Annual Report - Water@Leeds - University of Leeds

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Paul Withers (Bangor University), looks at the role of phosphorus in the ..... ture projects. • A study by Dr Paul Kay

Annual Report 2016-2017


An interdisciplinary approach to tackling major water issues  


Introduction from the Directors


Aims of water@leeds


water@leeds 2016-2017 key figures








Next generation


What our members and partners say about water@leeds


Awards and honours


water@leeds media highlights


Selected publications


The water@leeds core team


Contact water@leeds Tel: 0113 34 38246 Email: [email protected] Garstang Building, Room 10.01 10.01, School of Geography University of Leeds 1

Introduction from the Directors “We are delighted to introduce our 2016/17 annual report giving a flavour of some of the research successes and achievements by our members over the last year. The world’s grand challenges require interdisciplinary solutions – and interdisciplinary research is a key feature of what water@leeds does. Our research community continues to be inspired by the challenges presented by water, and we come together and relish the opportunity in taking a leading role in addressing these. Changing climate and rainfall patterns, growing global population, mass migration, shifting land-use patterns, ageing and inadequate infrastructure systems, no or limited access to sanitation, increasing waterborne pollution, and increases in consumption of freshwater are just some of the environmental and humanitarian challenges which drive our research. water@leeds has existed for eight years, during which time it has grown to become the largest water-related research and training centre of any university in the world. Our membership stands at over 300 researchers, drawn from all faculties at the University of Leeds. Of course many water challenges are global and water@leeds has collaborated with academic, industrial, charitable, and governmental organisations in 110 countries. Many of our outputs have been independently reviewed as world class or world leading. The non-academic outcomes of our research are also significant, recognised as very considerable or outstanding in the UK’s national research excellence review  exercise, and winning awards along the way. During the last year, water@leeds members have worked hard in developing new interdisciplinary funding bids. Horizon 2020, Global Challenges Research Fund, UK Research Councils and industrial collaboration have all presented strategic funding opportunities for us, and we’ve already learned of considerable successes with exciting new projects. Our Doctoral Research and Training Centre continues to grow, with campus-wide reach and vibrancy enabled through our programme of events which our research students benefit from. Our PhD students are working in environments all over the planet tackling fundamental and applied water issues.


Introduction from the Directors Over the course of the year we also launched the Vision2020 Water Helix, which will facilitate pan-European collaborations on future European water funding calls, and in September 2017 we hosted the 7th International Conference on Flood Management which brought together over 300 practitioners and researchers from around the globe. Finally, our hosting of artists and entrepreneurs in residence has opened up new and exciting possibilities for water@leeds collaborations and innovation. To our members and the many other people we work with, both within and outside of the University of Leeds and who contribute significantly to our success, we would like to extend our sincere thanks for your engagement and support over the last 12 months. To others we very much hope you enjoy reading this annual report and we hope we are able to collaborate with you in the future.” With best wishes, Joseph Holden & Martin Tillotson, Directors of water@leeds November 2017.

Professor Joseph Holden School of Geography

Professor Martin Tillotson School of Civil Engineering


Aims of water@leeds water@leeds was established in 2009. Its purpose is to tackle the global challenge of water management, and to generate a step-change in terms of research profile and income at the University of Leeds. The four strategic objectives of water@leeds are:

Objective 1: Provide excellent internationally-recognised water science, technology and policy research

Objective 2: Maximise the effectiveness of research funding in the water sector by becoming the focus for interdisciplinary water research Objective 3: Generate world-leading research which has major impacts on society, environment and the economy

Objective 4: Train new innovative, excellent and interdisciplinary water experts to work at the cutting edge of water research, management and policy 4

water@leeds 2016-2017 Key Figures Membership 315 Members 147 Academic members 168 PhD students 8 Faculties

Partnerships 20+ New externally funded projects awarded 100+ Partners 111+ Countries

Outputs 1 Large international conference 111 Conference presentations 22 Book chapters 428 Peer-reviewed articles 3 Impact case studies for REF2021

Media 66 Media mentions (radio, newspapers & tv) 1878 Twitter Followers 5

Research Provide excellent internationally-recognised water science, technology and policy research

Drilling theKhumbu Khumbu Glacier Drillinginto into the Glacier

Dr Duncan Quincey (School of Geography) led the first project to take readings from within the ice of the Khumbu Glacier, in the foothills of Mt. Everest, by drilling into it in summer 2017. The research, which has never previously been attempted, aims to narrow down the uncertainties in current models of glacier change over time. This means that, for the first time, researchers will be able to make accurate predictions for the glacier’s future, impacting the populations which rely on the ice for the water they use in their daily lives.

First sustained observations over Lake Victoria The HyCRISTAL consortia, headed by Dr John Marsham (School of Earth and Environment) conducted the first in-situ observations over Lake Victoria in May 2017, to generate data to enhance understanding of Lake Victoria Basin climate. There have never been sustained observations over Lake Victoria. The past research on lake circulation has used satellite data that are known to suffer from errors due to clouds and therefore need to be corrected by in situ observations. The HyCRISTAL project is filling this gap by installing observation equipment aboard a Floating Hospital “Jubilee Hope” operated by the Vine Trust, a community development international charity organisation. The equipment collects data on physical climate elements as the ship does its routine visits to a number of islands to deliver medical supplies and medical staff to isolated fishing communities in Lake Victoria. The data will be used to correct the satellitederived data; assess model skills in simulating the lake circulation, drivers of the asymmetrical rainfall pattern over the lake, and lake surface temperature.


Conferences, workshops and research visits:


Beijing Municipal Audit Bureau Government officials visit water@leeds September 2016

A Chinese delegation of 21 senior government officials from Beijing Municipal Audit Bureau, led by Associate Counsellor Mr. Shamin Zheng, made an official visit in the UK from 4th to 23rd September. The delegation aimed to learn from British experience, practice and research in environmental audit systems and environmental risk assessment to influence the refining of existing Chinese environmental auditing and risk assessment systems across the country. Dr. Yim Ling Siu (School of Earth & Environment) was invited by the delegation to present her research work on environmental risk assessment models as well as hosting their visit at Leeds. The delegates were excited by the potential of the environmental risk assessment modelling tools to aid better environmental risk management and policy decision making. They look forward to setting up further links and collaborations in the near future. India-UK Water Centre Workshop November 2016

Dr Alan Gadian (School of Earth and Environment) participated in the India - U.K. Workshop in Pune from 28th November to 1st December with the talk: "Changes in convective rainfall in future climates over Western Europe.” Read more about the workshop here.

Visit to Vietnam National University of Science December 2016

Prof Andy Baird (School of Geography) represented water@leeds on a visit to Vietnam and was hosted by Vietnam National University of Science (VNU) in Hanoi. Andy gave a keynote paper on “the role of tropical peatlands in the global carbon cycle” at the 5th International Conference on Vietnamese Studies and was one of a number of international delegates who were invited to discuss their research with the President of Vietnam.


Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, visit to water@leeds April 2017

water@leeds hosted Richard Deverell, the Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and Paul Wilkin, Kew’s Head of Science (Natural Capital). As well as meeting with water@ leeds staff and researchers, the visitors enjoyed a tour of the university campus, including the Chemical Engineering Research Laboratories, the Centre for Plant Sciences with Dr Katie Field and Prof. Christine Foyer, and the Sustainable Garden and i-Trees Project with Dr Julie Peacock (School of Geography) and Dr Cat Scott.

Seventh International Conference on Flood Management 5th-7th September 2017 University of Leeds Resilience to Global Challenges: Anticipating the Unexpected

In September, water@leeds hosted the International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM7) at the University of Leeds. The conference, on the theme of ‘Resilience to Global Changes: Anticipating the Unexpected,’ boasted 172 presentations from researchers and industry alongside opening speeches from Mr John Curtin (Environment Agency UK), and Mr Haibin Wan (State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, China), as well as a poster session, a cultural programme, and a variety of exhibits and stands in the main conference hall. The event was attended by around 300 flood experts from across the world. The event was made possible by the generous contributions of our sponsors: Arup; IBS Group; Aquobex; Mott MacDonald; Polypipe; Tempcon; UWE Bristol; JBA Consulting; Weetwood; Arts Council England and Leeds Museums and Galleries.   


Visit from Nanjing University July 2017 Dr Zhang (School of Geographical and Oceanographical Sciences. Nanjing University, China) visited  us to discuss future collaborations.  The visit was coordinated by Dr Yim Ling Siu  (School of Earth and Environment) and water@leeds. Dr Zhang presented a seminar on Urban flood risk analysis and mitigation in Nanjing, China Vision 2020 Water Helix Launch June 2017 water@leeds hosted the launch event for the Leeds-led Vision 2020 Water Helix, resulting in a pan-European consortium to work on a 20182020 programme topic. Attendees included representatives from water@leeds as well as Fondation Strategique pour la Recherche, Politecnico di Milano, SRI, Castleton Consulting, Analisis DSC, White Rose University Consortium, CEITIK4, UCL, TE Laboratories, Loughborough University, and Vision 2020.

UK-China Joint Workshop July 2017

Dr Sangaralingam Ahilan (School of Civil Engineering) took part in the UKChina joint workshop on ‘Urban Flooding and Sponge Cities’ in July 2017 at Graduate School, Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, China. He was funded by the British Council, Newton Researcher Links programme and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Dr Ahilan presented his research work on longterm hydro-morphodynamic modelling and simulation of the Blue-Green features at the workshop.

Presentation at Nizwa University November 2016

Ali al-Mahri and Janet Watson (School of Languages, Cultures and Societies) presented at Nizwa University and the Sultan Qaboos University on links between language and nature with Dhofar. The paper, titled An ethnolinguistic approach to flora: The case of modern South Arabian showed how regions characterised by distinctive and diverse local plant species often also have uniquely diverse language features.

New findings on water-repellant fabrics used in outdoor clothing July 2017

Research by PhD student Philippa Hill and Dr Richard Blackburn (School of Design), published in the journal Chemosphere, has found that the use of controversial fluorochemicals in waterproof clothing represents over-engineering of the fabrics, as most users are indifferent to the levels of oil- and stain-proofing these finishes require. Significant environmental and toxicological benefits could be achieved by switching to non-fluorinated finishes without a significant reduction in garment water-repellency performance.


Research Results


Chartered Engineer Dr Mark Trigg (School of Civil Engineering) has analysed the leading global flood risk prediction models and has found significant differences between the predictions they make. Software like this is used to plan major developments and, based on research using Africa as an example, Dr Trigg now says further work needs to be carried out to improve their precision. The full open-access research paper, “The credibility challenge for global fluvial flood risk analysis”, has been published in IOP Science. The research was funded by the Willis Research Network and the University of Leeds. A teaching version of the paper for children and teens has also been published by the Environmental Science Journal for Kids (and their teachers), “How much do we really know about river flooding”. Read Dr. Trigg’s article here. The research paper “Towards Sustainable Sanitation Management: Establishing the Costs and Willingness to Pay for Emptying and Transporting Sludge in Rural Districts with High Rates of Access to Latrines,” co-authored by Prof. Barbara Evans, was published in PLoS ONE in March 2017. The study focuses on a rural area of Bangladesh, where the government is looking to pilot an innovative local service for sludge management. It has found that spreading the cost of waste removal over a series of monthly payments could make it more affordable for poor households and help kick start the conversion of this waste, known as faecal sludge, into profitable by-products such as fertilisers and bioenergy. Currently, households struggle to pay a lump sum of US$13 every three to four years to empty their pit latrines. This is approximately 14 per cent of their monthly income. Instead, the study found they could pay small monthly payments of as little as US$0.31 per month – about what they spend each month on a mobile phone service – over the same period. Researchers have called for urgent global action to address the effects of rapidly shrinking glaciers on ecosystems further downstream. “Glacier shrinkage driving global changes in downstream systems,” co-authored by Dr Lee E. Brown, explains that although the impact of melting glaciers on sea levels has received much attention, there are other effects that will have a significant impact on freshwater and near-shore marine systems downstream. These range from significantly altered river flows and sediment levels to the unexpected impact of “legacy” industrial pollutants, hitherto locked up in glaciers, being released into ecosystems downstream along with glacial meltwater. The team call for a renewed focus on finding ways to adapt and mitigate against this impact.


Research Results


Meteorology of Tropical West Africa: The Forecasters' Handbook The Meteorology of Tropical West Africa: The Forecasters’ Handbook was published in April 2017, co-edited by Prof Douglas Parker (School of Earth and Environment). The work to produce the book, which follows 15 years of collaborative international research, was coordinated by the University of Leeds. It results from the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA), the biggest research programme into African weather and climate ever conducted, and has involved collaboration with international researchers and meteorological agencies to help the region’s weather forecasters. The handbook includes theory, weather forecasting methods, and case studies of West African weather systems. Handbook editor and coordinator, Prof Parker said: “Accurate weather forecasts are essential for early warning systems that can protect lives, property, and water and food resources. The handbook is the first time any global region has produced a definitive document for forecasting. Not only is this handbook a way for new research to be brought rapidly into practice it represents an international effort to disseminate important information to a region that has been neglected in the past.”


Partnerships Maximise the effectiveness of research funding in the water sector by becoming the focus for interdisciplinary water research

CatchX Platform

Catchment Hydrology Explorer for Water Stewards CatchX is a new NERC-Innovation project led by Dr Mark Trigg (School of Civil Engineering) which will translate existing scientific data from global models and remote sensing products into a web platform. CatchX is a data tool which aims to enable decision makers at a river catchment level to have access to the latest cutting-edge information to address urgent water resource challenges faced all over the world. It will also have an impact in education and social sciences. The project is in collaboration with the Earthwatch Institute, whose aim is to engage people worldwide in scientific field research and education to promote the understanding and action necessary for a sustainable environment. The project steering group consists of a broad cross-section of organisations concerned with global water resources, covering agricultural, human and environmental water users. The project will test the new platform with water professionals in the Breede River Catchment in South Africa, with the assistance of the Institute for Water Research, Rhodes University. The aim will be to validate the platform outputs with local data, understand how useful the platform is from a user perspective, and see if the platform can be adapted to include local data in the future. Partners: Earthwatch Institute; Rhodes University; World Wildlife Fund; Marks & Spencer; Richard Carter Associates; SSBN Ltd.


Selected new projects C-CUS: Climate, Costs and Urban Sanitation (Dec-2016 -

Dec-2019). Principal Investigator: Prof B. Evans (School of Civil Engineering); Co-I nvestigators : Dr M. A. Camargo-Valero (School of Civil Engineering) and Dr G. Locatelli (School of Civil Engineering). Funder: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (£700k) The grant will run for two years and involve partnerships with local governments, municipal engineers, water companies and civil society groups in several cities. Findings from the grant will inform, amongst other impacts, the policy of the Swatch Bharat Nirmal (Clean India Cities) programme of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in India.

Monitoring Hydrology and Key Ecosystem Service Impacts

The role of phosphorus in the resilience and sustainability of the UK food system Dr Julia Martin-Ortega (School of Earth and Environment) and Dr Miller Camargo Valero’s (School of Civil Engineering) interdisciplinary project is one of five new projects funded by the UK’s Global Food Security Programme. The project has received £703.5k in funding from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC). The project, led by Prof Paul Withers (Bangor University), looks at the role of phosphorus in the resilience and sustainability of the UK food system. water@leeds is delivering both the social science and engineering aspects of the project, which is supported by the N8 AgriFood programme and the UK Nutrient Platform who are contributing Knowledge Exchange expertise, stakeholder engagement and capacity. Partners: Bangor University; Agri-Food; BioSciences Institute; University of Technology, Sydney; CEH Wallingford.

Principal Investigator: Dr Cat Moody, Co-Investigators: Prof Pippa Chapman, Dr Antony Blundell, Prof Joseph Holden (School of Geography), partnered with Moors for the Future Partnership, Peak District National Park Authority. (£58.5k)

Setting the framework for the enhanced impact of Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency (SPIRE) projects Dr Richard Hodgett and Prof Alan Pearman (Leeds University Business School), in collaboration with industrial partners including Britest Ltd, INEOS, A.Spire, Iris and CRIT-Research. (€500k)




Transitions to resilience and sustainability through UK dairy systems and supply chain innovation Prof Guy Ziv (School of Geography) is leading a new project funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) to explore new ways to make dairy systems better for the natural environment and farmers’ livelihoods, while maintaining the long-term supply of dairy products at reasonable prices in the face of unpredictable challenges like climate change. The project has received £531k in funding from the BBSRC, and will combine the latest natural, social, biological and veterinary science with industry expertise from 33 stakeholder partners, and experiential farmer knowledge, to devise and test innovations that could increase the resilience and sustainability of dairy farming in a rapidly changing world. Partners:

Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, N8 AgriFood, Arla, ASDA, Business in the Community (BiTC), Co-op, Dairycrest, Defra, FirstMilk, Game and Conservation Wildlife Trust (GCWT),

Innovation for Agriculture, Natural England, Nestle UK & I, Rivers Trust, Scottish Government, Scottish National Heritage, Anglian Water, Crown Estates, Danone, Glanbia, Lactalis McLelland, Marks & Spencers, Meadow Foods,


Muller Milk & Ingredients, Sainsbury’s, Scottish Water, Tesco, Unilever, United Utilities, Volac, Waitrose, Yara.



High-mountain Asia - Building Resilience to Water Variability using Experiments, Surveys and accounts of Tradition (HARVEST)

How the contribution of meltwater to river flows varies through space and time is currently poorly quantified. We need to know this to be able to identify those communities that will experience the greatest reductions in water supply in the future. We also know relatively little about the communities that depend most on this resource - those in the mountains, generally marginalised from wider society and the national economy. We need to better understand their needs so that we can work with them to develop adaptation solutions. Dr Duncan Quincey (School of Geography) is leading a team, which includes co-investigators from the Faculties of Earth and Environment and Engineering, to tackle this challenge. The team have received £201k in funding from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) to carry out their work in collaboration with a range of international partners. Partners:

Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC), Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS), Budhanilkantha School, Dalit Alliance for Natural Resources (DANAR), Environmental and Economic Research Institute Myanmar (EERIM), International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), International Water Management Institute (IWMI),

Kadambari Memorial College, Kathmandu University, Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Nepal Academy for Science and Technology (NAST), Nepal National Dalit Social Welfare Organisation (NNDSWO), Nepalese Youth for Climate Action, Practical Action Nepal, Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN), Tribhuvan University (TU).


Impact Generate world-leading research which has major impacts on society, environment and the economy

Public views and values of peatland restoration in Scotland A team from water@leeds, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), and the James Hutton Institute have undertaken a large scale national survey of the opinions of the Scottish public on peatland restoration. The report, co-authored by water@leeds member Dr Julia Martin-Ortega (School of Earth and Environment), has already proved influential in shaping the thinking of Scottish National Heritage managers regarding understanding the nature and complexity of public support for peatland restoration. The research suggests that restoration initiatives will need to engage with Scottish communities, by providing them with appropriate information, listening to their concerns and values, and involving them in decisionmaking, in order to be successful. As part of this research, the team have developed online communication tools which provide ‘easy access’ to peatland restoration for members of the public who are interested in it. The tools, one for the general public (learning module) and one for land managers (condition assessment) are available online.

water@leeds Artist in Residence Dr Joanna Brown has been water@leeds artist in residence during 2017. She is also a mathematician and activist. She has recently been working on several projects including ARKive which highlights human vulnerability and resilience in the face of flooding using photographs and postcards of flooding across the world, and Back to the Future?, combining modern photographs with images of the 1910 Paris floods.


The importance of capturing litter upstream before it becomes unmanageable ocean pollution

The International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) Task Force, led by Dr Costas Velis (School of Civil Engineering) has published a report highlighting the seriousness of marine litter and identifying potential areas of intervention. The report, available on the ISWA Task Force website, estimates that in low income countries, for every metric tonne of uncollected waste near waterways, almost 18 kilogrammes of plastic enters the ocean — equivalent to more than 1,500 plastic bottles. Dr Costas Velis says: “It is crucial that plastic waste is captured upstream. When plastic waste enters the water and fragments, it will eventually transform into micro- and nano-particles, at which point it is beyond our abilities to control.” The report analyses how a lack of infrastructure and inappropriate waste management practices, particularly in low and middle income countries, are a key systemic failure in tackling marine litter. The report highlights the need to work with the waste and resources recovery sector in order to tackle problem of marine litter. Worldwide improved Planning and Delivery of Urban Sanitation

PESERA: Pan European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment

Prof Barbara Evans (School of Civil Engineering) has been instrumental in the development of the Shit Flow Diagram (SFD) an innovative solution to show how faecal matter is managed in towns and cities across the globe. SFD is an online decision-support tool that stakeholders can use to visualize how excreta flows through a city/town. Together, the SFD graphic and report tools allow stakeholders to view and understand where and why problems occur.

The PESERA model, led by Prof Mike Kirby and Dr Brian Irvine (School of Geography), offers a state of the art erosion risk assessment at a European scale. Soil erosion is one of the biggest threats to global food security. The model helps identify regions at risk from soil erosion providing useful information for policy makers. The model has been used by the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research and theWater Harvesting for Rainfed Africa Project. Read more here.


Yorkshire iCASP The Yorkshire Integrated Catchment Solutions Programme (iCASP) works to apply our wide-ranging interdisciplinary research in collaboration with government authorities, businesses and charities. The £6 million programme, directed by Prof Joseph Holden and Prof Dave Hodgson aims to generate transformative impacts worth £50 million to the regional economy of Yorkshire. iCASP supports partnerships between regional organisations and researchers to use UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)funded science to manage flood and drought risk in the context of climate-change, improve water quality, and enhance the carbon storage, productivity and resilience of the region’s soils and woodlands, through joined-up approaches to land and water management in the River Ouse basin. It involves the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York as well as sixteen regional stakeholder organisations. Read more at:

Slowing the Spread of Invasive Non-Native Species Invasive non-native species (INNS) are any non-native animal or plant that is able to spread, thereby damaging the environment, the economy, our health and the way we live. British plants, animals and ecosystems can be damaged by INNS, as they can directly hunt and kill native species, as well as spread disease and compete for habitat and food. The equipment, shoes and clothing of anyone working in and around effected fields and bodies of water can spread INNS to new sites. Biosecurity is about reducing the risk of introducing or spreading invasive non-native species (and other harmful organisms such as diseases) in the wild. A team led by Dr Alison Dunn (School of Biology) are researching effective, practical biosecurity practices for application in a range of field conditions. They are also increasing the awareness and uptake of biosecurity across diverse stakeholders. They have developed an online module giving free biosecurity training to spread knowledge about correct cleaning practices for researchers carrying out fieldwork. The tool can be found here.


Next Generation Train new innovative, excellent and interdisciplinary water experts to work at the cutting edge of water research, management and policy

water@leeds Doctoral Research and Training Centre (DRTC) The water@leeds DRTC brings together 168 PhD students from across the University of Leeds to create the world’s largest interdisciplinary centre for water sciences, with an aspiration to recruit 200 students annually. Members of the DRTC benefit from a network of experienced researchers tackling global water challenges, using state of the art techniques utilised in an interdisciplinary way. Members attend interdisciplinary events and compete for a research prize for outstanding new ideas -  SPRING. The PhD projects in the DRTC represent interdisciplinary and international water challenges. Our broad expertise allows us to bring together individual researchers and groups in Leeds to brainstorm and create synergies. We match research groups with industrial partners and support the writing of proposals for PhD scholarships. We support the delivery of high-quality doctoral training for a variety of funders.

The use of policy appraisal and economic analyses in water management: comparing the WFD implementation in England and France - Blandine Boeuf (School of Geography)

“My PhD focused on the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in England and France. The WFD was adopted in 2000, with the objective to achieve good status and to prevent deterioration of water quality for all water bodies (lakes, streams, coastal waters and groundwater). I am particularly interested in the case of exemptions to the Directive: good status can be delayed or lowered if member states justify this due to adverse natural conditions, technical infeasibility or disproportionate costs. While exemptions can be seen as necessary to conciliate economic activities with water protection, they can potentially greatly undermine the WFD ambitions, if misused or overused. In this context, the issue of their proper justification is particularly critical. “I focused on two case studies: England and France. I studied the economic analyses performed in both countries to support decisions on disproportionate costs. I also analysed the role of policy appraisal as a political instrument, serving member states strategies on exemptions. “Thanks to water@leeds DRTC SPRING funding, I was able to conduct interviews in Europe and to present my research to representatives of the Ministry of Environment in France, water agencies and the Norwegian Environment Agency.”


Environmental Humanities Innovative Training Network ENHANCE is a groundbreaking innovative training network (ITN), led by Prof Graham Huggan (School of English) funded by Marie Skłodowska Curie over four years that is dedicated to further establishing the Environmental Humanities as a field of cutting-edge scholarship in Europe and further afield. Made up of twelve international doctoral students based at four academic and research institutions and linked with five associated public partners – across Germany, Sweden and the UK – ENHANCE has been established in order to provide analytical, vocational and complementary skills to up-and-coming researchers. The main aim of the network is to provide its doctoral researchers with the training needed to place them at the forefront of a new generation of Environmental Humanities research. These doctorates will lead to a range of career pathways, including environmental consultancy, risk assessment, research and development, green business management, sustainable technologies media and communications, and not-forprofit work (environmental and wildlife NGOs). The network’s research and training focuses on three major areas: natural disasters and cultures of risk; history of science and technology; and environmental ethics.

Examples of our prize winning students: water@leeds Doctoral Research and Training Centre student Marie Arnaud was awarded the Geographical Club Award and the Postgraduate Research Award, both from the Royal Geographical Society. Kaniz Chowdhury won 2nd prize for her poster at the 18th UK-Young professionals IWA (International Water Association) Conference at Bath. The award was sponsored by IChemE Water Special Interest Group. 2016-17 SPRING Award Winners The DRTC runs the SPRING competition scheme: a post-graduate research funding competition open to all DRTC members. SPRING aims to provide additional research funds to research postgraduates to extend the scale and scope of their research projects. There are no disciplinary boundaries for PhD topics. December 2016 Blandine Boeuf (School of Earth and Environment) – Cost-Benefit Analysis and Economic Tools in European Water Planning: Comparing the Implementation of EU Water Framework Directive in France and England. Daniel Warren (Faculty of Biological Science) – Predicting the Ecological Impact of Invasive Freshwater Predators upon Native Amphibian Populations. Lawrence Eagle (School of Geography) – Ecosystem response to extreme summer flooding in Glacier Bay, Alaska.  June 2017 Sarah Letsinger (School of Geography) - Occurrence and Effects of Pharmaceuticals in Estuaries. Marie Arnaud (School of Geography) - The belowground carbon and hydrological dynamics of natural and restored mangrove forest. Andrea Aiello (School of Civil Engineering) - Biofiltration systems for optimised stormwater management in urban areas.


EuroFLOW is an exciting new project led by Dr Lee Brown (School of Geography), which will train a cohort of researchers to be future leaders in the field of applied aquatic science. The consortium will progress the field of e-flow science and management intellectually by establishing work on 15 linked PhD projects, catalysing communications amongst 23 institutions across Europe (and beyond to their wider networks), and enabling intellectual cross-fertilisation both during the project and into the future. The PhD researchers will develop new theoretical and empirical insights via groundbreaking experimental manipulations, large-scale field surveys and the development of cutting-edge models to inform the management of water flows and aquatic ecosystems in river basins. EuroFLOW will be of major benefit to the water, hydropower and industrial sectors, environmental agencies and policymakers and contribute to the European Commission and the EU Water Alliance meeting its own priorities regarding sustainable management of water resources. EuroFLOW was developed with support from the water@leeds DRTC.

water@leeds Affiliated Masters Programmes Masters courses at the School of Geography:

Masters courses at the School of Earth and Environment:

MSc in River Basin Dynamics and Management with GIS  MSc in Water Consultancy  Masters (MSc or MA) by Research 

MSc Environment and Development MSc Climate Change and Environmental Policy  MSc Sustainability and Consultancy  MSc Sustainability and Business  MSc Ecological Economics 

  Masters courses at the School of Civil Engineering: MSc Environmental Engineering & Project Management  MSc Water, Sanitation and Health Engineering

Masters courses at the School of Mathematics: MSc Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics


What our members and partners say about water@leeds “water@leeds has been a great springboard for my international collaborations. I spent time at water@leeds as a Senior Cheney Fellow working on hydrology and water resources, water footprinting virtual water and peatlands. water@leeds has helped pave the way for new interdisciplinary collaborations and project proposals to external funders. As a professor in the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Southern University of Science and Technology in China (SUSTech), it is great to continue our fruitful collaboration through sharing new ideas, joint papers and joint supervision of PhD projects and new research projects.”

Prof. Junguo Liu Professor at SUSTech/Former Senior Cheney Fellow

“The water@leeds network has provided me with several new collaborators across different Schools in the University – which has been especially beneficial for several interdisciplinary proposals I’ve been developing. I’ve also had some really positive publicity relating to our fieldwork activities and the opportunity to present our findings at water@leeds events. The water@leeds staff have been willing to support grant writing as well as develop costings on my behalf, and most importantly perhaps, have provided a sounding board (aka sanity-check) to make sure the ideas going forward are those that will be most lucrative in the long-term.”

Dr Duncan Quincey School of Geography

“Your organizational support and local arrangements enabled the Panel to successfully discuss the first drafts of chapters and advance the further development of the global assessment report on forests and water, which has the potential to make significant contribution to the international policy processes concerning forests and water. The participants enjoyed the warm hospitality and stay in Leeds, including the excursion in the campus of the University of Leeds and the opportunity to meet researchers.”

Alexander Buck (IUFRO Executive Director) and Christoph Wildburger (Global Forest Expert Panel Coordinator).


