Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church

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Nov 5, 2017 - Docent…………………………………..Billy Benson ...... Book Review by Billy Benson. Father Ars



November 2017

Greek Orthodox Church 573 N Highland Street Memphis, TN 38122

Contact us at: (901) 327-8177 phone (901) 327-4440 fax [email protected]

Sunday Services: Orthros † 8:45 am Divine Liturgy † 10:00 am

Church Office Hours: Mon–Thurs † 8:30am–4:30pm Friday † 8:30am–12:30pm

Daylight Savings Ends November 5th † 2:00 am Do not forget to set your clocks back 1 hour on Saturday night.

40 Day Blessing Nov 19th † Following Divine Liturgy The 40 Day Blessing Service will be prayed for the servant of God, Christos Panayiotis Thomas, and Presvytera Stephanie. Please join us in welcoming Christos to the Parish.

Thanksgiving Holiday November 23 † All Day Our Parish will observe the Thanksgiving Holiday. The Church Office will close on Wednesday, November 22 at 12:00 noon, and remain closed through the weekend. Please contact Father Simon directly in case of an emergency requiring pastoral care.

Featured Activities This Month DOP Soup Sunday

Sunday, November 12th Following the Divine Liturgy † Cotros Hall The Daughters of Penelope annual Soup Sunday benefits the Penelope House for abused women and children. Donations are requested, and all proceeds go to Penelope House.

Elpis Thanksgiving Luncheon

Sunday, November 19th Following Divine Liturgy † Cotros Hall Join us in celebrating all that we are thankful for at the annual Thanksgiving Luncheon. Cost for the luncheon is $15/adult, and $8/child.

Parish Council Elections

Sunday, November 19th Following Divine Liturgy † Cotros Hall The Stewards of the Parish will elect 6 fellow Stewards to represent them on the Parish Council

Holy Trinity - Nashville 100th Anniversary Celebration Weekend

Friday, November 3rd - Sunday, November 5th † Various Locations Friday night is Opening Night with a Fish Dinner and Nashville Songwriters Open Mic at the Church Hall. Saturday features educational workshops in the morning, then a Doxology & Memorial Service, followed by lunch, all at the Church. Saturday evening is the Grand Banquet at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs. Sunday will be a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Church, followed by a Parish Picnic.

Youth Section Greek Orthodox Youth of America (GOYA)

Sunday, November 19th @ 1:00 pm † Elmwood Cemetery Understanding the history of our community is important to understanding where we are and how we might learn from history to make Memphis a better place.

Hierarchs of the Parish

Young Adult Ministries

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople Archbishop Elder Demetrios of America Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit

Young Adult League…………………..Alexis Moore OCF @ Ole Miss……………………..Blaise Brackett

Parish Clergy Rev. Father Simon Thomas, Parish Priest Rev. Father Nicholas Vieron, Pastor Emeritus

Office Personnel Erin Bobbitt de Padilla, Office Assistant

Parish Council Ted Poplos – President Naji Nassif – Vice President Endy Carter – Secretary Maria Moore – Treasurer Chris Apalodimas Demie Bitinis Bill Joyner Diane Kavaleras John Kay James “Pete” Ruby Vasili Semos Harry Sinis

Music Ministry Choir Director & Organist……….DoraThea Kastanas Chanter Director…………………….Andrew Horvath

Youth Ministries Acolytes……………………………..Daniel Shipman Sunday School Director……………….….Anna Paris Pre-K/K…………………….. Anna Paris, Naji Nassif 1-2……………… Kristine Wagner, Christina George 3-4……………... Stephanie Johnson, Pannay Guigley 5-6……….………...Renee Graves, Alexia Loughman 7-8…………………. Ken Hoover, Gabriella Stroplos 9-12……………...Ted Poplos, Elizabeth Hawkins, Chris Apalodimas, and Brian Berretta GOYA Coordinators………..Andrew & Tina Douglas JOY Coordinator……..………………....Kellye Farris Oratorical Festival……………….…..Kathy Zambelis Athenian Dance Troupe……Andrew & Leah Horvath Christmas Program………………………Ken Hoover St. Nicholas Summer Camp……………Father Simon

