Apr 5, 2017 - REGISTER ONLINE - NHCANCERPLAN.ORG iiiiii. Platinum ... health communities, prepared patients, responsive
Partnerships in Health Care Enhancing the Cancer Survivorship Experience Wednesday, April 5, 2017 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Grappone Conference Center Courtyard by Marriott Concord, NH
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Gold
iiiiii iiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii iiiiii iiiiii Silver
American Cancer Society, American Lung Association of the Northeast, Catholic Medical Center, Exeter Hospital, Foundation for Healthy Communities, Foundation Hematology / Oncology, Genomic Health Inc., Lahey Hematology and Oncology at Parkland Medical Center, Merck Vaccines, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Northern New England Clinical Oncology Society, Payson Center for Cancer Care at Concord Hospital, Prostate Cancer Coalition of New Hampshire, St. Joseph Hospital Cancer Center, Takeda Oncology
Cheshire Medical Center/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene, Concord Regional Visiting Nurse Association, NH Area Health Education Center, New Hampshire Oncology-Hematology PA, Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital The NH CCC is a dedicated partnership of individuals and organizations committed to eliminating cancer in the state
NH CCC 12th ANNUAL MEETING - April 5, 2017 Partnerships in Health Care: Enhancing the Cancer Survivorship Experience Agenda
Meet our Keynotes
Registration and Continental Breakfast
NH Comprehensive Cancer Collaboration Update Robert Gerlach, MPA Chair, NH CCC Board of Directors
Importance of Community Partnerships toward Advancing Cancer Care and Research Edward J. Benz Jr., MD President and CEO Emeritus Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Networking Break / Exhibits
Implementing Survivorship Care Plans: What's Happening in Practice? Mandi Pratt-Chapman, MA Associate Center Director for Patient-Centered Initiatives and Health Equity George Washington Cancer Center
Lunch / Exhibits / Network
Hot Topic Breakout Sessions Select one (See details on following page) A. Partnering to Optimize Quality of Life for Cancer Survivors B. Adaptation of Survivorship Care Plans in the age of the EMR: Challenges & Practical Solutions C. Helping Survivors Live Tobacco Free D. Creative Survivorship Planning & Partnering E. Utilizing Partnerships to Address Arsenic in Private Well Water
Hot Topic Breakout Sessions Repeated - Select one
Living Well After Cancer Hester Hill Schnipper, LICSW, BCD, OSW-C Chief of Oncology Social Work Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Closing Remarks & Evaluations Robert Gerlach, MPA
Plenary Objectives • Explain how community partnerships and collective impact can enhance the cancer survivorship experience • Describe challenges and solutions associated with implementing cancer survivorship care plans • Identify local and national resources and practical strategies to assist health systems to improve survivorship outcomes
Edward J. Benz Jr., MD Dr. Benz graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1973 and received his training at Brigham and Women's Hospital and the National Institutes of Health. He is president and CEO emeritus of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, director emeritus and principal investigator of Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, and a member of the Governing Board of DanaFarber/Children's Cancer Center. He is also a clinical hematologist and an active NIH-funded investigator. Mandi Pratt-Chapman, MA Mandi Pratt-Chapman, MA is Associate Center Director for the Institute for Patient-Centered Initiatives and Health Equity at the GW Cancer Center. She is responsible for strategically planning and implementing patient-centered initiatives and addressing significant health equity challenges in Washington, DC. The Center’s vision is a cancer-free world and health care that is patient-centered, accessible and equitable. Its mission is to foster health communities, prepared patients, responsive health care professionals and supportive health care systems through applied cancer research, education, advocacy and translation of evidence to practice. Hester Hill Schnipper, LICSW, BCD, OSW-C Ms. Hill Schnipper is chief of oncology social work at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and has been an adjunct professor at Simmons College and Boston University Schools of Social Work. She has also taught at the Harvard Medical School and was the Susan G. Komen For the Cure’s first Hatcher Professor of Survivorship. Her daily clinical work includes the care of women living with all stages of breast and gynecologic cancer; she facilitates five support groups and develops other support and educational resources for her institution's oncology community. She has authored two books: Woman to Woman: A Handbook for Women Newly Diagnosed with Breast Cancer and After Breast Cancer: A Commonsense Guide to Life after Treatment. In 1993 and again in 2005, Ms. Hill Schnipper was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. She has two young adult daughters and lives with her husband in Concord, Massachusetts.
NH CCC 12th ANNUAL MEETING - April 5, 2017 Partnerships in Health Care: Enhancing the Cancer Survivorship Experience Hot Topic Breakout Sessions Two Repeated Sessions: 12:45 - 1:45 and 1:45 - 2:45 Please select two: A.
Partnering to Optimize Quality of Life for Cancer Survivors -Chris Howard, LICSW, OSW-C, Oncology Resource Coordinator, Elliot Regional Cancer Center
-Janice McDermott, Executive Director, New Hampshire Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
Through the work of the Collaboration’s Quality of Life Task Force, cancer and palliative care professionals statewide partnered to work on a common goal: Optimizing the Quality of Life for Cancer Survivors. Key to the work of the task force is developing value - added tools for professional care teams and survivors. Hear from the co-leaders, how the Task Force members partnered to identify gaps, and develop and distribute effective survivorship tools. B.