“I value the interdisciplinary approach of water@leeds and its close ties with stakeholders from industry and environmental management. I am interested in the economic and ecological impact of Invasive Non Native Species (INNS), as well as in Biosecurity practices to slow their spread. INNS can be spread through trade, transport, research and environment management and slowing the spread of INNS is required under EU and UK law. In collaboration with Dr Claire Quinn (School of Earth and Environment) we are working with stakeholder organisations in the Yorkshire Dales to develop good biosecurity practice in the region. A new iCASP project will incorporate Biosecurity training and risk assessments across all iCASP projects, thus ensuring that The University of Leeds provides leadership in embedding biosecurity awareness and practice across disciplines and partner organisations.”

Dr Alison Dunn School of Biology

“We were attracted to working with water@leeds by the multidisciplinary nature of the group which we felt would be useful in helping us make the transition from being a  company with a promising graphene based technology to one that addresses specific challenges within the water industry. Since engaging with water@leeds we have engaged two local employees, both PhDs, initiated two projects working specifically with the University and moved our R&D base from Manchester to Leeds.”

Tim Harper, CEO G2O Water Technologies Ltd

“I work on water, sanitation and health (WASH) in the Global South, a necessarily interdisciplinary field. I have an engineering background, but WASH is a complex system that requires consideration of and engagement across the technical, environmental, social and political sciences. I joined water@leeds because it was a fantastic opportunity to meet with potential collaborators and brainstorm ideas for tackling global WASH challenges.”

Dr Dani Barrington School of Civil Engineering


What our members and partners say about water@leeds

“As a water@leeds sponsored Senior Cheney Fellow, I have been fortunate enough to engage with a wide variety of researchers, local government officials, local businesses and farmers. Surrounded by the great support and administrative unit at water@leeds and the research innovation staff at the University of Leeds, has proven to be a boon in developing research proposals that have the potential to bring broader benefits to the University, the UK and advance research across the EU. The Fellowship has enabled me to create a broader network of collaborators for projects involving cross-disciplinary approaches to research and innovation. These activities have included developing proposals to the EU H2020 program totalling €17M, and to the RCUK GCRF for £28.5M; attending conferences and project development workshops in the UK, Spain, Belgium, Estonia and France to publish and promote these research ideas. More importantly, water@ leeds, has opened the door to wider collaboration with multiple cross sectorial groups both in the EU and globally; provided opportunities to network with 69 academic institutions, organisations, NGOs, SMEs and local governments. Together we are evaluating innovative research approaches to climate risk, land and water management, nature based solutions, urban development and other related issues in 25 countries.” Prof Neil Coles Visiting Senior Cheney Fellow


Awards and Honours


Prof. Barbara Evans: International Water Association (IWA) Development Award

Prof Barbara Evans’ (School of Civil Engineering) research has played a key role in developing effective strategies for securing safe access to water and sanitation, with a sustained attention to poor urban and rural communities. She has been awarded the IWA Development Award for Research for increasing our understanding on community-wide approaches to tackle urban and rural water and sanitation challenges. Watch Prof Evans receiving here award here. Dr Chris Hassall (School of Biology) was awarded the Marsh Award for Early Career Entomologist by the Royal Entomological Society (2016). The award recognises an individual who has made an early career contribution to entomological science, commending dedication to the field, hard work and creativity. Read more here. Dr James Stark (School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science) was jointly awarded the Royal Society Notes and Records Essay Prize (2016). The award was for his paper on Arthur Koestler and anti-reductionism in biology. Read more here.

Prof Timothy Benton (School of Biology) was elected Society for the Environment Honorary Fellow (2016). The Honorary Fellow (HonFSE) is awarded to recognise exceptional contributions made to protect and enhance our environment. Read more here. Dr Richard Blackburn (School of Design) was awarded the Silver Medal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists for “Prolonged contributions to education and academic research”. The Society’s Medals are awarded either in recognition of exceptional service to the Society, or in the interest of the tinctorial and allied industries, or both. Read more here.


water@leeds Media Highlights Just a few of the times water@leeds research has been featured in the news during the 2016-17 academic year. •

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Prof Leslie Firbank, Prof Pippa Chapman, Dr Richard Grayson and Prof Joseph Holden all appeared on Yorkshire Farming, BBC Radio York on 30/10/2016 in a one hour special about their soils and sustainable agriculture projects. A study by Dr Paul Kay was featured in the Global Times on 17/11/2016. The study suggests that pharmaceuticals are polluting our rivers more than pesticides. Dr Jim McQuaid appeared on BBC Look North on 16/11/2016, discussing new flood defences in York and how effective they might be.  Dr Paola Sakai discussed flood prevention methods and the effects on small businesses on Made in Leeds TV in February 2017. Prof Joseph Holden was mentioned in the Yorkshire Post on 15/03/2017, for his part in a team of experts which has compiled evidence on natural flood management in the UK in order to better inform policy decisions and show where crucial gaps in knowledge lie. Dr Duncan Quincey and his team were featured in the International Business Times, the Daily Mail, NDTV, News 18 and the Financial Express in April 2017 for their six-week expedition to the Khumbu glacier near Everest. They planned to study the glacier’s internal structure, its temperature, its flow and how water drains through it. The success of their expedition was reported by BBC News on 28/06/2017. New research by Anna Hogg and Prof Andrew Shepherd, showing the change in glacier flow at the southern Antarctic Peninsula to be only a third of what was recently reported, was featured in United Press International, CGTN America, Geo News (Pakistan) Dr Adam Booth provided expert help and equipment for a non-invasive geophysical survey taking place at Whitby Abbey, reported in the Yorkshire Post on 29/06/2017. Prof Jeffrey Peakall discussed the rivers that can lie 3 km under the sea which we know so little about and have difficulty studying on BBC News on 06/07/2017. Dr John Marsham was quoted in Climate Change News on 13/07/2017 in a story discussing how, despite models predicting increased rainfall with climate change, the region has collapsed into drought – a puzzle known as the East African paradox. The ICFM7 Conference, and an interview with Prof Martin Tillotson, was filmed by Made in Leeds for a report on local news programme On the Aire, while Prof Joseph Holden was interviewed by the Yorkshire Post and Yorkshire Evening Post for their report on ICFM7 in September 2017.


Selected Publications Over the course of the 2016/17 academic year, water@leeds members have given 111 conference presentations, written 22 book chapters, published 428 articles in academic journals, and hosted 1 large international conference. A selection of publications can be found below. For the full list, please contact [email protected].

Selection of publications from high-impact journals Balasubramanya, S, Evans, B, Hardy, R, Ahmed, R, Habib, A, Asad, NSM, Rahman, M, Hasan, M, Dey, D, Fletcher, L, Camargo-Valero, MA, Chaitanya Rao, K & Fernando, S (2017) Towards sustainable sanitation management: Establishing the costs and willingness to pay for emptying and transporting sludge in rural districts with high rates of access to latrines. PLOS ONE, 12 doi: 10.1371/ journal.pone.0171735. Beales, PA (2017) Biophysics: A toehold in cell surface dynamics. Nature Nanotechnology, 12, 404406, doi: 10.1038/nnano.2017.20. Challinor, AJ, Adger, WN & Benton, TG (2017) Climate risks across borders and scales. Nature Climate Change, 7, 621-623, doi: 10.1038/nclimate3380. Hawkings, JR, Wadham, JL, Benning, LG, Hendry, KR, Tranter, M, Tedstone, A, Nienow, P & Raiswell, R (2017) Ice sheets as a missing source of silica to the polar oceans. Nature Communications, 8 doi: 10.1038/ncomms14198. Li, KM, Wilkinson, C, Kellosalo, J, Tsai, JY, Kajander, T, Jeuken, LJC, Sun, YJ & Goldman, A (2016) Membrane pyrophosphatases from Thermotoga maritima and Vigna radiata suggest a conserved coupling mechanism. Nature Communications, 7 doi: 10.1038/ncomms13596. Mattsson, KJL, Wyss, HM, Fernandez-Nieves, A, Miyazaki, K, Hu, Z, Reichman, DR & Weitz, DA Soft colloids make strong glasses. Nature, 462, 83. Martin-Ortega, J, Glenk, K & Byg, A (2017) How to make complexity look simple? Conveying ecosystems restoration complexity for socio-economic research and public engagement. PLOS ONE, 12 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0181686. Milner, AM, Khamis, K, Battin, TJ, Brittain, JE, Barrand, NE, Füreder, L, Cauvy-Fraunie, S, Gíslason, GM, Jacobsen, D, Hannah, DM, Hodson, AJ, Hood, E, Lencioni, V, Ólafsson, JS, Robinson, CT, Tranter, M & Brown, LE (2017) Glacier shrinkage driving global changes in downstream systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, 9770-9778, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1619807114. Nikolaidis, NP, Kolokotsa, D & Banwart, SA (2017) Nature-based solutions: business. Nature, 543, 315-315, doi: 10.1038/543315d. Stark, J (2016) The age of youth. The Lancet, 388, 2470-2471, doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(16)32181-x. Stockdale, A, Krom, MD, Mortimer, RJG, Benning, LG, Carslaw, KS, Herbert, RJ, Shi, Z, Myriokefalitakis, S, Kanakidou, M & Nenes, A (2016) Understanding the nature of atmospheric acid processing of mineral dusts in supplying bioavailable phosphorus to the oceans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 14639-14644, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1608136113. Taylor, CM, Belušić, D, Guichard, F, Parker, DJ, Vischel, T, Bock, O, Harris, PP, Janicot, S, Klein, C & Panthou, G (2017) Frequency of extreme Sahelian storms tripled since 1982 in satellite observations. Nature, 544, 475-478, doi: 10.1038/nature22069. Yamazaki, D & Trigg, MA (2016) Hydrology: The dynamics of Earth’s surface water. Nature, 540, 348349, doi: 10.1038/nature21100. Zerkle, AL, Poulton, SW, Newton, RJ, Mettam, C, Claire, MW, Bekker, A & Junium, CK (2017) Onset of the aerobic nitrogen cycle during the Great Oxidation Event. Nature, 542, 392-512, doi: 10.1038/ nature20826. Ziv, G, Mullin, K, Boeuf, B, Fincham, W, Taylor, N, Villalobos-Jiménez, G, Von Vittorelli, L, Wolf, C, Fritsch, O, Strauch, M, Seppelt, R, Volk, M & Beckmann, M (2016) Water quality is a poor predictor of recreational hotspots in England. PLOS ONE, 11 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0166950.


Selected Publications Other selected journal publications Aangenendt, FJ, Mattsson, J, Ellenbroek, WG & Wyss, HM (2017) Mechanics from Calorimetry: Probing the Elasticity of Responsive Hydrogels. Physical Review Applied, 8 doi: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.8.014003. Ahilan, S, Guan, M, Sleigh, A, Wright, N & Chang, H The Influence of Floodplain Restoration on Flow and Sediment Dynamics in an Urban River. Journal of Flood Risk Management, doi: 10.1111/ jfr3.12251. Aiken, GT, Middlemiss, L, Sallu, S & Hauxwell-Baldwin, R (2017) Researching climate change and community in neoliberal contexts: an emerging critical approach. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 8 doi: 10.1002/wcc.463. Ainsworth, EV, Lockwood, CW, White, GF, Hwang, ET, Sakai, T, Gross, MA, Richardson, DJ, Clarke, TA, Jeuken, LJ, Reisner, E & Butt, JN (2016) Photoreduction of Shewanella oneidensis Extracellular Cytochromes by Organic Chromophores and Dye-Sensitized TiO. ChemBioChem, 17, 2324-2333, doi: 10.1002/cbic.201600339. Akhtar-Schuster, M, Stringer, LC, Erlewein, A, Metternicht, G, Minelli, S, Safriel, U & Sommer, S (2017) Unpacking the concept of land degradation neutrality and addressing its operation through the Rio Conventions. Journal of Environmental Management, 195, 4-15, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.09.044. Alden, CB, Miller, JB, Gatti, LV, Gloor, EU, Guan, K, Michalak, AM, Van Der Laan-luijkx, IT, Touma, D, Andrews, A, Basso, LS, Correia, CSC, Domingues, LG, Joiner, J, Krol, MC, Lyapustin, AL, Peters, W, Shiga, YP, Thoning, K, Van Der Velde, I, Van L E Euwen, TT, Yadav, V & Diffenbaugh, NS (2016) Regional atmospheric CO2 inversion reveals seasonal and geographic differences in Amazon net biome exchange. Global Change Biology, 22, 3427-3443, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13305. Alves da Silva, M, Lenton, S, Hughes, M, Brockwell, DJ & Dougan, L (2017) Assessing the potential of folded globular polyproteins as hydrogel building blocks. Biomacromolecules, 18, 636-646, doi: 10.1021/acs.biomac.6b01877. Amesbury, MJ, Swindles, GT, Bobrov, A, Charman, DJ, Holden, J, Lamentowich, M, Mallon, G, Mazei, Y, Mitchell, EAD, Payne, RJ, Roland, TP, Turner, TE & Warner, BG (2016) Development of a new pan-European testate amoeba transfer function for reconstructing peatland palaeohydrology. Quaternary Science Reviews, 152, 132-151, doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.09.024. Anderson, NJ, Saros, JE, Bullard, JE, Cahoon, SMP, McGowan, S, Bagshaw, EA, Barry, CD, Bindler, R, Burpee, BT, Carrivick, JL, Fowler, RA, Fox, AD, Fritz, SC, Giles, ME, Hamerlik, L, Ingeman-Nielsen, T, Law, AC, Mernild, SH, Northington, RM, Osburn, CL, Pla-Rabès, S, Post, E, Telling, J, Stroud, DA, Whiteford, EJ, Yallop, ML & Yde, JC (2017) The Arctic in the Twenty-First Century: Changing Biogeochemical Linkages across a Paraglacial Landscape of Greenland. BioScience, 67, 118-133, doi: 10.1093/biosci/biw158. Andrejczuk, M, Gadian, A & Blyth, A The potential impact of turbulent velocity fluctuations on drizzle formation in Cumulus clouds in an idealized 2D setup. Andrejczuk, M, Gadian, A & Blyth, A Stratocumulus over SouthEast Pacific: Idealized 2D simulations with the Lagrangian Cloud Model. Antwi-Agyei, P, Quinn, CH, Adiku, SGK, Codjoe, SNA, Dougill, AJ, Lamboll, R & Dovie, DBK (2017) Perceived stressors of climate vulnerability across scales in the Savannah zone of Ghana: a participatory approach. Regional Environmental Change, 17, 213-227, doi: 10.1007/s10113-016-0993-4. Aragón-Briceño, C, Ross, AB & Camargo-Valero, MA Evaluation and comparison of product yields and bio-methane potential in sewage digestate following hydrothermal treatment. Applied Energy, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.09.019. Ashmore, DW, Hubbard, B, Luckman, A, Kulessa, B, Bevan, S, Booth, A, Kuipers Munneke, P, O’Leary, M, Sevestre, H & Holland, PR (2017) Ice and firn heterogeneity within Larsen C Ice Shelf from borehole optical televiewing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122, 1139-1153, doi: 10.1002/2016jf004047. Aspray, KL, Holden, J, Ledger, ME, Mainstone, CP & Brown, LE (2017) Organic sediment pulses impact rivers across multiple levels of ecological organization. Ecohydrology, 10 doi: 10.1002/eco.1855. Atela, JO, Quinn, CH, Arhin, AA, Duguma, L & Mbeva, KL (2017) Exploring the agency of Africa in climate change negotiations: the case of REDD+. International Environmental Agreements: Politics,


Selected Publications

Law and Economics, 17, 463-482, doi: 10.1007/s10784-016-9329-6. Baas, JH, Best, JL & Peakall, J (2016) Comparing the transitional behaviour of kaolinite and bentonite suspension flows. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 41, 1911-1921, doi: 10.1002/esp.3959. Bacon, KL, Baird, AJ, Blundell, A, Bourgault, MA, Chapman, PJ, Dargie, G, Dooling, GP, Gee, C, Holden, J, Kelly, TJ, McKendrick-Smith, KA, Morris, PJ, Noble, A, Palmer, SM, Quillet, A, Swindles, GT, Watson, EJ & Young, DM (2017) Questioning ten common assumptions about peatlands. Mires and Peat, 19, 1-23, doi: 10.19189/MaP.2016.OMB.253. Baird, AJ, Low, R, Young, D, Swindles, GT, Lopez, OR & Page, S (2017) High permeability explains the vulnerability of the carbon store in drained tropical peatlands. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 44, 1333-1339, doi: 10.1002/2016gl072245. Balasubramanya, S, Evans, B, Ahmed, R, Habib, A, Asad, NSM, Rahman, M, Hasan, M, Dey, D, Camargo-Valero, MA, Chaitanya Rao, K & Fernando, S (2017) Take it away: the need for designing fecal sludge disposal services for single-pit latrines. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 7, 121-128, doi: 10.2166/washdev.2017.073. Baptista, I, Irvine, BJ, Fleskens, L, Geissen, V & Ritsema, C (2016) Assessing the biophysical impact and financial viability of soil management technologies under variable climate in Cabo Verde drylands: the PESERA-DESMICE approach. Land Degradation and Development, 27, 1679-1690, doi: 10.1002/ldr.2552. Barau, AS, Stringer, LC & Adamu, AU (2016) Environmental ethics and future oriented transformation to sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 1539-1547, doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.03.053. Bark, RH, Colloff, MJ, Hatton MacDonald, D, Pollino, CA, Jackson, S & Crossman, ND (2016) Integrated valuation of ecosystem services obtained from restoring water to the environment in a major regulated river basin. Ecosystem Services, 22, 381-391, doi: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2016.08.002. Bark, RH, Kragt, M & Robson, B (2016) Evaluating an interdisciplinary research project: Lessons learned for organisation, researchers and funders. International Journal of Project Management, 34, 1449-1459, doi: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2016.08.004. Barkwith, A & Collier, CG Lidar observations of flow variability over complex terrain. Meteorological Applications, 17 doi: 10.1002/met.244. Barrett, B, Hodgson, DM, Collier, R & Dorrell, R Novel 3D sequence stratigraphic numerical model for syn-rift basins: analysing architectural responses to eustasy, sedimentation and tectonics. Marine and Petroleum Geology. Bastin, JF, Berrahmouni, N, Grainger, A, Maniatis, D, Mollicone, D, Moore, R, Patriarca, C, Picard, N, Sparrow, B, Abraham, EM, Aloui, K, Atesoglu, A, Attore, F, Bassüllü, C, Bey, A, Garzuglia, M, García-Montero, LG, Groot, N, Guerin, G, Laestadius, L, Lowe, AJ, Mamane, B, Marchi, G, Patterson, P, Rezende, M, Ricci, S, Salcedo, I, Sanchez-Paus Diaz, A, Stolle, F, Surappaeva, V & Castro, R (2017) The extent of forest in dryland biomes. Science, 356, 635-638, doi: 10.1126/science. aam6527. Basupi, LV, Quinn, CH & Dougill, AJ (2017) Using Participatory Mapping and a Participatory Geographic Information System in Pastoral Land Use Investigation: Impacts of Rangeland Policy in Botswana. Land Use Policy, 64, 363-373, doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.03.007. Benson, D, Fritsch, O & Langstaff, L Local Flood Risk Management Strategies in England: Patterns of Application. Journal of Flood Risk Management, doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12264. Benton, T (2016) The many faces of food security. International Affairs, 92, 1505-1515, doi: 10.1111/1468-2346.12755. Birkin, M, Clarke, G, Clarke, MC & Wilson, AG The achievements and future potential of applied quantitative geography: a case study. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Blackburn, RS Natural dyes in madder (Rubia spp.) and their extraction and analysis in historical textiles. Coloration Technology. Blundell, AC, Hughes, PDM & Chambers, FM An 8000-year multi-proxy peat-based palaeoclimate record from Newfoundland: Evidence of coherent changes in bog surface wetness and ocean circulation. The Holocene. Bojko, J, Bacela-Spychalska, K, Stebbing, PD, Dunn, AM, Grabowski, M, Rachalewski, M & Stentiford, GD (2017) Parasites, pathogens and commensals in the “low-impact” non-native amphipod host Gammarus roeselii. Parasites and Vectors, 10 doi: 10.1186/s13071-017-2108-6. Bojko, J, Clark, F, Bass, D, Dunn, AM, Stewart-Clark, S, Stebbing, PD & Stentiford, GD (2017) Parahepatospora carcini n. gen., n. sp., a parasite 1 of invasive Carcinus maenas with intermediate features


Selected Publications

of sporogony between the Enterocytozoon clade and other Microsporidia. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 143, 124-134, doi: 10.1016/j.jip.2016.12.006. Bojko, J, Grahame, JW & Dunn, AM (2017) Periwinkles and parasites: the occurrence and phenotypic effects of parasites in Littorina saxatilis and L. arcana in northeastern England. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 83, 69-78, doi: 10.1093/mollus/eyw047. Boylan, AA, Stewart, DI, Graham, JT, Trivedi, D & Burke, IT Mechanisms of inorganic carbon-14 attenuation in contaminated groundwater: Effect of solution pH on isotopic exchange and carbonate precipitation reactions. Applied Geochemistry, doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2016.12.006. Brooks, HL, Hodgson, DM, Brunt, RL, Peakall, J & Flint, SS Exhumed lateral margins and increasing infill confinement of a submarine landslide complex. Sedimentology, doi: 10.1111/sed.12415. Brooks, IM, Tjernström, M, Persson, POG, Shupe, MD, Atkinson, RA, Canut, G, Birch, CE, Mauritsen, T, Sedlar, J & Brooks, BJ The turbulent structure of the Arctic summer boundary layer during ASCOS. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, doi: 10.1002/2017jd027234. Brown, LE, Holden, J & Palmer, SM (2016) Moorland vegetation burning debates should avoid contextomy and anachronism: a comment on Davies et al. Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences, 371 doi: 10.1098/rstb.2016.0432. Brown, LE, Ramchunder, SJ, Beadle, JM & Holden, J (2016) Macroinvertebrate community assembly in pools created during peatland restoration. The Science of the total environment, 569-570, 361372, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.06.169. Bruno Soares, M, Alexander, M & Dessai, S Sectoral use of climate information in Europe: A synoptic overview. Climate Services, doi: 10.1016/j.cliser.2017.06.001. Burns, CE, Mountney, NP, Hodgson, DM & Colombera, L (2017) Anatomy and dimensions of fluvial crevasse-splay deposits: examples from the Cretaceous Castlegate Sandstone and Neslen Formation, Utah, U.S.A. Sedimentary Geology, 351, 21-35, doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2017.02.003. Burton, RR, Dudhia, J, Gadian, AM & Mobbs, SD (2016) The use of a numerical weather prediction model to simulate the release of a dense gas with an application to the Lake Nyos disaster of 1986. Meteorological Applications, 24, 43-51, doi: 10.1002/met.1603. Bux, J, Paul, N, Peakall, J, Hunter, TN, Dodds, J & Biggs, S (2017) In situ characterization of mixing and sedimentation dynamics in an impinging jet ballast tank via acoustic backscatter. AIChE Journal, 63, 2618-2629, doi: 10.1002/aic.15683. Byg, A, Martin-Ortega, J, Glenk, K & Novo, P (2017) Conservation in the face of ambivalence – public perceptions of peatlands as ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’. Biological Conservation, 206, 181-189, doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.12.022. Carrivick, JL, Davies, BJ, James, WHM, Quincey, DJ & Glasser, NF (2016) Distributed ice thickness and glacier volume in southern South America. Global and Planetary Change, 146, 122-132, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.09.010. Carrivick, JL & Heckmann, T (2017) Short-term geomorphological evolution of proglacial systems. Geomorphology, 287, 3-28, doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.01.037. Carrivick, JL, Yde, J, Russell, AJ, Quincey, DJ, Ingeman-Nielsen, T & Mallalieu, J (2017) Ice-margin and meltwater dynamics during the mid-Holocene in the Kangerlussuaq area of west Greenland. Boreas, 46, 369-387, doi: 10.1111/bor.12199. Challinor, AJ, Muller, C, Asseng, S, Deva, C, Nicklin, KJ, Wallach, D, Vanuytrecht, E, Whitfield, S, Ramirez-Villegas, J & Koehler, AK Improving the use of crop models for risk assessment and climate change adaptation. Agricultural Systems, doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2017.07.010. Christoffersen, BO, Gloor, E, Fauset, S, Fyllas, NM, Galbraith, DR, Baker, TR, Kruijt, B, Rowland, L, Fisher, RA, Binks, OJ, Sevanto, S, Xu, C, Jansen, S, Choat, B, Mencuccini, M, McDowell, NG & Meir, P (2016) Linking hydraulic traits to tropical forest function in a size-structured and trait-driven model (TFS v.1-Hydro). Geoscientific Model Development, 9, 4227-4255, doi: 10.5194/gmd-9-4227-2016. Cobain, SL, Hodgson, DM, Peakall, J & Shiers, MN An integrated model of clastic injectites and basin floor lobe complexes: implications for stratigraphic trap plays. Basin Research, doi: 10.1111/ bre.12229. Coelho De Souza, F, Dexter, K, Phillips, O, Brienen, R, Chave, J, Galbraith, D, Lopez Gonzalez, G, Gloor, E, et al, (2016) Evolutionary heritage influences Amazon tree ecology. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283, 1-10, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2016.1587. Collier, C, Gadian, A, Burton, R & Groves, J Concurrent risks of dam failure due to internal degradation, strong winds, snow and drought.


Selected Publications

Cologna, V, Bark, RH & Paavola, J Flood risk perceptions and the UK media: Moving beyond “once in a lifetime” to “Be Prepared” reporting. Climate Risk Management, doi: 10.1016/j.crm.2017.04.005. Colombera, L, Mountney, NP, Russell, CE, Shiers, MN & McCaffrey, WD (2017) Geometry and compartmentalization of fluvial meander-belt reservoirs at the bar-form scale: quantitative insight from outcrop, modern and subsurface analogues. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 82, 35-55, doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.01.024. Cord, AF, Brauman, KA, Chaplin-Kramer, R, Huth, A, Ziv, G & Seppelt, R (2017) Priorities to advance monitoring of ecosystem services using Earth observation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 32, 416-428, doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2017.03.003. Dadson, SJ, Hall, JW, Murgatroyd, A, Acreman, M, Bates, P, Bevan, K, Heathwaite, L, Holden, J, Holman, IP, Lane, SN, O’Connell, E, Penning-Rowsell, E, Reynard, N, Sear, D, Thorne, C & Wilby, R (2017) A restatement of the natural science evidence concerning catchment-based “natural” flood management in the United Kingdom. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 473 doi: 10.1098/rspa.2016.0706. Davies, W, Wright, S & Van Alstine, J (2017) Framing a ‘climate change frontier’: international news media coverage surrounding natural resource development in Greenland. Environmental Values, 26, 481-502, doi: 10.3197/096327117x14976900137368. Di Gregorio, M, Nurrochmat, DR, Paavola, J, Sari, IM, Fatorelli, L, Pramova, E, Locatelli, B, Brockhaus, M & Kusumadewi, SD (2017) Climate policy integration in the land use sector: Mitigation, adaptation and sustainable development linkages. Environmental Science and Policy, 67, 35-43, doi: 10.1016/j. envsci.2016.11.004. Dick, JTA, Laverty, C, Lennon, JJ, Barrios-O’Neill, D, Mensink, PJ, Robert Britton, J, Médoc, V, Boets, P, Alexander, ME, Taylor, NG, Dunn, AM, Hatcher, MJ, Rosewarne, PJ, Crookes, S, MacIsaac, HJ, Xu, M, Ricciardi, A, Wasserman, RJ, Ellender, BR, Weyl, OLF, Lucy, FE, Banks, PB, Dodd, JA, MacNeil, C, Penk, MR, Aldridge, DC & Caffrey, JM (2017) Invader Relative Impact Potential: a new metric to understand and predict the ecological impacts of existing, emerging and future invasive alien species. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54, 1259-1267, doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12849. Ding, W, Botha, JA, Hanson, BC & Burke, IT (2016) Aqueous hydroxylation mediated synthesis of crystalline calcium uranate particles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 688, 260-269, doi: 10.1016/j. jallcom.2016.07.140. Dorrell, RM, Peakall, J, Sumner, EJ, Parsons, DR, Darby, SE, Wynn, RB, Özsoy, E & Tezcan, D (2016) Flow dynamics and mixing processes in hydraulic jump arrays: Implications for channel-lobe transition zones. Marine Geology, 381, 181-193, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2016.09.009. Dougill, AJ, Whitfield, S, Stringer, LC, Vincent, K, Wood, BT, Chinseu, EL, Steward, P & Mkwambisi, DD (2017) Mainstreaming conservation agriculture in Malawi: Knowledge gaps and institutional barriers. Journal of Environmental Management, 195, 25-34, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.09.076. Dowey, PJ, Worden, RH, Utley, J & Hodgson, DM (2017) Sedimentary controls on modern sand grain coat formation. Sedimentary Geology, 353, 46-63, doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2017.03.001. Duckett, D, Feliciano, D, Martin-Ortega, J & Munoz-Rojas, J (2016) Tackling wicked environmental problems: The discourse and its influence on praxis in Scotland. Landscape and Urban Planning, 154, 44-56, doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2016.03.015. Edwards, NWM, Best, EL, Connell, SD, Goswami, P, Carr, CM, Wilcox, MH & Russell, SJ (2017) Role of surface energy and nano-roughness in the removal efficiency of bacterial contamination by nonwoven wipes from frequently touched surfaces. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 18, 197-209, doi: 10.1080/14686996.2017.1288543. Elgallal, M, Fletcher, LA & Evans, BE (2016) Assessment of potential risks associated with chemicals in wastewater used for irrigation in arid and semiarid Zones: A review. Agricultural Water Management, 117, 419-431, doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2016.08.027. Ellison, D, Morris, CE, Locatelli, B, Sheil, D, Cohen, J, Murdiyarso, D, Gutierrez, V, Noordwijk, MV, Creed, IF, Pokorny, J, Gaveau, D, Spracklen, DV, Tobella, AB, Ilstedt, U, Teuling, AJ, Gebrehiwot, SG, Sands, DC, Muys, B, Verbist, B, Springgay, E, Sugandi, Y & Sullivan, CA (2017) Trees, forests and water: Cool insights for a hot world. Global Environmental Change, 43, 51-61, doi: 10.1016/j. gloenvcha.2017.01.002. Ettinger, S, Mounaud, L, Magill, C, Yao-Lafourcade, AF, Thouret, JC, Manville, V, Negulescu, C, Zuccaro, G, De Gregorio, D, Nardone, S, Uchuchoque, JAL, Arguedas, A, Macedo, L & Manrique Llerena, N (2016) Building vulnerability to hydro-geomorphic hazards: Estimating damage probability from


