annual review 2016/17 - Southmead Hospital Charity

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This means our fundraisers can ensure their money goes directly to a .... outcomes much more quickly than before ..... p
ANNUAL REVIEW 2016/17 Registered Charity Number 1055900


Raised by our Bake Well Wednesday cake sales since their launch in March 2016. The sales are hosted by, and raise money for, a range of teams and departments across NBT

Welcome I’ve had an interesting, busy and inspiring first year as Chair for Southmead Hospital Charity Committee. The Charity continues to grow in activity, energy and enthusiasm, and we make a vital and valuable contribution to North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT). We exist to enhance patient healthcare here at NBT. Be that funding specialist equipment, or supporting vital research, or giving money to art projects which improve the environment for patients, their families and our staff. Our donors make all of this possible and to them we are very grateful. We are in the very fortunate position that when people give to us, their money stays local – it remains right here in the hospital and goes straight to the cause our donors want to support. We manage over 100 different funds representing departments and wards throughout the Trust, from neurology to NICU (Neo-natal Intensive Care), from renal to radiology. This means our fundraisers can ensure their money goes directly to a cause close to their hearts. During 2016/2017 we gave over £1.4 million to North Bristol NHS Trust to support a wide variety of projects. This includes over £480,000 for patient welfare and amenities and over £538,000 to research projects. We continue to work in partnership with both the League of Friends and our volunteers to make a real difference to life here at NBT. Thank you to everyone who has donated their money, time and talents to us. You have helped make a real difference. Jaki Meekings Davis Chair Southmead Hospital Charity Committee



Multiple Sclerosis patients have benefited from aqua therapy sessions and 60 have taken part in a balance group – both of which are supported by the Charity

Approximate number of people who each month use the virtual tour of Southmead Hospital’s Brunel building funded by our donors. The tour helps patients to familiarise themselves with the hospital before they visit


About Us Thanks to our fundraisers and donors we support projects which really improve the care our patients at North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) receive, and projects which help develop our staff. We want to make a real impact by funding medical research, specialist equipment, staff development and arts projects which are beyond the remit of the NHS but which enrich the healthcare we provide.

We support the work of Southmead Hospital, Cossham Hospital and community health services in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset.

We hope this Annual Review highlights our successes and demonstrates how your support helps us achieve our ambitious goals.

Our Mission Statement In partnership with North Bristol NHS Trust we will enhance the provision of high quality patient care for the public benefit. The Charity supports the provision of healthcare free at the point of need and cares for the staff, carers and families and patients by focusing on areas not covered or fully supported by central NHS funds.




we fund specialist medical equipment to ensure our patients have access to the most state of the art equipment and care

in collaboration with our research partners, we support pioneering projects which improve diagnostic and treatment options



through our capital improvement programme and Fresh Arts scheme we support projects which improve the hospital environment

we provide additional support services to our patients and visitors and recognise our staff and volunteers through our staff pastoral and development programme

“Southmead Hospital Charity (SHC) makes an invaluable impact on the thousands of patients who are treated by the Trust every year. The generous donations we receive enable the Charity to fund new equipment and additional staff training, beyond the remit of the NHS, which helps keep NBT at the forefront of patient care nationally. Pioneering research projects, funded by SHC, have enabled our researchers to be awarded recognition and further funding at an international level and our staff are supported by the Charity through a range of both pastoral and developmental schemes. The Charity’s plans are ambitious, but with the backing of Trustees and staff and the support of our wonderful fundraisers, volunteers and donors we can really help enrich the healthcare provided through the Trust at the very highest level.” Andrea Young Chief Executive North Bristol NHS Trust

Last year Last year we received




raised by our community supporters


through individual donations, community fundraising, corporate support, grants and legacies

from in-memory donations and legacies

£1,465,000 In total we gave to NBT £1,481,000 Last year our total income was

This included more than:

£480,000 for patient welfare

£280,000 towards equipment

£538,000 for research projects


Thanks to our donors, We’ve been able to buy: Tissue Processor Our neuropathology team now has a state of the art tissue processor which allows for Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) testing. It means the laboratory will be one of very few places in the country able to offer this service. “We have a purpose built CJD lab and the new processor funded by the Charity allows us to test biopsies and autopsies. We can report on the outcomes much more quickly than before, and we can give families certain diagnoses to end any doubt. The processor is allowing us to provide a high quality service, keeping NBT at the forefront of scientific knowledge.” Catherine Rowe Neuropathology Laboratory Manager


Plasma thawer – improving transfusions The Haematology team were given £5,000 to buy a new plasma thawer which will improve the efficiency of transfusions. “The new thawer means we can quickly thaw frozen blood components to be released for our sickest patients. It’s speeded up the process and means we can get plasma to patients half an hour quicker than before – and every second counts. The maintenance on this equipment is significantly less than its predecessor and has freed up our time to perform other duties.” Tim Wreford-Bush Blood Transfusion Laboratory Manager

Patient Assessment Room A bright and welcoming patient assessment room has been developed in our Emergency Department. “Funds raised through the Charity have paid for the redecoration of our assessment room here in the Emergency Department. Before, the room was dark and unwelcoming so we worked with local mental health groups and service users to develop a much brighter yet calmer environment. We had to work around certain constraints, and we didn’t want to patronise any of our patients, but the finished room is a much better place to be for our patients and makes assessments much easier.”