Seniors Ministries Young at Heart………………………Kathy Zambelis

Elpis Philoptochos President…………………………..Elizabeth Hawkins Vice President……………………...Marianthe Pilcher Secretary………………………………..Joanne Gikas Treasurer……………………………….Anne Schmitt Committee Leaders: Altar Committee………………..Laura Couloubaritsis Cookbook…………………………………Elaine Otto Elpis Bookstore.Angela Tobias & Connie Apalodimas Food Pantry……………………………….Anna Paris Makaria Coordinator………………Marianthe Pilcher More Than a Meal……………………….Cyndi Detty Prayer Circle……………………………Luane Semos Sunshine Committee……………………….Zoe Futris Visitation Committee………………..Kristine Wagner

Memphis Greek Festival Festival Director……………………..Todd Bagatelas

Greek Language Greek School Teacher…………………Despina Karas Adult Greek Class……………Father Nicholas Vieron

Organizations AHEPA……………………………………..John Kay DOP…………………………………..Phani Mitchell

Parish Library Docent…………………………………..Billy Benson

Thanksgiving and Gratitude Saint John Chrysostom asks: Are we to show gratitude for all that happens to us? And he answers his own question: Let us therefore give thanks not only for blessings which we see, but also for those which we do not see, and for those which we receive against our will. Let us not then give thanks only when we are in prosperity, for there is nothing great in this, but even if it be disease or poverty..., for seen and unseen benefits..., and for those which we receive against our will; ...but also whenever we are either in poverty, or in sicknesses, or are being insulted, then let us intensify our thanksgiving; thanksgiving, I mean, not in words, nor with the tongue, but in deeds and works, in mind and in heart; let us give thanks to Him with all our souls. ~Homily 19 on Ephesians, 2, Patrologia Græca, Vol. LXII, cols. 129-130

Thanksgiving was established as a national holiday in 1864 by President Lincoln (although it had been celebrated as early as 1789 by President Washington). At that time, the country was ravaged by a Civil War, brother was fighting brother, and the United States was anything but united. Yet, Lincoln understood the necessity to pause and give thanks to God. Things do not seem all that different today. We may not be at war, but at every turn we are presented with polemical statements, scandalous behavior, and arguments between families and friends—from politicians to athletes, from Hollywood to Puerto Rico, and all over social media. Again, despite all these things, we need to pause and give thanks to God. For the Thomas family, there is much to be thankful for—the arrival of baby Christos, our family established and settled in our home, the kids enjoying school and active in activities, and a loving and supportive Parish. The anticipation of family travelling to join us for the holidays adds to the joy. For these things we give thanks to God. I pray that you too have many things for which to be thankful to God. The blessings that He gives to us regularly should not be forgotten amidst our busy schedules. It is far too easy to allow the noise of the outside world to drown out the quiet voice of God in our daily lives. I know that for others the holidays can be a difficult time—missing loved ones who have passed, health issues, struggling finances or job situations, even just finding a place to fit in. As St. John Chrysostom explains above, in these things too we give thanks to God for His blessings. And by giving thanks, let us not only give thanks in prayer, but in actions as well. Let us share our blessings with those around us who are in need. God’s blessings are multiplied by us when we share them with others. This is true thanksgiving— or more accurately—gratitude. With Love in Christ,

“This does not mean that divine judgment will be guided only by the human person’s outward and distant actions, and not by his inner state. At that time the divine light will show how the entire human person’s contribution toward good or evil is closely linked to his inner state, which determined that contribution or was determined by it. When presenting himself, each person will implicitly carry within himself, as the seashell carries in itself the echo of the waves, the echo of all history, his relationship with the entire human life that unfolded in the world.” -Fr. Dumitru Staniloae

