e d States N a t i o n a l M u s e u m a n d the British M u s e u m ( N a t u r a l History).
Downloaded by [La Trobe University] at 05:54 06 January 2016
Figs. 1-5.
1, Superior simple capillary seta from the iburth thoracic notopodial segment; 2, inferior subspatulate seta from the fourth thoracic notopodial segment; 3, long-handled uncinus from the fourth thoracic notopodial segment; 4, avicular hook from the sixth abdominal notopodial segment; 5, simple capillary seta from the sixth abdominal neuropodial segment. Magnification of fig. 3 as fig. 2.
D . J. R e i s h : a new species of Sabellidae (Polychaeta)
Downloaded by [La Trobe University] at 05:54 06 January 2016
BERKELEY, E., ~ BERKELEY, C. 1952. Canadian Pacific Fauna, Polychaeta sedentaria. 9b (2). Univ. of Toronto Press, 1-139. FAUVEL, P. 1927. Polych~tes sedentaires. Faune de France, 16, 1-494. HARTMAN, O. 1951. Fabricinae (Feather-duster polychaetous annelids} in the Pacific. Pacific Science, 4, 379-391. REISH, D. J. & WINTER, H . A . 1954. The ecology of Alamitos Bay, California, with special reference to pollution. Calif. Fish and Game, 4{}, 105-121.