Annex 7. The list of Economic Performance Indicators ...

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The list of Economic Performance Indicators (EPIs), including both, those ... no. of global-level awards (e.g. Nobel Prizes);. • total R&D ... established or revenues of companies;. • the removed ... University and Research Institutes (Nr of FTEs).
Annex 7. The list of Economic Performance Indicators (EPIs), including both, those initially chosen and those finally applied Initially suggested EPIs For Private sector:          

no. of employees in the cluster and employment growth; no. of jobs created by SMEs, especially dedicated to R&D; no. of companies and company growth; no. of new companies formed and the survival rate of start-ups and spin-offs; no. of drugs in late stage clinical development; no. of drug products marketed that were discovered or developed within the cluster, their year of registration, their sales figures, and their sales growth rate; products on the market other than drugs, discovered and developed within the cluster; year of registration; sales figures; sales growth rate; total turnover of companies in the cluster; acquisition and Merger activities; ratio of Private/Public Money received.

For Academic Centres and Research Institutes:         

global ranking (absolute level and any change in ranking); no. of global-level awards (e.g. Nobel Prizes); total R&D spending in academia; investment in infrastructure; no. of patents; no. of licenses; growth in jobs; no. of new companies formed as spin-offs; total size of grants received and follow-on funding obtained by the companies.

Some of the indicators have been removed from the selection for the following reasons:  the removed indicator meaning is captured by an indicator of the final selection: e.g. the academic rankings and number of publications economic meanings are captured by public funds raised, number of companies established or revenues of companies;  the removed indicator constitutes a pure and intermediary enabler factor with no indication of potential output - e.g. investment in research infrastructure;  the removed indicators could not be easily collected by the cluster organisation.

Finally Suggested EPIs Based on the analysis of the 1st and 2nd set, and on discussions with internal and external experts, as well as with the EC, PwC suggested set of EPIs to measure the economic performance of the clusters under three categories:

 Cluster Dynamics: –

Number of Jobs created (including the percent growth within the last 3 years) under the:


Start-ups/Spin offs (Nr of FTEs), SMEs (Nr of FTEs), Large Companies (Nr of FTEs), University and Research Institutes (Nr of FTEs) R&D in total employment (%) –

Number of Companies established (including survival rate within the last 3 years) Companies Entities Start-ups/Spin –offs SMEs Large Companies

(Priv. Fin. Sector) (Public sector) (Nr and % survival rate within the last 3 years) (Nr and % survival rate within the last 3 years) (Nr and % survival rate within the last 3 years)

 Cluster Enablers: –

Public funds raised Public funds raised coming from EU resources ( € ) Regional resources (€ ) State resources (€ ) Other (NGOs) (€ ) Innovation (€ ) Speed to obtain funds (Years)

Private funds raised VC investments -early stage (€ ) VC investments -expan./repl. (€ ) VC investments- buy-outs (€ ) Big companies (€ ) Private banks (€ ) Business Angels (€ ) Nr of rounds (Nr) Speed to obtain funds (Years) Ratio of PUBLIC / PRIVATE investment (%)

Framework Conditions Availability of Innovative Incentives & Regulations at: Cluster level (Yes/No) Regional level (Yes/No) National level (Yes/No) Shared Technology Platforms (Nr) Incubators tailored to the needs of KBBE (Nr) Research Centres specialised on KBBE sectors (Nr) Technology Transfer Efficiency (Nr of biotech Patents and Nr of biotech Licenses)

Cluster organisation (cluster management/facilitator) Services* Provided ( % of defined services provided) Existence of Strategic Dev. Plans (Period Covered) Sustainable Finance Structure ( € -Budget) Specialised team in-place (total Nr of FTEs) Registered stakeholders (Nr)

 Cluster Outputs: –

revenues of companies


Sales (€)-Start-ups/Spin-offs Sales (€)-SMEs Sales (€)-Large Companies Products launched (€) Sales of new products (%) - Start-ups -Spin-offs Sales of new product vs. total sales (%)- SMEs Sales of new product vs. total sales (%)-Large Companies –

licensing activities on biotechnology products Licenses (Nr) Companies contracts -Licensing in (€) Companies contracts- Licensing out (€) Companies contracts- Research (€) M&A- Acquired (Nr) M&A- Acquiring (Nr)

newly developed & marketed biotechnology products Newly Developed & Marketed Biotech Products (Nr) Nr of products under Phase I, II & III Clinical Studies (For biomedical clusters only) * Services offered by the COs: 1-Information & Communication; 2- Website/Newsletter; 3- Lobbying; 4-Training (Business, Technical/Scientific); 5- Research & Business Databases; 6-Marketing; 7-Internalisation & Transnational Cooperation; 8-Monitoring & Reporting Cluster Performance; 9- Business Coaching/Mentoring; 10- Direct Financing; 11-Organising National/International Partnering Events; 12-Group Purchasing 13-Incubation (business and bio-incubation) & Tech Transfer Counselling