Rev. Father Simon Thomas Parish Priest

The Experience of God: Volume 6

Introducing Christos Panayiotis Thomas October 11, 2017

8 lbs, 13 OZ — 19 3/4 “

President’s Message

October Notices -



2017 Metropolis Clergy-Laity Conference Please accept my sincere thank you for allowing me to represent Annunciation Memphis as your council president at the Clergy Laity Conference in Buffalo. It was my distinct honor. My duties began on Wednesday the 27th at the Metropolis Council meeting. For those who are not aware, I also serve on the Metropolis Council which is an elected position with a 2-year term. At our meeting, we discussed some financial discrepancies at the Archdiocese, which are being looked into. Our Metropolis however is financially strong due to the work of the Metropolitan, the council and generous stewards such as you. The Metropolis budget for the year 2018 was discussed and approved by the council and will be voted upon by all the clergy and delegates of the conference. The Conference started Thursday at Annunciation Buffalo with an address by His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas. The theme of his talk was, “Does it really matter”. We were anointed and were broken up into smaller groups for further discussion on the theme. Upon arrival back at the hotel, I attended a Finance Committee meeting where all delegates were briefed on the financial problems at the Archdiocese and that our Metropolis finances are transparent, and in good shape. Our Metropolis could function for 3 years without any additional funding from the Archdiocese. After this session, we were bused to the magnificent Niagara Falls. All I can say is “WOW”. On Friday I began my sessions with the Administration Committee meeting where we discussed amendments to the current UPR. Those amendments were adopted by the committee and will be presented at the plenary session for approval by the delegates. My second session was the Youth committee meeting where the new proposed youth protection policy was discussed at length. Third session was on stewardship. We heard about the stewardship program in Carmel, IN at the church of Fr. Bill Bartz. I came away with many new ideas and suggestions that may be able to be incorporated into our program. The evening concluded with a banquet that honored 2 members of each community. I sat listening to the long list of names of the honorees, knowing that due to their love and dedication to the church, that we have good role models for the next generation. I was proud to stand and applaud our two honorees, John Kay and Marianthe Pilcher. Both very deserving of their award. On Saturday the Plenary session was called to order and the 2018 budget was approved as well as the amendments from the Administration Committee. The amendments will now go to the Archdiocesan Committee for discussion, approval and a possible vote at the national congress in 2018. Committee reports were read and accepted. The new Metropolis Council members were voted upon and will begin their new 2-year terms after the July National congress. I was re-elected to another 2-year term. In conclusion, the work and information generated and disseminated by this event is a very important part of the life of the church. Without a budget, our Metropolitan would not be able to function. We would not have scholarship funds available to assist Seminary students and graduates. Our lay people would not be able to learn about our faith and be able to discuss matters with priests from our entire Metropolis. I know that I have made many new friends, met some wonderful young priests that are in the Northern part of our Metropolis and caught up with some old friends and priests. It would be my hope that many of you will take the opportunity to attend in the future as a delegate. Respectfully Submitted, Theodore Poplos, President Parish Council

Report from Metropolis Clergy-Laity Buffalo, NY, 2017

First, I would like to thank the Parish Council for electing me to be a delegate to this year’s Clergy Laity conference in Buffalo, NY. It was a life altering, attitude adjusting, faith renewing journey. His Eminence opened the conference with a poignant keynote address proposing the question, “Does it really matter?” Does your Orthodox faith make a difference? He then separated us into break out groups and charged us with opening a discussion on that hypothesis. I believe these were fruitful and opened a dialogue to prepare us for the learning sessions. Later that afternoon, I attended the Metropolis Finance meetings and discovered, that in spite of recent events regarding the Archdiocese, our Metropolis Financial reports were transparent and in order. Also, our leadership has exercised ascetical wisdom in our finances and our Metropolis could free stand for 3 years were any event to make that necessary. There were five classes offered and I attended each of them, gaining valuable insights on how the Orthodox Faith makes a difference in each area. The first session was pertaining to the Wallet i.e. overall financial fitness. It was posited that good common sense and good financial practices are solid Orthodox Christian Biblical teachings. Fr. Boukis proved that Stewardship is merely using ALL that has been given for HIS Glory, and encompasses more than just money. Second session was about your Orthodox faith in the workplace. The workplace is an arena of spiritual exercise, and a spiritual battlefield, where we apply our faith and live out the sacraments. A place of spiritual growth, not drudgery. Our God is a working God, through most of the bible He comes to His people while they are at work. Are we using our Faith to help us exhibit ethical, moral and spiritual conduct at work and with our co-workers? As the Orthodox Christian faithful are we living out what we profess or cutting corners and fitting in at the office water cooler? Whether we love our job or not this is the work He has provided us, get happy. Third session was the Living Room. “The Land of the Lotus eaters”. Are we struggling like Odysseus to overcome hurdles? Or are we remaining catatonic in a false paradise? What we are exposed to repeatedly affects our hearts and minds. The living room is a term derived from its previous classification of Parlor. Which in its time was used for communication whether it be with family members, friends, or guests of different types. Have you allowed technology to replace family time? Do you indulge too much in your phone, and overstimulation of social media, etc. or are you using your living room to connect with your family, friends and your God? To pray? Are you monitoring what you are letting have sensory input in your mind? Are current trends in movies, tv, magazines influencing how you live your life and your world view? Fourth, was the ever so tricky topic of the bedroom. I must say was a little nervous about this discussion since this was a mixed company audience. Fr. David delicately skirted delving too far into uncomfortable topics. Are your passions in check? Passions will drag you back and forth. Do you have a serious prayer life, morning and evening? The Jesus prayer for 20 minutes daily? Are you guarding your mind and body? Are you lazy? Are you living in obedience? You can overcome these things, mind over flesh. Jesus came to fully reclaim humanity and bring it back to the image and likeness of God. We have to change the way we think in cooperation. God gives Grace in measure, one should meditate daily in order to build up. The final topic was our Orthodox faith and other churches. Do we use the principles of our Faith to connect with people of other faiths or are we insular? Do we know the tenants of our faith enough to engage in intelligent conversation with those of other religions?

