Annual Provider Survey Results (November 2015) Top Line ... - CQC

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Providers are positive about our approach, though this has declined in some sectors compared to last year. There is a br
Annual Provider Survey Results (November 2015) Top Line Results


Provider responses per sector

Primary Medical Services Adult Social Care n = 1592

n = 2764


n = 384

Total Responses = 4740 2

Key messages 1/2 Providers across all sectors have a better understanding of our approach This year’s annual survey shows a significant rise in providers’ understanding of CQC’s new approach across all sectors. Adult social care and hospital providers – particularly NHS trusts - report the highest levels of understanding, from an already high benchmark. Dental providers and GPs have both risen significantly, following a dip in understanding in 2014 – this was a particularly large fall and subsequent rise for dental providers.

Guidance and standards are important for providers In both the post-inspection and annual surveys, providers have, unprompted, cited CQC’s guidance and standards as integral to their understanding. The rise in understanding per sector correlates with the publication of CQC’s guidance and standards for providers as it was introduced per sector.

Providers are positive about our approach, though this has declined in some sectors compared to last year There is a broadly positive sentiment in terms of the benefits and impact of our approach. GPs have shown the most marked fall in positivity towards our approach, and remain the least positive overall; NHS trusts and independent hospitals both show significant falls in positivity this year, but this was from a high base and they remain positive overall.


Key messages 2/2 There has been a general downwards trend in positivity towards the inspection team’s understanding since 2012 This is something which both the annual and post-inspection surveys reflect. Conversations with stakeholders suggest that answers to this question may be impacted by the view that the inspection team don’t take into account, don’t understand, or don’t consider, the pressures that providers organisations are under, therefore affecting the results of this questions.

However, 61% of Good or Outstanding rated hospital providers (n = 90) in the annual survey said their inspection team’s understanding was good or very good In comparison, only 49% of hospital providers rated requires improvement or inadequate said their inspection team’s understanding was good or very good. There is more analysis of the findings from slide 15 onwards, and we will be undertaking further research – including focus groups with providers in each sector - to explore the detail of this discrepancy, and gain a greater understanding of sentiments from both good/outstanding and requires improvement/inadequate rated hospital providers


CQC annual provider survey and post inspection survey - Background Annual Provider Survey (November 2015) The CQC Annual Provider Survey is run online each October/November for two weeks, and is sent to all registered providers. Since March 2012, we have asked a set of core questions in order to initially benchmark and then track changes on providers’ knowledge, understanding, and opinion of CQC. These include questions on how well providers understand our approach, as well as measures on what they perceive to be the impact of our inspection process before, during, and after the inspection. All of the sector breakdown results in this survey are for providers who have had one of our newstyle comprehensive inspections.

Post Inspection Survey (Jan – Jun 2015) This report references findings in the post-inspection survey where there were similar or the same questions. The CQC Post-Inspection Survey is sent to every provider following their inspection. This survey has run since 2013, and is reported on in 6 monthly-batches. Unlike the annual survey, the Post-Inspection Survey captures sentiment exclusively on a provider’s recent inspection experience. This means that the two surveys are complimentary, rather than wholly identical in their purpose and scope, although they do ask some of the same questions which are presented together in this report. This report references some of the data from this survey in the written sections, but not as graphs.

Variation Due to the provider survey being launched over a two week period once a year, it is potentially subject to influence from events which may be taking place at the time. One other factor to account for variation in results between the two surveys is that the annual survey is anonymous, whereas the post-inspection survey contains the providers registration ID, and is therefore identifiable. 5

Adult Social Care Provider Summary (Community, residential and hospice services) Each year, across all areas, adult social care providers have reported a greater understanding of how CQC monitors, regulates, and inspects, and higher positivity to our impact and benefits.

Adult social care providers have always reported the highest levels of understanding of our model. In our latest provider engagement strategy, we had anticipated a 2 or 3% rise on last year’s result of 88%, but that 94% of all adult social care providers rate their understanding of our new approach as good or very good indicates that the new model has begun to bed in across the sector.

There were almost three times more positive comments than negative about the inspection team from adult social care providers. Qualitative data from our surveys suggests that more specialised services, such as learning disability or dementia care services, are less positive about their inspection team’s understanding, but in general adult social care providers are very positive about their experience (see slides 14 to 18).

Adult social care providers were the most positive towards the benefits of our approach, and how it identifies improvements via the inspection process and inspection reports. With 93% of all ASC providers saying that our approach was very, fairly or slightly beneficial (and only 10% of that score fell under the ‘slightly’ category - see slide 13). This is a brief sector summary, a full report for with sub-sector breakdowns will also be produced and shared. 6

Hospital Provider Summary (NHS trusts; independent hospitals; other non-acute independent healthcare services) Hospital providers are generally very positive on the impact and benefits of our work; however, they are less positive around their experience of inspection.

Levels of understanding were up again for hospitals providers – by 17% for the independent sector This matches trends in the other sectors where levels of understanding of healthcare providers this year has gone up significantly, but unlike PMS providers, hospitals were starting from an already high base of 83% from last year.

Hospital providers rating of CQC inspection team’s understanding of the care their provide has been growing more negative year on year since 2012 This is particularly marked for NHS Trusts (see slide 14), and in the post-inspection survey their positivity has decreased by 36% since the last survey (see slides 14 to 18 for more details).

Hospital providers are 8% less positive this year on the benefits to our approach, Although that is from a very positive score of 96% last year.

Hospital providers are broadly positive when asked whether their inspection, or inspection report helped with improvement This was found to be particularly positive in the latest post-inspection survey results, and also a 7% (inspection) and 10% (inspection report) increase from the previous post-inspection survey results. This is a brief sector summary, a full report for with sub-sector breakdowns will also be produced and shared. 7

Primary Medical Services summary (Dentists and GP practices) Primary medical services have historically been less positive on the impact and benefits of our work, this was true again this year; however, their levels of understanding have risen significantly.

This year both dentist and GP levels of understanding have risen significantly Dentists and GPs levels of understanding were previously far lower than the other sectors (see slides 9 and 11) – now they are reporting levels more on a par with both the adult social care and hospitals sectors.

Similarly to the hospital sector, PMS providers were divided in their opinion of CQC’s inspection teams With only 55% of dentists, and just 51% of GPs, rating their inspection team’s understanding of the care they provided as good or very good in the annual survey. The results for GPs were more positive in the post-inspection survey, at 78%, and even higher for dentists at 88% - however, with only 26 responses from dentists in the post-inspection survey it is not possible to use this figure in comparison.

GPs’ overall view of the benefits of our approach has decreased this year, and stayed the same for dentists PMS provides still score significantly lower in most results than other sectors when asked out the impact of our approach. This is a brief sector summary, a full report for with sub-sector breakdowns will also be produced and shared. 8

All providers have shown a marked increase in their understanding of our new approach in the last year, following the publication of our guidance and provider handbooks for each sector

How would you rate your overall understanding of the approach CQC takes to regulation and inspection? (Annual Survey)

(% = very / fairly good)

Public consultation on CQC’s new approach

When guidance and handbooks published, per sector, for the new approach 9

Annual Survey Bar graphs - Key

The bar graphs depict data from the latest annual survey (November 2015), and where data is available from last year the arrows indicate movement compared to the previous survey results.

Movement from last year’s result

Overall sample size


Which sector



n = 2902

A dotted arrow (where the change is