annual professional growth plans - Google Docs

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Apr 12, 2016 - completed plans with their supervisor, by the anniversary date that they started in this current position
Administrative Procedure 412 - Appendix

ANNUAL PROFESSIONAL GROWTH PLANS All continuous contract teachers and regular support staff are required to complete an annual professional growth plan on a yearly basis. Timeline: Initial discussions pertaining to an employee’s growth plan are to take place prior to October 31, each year. Annual growth plan Information and the forms can be accessed via Intranet: ● certificated staff ● support staff Continuous contract teachers are to complete their growth plan document, then discuss and review their completed plans with their supervisor by April 15, each year. Support staff and exempt staff are to complete their growth plan document, then discuss and review their completed plans with their supervisor, by the anniversary date that they started in this current position. The employee retains the original growth plan document. The immediate supervisor can request a copy of this growth plan document and forwards a copy of the professional Growth Plan Summary sheet to human resources. The Growth Plan Summary sheet information will be entered and scanned into the employee’s personnel file. Questions pertaining to the growth plan status of certificated staff and support staff are to be directed to superintendent, human resources or designate.

Approval Date:

April 12, 2016

Certificated Staff: Reference: School Act​, Section 18, 20, 22, 39, 60, 61, 96, 113 Certification of Teachers Regulation 3/99 (Amended AR 206/2001) Practice Review of Teachers Regulation 11/2010 Ministerial Order 001/2013 – Student Learning Ministerial Order 016/97 – Teaching Quality Standard Guide to Education ECS to Grade 12 Practice Review Bylaws Collective Agreements   CUPE, Local 520​ ​   Unifor, Local Union No. 1990​ ​   The Alberta Teachers' Association, Local 55

Calgary Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 1 Administrative Procedures Manual

April 2016 Page 1 of 1