In addition, we were blessed with the opportunity to visit the spectacular Niagara Falls, attend a banquet where two very well deserving fellow parishioners were honored, and we partook in some actual original Buffalo wings. A wealth of information, many acquaintances and a couple of friends were added to my already very blessed trip and I came away with the question His Eminence proposed in complete clarity. “Does it really matter?” Does your Orthodox Faith make a difference? The answer is a resounding YES! In conclusion, I don’t even have the words to express my gratitude to the Parish and the Council for allowing me to represent you and take part in the wonderful opportunity. Sincerely, Endy Carter Parish Council Secretary

To my Beloved Annunciation Family, Yet again, I am so grateful for the opportunity and honor to represent our Precious Parish at the 2017 Metropolis of Detroit Clergy-Laity and Philoptochos Conference in Buffalo, New York. It was an inspirational and intense two and a half days of prayer, anointing, learning sessions, discussions, meetings, joyful conversations, loving fellowship, delightful meals and a wonderful visit to Niagara Falls. The theme of the Conference was “Does it Make a Difference?”. In the words of His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit, “As Orthodox Christians, our Faith should make a difference in in every aspect of our lives, above all, our Faith should make a difference in our values and priorities, in how we live and love, in whom and what we worship and adore.

His Eminence shared many words and thoughts with us. I would like to share the ones that made the greatest impression on me. After prayer, His Eminence said that it was no coincidence that the people gathered in the Church that day were there by chance but that we were called to be in that place. I hope and pray we were all called there to Make a Difference. A word His Eminence repeated several times was transparency, he asked for us to be frugal with ourselves and generous with others, and he wanted us to know that our Metropolis is in good shape. This was my first Conference on the Metropolis level. The experience was shorter in duration and smaller in attendance but no less inspirational, informative, and beautiful than a National Clergy-Laity Congress. I truly wish every Orthodox Christian could experience a Clergy-Laity Congress or Conference and witness the beauty and strength of our Orthodox Church in America and to meet the men and women whom I am honored and humbled to call spiritual family. Thank you again for making this journey possible for me. With Love in Christ, Demie Bitinis

Annunciation Prayer List “Pray for one another, that you may be healed” (James 5:16). Prayer is an important resource for those who are in need. Please contact Father Simon or the Church Office to add/remove someone from the list. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Archbishop Demetrios of America Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit Father Simon & Presvytera Stephanie and children Father Nicholas & family Parishioners of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Metropolitan Paul (Yazge) of Aleppo Archbishop Youhanna Ibrahim (Syriac) of Aleppo Nick, Helen, Diana, Alec, Maria, Zoe, Ronnie, Jeffrey, Toni, Sandy, Cornelia, Kosta, George, Sarantos, Alex

Volunteers for November Acolytes: Lee Couloubaritsis Austin Detty Jackson Detty John Donnelly Nick Douglas

