annual report - IESE Alumni - IESE Business School

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and, above all, encourage the development of our school in the region. IESE counts on the ..... session “New Trends in







IESE Alumni Association P. 6


Continuous Education Program P. 8


Global Alumni Reunion 2012 P. 18


Building IESE P. 26


Meetings P. 30


career development P. 32


Communications and publications P. 36


New services P. 42

10 Affiliates and links P. 44 11 Governing bodies P. 46 12 Annual accounts P. 50 13 Appendices P. 52

Consultation link


Letter from the President

Dear friends As many of you will recall, “Charting Paths in a Wider World” was the clear theme of the Global Alumni Reunion 2012 held in São Paulo. Looking at the activities that we have organized during the past academic year, I believe that, unconsciously, these words have served as our guide. As you know, São Paulo marked a new chapter in the Association’s history. For the first time, more than a thousand alumni met in Latin America, seeking to extend our personal and professional horizons and, above all, encourage the development of our school in the region. IESE counts on the Association’s members to spread its mission while we count on IESE to deepen and extend the experience we shared in the classroom. The Association currently organizes more than 300 alumni activities, a growing number of which are held around the world. Based on a sound foundation of continuing education, career development and opportunities to meet people and to network, we alumni know that IESE is our best ally if we are to continue to grow professionally and, dare I say, personally as well. Along with the wide range of educational services we offer alumni, this year we have launched initiatives—such as the Club Alumni and the updating of the directory through the professional network LinkedIn—with the aim of forging lasting links within our community. We are also about to present an initiative aimed at entrepreneurs that will make it easier for them to access information and activities at IESE related to entrepreneurship—as well as advice and assessment from other alumni to help them with their business ventures—in a simple and intuitive way, aided by interalumni networking. We are confident that this initiative will encourage a spirit of entrepreneurship among us all. Finally, I would like to thank the alumni and IESE team for all the great work they’ve done during this academic year, their commitment and their spirit of service, especially in organizing the Global Alumni Reunion. I would also like to thank you for your continued support as alumni, which is essential for the Association’s activities and for promoting IESE’s mission. The school’s solid base is thanks to its alliance with alumni, which is why I hope you will continue to play a role both as participants and as key players in its future. Yours affectionately, Jorge Sendagorta (PADE ‘90) President of the Alumni Association


2 IESE Alumni Association



The IESE Alumni Association grew out of the commitment of IESE graduates who wanted to remain linked to the school to continue their education and, above all, to support the school’s development.

The Association’s mission is to offer continuous education activities that strengthen their collaboration with IESE to alumni who want to maintain their links with the school.

Since the IESE Alumni Association was founded in 1959, the alumni have risen to the occasion and have made it an emblematic association through their hard work and commitment. This spirit has meant that the Alumni Association and IESE have grown together. The school’s internationalization has been mirrored by the Association, which now has 33 chapters. These bring together alumni who live and work far from the campus so that, even from afar, they can satisfy their desire to continue learning, while remaining in contact with their former classmates and professors. There are currently more than 41,000 alumni of 129 nationalities in 116 countries. The activities carried out during the past academic year have increased opportunities for networking and professional support through the Club Alumni and the upgraded Career Opportunities Service. ·· Club Alumni: developing new tools to facilitate relationships among alumni. These new services are organized in three areas: benefits for members, including special offers at more than 500 outlets; Business Exchange, which includes professional profiles that other members can view; and Member Exchange, which offers special opportunities for exchanges between members. ·· Career Opportunities Service: this incorporates new functions to increase the potential for candidates and companies seeking talent.

GOALS ·· Promote and develop lifelong learning among alumni around the world. ·· Maintain and encourage professional and social relationships among alumni. ·· Support IESE’s efforts to improve companies’ contributions to individuals and society, generating educational goals and the development of research and teaching in business management ·· Promote our school and its activities.



·· ·· Continuous Education Program ·· E-conferences and Podcasts ·· Short Focused Programs and Sector Meetings ·· Knowledge website – IESE Insight ·· E-resources ·· IESE Publishing ·· Studies of the economic situation

·· ·· Professional development Succeed Platform ·· Career opportunities ·· Advice & coaching ·· Events and seminars ·· Exclusive teaching workshops

INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ··

Regional meetings Alumni directory IESE Global Alumni Reunion MBA Alumni Reunion EMBA Alumni Reunion Class reunions 5-yearly meetings of AMP, PADE, ·· PDG, PDD, PMD and MBA

RESOURCES AND SERVICES ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ··

Email Membership card Alumni Magazine IESE Insight Alumni Newsletter Consultations with professors Library Use of facilities Book-ordering service Chaplaincy service


3 Continuous Education Program

The Continuous Education Program—contact with professors and conferences led by top business people and executives who work with the school—are a constant source of inspiration. During the past academic year, 232 thought-provoking sessions held under the program were attended by 27,547 alumni from around the world. Technology has made it possible to follow the proceedings via e-conferences. Furthermore, the majority of special sessions are streamed live, via the Webex platform. During the 2012-2013 academic year, sessions were organized in themed cycles, which allowed departments to cover topics from a deeper and more rigorous perspective.

“The Continuous Education program is an excellent way of examining topics that interest us and of helping us to stay in touch with former classmates and the rest of the IESE family.” Manuel de Fuentes, PDD-C-08


Cycles in Barcelona and Madrid

A Coruña Amsterdam Barcelona Bilbao Bogotá Buenos Aires Brussels Düsseldorf Cairo Frankfurt Hong Kong Johannesburg Kuala Lumpur Lima Lisbon London Luxembourg Madrid Mexico City Moscow Munich Nairobi

Sales Management Cycle – Digital marketing Financial Management Cycle – Investment and tax issues in our companies Large Sector Cycle Professional Development Cycle – Networking: What for and with whom? Economy and Society Cycle – Proposals for a dynamic, innovative and just economy Special Family Business Cycle – Family businesses: Managing complexity Ethics and Responsible Business Cycle – Emerging from the crisis with values, leadership and a new focus FINAVES Cycle – Financing new businesses Entrepreneurial initiative cycle – Entrepreneurship Innovation and transformation cycle – New management focuses Small and medium-size business cycle – a before and after of small and medium-size businesses

Palma de Mallorca Pamplona Paris Reykjavik San Sebastián Santiago de Chile Santiago de Compostela São Paulo Seoul Seville Shanghai Singapore The Hague Tokyo Toronto Turin Valencia Warsaw Vienna Vigo Zaragoza Zurich



SPONSORS OF CONTINUOUS EDUCATION SESSIONS Access E-on Eléctrica de Valdriz Fundació La Caixa (Mallorca) Fundación Valentín de Madariaga Gas Natural Fenosa Idom Obra Social Sa Nostra Tecnun The Association would like to thank alumni who have provided facilities in order to hold sessions and hope they will continue to help IESE to raise its international profile. ABN AMRO Bayerische Landesbank BCI BlackRock Bloomberg BNP Paribas DBS Bank Auditorium Deutsche Bank DuPont Headquarters Egon Zehnder International Embajada de España-La Haya Erste Bank INALDE IPADE ISE - Instituto Superior da Empresa Nestlé Headquarters Norton Rose PAD Escuela de Dirección Reykjavik University SAP Solvay Campus Spanish Delegation to the OECD SURA UCEMA



Europe Austria Belgium and Luxembourg France Germany Italy Poland Portugal Russia Scandinavia Switzerland The Netherlands United Kingdom

Nordics United Kingdom


Germany The Netherlands


Meetings Chapters



Austria Switzerland

France Andorra


Alumni presence






Hong Kong


Singapore Brazil





continuous education sessions

Mid Atlantic Regional Club Pacific South West Regional Club Southern Atlantic Regional Club



Argentina Uruguay

27,547 participants



The Americas Argentina-Uruguay Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Mexico Peru U.S.



41,860 alumni

Asia China Hong Kong India Japan Singapore-Malaysia Spain Aragon Andalusia Balearic Islands Catalonia Galicia Levante Madrid Navarra-Basque Country-La Rioja


The symbol indicates sessions available as E-conferences

Special Sessions Never mind the Quality, Feel the Loyalty Points: The Future of Retailing London, September 20, 2012 Alan Giles, chairman of Fat Face and former CEO of HMV Group, was the invited speaker at the Continuous Education session, “Never Mind the Quality, Feel the Loyalty Points: The Future of Retailing”, accompanied by Prof. Philip Moscoso. Giles analyzed the U.K. distribution environment, as well as the wave of changes being experienced by a sector that is increasingly close to the consumer. Facing a Decisive Year: Analysis of the Economic Situation Madrid, October 4, 2012 “The euro is not in crisis because its nature is not economic, but political.” Europe is still seen as a destabilizing element and not as a future project.” “A banking union and a single supervisor are necessary to help reintegrate financial markets in Europe.” “The Spanish economy today has a clear risk of devaluation.” These were a few of the comments heard in the auditorium of IESE’s Madrid campus during the conference, “Facing a Decisive Year: Analysis of the Economic Situation,” which included the participation of IESE professors Juan José Toribio, Javier Díaz-Giménez and José Manuel GonzálezPáramo. Facing a Decisive Year: Goals for the Spanish Economy and the Eurozone Barcelona, October 19, 2012 Madrid, October 3, 2012 IESE Prof. José Manuel González-Páramo led the conference, “Facing a decisive year: goals for the Spanish economy and the eurozone.” The session, moderated by Dean Jordi Canals, sparked reflection on the evolving European economic context, and in particular the Spanish economy. Sovereign debt issues, which intersect with the needs of the banking sector in a process of mutual interaction, were analyzed. The European Stability Mechanism (MEDE), which extends already requested financial assistance to clean up the banking sector, was also discussed. Social Responsibility: Basic for Understanding the World Today Madrid, November 8, 2012 “Social responsibility is a matter of crucial importance for understanding the economic situation that we are living in and to exit this acute crisis.” This strong statement was made by Aldo Olcese, director of the CSR Observatory of IBEX companies, of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences, during the session, “Has Social 12 ALUMNI ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013

Responsibility Reached Financial Markets?” held with Prof. Antonio Argandoña on IESE’s Madrid campus. Olcese concluded that financial markets “are not working in Spain.” In his opinion, the “epicenter” of this malfunction is “poor social accountability.” To understand this problem, he said, it is vital to know what corporate governance is and how it works in companies. “When governance does not function well, social responsibility cannot perform correctly either,” he said. The speaker reviewed some of the advances made in the field in recent years through various EU directives. Given the lack of specificity of many of these government initiatives, many investors decide to intervene on their own. “They agree among themselves to act together outside of these codes, which involves applying social responsibility de facto,” he said. Global Economy Outlook Shanghai, November 14, 2012 Prof. Pedro Videla traveled to Shanghai to meet with alumni and analyze the world economic situation in the Continuous Education session “Global Economy Outlook.” The event was held at the CEIBS Lujiazui Institute of International Finance. Changes in the Online Marketing Paradigm Madrid, November 28, 2012 Prof. Julián Villanueva and Luis Ferrándiz, partner of ADN, moderated a session about marketing online. Also participating were Julia Gómez-Cora, general director of Stage Entertainment; Mauricio García de Quevedo, presiden of Kellog’s Iberia and Luis Álvarez-Cascos, director of marketing at the network Euro 6000. The speakers discussed the numerous advantages offered by online marketing, such as the optimization of resources, interaction with clients, cost adjustments and increased sales. Internal Entrepreneurship. What Does It Take? The Challenge Within New York, November 29, 2012 IESE’s New York Center hosted the session “Internal Entrepreneurship. What Does it take? The Challenge Within,” led by Prof. Julia Prats. She discussed the resources available to companies for fostering entrepreneurship at the core of the organization, taking care of talent and offering opportunities for employees. How Wall Street and Main Street see ‘Other People’s Money’ Dubai, December 4, 2012 Alumni gathered in Dubai to hear a presentation by Prof. Ahmad Rahnema, who led the session, “How Wall Street and Main Street See ‘Other People’s Money,’” based on a case