Selected Publications

qualitative vulnerability assessment using logistic regression. Journal of Hydrology, 541, 563-581, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.04.017. Evans, B, Hueso, A, Johnston, R, Norman, G, Pérez, E, Slaymaker, T & Trémolet, S (2017) Limited services? The role of shared sanitation in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 7, 349-351, doi: 10.2166/washdev.2017.023. Faggetter, LE, Wignall, PB, Pruss, SB, Newton, RJ, Sun, YD & Crowley, SF (2017) Trilobite extinctions, facies changes and the ROECE carbon isotope excursion at the Cambrian Series 2 - 3 boundary, Great Basin, western USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 478, 53-66, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.04.009. Faggetter, LE, Wignall, PB, Pruss, SB, Sun, Y, Raine, RJ, Newton, RJ, Widdowson, M, Joachimski, MM & Smith, PM Sequence stratigraphy, chemostratigraphy and facies analysis of Cambrian Series 2 – Series 3 boundary strata in northwestern Scotland. Geological Magazine, doi: 10.1017/ s0016756816000947. Fauset, S, Gloor, EU, Aidar, MPM, Freitas, HC, Fyllas, NM, Marabesi, MA, Rochelle, ALC, Shenkin, A, Vieira, SA & Joly, CA Tropical forest light regimes in a human-modified landscape. Ecosphere. Favretto, N, Luedeling, E, Stringer, LC & Dougill, AJ (2017) Valuing Ecosystem Services in Semi-arid Rangelands through Stochastic Simulation. Land Degradation and Development, 28, 65-73, doi: 10.1002/ldr.2590. Fell, SC, Carrivick, JL & Brown, LE Multi-Trophic Effects of Climate Change and Glacier Retreat in Mountain Rivers. BioScience. Fenton, A, Paavola, J & Tallontire, A Autonomous adaptation to riverine flooding in Satkhira District, Bangladesh: implications for adaptation planning. Regional Environmental Change, doi: 10.1007/ s10113-017-1159-8. Ficklin, L, Stringer, LC, Dougill, AJ & Sallu, SM (2017) Climate compatible development reconsidered: calling for a critical perspective. Climate and Development, 1-4, doi: 10.1080/17565529.2017.1372260. Firbank, LG, Bertora, C, Blankman, D, Delle Vedove, G, Frenzel, M, Grignani, C, Groner, E, Kertesz, M, Krab, EJ, Matteucci, G, Menta, C, Mueller, CW, Stadler, J & Kunin, WE (2017) Towards the co-ordination of terrestrial ecosystem protocols across European research infrastructures. Ecology and Evolution, 7, 3967-3975, doi: 10.1002/ece3.2997. Fitzpatrick, RGJ, Parker, DJ & Willetts, PD (2016) Assessing the level of spatial homogeneity of the agronomic Indian monsoon onset. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 11867-11874, doi: 10.1002/2016gl070711. Fodor, N, Challinor, A, Droutsas, I, Ramirez-Villegas, J, Zabel, F, Koehler, AK & Foyer, CH Integrating plant science and crop modelling: Assessment of the impact of climate change on soybean and maize production. Plant and Cell Physiology. Folegot, S, Hannah, DM, Dugdale, SJ, Kurz, MJ, Drummond, J, Klaar, MJ, Lee-Cullin, J, Keller, T, Martí, E, Zarnetske, JP, Ward, AS & Krause, S Low flow controls on stream thermal dynamics. Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters, doi: 10.1016/j.limno.2017.08.003. Fonnesu, M, Felletti, F, Haughton, P, Patacci, M & McCaffrey, WD Hybrid event bed character and processes linked to turbidite system sub-environments: the North Apennine Gottero Sandstone (northwest Italy). Sedimentology, doi: 10.1111/sed.12376. Fonnesu, M, Haughton, P, Felletti, F & McCaffrey, WD SHORT LENGTH-SCALE VARIABILITY OF HYBRID EVENT BEDS AND ITS APPLIED SIGNIFICANCE. Marine and Petroleum Geology. Ford, L, Henderson, RL, Rayner, CM & Blackburn, RS (2017) Mild extraction methods using aqueous glucose solution for the analysis of natural dyes in textile artefacts dyed with Dyer’s madder (Rubia tinctorum L.). Journal of Chromatography A, 1487, 36-46, doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2017.01.053. Ford, L, Rayner, CM & Blackburn, RS Comparative sorption isotherms for colorants present in Dyers’ madder (Rubia tinctorum L.) provide new insights into historical dyeing. Coloration Technology. Foresta, L, Gourmelen, N, Pálsson, F, Nienow, P, Björnsson, H & Shepherd, A (2016) Surface elevation change and mass balance of Icelandic ice caps derived from swath mode CryoSat-2 altimetry. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 12,138-112,145, doi: 10.1002/2016gl071485. Fritsch, O, Adelle, C & Benson, D (2017) The EU Water Initiative at 15: Origins, Processes and Assessment. Water International, 42, 425-442, doi: 10.1080/02508060.2017.1330816. Fyllas, NM, Christopoulou, A, Galanidis, A, Michelaki, CZ, Giannakopoulos, C, Dimitrakopoulos, PG, Arianoutsou, M & Gloor, E (2017) Predicting species dominance shifts across elevation gradients in mountain forests in Greece under a warmer and drier climate. Regional Environmental Change, 17,


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1165-1177, doi: 10.1007/s10113-016-1093-1. Gadi, VK, Tang, YR, Das, A, Monga, C, Garg, A, Berretta, C & Sahoo, L (2017) Spatial and temporal variation of hydraulic conductivity and vegetation growth in green infrastructures using infiltrometer and visual technique. CATENA, 155, 20-29, doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2017.02.024. Gao, J, Holden, J & Kirkby, M Modelling impacts of agricultural practice on flood peaks in upland catchments: an application of the distributed TOPMODEL. Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/ hyp.11355. Garcia-Carreras, L, Marsham, JH & Spracklen, DV (2017) Observations of increased cloud cover over irrigated agriculture in an arid environment. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18, 2161-2172, doi: 10.1175/jhm-d-16-0208.1. Gavish, Y, Marsh, CJ, Kuemmerlen, M, Stoll, S, Haase, P & Kunin, WE (2017) Accounting for biotic interactions through alpha-diversity constraints in stacked species distribution models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 1092-1102, doi: 10.1111/2041-210x.12731 Gibson, MJ, Glasser, NF, Quincey, DJ, Rowan, AV & Irvine-Flynn, TD (2017) Changes in glacier surface cover on Baltoro Glacier, Karakoram, North Pakistan, 2001 to 2012. Journal of Maps, 13, 100108, doi: 10.1080/17445647.2016.1264319. Gidel, FMP, Bokhove, O & Kalogirou, A (2017) Variational modelling of extreme waves through oblique interaction of solitary waves: application to Mach reflection. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 24, 43-60, doi: 10.5194/npg-24-43-2017. Gillard, R, Gouldson, A, Paavola, J & Van Alstine, J (2017) Can national policy blockages accelerate the development of polycentric governance? Evidence from climate change policy in the United Kingdom. Global Environmental Change, 45, 174-182, doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2017.06.003. Gillespie, MAK, Baude, M, Biesmeijer, J, Boatman, N, Budge, GE, Crowe, A, Memmott, J, Morton, RD, Pietravalle, S, Potts, SG, Smart, SM & Kunin, WE A method for the objective selection of landscape-scale study regions and sites at the national level. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1111/2041-210x.12779. Gomes, HI, Jones, A, Rogerson, M, Burke, IT & Mayes, WM (2016) Vanadium removal and recovery from bauxite residue leachates by ion exchange. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23, 23034-23042, doi: 10.1007/s11356-016-7514-3. Gomis-Cartesio, LE, Poyatos-More, M, Flint, SS, Hodgson, DM, Brunt, RL & Wickens, HDV (2017) Anatomy of a mixed-influence shelf edge delta, Karoo Basin, South Africa. Geological Society Special Publications, 444, 393-418, doi: 10.1144/sp444.5. Gomis-Cartesio, LE, Poyatos-Moré, M, Hodgson, DM & Flint, SS Shelf-margin clinothem progradation, degradation and readjustment: Tanqua Depocentre, Karoo Basin (South Africa). Sedimentology, doi: 10.1111/sed.12406. Gong, C, Peakall, J, Wang, Y, Wells, MG & Xu, J Flow processes and sedimentation in contourite channels on the northwestern South China Sea margin: A joint 3D seismic and oceanographic perspective. Marine Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2016.11.002. Grainger, A (2017) Citizen Observatories and the New Earth Observation Science. Remote Sensing, 9 doi: 10.3390/rs9020153. Grainger, A (2017) The Prospect of Global Environmental Relativities After an Anthropocene Tipping Point. Forest Policy and Economics, 79, 36-49, doi: 10.1016/j.forpol.2017.01.008. Green, JMH, Cranston, GR, Sutherland, WJ, Tranter, HR, Bell, SJ, Benton, TG, Blixt, E, Bowe, C, Broadley, S, Brown, A, Brown, C, Burns, N, Butler, D, Collins, H, Crowley, H, DeKoszmovszky, J, Firbank, LG, Fulford, B, Gardner, TA, Hails, RS, Halvorson, S, Jack, M, Kerrison, B, Koh, LSC, Lang, SC, McKenzie, EJ, Monsivais, P, O’Riordan, T, Osborn, J, Oswald, S, Price Thomas, E, Raffaelli, D, Reyers, B, Srai, JS, Strassburg, BBN, Webster, D, Welters, R, Whiteman, G, Wilsdon, J & Vira, B (2017) Research priorities for managing the impacts and dependencies of business upon food, energy, water and the environment. Sustainability Science, 12, 319-331, doi: 10.1007/s11625-0160402-4. Green, SM & Baird, AJ (2017) Using ‘snapshot’ measurements of CH4 fluxes from an ombrotrophic peatland to estimate annual budgets: interpolation versus modelling. Mires and Peat, 19 doi: 10.19189/MaP.2016.OMB.254. Green, SM, Baird, AJ, Holden, J, Reed, D, Birch, K & Jones, P An experimental study on the response of blanket bog vegetation and water tables to ditch blocking. Wetlands Ecology and Management, doi: 10.1007/s11273-017-9545-z.


Selected Publications

Gugliotta, M, Flint, SS, Hodgson, DM & Veiga, GD (2016) Recognition Criteria, Characteristics and Implications of the Fluvial to Marine Transition Zone in Ancient Deltaic Deposits (Lajas Formation, Argentina). Sedimentology, 63, 1971-2001, doi: 10.1111/sed.12291. Gulliford, AR, Flint, SS & Hodgson, DM (2017) Crevasse splay processes and deposits in an ancient distributive fluvial system: The lower Beaufort Group, South Africa. Sedimentary Geology, 358, 1-18, doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2017.06.005. Gusnanto, A, Gosling, JP & Pope, C Identification of transcript regulatory patterns in cell differentiation. Bioinformatics, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx406. Hassall, C, Amaro, R, Ondina, P, Outeiro, A, Cordero-Rivera, A & San Miguel, E (2017) Population-level variation in senescence suggests an important role for temperature in an endangered mollusc. Journal of Zoology, 301, 32-40, doi: 10.1111/jzo.12395. Hassall, C, Owen, J & Gilbert, F (2017) Phenological shifts in hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae): linking measurement and mechanism. Ecography, 40, 853-863, doi: 10.1111/ecog.02623. Hazra, S, Joshi, H, Ghosh, BK, Ahmed, A, Gibson, T, Millner, P & Ghosh, NN (2017) Development of a Ru Nanoparticle Loaded Thiol Functionalized Meso Porous Silica Modified Screen Printed Au Electrode for Electrochemical Detection and Estimation of Glucose. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 17, 1163-1170, doi: 10.1166/jnn.2017.12714. He, Q, Jiang, X, Gouldson, A, Sudmant, A, Guan, D, Colenbrander, S, Xue, T, Zheng, B & Zhang, Q (2016) Climate change mitigation in Chinese megacities: A measures-based analysis of opportunities in the residential sector. Applied Energy, 184, 769-778, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.07.112. Heath, GR, Li, M, Rong, H, Radu, V, Frielingsdorf, S, Lenz, O, Butt, JN & Jeuken, LJC (2017) Multilayered lipid membrane stacks for biocatalysis using membrane enzymes. Advanced Functional Materials, 27 doi: 10.1002/adfm.201606265. Herut, B, Rahav, E, Tsagaraki, TM, Giannakourou, A, Tsiola, A, Psarra, S, Lagaria, A, Papageorgiou, N, Mihalopoulos, N, Theodosi, CN, Stathopoulou, E, Scoullos, M, Krom, MD, Stockdale, A, Shi, Z, Berman-Frank, I, Meador, TB, Tanaka, T, Shun-Yan, C, Violaki, K, Cui, G, Liu, H & Pitta, P (2016) The potential impact of Saharan dust and polluted aerosols on microbial populations in the East Mediterranean Sea, an overview of a mesocosm experimental approach. Frontiers in Marine Science, 3 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2016.00226. Hill, MJ, Biggs, J, Thornhill, I, Briers, RA, Gledhill, DG, White, JC, Wood, PJ & Hassall, C (2017) Urban ponds as an aquatic biodiversity resource in modified landscapes. Global Change Biology, 23, 986999, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13401. Hill, PJ, Taylor, M, Goswami, P & Blackburn, RS (2017) Substitution of PFAS chemistry in outdoor apparel and the impact on repellency performance. Chemosphere, 181, 500-507, doi: 10.1016/j. chemosphere.2017.04.122. Hirst, C, Andersson, PS, Shaw, S, Burke, IT, Kutscher, L, Murphy, MJ, Maximov, T, Pokrovsky, OS, Morth, CM & Porcelli, D (2017) Characterisation of Fe-bearing particles and colloids in the Lena River basin, NE Russia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 213, 553-573, doi: 10.1016/j. gca.2017.07.012. Ho, VL, Dorrell, RM, Keevil, GM, Burns, AD & McCaffrey, WD Pulse propagation in turbidity currents. Sedimentology, doi: 10.1111/sed.12397. Hoang, L & Dessai, S (2017) Water resource vulnerability: simulation and optimisation models. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering Sustainability, 170, 196-206, doi: 10.1680/jensu.15.00024. Hobson, AJ, Stewart, DI, Bray, AW, Mortimer, RJG, Mayes, WM, Rogerson, M & Burke, IT Mechanism of Vanadium Leaching During Surface Weathering of Basic Oxygen Furnace Steel Slag Blocks: A μXANES and SEM Study. Environmental Science and Technology, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.7b00874. Hodgson, DM, Browning, JV, Miller, KG, Hesselbo, SP, Poyatos-Moré, M, Mountain, GS & Proust, JN Sedimentology, stratigraphic context, and implications of Miocene intrashelf bottomset deposits, offshore New Jersey. Geosphere, doi: 10.1130/ges01530.1. Hofstra, M, Pontén, ASM, Peakall, J, Flint, SS, Nair, KN & Hodgson, DM (2017) The Impact of Fine-scale Reservoir Geometries on Streamline Flow Patterns in Submarine Lobe Deposits Using Outcrop Analogues from the Karoo Basin. Petroleum Geoscience, 23, 159-176, doi: 10.1144/petgeo2016-087. Hogg, AE, Shepherd, A, Cornford, SL, Briggs, KH, Gourmelen, N, Graham, JA, Joughin, I, Mouginot, J, Nagler, T, Payne, AJ, Rignot, E & Wuite, J (2017) Increased ice flow in Western Palmer Land linked to ocean melting. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 4159-4167, doi: 10.1002/2016gl072110.


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Hogg, AE, Shepherd, A, Gilbert, L, Muir, A & Drinkwater, MR Mapping Ice Sheet Grounding Lines With CryoSat-2. Advances in Space Research, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2017.03.008. Hodgson, DM, Browning, JV, Miller, KG, Hesselbo, SP, Poyatos-Moré, M, Mountain, GS & Proust, JN Sedimentology, stratigraphic context, and implications of Miocene intrashelf bottomset deposits, offshore New Jersey. Geosphere, doi: 10.1130/ges01530.1. Hofstra, M, Pontén, ASM, Peakall, J, Flint, SS, Nair, KN & Hodgson, DM (2017) The Impact of Fine-scale Reservoir Geometries on Streamline Flow Patterns in Submarine Lobe Deposits Using Outcrop Analogues from the Karoo Basin. Petroleum Geoscience, 23, 159-176, doi: 10.1144/petgeo2016-087. Hogg, AE, Shepherd, A, Cornford, SL, Briggs, KH, Gourmelen, N, Graham, JA, Joughin, I, Mouginot, J, Nagler, T, Payne, AJ, Rignot, E & Wuite, J (2017) Increased ice flow in Western Palmer Land linked to ocean melting. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 4159-4167, doi: 10.1002/2016gl072110. Hogg, AE, Shepherd, A, Gilbert, L, Muir, A & Drinkwater, MR Mapping Ice Sheet Grounding Lines With CryoSat-2. Advances in Space Research, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2017.03.008. Hogg, AE, Shepherd, A, Gourmelen, N & Engdahl, M (2016) Grounding line migration from 1992 to 2011 on Petermann Glacier, North-West Greenland. Journal of Glaciology, 62, 1104-1114, doi: 10.1017/jog.2016.83. Holden, J, Green, SM, Baird, AJ, Grayson, RP, Dooling, GP, Chapman, PJ, Evans, CD, Peacock, M & Swindles, G (2017) The impact of ditch blocking on the hydrological functioning of blanket peatland. Hydrological Processes, 31, 525-539, doi: 10.1002/hyp.11031. Holden, J, Haygarth, PM, Dunn, N, Harris, J, Harris, RC, Humble, A, Jenkins, A, MacDonald, J, McGonigle, DF, Meacham, T, Orr, HG, Pearson, PL, Ross, M, Sapiets, A & Benton, T (2017) Water quality and UK agriculture: challenges and opportunities. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 4 doi: 10.1002/wat2.1201. Hoque, SF, Quinn, C & Sallu, SM Differential livelihood adaptation to social-ecological change in coastal Bangladesh. Regional Environmental Change, doi: 10.1007/s10113-017-1213-6. Hoque, SF, Quinn, CH & Sallu, SM (2017) Resilience, political ecology, and well-being: An interdisciplinary approach to analysing social-ecological change in coastal Bangladesh. Ecology and Society, 22 doi: 10.5751/es-09422-220245. Horton, P, Banwart, SA, Brockington, D, Brown, GW, Bruce, R, Cameron, D, Holdsworth, M, Lenny Koh, SC, Ton, J & Jackson, P (2017) An agenda for integrated system-wide interdisciplinary agrifood research. Food Security, 9, 195-210, doi: 10.1007/s12571-017-0648-4. Howarth, C, Viner, D, Dessai, S, Rapley, C & Jones, A Enhancing the contribution and role of practitioner knowledge in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group (WG) II process: Insights from UK workshops. Climate Services, doi: 10.1016/j.cliser.2017.04.003. Huggan, GDM (2016) Back to the Future: “The New Nature Writing,” Ecological Boredom, and the Recall of the Wild. Prose Studies, 38, 152-171, doi: 10.1080/01440357.2016.1195902. Huggan, GDM (2017) Killers: Orcas and their followers. Public Culture, 29, 287-309, doi: 10.1215/08992363-3749069. Jacobs, S, Dendoncker, N, Martín-López, B, Barton, DN, Gomez-Baggethun, E, Boeraeve, F, McGrath, LF, Vierikko, K, Geneletti, D, Sevecke, JK, Pipart, N, Primmer, E, Mederly, P, Schmidt, S, Aragão, A, Baral, H, Bark, RH, Briceno, T, Brogna, D, Cabral, P, De Vreese, R, Liquete, C, Mueller, H, Peh, KSH, Phelan, A, Rincón, RA, Rogers, HS, Turkelboom, F, Van Reeth, W, Van Zanten, BT, Wam, HK & Washbourne, CL (2016) A new valuation school: Integrating diverse values of nature in resource and land use decisions. Ecosystem Services, 22, 213-220, doi: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2016.11.007. James, MR, Robson, S & Smith, MW 3-D uncertainty-based topographic change detection with structure-from-motion photogrammetry: precision maps for ground control and directly georeferenced surveys. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, doi: 10.1002/esp.4125. Jiang, Y, Waley, P & Gonzalez, S (2016) Shanghai swings: the Hongqiao project and competitive urbanism in the Yangzi River Delta. Environment and Planning A, 48, 1928-1947, doi: 10.1177/0308518x16652897. Johannesen, A, Dunn, AM & Morrell, LJ (2017) Disturbed flow in an aquatic environment may create a sensory refuge for aggregated prey. PeerJ, 5, e3121-e3121, doi: 10.7717/peerj.3121. Johnson, M, Fairweather, M, Harbottle, D, Hunter, TN, Peakall, J & Biggs, S (2017) Yield stress dependency on the evolution of bubble populations generated in consolidated soft sediments. AIChE Journal, 63, 3728-3742, doi: 10.1002/aic.15731.


Selected Publications

Johnson, MO, Galbraith, D, Gloor, E, De Deurwaerder, H, Guimberteau, M, Rammig, A, Thonicke, K, Verbeeck, H, Von Randow, C, Monteagudo, A, Phillips, OL, Brienen, RJW, Feldpausch, TR, Lopez Gonzalez, G., Baker, TR, et al. (2016) Variation in stem mortality rates determines patterns of aboveground biomass in Amazonian forests: implications for dynamic global vegetation models. Global Change Biology, 22, 3996-4013, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13315. Jones, LM, Koehler, AK, Trnka, M, Balek, J, Challinor, AJ, Atkinson, HJ & Urwin, PE Climate change is predicted to alter the current pest status of Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis in the UK. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13676. Jones, N, Fleskens, L & Stroosnijder, L (2016) Targeting the impact of agri-environmental policy - Future scenarios in two less favoured areas in Portugal. Journal of Environmental Management, 181, 805-816, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.07.001. Jones, R, Manville, V, Peakall, J, Froude, M & Odbert, H Real-time prediction of rain-triggered lahars: incorporating seasonality and catchment recovery. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 1-18, doi: 10.5194/nhess-2017-166. Jones, R, Thomas, RE, Peakall, J & Manville, V (2017) Rainfall-runoff properties of tephra: Simulated effects of grain-size and antecedent rainfall. Geomorphology, 282, 39-51, doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.12.023. Kane, IA, Ponten, A, Vangdal, B, Eggenhuisen, J, Hodgson, DM & Spychala, YT (2017) The stratigraphic record and processes of turbidity current transformation across deep-marine lobes. Sedimentology, 64, 1236-1273, doi: 10.1111/sed.12346. Kavan, J, Ondruch, J, Nyvlt, D, Hrbacek, F, Carrivick, JL & Laska, K (2017) Seasonal hydrological and suspended sediment transport dynamics in proglacial streams, James Ross Island, Antarctica. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 99, 38-55, doi: 10.1080/04353676.2016.1257914. Kay, P, Hughes, SR, Ault, JR, Ashcroft, AE & Brown, LE (2017) Widespread, routine occurrence of pharmaceuticals in sewage effluent, combined sewer overflows and receiving waters. Environmental Pollution, 220, 1447-1455, doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.10.087. Kealy, JC, Marenco, F, Marsham, JH, Garcia-Carreras, L, Francis, PN, Cooke, MC & Hocking, J Clouds over the summertime Sahara: An evaluation of Met Office Meteosat retrievals using airborne remote sensing. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 1-30, doi: 10.5194/acp-2016-884. Kealy, JC, Marenco, F, Marsham, JH, Garcia-Carreras, L, Francis, PN, Cooke, MC & Hocking, J (2017) Clouds over the summertime Sahara: an evaluation of Met Office retrievals from Meteosat Second Generation using airborne remote sensing. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 17, 5789-5807, doi: 10.5194/acp-17-5789-2017. Kenna, D, Fincham, WNW, Dunn, AM, Brown, LE & Hassall, C (2017) Antagonistic effects of biological invasion and environmental warming on detritus processing in freshwater ecosystems. Oecologia, 183, 875-886, doi: 10.1007/s00442-016-3796-x. Kent, T, Bokhove, O & Tobias, S (2017) Dynamics of an Idealized Fluid Model for Investigating Convective-scale Data Assimilation. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 69 doi: 10.1080/16000870.2017.1369332. Kerr, N, Gouldson, A & Barrett, J (2017) The rationale for energy efficiency policy: Assessing the recognition of the multiple benefits of energy efficiency retrofit policy. Energy Policy, 106, 212-221, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2017.03.053. Khamis, K, Brown, LE, Hannah, DM & Milner, AM (2016) Glacier–groundwater stress gradients control alpine river biodiversity. Ecohydrology, 9, 1263-1275, doi: 10.1002/eco.1724. Kibwami, N & Tutesigensi, A (2016) Enhancing sustainable construction in the building sector in Uganda. Habitat International, 57, 64-73, doi: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2016.06.011. King, O, Quincey, DJ, Carrivick, JL & Rowan, AV (2017) Spatial variability in mass change of glaciers in the Everest region, central Himalaya, between 2000 and 2015. The Cryosphere, 11, 407-426, doi: 10.5194/tc-11-407-2017. Kirkby, MJ (2016) Water in the critical zone: soil, water and life from profile to planet. Soil, 2, 631-645, doi: 10.5194/soil-2-631-2016. Knippertz, P, Fink, AH, Deroubaix, A, Morris, E, Tocquer, F, Evans, MJ, Flamant, C, Gaetani, M, Lavaysse, C, Mari, C, Marsham, JH, Meynadier, R, Affo-Dogo, A, Bahaga, T, Brosse, F, Deetz, K, Guebsi, R, Latifou, I, Maranan, M, Rosenberg, PD & Schlueter, A (2017) A meteorological and chemical overview of the DACCIWA field campaign in West Africa in June–July 2016. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 10893-10918, doi: 10.5194/acp-17-10893-2017.


Selected Publications

Komi, K, Neal, J, Trigg, MA & Diekkrüger, B (2017) Modelling of flood hazard extent in data sparse areas: a case study of the Oti River basin, West Africa. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 10, 122-132, doi: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2017.03.001. Konrad, H, Gilbert, L, Cornford, SL, Payne, A, Hogg, A, Muir, A & Shepherd, A (2017) Uneven onset and pace of ice-dynamical imbalance in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 910-918, doi: 10.1002/2016gl070733. Kuipers Munneke, P, McGrath, D, Medley, B, Luckman, A, Bevan, S, Kulessa, B, Jansen, D, Booth, A, Smeets, P, Hubbard, B, Ashmore, D, Van den Broeke, M, Sevestre, H, Steffen, K, Shepherd, A & Gourmelen, N Observationally constrained surface mass balance of Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica. The Cryosphere. Kulessa, B, Hubbard, AL, Booth, AD, Bougamont, M, Dow, CF, Doyle, SH, Christoffersen, P, Lindbäck, K, Pettersson, R, Fitzpatrick, AW & Jones, GA (2017) Seismic evidence for complex sedimentary control of Greenland Ice Sheet flow. Science Advances, 3 doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1603071. Kunin, WE, Harte, J, He, F, Hui, C, Jobe, RT, Ostling, A, Polce, C, Sizling, A, Smith, AB, Smith, K, Smart, SM, Storch, D, Tjorve, E, Ugland, KI, Ulrich, W & Varma, V Up-scaling biodiversity: estimating the Species-Area Relationship from small samples. Ecological Monographs. Kurz, MJ, Drummond, JD, Marti, E, Zarnetske, JP, Lee-Cullin, J, Klaar, MJ, Folegot, S, Keller, T, Ward, AS, Fleckenstein, JH, Datry, T, Hannah, DM & Krause, S (2017) Impacts of water level on metabolism and transient storage in vegetated lowland rivers: insights from a mesocosm study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122, 628-644, doi: 10.1002/2016jg003695. Kwayu, EJ, Paavola, J & Sallu, SM (2017) The livelihood impacts of the Equitable Payments for Watershed Services (EPWS) Program in Morogoro, Tanzania. Environment and Development Economics, 22, 328-349, doi: 10.1017/s1355770x17000067. Lamb, WF & Steinberger, JK Human well-being and climate change mitigation. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: WIREs Climate Change, doi: 10.1002/wcc.485. Lamy, J, Azevedo, IML, Bruine de Bruin, W & Morgan, MG (2017) Perceptions of wind energy projects in two coastal Massachusetts communities. The Electricity Journal, 30, 31-42, doi: 10.1016/j. tej.2017.07.003. Lamy, J, Bruine de Bruin, W, Azevedo, IL & Morgan, MG Valuing NIMBY for new wind projects in coastal communities using a conjoint-based choice survey. The Electricity Journal. Lappalainen, HK, Kerminen, VM, Petäjä, T, Kurten, T, Baklanov, A, Shvidenko, A, Bäck, J, Vihma, T, Spracklen, DV, et al. (2016) Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX): Towards a holistic understanding of the feedbacks and interactions in the land-Atmosphere-ocean-society continuum in the northern Eurasian region. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 14421-14461, doi: 10.5194/acp-1614421-2016. Li, M, Khan, S, Rong, H, Tuma, R, Hatzakis, NS & Jeuken, LJC (2017) Effects of membrane curvature and pH on proton pumping activity of single cytochrome bo3 enzymes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 1858, 763-770, doi: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2017.06.003. Li, P, Holden, J, Irvine, B & Grayson, R (2016) PESERA-PEAT: a fluvial erosion model for blanket peatlands. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 41, 2058-2077, doi: 10.1002/esp.3972. Li, P, Holden, J, Irvine, B & Mu, X (2017) Erosion of Northern Hemisphere blanket peatlands under 21st-century climate change. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 3615-3623, doi: 10.1002/2017gl072590. Li, P, Irvine, B, Holden, J & Mu, X (2017) Spatial variability of fluvial blanket peat erosion rates for the 21st Century modelled using PESERA-PEAT. Catena, 150, 302-316, doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2016.11.025. Li, P, Mu, X, Holden, J, Wu, Y, Irvine, B, Wang, F, Gao, P, Zhao, G & Sun, W (2017) Comparison of soil erosion models used to study the Chinese Loess Plateau. Earth-Science Reviews, 170, 17-30, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.05.005. Li, P, Mu, X, Holden, J & Zhao, G (2016) Principles and applications of a coarse-scale soil erosion model, PESERA. Nisha Yanjiu/Journal of Sediment Research, 6, 74-80, doi: 10.16239/j.cnki.0468-155x.2016.06.012. Lightfoot, S, Mawdsley, E & Szent-Iványi, B (2017) Brexit and UK International Development Policy. The Political Quarterly, 88, 517-524, doi: 10.1111/1467-923x.12369. Liu, B, Siu, YL & Mitchell, G (2017) A quantitative model for estimating risk from multiple interacting natural hazards: an application to northeast Zhejiang, China. Stochastic Environmental Research


Selected Publications

and Risk Assessment, 31, 1319-1340, doi: 10.1007/s00477-016-1250-6. Lorenz, S, Dessai, S, Forster, PM & Paavola, J (2017) Adaptation planning and the use of climate change projections in local government in England and Germany. Regional Environmental Change, 17, 425-435, doi: 10.1007/s10113-016-1030-3. Lorenzo-Carballa, MO, Hassall, C, Encalada, AC, Sanmartín-Villar, I, Torres-Cambas, Y & Cordero-Rivera, A (2017) Parthenogenesis did not consistently evolve in insular populations of Ischnura hastata (Odonata, Coenagrionidae). Ecological Entomology, 42, 67-76, doi: 10.1111/een.12360. Lovett, JC & Nkiaka, E (2017) Science-policy interfaces. African Journal of Ecology, 55, 257-258, doi: 10.1111/aje.12456. Luh, J, Ojomo, E, Evans, B & Bartram, J National drinking water targets – trends and factors associated with target-setting. Water Policy, doi: 10.2166/wp.2017.108. Majiya, H, Chowdhury, KF, Stonehouse, NJ & Millner, P TMPyP functionalised chitosan membrane for efficient sunlight driven water disinfection. Journal of Water Process Engineering, doi: 10.1016/j. jwpe.2017.08.013. Mallalieu, J, Carrivick, JL, Quincey, DJ, Smith, MW & James, WHM An integrated Structure-from-Motion and time-lapse technique for quantifying ice-margin dynamics. Journal of Glaciology, doi: 10.1017/jog.2017.48. Manga, M, Evans, BE, Camargo-Valero, MA & Horan, NJ (2016) Effect of filter media thickness on the performance of sand drying beds used for faecal sludge management. Water Science and Technology, 74, 2795-2806, doi: 10.2166/wst.2016.451. Manville, V & Cronin, SJ Breakout lahar from New Zealand’s Crater Lake. Eos, 88, 441-442. Masafu, CK, Trigg, MA, Carter, R & Howden, NJK (2016) Water availability and agricultural demand: An assessment framework using global datasets in a data scarce catchment, Rokel-Seli River, Sierra Leone. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 8, 222-234, doi: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2016.10.001. Mayes, WM, Burke, IT, Gomes, HI, Anton, AD, Molnar, M, Feigl, V & Ujaczki, E (2016) Advances in Understanding Environmental Risks of Red Mud After the Ajka Spill, Hungary. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 2, 332-343, doi: 10.1007/s40831-016-0050-z. McNorton, J, Gloor, E, Wilson, C, Hayman, GD, Gedney, N, Comyn-Platt, E, Marthews, T, Parker, RJ, Boesch, H & Chipperfield, MP (2016) Role of regional wetland emissions in atmospheric methane variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 11433-11444, doi: 10.1002/2016gl070649. Meegan, JE, Yang, X, Rungsirisakun, R, Cosgrove, SC, Bushby, RJ, Sadeghpour, A, Rappolt, M, Brydson, R & Ansell, RJ (2017) Synthesis and organogelating behaviour of amino acid-functionalised triphenylenes. Soft Matter, 13, 5922-5932, doi: 10.1039/c7sm00676d. Mertes, JR, Thompson, SS, Booth, AD, Gulley, JD & Benn, DI (2017) A conceptual model of supraglacial lake formation on debris-covered glaciers based on GPR facies analysis. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42, 903-914, doi: 10.1002/esp.4068. Middlemiss, L (2017) A critical analysis of the new politics of fuel poverty in England. Critical Social Policy, 37, 425-443, doi: 10.1177/0261018316674851. Mills, BJW, Belcher, CM, Lenton, TM & Newton, RJ (2016) A modeling case for high atmospheric oxygen concentrations during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Geology, 44, 1023-1026, doi: 10.1130/ g38231.1. Millward-Hopkins, J, Gouldson, AP, Scott, K, Barrett, J & Sudmant, A (2017) Uncovering Blind Spots in Urban Carbon Management: The Role of Consumption-Based Carbon Accounting in Bristol, UK. Regional Environmental Change, 17, 1467-1478, doi: 10.1007/s10113-017-1112-x. Montoya Pachongo, C, Douterelo, I, Noakes, C, Camargo-Valero, MA, Sleigh, P, Escobar-Rivera, JC & Torres-Lozada, P Relationships between physical, microbiological and water chemistry characteristics in a tropical drinking water network: implications for operation and maintenance. Science of The Total Environment. Morris, EA, Hodgson, DM, Flint, SS, Brunt, RL, Luthi, SM & Kolenberg, Y (2016) Integrating outcrop and subsurface data to assess the temporal evolution of a submarine channel-levee system. AAPG Bulletin, 100, 1663-1691, doi: 10.1306/04271615056. Naik, B, Khatua, KK, Wright, N, Sleigh, A & Singh, P (2017) Numerical modeling of converging compound channel flow. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 1-13, doi: 10.1080/09715010.2017.1369180. Naik, B, Khatua, KK, Wright, NG & Sleigh, A (2017) Stage-Discharge Prediction for Converging Compound Channels with Narrow Floodplains. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 143, 04017017-04017017, doi: 10.1061/(asce)ir.1943-4774.0001184.


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Selected Publications

Paavola, J Health Impacts of Climate Change and Health and Social Inequalities in the UK. Environmental Health. Page, SE & Baird, AJ (2016) Peatlands and Global Change: Response and Resilience. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 41, 35-57, doi: 10.1146/annurev-environ-110615-085520. Pariyar, B, Lovett, JC & Snell, C Inequality of access in irrigation systems of the Mid-Hills of Nepal. Area Development and Policy, doi: 10.1080/23792949.2017.1353886. Paul, N, Biggs, S, Sheils, J, Hammond, RB, Edmondson, M, Maxwell, L, Harbottle, D & Hunter, TN Influence of shape and surface charge on the sedimentation of spheroidal, cubic and rectangular cuboid particles. Powder Technology, doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2017.09.002. Pearson, E, Smith, MW, Klaar, MJ & Brown, LE (2017) Can high resolution 3D topographic surveys provide reliable grain size estimates in gravel bed rivers? Geomorphology, 293, 143-155, doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.05.015. Phillips, E, Hodgson, DM & Emery, AR (2017) The Quaternary Geology of the North Sea Basin. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32, 117-339, doi: 10.1002/jqs.2932. Planche, C, Mann, GW, Carslaw, KS, Dalvi, M, Marsham, JH & Field, PR Spatial and temporal CCN variations in convection-permitting aerosol microphysics simulations in an idealised marine tropical domain. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 1-26, doi: 10.5194/acp-2016-826. Planche, C, Mann, GW, Carslaw, KS, Dalvi, M, Marsham, JH & Field, PR (2017) Spatial and temporal CCN variations in convection-permitting aerosol microphysics simulations in an idealised marine tropical domain. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 3371-3384, doi: 10.5194/acp-17-33712017. Pouran, HM, Banwart, SA & Romero-Gonzalez, M (2017) Effects of synthetic iron and aluminium oxide surface charge and hydrophobicity on the formation of bacterial biofilm. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 19, 622-634, doi: 10.1039/c6em00666c. Powley, HR, Krom, MD & Van Cappellen, P (2016) Circulation and oxygen cycling in the Mediterranean Sea: Sensitivity to future climate change. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121, 82308247, doi: 10.1002/2016jc012224. Powley, HR, Krom, MD & Van Cappellen, P (2017) Understanding the unique biogeochemistry of the Mediterranean Sea: Insights from a coupled phosphorus and nitrogen model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 31, 1010-1031, doi: 10.1002/2017gb005648. Purshouse, H, Roxburgh, N, Javorszky, M, Sleigh, A, Kimani, D & Evans, B (2017) Effects of water source accessibility and reliability improvements on water consumption in eastern Nairobi. Waterlines, 36, 204-215, doi: 10.3362/1756-3488.17-00003. Quincey, DJ, Jackson, M & Andersen, GL (2017) Robson, Benjamin Aubrey, 2016. The Application of Remote Sensing Techniques for the Quantification and Change Assessment of Debris-covered Glaciers. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography, 71, 62-63, doi: 10.1080/00291951.2017.1288167. Quincey, DJ, Smith, MW, Rounce, DR, Ross, AN, King, O & Watson, CS Evaluating morphological estimates of the aerodynamic roughness of debris covered glacier ice. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, doi: 10.1002/esp.4198. Quinn, CH, Stringer, LC, Berman, R, Le, HTV, Msuya, FE, Pezutti, JCB & Orchard, S (2017) Unpacking Changes in Mangrove Social-Ecological Systems: Lessons from Brazil, Zanzibar, and Vietnam. Resources, 6 doi: 10.3390/resources6010014. Rabizadeh, T, Stawski, TM, Morgan, DJ, Peacock, CL & Benning, LG (2017) The Effects of Inorganic Additives on the Nucleation and Growth Kinetics of Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate Crystals. Crystal Growth & Design, 17, 582-589, doi: 10.1021/acs.cgd.6b01441. Raiswell, R, Hawkings, JR, Benning, LG, Albani, S & Mahowald, N (2017) Comments on ‘Influence of measurement uncertainties on fractional solubility of iron in mineral aerosols over the oceans’ Aeolian Research 22, 85–92. Aeolian Research, 25, 123-125, doi: 10.1016/j.aeolia.2017.03.003. Ramirez, JA, Baird, AJ & Coulthard, TJ The effect of sampling effort on estimates of methane ebullition from peat. Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1002/2017wr020428. Rasheed, H, Kay, P, Slack, R, Gong, YY & Carter, A (2017) Human exposure assessment of different arsenic species in household water sources in a high risk arsenic area. Science of The Total Environment, 584/5, 631-641, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.01.089. Rasheed, H, Slack, R & Kay, P (2016) Human Health Risk Assessment For Arsenic: A Critical Review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 1529-1583, doi:


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with an offshore wind-turbine mast. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, doi: 10.1007/s10665-0179936-4. Sanderson, H, Hildén, M, Russel, D & Dessai, S (2016) Database support for adaptation to climate change: An assessment of web-based portals across scales. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 12, 627-631, doi: 10.1002/ieam.1755. Santos, MGM, Mountney, NP & Peakall, J (2017) Tectonic and environmental controls on Palaeozoic fluvial environments: reassessing the impacts of early land plants on sedimentation. Journal of the Geological Society, 174, 393-404, doi: 10.1144/jgs2016-063. Santos, MGM, Mountney, NP, Peakall, J, Thomas, RE, Wignall, PB & Hodgson, DM (2017) Reply to Discussion on ‘Tectonic and environmental controls on Palaeozoic fluvial environments: reassessing the impacts of early land plants on sedimentation’ Journal of the Geological Society, London, Journal of the Geological Society, 174, 950-952, doi: 10.1144/ jgs2017-031. Schoepfer, SD, Tobin, T, Witts, JD & Newton, RJ (2017) Intermittent euxinia in the high-latitude James Ross Basin during the latest Cretaceous and earliest Paleocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 477, 40-54, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.04.013. Schulz, C, Martin-Ortega, J, Glenk, K & Ioris, A (2017) The Value Base of Water Governance: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective. Ecological Economics, 131, 241-249, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.09.009. Schulz, C, Martin-Ortega, J, Ioris, AAR & Glenk, K (2017) Applying a ‘Value Landscapes Approach’ to Conflicts in Water Governance: The Case of the Paraguay-Paraná Waterway. Ecological Economics, 138, 47-55, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.03.033. Scott, CE, Monks, SA, Spracklen, DV, Arnold, SR, Forster, PM, Rap, A, Carslaw, KS, Chipperfield, MP, Reddington, CL & Wilson, C (2017) Impact on short-lived climate forcers (SLCFs) from a realistic land-use change scenario via changes in biogenic emissions. Faraday Discussions, 200, 101-120, doi: 10.1039/c7fd00028f. Scott, K, Roelich, K, Owen, A & Barrett, J Extending European energy efficiency standards to include material use: an analysis. Climate Policy, doi: 10.1080/14693062.2017.1333949. Scott Watson, C, Quincey, DJ, Carrivick, JL, Smith, MW, Rowan, AV & Richardson, R Heterogeneous water storage and thermal regime of supraglacial ponds on debris-covered glaciers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, doi: 10.1002/esp.4236. Senapathi, D, Goddard, MA, Kunin, WE & Baldock, KCR (2017) Landscape impacts on pollinator communities in temperate systems: evidence and knowledge gaps. Functional Ecology, 31, 26-37, doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12809. Sherman, DM & Peacock, CL (2010) Surface complexation of Cu on birnessite (d-MnO2): Controls on Cu in the deep ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 6721-6730, doi: 10.1016/j. gca.2010.08.042. Shi, ZB, Krom, MD, Jickells, TD, Bonneville, S, Carslaw, KS, Mihalopoulos, N & Benning, LG Impacts on iron solubility in the mineral dust by processes in the source region and the atmosphere: A review. Aeolian Research, 5, 21-42, doi: 10.1016/j.aeolia.2012.03.001. Shiers, MN, Hodgson, DM & Mountney, NP (2017) Response of a Coal-Bearing Coastal Plain Succession to Marine Transgression: Campanian Neslen Formation, Utah, USA. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 87, 168-187, doi: 10.2110/jsr.2017.7. Siegert, MJ, Kulessa, B, Bougamont, M, Christoffersen, P, Key, K, Andersen, KR, Booth, AD & Smith, AM Antarctic subglacial groundwater: a concept paper on its measurement and potential influence on ice flow. Geological Society Special Publications. Sietz, D, Fleskens, L & Stringer, LC Learning from non-linear ecosystem dynamics is vital for achieving land degradation neutrality. Land Degradation and Development, doi: 10.1002/ldr.2732. Sizling, AL, Sizlingova, E, Tjorve, E, Tjorve, KMC & Kunin, WE (2017) How to allow SAR collapse across local and continental scales: a resolution of the controversy between Storch et al. (2012) and Lazarina et al. (2013). Ecography, 40, 971-981, doi: 10.1111/ecog.02181. Skelton, M, Porter, JJ, Dessai, S, Bresch, DN & Knutti, R The social and scientific values that shape national climate scenarios: a comparison of the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK. Regional Environmental Change, doi: 10.1007/s10113-017-1155-z. Southern, SJ, Kane, IA, Warchol, MJ, Porten, KW & McCaffrey, WD (2017) Hybrid event beds dominated by transitional-flow facies: character, distribution and significance in the Maastrichtian Springar Formation, north-west Vøring Basin, Norwegian Sea. Sedimentology, 64, 747-776, doi: 10.1111/


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sed.12323. Spracklen, DV, Carslaw, KS, Poschl, U, Rap, A & Forster, P Global cloud condensation nuclei influenced by carbonaceous combustion aerosol. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 6999-7044, doi: 10.5194/acpd-11-6999-2011. Spracklen, DV, Jimenez, J, Carslaw, K, Worsnop, D, Evans, MJ, Mann, GW, Rap, A & Forster, P Aerosol mass spectrometer constraint on the global secondary organic aerosol budget. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 5699-5755, doi: 10.5194/acpd-11-5699-2011. Spychala, YT, Hodgson, DM & Lee, DR Autogenic controls on hybrid bed distribution in submarine lobe complexes. Marine and Petroleum Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.09.005. Spychala, YT, Hodgson, DM, Prelat, A, Kane, IA, Flint, SS & Mountney, NP (2017) Frontal and Lateral Submarine Lobe Fringes: Comparing Sedimentary Facies, Architecture and Flow Processes. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 87, 75-96, doi: 10.2110/jsr.2017.2. Spychala, YT, Hodgson, DM, Stevenson, CJ & Flint, SS (2017) Aggradational lobe fringes: The influence of subtle intrabasinal seabed topography on sediment gravity flow processes and lobe stacking patterns. Sedimentology, 64, 582-608, doi: 10.1111/sed.12315. Stringer, LC, Reed, MS, Fleskens, L, Thomas, RJ, Le, QB & Lala-Pritchard, T A new dryland development paradigm grounded in empirical analysis of dryland systems science. Land Degradation and Development, doi: 10.1002/ldr.2716. Sudmant, A, Millward-Hopkins, J, Colenbrander, S & Gouldson, A (2016) Low Carbon Cities: Is Ambitious Action Affordable? Climatic Change, 138, 681-688, doi: 10.1007/s10584-016-1751-9. Sullivan, R & Gouldson, AP (2017) The Governance of Corporate Responses to Climate Change: An International Comparison. Business Strategy and the Environment, 26, 413-425, doi: 10.1002/ bse.1925. Sutcliffe, C, Quinn, CH, Shannon, C, Glover, A & Dunn, A Exploring the attitudes to and uptake of biosecurity practices for Invasive Non-Native species: views amongst stakeholder organisations working in UK natural environments. Biological Invasions, doi: 10.1007/s10530-017-1541-y. Swindles, G, Watson, E, Savov, IP, Lawson, I, Schmidt, A, Hooper, A, Cooper, C, Connor, C, Gloor, E & Carrivick, J Climatic control on Icelandic volcanic activity during the mid-Holocene Geology. Geology, Swindles, GT, Green, SM, Brown, L, Holden, J, Raby, CL, Turner, ET, Smart, R, Peacock, M & Baird, AJ (2016) Evaluating the use of dominant microbial consumers (testate amoebae) as indicators of blanket peatland restoration. Ecological Indicators, 69, 318-330, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.04.038. Swindles, GT, Morris, PJ, Whitney, B, Galloway, JM, Gałka, M, Gallego-Sala, A, Macumber, AL, Mullan, D, Smith, MW, Amesbury, MJ, Roland, TP, Sanei, H, Patterson, RT, Sanderson, N, Parry, L, Charman, DJ, Lopez, O, Valderamma, E, Watson, EJ, Ivanovic, RF, Valdes, PJ, Turner, TE & Lähteenoja, O Ecosystem state shifts during long-term development of an Amazonian peatland. Global Change Biology. Tallontire, AM, Opondo, M & Nelson, V Contingent spaces for smallholder participation in GlobalGAP: insights from Kenyan horticulture value chains. The Geographical Journal, doi: 10.1111/geoj.12047. Tanner, AS, McIntosh, BS, Widdowson, DCC & Tillotson, MR The water Utility Adoption Model (wUAM): Understanding influences of organizational and procedural innovation in a UK water utility. Journal of Cleaner Production, doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.06.176. Taylor, A, Dessai, S & Bruine de Bruin, W Public priorities and expectation of climate change impacts in the United Kingdom. Journal of Risk Research, doi: 10.1080/13669877.2017.1351479. Taylor, LL, Beerling, DJ, Quegan, S & Banwart, SA (2017) Simulating carbon capture by enhanced weathering with croplands: an overview of key processes highlighting areas of future model development. Biology Letters, 13 doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2016.0868. Taylor, NG & Dunn, AM (2017) Size matters: predation of fish eggs and larvae by native and invasive amphipods. Biological Invasions, 19, 89-107, doi: 10.1007/s10530-016-1265-4. Textor, J, van der Zander, B, Gilthorpe, MS, Liskiewicz, M & Ellison, GTH (2016) Robust causal inference using directed acyclic graphs: the R package ‘dagitty’. International Journal of Epidemiology, 45, 1887-1894, doi: 10.1093/ije/dyw341. Tobin, K, Gilthorpe, MS, Rooney, J, Heverin, M, Vajda, A, Staines, A & Hardiman, O (2016) Age-period-cohort analysis of trends in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis incidence. Journal of Neurology, 263, 1919-1926, doi: 10.1007/s00415-016-8215-z. Trigg, M, Birch, C, Neal, J, Bates, P, Smith, A, Sampson, C, Yamazaki, D, Hirabayashi, Y, Pappenberg-


Selected Publications

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Selected Publications

N & Newton, RJ The Capitanian (Middle Permian) mass extinction in western Tethys: a fossil, facies and d13C study from Hungary and Hydra Island (Greece). Palaios. Willetts, PD, Marsham, JH, Birch, CE, Parker, DJ, Webster, S & Petch, J (2017) Moist convection and its upscale effects in simulations of the Indian monsoon with explicit and parametrised convection. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 143, 1073-1085, doi: 10.1002/qj.2991. Willetts, PD, Turner, AG, Martin, GM, Mrudula, G, Hunt, KMR, Parker, DJ, Taylor, CM, Birch, CE & Mitra, AK (2017) The 2015 Indian summer monsoon onset – phenomena, forecasting and research flight planning. Weather, 72, 168-175, doi: 10.1002/wea.2819. Wolny, M, Batchelor, M, Bartlett, GJ, Baker, EG, Kurzawa, M, Knight, PJ, Dougan, L, Woolfson, DN, Paci, E & Peckham, M (2017) Characterization of long and stable de novo single alpha-helix domains provides novel insight into their stability. Scientific Reports, 7 doi: 10.1038/srep44341. Wong-Parodi, G & Bruine de Bruin, W Informing public perceptions about climate change: A ‘mental models’ approach. Science and Engineering Ethics, doi: 10.1007/s11948-016-9816-8. Wood, B, Dougill, A, Quinn, CH & Stringer, L (2016) Exploring power and procedural justice within climate compatible development project design: whose priorities are being considered? Journal of Environment and Development, 25, 363-395, doi: 10.1177/1070496516664179. Wood, BT, Quinn, CH, Stringer, LC & Dougill, AJ (2017) Investigating climate compatible development outcomes and their implications for distributive justice: evidence from Malawi. Environmental Management, 60, 436-453, doi: 10.1007/s00267-017-0890-8. Woods, KA Suffering, sympathy, and (environmental) security: Reassessing Rorty’s contribution to human rights theory. Res Publica: a journal of legal and social philosophy, 15, 53-66, doi: 10.1007/ s11158-009-9083-5. Woods, KA What does the language of human rights bring to campaigns for environmental justice? Environmental Politics, 15, 572-591, doi: 10.1080/09644010600785192. Wu, Q & Waley, PT Configuring growth coalitions among the projects of urban aggrandizement in Kunming, southwest China. Urban Geography, doi: 10.1080/02723638.2017.1314171. Wu, Q, Zhang, X & Waley, PT (2016) Jiaoyufication: When Gentrification Goes to School in the Chinese Inner City. Urban Studies, 53, 3510-3526, doi: 10.1177/0042098015613234. Yang, H, Dobbie, S, Ramirez-Villegas, J, Feng, K, Challinor, AJ, Chen, B, Gao, Y, Lee, L, Yin, Y, Sun, L, Watson, J, Koehler, AK, Fan, T & Ghosh, S (2016) Potential negative consequences of geoengineering on crop production: a study of Indian groundnut. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 1178611795, doi: 10.1002/2016gl071209. Yiran, GAB, Stringer, LC, Attua, EM, Evans, AJ, Challinor, AJ & Gyasi, EA (2017) Mapping vulnerability to multiple hazards in the Savanna Ecosystem in Ghana. Regional Environmental Change, 17, 665676, doi: 10.1007/s10113-016-1054-8. Young, CW, Russell, SV & Barkemeyer, R (2017) Social media is not the ‘silver bullet’ to reducing household food waste, a response to Grainger and Stewart (2017). Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 122, 405-406, doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2017.04.002. Young, CW, Russell, SV, Robinson, CA & Chintakayala, PK Sustainable retailing – influencing consumer behaviour on food waste. Business Strategy and the Environment, doi: 10.1002/bse.1966. Young, DM, Baird, AJ, Morris, PJ & Holden, J (2017) Simulating the long-term impacts of drainage and restoration on the ecohydrology of peatlands. Water Resources Research, 53, 6510-6522, doi: 10.1002/2016wr019898. Zhang, F, Liu, T, Huo, Y, Guan, R & Wang, XZ (2017) Investigation of the operating conditions to morphology evolution of β-l-glutamic acid during seeded cooling crystallization. Journal of Crystal Growth, 469, 136-143, doi: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2016.09.041. Zhang, F, Liu, T, Wang, XZ, Liu, J & Jiang, X (2017) Comparative study on ATR-FTIR calibration models for monitoring solution concentration in cooling crystallization. Journal of Crystal Growth, 459, 50-55, doi: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2016.11.064. Zhang, H, Kim, YK, Hunter, TN, Brown, AP, Lee, JW & Harbottle, D (2017) Organically modified clay with potassium copper hexacyanoferrate for enhanced Cs + adsorption capacity and selective recovery by flotation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5, 15130-15143, doi: 10.1039/c7ta03873a. Zhang, R, Ma, CY, Liu, JJ, Zhang, Y, Liu, YJ & Wang, XZ (2017) Stereo Imaging Camera Model for 3D Shape Reconstruction of Complex Crystals and Estimation of Facet Growth Kinetics. Chemical Engineering Science, 160, 171-182, doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2016.11.029. Zhao, X, Tillotson, MR, Liu, YW, Guo, W, Yang, AH & Li, YF (2017) Index decomposition analysis of


Selected Publications

urban crop water footprint. Ecological Modelling, 348, 25-32, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.01.006. Zhu, YG, Reid, BJ, Meharg, AA, Banwart, SA & Fu, BJ (2017) Optimizing Peri-URban Ecosystems (PURE) to re-couple urban-rural symbiosis. Science of The Total Environment, 586, 1085-1090, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.094. Ziv, G, Hassall, C, Bartkowski, B, Cord, AF, Kaim, A, Kalamandeen, M, Landaverde-Gonzalez, P, Melo, JLB, Seppelt, R, Shannon, C, Vaclavik, T, Zoderer, BM & Beckmann, M A bird’s eye view over ecosystem services in Natura 2000 sites across Europe. Ecosystem Services, doi: 10.1016/j. ecoser.2017.08.011. Ziv, G, Hassall, C, Bartkowski, B, Cord, AF, Kaim, A, Kalamandeen, M, Landaverde-Gonzalez, P, Melo, JLB, Seppelt, R, Shannon, C, Vaclavik, T, Zoderer, BM & Beckmann, M A bird’s eye view over ecosystem services in Natura 2000 sites across Europe. Ecosystem Services, doi: 10.1016/j. ecoser.2017.08.011. Ziv, G, Watson, E, Young, D, Howard, D, Larcom, S & Tanentzap, A The potential impact of Brexit on the energy, water and food nexus in the UK: A fuzzy cognitive mapping approach. Applied Energy, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.08.033.

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The water@leeds Core Team Dr Gabriela Lopez Gonzalez: Co-Ordinator Gabriela works closely with the Directors, the Research and Innovation Development Manager and the Doctoral Research & Training Centre Manager to ensure that the water@leeds strategy is delivered to meet the targets of the four strategic objectives. Kara Hazelgrave: Research and Innovation Development Manager Kara develops and implements research and innovation strategies with academic teams, engaging with business, to ensure successful external funding applications.

Dr Pazit Ziv: Doctoral Research and Training Centre Manager Pazit coordinates the postgraduate training funding efforts for water@leeds members and beyond. She works to recruit industrial collaborators on establishing industrial PhD funding. She coordinates the DRTC PhD research network to improve internal interdisciplinary research collaborations among students and promote the DRTC internally and externally. Dr Jane Rowling: Administrator Jane provides overarching support to the Core Team and water@leeds membership. She is responsible for delivering our internal and external communications, including newsletter, website, social media, and annual report.




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