John Eramo Luke Farris Max Graves Jonathan Holland Vasili Johnson

Epistle Readers: November 5: Maria Moore November 12: Sophia Douglas

Jonathan Mehrotra Jack Shipman Abiel Tesfazion Demetri Thomas David Wassef

November 19: Cathe Skefos November 26: Scott McKee

Prosphoro Makers: Enosis Touliatos Ushers: November 5 Team 4: Endy Carter & Vasili Semos November 12 Team 1: Maria Moore, Bill Joyner, Pete Ruby

November 19 Team 2: Naji Nassif, Diane Kavelaras, Demie Bitinis November 26 Team 3: Chris Apalodimas, John Kay


Coffee Fellowship Hosts: November 5: hosted by Elpis in recognition of their Patrons, Sts. Cosmas & Damian November 12: DOP Soup Sunday

November 19: Community Thanksgiving Luncheon November 26: hosted by Jimmy Skefos in honor of Katrina & Tim Matthews

St. Andrew, the First-Called Apostle November 30th The Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was the first of the Apostles to follow Christ, and he later brought his own brother, the holy Apostle Peter, to Christ (John 1:35-42). The future apostle was from Bethsaida, and from his youth he turned with all his soul to God. He did not enter into marriage, and he worked with his brother as a fisherman. When the holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John began to preach, Saint Andrew became his closest disciple. Saint John the Baptist himself sent to Christ his own two disciples, the future Apostles Andrew and John the Theologian, declaring Christ to be the Lamb of God. After the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, Saint Andrew went to the Eastern lands preaching the Word of God. He went through Asia Minor, Thrace, Macedonia, he reached the River Danube, went along the coast of the Black Sea, through Crimea, the Black Sea region and along the River Dnieper he climbed to the place where the city of Kiev now stands. He stopped overnight on the hills of Kiev. Rising in the morning, he said to those disciples that were with him: “See these hills? Upon these hills shall shine forth the beneficence of God, and there will be a great city here, and God shall raise up many churches.” The apostle went up around the hills, blessed them and set up a cross. Having prayed, he went up even further along the Dnieper and reached a settlement of the Slavs, where Novgorod was built. From here the apostle went through the land of the Varangians towards Rome for preaching, and again he returned to Thrace, where in the small village of Byzantium, the future Constantinople, he founded the Church of Christ. The name of the holy Apostle Andrew links the mother, the Church of Constantinople, with her daughter, the Russian Church. By the labors of the holy Apostle Andrew, Christian Churches were established, for which he provided bishops and clergy. The final city to which the Apostle came was the city of Patras, where he was destined to suffer martyrdom. The Lord worked many miracles through His disciple in Patras. The infirm were made whole, and the blind received their sight. Through the prayers of the Apostle, the illustrious citizen Sosios recovered from serious illness; he healed Maximilla, wife of the governor of Patras, and his brother Stratokles. The miracles accomplished by the Apostle and his fiery speech enlightened almost all the citizens of the city of Patras with the true Faith. Few pagans remained at Patra, but among them was the prefect of the city, Aegeatos. The Apostle Andrew repeatedly turned to him with the words of the Gospel. But even the miracles of the Apostle did not convince Aegeatos. The holy Apostle with love and humility appealed to his soul, striving to reveal to him the Christian mystery of life eternal, through the wonderworking power of the Holy Cross of the Lord. The angry Aegeatos gave orders to crucify the apostle. The pagan thought he might undo Saint Andrew’s preaching if he were to put him to death on the cross. St Andrew the First-Called accepted the decision of the prefect with joy and with prayer to the Lord, and went willingly to the place of execution. In order to prolong the suffering of the saint, Aegeatos gave orders not to nail the saint’s hands and feet, but to tie them to the cross. As a result, Saint Andrew was crucified on an X shaped cross. For two days the apostle taught the citizens who gathered about. The people, in listening to him, with all their souls pitied him and tried to take Saint Andrew down from the cross. Fearing a riot of the people, Aegeatos gave orders to stop the execution. But the holy apostle began to pray that the Lord would grant him death on the cross. Just as the soldiers tried to take hold of the Apostle Andrew, they lost control of their hands. The crucified apostle, having given glory to God, said: “Lord Jesus Christ, receive my spirit.” Then a blazing ray of divine light illumined the cross and the martyr crucified upon it. When the light faded, the holy Apostle Andrew had already given up his holy soul to the Lord. Maximilla, the wife of the prefect, had the body of the saint taken down from the cross, and buried him with honor. A few centuries later, under the emperor Constantine the Great, the relics of the holy Apostle Andrew were solemnly transferred to Constantinople and placed in the church of the Holy Apostles beside the relics of the holy Evangelist Luke and Saint Timothy. His head remains in the church dedicated to him in Patras.