Adaptation of Survivorship Care Plans in the age of the EMR: Challenges & Practical Solutions -Darcy M. Kreis MS, RN Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Lebanon -Elizabeth B. McGrath DNP, APRN, AGACNP-BC, AOCNP, ACHPN Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Lebanon
In 2007 the Institute of Medicine recommended patients be presented with a Survivorship Care Plan (SCP) at the completion of cancer care. Although many templates have been developed there is no one method that is proven to be superior. In addition we are now confronted with how to incorporate the SCP into the EMR. Join us as we discuss strategies to overcome these challenges. C.
Helping Survivors Live Tobacco Free -Teresa M Brown, BS, TTS, NH Division of Public Health Services, Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program -Kate McNally, Program Manager, MS, TTS, Cheshire Coalition for Tobacco Free Communities, DH Keene
A healthy cancer center is a tobacco free center; what does this mean and how do you do accomplish it? In this session, participants will gain an understanding of best practices for treating tobacco dependence and will learn about tools and resources to help your organization support survivors in their journey toward freedom from tobacco. D.
Creative Survivorship Planning & Partnering -Roshani Patel MD, FACS, Breast Surgeon Dartmouth-Hitchcock Manchester
A structured rehabilitation program can decrease morbidity and improve outcomes. In this session, participants will hear about tools Dr. Patel is using to help patients succeed with exercise and eating better. We will also discuss how exercise and dietary modification can impact quality of life, improve overall health, and decrease healthcare costs. E.
Utilizing Partnerships to Address Arsenic in Private Well Water -Kathrin Lawlor, BA, Community Engagement Core Coordinator, Dartmouth Toxic Metals Superfund Research Program, Dartmouth College -Paul Susca, Supervisor - Planning, Protection & Assistance, Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau, NH Department of Environmental Services
Arsenic is a common contaminant in private wells in NH and has been linked to a variety of negative health outcomes, including bladder, lung, liver, prostate and skin cancer. In this session, participants will learn about current efforts, implemented by a variety of partners, to address private well water quality, with a focus on arsenic. Participants will also learn how to ensure their own well water quality and how to help their communities promote well water testing.
NH CCC is an initiative of the Foundation for Healthy Communities
The New Hampshire Comprehensive Cancer Collaboration (NH CCC), an initiative of the Foundation for Healthy Communities, was established in 2004 to address the leading cause of death in New Hampshire (NH). The NH CCC is a dedicated partnership of individuals and organizations committed to eliminating cancer in the state. The NH CCC developed the New Hampshire Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan to foster communities and systems that support and reinforce healthy lifestyles, prevent and detect cancer at its earliest stage, and optimize quality of life for those affected by cancer. For more information about the NH CCC and the NH Cancer Plan, visit www.NHCancerPlan.org.
NH CCC 12th ANNUAL MEETING - April 5, 2017 Partnerships in Health Care: Enhancing the Cancer Survivorship Experience Education Credits NURSING: Southern New Hampshire Area Health Education Center is an Approved Provider of continuing nursing education by the Northeast Multistate Division (NE-MSD), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. 5.75 contact hours. Activity Number: 1191 PHYSICIANS: The Southern NH Area Health Education Center, accredited by the NH Medical Society, designates this live activity for a maximum of 5.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s). Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. CERTIFIED HEALTH EDUCATION SPECIALISTS (CHES): Sponsored by Southern NH Area Health Education Center, a designated provider of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. This program is designated for Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) and/or Master Certified Health Education Specialists (MCHES) to receive up to 5.75 total Category I continuing education contact hours. SNHAHEC Provider Number MEP3658. SOCIAL WORKERS: This program has been approved for 5.5 Category I Continuing Education hours for licensure. NASW workshop number 3309. CANCER REGISTRARS: The NCRA has determined that 5.75 CE hours, of which 0 CE meet the Category A requirement, have been approved. Activity number 2017-010.
Please register by March 28th online at https://nhccc2017annualmeeting.eventbrite.com
Registration Information Fee: Includes continental breakfast, lunch, break refreshments, and continuing education credits. Limited scholarships are available upon request. No refunds are offered for cancellations or non-attendance. Substitutions are accepted. $70 Early bird fee - Register by Friday, February 24 $80 Registration February 25 - March 28 $85 Walk in Photo Release: From time to time NH CCC uses photographs of meeting events in its promotional materials. Unless this permission is revoked in writing to the NH CCC, by virtue of their attendance all meeting visitors agree to the use of their likeness in such materials. Name (for name tag):______________________________________________________________________________________________ Credentials (for continuing education credit): ________________________________________ Title:________________________________________________________________________ Organization: _________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________________________ Phone number: ______________________________________________ Email:______________________________________________________
Online registration is preferred. If using this form and paying by check, please make the check out to "Foundation for Healthy Communities" with "NH CCC Meeting" in the memo line. Mail it along with this form to the following address: Foundation for Healthy Communities Attn: Judy Proctor 125 Airport Road Concord, NH 03301
Please note any special needs, dietary or otherwise: _____________________________________________________________________ Please select a breakout session at 12:45 p.m.: A B C D E Please select a breakout session at 1:45 p.m.: A B C D E How did you learn about this annual meeting (please circle)? Email, website, friend/colleague, newsletter, other: ______________________ Registration or scholarship inquiries can be addressed by email to
[email protected]. For directions to the Grappone Conference Center/Courtyard by Marriott, go to http://www.grapponeconferencecenter.com/contact.aspx or call (603) 225-0303. Cover image courtesy of American Cancer Society / Page 3 image courtesy of National Cancer Institute Visuals Online