Terms of Reference for Consultant. Minimum number of years of relevant ... English and Arabic and computer skills requir
Terms of Reference for Consultant Minimum number of years of relevant experience required: 1yr
Name: Job Title:
National Communications Expert
Programme/Project Number: Location:
OSRO/EGY/501/USA Strengthening national capacity for preparedness early detection and response to emerging pandemic threats (EPT-2)
Cairo, Egypt
Expected Start Date of Assignment: Reports to:
Lotfi Allal
3 months extendable
ECTAD Egypt Team Leader
Under the overall supervision of FAO Representative in Egypt, the direct supervision of the FAO ECTAD EGY team leader in Egypt, working in close collaboration with the ECTAD EGY Programme Operations Officer, and liaison with ECTAD EGY team; the incumbent will assist with the execution of the on-going related program activities related to HPAI and MERS-COV in Egypt. The National Communications Expert will on a day-to-day basis assist the Cairo-based ECTAD team leader and ECTAD senior technical and management team members participating in FAO’s joint operations with the Egyptian authorities in the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MoALR) as well as in other relevant public sector structures at national and regional (governorate, district, village unit) and also with private sector stakeholders, and in particular will focus on: a) Serve as a communication expert focal person for the ECTAD Unit and provide professional services to all programs, with major emphasis on HPAI and MERS-COV related projects b) Development and dissemination of key messages and information on the prevention and control of HPAI, principally to enhance the success of disease detection, control and management interventions c) Participate in the dissemination of messages and information focusing on the most at risk populations, as well as the media, frontline extension-workers, the scientific community, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MoALR) and General Organizations for Veterinary Services (GOVs); d) Participate in backstopping and technical assistance missions; rapid country assessment missions; and provide communication input to training workshops; e) Assist in the organization and implementation of communication training sessions including the development of training materials; f) Build and strengthen functional partnerships with all the “One Health Plateform” partners, International Organisations, NGOs, poultry producers, farmer associations and communication teams of MoALR; g) Provide technical input and partnering in the development of interagency communication toolkits, guides and materials; h) Contribute to the development of communication evaluation methodologies, and community based surveys and participatory action research studies on AI; i) Contribute to the development of a global strategic communication framework and plan based on emerging lessons, to support
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the ECTAD global strategy; In close collaboration with ECTAD team and other partners, regularly gather and systematically compile relevant information on ECTAD project activities and ensure their timely dissemination in electronic media to all stakeholders coordinate and ensure quality control of the development of Arabic and English language versions of the materials; review and revise as appropriate Arabic and English translations of texts pertaining to corporate communication materials i.e. brochures, exhibit panels, public service advertising etc., prior to printing/publishing online; liaise with translators to ensure best translation of documents from Arabic into English and vice versa; translate short communication material texts from English into Arabic and vice versa; Develop an ECTAD Egypt Newsletter; Develop an indicator table for the programme On regular basis, compile information (including indicators for all the activities) from all the team and fulfil the M&E sheet; Perform other related duties as required.
Required Completion Date:
a) Key messages and information on the prevention and control of HPAI developed and communicated using the most appropriate medias b) Communication training sessions including the development of training materials implemented/done; c) Global strategic communication framework and plan; communication evaluation methodologies, and community based surveys and participatory action research studies on AI developed; d) Quality control and revision of translated of materials from English to Arabic and vice versa ensured; e) ECTAD Egypt newsletter developed and issued on regular basis; f) Indicator table for the program developed and used for M&E purpose QUALIFICATIONS:
The National Communications Expert will be a national of Egypt and will have good communication skills. He/she will be a professional with at least five years of relevant working experience. Knowledge and experience in M&E would be an asset. Proficiency in English and Arabic and computer skills required HOW TO APPLY APPLICANTS ARE KINDLY TO SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING:
A note of understanding of the terms of reference and presentation of the used methodology; The references and experiences of the applicant (starting from the present or most recent Post or Job; listing in reverse order every employment during the last ten years) A detailed CV and the copies of benchmarking of the last two years within the framework of other similar positions. Earning history showing basic salary, allowances, benefits and finally the net earnings (after tax deduction if applicable) starting from present or most recent earning; listing in reverse order every earning during his/her professional life.
The CV and other requested items should be sent via e-mail to: Deadline for application:
31 May 2016
[email protected]