Liturgical Calendar for November Wednesday, November 1st, Saints Cosmas & Sunday, November 19th, Ninth Sunday of Luke Damian Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Tuesday, November 21st, Entrance of the Theotokos Sunday, November 5th, Fifth Sunday of Luke Orthros 9:00 am Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8: 45 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Tuesday, November 7th Saturday, November 25th, Feast of Saint KatheOrthros 6:00 pm rine the Great Martyr Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Archangels 7:00 Orthros 9:00 am pm Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Thursday, November 9th, Feast of Saint Nektarios Sunday, November 26th, Thirteenth Sunday of Luke Orthros 9:00 am Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Thursday, November 30th, Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle Orthros 9:00 am Monday, November 13th, Feast of Saint John Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Chrysostom Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Sunday, November 12th, Eighth Sunday of Luke Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am

Visitation Committee November: Connie Cotros, Loretta Taras & Tasia Vergos October: Sophie Theodore & Kristine Wagner December: Anastasia Terranova & Athena Jamison January: Nancy Tashie, Jan Futris & Tina Liollio February: Vicki Hoover & Family

The following members of our parish family have requested visitation. For address and/or contact information please check your parish directory or contact the Church Office.

Alec Collis Larkin Griffin Diana Mazas March: Linda Nichols, Anne Schmitt, & Debbie Stella Nichols Kosta Taras Bookas Please contact Kristine Wagner if you would like to April: Cary Chiungos & Mary Katherine Taras volunteer to be on the 2018-2019 Visitation Committee, a ministry of the Elpis Philoptochos. May: Demie Bitinis, Tricia Grantham, Emily Capadalis Love, Georgia Karris June: Despina Karas & Angela Tobias July: Maria Moore & Diane Kavelaras August: Stephanie Poplos & Friend September: Susanna Peters & Cathe Skefos

Parish Ministries Philoptochos, Elpis Chapter #7041

MANY thanks to all who made our “Month of Giving” in October a success! We collected money for our social services fund, offered treats and hospitality for coffee hour, made 100 school kits for IOCC to be sent to help children in need in Greece, made food and served those in our monthly “More Than A Meal” commitment and made cards to give to our local veterans. We cannot do this work without your help and we are so thankful to Laura Couloubaritsis who coordinated these efforts, and to Cyndi Detty and Joy Touliatos who coordinate our “More Than a Meal” outreach. With special appreciation, we recognize the efforts of Sophie Sousoulas & Zoe Anaston, who have tirelessly and selflessly chaired the luncheon honoring Sts. Gerasimos and Demetrios for many years. Many thanks to our donors: Jimmy Skefos for the chicken, Mary Katherine and Mimi Taras for the green beans, Dr. Jim and Sophie Sousoulas for the butter, wine, lemons and spices, Zoe Anaston for the cupcakes and cookies, Jan & Pete Futris and Georgia Karris for the flowers, Despina & Jim Karas for the potatoes, Nancy and Jimmy Tashie for the plates and plastic ware, Koula Hristopoulou for the baguette rolls, Julia and Jerry Couloubaritsis for the cakes. We are thankful for our helpers in the kitchen: Dennis & Odette Patrikios, Stephanie Sousoulas, Steve Steckler & Joy Touliatos, Scott Allen, Gabriel & Enosis Touliatos, Despina Karas, John & Nancy Kay, Demetri Papastefan, Ken Hoover, George Deitz & Kristine Wagner, Steve & Anastasia Barlow & Zair, Yiota Theodore, and Marianthe Pilcher. And, we extend our gratitude to the decorating committee—Jan Futris, Georgia Karris, Cary Chiungos, Tina Liollio, Emily Love and Angela Buchanan. With their generous donations of time and talent we are able to give generously to our philanthropic needs. We have a lot to look forward to in November—we will host coffee hour to recognize our patron saints, Sts. Cosmas and Damian, on November 5th and collect money to support the charitable outreach of our beloved Patriarch Bartholomew. To catch up on all of our official business, and to spend time with friends, we will be having a general meeting in Cotros Hall on November 9th at 6pm. We will be celebrating Greece and enjoying food and fellowship together! Our Christmas card collection is ongoing. The proceeds raised go to our social services fund to help those in our own community. It is always a lovely card and a delightful way to celebrate the holidays. Please see Ms. Sophie Theodore in the hall to donate $25 before November 24th. If you cannot attend church, please send her a donation at: 3554 Kenwood Ave., Memphis TN 38122 and make the check payable to “Elpis.” We will again make and serve lunch for “More Than A Meal” on November 19th. Please see attached flyer for details. It’s always a helpful and fun time. Also on November 19th we are hosting the annual Thanksgiving luncheon. Please see attached flyer for details. You can also pre-order trays of dressing and rice pudding. Please call Enosis Touliatos at 385-2457 to order.

