Jeff Reznecheck, principal of Centennial Elementary School, was awarded the ..... Paraprofessional. South. Pam. Schillin
Annual Staff Recognition Awards
2018 Accolades and Awards At surprise presentations made in April and May at staff meetings and school assemblies, three Fargo Public Schools (FPS) staff members were honored for their outstanding performance and service this school year to the students, families, and schools of the Fargo Public School District. Amanda Boyeff, special education teacher at Lincoln Elementary School, received the Teacher of the Year award due to her passion about education and dedication to ensuring each student in her classroom is cared for in a unique way.
Brian Sokolofsky, operations & maintenance delivery driver, was named the Support Staff of the Year award due to his work ethic, positive attitude, flexibility, dedication and reliability.
Jeff Reznecheck, principal of Centennial Elementary School, was awarded the Administrator of the Year due to his willingness to go above and beyond in his role as an administrator.
The District was overwhelmed with the quantity and quality of nominations submitted by community members for consideration for these three awards. Colleagues, students, and parents submitted narratives that told of nominees’ amazing levels of dedication, positive attitudes, abounding creativity, and sincere commitment to students and education, along with heart-warming examples of student and staff success stories due to a nominee’s influence. There were a record number of nominations submitted this year. The FPS Staff Recognition Program is more than public recognition of a few people each year—it is truly about the amazing qualities and commitment to students and learning that the entire staff of teachers, administrators, and support staff members exhibits and shares with the community each and every day. Continued… 1 ©2018 Fargo Public Schools
Staff Recognition, continued
Here are the listings of all the 2018 Staff Recognition Program Nominees: TEACHER OF THE YEAR The FPS Teacher of the Year recipient is forwarded to the North Dakota Department of Instruction as a candidate for the North Dakota Teacher of the Year, which is awarded in the fall. There were 149 nominees for the 2018 Fargo Public School District Teacher of the Year Award. First Name Donna Hans Jan Josh Stephen Sydney Branton Kimberlea Rebecca Dawn Casey Nicole Jill Margo Valerie Kimberly Cindi Darcy Sarah Shawn Heather Amy Susan Rodney Laura Susan Rachel Tom Bonita
Last Name Aho Anderson Anderson Andres Arel Azure Baarstad Baarstad Bates Beasley Behm Beier Bergren Bernardy Bock Bollinger Bondy Brandenburg Bratlien Brekke Bronaugh Burdick Callies Capistran Christensen Clark Consdorf Cross Daily
Position CTE-Health Careers Social Studies-MS 8th Specialist-Title Counselor Social Studies HS Grade 5 Grade 4 Kindergarten Reading Recovery Title-Reading Music-Vocal Social Studies HS World Lang-French Math-MS Grade 1 Grade 1 Science-HS Music-Band Sp Ed-SLD Music-Band Math-HS ELL-Soc Studies ILC Math-HS Language Arts HS Grade 4 Science-HS CTE-Auto Sp Ed-SLD 2
School Davies Discovery Woodrow Wilson Davies Davies Lewis and Clark Horace Mann Roosevelt Washington Lewis and Clark Ed Clapp Davies South Davies Ben Franklin Centennial Bennett Davies Davies Lincoln Ben Franklin Davies Davies Davies North Davies Ed Clapp North South Jefferson
Staff Recognition, continued Jessica Kelsey Dakota Ann Lana Taryn Kate Michael Christopher Heidi Erin Anna Lisa Brittany Danielle Sarah Deborah Sarah Laura Scott Patrick Tyler Jennifer Brittany Becky Susan Michael Leisa John Liz Katie Erica Courtney Jenny Jacob Aaron
DeJong Dragosavich Draper Duchscher Duffey Feeley Erickson Evenson Feickert Gast Geiselhart Gigstad Gilbertson Gingerich Gores Grant Gress-Winter Hallquist Hanson Hanson Hanson Healey Hetland Hoime Holten Holter Honl Hrdlicka Hrdlicka Johanson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Kading Kienzle Kliniske