Our Christmas Cracker scheme supports small scale projects throughout NBT which have A significant impact on patient care and experience

Juliette Hughes Emergency Department Matron

18 different teams across the Trust benefited from last year’s Christmas Cracker grants and were awarded £35,000 among them to buy equipment

Annual Review 2016/17 7

What a year! We’ve had a busy, lively and fascinating fundraising year here at Southmead Hospital Charity. Thank you to everyone who has supported us by taking on a challenge, sponsoring or donating. Here’s just a brief taste of the activity over the last 12 months: Epic bike challenge

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Virtual tour Our donors funded a virtual tour of the Brunel building, meaning patients can now familiarise themselves with it before they visit.

Buskathon Our hospital was filled with beautiful sounds for the month of June during our very first Great Brunel Buskathon.

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Tour of Broadmead Supporters took to static bikes in Broadmead and used pedal power to raise money. In total the 14 cyclists pedalled a total of 409 km and raised over £2,000 for us.

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MS Warriors take to the skies A brave group of supporters, some of who have Multiple Sclerosis (MS), jumped out of a plane at 15,000 feet to raise money for our MS team.



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NICU fundraisers The Marshall family returned to NICU with a cheque for £1,500 raised by the Priory Lodge as a thank you for the care the Marshall’s daughter received in NICU 25 years ago.



Retired surgeon Alan Gibson inspired us all by cycling over 1,000 miles from John O’Groats to Lands End to raise money for the Guy Jordan Memorial Fund, supporting major trauma and emergency medicine.

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Prostate Cancer Care Appeal launched We launched our new Appeal to raise £2 million to purchase 2 additional surgical robots for our nationally-recognised Urology team.

Channel swimmer Dodging ferries and jellyfish, Simon Gray braved the waters of the English Channel to raise money for our cardiac rehabilitation team.

Songs for NICU

Christmas Cracker Awards Thanks to the generosity of our donors we were able to award a share of £35,000 to staff across the Trust to buy equipment and fund projects.

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The intrepid Barry family from Bristol set off to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. They raised over £10,000 for our NICU.



Brian Tocknell and his fellow members of the Dursley Male Voice Choir hosted a stunning autumn concert at St George’s Bristol to raise funds for NICU.

Mountain to climb

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Robot Day In support of our Prostate Cancer Care Appeal the latest in surgical robot technology paid us a visit and local school children had a chance to try their hand at robotic surgery.

Christmas Appeal raises over £20,000 The great news in January was that our Christmas activity raised over £20,000! All the money raised bought Christmas gifts for patients and boxes of Christmas cheer for all wards.



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Marathon in March Over 40 people took part in our first ever virtual fundraising event. They all ran a marathon in March and between them raised over £4,000.


Staff development We’re extremely proud to acknowledge the amazing staff here at NBT: Exceptional Healthcare Awards Teams and individuals nominated by their peers for doing outstanding work were given Exceptional Healthcare Awards at a special ceremony, organised by the Charity and supported by our very generous sponsors.

Hero Awards Hero Awards are given to members of staff here at the Trust who go the extra mile and do an amazing job. All winners have been nominated by their colleagues and the nominations we receive give a real flavour of the way in which many members of staff go above and beyond what’s expected of them in their everyday work. 

“Charity funding has enabled us to support the training and development needs of our staff. Many have been able to attend cancer-related conferences and undertake professional study. The value of this support is reflected in the consistently high quality of cancer care at the Trust and we’re very grateful to everyone who donates.”

International Nurses Day Nurses, health care assistants and midwives from across our Trust were honoured in the Director of Nursing Awards which, thanks to the generosity of our donors, we’re delighted to support.

over 150 members of NBT staff were nominated by their colleagues for an Exceptional Healthcare Award


Carol Chapman Lead Cancer Nurse

Our Future plans The Charity’s fundraising priority continues to be the Prostate Cancer Care Appeal, raising money to support the purchase of two additional surgical robots. All challenge events will focus on raising funds for the Appeal and a significant programme of charitable trust and grant giving asks for support has begun.