Transforming the Company to Grow Barcelona, December 10, 2012 Zhang Ruimin was the keynote speaker at the Continuous Education session “Haier’s Management Innovation in Globalization Era,” opened by IESE’s Dean Jordi Canals and moderated by Prof. Carlos Sánchez-Runde. The event took place on December 10 on the school’s Barcelona campus. Zhang Ruimin was responsible for saving Haier from bankruptcy and internationalizing. At the conference, he noted that, in their organizational structure, Haier has grown from a pyramid to become an inverted triangle and that managers, instead of giving orders, provide support so that their employees have what they need to do their jobs. The Haier CEO explained that the greatest weakness of a company is to see itself as the center of things, when in fact it should be open to society.

he wrote which was inspired by the movie “Other People’s Money.” He addressed questions about finance, management and accounting addressed in the film in an interesting forum. This session included the participation of alumni Issam Kazim (AMP ‘12), Mahir Abdulkarim Julfar (AMP ‘12) and the World Trade Club at the Dubai World Trade Center. Doing Business on the Earth NewYork, December 5, 2012 Prof. Mike Rosenberg analyzed the goals for businesses who must operate in an increasingly complex world in the session, “Doing Business on the Earth” en New York. Keys for strategy and organization were also discussed, as well as how to meet new challenges. The Adjustment of the Spanish Economy at the End of the Recession Seville, January 19, 2013 Zaragoza, January 21, 2013 Prof. Javier Díaz- Giménez analyzed the economic situation

IESE’s U.S. Advisory Council Barcelona, March 1, 2013 The annual IESE U.S. Advisory Council meeting was held on the Barcelona campus. The group, created in 2010, brings together business and civic leaders based in the U.S. who reflect diverse sectors, with the goal of advising the school about its activities in North America. The council includes 23 members such as Kate O´Sullivan, Microsoft Corporation; Sir Howard Stringer, Sony Corporation; Tom Rogers Tivo Inc.; Juan Pujadas, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Tom Kane, CBS Corporation.

in this session, and provided a view of the foreseeable developments in the coming months. What Good Managers Do: The Challenge of the 21st Century Palma de Mallorca, January 24, 2013 In increasingly challenging and changing environments, such as those we now face, the task of management has continued changing. The session taught by Prof. Jaume Llopis focused on the reality of successful entrepreneurs and managers, what they do and how they do their daily work. The book “What Good Managers Do: The Challenge of the Century” was presented at this meeting, reflecting the experience of 15 business leaders who reveal how they seek to be better managers: Ikea, Vodafone, Ficosa, Merck, Microsoft, ING, Nestlé, Tesco, Unilever, Coca-Cola, The Fageda Codorniu, Telefónica, Estates & Wines of the LVMH group, Finconsum and Caixa Renting of the La Caixa Group. Managing the Human Cloud: What Can Crowdsourcing Do for Your Company? Moscow, January 29, 2013 Prof. Evgeny Káganer led the session “Managing the Human Cloud: What Can Crowdsourcing Do for your Company?” in Moscow. Alumni had the chance to visit the headquarters of Google in the Russian capital, where the presentation was held. Prof. Káganer discussed keys and risks of the “human cloud,” an emerging trend which, inspired by the virtual cloud, provides companies access to millions of prepared workers to solve problems. Five LinkedIn Keys for Executives: Strategy for Professional and Company Positioning Barcelona, January 31, 2013 Networking expert Alex Lopez and IESE Prof. Mireia Las Heras analyzed strategic positioning strategies for companies on social networks. The purpose of the meeting was to immerse the audience in the concept and operation of professional social networks and help them understand the implications these may have on future business models. ALUMNI ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013 13

The symbol indicates sessions available as E-conferences

Key Issues for the Management of SMEs Zaragoza, March 14, 2013 Valencia, June 17, 2013 Throughout the session led by Professor Alberto Fernández Terricabras key issues to take into account in the areas of business, finance, management and people were explored, as well as many examples of successes and failures. Innovation as Usual. How to Help your People Bring Great Ideas to Life Paris, March 19, 2013 IESE professor and innovation expert Paddy Miller explained, through various examples, how leaders around the world have changed the way of working with people, introducing innovation DNA in their organizations. The session, which was titled “Innovation as Usual. How to Help your People Bring Great Ideas to Life,” included the participation of many alumni who enjoyed the event, exchanged experiences and made new contacts. Inventing the Future San Francisco, March 28, 2013 Andrew Chung, managing partner of Khosla Ventures, led the presentation “Inventing the Future.” Next, Prof. Mike Rosenberg moderated a panel discussion with entrepreneurs and investors that was titled “The Interaction of Capital and Ideas.” Participating were Chris Gottschalk (MBA ‘12), vice president of Blumberg Capital, and Sunil Rajaraman, founder and CEO. How, When and Why European Industry Must Invest in Africa Bilbao, April 2, 2013 Through the social project “The Africa Initiative,” IESE professors have accumulated more than 20 years of experience on this continent. In this session, Prof. Alejandro Lago presented the new business realities of the region and the role that European companies can play. He also addressed several big questions: should we enter Africa? If so, where and how? Corporate Governance: The Role of the Board of Directors London, April 3, 2013 Baroness Denise Kingsmill, member of the House of Lords, led a special session with alumni in the UK, titled “Corporate Governance: The Role of the Board of Directors.” Dean Jordi Canals presented the session. Decision Making in an Uncertain World Kuala Lumpur, April 10, 2013 Malaysia’s capital was the backdrop for alumni who attended the session “Decision Making in an Uncertain World,” led by Prof. Franz Heukamp. 14 ALUMNI ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013

Creating the 2020 Company and its Environment Barcelona, April 11, 2013 “Don’t do something very characteristic of business leaders, which is thinking in the long term,” urged IESE’s Dean Jordi Canals to those participating in the Continuous Education session, “Creating the 2020 Company and its Environment” He also said that “the true architects for exiting the crisis are companies.” Also participating in this session, moderated by Prof. Pedro Nueno, were Marta Martínez (PADE ´05) president of IBM in Spain, Portugal, Grecia and Israel; Erwin Rauhe, vice president and CEO of BASF Spain; and IESE professors Pedro Videla, Alfredo Pastor, Xavier Vives and Antonio Argandoña. The Mobile Industry: A Trigger in the World Economy New York, May 17, 2013 IESE’s New York Center hosted a conference that included the participation of Xavier Trias, mayor of Barcelona, and Agustín Cordón (PADE ‘02), executive vice president of the Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation. During the event, the speakers explained the evoluation Barcelona has undergone, as it has become an international window for innovation and growth in the global mobile technology industry. The event also included the participation of Juan Manuel Barrionuevo (PDG ‘10), director of strategy for the Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation; Barbara Mallinson, CEO of Obami; and Pau Sabrià, CEO of Olapic. The speakers exchanged viewpoints during a panel discussion focused on the role of Barcelona as the world’s mobile industry capital. Highlighted was the city’s commitment to the mobile sector, as well as the strong points of the city for attracting SMEs and large multinationals who are working toward a common goal of reaching global markets more effectively. Eurozone Crisis: Is the Worst Behind Us? Paris, May 23, 2013 Combatting unemployment and improving the financial sector, recovering growth without neglecting citizens, slowing social inequality and promoting friendly solutions for the environment: these are some of the new challenges for countries that make up the G20, according to the director of staff and OECD sherpa, Gabriela Ramos. Ramos took part on May 23 at an event attended by around 100 alumni from the France Regional Alumni Chapter. Dean Jordi Canals, Prof. José Manuel González-Páramo and Ramos discussed the current situation and the challenges of the eurozone in the event, which was opened by the Ambassador Head of the Permanent Delegation of Spain to the OECD, by Ricardo Díez-Hochleitner, who IESE thanks for organizing the session. Europe Delivering in a Tough Environment Vevey, Switzerland, May 30, 2013 Prof. Mike Rosenberg and Laurent Freixe, executive vice

Annual Meeting of IESE’s International Advisory Board Barcelona, April 19, 2013 Members of the IAB participated in a Continuous Education session in which they analyzed the role of the CEO in the new business paradigm. Since 1989, the IAB has met each year to analyze goals for the future in executive education and advise IESE on current trends. This year, the meeting began by welcoming a new member of the board, Roberto Servitje, founder and president of Bimbo. With his membership, the board now comprises 37 presidents, CEOs, professors and civic leaders who come from Europe, Asia and the Americas.

president and director for Europe at Nestlé, led the session “Europe Delivering in a Tough Environment.” Freixe highlighted how Nestlé’s “virtuous strategic circle” based on: achieving efficiency, focusing on investments in brands and innovation, leading the market and sharing profits and delivering profitable growth. A fascinating example of this model is how Nestlé revolutionized the coffee market, which was apparently flat, with the launch of Nespresso. More than 60 alumni and friends took part in the session, which was followed by a visit to the Nestlé offices, and its brand and legacy center. In Search of Financing: Options for the Entrepreneur Barcelona, June 18, 2013 Madrid, June 21, 2013 Prof. Alberto Fernández Terricabras, director of FINAVES, moderated the Continuous Education session “In Search of Financing: Options for the Entrepreneur,” which was held within the framework of the Entrepreneurship Series. The conference took place at IESE’s campuses in Barcelona and Madrid, respectively, and featured presentations by Giralt Antoni, president of the Mercado Alternativo Bursátil; Oscar Maria Farres, investment manager at Caixa Capital Risc; and Isidoro Sánchez, private investor. Heineken. How to Build a Global Brand The Hague, June 25, 2013 Jean-François van Boxmeer, CEO of Heineken Holding, which markets nearly 250 beer brands around the world, said that knowledge is “what you can do so that our company is the best, and the management at Heineken serves to develop the talent needed to manage brands efficiently and manage with courage.” The session, “Heineken: How to Build a Global Brand,” was moderated by Prof. Xavier Oliver and inaugurated by the Ambassador of Spain in the Netherlands, Javier Vallaure.

different fields. Its mission is to act in the field education to develop and diffuse creativity to make innovation the main objective of “providing new generations the necessary skills for contributing to future changes in our society, as well as in their own personal development.” Participating in the session were Ferran Adrià, Josep Lagares, Miguel Angel Oliva and IESE Prof. Julian Villanueva. The Spanish Economy: Progress and Prospects Barcelona, July 16, 2013 Spain’s Minister of Economy and Competitiveness Luis de Guindos, visited IESE on July 16 to take part in a session moderated by Dean Jordi Canals, which was entitled “The Economy Spanish: Balance and Perspectives.”.The minister spoke with “cautious optimism” about positive data on the Spanish economy during the second half of the year. He stated that “the Spanish economy has the capacity to grow and the road will be long and tortuous, but surely the greatest hardships are over.” New Trends in the Automotive Industry Madrid, October 22, 2013 The center of gravity of the car industry is changing from “north to south and from west to east,” said Carlos Ghosn, president and CEO of Renault-Nissan. He responded to questions from IESE students and alumni during the special session “New Trends in the Automotive Industry,” held on the Madrid campus on October 22. The sector, based until now on gasoline engines and steel, is headed toward other energy sources and materials, he said. At the same time, drivers’ attention has shifted away from the road. Thus, technology companies are struggling to incorporate their applications in cars and keep the driver busy, not only with driving,” Ghosn said. He addressed three major trends currently affecting the automotive sector: changes in geographic markets, the growth of alliances and increased innovation. During the session, moderated by Prof. Pedro Nueno, Dean Jordi Canals highlighted Ghosn’s many achievements. Prof. Nueno confessed to being an “admirer of Carlos Ghosn,” recalling that in 2005 he had the honor of presenting him with an award from the International Academy of Management.

Creativation: A Revolution in Education Barcelona, July 1, 2013 The session “Creativation: A Revolution in Education” was the presentation of the Fundació per a la Creativació, driven by prominent employers, individuals and professionals from ALUMNI ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013 15

“Every problem has a solution but executives should be prepared to make sacrifices, whether personal or collective.” Carlos Ghosn, President and CEO, Renault-Nissan

“Spain’s future depends on it becoming more entrepreneurial.” Felipe de Borbón, Prince of Asturias


“The transition from industrial production to more sophisticated products also implies a change in the sort of people who need to run the Chinese economy.” Patricia Francis, CEO, International Trade Center “In any business you have to ask what the proposition is. If that’s clear, the numbers will follow.” Stanley Motta, President Copa Holdings

“We can all learn from what’s happening with the euro and be neither complacent nor protectionist. In the long term we’ll see positive growth in this currency.” José Manuel González-Páramo, IESE professor

“There is room for growth in the Spanish economy.” Luis de Guindos, Spanish finance Minister.”

“When everything is connected, the world changes.” Eduardo Ricotta, Vice President Ericsson, Latin America

“We need to invest in the people who can offer us this knowledge.” Giovanni Cerri, São Paulo health Secretary

“Each crisis is an invitation to rethink the way we work from the ground up.” Laurent Freixe, Executive Vice-President and Director, Nestlé

“What’s good for the world is good for us.” Douglas Tompkins, creator of The North Face brand

“Infrastructures generate positive externalities, increase GDP and can’t be relocated. They create a circle of demand.” Salvador Alemany, President Abertis

“National companies are no longer the big players. They have to act responsibly wherever they operate.” Kees J. Storm, President of AB InBEv and member of the IESE’s IAB ALUMNI ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013 17


Global Alumni Reunion (GAR) videos



More than 1,100 alumni and friends, from 20 countries, took part in the 51st Global Alumni Reunion held in São Paulo (Brazil) from November 1-3, 2012. The meeting began with a reception at the Spanish consulate in São Paulo. Geraldo Alckmin, the Governor of São Paulo, and José María Matres, the Consul-General, received IESE Dean Jordi Canals and the Dean of the Brazilian school ISE, Paulo Roberto Ferreira.

·· “Opportunities for investment and risk capital in Brazil,” sponsored by Bertelsmann and moderated by Prof. Juan Roure. The participants in this workshop were Roberto Giannetti, President of Kaduna Consultoria; Pedro Vasconcellos, Executive Director of Bertelsmann Brazil; Eric Acher, founding partner of Monashees Capital and Richard Lapper, editor of Brazil Confidential - Financial Times.

“We admire the advances that Brazil has made in such a short time,” said Canals. “Numerous companies have shown they are capable of creating a sustainable economy and in this respect Brazil could be a role model for the rest of the world, both in political economy and for the efforts made to eradicate poverty and stimulate business.” Ferreira highlighted the “close and successful relationship” between IESE and ISE. “We hope this will continue for many years,” he added. Alckmin pointed out that Spain is the second biggest investor in São Paulo, second only to the U.S. Most Spanish investment is in the fields of telecommunications, finance, infrastructure and services. “What we need are business people,” the Governor said, thanking IESE for its contribution. The following day alumni gathered at ISE for a series of parallel workshops titled “Workshops inside Brazil,” on opportunities for investing in Brazil. The Global Alumni Reunion ended with the academic program. The Brazil Chapter President Adriano Amaral (MBA ’94 and AMP ’07) thanked IESE and its alumni for their enthusiastic efforts. In his opening address Professor Jordi Canals once again emphasized Brazil’s achievements over recent years. “Many European countries could learn from what has happened here,” he said. Prof. Antonio Argandoña dedicated his speech to a reflection on the role of business in creating a globalized and more just world. “It carries the responsibility for overhauling society in an ethical way,” he said. He said that the social dimension of human relationships are fundamental to companies. “They are a community of people, all of whom are necessary. Everyone has to be involved. Everyone has knowledge and abilities that they should put at the service of others,” he said.

·· The session “Creating an excellent working environment” brought together José Tolovi, President of the Great Place to Work Institute; Ruy Shiozawa, CEO of Great Place to Work in Brazil; Guilherme Cavalieri, Director of Human Development at Serasa Experian and Ricardo Loureiro, President, Serasa Experian. ·· The workshop “Global Talent,” moderated by Howard P. Schneider, international economics correspondent of the Washington Post, examined the need for employees to feel a part of the company. He was joined by Anjaney Borwankar, Director General of Cátenon Worldwide Executive Search in Asia; Iñaki Saltor Cameron, Director General of Caténon Brasil; and IESE professor Nuria Chinchilla. ·· “Excellence in business management” was moderated by Prof. Juan José Toribio and included Jairo Martins, Superintendent General of FNQ, and Pedro check, President of KPMG Brazil. ·· Prof. Juan Ramón Pin moderated the session “Learning from the Brazilian social entrepreneur” in which Leonardo Letelier, Director General of Sitawi and Antonio Moraes, co-founder of Vox Capital, participated.

Professor Pedro Videla moderated the next session, titled “Growth and Economic Crisis in a Wider World.” The talk centered on the lessons business has learned since the crisis began in 2008.


“When it comes to globalization, you can’t just be a spectator. You either take part in it or become a victim.” Daniel Servitje, Chairman of Grupo Bimbo

Global Alumni Reunion (GAR) videos


Innovation in healthcare

IESE Professor José Manuel González-Páramo said that “when Europe has systemic problems the world suffers.” In spite of everything, he remained optimistic. “Europe continues to be a source of risk in the financial world but if we look at the current situation compared to last year we can see that things are better. German skepticism about whether the ‘sinners’ should be rescued is balanced by its deep pro-European sentiment,” he said. He backed the use of the single currency in the euro zone. “We can all learn from what’s happening to the euro, we mustn’t be complacent and we have to forget about protectionism. In the long term, we will see positive growth in this currency.”

During the last session of the morning, scientific leadership and innovation to improve quality of life was under discussion. IESE Prof. Núria Mas, who acted as moderator, emphasized the benefits that come with increased life expectancy but also the new challenges it poses for healthcare systems, which need to adapt to this new reality. Health Secretary for the state of São Paulo, Giovanni Cerri, said that improving public health care required “good management and for this reason we need to invest in the sort of people that can offer it.” He emphasized that new technologies must be “available to all citizens,” for which reason administrations need to “examine the possible costs before adopting and approving them.”

During the same session, Guilherme da Nóbrega, Chief Economist at Itaú Securities, said that the path of growth “has returned” to the Brazilian economy, denied that there was a bubble in the country and warned: “We have to be careful of Brazil’s public banks.”

Dr. Lluís Donoso, Head of Diagnostics at Hospital Clinic in Barcelona, said that every 10 to 15 years a new technology for obtaining images is developed. This means that doctors will have access to personalized medicine, which will avoid erroneous diagnoses and unnecessary treatments. Another new development is telemedicine. “This is based on an exchange of knowledge and a more efficient use of resources as it is no longer necessary to move patients. Small hospitals can take advantage of the experience of large centers,” Donoso said.

THE LEGACY OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES Brazil will host the next football World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016. The third session focused on the value and the risks to countries that host this type of emblematic event. The session was moderated by professor Ferreira. The figures show that the cost of these events is very high. The President of the Marketing Commission of the IOC, and also a member of IESE’s International Advisory Board, Gerhard Heiberg emphasized that the Olympic organization increasingly focuses on the importance of the legacy that the games leave for a city once they’re over and gave the example of Barcelona. “The authorities there planned what they would do after the games and the city’s image was much improved after the Olympics.” He said the games had also had a positive effect in China and London, although this was not the case in Athens. Ravi Mattu, editor of the Business Life section of the Financial Times, said that the British had been rather pessimistic before the games began but that everything changed once they got under way. He praised the way London used its facilities, as well as the live transmissions from the BBC. “These big events make the host country the center of attention. Now it’s Brazil’s turn,” he said.



“Companies are a force for social transformation and business people and executives have a responsibility to bring about this change.” Antonio Argandoña, IESE professor

The afternoon began with a discussion of the connection between technology, strategy and new business models. The session was moderated by Joseph Leahy, head of the Financial Times Brazil office. Santiago Fernández Valbuena, Director General of Telefónica Brazil, commented that IT changes “every three or four years, leaving very little time to recover investment.” He said the biggest opportunities for digital business are in financial services, data storage and health care. “Digital media is forcing newspapers to change their business model. A media company has to deliver its content via a range of platforms,” said Francisco Mesquita, Executive President of Grupo Estado. In spite of the crisis that journalism is going through, Mesquita said that “information companies face an excellent future.” The challenge is to make the correct “transition towards a multiplatform approach. We need to create a new culture to work with new media,” he said. Jorge Nóbrega, corporate Vice President of Organizações Globo, the biggest Portuguese-speaking media company in the world, said the debate wasn’t just about choosing between paper and digital, “…but to embrace the change in all of your products.” “When everything is connected, the world is transformed,” added Eduardo Ricotta, Vice President of

Ericsson for Latin America and the Caribbean. “Connectivity gives individuals more power and brings with it new business opportunities. In a networked society, it’s the user who has the power. We need to find a system that works for everyone: the consumer, the providers and telephone companies,” he said.

GLOBALIZATION IESE Prof. Pankaj Ghemawat moderated the session on connectivity at a global level. He demonstrated that neither countries nor companies are as globalized as most people think. “Do as you would be done by, everything else is just talk,” said Stanley Motta, President of Copa Holdings. “In any business, you have to ask what the proposition is. If that’s clear, the numbers will follow,” he added. Daniel Servitje, Chairman of Grupo Bimbo, pointed out that “you can’t just be a spectator” in the face of globalization. “You either take part or you lose out,” he said. He emphasized that his company’s philosophy has been, as well as making a profit, the contribution to social development. Meanwhile, Kees J. Storm, President of AB InBev and member of IESE’s IAB, insisted that “the big players are no longer national companies. They have to act responsibly wherever they operate.”


SPEAKERS AT THE ACADEMIC SESSION ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ··

Eric Acher, founding partner, Monashees Capital Salvador Alemany, President, Abertis Adriano Amaral, President IESE Brazil alumni chapter Sergio Aranda, Managing Director for Latin America, Gas Natural Fenosa Prof. Antonio Argandoña, IESE Business School Anjaney Borwankar, Director, Cátenon Worldwide Executive Search, Asia Jordi Canals, Dean of IESE Business School Guilherme Cavalieri, Director of Human Development, Serasa Experian Prof. Nuria Chinchilla, IESE Business School Ednalva Costa Vasconcelos, Director of human resources and finance in Brazil, Chile and Argentina Santiago Fernández Valbuena, CEO, Telefónica, Latin America Roberto Giannetti da Fonseca, President, Kaduna Consultoria Paulo Roberto Ferreira, Dean of ISE Business School Marcio Fernandes, President and CEO, Elektro Prof. José Manuel González-Páramo, IESE Business School Gerhard Heiberg, President of the Marketing Commission, IOC Richard Lapper, Director, Brazil Confidential – Financial Times Joseph Leahy, Director of the Financial Times Brazil office Leonardo Letelier, CEO and founder, Sitawi Ricardo Loureiro, President of Serasa Experian and Director of Experian Latin America Eduardo Martínez Abascal, Academic Director, IESE Business School Prof. Núria Mas, IESE Business School Jairo Martins da Silva, Superintendent General, FNQ Ravi Mattu, Business Editor, Financial Times Pedro Melo, Director, KPMG, Brazil Francisco Mesquita, President, Grupo Estado Antonio Moraes Neto, Partner and Co-founder, Vox Capital Guilherme da Nóbrega, Head of Economics, Itaú Securities Jorge Nóbrega, Corporate Vice President, Organizações Globo Prof. José Ramón Pin, IESE Business School Eduardo Ricotta, Vice President, Ericsson, Latin America Mireia Rius, IESE Alumni Association, IESE Business School Prof. Juan Roure, IESE Business School Iñaki Saltor Camero, Director, Cátenon Worldwide Executive Search, Brazil Jorge Sendagorta, President, Alumni Association, IESE Business School Daniel Servitje, Chairman of Grupo Bimbo Ruy Shiozawa, CEO, Great Place to Work, Brazil Paulo Ricardo Stark, President and CEO, Siemens, Brazil Howard P. Schneider, International Economics Correspondent, the Washington Post José Tolovi Jnr, President, Great Place to Work, Brazil Prof. Juan José Toribio, IESE Business School Janete Vaz, President, Sabin Laboratory Pedro Vasconcelos, Director, Bertelsmann, Brazil Prof. Pedro Videla, IESE Business School


“The energy comes from you, because you are the ones who make a difference and help us to think how we can better serve business and society.” Jordi Canals, Dean of IESE

Global Alumni Reunion (GAR) videos

INFRASTRUCTURES AND COMPETITIVENESS This last session focused on the challenges and opportunities presented by new infrastructures. The session was moderated by IESE professor and Academic Director of the GAR, Eduardo Martínez Abascal. During the discussion, Salvador Alemany, President of Abertis, said that “Infrastructures generate positive externalities, increase GDP and cannot be relocated. They create a circle of demand.” In his opinion, “A lack of infrastructure undermines competitiveness.” “We have to be selective about our investments and we need mutual trust, honesty, perseverance, the ability to recover and an alignment between the public and private sector in order to achieve success,” he said. He emphasized the necessity of creating “a relationship based on honesty and mutual trust” between public and private sectors. “This collaboration is indispensable,” he said. In his view, to achieve that it is necessary to create a legal and regulatory framework over the long term, with vision and a homogenous financing model. Sergio Aranda (SEP-Latin America ’11), Managing Director for Latin America, said that investing in infrastructures requires “a long-term vision, clear normative framework, responsible investment and committed companies that don’t just wish to speculate but want to help countries to evolve and develop.”

The Alumni Association would like to thank the sponsoring companies for their support Ajuntament de Barcelona American Express Banco Sabadell Barceló Viajes Catenon Deloitte Editora Globo Ermenegildo Zegna

Fundación Abertis Great Place to Work ”la Caixa” MBA-Executive Education MPG Media Contacts Ricoh Singapore Airlines




paulo O Ã S


5 Building IESE

THE ALUMNI LEGACY The Association supports and channels the collaboration of alumni with IESE in key areas such as: · Training new teachers · Awarding scholarships · Encouraging research With these and other initiatives, alumni have contributed to making IESE one of the best business schools in the world. The Executive Committee refers readers to the economic data supplied in this annual report, which rose to €888,697.

MBA SCHOLARSHIPS In keeping with its commitment to educating young business people, each year it offers MBA program scholarships to candidates, from all around the world, who have an excellent professional and academic record. The grants cover 50 percent of the fees for first and second years of the program. In the past academic year they amounted to €165,000, or 19 percent of the surplus.

“I’m writing to express my gratitude for receiving an IESE scholarship. I deeply appreciate being selected and look forward to beginning the MBA program this fall.” Karen Fitzpatrick, MBA ‘15, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

“I would like to thank you for the opportunity that this scholarship offers me and to assure you that I will do everything possible to make a positive contribution to the IESE community.” Michael Billington, MBA ‘15, University of Michigan


RESEARCH EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2012 The Association has allocated €30,000, 4 percent of the surplus, to research awards. Professors Pascual Berrone, Domènec Melé and Pedro Videla won the 2012 Research Excellence awards given by the IESE Alumni and Members Association. These awards, established in 2002, recognize the work of IESE professors in three categories: best article, best book and best course. The judging panel, comprising IESE professors and members of the Association’s Executive Committee, selected the winners using the criteria of the quality and prestige of the research, regardless of the topic under investigation. The best article prize therefore took into account the prestige of the journal where it was published, the Strategic Management Journal, and was awarded to Prof. Pascual Berrone, for his article “Corporate Governance and Environmental Performance: Is There Really a Link?” Taking into account the prestige and the circulation of the work, the best book award went to Prof. Domènec Melé for his book Management Ethics, published by Palgrave Macmillan. The best course award went to “INTEC – Applied International Economics,” by Prof. Pedro Videla, for its consolidation, usefulness, social impact and the generation of original material. The judging panel comprised:





52% Teacher training


26% of the Association’s surplus has been used to finance IESE research projects. Appendix 1 lists the books published and articles that have appeared in the world’s most prestigious journals during the past academic year.

TEACHER TRAINING The greater part of the surplus, 52%, has been allocated to training young professors, because their teaching and research are fundamental to IESE. Appendix 2, Teacher Training, contains detailed information about professors who have joined the faculty over the past three years.

·· President: Jorge Sendagorta, President, IESE Alumni and Members Association ·· Association Executive Committee members: Alejandro Beltrán, MBA ’98, McKinsey; Antoni Esteve, PDD ’87, Grupo Esteve; Prof. Julián Villanueva and Prof. Marta Elvira

Research awards


MBA scholarships



6 Meetings

See photos from reunions on the IESE Facebook page



MBA Alumni Reunion The annual MBA program meeting was held on May 25. The invited speakers were Ferran Adrià, co-owner of the Fundación elBulli; Makoto Tanijiri, Japanese architect, and Wan Gang, Minister of Technology and Science in China. The meeting was also attended by Mike Rosenberg, Antonio Argandoña, Carlos García Pont, Jaume Llopis, Javier Zamora, Eduardo Calvo, Pedro Nueno, Alberto Ribera, Pedro Videla, Javier Estrada, Rafael Fraguas, Jordi Soley, José Antonio Segarra, Jaume Ribera, José Luis Nueno and Eric Weber. The welcome addresses were given by Dean Jordi Canals; Prof. Franz Heukamp, member of the school’s governing council, and Mireia Rius, director of the IESE Alumni Association.

The Association has organized 46 cohort meetings on the IESE campus. The Association would like to thank the cohorts who used Continuous Education sessions to convene these meetings.

EMBA Alumni Reunion (Madrid) The fifth EMBA Alumni Reunion, the biggest so far, was a great success, as 250 participants from 35 classes gathered on the Madrid campus on February 26. There were discussions during the day about the current economic situation and alumni had a chance to re-establish contact with former classmates and make new friends. In the first talk about the economy, professors Juan José Toribio and Javier Díaz-Giménez called for “more energetic measures to reduce Spain’s public sector’s structural deficit.” Prof. José Ramón Pin moderated the second discussion, in which Tomás García Madrid (MBA ’88), President of the Madrid Chapter and CEO of the Grupo Villar Mir, expressed his optimism and talked about how his company had relied on innovation, internationalization and solid ethical values to achieve success in these difficult times. IESE ALUMNI DAY Some 600 alumni took part in the Alumni Day celebrations in Madrid on June 27. They were addressed by the President of Ferrovial, Rafael del Pino, in a session moderated by Prof. Santiago Álvarez de Mon, and with the participation of professors José Manuel Campa and Javier Díaz-Giménez. There was also homage to the alumni who graduated 25 years ago in 1988. Dean Jordi Canals said the alumni were “essential” for maintaining the school’s spirit.

CHAPTER MEETINGS Some of the meetings are highlighted below. September 26, 2012 Buenos Aires The annual Argentina-Uruguay Chapter meeting was held at IAE Business School in Buenos Aires, where speakers focused on the development and business opportunities in neighboring Brazil. Those taking part were José María Barale, President of Grupo Alubar; Eduardo Fracchia, director of the economic academic area at IAE; and Jorge Forteza, President of the board of governors at the Universidad de San Andrés. The meeting was opened by the outgoing Chapter Presidents Mario Franzini (MBA ’74), and Eduardo Fracchi. October 1, 2012 Santiago de Chile Prof. Nuria Chinchilla gave the talk “Managing personal and professional time” at the annual reunion in Chile. During the meeting the Chapter awarded the professor with the Outstanding Professor 2011 prize. April 3, 2013 London U.K. alumni held their annual meeting in London with a talk from Baroness Denise Kingsmill, member of the House of Lords and of IESE’s International Advisory Board (IAB), on “Corporate Governance: The Role of the Board of Directors”. Dean Jordi Canals presided over and introduced the session. April 18, 2013 Lisbon José Manuel Campa, IESE professor and former Spanish Secretary of State for Economic Affairs was the invited guest, along with João Talone, partner and founder of Magnum Capital, ex-CEO of Energías de Portugal and former special commissioner for the Portuguese government, António Vitorino, partner at Cuatrecasas, and Gonçalves Pereira, former Minister of Defence and ex-European Commissioner for Justice and Internal Affairs. The session was moderated by the financial journalist Camilo Lourenço, one of the founders of the Diário Económico.


7 career development

Career support

The Association has launched new educational, information and career support services, and with the help of faculty members and professional experts, career services for alumni have been consolidated. The Association offers five distinct levels of professional development services: ·· Education through a special Continuous Education program cycle, given by IESE faculty members. ·· Organization of workshops with practical orientation, given by technical experts. ·· Development of individual work tools: the SUCCEED platform. ·· Professional consultation: the opportunity to examine priorities and interests with the aim of getting orientation and advice at different stages of alumni’s personal and professional career. ·· Career opportunities services.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CYCLE 2012 2013 The special sessions on professional development within the Continuous Education program can also be accessed as e-conferences: ·· “Creating and Nurturing your Social Network”: Prof. Fabrizio Ferraro, associate professor of strategic management, IESE. ·· “Five keys to Linkedln: strategy for professional and business positioning,” Prof. Mireia Las Heras, associate professor of Managing People in Organizations, IESE and Alex López social media expert. ·· “Professional networking: ‘It’s not just me…,” Prof. Mike Rosenberg, associate professor of Strategic Management, IESE.

“I didn’t know Prof. Rosenberg and his session was highly detailed, educational, descriptive and very clear about what not to do and what to work on. Using this framework, I have been able to put into somewhat better order concepts that I had already internalized.” Joan Costa Domènech (PDG ‘12)

CAREER OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE This service brings together job offers that companies have sent to the Association and that members can consult and register for. With the improvements introduced in March 2013, alumni can now enjoy the following services: ·· An online profile in which the alumni can choose their level of visibility when presenting themselves to the company (minimal or complete profile, which can be imported directly from your LinkedIn profile and offered in two languages: Spanish and English). Furthermore, they can be formatted and converted into a CV either as a Word document or PDF. ·· An online library containing all the documents necessary to apply for different jobs, making it possible to register from any place and from any mobile device. ·· Improved alerts: this includes geographical location, by country and by geographical zones, to make it easier to look for jobs abroad. As well as its own job service, the Association has agreements with other job websites such as Ivy Exec, MBA-Exchange. com and QS Global Workplace, where members have free access and can benefit from all the advantages. Companies that publish job offers using the Career Opportunities Service benefit by: ·· Establishing prioritization criteria for candidates for each post. ·· Creating an automatic ranking of all the candidates based on how well they meet the job requirements. ·· Consulting all of the relevant information about the different candidates on a single screen. ·· Access to the candidates’ profiles, where all of the information (CV, business card and other documents) is available with a single click. ·· Managing and tracking the process and keeping the candidate informed. ·· Closing to further applications, while retaining the possibility of reactivating the advert to receive more candidates.


Career support

Career support





During this academic year we have organized 16 workshops with a total of 885 participants on the Madrid and Barcelona campuses, with the aim of helping alumni to develop their ability to manage their career more effectively. Some days consisted of three different complementary workshops: professional career workshops, SUCCEED workshops and LinkedIn workshops.

