Research Kerala, National seminars on media, awareness seminars on new
trends in media for journalists ... modern equipment to library, media magazine
and archiving magazines, newspapers and ..... Fire and Rescue Services
The detailed project proposals should be prepared by the concerned Development Authority and should be placed in the Departmental Working Group/Special Working Group for Administrative Sanction. Urban Development Schemes – Implementing through LSGIs An outlay of `101868 lakh is set apart for the implementation of the following schemes through Urban Local Bodies. Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6
Outlay (Rs. in lakh) 18455 1005 5714 53513 15000 8181 101868
The above programmes having an outlay of `101868 lakh has been included in the Appendix IV of the Budget 2014-15.
9.9 INFORMATION AND PUBLICITY The outlay provided to the sector in the budget 2014-15 is `3000.00 Lakh. Details are given below. (` Lakh) Sl. Name of Department/Agency Outlay No 1 Information and Public Relations Department 2550 2 C-DIT 450 Total 3000 While issuing administrative sanction to the projects/schemes, the components should be clearly indicated along with physical targets envisaged in the projects/schemes. The scheme/institution wise allocation for the year 2014-15 is summarized below. 1. Press Information Services (1).Press Facilities (Outlay: ` 100 lakh) The scheme aims to provide better facilities to media persons for reporting Government programmes and ensuring its coverage by creating basic infrastructural support within the department. Interstate study tours of journalists, press tour within the state, payment of mobile alert facility, payment to KSRTC for press passes and vehicle hiring,
seminars on Press Day(at State & District Level), distribution of media awards and Swadeshabhimani Kesari award, setting up of journalist and non journalist data bank etc are the envisaged programmes under press facilities services. An outlay of `100 lakh is provided for 2014-15. (2). Press Academy (Outlay: ` 225 lakh) The programmes under Press Academy are PR training to Government employees, exhibition on history of media, implementation of Vision 2025 project, skill development of journalists and non-journalists, purchase of journalism text books, preparation of documentary on eminent journalists, conducting research on various aspects of Kerala media, conducting international cartoon exhibition, news photo festival, Media Education and Research Kerala, National seminars on media, awareness seminars on new trends in media for journalists, state level study camp for journalists and PR students, storage space and modern equipment to library, media magazine and archiving magazines, newspapers and classic books, modernization of headquarters building etc. An outlay of `225 lakh is provided for 2014-15, of which `100 lakh is one time assistance for upgradation of the institution. 2. Visual Publicity (1). Photo Publicity (Outlay: ` 60 lakh) Expenses for photo coverage, modernization of photographic units, purchase and maintenance of photographic equipments, materials and computers, State award for photography etc.are envisaged under this scheme. An amount of `60 lakh is provided for 2014-15. (2). Video Publicity (Outlay: ` 175 lakh) The department of I&PRD releases video news clippings from 14 districts, Kerala House New Delhi and its headquarters to various television and web channels immediately after the events. This scheme proposes to strengthen and maintain the Edit Suits and expansion of the existing video clip mail service under the electronic media division of I& PRD. Upgradation of the clip mail service software, providing server based clip mail service, contract fee for video stringers and reporters at headquarters and districts, maintenance of edit suits, purchase of software, equipments, camera, laying optical fiber cable for live recording and telecasting of various programmes of the Govt. are the activities proposed. For this a total outlay of `175 lakh is provided for 2014-15. 3. Information Centres (Outlay: ` 60 lakh) The I&PRD has a state information centre under its research and reference wing at the Directorate and information centre’s attached to the District Information Offices for providing government’s information to the general public. Training in web management and