Science-MS 8th Music-Band Social Studies HS Facilitator-Gifted Services CTE-FACS Science-MS 7th Counselor Math-HS Grade 4 Kindergarten Sp Ed-SLP Science-HS Art Counselor Sp Ed Strategist Kindergarten Health Education Music-Vocal Grade 1 Title-Reading Science-MS 8th Physical Education Language Arts HS ELL-Elementary Sp Ed-ID Grade 3 Science-MS 8th Grade 1 Social Studies HS Grade 5 Kindergarten Grade 1 ELL-Math Grade 2 Language Arts-MS 7th Grade 4 3
Discovery North Woodrow Wilson Carl Ben Eielson Davies Discovery North North Bennett Bennett Longfellow North North Lewis and Clark Clara Barton Hawthorne Horace Mann Roosevelt North Ben Franklin Clara Barton Hawthorne Jefferson Discovery Eagles South Ed Clapp Longfellow Eagles Discovery Lewis and Clark Davies Bennett Bennett Eagles South Clara Barton Hawthorne Discovery Eagles
Staff Recognition, continued Steven Lori Susan Dawn Rachel Michal Laura Julie Cassie Melissa Louis Kerri Rachel Keith Krystle Sara Jennifer Megan Katherine Jonathan Jessica Jessica Bart Nicole Kathy Bernadette Jenna David Kimiko Denae Steven Lisa Carol Nicole Theresa Emily
Knutson Koenig Kolstad Kruckenberg Lacher Lang Langley Larson Larson Larson Lauer Lee Lee Lehman Leidholm Lichtblau Lindsay Linstaedt Love Lucht Lura Magnuson Manson Manson McArthur Medbery Meyers Midgarden Milligan Monson Muhs Nelson Nelson Nelson Nygaard Oberg
Art Language Arts HS Grade 1 Kindergarten Library Media Specialist Music-Orchestra Kindergarten Grade 1 Counselor Sp Ed-ED Library Media Specialist Math-MS 8th Grade 2 Math-HS Math-HS Music-Vocal Grade 4 Kindergarten CTE-FACS Music-Band Grade 2 Science-MS 6th Social Studies HS Grade 2 Grade 4 Grade 3 Title-Reading Language Arts HS Student Performance Strategist Grade 2 ROTC Language Arts HS 9th Health Education Student Performance Strategist Science-MS 7th Grade 1 4
Discovery North Clara Barton Hawthorne Centennial Lewis and Clark Davies Jefferson Bennett Eagles South Jefferson Ben Franklin Clara Barton Hawthorne North Davies South Kennedy Centennial Ben Franklin Discovery Bennett Carl Ben Eielson Davies Lincoln Eagles Kennedy Jefferson North Eagles Washington South Davies Davies Lincoln Ben Franklin Bennett
Staff Recognition, continued Michelle Kristina Ross Tammy Lisa Michael Jacob Amanda Leah Brittney Jodi Joe Sean Jocelyn Kary Steven Kari Laurie Scott Emily David Erin Kelli Kurt Linda Brock Sandra Verlene Elizabeth Regan Cori Yvonne Elizabeth Gregory James Melanie
Ohren Olson Olson Osvold Ouradnik Pfeifer Puhl Quintus Ramstad Rehm Rerick Riley Ritchie Robbins Sandy Saville Schiller Schlenker Schmidt Schneider Schultz Sinner Sitzler-Erickson Skari Sorby Stenberg Sterling Stotts Strinden Teslaw Thielges Timian Townsend Unruh Urlacher Van Soelen
Grade 2 Grade 2 Physical Education Sp Ed-SLD Grade 3 Grade 5 Language Arts HS Sp Ed-ED Language Arts HS World Lang-Spanish Sp Ed-SLD CTE-Construction Social Studies HS Kindergarten Sp Ed-Autism Math-MS 7th Sp Ed-SLP Counselor Language Arts HS Language Arts HS Science-HS Language Arts HS CTE-Marketing Social Studies-MS 7th Grade 1 Math-HS Grade 1 Music-Band Grade 2 Grade 1 Kindergarten Gifted Services Sp Ed Strategist Science-HS World Language Language Arts-MS 7th 5
Longfellow Horace Mann Roosevelt Lincoln North Horace Mann Roosevelt Bennett North Davies North North Discovery North North Madison Carl Ben Eielson Ben Franklin Horace Mann Roosevelt South Davies North Davies Davies North Carl Ben Eielson Horace Mann Roosevelt Davies Washington Discovery Clara Barton Hawthorne Longfellow Kennedy Eagles Clara Barton Hawthorne North Discovery Carl Ben Eielson
Staff Recognition, continued Karla Julia Paula Loretta Ryan Justine Jennifer Shana Luke Heather Melissa
Volrath Warner Weiler Wellentin Wenaas Westphal Wicklow Wolff Worthington Yarber Youngs
Grade 1 Gifted Services Coach - Technology Social Studies HS Math-HS Sp Ed-ID Student Performance Strategist Grade 1 World Lang-Spanish Language Arts HS Sp Ed-SLD
Washington Bennett Carl Ben Eielson Davies Davies Davies Washington Eagles South Davies Eagles
SUPPORT STAFF OF THE YEAR There were 67 nominees for the 2018 Fargo Public School District Support Staff of the Year Award. First Name Kristin Rebekah Thomas Elizabeth Pamela Mike Tricia Stacey Mary Jo Karrin Nick Elda Julie Peggy Jennifer Barb Zachary Lorrie Linda Carly Diane
Last Name Archbold Atkins Bommersbach Bramel Brauch Brown Bry Bush Caulfield Christians Culkins Deleon Emery Hetland Fischer Fisher Fisher Fjelstad Frendin Froysland Gaddie Garske
Position Administrative Assistant Paraprofessional Engineer-Middle School Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Administrative Assistant Attendance Clerk Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Custodian Custodian Office Assistant NS Manager-Elem Paraprofessional Office Assistant Engineer-Elem-Small Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Social Worker-ELL Executive Assistant 6
School Madison North Carl Ben Eielson Eagles Kennedy North Clara Barton Hawthorne North Davies Lincoln Clara Barton Hawthorne Davies Clara Barton Hawthorne Washington Bennett Horace Mann Roosevelt Clara Barton Hawthorne Clara Barton Hawthorne Davies Eagles District Office
Staff Recognition, continued Ashley Traci Julie Staci Stacy Mary Sandy Jacob Alaina
Goble Gothberg Graalum Grenz Hanson Harms Hasbrouck Himle Johnson
Cynthia Amy Julie Jill Allison Nicole Bret Kathy Karen Amy Curry Mike Shannon Erica Ann Chandra Lenore Nanci Amy David Andrea Sandra Diane Kim Suzanne Pam
Jordet Kingzett Kloster Larson Law Lees Maughan Moe Moore Moser Mund Navarro Nowak Olson Palm Pokhrel Prisinzano Qualey Riccio Rice Roach Roberts Sanders Schatzke Schierer Schilling
Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Office Assistant Paraprofessional Office Assistant Administrative Assistant Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Positive Behavioral Interventionist Library Assistant School Resource Officer Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Paraprofessional NS Manager-Elem Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Manager Dist Assessment Data School Nurse Paraprofessional Engineer-High School NS Manager-Sec Paraprofessional Secretary Paraprofessional Administrative Assistant Paraprofessional Social Worker NS Manager - Operations Administrative Assistant NS Manager-Elem Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Paraprofessional
Davies Kennedy Lewis and Clark Eagles Kennedy Longfellow Eagles Eagles Jefferson Lewis and Clark Discovery North Horace Mann Roosevelt North Kennedy Ben Franklin Eagles District Office Clara Barton and Bennett Woodrow Wilson South Davies Lincoln District Office Ed Clapp Lewis and Clark Eagles All Schools Central Kitchen Carl Ben Eielson Bennett Longfellow Eagles South Luther Hall
Staff Recognition, continued Nathan Jennifer Nicole Julie Katie Donna Jeremy Deb Yolanda Rita
Schue Schultz Selch Sorenson Thompson Unrue Van Soelen Villella Wilde-Swenson Ystebo
Driver-Delivery Warehouse Secretary Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Paraprofessional Administrative Assistant Attendance Clerk Paraprofessional Administrative Assistant Paraprofessional
Operations Center District Office Lincoln Ed Clapp Eagles Ben Franklin Carl Ben Eielson Discovery Horace Mann Roosevelt Ben Franklin
ADMINISTRATOR OF THE YEAR There were 14 nominees for the 2018 Fargo Public School District Administrator of the Year Award. First Name Mark Travis
Last Name Blanshan Christensen
Troy Jason Andrew Rebecca Brad Eric Megan Shannen John Karrie Jennifer
Cody Cresap Dahlen Folden Franklin Henrickson Kiser Martin Nelson Rage Schuldheisz
Position Assistant Principal Assistant Principal/Activities Coordinator Principal Principal Principal Principal Principal Principal Principal Assistant Principal Principal Principal Principal
School North North Davies Lewis and Clark North Clara Barton-Hawthorne Jefferson Longfellow Lincoln Ben Franklin Ben Franklin Kennedy Ed Clapp
The Fargo Public School District wishes to congratulate and thank each and every 2018 Staff Recognition Program nominee and award winner for their dedication to their students, their school, and the District. Together, we are educating and empowering all students to succeed! For additional information on the annual FPS Staff Recognition Program, including nomination criteria and a listing of past award winners, visit