Further work will continue to ensure that the Charity can best support the Trust priorities through four key areas: The purchase of specialist medical equipment Supporting pioneering research projects Improvements to the hospital environment through our capital improvement programme and Fresh Arts scheme Providing additional support services to our patients and visitors and recognising our staff and volunteers In order to do this most effectively, work has begun to align all our funds within our five main hospital divisions: Anaesthesia, Surgery, Critical Care and Renal Medicine Neurosciences and Musculoskeletal

Where possible we will continue to amalgamate funds to accumulate support which, in turn, will help the Charity make more impact. We will continue to improve and renew our processes in order to ensure best practise. We have signed up to the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Practice for the UK which aims to give donors the confidence that the Charity acts responsibility and will continue to review guidance published by the Charity Commission and the Information Commissioner’s Office. The Charity has ambitious plans, and in order to develop further we will be undertaking a far reaching Charity review during 2017 in order to develop a long term fundraising strategy and map out of fundraising potential over the next 5 years, addressing the resources and systems required to maximise income and become a successful and robust charity.

Core Clinical Women and Children’s Health


How we are managed Southmead Hospital Charity, registered Charity number 1055900, is administered and managed by the Trustee, North Bristol NHS Trust as a corporate body, which is represented by the Trust Board of Directors. During the 2016/17 year the following individuals served as Trustees of North Bristol NHS Trust. Chair:

Peter Rilett

Non-Executive Directors: John Everitt

Professor John Iredale

Jaki Meekings Davis

Robert Mould

Dr Liz Redfern CBE

Andrew Willis

Executive Directors:

Andrea Young

Dr Christopher Burton Medical Director

Chief Executive

Sue Jones

Director of Nursing and Quality

Director of Operations

Kate Hannam

Catherine Phillips

Director of Finance, Performance, Planning and Information

It is the responsibility of the Trustees to ensure that all donations and legacies are utilised in accordance with the purpose for which they are given. The authority to administer the Trust’s Charitable Funds have been delegated by the Trust Board to the Southmead Hospital Charity Committee. The Committee meet on a quarterly basis to provide guidance on Charity management and governance, strategic input and income generation to the Charity team. The Charity administers over 100 funds throughout the hospital so that our donors and fundraisers can ensure their money goes directly to the cause they wish to support. This ensures that the Trustee fulfils its legal duty by ensuring funds are spent in accordance with donor wishes. During the 2016/17 year the following individuals served as members of the Southmead Hospital Charity Committee. Chair:

Jaki Meekings Davis

Non-Executive Director

Members: Elizabeth Bond

Trust and Major Donor Manager

General Manager

Rhona Galt

Sue Jones

Director of Nursing and Quality

Head of Nutrition/Dietetics

Katherine Lord

Catherine Phillips

Director of Finance, Performance, Planning and Information

Niall Prosser

General Manager

Jasmeet Soar

Consultant Intensivist


Governance To ensure that the Charity continues to meet best practice in relation to governance, the Southmead Hospital Charity Committee, with the support of the Trust Secretary, regularly reviews its compliance with the various governing bodies which now support the Charity sector; the new Fundraising Regulator, the Charity Commission and the Information Commissioners’ Office. More than ever before, these organisations provide charities with robust and clear guidance in order to restore and maintain confidence with donors and fundraisers. The Charity continues to update and review our internal processes and procedures in order to ensure best practice is maintained across all its charitable activity.


passengers have travelled around the hospital on the patient buggy, part funded by our donors making access to gates and wards easier


Our income and expenditure Income Donations and legacies




Other trading activities




Total income and endowments


expenditure Charitable activities


Raising funds




Total expenditure


All Charity costs are met from our reserves. We don’t use funds raised by our supporters for our operational purposes. A copy of our full annual accounts 2016/17 is available from our website ( or via the Charity Commission website (


Thank you We receive support and donations from hundreds of individuals, companies, charitable trusts and community associations each year. There are too many to mention individually but collectively they have helped the Charity make a real impact, improving the care our patients at NBT receive and helping to develop our staff. We are indebted to the support we receive from our local community and corporate partners, and Cossham Hospital and Southmead Hospital League of Friends who raise thousands of pounds every year to support patients at the Trust.

“Thanks to funding from the Charity, visitors to our Cossham Hospital can now have a look before they visit by using our virtual tour. The tour gives our patients, carers and visitors confidence by giving them easy- to-use information about car parking, the coffee shop, waiting rooms, toilets, baby changing facilities – all those things which are good to know about before you leave home. The tour can also help alleviate some of the anxiety that patients may be feeling by allowing them to familiarise themselves with consulting rooms, treatment rooms, ultrasound rooms, X-ray facilities, the physiotherapy gym and our birthing rooms. The tour even allows you to meet some of our midwives who work at the Cossham Birth Centre! You can watch the tour on your mobile, tablet and desktop devices. It’s a fantastic move forward for our patients and visitors.” Jessica Knott Insight & Communications Manager


Contact Details Southmead Hospital Charity Trust Headquarters Southmead Hospital Bristol BS10 5NB Tel: 0117 414 0170 Email: [email protected] Web: