Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church - Memphis

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Aug 2, 2017 - prison by Herod Antipas, the Tetrarch (ruler of one fourth of the Holy Land) and governor of Galilee. (Aft



August 2017

Greek Orthodox Church 573 N Highland Street Memphis, TN 38122

Hierarchs of the Parish

Young Adult Ministries

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople Archbishop Elder Demetrios of America Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit

Young Adult League…………………..Alexis Moore OCF @ Ole Miss……………………..Blaise Brackett

Seniors Ministries

Parish Clergy

Young at Heart………………………Kathy Zambelis

Rev. Father Simon Thomas, Parish Priest Rev. Father Nicholas Vieron, Pastor Emeritus

Contact us at: (901) 327-8177 phone (901) 327-4440 fax [email protected]

Sunday Services: Orthros † 8:45 am Divine Liturgy † 10:00 am

Church Office Hours: Mon–Thurs † 8:30am–4:30pm Friday † 8:30am–12:30pm

Supplication Services Aug 2nd-11th † M-W-F @ 6:30 pm Supplication Services to Mary, the Mother of God, begin August 2nd. Submit names to Father Simon in the Church Office, by email, or at the service.

Dormition Feast

Featured Activities This Month

Office Personnel

President…………………………..Elizabeth Hawkins Vice President……………………...Marianthe Pilcher Secretary………………………………..Joanne Gikas Treasurer……………………………….Anne Schmitt

Erin Bobbitt de Padilla, Office Assistant

Inaugural Evening Celebrating the Theotokos

Saturday, August 19th @ 6:30 pm † Cotros Hall Join us in honoring our most beloved Theotokos and our mothers, yiayias, nounas, sisters, and friends. The Guest Speaker will be Arlene Siavelis Kehl, National Philoptochos Board Member. The cost is $75 per person, with proceeds going to benefit the National Philoptochos Cancer Fund & Other Major Illness Fund. Donations may also be made if you are unable to attend.

Dormition Coffee Fellowship Hosted by Elpis

Sunday, August 20th following the Divine Liturgy † Cotros Hall Our annual Coffee Fellowship in honor of the Falling Asleep of the Theotokos is sponsored by the Elpis Philoptochos.

Baby Shower Coffee Hour for Pres. Stephanie

Sunday, August 27th following the Divine Liturgy † Cotros Hall The entire Parish is invited to shower Presvytera Stephanie & Father Simon as they await the arrival of a baby boy in mid-October. This event is being hosted by the Elpis Philoptochos.

Religious Education

6:00 pm Orthros † 7:00 pm Liturgy Commemorate the Falling Asleep of Bible Study Resumes the Mother of God in worship on Wednesdays, 6:30 pm † Cotros Hall We will resume our study of the Gospel of John on Wednesday, August Monday, August 14th. 16th. Bring your Bible, or borrow one from our Parish Library.

Metro Clergy-Laity

Elpis Philoptochos

Youth Section

September 27-30 † Buffalo, NY Consider representing the Parish at the 2017 Metropolis of Detroit Clergy-Laity Congress at the Hyatt Re- Acolytes gency Hotel in Buffalo, NY. If you All young men in the Parish aged 7-18 are encouraged to assist Father are interested, please contact Father Simon in the Altar as Acolytes. Please contact Father Simon or Daniel Simon or the Parish Council Presi- Shipman for more information. dent, Ted Poplos. 1

Parish Council

Committee Leaders: Altar Committee………………..Laura Couloubaritsis Cookbook…………………………………Elaine Otto Elpis Bookstore………………………..Angela Tobias Food Pantry……………………………….Anna Paris Makaria Coordinator………………Marianthe Pilcher More Than a Meal……………………….Cyndi Detty Prayer Circle……………………………Luane Semos Sunshine Committee……………………….Zoe Futris Visitation Committee………………..Kristine Wagner

Ted Poplos – President Naji Nassif – Vice President Endy Carter – Secretary Maria Moore – Treasurer Chris Apalodimas Demie Bitinis Bill Joyner Diane Kavaleras John Kay James “Pete” Ruby Vasili Semos Harry Sinis

Memphis Greek Festival Festival Director……………………..Todd Bagatelas

Music Ministry

Greek Language

Choir Director & Organist……….DoraThea Kastanas Chanter Director…………………….Andrew Horvath

Greek School Teacher…………………Despina Karas Adult Greek Class……………Father Nicholas Vieron

Youth Ministries


Acolytes……………………………..Daniel Shipman Sunday School Director……………….….Anna Paris Pre-K/K…………………….. Anna Paris, Naji Nassif 1-2……………… Kristine Wagner, Christina George 3-4……………... Stephanie Johnson, Pannay Guigley 5-6……….………...Renee Graves, Alexia Loughman 7-8…………………. Ken Hoover, Gabriella Stroplos 9-12……………...Ted Poplos, Elizabeth Hawkins, Chris Apalodimas, and Brian Berretta GOYA Coordinators………..Andrew & Tina Douglas JOY Coordinator……..………………....Kellye Farris Oratorical Festival……………….…..Kathy Zambelis Athenian Dance Troupe……Andrew & Leah Horvath Christmas Program………………………Ken Hoover St. Nicholas Summer Camp……………Father Simon

AHEPA……………………………………..John Kay DOP…………………………………..Phani Mitchell

Parish Library Docent…………………………………..Billy Benson





August 2017

Greek Orthodox Church 573 N Highland Street Memphis, TN 38122

Hierarchs of the Parish

Young Adult Ministries

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople Archbishop Elder Demetrios of America Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit

Young Adult League…………………..Alexis Moore OCF @ Ole Miss……………………..Blaise Brackett

Seniors Ministries

Parish Clergy

Young at Heart………………………Kathy Zambelis

Rev. Father Simon Thomas, Parish Priest Rev. Father Nicholas Vieron, Pastor Emeritus

Contact us at: (901) 327-8177 phone (901) 327-4440 fax [email protected]

Sunday Services: Orthros † 8:45 am Divine Liturgy † 10:00 am

Church Office Hours: Mon–Thurs † 8:30am–4:30pm Friday † 8:30am–12:30pm

Supplication Services Aug 2nd-11th † M-W-F @ 6:30 pm Supplication Services to Mary, the Mother of God, begin August 2nd. Submit names to Father Simon in the Church Office, by email, or at the service.

Dormition Feast

Featured Activities This Month

Office Personnel

President…………………………..Elizabeth Hawkins Vice President……………………...Marianthe Pilcher Secretary………………………………..Joanne Gikas Treasurer……………………………….Anne Schmitt

Erin Bobbitt de Padilla, Office Assistant

Inaugural Evening Celebrating the Theotokos

Saturday, August 19th @ 6:30 pm † Cotros Hall Join us in honoring our most beloved Theotokos and our mothers, yiayias, nounas, sisters, and friends. The Guest Speaker will be Arlene Siavelis Kehl, National Philoptochos Board Member. The cost is $75 per person, with proceeds going to benefit the National Philoptochos Cancer Fund & Other Major Illness Fund. Donations may also be made if you are unable to attend.

Dormition Coffee Fellowship Hosted by Elpis

Sunday, August 20th following the Divine Liturgy † Cotros Hall Our annual Coffee Fellowship in honor of the Falling Asleep of the Theotokos is sponsored by the Elpis Philoptochos.

Baby Shower Coffee Hour for Pres. Stephanie

Sunday, August 27th following the Divine Liturgy † Cotros Hall The entire Parish is invited to shower Presvytera Stephanie & Father Simon as they await the arrival of a baby boy in mid-October. This event is being hosted by the Elpis Philoptochos.

Religious Education

6:00 pm Orthros † 7:00 pm Liturgy Commemorate the Falling Asleep of Bible Study Resumes the Mother of God in worship on Wednesdays, 6:30 pm † Cotros Hall We will resume our study of the Gospel of John on Wednesday, August Monday, August 14th. 16th. Bring your Bible, or borrow one from our Parish Library.

Metro Clergy-Laity

Elpis Philoptochos

Youth Section

September 27-30 † Buffalo, NY Consider representing the Parish at the 2017 Metropolis of Detroit Clergy-Laity Congress at the Hyatt Re- Acolytes gency Hotel in Buffalo, NY. If you All young men in the Parish aged 7-18 are encouraged to assist Father are interested, please contact Father Simon in the Altar as Acolytes. Please contact Father Simon or Daniel Simon or the Parish Council Presi- Shipman for more information. dent, Ted Poplos. 1

Parish Council

Committee Leaders: Altar Committee………………..Laura Couloubaritsis Cookbook…………………………………Elaine Otto Elpis Bookstore………………………..Angela Tobias Food Pantry……………………………….Anna Paris Makaria Coordinator………………Marianthe Pilcher More Than a Meal……………………….Cyndi Detty Prayer Circle……………………………Luane Semos Sunshine Committee……………………….Zoe Futris Visitation Committee………………..Kristine Wagner

Ted Poplos – President Naji Nassif – Vice President Endy Carter – Secretary Maria Moore – Treasurer Chris Apalodimas Demie Bitinis Bill Joyner Diane Kavaleras John Kay James “Pete” Ruby Vasili Semos Harry Sinis

Memphis Greek Festival Festival Director……………………..Todd Bagatelas

Music Ministry

Greek Language

Choir Director & Organist……….DoraThea Kastanas Chanter Director…………………….Andrew Horvath

Greek School Teacher…………………Despina Karas Adult Greek Class……………Father Nicholas Vieron

Youth Ministries


Acolytes……………………………..Daniel Shipman Sunday School Director……………….….Anna Paris Pre-K/K…………………….. Anna Paris, Naji Nassif 1-2……………… Kristine Wagner, Christina George 3-4……………... Stephanie Johnson, Pannay Guigley 5-6……….………...Renee Graves, Alexia Loughman 7-8…………………. Ken Hoover, Gabriella Stroplos 9-12……………...Ted Poplos, Elizabeth Hawkins, Chris Apalodimas, and Brian Berretta GOYA Coordinators………..Andrew & Tina Douglas JOY Coordinator……..………………....Kellye Farris Oratorical Festival……………….…..Kathy Zambelis Athenian Dance Troupe……Andrew & Leah Horvath Christmas Program………………………Ken Hoover St. Nicholas Summer Camp……………Father Simon

AHEPA……………………………………..John Kay DOP…………………………………..Phani Mitchell

Parish Library Docent…………………………………..Billy Benson


New Beginnings

President’s Message August 2017

If you have read this far into the August edition of the Epistle, you will have noticed that the monthly newsletter of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Memphis, Tennessee has experienced a bit of a facelift. I am always looking to enhance what we are doing in the parish – to make things more practical, more educational, more engaging. I hope the new design accomplishes these goals.

As Summer creeps to a close and school is just around the corner for our children, I hope that you all have had a restful and uneventful Summer. I look forward to the hustle and bustle around the church as we crank back up. I have enjoyed visiting with many of you in the coffee hour due to the more relaxed pace of Summer. As I am writing this, I am reminded that we have a group of campers, 4 of our young adults counselors and Fr. Simon at St. Nicholas Camp in Leitchfield, KY. I look forward to the stories that always come from a camp session. I pray that they have had a great time and a successful return to Memphis.

A personal philosophy of mine has always been to develop and build on what has already been accomplished. In essence, to never be satisfied or settle for the status quo. Yes, it keeps me up at night. Yes, I am more than grateful for all the blood, sweat, and tears that have been spent paving the way to our present state. And yes, it provides a purpose for the next generation to build on the foundation that has been laid. With all of this in mind, may I highlight some new (or enhanced) ministries of our Parish: Parish Library – Our Parish has a Library! While it has been used and cared for to some extent, there has been nothing organized for a few years. Billy & Carri Benson have recently moved to Memphis, and Billy has agreed to organize and maintain the library, and even to hold Library Hours. Billy was in charge of the bookstore in his former Orthodox Parish in Beaverton (Portland), Oregon. He is a voracious reader, and can offer suggestions on the appropriate book for you. An Evening with the Theotokos – You have received, I hope, the invitation for the Inaugural Evening with the Theotokos on Saturday, August 19th. Emily Capadalis Love and Tina Liollio brought the idea to me almost a year ago, and with my approval, they have been working on this since that meeting. This will be a wonderful way to commemorate and honor our loved ones who have gone before us to eternal rest, and to raise money for a good cause. Please consider attending/ supporting this event. Bible Study & Book Club – I will resume my Bible Study on Wednesday evenings beginning this month. We are studying the Gospel of John (Bibles are available if you do not have one). We are also resurrecting the Book Club (for both men and women), which will take place on Tuesday mornings. Please see the Parish Calendar for more information. Pilgrimage to Greece – If you have never been to Greece, or if you have but want to go back, consider joining our Parish Pilgrimage that is being planned for October 2018. More details to come shortly. There is more in the following pages … I hope you enjoy, and I pray you will join us in Faith and Fellowship. With Love in Christ,

“We are called Christians because we believe that He is the True God and because we keep His commandments in our own personal life. We attempt to conform our lives to His own life.”

-Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos Entering the Orthodox Church

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” ~Romans 12:2

Speaking of Summer, I hope that many of you got to enjoy our substitute priest while Fr. Simon and his family were out of town for a well-earned vacation. Fr Nick Parthenos always impresses with his calm demeanor and his insightful sermons. We are always glad to have him visit. (No offense Fr. Simon. We love you too) Many of you have noticed and asked about the scaffolding in the courtyard. We are in the process of completing some long overdue waterproofing and sealing of the brick and windows on the church. One of the many storms took the plastic protective covering off the round stained glass window in the choir loft. That has been replaced as well. All this work is to ensure that our building is water tight now and for many years to come. We are still looking to get our trees pruned and cleaned up but hurricane Tom Lee put a little wrinkle in those plans. We will be waiting for the weather to get cooler and the demand for tree work to decrease. So, as we near the end of our Summer sabbatical, I say “If I have seen you this Summer, I am glad and if I have not, welcome back. We have missed you”. I hope and pray that you have a good and productive start to the school year. I hope to see all of you high schoolers in Sunday school. We have an exciting year of discussion planned. And to the GOYA, although I have retired from being your advisor, I may return from time to time as a guest speaker. You will just have to attend to find out when. May God grant you peace in your endeavors. In His Service, Ted Poplos

Rev. Father Simon Thomas Parish Priest 3


The New 2017 Church Directory! 1. This Sunday, August 6th, will be the last day to have your picture made for the 2017 Directory. 2. The last day to bring in or email pictures to the church office will be Friday, August 18th. Please try to send HD if possible. 3. For any questions, please email Presvytera Stephanie Thomas: [email protected] m or call 209-640-1301. 4. If you like your family's picture, you may purchase it and the digital file will be emailed to you. Thank you, Directory Team

New Beginnings

President’s Message August 2017

If you have read this far into the August edition of the Epistle, you will have noticed that the monthly newsletter of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Memphis, Tennessee has experienced a bit of a facelift. I am always looking to enhance what we are doing in the parish – to make things more practical, more educational, more engaging. I hope the new design accomplishes these goals.

As Summer creeps to a close and school is just around the corner for our children, I hope that you all have had a restful and uneventful Summer. I look forward to the hustle and bustle around the church as we crank back up. I have enjoyed visiting with many of you in the coffee hour due to the more relaxed pace of Summer. As I am writing this, I am reminded that we have a group of campers, 4 of our young adults counselors and Fr. Simon at St. Nicholas Camp in Leitchfield, KY. I look forward to the stories that always come from a camp session. I pray that they have had a great time and a successful return to Memphis.

A personal philosophy of mine has always been to develop and build on what has already been accomplished. In essence, to never be satisfied or settle for the status quo. Yes, it keeps me up at night. Yes, I am more than grateful for all the blood, sweat, and tears that have been spent paving the way to our present state. And yes, it provides a purpose for the next generation to build on the foundation that has been laid. With all of this in mind, may I highlight some new (or enhanced) ministries of our Parish: Parish Library – Our Parish has a Library! While it has been used and cared for to some extent, there has been nothing organized for a few years. Billy & Carri Benson have recently moved to Memphis, and Billy has agreed to organize and maintain the library, and even to hold Library Hours. Billy was in charge of the bookstore in his former Orthodox Parish in Beaverton (Portland), Oregon. He is a voracious reader, and can offer suggestions on the appropriate book for you. An Evening with the Theotokos – You have received, I hope, the invitation for the Inaugural Evening with the Theotokos on Saturday, August 19th. Emily Capadalis Love and Tina Liollio brought the idea to me almost a year ago, and with my approval, they have been working on this since that meeting. This will be a wonderful way to commemorate and honor our loved ones who have gone before us to eternal rest, and to raise money for a good cause. Please consider attending/ supporting this event. Bible Study & Book Club – I will resume my Bible Study on Wednesday evenings beginning this month. We are studying the Gospel of John (Bibles are available if you do not have one). We are also resurrecting the Book Club (for both men and women), which will take place on Tuesday mornings. Please see the Parish Calendar for more information. Pilgrimage to Greece – If you have never been to Greece, or if you have but want to go back, consider joining our Parish Pilgrimage that is being planned for October 2018. More details to come shortly. There is more in the following pages … I hope you enjoy, and I pray you will join us in Faith and Fellowship. With Love in Christ,

“We are called Christians because we believe that He is the True God and because we keep His commandments in our own personal life. We attempt to conform our lives to His own life.”

-Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos Entering the Orthodox Church

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” ~Romans 12:2

Speaking of Summer, I hope that many of you got to enjoy our substitute priest while Fr. Simon and his family were out of town for a well-earned vacation. Fr Nick Parthenos always impresses with his calm demeanor and his insightful sermons. We are always glad to have him visit. (No offense Fr. Simon. We love you too) Many of you have noticed and asked about the scaffolding in the courtyard. We are in the process of completing some long overdue waterproofing and sealing of the brick and windows on the church. One of the many storms took the plastic protective covering off the round stained glass window in the choir loft. That has been replaced as well. All this work is to ensure that our building is water tight now and for many years to come. We are still looking to get our trees pruned and cleaned up but hurricane Tom Lee put a little wrinkle in those plans. We will be waiting for the weather to get cooler and the demand for tree work to decrease. So, as we near the end of our Summer sabbatical, I say “If I have seen you this Summer, I am glad and if I have not, welcome back. We have missed you”. I hope and pray that you have a good and productive start to the school year. I hope to see all of you high schoolers in Sunday school. We have an exciting year of discussion planned. And to the GOYA, although I have retired from being your advisor, I may return from time to time as a guest speaker. You will just have to attend to find out when. May God grant you peace in your endeavors. In His Service, Ted Poplos

Rev. Father Simon Thomas Parish Priest 3


The New 2017 Church Directory! 1. This Sunday, August 6th, will be the last day to have your picture made for the 2017 Directory. 2. The last day to bring in or email pictures to the church office will be Friday, August 18th. Please try to send HD if possible. 3. For any questions, please email Presvytera Stephanie Thomas: [email protected] m or call 209-640-1301. 4. If you like your family's picture, you may purchase it and the digital file will be emailed to you. Thank you, Directory Team

Annunciation Prayer List “Pray for one another, that you may be healed” (James 5:16). Prayer is an important resource for those who are in need. Please contact Father Simon or the Church Office to add/remove someone from the list. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Archbishop Demetrios of America Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit Father Simon & Presvytera Stephanie and children Father Nicholas & Presvytera Bess and children Parishioners of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Metropolitan Paul (Yazge) of Aleppo Archbishop Youhanna Ibrahim (Syriac) of Aleppo Nick, Helen, Diana, Alec, Katherine, Maria, Zoe, Ronnie, Jeffrey, Toni, Sandy, Sophia, Cornelia, Kosta, George

Volunteers for August Acolytes: Lee Couloubaritsis Austin Detty Jackson Detty John Donnelly Nick Douglas

John Eramo Max Graves Jonathan Holland Vasili Johnson Jonathan Mehrotra

Epistle Readers: August 6: Paul Vieron August 13: Cathe Skefos

Jack Shipman Abiel Tesfazion Demetri Thomas David Wassef

August 20: Sophia Douglas August 27: Andrew Douglas

Prosphoro Makers: Enosis Touliatos Ushers: August 6 Team 3: Chris Apalodimas & John Kay August 13 Team 4: Endy Carter & Vasili Semos

August 20 Team 1: Maria Moore, Bill Joyner & Pete Ruby August 27 Team 2: Naji Nassif, Diane Kavelaras, Demie Bitinis


August 6: Daughters of Penelope August 13: Wassef Family

August 20: Special Coffee Fellowship for Dormition hosted by Elpis August 27: Baby Shower for Presvytera Stephanie and Father Simon


Beheading of Saint John the Baptist August 29th The Evangelists Matthew (Mt.14:1-12) and Mark (Mark 6:14-29) provide accounts about the martyrdom of John the Baptist in the year 32 after the Birth of Christ. Following the Baptism of the Lord, Saint John the Baptist was locked up in prison by Herod Antipas, the Tetrarch (ruler of one fourth of the Holy Land) and governor of Galilee. (After the death of King Herod the Great, the Romans divided the territory of Palestine into four parts, and put a governor in charge of each part. Herod Antipas received Galilee from the emperor Augustus). The prophet of God John openly denounced Herod for having left his lawful wife, the daughter of the Arabian king Aretas, and then instead cohabiting with Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip (Luke 3:19-20). On his birthday, Herod made a feast for dignitaries, the elders and a thousand chief citizens. Salome, the daughter of Herod, danced before the guests and charmed Herod. In gratitude to the girl, he swore to give her whatever she would ask, up to half his kingdom. The vile girl on the advice of her wicked mother Herodias asked that she be given the head of John the Baptist on a platter. Herod became apprehensive, for he feared the wrath of God for the murder of a prophet, whom earlier he had heeded. He also feared the people, who loved the holy Forerunner. But because of the guests and his careless oath, he gave orders to cut off the head of Saint John and to give it to Salome.

According to Tradition, the mouth of the dead preacher of repentance once more opened and proclaimed: “Herod, you should not have the wife of your brother Philip.” Salome took the platter with the head of Saint John and gave it to her mother. The frenzied Herodias repeatedly stabbed the tongue of the prophet with a needle and buried his holy head in an unclean place. But the pious Joanna, wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, buried the head of John the Baptist in an earthen vessel on the Mount of Olives, where Herod had a parcel of land. (The Uncovering of the Venerable Head is celebrated on February 24. The holy body of John the Baptist was taken that night by his disciples and buried at Sebastia, there where the wicked deed had been done. After the murder of Saint John the Baptist, Herod continued to govern for a certain time. Pontius Pilate, governor of Judea, later sent Jesus Christ to him, Whom he mocked (Luke 23:7-12). The judgment of God came upon Herod, Herodias and Salome, even during their earthly life. Salome, crossing the River Sikoris in winter, fell through the ice. The ice gave way in such a way that her body was in the water, but her head was trapped above the ice. It was similar to how she once had danced with her feet upon the ground, but now she flailed helplessly in the icy water. Thus she was trapped until that time when the sharp ice cut through her neck. Her corpse was not found, but they brought the head to Herod and Herodias, as once they had brought them the head of Saint John the Baptist. The Arab king Aretas, in revenge for the disrespect shown his daughter, made war against Herod. The defeated Herod suffered the wrath of the Roman emperor Caius Caligua and was exiled with Herodias first to Gaul, and then to Spain. The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist, a Feast day established by the Church, is also a strict fast day because of the grief of Christians at the violent death of the Saint. In some Orthodox cultures pious people will not eat food from a flat plate, use a knife, or eat food that is round in shape on this day.


Annunciation Prayer List “Pray for one another, that you may be healed” (James 5:16). Prayer is an important resource for those who are in need. Please contact Father Simon or the Church Office to add/remove someone from the list. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Archbishop Demetrios of America Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit Father Simon & Presvytera Stephanie and children Father Nicholas & Presvytera Bess and children Parishioners of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Metropolitan Paul (Yazge) of Aleppo Archbishop Youhanna Ibrahim (Syriac) of Aleppo Nick, Helen, Diana, Alec, Katherine, Maria, Zoe, Ronnie, Jeffrey, Toni, Sandy, Sophia, Cornelia, Kosta, George

Volunteers for August Acolytes: Lee Couloubaritsis Austin Detty Jackson Detty John Donnelly Nick Douglas

John Eramo Max Graves Jonathan Holland Vasili Johnson Jonathan Mehrotra

Epistle Readers: August 6: Paul Vieron August 13: Cathe Skefos

Jack Shipman Abiel Tesfazion Demetri Thomas David Wassef

August 20: Sophia Douglas August 27: Andrew Douglas

Prosphoro Makers: Enosis Touliatos Ushers: August 6 Team 3: Chris Apalodimas & John Kay August 13 Team 4: Endy Carter & Vasili Semos

August 20 Team 1: Maria Moore, Bill Joyner & Pete Ruby August 27 Team 2: Naji Nassif, Diane Kavelaras, Demie Bitinis


August 6: Daughters of Penelope August 13: Wassef Family

August 20: Special Coffee Fellowship for Dormition hosted by Elpis August 27: Baby Shower for Presvytera Stephanie and Father Simon


Beheading of Saint John the Baptist August 29th The Evangelists Matthew (Mt.14:1-12) and Mark (Mark 6:14-29) provide accounts about the martyrdom of John the Baptist in the year 32 after the Birth of Christ. Following the Baptism of the Lord, Saint John the Baptist was locked up in prison by Herod Antipas, the Tetrarch (ruler of one fourth of the Holy Land) and governor of Galilee. (After the death of King Herod the Great, the Romans divided the territory of Palestine into four parts, and put a governor in charge of each part. Herod Antipas received Galilee from the emperor Augustus). The prophet of God John openly denounced Herod for having left his lawful wife, the daughter of the Arabian king Aretas, and then instead cohabiting with Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip (Luke 3:19-20). On his birthday, Herod made a feast for dignitaries, the elders and a thousand chief citizens. Salome, the daughter of Herod, danced before the guests and charmed Herod. In gratitude to the girl, he swore to give her whatever she would ask, up to half his kingdom. The vile girl on the advice of her wicked mother Herodias asked that she be given the head of John the Baptist on a platter. Herod became apprehensive, for he feared the wrath of God for the murder of a prophet, whom earlier he had heeded. He also feared the people, who loved the holy Forerunner. But because of the guests and his careless oath, he gave orders to cut off the head of Saint John and to give it to Salome.

According to Tradition, the mouth of the dead preacher of repentance once more opened and proclaimed: “Herod, you should not have the wife of your brother Philip.” Salome took the platter with the head of Saint John and gave it to her mother. The frenzied Herodias repeatedly stabbed the tongue of the prophet with a needle and buried his holy head in an unclean place. But the pious Joanna, wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, buried the head of John the Baptist in an earthen vessel on the Mount of Olives, where Herod had a parcel of land. (The Uncovering of the Venerable Head is celebrated on February 24. The holy body of John the Baptist was taken that night by his disciples and buried at Sebastia, there where the wicked deed had been done. After the murder of Saint John the Baptist, Herod continued to govern for a certain time. Pontius Pilate, governor of Judea, later sent Jesus Christ to him, Whom he mocked (Luke 23:7-12). The judgment of God came upon Herod, Herodias and Salome, even during their earthly life. Salome, crossing the River Sikoris in winter, fell through the ice. The ice gave way in such a way that her body was in the water, but her head was trapped above the ice. It was similar to how she once had danced with her feet upon the ground, but now she flailed helplessly in the icy water. Thus she was trapped until that time when the sharp ice cut through her neck. Her corpse was not found, but they brought the head to Herod and Herodias, as once they had brought them the head of Saint John the Baptist. The Arab king Aretas, in revenge for the disrespect shown his daughter, made war against Herod. The defeated Herod suffered the wrath of the Roman emperor Caius Caligua and was exiled with Herodias first to Gaul, and then to Spain. The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist, a Feast day established by the Church, is also a strict fast day because of the grief of Christians at the violent death of the Saint. In some Orthodox cultures pious people will not eat food from a flat plate, use a knife, or eat food that is round in shape on this day.


Liturgical Calendar for August

Parish Ministries

Wednesday. August 2nd Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm

Friday, August 11th Supplication Service to the Theotokos

Friday, August 4th Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm

Sunday, August 13th Tenth 10th Sunday of Matthew Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am

We will be having an exciting month in August!

Monday, August 14th Orthros/Divine Liturgy 6:00 pm

On August 19 we will be hosting a very special event: "An Evening with the Theotokos..." We will have a lovely dinner at our church with a special guest speaker. A wonderful evening of fellowship to honor our Mother and those important women in our lives, while raising funds for our national cancer and illness fund.

Saturday, August 5th Great Vespers for the Transfiguration 6:30 pm Sunday, August 6th Feast of the Transfiguration Orthros/Divine Liturday 8: 45 am

Sunday, August 20th Eleventh Sunday of Matthew Orthrox/Divine Liturgy 6:00 pm

Monday, August 7th Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm

Sunday, August 27th, Twelfth Sunday of Matthew Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am

Wednesday, August 9th Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm

August 29th Beheading of St. John the Baptist Orthros 9:00 am/Divine Liturgy 10:00 am

Philoptochos, Elpis Chapter #7041

We will kick it off with a General meeting on August 13 at church. Please gather in the library after coffee hour.

On the 20th Elpis is hosting the Dormition reception after church. All donations are welcome as we raise money for our social services fund. Calling all volunteers for 2018-2019 visitation committee! A wonderful way to get to know fellow parishioners and participate in a valuable ministry. For more information or to sign up, please contact Kristine Wagner or Elizabeth Hawkins

Elpis Bookstore

Did you know that our bookstore has Fr. Simon's recommended reading? Also baptismal and wedding candles, icons and jewelry! Take a look today!

Visitation Committee The following members of our parish family have requested visitation. For address and/or contact September: Susanna Peters, Maria Apalodimas & information please check your parish directory or contact the Church Office. Cathe Skefos August: Stephanie Poplos & Friend

Alec Collis Kosta Taras November: Connie Cotros, Loretta Taras & Tasia Presvytera Bess Vieron Vergos Please contact Kristine Wagner if you would like to December: Anastasia Terranova & Athena Jamison volunteer to be on the Visitation Committee, a ministry of the Elpis Philoptochos January: Nancy Tashie, Jan Futris & Tina Liollio October: Sophie Theodore & Kristine Wagner

Young at Heart

Mark your calendars! We meet once a month generally on the third Thursday at 11:30 in Cotros Hall. Times and locations are subject to change. If you are in your 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s or up - please join us for an afternoon of food, fun and fellowship. Lunch is $4.00 except for the Christmas Party (Price will be advised when reservations open). September 21: Kick off Luncheon with Ice Cream January 18: Luncheon with Bingo Sundaes ( Possible entertainment) February 15: Valentine’s Party October 19: Lunch Fall craft March 15: Luncheon with TBA November 16: Thanksgiving Luncheon April 19: Luncheon with TBA December 19: Tuesday = Christmas Party at Chick- May 22: Barbeque Luau and Costume Contest asaw Country Club

Hosting Coffee Fellowship after Liturgy

February: Vicki Hoover & Family

The Parish Council invites members to volunteer to host a Coffee Fellowship Hour in Cotros Hall during this Ecclesiastical Year. The intent is to offer refreshments of your choice that will encourage social interaction among the membership, and opportunities to meet and greet visitors and new members. The coffee, sugar/ sweetener, napkins, plates, cups and utensils are provided by the Church. Please bring creamer and juice. This is a great opportunity to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or to honor a loved one. Photos/memorabilia are encouraged for a table display. Families or groups of individuals can co-host as well. Please sign up on the Coffee Hour Board in Cotros Hall or call the Church Office to reserve your date. Diane Kavelaras will be your coordinator for Sunday and can be reached at 901-383-3343. Coffee will always be available when there is no host. Thank you for your consideration and hopeful participation.

March: Linda Nichols & Anne Schmitt April: Cary Chiungos & Mary Katherine Taras May: Demie Bitinis, Tricia Grantham, Emily Capadalis Love, Georgia Karris June: Despina Karas & Angela Tobias



Liturgical Calendar for August

Parish Ministries

Wednesday. August 2nd Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm

Friday, August 11th Supplication Service to the Theotokos

Friday, August 4th Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm

Sunday, August 13th Tenth 10th Sunday of Matthew Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am

We will be having an exciting month in August!

Monday, August 14th Orthros/Divine Liturgy 6:00 pm

On August 19 we will be hosting a very special event: "An Evening with the Theotokos..." We will have a lovely dinner at our church with a special guest speaker. A wonderful evening of fellowship to honor our Mother and those important women in our lives, while raising funds for our national cancer and illness fund.

Saturday, August 5th Great Vespers for the Transfiguration 6:30 pm Sunday, August 6th Feast of the Transfiguration Orthros/Divine Liturday 8: 45 am

Sunday, August 20th Eleventh Sunday of Matthew Orthrox/Divine Liturgy 6:00 pm

Monday, August 7th Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm

Sunday, August 27th, Twelfth Sunday of Matthew Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am

Wednesday, August 9th Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm

August 29th Beheading of St. John the Baptist Orthros 9:00 am/Divine Liturgy 10:00 am

Philoptochos, Elpis Chapter #7041

We will kick it off with a General meeting on August 13 at church. Please gather in the library after coffee hour.

On the 20th Elpis is hosting the Dormition reception after church. All donations are welcome as we raise money for our social services fund. Calling all volunteers for 2018-2019 visitation committee! A wonderful way to get to know fellow parishioners and participate in a valuable ministry. For more information or to sign up, please contact Kristine Wagner or Elizabeth Hawkins

Elpis Bookstore

Did you know that our bookstore has Fr. Simon's recommended reading? Also baptismal and wedding candles, icons and jewelry! Take a look today!

Visitation Committee The following members of our parish family have requested visitation. For address and/or contact September: Susanna Peters, Maria Apalodimas & information please check your parish directory or contact the Church Office. Cathe Skefos August: Stephanie Poplos & Friend

Alec Collis Kosta Taras November: Connie Cotros, Loretta Taras & Tasia Presvytera Bess Vieron Vergos Please contact Kristine Wagner if you would like to December: Anastasia Terranova & Athena Jamison volunteer to be on the Visitation Committee, a ministry of the Elpis Philoptochos January: Nancy Tashie, Jan Futris & Tina Liollio October: Sophie Theodore & Kristine Wagner

Young at Heart

Mark your calendars! We meet once a month generally on the third Thursday at 11:30 in Cotros Hall. Times and locations are subject to change. If you are in your 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s or up - please join us for an afternoon of food, fun and fellowship. Lunch is $4.00 except for the Christmas Party (Price will be advised when reservations open). September 21: Kick off Luncheon with Ice Cream January 18: Luncheon with Bingo Sundaes ( Possible entertainment) February 15: Valentine’s Party October 19: Lunch Fall craft March 15: Luncheon with TBA November 16: Thanksgiving Luncheon April 19: Luncheon with TBA December 19: Tuesday = Christmas Party at Chick- May 22: Barbeque Luau and Costume Contest asaw Country Club

Hosting Coffee Fellowship after Liturgy

February: Vicki Hoover & Family

The Parish Council invites members to volunteer to host a Coffee Fellowship Hour in Cotros Hall during this Ecclesiastical Year. The intent is to offer refreshments of your choice that will encourage social interaction among the membership, and opportunities to meet and greet visitors and new members. The coffee, sugar/ sweetener, napkins, plates, cups and utensils are provided by the Church. Please bring creamer and juice. This is a great opportunity to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or to honor a loved one. Photos/memorabilia are encouraged for a table display. Families or groups of individuals can co-host as well. Please sign up on the Coffee Hour Board in Cotros Hall or call the Church Office to reserve your date. Diane Kavelaras will be your coordinator for Sunday and can be reached at 901-383-3343. Coffee will always be available when there is no host. Thank you for your consideration and hopeful participation.

March: Linda Nichols & Anne Schmitt April: Cary Chiungos & Mary Katherine Taras May: Demie Bitinis, Tricia Grantham, Emily Capadalis Love, Georgia Karris June: Despina Karas & Angela Tobias




June & July Notices

Sunday School

Births: Gabriel Hawkins, son of Charles & Elizabeth Hawkins, June 1 Mikaela Drosos, daughter of Yiannis Drosos & Regina Kolaitis, June 17

Don’t forget to register for Sunday School! Please see Anna Paris in Cotros Hall this Sunday, August 6th, immediately following Divine Liturgy. Sunday School will start after communion beginning on August 13th. We welcome all students from 4 yrs old as of Sept 1st to high school. All grades are upstairs except for Pre-KK and Kindergarten. We are looking forward to a fantastic year!

Teachers Pre-K /KK Anna Paris, Naji Nassif 1st/2nd Kristine Wagner, Christina George 3rd/4th Stephanie Johnson, Pannay Guigley 5th/6th Renee Graves, Alexia Loughman 7th/8th Ken Hoover, Gabriella Stroplos 9th-12th Ted Poplos , Elizabeth Hawkins, Chris Apalodimas, and Brian Berretta

Marriages: Sterling Owen & Trish George, June 3


Presvytera Stephanie will be stepping down as the JOY coordinator to enjoy her new baby coming in October. Kellye Farris has excitedly agreed to step in as the new leader. Please watch your emails and the parish publications for our upcoming events!


Baptisms: Brighid Rose Friedman, Daughter of Robert & Sarah Friedman, July 8 Cora Loughman, Daughter of Kevin and Alexia Loughman, July 15


There will be a GOYA meeting from 12noon until 1:30pm in the Youth room Sunday August 27 . We will be designing GOYA T-shirts and planning the upcoming year.

Athenian Dance Troupe

Deaths: Aspasia (Pat) Bacopulos Cooper, mother of Marianthe (Derek) Pilcher, June 11 Morphi Anne Samonides Belz, daughter of Albis Saminides & sister of Pandora Stamson, June 18 Alex Valsamis, June 18 Helen Vorobyoff, mother of Kathy (Ed) Morrison, June 27 George Demas, brother of Katherine Futris & uncle of Pete Futris, Mary Katherine Taras, and Cary Chiungos July 22 Memorials Contributions (In Memory Of): Pat Bacopulos by: Emily & Tom Love, Mike & Maria Moore, Anna Marie Smothers, Robert & Kathy Morrison, Todd & Cyndi Bagatelas, Diane Kavelaras, Cary Chiungos, Tasia Vergos, Ted & Stephanie Poplos, Eva Paris, Anastasia Barlow, Zoe Anaston, Demie Bitinis, Evangelia Gallagher & John & Cornelia Koniditsiotis

Check the parish publications for registration information and the calendar of practices and events.

Morphi Anne Samonides Belz by: Albis Samonides, Mike & Maria Moore, Todd & Cyndi Bagatelas && Zoe Anaston


Helen Varobyoff by: Ted & Stephanie Poplos George Demas by: Emily & Tom Love

AHEPA/MEN’S GROIUP Mark your calendars for Sunday afternoon, September 17th! AHEPA and Daughters of Penelope will be hosting the Parish Community Picnic and Softball Game again this year. Watch the Sunday Bulletins, Facebook, and the September Epistle for more details! DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE - August 2017 The Daughters of Penelope, was founded in 1929, in San Francisco, California. It was the realization of Alexandra Apostolides Sonenfeld’s dream to create a women’s organization comparable to her husband’s membership in AHEPA. The Daughters is the women’s organization of AHEPA. We share our Mission Statement: To promote Hellenism, Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family & Individual Excellence.

2018 Clergy-Laity Conference Registration for the 2017 Clergy-Laity Conference in Buffalo, NY is now open. Dates are September 28-30, 2017. The last day to register online is September 1st. The Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency and Conference Center in Buffalo. For more information or if you’d like to be a delegate, please see Father Simon or Ted Poplos, Parish Council President.

Please mark your calendars for our lovely biennial Fashion Show. This year’s theme is: “Celebrating the Spirit and Strength of Women”. It will be held on Saturday 16, in the Cotros Hall starting at 11:30am. Tickets for a delicious stuffed chicken breast with accompaniments is $30 in advance and $35 at the door. We will reserve tables of 8. For tickets and/or reservations please contact Kathy Zambelis 901-359-1055 or kzambelis at The show will feature clothes (modeled by our Parishioners) from various boutiques in our area. The tickets will be available next month (August) in the Cotros Hall after services. A flyer with more information will be coming out shortly. 9



June & July Notices

Sunday School

Births: Gabriel Hawkins, son of Charles & Elizabeth Hawkins, June 1 Mikaela Drosos, daughter of Yiannis Drosos & Regina Kolaitis, June 17

Don’t forget to register for Sunday School! Please see Anna Paris in Cotros Hall this Sunday, August 6th, immediately following Divine Liturgy. Sunday School will start after communion beginning on August 13th. We welcome all students from 4 yrs old as of Sept 1st to high school. All grades are upstairs except for Pre-KK and Kindergarten. We are looking forward to a fantastic year!

Teachers Pre-K /KK Anna Paris, Naji Nassif 1st/2nd Kristine Wagner, Christina George 3rd/4th Stephanie Johnson, Pannay Guigley 5th/6th Renee Graves, Alexia Loughman 7th/8th Ken Hoover, Gabriella Stroplos 9th-12th Ted Poplos , Elizabeth Hawkins, Chris Apalodimas, and Brian Berretta

Marriages: Sterling Owen & Trish George, June 3


Presvytera Stephanie will be stepping down as the JOY coordinator to enjoy her new baby coming in October. Kellye Farris has excitedly agreed to step in as the new leader. Please watch your emails and the parish publications for our upcoming events!


Baptisms: Brighid Rose Friedman, Daughter of Robert & Sarah Friedman, July 8 Cora Loughman, Daughter of Kevin and Alexia Loughman, July 15


There will be a GOYA meeting from 12noon until 1:30pm in the Youth room Sunday August 27 . We will be designing GOYA T-shirts and planning the upcoming year.

Athenian Dance Troupe

Deaths: Aspasia (Pat) Bacopulos Cooper, mother of Marianthe (Derek) Pilcher, June 11 Morphi Anne Samonides Belz, daughter of Albis Saminides & sister of Pandora Stamson, June 18 Alex Valsamis, June 18 Helen Vorobyoff, mother of Kathy (Ed) Morrison, June 27 George Demas, brother of Katherine Futris & uncle of Pete Futris, Mary Katherine Taras, and Cary Chiungos July 22 Memorials Contributions (In Memory Of): Pat Bacopulos by: Emily & Tom Love, Mike & Maria Moore, Anna Marie Smothers, Robert & Kathy Morrison, Todd & Cyndi Bagatelas, Diane Kavelaras, Cary Chiungos, Tasia Vergos, Ted & Stephanie Poplos, Eva Paris, Anastasia Barlow, Zoe Anaston, Demie Bitinis, Evangelia Gallagher & John & Cornelia Koniditsiotis

Check the parish publications for registration information and the calendar of practices and events.

Morphi Anne Samonides Belz by: Albis Samonides, Mike & Maria Moore, Todd & Cyndi Bagatelas && Zoe Anaston


Helen Varobyoff by: Ted & Stephanie Poplos George Demas by: Emily & Tom Love

AHEPA/MEN’S GROIUP Mark your calendars for Sunday afternoon, September 17th! AHEPA and Daughters of Penelope will be hosting the Parish Community Picnic and Softball Game again this year. Watch the Sunday Bulletins, Facebook, and the September Epistle for more details! DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE - August 2017 The Daughters of Penelope, was founded in 1929, in San Francisco, California. It was the realization of Alexandra Apostolides Sonenfeld’s dream to create a women’s organization comparable to her husband’s membership in AHEPA. The Daughters is the women’s organization of AHEPA. We share our Mission Statement: To promote Hellenism, Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family & Individual Excellence.

2018 Clergy-Laity Conference Registration for the 2017 Clergy-Laity Conference in Buffalo, NY is now open. Dates are September 28-30, 2017. The last day to register online is September 1st. The Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency and Conference Center in Buffalo. For more information or if you’d like to be a delegate, please see Father Simon or Ted Poplos, Parish Council President.

Please mark your calendars for our lovely biennial Fashion Show. This year’s theme is: “Celebrating the Spirit and Strength of Women”. It will be held on Saturday 16, in the Cotros Hall starting at 11:30am. Tickets for a delicious stuffed chicken breast with accompaniments is $30 in advance and $35 at the door. We will reserve tables of 8. For tickets and/or reservations please contact Kathy Zambelis 901-359-1055 or kzambelis at The show will feature clothes (modeled by our Parishioners) from various boutiques in our area. The tickets will be available next month (August) in the Cotros Hall after services. A flyer with more information will be coming out shortly. 9


A Case for Spiritual Reading

“An Evening Celebrating The Theotokos”

Billy Benson, Library Director There has never been a time in Orthodoxy that so many books have been available in the English language as we have today. We have been blessed to have writings of both the ancient and contemporary fathers, along with elders, to ask ourselves the question, “How am I utilizing this blessing?” Spiritual reading should never take the place of attending Divine Liturgy, prayer rule, and confession, but rather be used as an enhancement to improve and maintain our spiritual being in combination with the sacraments. When in concert with our father confessor, the reading of spiritual books can help us understand our Faith and walk. Books that tell the story and lives of the early saints allow us a perspective on the history of the Faith, contemporary saints such as Father Nectarios of Pentapolis and Father Arseny show us how to live our Faith under difficult circumstances. The lives of Saint Paisios the Athonite and Elder Cleopa of Romania will inspire and instruct us who didn’t have the opportunity to sit with them.

Please join us for a very special evening honoring our most beloved Theotokos, as well as our Mothers, Yiayias, Nounas, Sisters, friends, cancer survivors and those looking down from heaven. We have all, at one time or another, asked the Blessed Theotokos to intervene with prayer for a loved one. Let us, therefore, honor and give thanks to her for keeping us close to her heart.

We have books that can be used for daily devotions, along with the daily scripture readings, that we can simply read a paragraph a day, not demanding more than 5 minutes, yet giving us something to go with us during our daily routine. Some titles that come to mind are Life without Hypocrisy, On Living Simply, Sayings of the Desert Fathers, and The Way of the Ascetics. To assist us with giving a good confession the small book, The Forgotten Medicine helps us understand both the need and how to give an effective confession, which then allows our father confessor to better give us counsel. The infusion of spiritual reading will assist us in the ability to share our Faith with others, both in word and in example. We live in a world where both the pagan and heterodox are seeking for a life that can only be accessed fully through the Orthodox Church. Understanding the history of the Church, the ecumenical councils, and the lives of those who were martyred for the Faith provide knowledge that we can use in our outreach. Our Parish has both a bookstore and library that are here to give us the tools for our Faith. In the next few months there will be book reviews in the monthly newsletter to assist us in finding good reading material. The library is in the early stages of being catalogued and organized for easier use, the plan at this time is to have some hours in which our parishioners can visit and look for titles to read along with someone who can provide assistance if needed. And we aren’t forgetting our younger members either, there is a nice collection of age appropriate books to inspire and teach the youngest of us.

Our Library Organization Project 11

Saturday, August 19 6:30 pm $75 per person Cotros Hall Speaker: Arlene Siavelis Kehl, National Philoptochos Board Member Enjoy a delicious menu: Tenderloin topped with rosemary skewered shrimp Whipped Yukon Gold potatoes with bacon and chives Grilled asparagus Caprese salad Dessert, wine, tea & coffee If you are unable to attend, please feel free to send a contribution in honor or in memory of your loved one. List of all donors will be published that evening, as well as in the Epistle. In our own small community, we have had many valiant fighters who have survived and some who have not. Take a moment and think of whom you know and honor that person. This is a FUNDRAI$ER ….….. & we hope you will give generously from your heart for this important cause, Thank you and looking forward to seeing you! “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, ad glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matt 5:6 Tina Liollio & Emily Capadalis Love Event Chairs


A Case for Spiritual Reading

“An Evening Celebrating The Theotokos”

Billy Benson, Library Director There has never been a time in Orthodoxy that so many books have been available in the English language as we have today. We have been blessed to have writings of both the ancient and contemporary fathers, along with elders, to ask ourselves the question, “How am I utilizing this blessing?” Spiritual reading should never take the place of attending Divine Liturgy, prayer rule, and confession, but rather be used as an enhancement to improve and maintain our spiritual being in combination with the sacraments. When in concert with our father confessor, the reading of spiritual books can help us understand our Faith and walk. Books that tell the story and lives of the early saints allow us a perspective on the history of the Faith, contemporary saints such as Father Nectarios of Pentapolis and Father Arseny show us how to live our Faith under difficult circumstances. The lives of Saint Paisios the Athonite and Elder Cleopa of Romania will inspire and instruct us who didn’t have the opportunity to sit with them.

Please join us for a very special evening honoring our most beloved Theotokos, as well as our Mothers, Yiayias, Nounas, Sisters, friends, cancer survivors and those looking down from heaven. We have all, at one time or another, asked the Blessed Theotokos to intervene with prayer for a loved one. Let us, therefore, honor and give thanks to her for keeping us close to her heart.

We have books that can be used for daily devotions, along with the daily scripture readings, that we can simply read a paragraph a day, not demanding more than 5 minutes, yet giving us something to go with us during our daily routine. Some titles that come to mind are Life without Hypocrisy, On Living Simply, Sayings of the Desert Fathers, and The Way of the Ascetics. To assist us with giving a good confession the small book, The Forgotten Medicine helps us understand both the need and how to give an effective confession, which then allows our father confessor to better give us counsel. The infusion of spiritual reading will assist us in the ability to share our Faith with others, both in word and in example. We live in a world where both the pagan and heterodox are seeking for a life that can only be accessed fully through the Orthodox Church. Understanding the history of the Church, the ecumenical councils, and the lives of those who were martyred for the Faith provide knowledge that we can use in our outreach. Our Parish has both a bookstore and library that are here to give us the tools for our Faith. In the next few months there will be book reviews in the monthly newsletter to assist us in finding good reading material. The library is in the early stages of being catalogued and organized for easier use, the plan at this time is to have some hours in which our parishioners can visit and look for titles to read along with someone who can provide assistance if needed. And we aren’t forgetting our younger members either, there is a nice collection of age appropriate books to inspire and teach the youngest of us.

Our Library Organization Project 11

Saturday, August 19 6:30 pm $75 per person Cotros Hall Speaker: Arlene Siavelis Kehl, National Philoptochos Board Member Enjoy a delicious menu: Tenderloin topped with rosemary skewered shrimp Whipped Yukon Gold potatoes with bacon and chives Grilled asparagus Caprese salad Dessert, wine, tea & coffee If you are unable to attend, please feel free to send a contribution in honor or in memory of your loved one. List of all donors will be published that evening, as well as in the Epistle. In our own small community, we have had many valiant fighters who have survived and some who have not. Take a moment and think of whom you know and honor that person. This is a FUNDRAI$ER ….….. & we hope you will give generously from your heart for this important cause, Thank you and looking forward to seeing you! “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, ad glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matt 5:6 Tina Liollio & Emily Capadalis Love Event Chairs


St. Nicholas Summer Camp 2017



St. Nicholas Summer Camp 2017




29 Beheading of 30 St. John the Bible Study Baptist 6:30 pm Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am



23 Bible Study 6:30 pm

21 22 Parish Council Meeting 6:15 pm

20 Eleventh Sunday of Matthew Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am Nursery Available 9:30 am – 12:00 Noon Sunday School 11:00 am Special Coffee Fellowship for the Dormition of the Theotokos hosted by ELPIS 12:00 Noon More Than a Meal 3:00 pm 27 Twelfth Sunday of Matthew Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 AM Nursery Available 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Baby Shower Coffee Hour for Presvytera Stephanie & Father Simon 12:00 Noon GOYA Meeting 12:00 Noon




2 Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm 9 Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm


14 Orthros/Divine 15 Feast of the 16 Liturgy for Feast Dormition of the Bible Study of the Dormition Theotokos 6:30 pm 6:00 pm

1 DOP Board Meeting 6:00 pm 8


13 Tenth Sunday of Matthew Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am Nursery Available 9:30 am First Day of Sunday School 11:00 am Coffee Hour hosted by Wassef Family 12:00 Noon Elpis General Meeting 12:00 Noon


7 Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm



6 Feast of the Transfiguration Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am Nursery Available 9:30 am Coffee Fellowship hosted by DOP 12:00 Noon Sunday School Registration Last Day to take Directory Pictures





4 Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm 11 Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm




19 Inaugural Evening Celebrating the Theotokos 6:30 pm


5 Great Vespers for the Transfiguration 6:30 pm

If you are in your

50s, 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s –

please join us for an afternoon of food, fun and fellowship at YOUNG AT HEART

Thursday, September 21st 11:30 am in Cotros Hall

Time to get back together with our great friends in our church community!

Join us for a Luncheon and Ice Cream Sundaes!

If you are working, please feel to stop by during your lunch hour and join in on the FUN!



29 Beheading of 30 St. John the Bible Study Baptist 6:30 pm Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am



23 Bible Study 6:30 pm

21 22 Parish Council Meeting 6:15 pm

20 Eleventh Sunday of Matthew Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am Nursery Available 9:30 am – 12:00 Noon Sunday School 11:00 am Special Coffee Fellowship for the Dormition of the Theotokos hosted by ELPIS 12:00 Noon More Than a Meal 3:00 pm 27 Twelfth Sunday of Matthew Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 AM Nursery Available 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Baby Shower Coffee Hour for Presvytera Stephanie & Father Simon 12:00 Noon GOYA Meeting 12:00 Noon




2 Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm 9 Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm


14 Orthros/Divine 15 Feast of the 16 Liturgy for Feast Dormition of the Bible Study of the Dormition Theotokos 6:30 pm 6:00 pm

1 DOP Board Meeting 6:00 pm 8


13 Tenth Sunday of Matthew Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am Nursery Available 9:30 am First Day of Sunday School 11:00 am Coffee Hour hosted by Wassef Family 12:00 Noon Elpis General Meeting 12:00 Noon


7 Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm



6 Feast of the Transfiguration Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am Nursery Available 9:30 am Coffee Fellowship hosted by DOP 12:00 Noon Sunday School Registration Last Day to take Directory Pictures





4 Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm 11 Supplication Service to the Theotokos 6:30 pm




19 Inaugural Evening Celebrating the Theotokos 6:30 pm


5 Great Vespers for the Transfiguration 6:30 pm

If you are in your

50s, 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s –

please join us for an afternoon of food, fun and fellowship at YOUNG AT HEART

Thursday, September 21st 11:30 am in Cotros Hall

Time to get back together with our great friends in our church community!

Join us for a Luncheon and Ice Cream Sundaes!

If you are working, please feel to stop by during your lunch hour and join in on the FUN!


Stewardship Report Our Archdiocesan Regularions and Parish By-Laws define Stewards as those who participate regularly in the life of the Parish, as well as contributing towards the financial well-being of the Parish by offering stewardship and/or filling out a Stewardship Card. Below is a list of all Stewards of the Annunciation. Those denoted with an (*) have submitted their Stewardship card to the Stewardship Committee. If you have not submitted a Stewardship Card, please contact the Stewardship Committee or the Church Office.

2017 List of Stewards

Holy Trinity, Nashville Celebrates 100 Years! Schedule of Events 4:30PM

Friday, November 3


6:00PM COCKTAILS Franklin Marriott at Cool Springs (Cash Bar)

6:00PM FISH DINNER Church Hall – Sponsored by AHEPA (No Charge – all 7:00PM CELEBRATION DINNER ages welcomed) Franklin Marriott at Cool Springs (price to be determined) (12 years & older) 7:00PM MUSICIAN EVENT Nashville Songwriters Open Mike

8:00PM - 11:00PM PROGRAM Followed by Dancing to Greek/American Band Ta Filarakia

Saturday, November 4 9:00AM

Sunday, November 5


9:30AM 1ST EDUCATIONAL SESSION 8:15AM MATINS Father Nicolaos Kotsis (Ages: high school and adults) 10:00AM HIERARCHICAL DIVINE LITURGY 12:00PM PARISH CELEBRATION AND PIC10:30AM 2ND EDUCATIONAL SESSION NIC Father Father Mark Sietsema (Ages: high school and (no charge) adults) 11:30AM DOXOLOGY AND MEMORIAL SERVICE (For All Deceased Clergy and Laity) 12:00PM LUNCH Church Hall - Sponsored by Philoptochos (No Charge) 17

*Robert Allphin *Nigisti Amdetsion & Aklilu Maasho Zoe Anaston Chris & Connie Apalodimas Maria Apalodimas Michael & Annie Arcamuzi Nick & Anne Argol John & Diane Avgeris *Olivia Bagatelas *Todd & Cyndi Bagatelas Constatina Baldwin Steven & Anastasia Barlow *Billy & Carri Benson *Demetra Bitinis *John & Deborah Bookas *Janet Boosalis *Shawn Branum *Angela Buchanan Claude Burdikoff Jacob & Michele Buring Dean & Vickie Carayiannis *Endy Carter Brianna & Conan Castellucci *Mary Chagaris *Cary Chiungos *John Chulos Alec Collis Pat Cooper *Charles & Connie Cotros * Jerry & Julia Couloubaritsis *Elaine Daniels *Alexander & Sangeeta Deitz *George Deitz & Kristine Wagner *Helen Demas *Chris Demopoulos Chris & Shawn Demos George & Bonita Dendrinos Alexander Denton Anna Denton Greg & Cyndi Detty Andrew & Christina Douglas *Vasilios & Georgia Douklias

Yiannis Drosos *Bruce & Helen Erskine Linda Farrell Phillip & Kellye Farris *Nick & Marty Fox Robert & Sarah Friedman *Pete & Jan Futris *Steve & Zoe Futris *Evangelia Gallagher *Christina George Kalovan Getev *Bill & Niki Gikas *Joanne Gikas *Alex Gogonelis Ronald & Patricia Grantham *Alan & Renee Graves Kevin & Pannayiota Guigley *Maria Hallas *Sarantos & Catherine Hatzigeorgiou *Charles & Elizabeth Hawkins Laurentiu & Mihaela Herbei *Sandy E Herbert *Maria Hetos Monica & Evan Hinson Spence Holland Nathan & Stephanie Hooker *Ken & Vicki Hoover Tina Horne Andrew & Leah Horvath Koula Hristopoulou *Marcus & Cristina Hunter Dorothy Huston *Athena Jameson *Al & Tina Jennings William & Stephanie Johnson *Bill & Denise Joyner Vasilios & Stavroula Kakales Jim & Despina Karas *George Karkatsugas Georgia Karris *Diane Kavelaras *John & Nancy Kay 18

John & Jennifer Kay, Jr. Maureen Kay *James Kennedy Nader Khalaf *Sarkis & Jenny Kish Regina Kolaitis Bessie Kolapanas *Marcy Kollias *Ksenija LaFaver *Kalliope G Lefes George Limberakis *Tina Liollio Kevin & Alexia Loughman Samya Louza *Tom & Emily Love Irini Manousakis Pete & Amelia Maragos Yolanta Matika *Gus & Helen Mavraganis *Scott McKee & Weilin Xi *Bobby & Nicole McNulty *Emily Melonas Peter & Kathryn Melonas *James & Susan Meng Tamara Miller Allen & Lydia Mims Tom & Phani Mitchell Mary “Toni” Montgomery *Alexis Moore *Mike & Maria Moore *Tommy & Kyndall Moore *Robert & Kathy Morrison Michael & Valerie Mosby *Naji & Rebecca Nassif Nick & Linda Nichols Michael & Linda Nix *Mitch & Linda Obradovic Asmelash & Asmeret Ogbasion Gregory & Elaine Otto Sterling & Trish Owen, IV *Evangelia Panas *Demetri Papastefan Alexandra Pappas

Stewardship Report Our Archdiocesan Regularions and Parish By-Laws define Stewards as those who participate regularly in the life of the Parish, as well as contributing towards the financial well-being of the Parish by offering stewardship and/or filling out a Stewardship Card. Below is a list of all Stewards of the Annunciation. Those denoted with an (*) have submitted their Stewardship card to the Stewardship Committee. If you have not submitted a Stewardship Card, please contact the Stewardship Committee or the Church Office.