content development and web designing for Assistant Information Officers, Assistant Editors and Information Officers, in-service training to the technical staff to understand latest trends in dissemination of information and communication, functioning of the information centre’s, purchase of computers, peripherals, its AMC and maintenance of computers are the activities proposed under the scheme. An outlay of `60 lakh is provided for 2014-15. 4. Production of Video documentaries (Outlay: ` 240 lakh) The audio video communication wing in the Electronic Media Division of I&PRD is engaged in producing and broadcasting various video magazine programmes through electronic media. This programme envisage the production and telecast of half- an hour bimonthly magazine programme –Navakeralam presented by Hon’ble Chief Minister and Ministers on Doordarshan and AIR and other channels, production and broadcasting of 10 video documentaries on environment and culture of Kerala, production of documentaries about former Chief Ministers, in-house/outsource production of documentaries and docufictions, expenses for stringership, documentation on special occasions etc. It also includes expenses for production charges & broadcast fees (All India Radio) of Janapatham Radio programme, production charges & broadcast charges (Doordarshan) of Priyakeralam, production and transmission of news capsules and documentaries on Government initiatives, success stories, social awareness topics, heritage and cultural activities through channels and radio, festival of video documentaries produced by the Dept, production of 10 profile series documentaries, maintenance and upgradation of video archive etc. The outlay provided for 2014-15 is `240 lakh. 5. Modernization of Tagore Theatre (Outlay: ` 500 lakh) The project is to continue the renovation and development activities of the Tagore Centenary Hall, Vazhuthacaud, Thiruvananthapuram for conversion into a multipurpose cultural centre for facilitating various cultural and entertainment activities. It is expected to complete the first phase of the work by December 2013. For the undisturbed continuance of the project, an amount of `500 lakh is provided during the year 2014-15 subject to condition that no further provision will be provided in the remaining Annual Plans of the 12th Five Year Plan. 6. Government Web portal and Maintenance of Mail Server (Outlay: ` 100 lakh) The Web and New Media Division of the department maintains the web portal of Government of Kerala and websites of other departments. The portal provides general information about the State including the structure of the Government, functions of various Government departments and agencies, details of ministries, Members of the Legislative Assembly and other elected representatives and provides entry to other departmental websites. All the sites maintained by the department are hosted in IT Mission server at state data centre. Purchase of new server and mirror server for the state data centre,
purchase of high end computers, accessories, software, templates, and outsourcing manpower for the particular job, maintenance of websites, fee for service provider, content development for Malayalam version of website, net connection (Broad Band and 3G), etc are the activities proposed during 2014-15. For this an outlay of `100 lakh is provided for 2014-15. 7.
Sutharya Keralam
(Outlay: ` 300 lakh) Sutharya Keralam is a live television – video conferencing complaint redressal forum of the Hon’ble Chief Minister initiated by the I&PR department. The Kerala State IT Mission extends video conference and call centre facilities and the C-DIT is the total service provider. The Chief Minister’s public grievance redressal cell is doing the follow up mechanism. The programme is telecast over Doordarshan and its audio version is broadcast over all stations of All India Radio. Sutharya keralam district cells have already been started functioning in all districts to settle the complaints at the grass roots level. An outlay of `300 lakh is provided for 2014-15 to implement the following activities. •
Production cost for Sutharya Keralam TV programme.
• •
Telecast fee for 52 episodes of Sutharyakeralam Recurring expenditure for the functioning of Sutharyakeralam state cell and district cells.
Production charge of the Sutharya Keralam radio programme and broadcasting fee for 52 episodes in AIR.
Infrastructure development for state and district cells of Sutharayakeralam
Design, hosting and maintenance charge for the Hon’ble Chief Minister’s Website etc.
8. Kerala Art and Culture Centre at New Delhi (Outlay: ` 25 lakh) Kerala art and culture centre at New Delhi has been visualized to propagate the rich tradition of the art, culture and literature of the state. Due to the technical difficulties in registration process in New Delhi, the centre could not be started functioning. For organizing art, cultural activities and promote Kerala culture among Keralites in New Delhi under New Delhi Information Office, an outlay of `25 lakh is provided for 2014-15. 9. Centre for Development of Imaging Technology (C-DIT) (Outlay: ` 450 lakh) C-DIT established in 1988 is an autonomous research and training institute under the Government of Kerala in the area of Imaging Technology. At present it is engaged in multidisciplinary activities like research and development in image processing, educational and development video production, information technology applications, training in the related fields etc. For the implementation of the following programmes, an outlay of `450 lakh is provided for 2014-15.