This is an online platform that helps members to think about and plan their professional and personal career through seven phases. It is one of the most visited services. Given that the services for career help are among those in the greatest demand, SUCCEED has strengthened them by offering tools that allow alumni to continue developing as leaders but from a more personalized perspective.

The Association offers alumni the opportunity of a personal interview in order to review their situation, priorities and interests with the aim of orienting them and advising them on what steps to take.

The IESE library, which specializes in business information, offers alumni the following services:

“Thanks to SUCCEED and the workshops that I have taken part in I’ve been able to begin a new career this very week. Congratulations for your initiative and for the high quality of the professional career development activities.” Luis Ojembarrena (MBA ‘00)


·· Self-Assessment: Understanding and knowing yourself in order to improve. To achieve this it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis using basic questions: to understand one’s vital and professional roots and be aware of the need to change. ·· Understanding the Market: Each sector, function or professional stage in which you find yourself requires different forms of action and, as a result, a different approach. Understanding this will help you to find what you seek and obtain the initial knowledge so that you can carry out your action plan more effectively. ·· Choosing your Options: Understanding the key factors needed to change a working situation. Developing your professional career plan with the correct focus that allows you to find the ideal working situation for you: the one in which work and enthusiasm go hand-in-hand. ·· Creating your Brand: Assuming that the idea you have in mind is so important, that is, the ideal working situation, you need to know how to sell it. For this you need tools that help you to sell the career project that you have created for yourself. ·· Executing your Action Plan: Drawing up an action plan that is clear and concrete, using tools that will lead you to the final proposal. ·· Assessing your Opportunities: Weighing up all the factors that will come into play in your new professional opportunity. Knowing them in advance will give you greater scope for negotiation. ·· Developing your Future Career Plan: Once you have started in a new job (whether working for yourself or someone else), a review of how things stand after three months.

“It helped me to rethink the alternatives, assess them adequately, think about what I really want and learn how to prioritize different aspects of current and future options. The service is a real luxury.”


professional workshops with





Career Development job offers published through our Career Cycle sessions Opportunities Service

·· Access to the libraries on the Barcelona and Madrid campuses ·· Free online access all day, every day, to electronic resources licensed to alumni both on and outside the campus. It offers, for example, access to complete texts of articles in academic, business and sectorial journals and to a collection of more than 80,000 e-books. ·· Business Information Service: A made-to-measure business search service. Experienced professionals advise on how to find information about companies, sectors and markets, macroeconomic statistics and so on. ·· Teaching sessions: Free training in the skills needed for the management of, and search for, information and the use of the library’s available resources. ·· Alerts: These allow you to stay up-to-date with management trends and financial news through the database and blog BizKnowledge Watch, as well as the library’s social networks. The library also offers the traditional services of lending books and finding documents.

MORE LEARNING EVENTS AND SEMINARS Members enjoy discounts on some of the IESE’s programs. Those dedicated to leadership and personal and professional development are of special interest.


professional assistance interviews


8 Communications and publications



The Alumni Magazine is produced for and by alumni and is published quarterly. It contains information about the dayto-day life of IESE and its alumni and its content is divided into five main sections, which bring together research, information and services. It is distributed in English and Spanish to everyone who maintains a relationship with IESE. It has a circulation of 37,838 copies, making it one of the leaders in the financial magazines sector.

Rigorous and important information for executives IESE Insight is IESE’s knowledge website. It offers access to studies, practical cases and teaching materials produced by the school’s professors and researchers. It publishes a free, monthly electronic newsletter with all the latest news. http://

IESE INSIGHT MONTHLY NEWSLETTER What’s happening on campus? The alumni newsletter, which is published every month, is a summary of the activities planned and organized by IESE and the Alumni Association around the world. This electronic publication facilitates communication between alumni and the Association, as well as consultations and suggestions.

IESE PUBLISHING Case studies and technical notes IESE Publishing (IESEP) is the leader in the Spanish-speaking world in the distribution of teaching material for administration and business management. Its aim is to contribute to research and teaching through the distribution of teaching materials developed by professors at IESE and other schools. This material helps the learning processes and the development of skills and provides a guide to the values imparted in the classroom at IESE and other business schools. See all the titles available at: Members enjoy a 30% discount on all purchases.

Research trends for management IESE’s online quarterly management magazine carries in-depth articles written by international experts from a practical perspective. During the 2012-2013 academic year the magazine has consolidated both its leadership and its influence. More than 14,000 business people and executives access the magazine, thanks to agreements signed with Harvard Business Publishing, China Business Review, Zinio International Kiosk and other digital platforms. Among those contributing to the four issues published during the past year were: ·· Jay Rao, Babson College ·· Robert G. Cooper, Michael G. DeGroote School - University of Ontario ·· Srikant M. Datar, Harvard Business School ·· Ikujiro Nonaka, Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy ·· Claus Rerup, Richard Ivey School of Business ·· Raymond Torres, International Institute for Labor Studies of the United Nations ·· Erran Carmel, Kogod School of Business – American University ·· Michael Hoffman, Bentley University ·· Peter Fader, Wharton Business School ·· A. Parasuraman, School of Business Administration – University of Miami


SOCIAL NETWORKS ALUMNI 2.0 Facebook On this network we share: ·· Alumni news and photos from all around the world ·· News and photos that alumni send us ·· News and photos of events on campus Twitter On this network we share: ·· Appointments and news about alumni ·· Member services ·· Events and meetings

“Excellent texts on @ IESEinsight. It’s my preferred way of staying up to date. Full marks, as with other things from @iesebs.” @jorgesegado Data updates

LinkedIn group On this network: ·· Alumni share news and articles with the rest of the community ·· There are regional and program subgroups LinkedIn page On this network we share: nuevo ·· Vídeos and interviews with speakers and IESE professors

This year, thanks to an agreement with LinkedIn, alumni can export profile information to the Alumni Directory and in less than a minute, with a couple of clicks, upload the same information that they have in their professional profile. In order to encourage alumni to update this information, during the past academic year there was a competition to win nine 16GB iPad minis with WiFi and 3G.

Winners of the first round: Alumni Association as an IESE service ·· IESE Business School has its own page on nuevo LinkedIn, which lists its products and services. The Alumni Association is among the services and has been recommended by more than 50 alumni as the most valued service among all of IESE products and services.

María Belén Rosique Conesa Alberto Compte Marqués Antonio Guarner Aguilar

PDD-PNA-10 MBA ‘92 MBA ‘90

Winners of the second round: Alejandro Moreu Alonso Anna Perevozchikova Alessandro Quadrell

PDD-1-12 EMBA-BCN-13-A PDD-D-02

Winners of the third round: Pablo Alegre de Miquel Antoni Brunet Mauri Yolanda Cuéllar Salinas

PDD-4-01 PADE-1-10 PDD-A-04

“Thank you! I am even more proud to be an IESE alumna; excellent values and leadership.” @sirapere “Proud to be alumni and lecturer at @iesebs #1 MBA School in Europe!”. @JoseCabiedes



11,200 members






Every two minutes we receive a visit from an alumnus. It is without doubt one of the most visited pages of the IESE website. The site has become the main line of communication between alumni and the school.

Reading the signs IESE’s monthly Economic Situation Commentaries, which has earned well-deserved prestige among Association members for its rigorous and detailed analysis, underwent a makeover during the 2011-2012 academic year in order to provide a better service and stay in closer contact with members. Published in Spanish and English, it is aimed at members of the Association and provides a monthly analysis of economic situation and outlook.

·· Continuous Education program: close to 80 percent of members register for the Continuous Education program via the alumni website, which also offers access to the calendar of the sessions organized around the world; the documentation produced by the meetings, and the possibility of adding guests. ·· Econferences: a new system has been introduced that makes it possible to view the conferences through more mobile devices, including the iPad. At the same time, this new system has a more manageable interface and a preview of the sessions. ·· Economic Situation Commentaries: all editions available and searchable on the alumni website. ·· IESE Insight: IESE’s online management magazine is sent via e-mail every three months. The magazine carries indepth articles by international experts written from a practical perspective. It has proved very popular among alumni who continually support IESE in its initiatives to develop learning in the business world. ·· International community: this allows alumni to stay in contact with each other through the alumni directory and the virtual communities. From here they also have access to all the events that the Association organizes around the world. ·· Professional development: the website has a robust platform for managing the career support services of members. This is the most visited section of the alumni website. ·· Resources and services: this section brings together all the services offered to members by the Association. This includes the Alumni Magazine, access to e-mail, benefits for member cardholders and the opportunity for brief consultations with professors, among other services.


The editorial board, made up of professors from IESE’s economics department, comprises professors Pedro Videla, Antonio Argandoña, Luis Cabral, Rolf Campos, Jordi Canals, Javier Díaz-Giménez, Núria Mas, Manuel Mueller-Frank, Morten Olsen, Alfredo Pastor and Juan José Toribio. All editions of the Economic Situation Commentaries are available on the Association’s webpage.

“@iesealumni. I owe much of this prize to what I learnt at IESE. Many thanks for your support!” @vic_sanchez

ECONOMIC SITUATION COMMENTARIES 2012-2013 Playing the Labor Reform Game. Javier Díaz-Giménez The Euro: First Draft. Alfredo Pastor What to Watch for in 2012. Pedro Videla Should We Imitate Germany? Antonio Argandoña Austerity and Growth: A Contradiction? Morten Olsen More Debt Pressures to Come. Núria Mas An Examination of Household Consumption During Spain’s Recession. Rolf Campos Reducing the Public Deficit: How, and How Fast? Juan José Toribio Quo Vadis Financial Regulation? Xavier Vives The Euro: Is Muddling Through Sustainable? Alfredo Pastor Is a Return to Growth Possible? Antonio Argandoña Fiscal Discipline, Swedish-Style Back to the Roots (A Story for Those Under 50). Juan José Toribio Will We All Have to Copy the Chinese? Morten Olsen The False Dichotomy of Fiscal Consolidation vs.Growth. Javier Díaz-Giménez Swedish Lessons for the EU Periphery. Xavier Vives Is There Hope After Greexit? Pedro Videla The Spanish Labor Market: What Can We Learn from Germany? Rolf Campos Economics is Easy. Antonio Argandoña The Euro Zone: A Good Marriage vs. a Messy Divorce. Alfredo Pastor Four Questions and a Proverb Regarding the Bailout. Javier Díaz-Giménez Is Super Mario for Real? Pedro Videla

Immaturity, Nationalism and Other European Foibles. Juan José Toribio A Healthy Approach to the Debt Crisis. Núria Mas Towards a Banking Union or a Banking Disunion? Xavier Vives Is This the End of Growth? Morten Olsen Latin America: Looking Back and Looking Forward. Rolf Campos Spain’s Economic Adjustment and the End of the Recession. Javier Díaz-Giménez Stocks, Flows and the Eurozone Crisis. Alfredo Pastor Nixon Redux: Are We All Keynesian Now? Pedro Videla The Shift Toward Evidence-Based Policy. Núria Mas The Conundrum of the Fiscal Multiplier. Morten Olsen This crisis is closer than you think. Antonio Argandoña Reasons for Some Optimism. Pedro Videla The Difficulty in Measuring the Fiscal Multiplier. Rolf Campos The Irish Bailout: Exemplary? Juan José Toribio The “Diabolical Loop”: Financial and Sovereign Risk in the Eurozone. José Manuel González-Páramo What Might a Year of Transition Look Like? Alfredo Pastor 2013: Spain’s Most Difficult Year. Javier Díaz-Giménez Hysteresis: The Cost of Long-Term Employment. Núria Mas The Paradox of Industrial Policy. Xavier Vives

Cyprus Bail-out: A Dangerous Precedent. Pedro Videla Spain, the Bright Side. Juan José Toribio What Can We Learn from Thatcher? Morten Olsen Japan: Understanding the Recent Change in Monetary Policy. Rolf Campos Europe, Where Are You Headed? Antonio Argandoña How To Lie With Economics. Alfredo Pastor When Will the Recession End in Spain? Javier Díaz-Giménez Everything the International Monetary Fund Wanted to Know About Bank Regulation and Wasn’t Afraid to Ask. Javier Díaz Giménez Lessons from the U.S. for the Euro. Xavier Vives Why Keynesians (and I) Are So Stubborn. Pedro Videla Discovery: Economic Policy Moves in Cycles. Antonio Argandoña Emerging Pain. Núria Mas What You Don’t Know... It Will Really Hurt You. Pedro Videla Something (Important) is Changing in the World. Juan José Toribio Latin America and the Global Slowdown. Rolf Campos The Rise of the Machines: When Will a Robot Take Your Job? Morten Olsen Those External Imbalances. Alfredo Pastor Is Finance a Science or an Art? Views from the Nobel Committee. Xavier Vives The Spanish Labor Market Reform: Raging Success or Total Fiasco? Javier DíazGiménez


9 New services


Entrepreneurs’ PLATFORM

More than 300 special offers in 13 sectors: a huge range of possibilities that alumni have been able to take advantage of since March. All that is required is to become a member of the Association, register and discover the many advantages of this practical virtual tool created by the human resources consultancy Easylife. It is a made-to-measure initiative for alumni, a free and safe space where you can take advantage of the community’s full potential.

During the past academic year the Alumni team has worked with professors, researchers and experts in the design and creation of a platform to facilitate access to all of IESE’s resources, and in this manner to help alumni in all their entrepreneurial initiatives. This has meant organizing and facilitating the school’s resources for future entrepreneurs and offering the necessary assessment at each stage of their initiative. This new platform aims to:

The website is divided into three sections. 1. Members Benefits In this area club members will find special offers from more than 300 companies. They can enjoy discounts, make suggestions to incorporate new businesses and offer their own products and services as long as they meet the necessary requirements, such as that there is a significant price difference, and that the product or service complies with IESE’s ethical norms. 2. Business Exchange In this area alumni can generate professional relationships. Club members can establish commercial links and offer or find products and professional services such as marketing, financial advice and so on. 3. Members Exchange This is a virtual noticeboard where members can sell, buy or rent everyday goods. For example, if they want to sell a motorcycle or rent a beach house, this is the ideal place to advertise. It is also possible to include photographs, a description of what is offered or wanted and the preferred form of contact.

·· Offer tools and information in order to: - Inform: bring together all of IESE’s resources related to entrepreneurship and present them in an intuitive form. - Update information: offer alumni up-to-date information about research and events. ·· Assess alumni during the entrepreneurial process, through a network of selected professional mentors. ·· Consolidate IESE’s entrepreneurial community. This platform will be launched in 2014 and will be available to all members of the Association.




THE ENTREPRENEUR Before launching yourself into an idea it is worth finding out if this is for you. This phase helps you to discover what type of entrepreneur you are: leader, investor or collaborator.


From the idea to the project. In this area you will find resources that will help you to validate your business idea and convert it into a real project.


Launching an idea on to the market involves marshalling the necessary resources to make it a reality: people, teams, clients, finance, legal framework. Launch, test, correct and carry on.

GROWTH Grow, sell or stay as you are. After the launch, when the entrepreneur has reached cruising speed, they face a dilemma: grow? sell? merge?


10 Affiliates and links


822 432


711 376


780 324

2010-2009 607 178








Rest of the world

2,320 Asia




Joining the Association guarantees alumni support in their personal and professional career as well acting as a mark of their loyalty to the school.

Nº of Alumni Spain 30,694 Andalucía 562 Aragon 859 Baleares 329 Catalonia 12,808 Galicia 472 Levante 1,650 Madrid 12,381 Navarra-Basque CountryLa Rioja 1,633

GLOBALIZATION The alumni come from increasingly diverse backgrounds, given the high number of international students at the school. As a result, the Association is becoming more global. The 8,973 non-Spanish alumni from 116 countries represent 23 percent of the total. As can be seen from the table below, they are growing at a rate of 10 percent a year.

AFFILIATION The Alumni Division has campaigned for alumni to join the Association when they complete their programs. Thanks to this campaign, of the 1,830 alumni who graduated during 2012-2013, 81 percent joined the Association. The campaign: ·· Presented information about the Association. ·· Ensured better contact between the Association and the program participants and professors. ·· Closely monitored the degree of affiliation in the programs. ·· Held meetings with the President and secretary of all the cohorts. This academic year the Association numbers 41,860 alumni with an affiliation rate of close to 40 percent, one of the highest in international business schools.

Outside Spain Africa Andorra Argentina & Uruguay Asia Austria Belgium & Luxembourg Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Eastern Europe France Germany Hong Kong India Italy Japan Mexico Oceania Peru Poland Portugal Rest of Europe Rest of South America Russia Scandinavia Singapore Switzerland The Netherlands United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Without chapter Total

8,973 449 145 171 236 56 100 692 84 250 230 86 203 159 451 5 93 136 109 226 52 119 333 130 38 202 167 212 56 227 194 24 552 992 1.794 39,667


Nº of Alumni Outside Spain 8,973 Europe 3,103 Andorra 145 Austria 56 Belgium & Luxembourg 100 Eastern Europe 203 France 159 Germany 451 Italy 136 Poland 333 Portugal 130 Rest of Europe 38 Russia 167 Scandinavia 212 Switzerland 227 The Netherlands 194 United Kingdom 552 The Americas Argentina & Uruguay Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Mexico Peru Rest of South America United States

2,822 171 692 84 250 86 226 119 202 992

Asia 729 China 230 India 93 Japan 109 Rest of Asia 297 Rest of world Alumni about whom there is no information Deceased alumni Total alumni

525 1,794 2,193 41,860


11 Governing bodies

The Association is made up of an Executive Committee and a Management Committee, which comprise presidents of the various cohorts, who represent the alumni’s interests to the best of their ability. The Executive Committee is responsible for setting out the Association’s strategy, goals and policies, as well as having responsibility for budgets and presenting the annual accounts to the Management Committee. Its work involves organizing discussions that touch on all areas of activity. The Management Committee meets annually to approve the annual report and accounts, as well as collecting requests and suggestions from its members and from alumni in general. All alumni are represented on the committee by the president and secretary of their cohort, as well as the president and vice president of their chapter. In order to offer a better service, the Association is organized geographically in chapters, each of which has its own committee. The Executive Committee delegates to the chapter (see Appendix 5) whatever they require to contribute to the efficient functioning of the Association. The Madrid Chapter plays a special assessment role in the Association and IESE regarding the development of the Madrid campus. Given the growing number of international students, IESE is constantly creating new chapters and bringing more countries into the Association.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ASSOCIATION President Jorge Sendagorta, SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas, PADE ‘90* Vice Presidents Tomás García Madrid, Grupo Villar Mir, MBA ‘88* Joan Molins, Cementos Molins, PDG ‘71 Members Salvador Alemany, Abertis, PDD ‘74 Juan Asúa, BBVA, MBA ‘89 Alejandro Beltrán, McKinsey & Company, MBA ‘98 José Felipe Bertrán, Fundación Bertrán, PADE ‘65 Núria Cabutí, Random House Mondadori, MBA ‘92* Jordi Canals, IESE Business School Aurora Catá, Seeliger y Conde, MBA ‘89/PADE ‘03 Carlos Costa, Mango, MBA ‘86 Antoni Esteve, Laboratorios Esteve, PDD ‘87/GCP’13 Baldomero Falcones, FCC, MBA ‘72 Joaquín Faura, Telefónica, MBA ‘78 Antonio González-Adalid, Cartera Industrial Rea, MBA ‘75* Gloria Perrier-Châtelain, SAP, EMBA ‘93/AMP’10 M.ª del Mar Raventós, Codorníu, PADE ‘01 Mireia Rius, IESE Business School, MBA ‘94 Javier Emilio Robles, Danone, PDG ‘90 Julio Rodríguez Izquierdo, Schneider Electric, PDG ‘97* José Luis de Rojas, Aegis Media, MBA ‘88/other M.ª del Pino Velázquez, Unísono Soluciones de Negocio, MBA ‘91 Rafael Villaseca, Gas Natural Fenosa, MBA ‘76 * As of December 2013.





President Tomás García Madrid, Grupo Villar Mir, MBA ‘88*

President Alan Pace, MBA ‘94

President Alexander Mettenheimer, AMP ‘05

Members Esther Alcocer, Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas, PADE ‘10* Javier de Andrés, Indra Sistemas, EMBA ‘91* Juan Ignacio Apoita, BBVA, PDG ‘95* Carmen Becerril, Acciona, PADE ‘00* Monika Borgers, IESE Business School, MBA ‘03 Jordi Canals, IESE Business School Juan Antonio Castellanos, Apple, GEMBA ‘02 Alberto Durán, Corporación Empresas ONCE, MBA ‘96/PADE ‘08 Miguel Escrig, Telefónica, MBA ‘90* Juan Antonio Galán, IESE Business School, EMBA ‘92 Francisco García Paramés, Bestinver, MBA ‘89* Juan Carlos García Centeno, Sigrun Partners, EMBA ‘95 Ignacio Gómez-Llano, Grupo Santander, EMBA ‘94* Francisco Iniesta, IESE Business School, MBA ‘90 Javier Marín, Aena, PADE ‘02 Jesús Martínez de Rioja, Narruri, PADE ‘06 Carlos Mas, PricewaterhouseCoopers, PDD ‘98 Amparo Moraleda, Banca March, PDG ‘95 Catalina Parra, Philanthropic Intelligence, MBA ‘96* Mireia Rius, IESE Business School, MBA ‘94 Pablo Sagnier, Egon Zehnder International, MBA ‘90 Antonio Tavira, Elzaburu, EMBA ‘90* * As of December 2013.

Mid Atlantic Regional Club Members Dye-Sun Chen de Swaan, MBA ‘08 Charles Davlin, MBA ‘89 Morid Kamshad, MBA ‘89 Anosha Lewis, MBA ‘07 Lorraine Merghart, MBA ‘84 Manuel Perez Cuchet, MBA ‘06 Carlos Ponce, MBA ‘98 Noelle Robins Sadler, MBA ‘07

Members Till Blaessinger, MBA ‘99 Franz Borgers, AMP ‘05 Ralph Bräunlein, MBA ‘00 Bernhard von Canstein, MBA ‘98 Andrea Klette Christenson, MBA ‘83 Klaus Peter Müller, MBA ‘96 Sven Wahle, MBA ‘99 Rudolf Repgen, GEMBA ‘02

South Atlantic regional Club Director Francisco Larenas, GEMBA ‘05 Members Clemencia Restrepo de Tobón, MBA ‘76 Carlos de Lemos, GEMBA ‘07* Ignacio Fiterre, MBA ‘72 Fernando Garcia Verdejo, GEMBA ‘03 Victor Sopena, MBA ‘09* Jose Ramon Aragon, MBA ‘01 Montserrat Garrido, MBA ‘94 / AMP ‘10* Steven Hickson, GEMBA ‘02 Luis Casas, AMP ‘12*

Pacific Southwest Regional Club Director Robb Bittner, MBA ‘98 Miembros Anna Binder, MBA ‘05 Sean Ugrin, GEMBA ‘03 * As of December 2013.



12 Annual accounts

MANAGING RESOURCES The management of the Association’s resources follows the criteria and objectives laid down by the Executive Committee, the highest governing body. The Association’s annual accounts are included in the annual report and are formally approved each year by the Management Committee, represented by the Presidents and Secretaries of each cohort, who have completed an IESE program, along with the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the Association’s chapters.


Over the course of the 2012-2013 academic year the Association has maintained its income. A push to get more income from sponsors has resulted in an 86 percent increase on the previous year. Income from membership fees has dropped by 1 percent, reflecting the current economic situation.

Outgoings 3,417,480 3,361,209 Continuous Education Program 720,107 596,800 International Continuous Education Program 364,954 341,695 Chapters 52,800 52,011 IESE Global Alumni Reunion 412,110 541,764 Class reunions 85,534 73,022 Publications 137,460 125,723 Other services 171,604 148,026 Personal expenses 970,812 987,589 General expenses 502,099 494,579 Results 835,864 888,697

The Executive Committee has asked everyone in all of IESE’s divisions to reduce their operational costs with the aim of maintaining the margins and results of previous years. Thanks to some cutbacks, the Association has managed to reduce its total outgoings by 2 percent. ·· National and international Continuous Education program: the 14 percent reduction is justified by the savings made through putting all the sessions on online channels, eliminating printing and mailings of monthly brochures. ·· IESE Global Alumni Reunion 2012, Brazil: this saw an increased expenditure of 31 percent as a result of the extension of the academic activity through workshops designed to promote ISE (the associate school in Brazil) among the alumni community. However, these expenses have been well compensated for through the sponsorship this activity attracted. ·· Cohort and MBA meetings: expenses were lower compared to the previous year as many MBA meetings coincided with this event. ·· Publications: in line with IESE financial policy, more favorable conditions have been negotiated with providers without affecting the quality of the material. ·· Other services: a communications project has been proposed for the Association, and will be carried out during the next academic year.

2011-2012 2012-2013

Income 4,253,344 4,249,906 Membership fees 4,184,160 4,121,489 Income from sponsors 69,184 128,417

Allocation of surplus MBA scholarships Research awards Research Teacher training (1)

150,000 165,000 30,000 30,000 216,435 228,920 439,429 464,777

Includes the Alumni Office expenses: facilities, telecommunications, IT, administration and maintenance


13 Appendices APPENDIX 1 PRODUCING NEW IDEAS: (BOOKS AND JOURNALS) books Accounting and Control ·· Ricart, J. E., and J. M. Rosanas (eds.): Towards a New Theory of the Firm. Humanizing the Firm and the Management Profession, Bilbao, Fundación BBVA, 2012. (Monografías Fundación BBVA). ·· Rosanas, J. M.: Decision-Making in an Organizational Context. Beyond Economic Criteria, United Kingdom, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. (Organization Studies). Business Ethics ·· Melé, D.: Cristianos en la sociedad. Introducción a la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia, Madrid, Ediciones Rialp, 2012. (5.ª ed. actualizada). Financial Management ·· Martínez Abascal, E.: Finance for Managers, London, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2012. Managing People in Organizations ·· Cardona, P., and M. J. Morley (eds.): Manager Subordinate Trust. A Global Perspective, Nueva York, Routledge, 2012. (Routledge Global Human Resource Management Series). ·· Leggett, B. O’C.: The Little Book of Rhetoric: Soft Power, Barañáin, EUNSA (Ediciones Universidad de Navarra), 2012. (Libros IESE). ·· Maella, P.: La casa de la eficacia. Cómo sentar las bases de la productividad personal y organizacional, Barcelona, Empresa Activa, 2013. (Gestión del conocimiento). ·· Miller, P., and T. Wedell-Wedellsborg: Innovation as Usual. How to Help your People Bring Great Ideas to Life, Nueva York, Harvard Business Review Press, 2013. ·· Poelmans, S.; J. Greenhaus, and M. Las Heras (eds.): Expanding the Boundaries of Work-Family Research. A Vision for the Future, United Kingdom, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Marketing ·· Chiesa, C., and L. Chiesa: Saca la crisis de tu cabeza. Claves para un buen autodiagnóstico de tu situación y de tu empresa, Barcelona, Empresa Activa, 2013. (Narrativa empresarial). ·· Oliver, X., and E. Serra: Marcas que sueñan. Sólo las empresas que sueñan sobresalen, Barcelona, Libros de Cabecera, 2013. ·· Toro, J. M. de, e I. Bel (eds.): Libro Blanco de la Prensa 52 ALUMNI ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013

Diaria 2013, Madrid, AEDE (Asociación de Editores de Diarios Españoles), 2012. ·· Toro, J. M. de, I. Bel and A. Sánchez Tabernero (eds.): La Televisión en España. Informe 2012, UTECA (Unión de Televisiones Comerciales Asociadas), 2012. Production, Technology and Operations Management ·· Ribera, J., and otros: The Chinese Automotive Industry in 2012, Spain, CEIBS (China Europe International Business School), 2012. Strategic Management ·· Canals, J. (ed.): Leadership Development in a Global World: The Role of Companies and Business Schools, United Kingdom, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. (IESE Business Collection). ·· Krogh, G. von, and otros (eds.): Towards Organizational Knowledge. The Pioneering Work of Ikujiro Nonaka, United Kingdom, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. (Nonaka Series on Knowledge and Innovation). ·· Llopis, J., and J. E. Ricart: Qué hacen los buenos directivos. El reto del siglo XXI, Madrid, Pearson Educación, 2012. ·· Navarro-Rubio, J. M., and J. Tàpies: Génesis del consejo, Madrid, LID Editorial, 2012. (Acción empresarial). ·· Ricart, J. E., and J. M. Rosanas (eds.): Towards a New Theory of the Firm. Humanizing the Firm and the Management Profession, Bilbao, Fundación BBVA, 2012. (Monografías Fundación BBVA).

Journals ·· Almandoz, J.: “Arriving at the Starting Line: The Impact of Community and Financial Logics on New Banking Ventures”, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 55, n.º 6 (2012), pp. 1381-1406. ·· Anderson, C., and other: “A Status-Enhancement Account of Overconfidence”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 103, n.º 4 (2012), pp. 718-735. ·· Arce, Ó., J. M. Campa, and Á. Gavilán: “Macroeconomic Adjustment under Loose Financing Conditions in the Construction Sector”, European Economic Review, vol. 59 (2013), pp.19-34. ·· Argandoña, A.: “El Estado y la actividad económica en la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia”, Revista Empresa y Humanismo, vol. 16, n.º 1 (2013), pp. 7-26. ·· Ariely, D., G. Biltran and P. Rocha e Oliveira: “Design to Learn: Customizing Services When the Future Matters”, Pesquisa Operacional, vol. 33, n.º 1 (2013), pp.37-61. ·· Armstrong, C., and other: “The Relation between Equity Incentives and Misreporting: The Role of Risk-Taking Incentives”, Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 109, n.º 2 (2013), pp. 327-350. ·· Arranz, L., M. Á. Canela, and M. Rafecas: “Dietary Aspects in Fibromyalgia Patients: Results of a Survey on Food Awareness, Allergies, and Nutritional Supplementation”, Rheumatology International, vol. 32, n.º 9 (2012), pp. 2615-2621. ·· Barcaccia, B., and other: “Defining Quality of Life: A WildGoose Chase?”, Europe’s Journal of Psychology, vol. 19, n.º 1 (2013), pp. 185-203. ·· Berrone, P., C. Cruz, and L. R. Gómez Mejía: “Socioemotional Wealth in Family Firms: Theoretical Dimensions, Assessment Approaches, and Agenda for Future Research”, Family Business Review, vol. 25, n.º 3 (2012), pp. 258-279 and other: “Necessity as the Mother of ‘Green’ Inventions: Institutional Pressures and Environmental Innovations”, Strategic

Management Journal, vol. 34, n.º 8 (2013), pp. 891-909. ·· Brion, S., and C. Anderson: “The Loss of Power: How Illusions of Alliance Contribute to Powerholder’s Downfall”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, vol. 121, n.º 1 (2013), pp. 129-139. ·· Cabral, L., and D. Salant: “Evolving Technologies and Standards Regulation”, International Journal of Industrial Organization (2013), online. ·· Campa, J. M.: “Fiscal Challenges in the Euro Zone” Asian Economic Policy Review, vol. 7, n.º 2 (2012), pp. 180-197. ·· Campos, R.: “Risk-Sharing and Crises: Global Games of Regime Change with Endogenous Wealth”, Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 148, n.º 4 (2013), pp. 1624-1658. ·· Canela, M. Á., and M. Rafecas: “Relationship between Body Mass Index, Fat Mass and Lean Mass with SF-36 Quality of Life Scores in a Group of Fibromyalgia Patients”, Rheumatology International, vol. 32, n.º 11 (2012), pp. 3605-3611. ·· Canela, M. Á., and E. Pedreira Collazo: “Modelling Dependence in Latin American Markets Using Copula Functions”, Journal of Emerging Market Finance, vol. 11, n.º 3 (2012), pp. 231-270. ·· Caro, F., and V. Martínez de Albéniz: “Operations Management in Apparel Retailing: Processes, Frameworks and Optimization”, Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, vol. 29, n.º 2 (2013), pp. 103-116. ·· Cennamo, C., and other: “Socioemotional Wealth and Proactive Stakeholder Engagement: Why Family Controlled Firms Care More About their Stakeholders?”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, vol. 36, n.º 6 (2012), pp. 1153-1173. ·· Cugueró-Escofet, N., and J. M. Rosanas: “The Just Design and Use of Management Control Systems as Requirements for Goal Congruence”, Management Accounting Research, vol. 24, n.º 1 (2013), pp. 23-40. ·· Cuñat, V., M. Giné, and M. Guadalupe: “The Vote Is Cast: The Effect of Corporate Governance on Shareholder Value”, Journal of Finance, vol. 67, n.º 5 (2012), pp. 1943-1977. ·· Elvira, M., and C. Rodríguez-Lluesma: “Global Leadership, Citizenship and Stakeholder Management”, Organizational Dynamics, vol. 42, n.º 3 (2013), pp. 183-190. ·· Dávila, A., and M. Elvira: “Humanistic Leadership: Lessons from Latin America”, Journal of World Business, vol. 47, n.º 4 (2012), pp. 548-554. ·· Edwards, P. K., and other: “Human Resource Management Practices in the Multinational Company: A Test of System, Societal, and Dominance Effects”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, vol. 66, n.º 3 (2013), pp. 588-617. ·· Díaz-Giménez, J., and E. Giolito: “Accounting for the Timing of First Marriage”, International Economic Review, vol. 54, n.º 1 (2013), pp. 135-158. ·· Estrada, J.: “Are Stocks Riskier than Bonds? Not If You Assess Risk Like Warren Buffett”, Journal of Asset Management, vol. 14 (2013), pp. 73-78. - “Black Swans, Beta, Risk and Return”, Journal of Applied Finance, vol. 22, n.º 2 (2012), pp. 77-89. - “Blinded by Growth”, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, vol. 24, n.º 3 (2012), pp. 19-25. - “Essential Ideas for Investors: Do not Part with your Money without Them!”, Corporate Finance Review, vol. 18, n.º 1 (2013), pp. 18-26. - “The Enhanced Risk Premium Factor Model and Expected Returns”, Journal of Investment Strategies, vol. 2, n.º 3 (2013), pp. 3-21.

·· Ferner, A., and other: “U. S. Multinationals and the Control of Subsidiary Employment Policies”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, vol. 66, n.º 3 (2013), pp. 645-669. ·· García-Castro, R., R. Aguilera, and M. Á. Ariño: “Bundles of Firm Corporate Governance Practices: A Fuzzy Set Analysis”, Corporate Governance: An International Review, vol. 21, n.º 4 (2013), pp. 390-407. ·· Gibert, A., and other: “Might Gluten Traces in Wheat Substitutes Pose a Risk in Patients with Celiac Disease? A Population-Based Probabilistic Approach to Risk Estimation”, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 97, n.º 1 (2013), pp. 109-116. ·· Hall, D. T., and other: “Pursuing Career Success while Sustaining Personal and Family Well-Being: A Study of Reduced-Load Professionals over Time”, Journal of Social Issues, vol. 68, n.º 4 (2012), pp. 742-766. ·· Harzing, A., S. Reiche, and M. Pudelko: “Challenges in International Survey Research: A Review with Illustrations and Suggested Solutions for Best Practice”, European Journal of International Management, vol. 7, n.º 1 (2013), pp. 112-134. ·· Jong, M. G. de, R. Pieters, and S. Stremersch.: “Analysis of Sensitive Questions across Cultures: An Application of Multigroup Item Randomized Response Theory to Sexual Attitudes and Behavior”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 103, n.º 3 (2012), pp. 543-564. ·· Kaganer, E., and other: “Managing the Human Cloud”, MIT Sloan Management Review, vol. 54, n.º 2 (2013), pp. 23-32. ·· Marginson, P., and other: “Variation in Approaches to European Works Councils in Multinational Companies”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, vol. 66, n.º 3 (2013), pp. 618-644. ·· Martínez de Albéniz, V., and D. Simchi Levi: “Supplier-Buyer Negotiation Games: Equilibrium Conditions and Supply Chain Efficiency”, Production and Operations Management, vol. 22, n.º 2 (2013), pp. 397-409. ·· Martins, L. R., and other: “Health Service Quality Scale: Brazilian Portuguese Translation, Reliability and Validity”, BMC Health Services Research, vol. 13, n.º 24 (2013). ·· Mas, N.: “Responding to Financial Pressures. The Effect of Managed Care on Hospitals’ Provision of Charity Care”, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, vol. 13, n.º 2 (2013), pp. 95-114. ·· Melguizo, Á., and J. M. González-Páramo: “Who Bears Labour Taxes and Social Contributions? A Meta-Analysis Approach”, Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, vol. 4, n.º 3 (2013), pp. 247-271. ·· Mendenhall, M. E., and other: “Defining the ‘Global’ in Global Leadership”, Journal of World Business, vol. 47, n.º 4 (2012), pp. 493-503. ·· Morals-Fusco, P., S. Saurí and A. Lago: “Potential Freight Distribution Improvements Using Motorways of the Sea”, Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 24 (2012), pp. 1-11. ·· Moschieri, C., and J. M. Campa: “New Trends in Mergers and Acquisitions: Idiosyncrasies of the European Market”, Journal of Business Research (2013), online. ·· Moszoro, M.: “Overcoming Opportunism in Public-Private Project Financing”, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, vol. 25, n.º 1 (2013), pp. 89-96. ·· Neves, J. C. das, and A. Vaccaro: “Corporate Transparency: A Perspective from Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae”, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 113, n.º 4 (2013), pp. 639ALUMNI ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013 53

648. ·· Reiche, S.: “Knowledge Benefits of Social Capital Upon Repatriation: A Longitudinal Study of International Assignees”, Journal of Management Studies, vol. 49, n.º 6 (2012), pp. 1052-1077. ·· Rocha e Oliveira, P., J. C. Ferrer, and A. Parasuraman: “Impact of Delays on Customers’ Safety Perceptions and Behavioral Intentions”, Journal of Airline and Airport Management, vol. 2, n.º 2 (2012), pp. 86-100. ·· Rosanas, J. M.: “Methodology and Research in Management”, International Journal of Management and Economics, n.º 36 (2012), pp. 8-19. ·· Santiago, R. de, and J. Estrada: “Geometric Mean Maximization: Expected, Observed, and Simulated Performance”, Journal of Investing, vol. 22, n.º 2 (2013,) pp. 106-119. ·· Sison, A. J., and J. Fontrodona: “Participating in the Common Good of the Firm”, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 113, n.º 4 (2013), pp. 611-625. ·· Steers, R., C. Sánchez-Runde, and L. Nardon: “Leadership in a Global Context: New Directions in Research and Theory Development”, Journal of World Business, vol. 47, n.º 4 (2012), pp. 479-482. ·· Stremersch, S., V. Landsman, and S. Venkataraman: “The Relationship between DTCA, Drug Requests, and Prescriptions: Uncovering Variation in Specialty and Space”, Marketing Science, vol. 32, n.º 1 (2013), pp. 89-110. ·· Susaeta, L., and other: “Generation or Culture? Work Attitude Drivers: An Analysis in Latin America and Iberian Countries”, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, vol. 20, n.º 3 (2013), pp. 321-360. - S. Esperanza, and Pin, J. R.: “Economic Crisis and Communication: The Role of the HR Manager”, Business Systems Review, vol. 2, n.º 2 (2013), pp. 278-296. ·· Vives, X., A. Kovalenkov: “Competitive Rational Expectations Equilibria without Apology”, Journal of Economic Theory (2013), online. - “Globalización, crisis y política industrial”, Economía Industrial, n.º 387 (2013), pp. 25-31.

APPENDIX 3 Faculty Twitters and Blogs APPENDIX 2 Teacher training (new staff and professors doing Ph.Ds) NEW STAFF 2012-2013 Robert Gregory Information Systems Goethe University Frankfurt Thomas Klueter Entrepreneurial initiative University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School Wei Luo Management of production, technology and operations Fuqua School of Business, Duke University Massimo Maoret Strategic management Boston College Manuel Mueller-Frank Economics Northwestern University Íñigo Gallo Marketing University of California, Los Angeles

Professors currently doing Ph.Ds Silvia Bellezza Marketing Department Harvard Business School Albert Valentí Marketing Department Boston University School of Management


Professors’ TWITTER

Professors’ blogs:

@Argandoña, Antonio @Ariño, Miguel Ángel @Berrone, Pascual @Chiesa, Cosimo @Chinchilla, M.ª Nuria @Díaz-Giménez, Javier @Done, Adrian @Ferraro, Fabrizio @Foncillas, Pablo @Fontrodona, Joan @García Pont, Carlos @Ghemawat, Pankaj @Ghosh, Anindya @Heukamp, Franz @Huete, Luis María @Káganer, Evgeny @Kase, Kimio @Lee, Yih-teen @Lladó, Miquel @Llano, Miguel Angel @Llopis, Jaume @Martín Cabiedes, Luis @Melé, Domènec @Moscoso, Philip G. @Neill, Conor @Palencia, Luis @Pin, José R. @Rahnema, Ahmad @Reiche, B. Sebastian @Ribera, Jaume @Santomá, Javier @Sieber, Sandra @Stremersch, Stefan @Suárez, José Luis @Tàpies, Josep @Tortoriello, Marco @Valor, Josep @Vergara, Carles @Villanueva, Julián @Vroom, Govert @Yankovic, Natalia @Zamora, Javier

A World of Entrepreneurs Prof. Hakan Ener BizknowledgeWatch IESE Library Blog Business Ethics Business Ethics Department Blog Creatologue Prof. Kandarp Mehta Doing Business on the Earth Prof. Mike Rosenberg Economics Economics Department Blog Economía, ética y RSE Prof. Antonio Argandoña Economía para todos Prof. Eduardo Martínez Abascal Empresa familiar Prof. Josep Tàpies Empresa y sociedad Prof. Joan Fontrodona Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Department Blog Ética empresarial Prof. Domènec Melé Expatriatus Prof. B. Sebastian Reiche Face IT Digital Business Blog Facing Up to a Changing World Prof. Adrian Done

Gestión pública IESE & Africa Inspiring Leaders in Marketing and Business Innovation Prof. Pablo Foncillas Marketing Marketing Department Blog MBA Director’s Blog Prof. Franz Heukamp Moving People to Action Prof. Conor Neill Prof. José Ramón Pin Prof. Julián Villanueva Prof. Pankaj Ghemawat’s blog Qué hacen los buenos directivos Prof. Jaume Llopis Rhetoric and Leadership: Soft Power Prof. Brian O’C Leggett Social Entrepreneurship The Bill Baker’s Blog The Innovation Architect Profs. Paddy Miller and Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg The Spanish Real Estate Industry Prof. José Luis Suárez Toma de decisiones Prof. Miguel Ángel Ariño Valores y ecología humana Prof. Nuria Chinchilla




ESPAÑA 2011-2012 2012-2013 Total meetings 146 141 Total attendance 25,017 22,991 Attendance/meetings 171 128

FUERA DE ESPAÑA 2011-2012 2012-2013 Total meetings 87 91 Total attendance 4,448 4,556 Continuous Education 233 232





146 141 72 71 41 37 3 3 8 8 3 3 3 2 8 10 8 7

SPAIN 25,017 22,991 BARCELONA 14,072 12,821 MADRID 8,331 7,330 ANDALUCÍA 218 146 ARAGÓN 591 864 BALEARES 197 213 GALICIA 121 132 LEVANTE 726 1,024 NAVARRA-BASQUE COUNTRY-LA RIOJA 761 461

89 91 1 1 4 2 1 2 4 2 6 6 1 1 3 3 7 2 4 3 10 10 1 0 3 2 4 4 1 4 3 5 4 4 1 1 1 0 3 3 1 2 6 7 14 12 6 15

IN OTHER COUNTRIES 4,598 4,556 ANDORRA 245 120 ARGENTINA - URUGUAY 92 77 AUSTRIA 10 39 BELGIUM & LUXEMBOURG 133 59 BRAzIL 297 254 CANADA 23 32 CHILE 239 181 CHINA 569 154 FRANCE 161 175 GERMANY 469 334 ITALY 17 0 JAPAN 207 103 MEXICO 32 109 PERU 84 208 POLAND 290 543 PORTUGAL 320 167 REINO UNIDO 396 496 RUSSIA 55 45 SCANDINAVIA 40 0 SWITZERLAND 94 142 THE NETHERLANDS 40 133 UNITED STATES 621 583 OTHER COUNTRIES 164 602

Europe Austria, Markus Schwarz, MBA ’96 Belgium-Luxembourg, Laurence Battaille, MBA ’95 France, Gloria Perrier-Châtelain, E MBA ’93/AMP ’10 Germany, Alexander Mettenheimer, AMP ’05 Italy, Marco Morgese, MBA ‘03 Poland, Piotr Kaminski, AMP ’07 Portugal, José Gabriel Chimeno, PDG ’95 Russia, Mikhail Ivanov, GEMBA ’10 Switzerland, Bence Andras, AMP ’07 The Netherlands, Philip Alberdingk Thijm, MBA ’89 United Kingdom, Chris Daniels, MBA ’00 Spain Andalucía, Pedro Guerrero, MBA ‘90 Aragon, Javier Loriente, PDD ‘91 Galicia, Luis Fernando Quiroga, PADE ‘83 Islas Baleares, Raúl González, MBA ‘86 Levante, Íñigo Parra, MBA ‘90 Madrid, Tomás García Madrid, MBA ‘88 Navarra-Basque Country-La Rioja, Javier Chocarro, MBA ‘88 Americas Argentina-Uruguay, Martín Agramonte, MBA ’99 Brazil, Adriano C. Amaral, MBA ’94/AMP ’07 Canada, Alfonso Soriano, MBA ’84 Chile, Lionel Olavarría, MBA ’75 Colombia, Luis Fernando Jaramillo, MBA ’86 United States, Alan Pace, MBA ’94 Mexico, Gérard Schoor, MBA ’91 Peru, Hugo Alegre, MBA ’91 Southern Atlantic Region, Francisco Larenas, GEMBA ’05 Pacific South West Regional Club, Robb Bittner Stuart, MBA ’98 Asia China, Myra Yu, MBA ’99 India, Vinay Kothari, MBA ’92 Japan, Kenji Tomino, MBA ’08


Av. Pearson, 21 08034 Barcelona, España Tel.: +34 93 253 42 00 Fax: +34 93 253 43 43 Camino del Cerro del Águila, 3 28023 Madrid, España 165 W. 57th Street

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