2017 List of Stewards

Holy Trinity, Nashville Celebrates 100 Years! Schedule of Events 4:30PM

Friday, November 3


6:00PM COCKTAILS Franklin Marriott at Cool Springs (Cash Bar)

6:00PM FISH DINNER Church Hall – Sponsored by AHEPA (No Charge – all 7:00PM CELEBRATION DINNER ages welcomed) Franklin Marriott at Cool Springs (price to be determined) (12 years & older) 7:00PM MUSICIAN EVENT Nashville Songwriters Open Mike

8:00PM - 11:00PM PROGRAM Followed by Dancing to Greek/American Band Ta Filarakia

Saturday, November 4 9:00AM

Sunday, November 5


9:30AM 1ST EDUCATIONAL SESSION 8:15AM MATINS Father Nicolaos Kotsis (Ages: high school and adults) 10:00AM HIERARCHICAL DIVINE LITURGY 12:00PM PARISH CELEBRATION AND PIC10:30AM 2ND EDUCATIONAL SESSION NIC Father Father Mark Sietsema (Ages: high school and (no charge) adults) 11:30AM DOXOLOGY AND MEMORIAL SERVICE (For All Deceased Clergy and Laity) 12:00PM LUNCH Church Hall - Sponsored by Philoptochos (No Charge) 17

*Robert Allphin *Nigisti Amdetsion & Aklilu Maasho Zoe Anaston Chris & Connie Apalodimas Maria Apalodimas Michael & Annie Arcamuzi Nick & Anne Argol John & Diane Avgeris *Olivia Bagatelas *Todd & Cyndi Bagatelas Constatina Baldwin Steven & Anastasia Barlow *Billy & Carri Benson *Demetra Bitinis *John & Deborah Bookas *Janet Boosalis *Shawn Branum *Angela Buchanan Claude Burdikoff Jacob & Michele Buring Dean & Vickie Carayiannis *Endy Carter Brianna & Conan Castellucci *Mary Chagaris *Cary Chiungos *John Chulos Alec Collis Pat Cooper *Charles & Connie Cotros * Jerry & Julia Couloubaritsis *Elaine Daniels *Alexander & Sangeeta Deitz *George Deitz & Kristine Wagner *Helen Demas *Chris Demopoulos Chris & Shawn Demos George & Bonita Dendrinos Alexander Denton Anna Denton Greg & Cyndi Detty Andrew & Christina Douglas *Vasilios & Georgia Douklias

Yiannis Drosos *Bruce & Helen Erskine Linda Farrell Phillip & Kellye Farris *Nick & Marty Fox Robert & Sarah Friedman *Pete & Jan Futris *Steve & Zoe Futris *Evangelia Gallagher *Christina George Kalovan Getev *Bill & Niki Gikas *Joanne Gikas *Alex Gogonelis Ronald & Patricia Grantham *Alan & Renee Graves Kevin & Pannayiota Guigley *Maria Hallas *Sarantos & Catherine Hatzigeorgiou *Charles & Elizabeth Hawkins Laurentiu & Mihaela Herbei *Sandy E Herbert *Maria Hetos Monica & Evan Hinson Spence Holland Nathan & Stephanie Hooker *Ken & Vicki Hoover Tina Horne Andrew & Leah Horvath Koula Hristopoulou *Marcus & Cristina Hunter Dorothy Huston *Athena Jameson *Al & Tina Jennings William & Stephanie Johnson *Bill & Denise Joyner Vasilios & Stavroula Kakales Jim & Despina Karas *George Karkatsugas Georgia Karris *Diane Kavelaras *John & Nancy Kay 18

John & Jennifer Kay, Jr. Maureen Kay *James Kennedy Nader Khalaf *Sarkis & Jenny Kish Regina Kolaitis Bessie Kolapanas *Marcy Kollias *Ksenija LaFaver *Kalliope G Lefes George Limberakis *Tina Liollio Kevin & Alexia Loughman Samya Louza *Tom & Emily Love Irini Manousakis Pete & Amelia Maragos Yolanta Matika *Gus & Helen Mavraganis *Scott McKee & Weilin Xi *Bobby & Nicole McNulty *Emily Melonas Peter & Kathryn Melonas *James & Susan Meng Tamara Miller Allen & Lydia Mims Tom & Phani Mitchell Mary “Toni” Montgomery *Alexis Moore *Mike & Maria Moore *Tommy & Kyndall Moore *Robert & Kathy Morrison Michael & Valerie Mosby *Naji & Rebecca Nassif Nick & Linda Nichols Michael & Linda Nix *Mitch & Linda Obradovic Asmelash & Asmeret Ogbasion Gregory & Elaine Otto Sterling & Trish Owen, IV *Evangelia Panas *Demetri Papastefan Alexandra Pappas

Maria Pappas *Anna Paris Dorothy Paris *Evangeline Paris Dennis & Odette Patrikios Steve & Nancy Patterson Basil & Bethany Paulus * Manual & Mary Beth Peters Manuel & Susanna Peters Derek & Marianthe Pilcher *Ted & Stephanie Poplos John & Maria Poulos *Chrysanthe Preza & Einir Valdimarsson Elizabeth Ramage Melissa Ramage * Scott Reed *Pete Ruby Albis Samonides *Eric & Anne Schmitt *Vasili & Luane Semos Daniel Shipman Ala Simonchyk & Stephen Fafulas Harry & Magda Sinis Tom & Susan Sinis *Harry & Cathe Skefos *Katherine Skefos Vasilios & Eleni Skoutakis *Jimmy & Georgia Smith *James & Sophie Sousoulas Thomas & Stasia Spentzas Pandora Stamson Steve & Joy Steckler Romulus & Camelia Stoian Dimitri & Mary Katherine Taras

James Taras *Kosta & Loretta Taras *David & Christine Tashie *George & Cecile Tashie *James & Nancy Tashie *John Tashie Judd & Debbie Tashie Rick Taylor *Anastasia Terranova Amanuel & Brur Tesfazion *Lee & Yiota Theodore *Sophie Theodore *Fr. Simon & Presvytera Stephanie Thomas John & Helen Thompson Gregg & Lorrie Tingle Richard & Angela Tobias Kimberly Topolewski Sarah Touliatos Maria Trif Petrisor & Angelita Tudor Cornelia Varnavas *Alex Vergos *Annie Vergos John & Ellen Vergos *Tasia Vergos Theodore Vergos Lee Vieron Fr. Nicholas & Bess Vieron *Magdi & Amira Wassef *Maria Wasserman *Vasiliki Whitten James & Melinda Williams Matthew & Michelle Wilson *Nick & Georgia Zaharopoulos *Michael & Kathy Zambelis William & Julie Zdancewicz

As of July 31, 2017: 2017 Stewardship Cards: 93 Stewards: 197 Amount Pledged: $192,558.00 Amount Received to date: $201,381.44 Amount Received in June & July: $85,334.00

As of July 31, 2016: 2016 Stewardship Cards: 94 Stewards: 189 Amount Pledged: $195,180.00 Amount Received to Date: 185,683.01 Amount Received in June & July: $33,835.50


Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 573 N. Highland St. Memphis, TN 38122-5107


Maria Pappas *Anna Paris Dorothy Paris *Evangeline Paris Dennis & Odette Patrikios Steve & Nancy Patterson Basil & Bethany Paulus * Manual & Mary Beth Peters Manuel & Susanna Peters Derek & Marianthe Pilcher *Ted & Stephanie Poplos John & Maria Poulos *Chrysanthe Preza & Einir Valdimarsson Elizabeth Ramage Melissa Ramage * Scott Reed *Pete Ruby Albis Samonides *Eric & Anne Schmitt *Vasili & Luane Semos Daniel Shipman Ala Simonchyk & Stephen Fafulas Harry & Magda Sinis Tom & Susan Sinis *Harry & Cathe Skefos *Katherine Skefos Vasilios & Eleni Skoutakis *Jimmy & Georgia Smith *James & Sophie Sousoulas Thomas & Stasia Spentzas Pandora Stamson Steve & Joy Steckler Romulus & Camelia Stoian Dimitri & Mary Katherine Taras

James Taras *Kosta & Loretta Taras *David & Christine Tashie *George & Cecile Tashie *James & Nancy Tashie *John Tashie Judd & Debbie Tashie Rick Taylor *Anastasia Terranova Amanuel & Brur Tesfazion *Lee & Yiota Theodore *Sophie Theodore *Fr. Simon & Presvytera Stephanie Thomas John & Helen Thompson Gregg & Lorrie Tingle Richard & Angela Tobias Kimberly Topolewski Sarah Touliatos Maria Trif Petrisor & Angelita Tudor Cornelia Varnavas *Alex Vergos *Annie Vergos John & Ellen Vergos *Tasia Vergos Theodore Vergos Lee Vieron Fr. Nicholas & Bess Vieron *Magdi & Amira Wassef *Maria Wasserman *Vasiliki Whitten James & Melinda Williams Matthew & Michelle Wilson *Nick & Georgia Zaharopoulos *Michael & Kathy Zambelis William & Julie Zdancewicz

As of July 31, 2017: 2017 Stewardship Cards: 93 Stewards: 197 Amount Pledged: $192,558.00 Amount Received to date: $201,381.44 Amount Received in June & July: $85,334.00

As of July 31, 2016: 2016 Stewardship Cards: 94 Stewards: 189 Amount Pledged: $195,180.00 Amount Received to Date: 185,683.01 Amount Received in June & July: $33,835.50


Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 573 N. Highland St. Memphis, TN 38122-5107