Capacity building and corporate restructuring. New tie-ups and programmes for recasting of media and communication training programmes of C-DIT. Putting in place systems for strengthening research and development activities in C-Dit
Programmes focusing on Gender equity.
Completing the Headquarters building for C-DIT.
Indian language (Malayalam) computing.
Putting in place systems for improving quality of service delivery of e governance activities undertaken by C-DIT as part of the total ICT solution provider programmes in Govt.
Infrastructure upgradation and capacity building for improved content and service delivery.
Cyber Darshan and awareness building on cyber security.
• •
10. Inter State Public Relations (Outlay: ` 25 lakh) It is a regular practice of all states to conduct special press conferences of Chief Ministers and other media related public relations activities in metros and other important cities to highlight their development activities like initiatives in industry, information technology, health care, education, etc. The proposal includes conducting press conferences of Chief Minister and Ministers, conducting cultural shows and exhibitions at metro cities in order to highlight the achievements of Kerala on various thrust areas. As part of this senior journalists from other states and foreign journalists, both from print and electronic media shall also be invited for having an on the spot study on development of the state. Necessary arrangements shall be made to scrutinize the newspapers published in English and Vernacular dailies against negative reporting about the State. The provided outlay for the scheme in 2014-15 is `25 lakh. 11. Strengthening of the Scrutiny wing (Outlay: `45 lakh) The scrutiny wing of I&PRD is now scrutinizing the print and visual media on various government policies and programmes and other important issues related to government. Feedback survey through external agencies to access the performance of the government, updation of software, and scrutiny of news based visual media programmes, maintenance of digital archives, digitization of newspapers etc are the activities proposed. For this an outlay of `45 lakh is provided for 2014-15. 12. Special PR campaigns (Outlay: ` 100 lakh) The department has started special PR campaigns in rural areas of the state to popularize government initiatives and programmes with the help of other departments, central government departments, government organizations and NGOs. Mass Contact Programmes
of ministers and officials, workshops, exhibitions, cultural programmes, awareness programmes etc are envisaged under this programme. PR activities for government’s flagship programmes like Viswa Malayala Maholsavam, commemorative celebrations of personalities in the field of art, culture, social work, politics etc are also included in this programme. For this an outlay of `100 lakh is provided for 2014-15. 13. Strengthening of Exhibition wing -Mobile Exhibition Units (Outlay: ` 95 lakh) For strengthening the existing exhibition wing, the department had procured three mobile exhibition vehicles and another has been sanctioned. For maintenance and repairs of mobile vehicles, wages of drivers on contract basis, alteration of vehicles and other works in accordance with the theme of exhibition `95 lakh is provided for 2014-15. 14. Integrated Development News Grid (Outlay: ` 80 lakh) The project meant for the timely reporting of development news at the Local Self Government level has been on track in six districts and steps has already been taken to extend the scheme to other districts also. For the continuance of the scheme, an amount of `80 lakh is provided for 2014-15. 15. Video wall network (Outlay: ` 150 lakh) Dissemination of information regarding various developmental and welfare schemes of the Govt. through LED display boards erected in the district HQs is the objective of the scheme. One video wall has already been installed in Thiruvananthapuram and it is functioning successfully. It is proposed to set up video walls in four districts during 2014-15. For setting up new video walls and maintenance of the existing one, an outlay of ` 150 lakh is provided for 2014-15. 16. Modernization of District Information Offices & Establishing Media centres (Outlay: ` 110 lakh) At the field level, the I & PR Department comprises of 14 District Information Offices, Information Office at New Delhi Kerala House, and six Regional Deputy Director’s Offices. Most of these offices are working in very shabby atmosphere with limited space. Accordingly `2.60 crore was provided during 2013-14 for modernization of District Information Offices, Regional Deputy Director’s Offices and Information Office in New Delhi. Administrative Sanction has been accorded for modernization of selected District Information Offices and Regional Deputy Director’s Offices. It is expected that the work will be completed by the end of March, 2014. Funds are needed to extend the facilities to other District Information Offices and Regional Deputy Director Offices and for completing the ongoing works. It has been proposed in 2013-14 budget to provide Laptops and data cards (net setters) to selected officers in the department. The rest of the officers should also be provided with these facilities during 2014-15. For this an outlay of `110 lakh is provided for 2014-15.
17. Information Education and Communication (IEC) Wing ( Outlay: ` 25 lakh) The project aims to set up an IEC unit under Information&Public Relations Department to support various Government bodies for disseminating information and awareness generation regarding various schemes and programmes. It will be operated under Field Publicity and Exhibition section of I&PRD and proposes to make available experts in various fields on project basis or on contract. The functions and responsibilities of the IEC wing are to undertake communication needs assessment for the target groups under each of the Government programmes, to develop key messages required to the various stakeholders and beneficiaries, developing an integrated IEC strategy and put in place measures for implementing it by selecting appropriate medium of communications. Feedback collection on the various campaigns is also envisaged in this scheme. The activities will be carried out with the cooperation of Government departments, LSG institutions, autonomous bodies, NGOs, etc. For this an outlay of `25 lakh is provided during 2014-15. 18. Media city (Outlay: `10 lakh) Media City aims at creation of a single premise for all kinds of media activities. It includes broadcasting, publishing, production and post production, advertising and marketing services for print and electronic media. The scheme visualized includes technology, ecommerce and media free zone initiative, schemes to own business establishments, tax exemption packages to attract the media companies and e-corporate from all over the world. The objectives of the project are • An ideal location for printing and publishing firms to meet all kinds of requirements in this field. • Apt space for broadcasting and telecasting firms to bring about new developments in electronic media. • Production and post-production units with all hi-tech infrastructures to aid the creative contribution from everywhere. • Firms with advertising and marketing services to meet the challenges in this field. • Firms with audio and video assistance for the electronic media. • Commercial establishment dealing with print, audio and video equipment and spares. To prepare and present a DPR, a Chief Executive Officer has been appointed and the Government is awaiting the report. In order to materialize the preliminary work of the project `10 lakh is provided during 2014-15. New Schemes 19. Indian Institute of Mass Communication at Kottayam (Outlay: ` 100 lakh) Kerala Chapter of Indian Institute of Mass Communication has started functioning at Kottayam. The IIMC officials inspected some locations at Kottayam to choose land for IIMC building construction and they were satisfied with the initiatives taken by the department. It is
expected that construction of the building can be started during 2014-15. construction of the building `100 lakh is provided during 2014-15.
For the
20. New Building for District Information Office, Alappuzha. (Outlay: ` 25 lakh) In the current budget `2.60 crore has been provided for the modernization of District Information Offices and Regional Deputy Directors’ Office. While processing the proposal for modernization of the District Information Office at Alappuzha, it has come to the notice that the building that houses the office is in a dilapidated condition and modernization works could not be carried out there. Efforts are underway to make available land adjacent to the existing building. For construction of new building to District Information Office, Alappuzha, an amount of `25 lakh is provided during 2014-15.
9.10 LABOUR AND LABOUR WELFARE The Budget 2014-15 envisages an allocation of `470.00 crore for the Labour and Labour Welfare sector. While issuing administrative sanction to the projects/schemes, the components should be clearly indicated along with physical targets (disaggregated by gender wherever possible) envisaged in the projects/schemes. The department/institution wise allocation for the year 2014-15 is given below:
Name of Department
Outlay provided (` in Lakh)
Labour Commissionerate
Department of Industrial Training
National Employment Services (Kerala)
Kerala Institute of Labour and Employment
Factories and Boilers Department
Non-Resident Keralites Affairs Department
Fire and Rescue Services Department
Overseas Development and Employment Promotion Consultants(ODEPC) Limited Total
35.00 47000.00
I. Labour Commissionerate 1. Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) (25% State Share) (Outlay: `5000 .00 lakh) Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana is a centrally sponsored Health Insurance Scheme for BPL workers and their families in the unorganised sector introduced during 2008-09 and