Our annual Elpis and DOP Christmas party is right around the corner! On December 9th from 11am-2pm at the Ridgeway Country Club. We look forward to seeing you there!

Hosting Coffee Fellowship after Liturgy The Parish Council invites members to volunteer to host a Coffee Fellowship Hour in Cotros Hall during this Ecclesiastical Year. The intent is to offer refreshments of your choice that will encourage social interaction among the membership, and opportunities to meet and greet visitors and new members. The coffee, sugar/ sweetener, napkins, plates, cups and utensils are provided by the Church. Please bring creamer and juice. This is a great opportunity to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or to honor a loved one. Photos/memorabilia are encouraged for a table display. Families or groups of individuals can co-host as well. After you have confirmed your date, please contact Diane Kavelaras, your Coffee Fellowship Coordinator at 901-3833343. Coffee will always be available when there is no host. Thank you for your consideration and hopeful participation.

Young at Heart Mark your calendars! We meet once a month generally on the third Thursday at 11:30 in Cotros Hall. Times and locations are subject to change. Please join us for an afternoon of food, fun and fellowship. Lunch is $4.00 except for the Christmas Party (Price will be advised)when reservations open). Check our flier here in the Epistle for this month’s event! Please join us for a day of being thankful. We will have a delicious luncheon as well as learn about on line safety and much more from Chris Apalodimas. SO much to be grateful for each and everyday - especially for our wonderful ministry and want you to be a part of it if you haven't joined us. Please know you are needed and we want you to join us. Everyone 50 years of age and older are invited to come! Hope to see you there!

YOUNG AT HEART Thanksgiving Luncheon Thursday, November 16th 11:30 in Cotros Hall Chris Apalodimas will teach us about antivirus/malware protection, firewall, email safety/phishing, and social media privacy settings.

All those in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s & 90 ‘s are invited to join us! WE HAVE SO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR!

YOUNG ADULT LEAGUE Since 2013, we have been on the forefront of creating and shaping Christ-centered, Kingdom-oriented ministry that's been helping generations of Orthodox Christians around the world. Our Mission Y2AM helps introduce youth and young adults to Christ. Y2AM inspires them to live out their relationship with the Lord and His Church on a daily basis. We are a ministry team of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Take some time and listen to our Pop Culture Coffee Hour Podcasts at podcasts/popculture. Steven Christoforou and Christian Gonzalez talk about pop culture, theology, and whatever else is on their minds. They might even make you laugh. Maybe. “Pop Culture Coffee Hour” is a joint production of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and Ancient Faith Radio. Other Y2AM great resources: The YouTube Channel series: The Trench The Ladder: a Blog Please check back here and on the YAL Memphis Facebook Page for future events for our Young Adults.

YOUTH MINISTRIES Sunday School The Sunday School Program is for children from Pre-K (age 4 by September 1) through 12th grade. We meet every Sunday immediately following Holy Communion except during the Summer and certain Holidays. Sunday School News Thank you to all the classes who made Veteran's Day cards. The veterans at VA appreciated it very much. During the month of November, our project will be "collecting paper products" for Forgiveness House, a men's ministry on Summer Ave. that our church help at various times of the year. A box will be placed upstairs to place your items. Teachers Pre-K /KK 1st/2nd 3rd/4th 5th/6th 7th/8th 9th-12th

Anna Paris, Naji Nassif Kristine Wagner, Christina George Stephanie Johnson, Pannay Guigley Renee Graves, Alexia Loughman Ken Hoover, Gabriella Stroplos Ted Poplos , Elizabeth Hawkins, Chris Apalodimas, and Brian Berretta

Note from Father Simon: It is important that the children and their teachers receive Holy Communion first, so they may have as much time as possible to learn about our precious Faith. Parents, since we are now saying the Prayers Before Holy Communion together, please wait until these prayers have been completed before taking your children to the Narthex to line them up for Holy Communion. Once our youth have received, the ushers will dismiss the faithful row by row. Thank you for your assistance!

HOPE/JOY Welcome to all the HOPE/JOY families at Annunciation! HOPE & JOY are the children’s ministries of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of American. HOPE is the ministry for the Kindergarten though 2nd grade children and JOY, the Junior Orthodox Youth, is the ministry for the 3rd through 6th grade children. Since HOPE & JOY are ministries, the programs reflect the Orthodox Christian Faith, Tradition and Life. JOY activity for November: JOY will meet as a group in the fellowship hall after Sunday School on November 5. We will build care packages for the homeless of Memphis. These will be bags full of helpful and comforting items for the homeless during the winter season. We need families to signup for items that will go in the bags. The more participants, the better the bags will be. Here is the website for Signup:

ATHENIAN DANCE TROUPE On Sunday, October 1st, there will be a Parent Meeting for interested participants at 12:00 Noon in the Library. The Calendar of Practices and Performances is listed below. Dates and times are all subject to change and update. See Leah or Andrew Horvath for more information. Sun, Jan 21: 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm Sun, Feb 4: 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm Sun, Feb 18: 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm Sun, March 4: 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm Sun, March 18: 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm Sat, March 24: 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm Sun, March 25: Greek Independence Day performance during luncheon Sat, April 14: 9:00 am - 12:00 Noon

Sun, April 15: 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm Sat, April 21: 9 am - 12:00 Noon Sun, April 22: 12:30 pm - 3 :00 pm Sat, May 5: 9 am - 12:00 Noon Sun, May 6: 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm Wed, May 9: Dress Rehearsal, 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Fri, May 11: Greek Fest performance, 6:00 pm Sat, May 12: Greek Fest performances, 12:00 Noon & 6:00 pm

GOYA is open to all youth in grades 6th through 12th. We focus on fellowship, service, and how to bring our Orthodox teachings into our daily life. All are welcome!

Meeting, GOYA Room

More than a Meal

GOYA will meet on November 5 for lunch and a “Ask Father Simon” session. Youth are invited to bring questions and ideas to the meeting to discuss with Father Simon.

We have an opportunity to serve our community in coordination with Elpis Philoptochos. On November 19, plan to stop by Grace St. Luke’s Church in Midtown between 3-5pm and help serve dinner to those in need. Elpis is preparing a traditional Thanksgiving dinner to our guests and help will be needed both serving and in the kitchen.

GOYA Outing, Elmwood Cemetery We will first have lunch at church, then travel to Elmwood Cemetery to understand the history of our community. More details will follow.

12/3 GOYA Meeting Christmas Caroling 12/17 GOYA Meeting “Making Prosfora”

On October 1, GOYA attended the National Civil Rights Museum. We reflected on how we can learn from history and avoid the sins of the past. On October 22, we had the honor of having Father Vieron attend our meeting and discuss the importance of kindness and Christianity – even during troubled times.


Welcome to AHEPA! AHEPA Mission statement:

To promote the ancient Hellenic ideals of education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, integrity, and family and individual excellence through community service and volunteerism.

AHEPA Christmas Party

Saturday, December 9th, 2017 3:00 pm at the home of John & Nancy Kay Please RSVP to John at 901-605-9831 or 901-835-5846 Spouses are invited.

DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE Daughters of Penelope – Epistle Submission, November 2017 The Daughters of Penelope, was founded in1929, in San Francisco, California. It was the realization of Alexandra Apostolides Sonenfeld’s dream to create a women’s organization comparable to her husband’s membership in AHEPA. The Daughters is the women’s organization of AHEPA. We share our Mission Statement: To promote Hellenism, Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family & Individual Excellence. Our Daughters group would like to thank all our Parishioners who were able to support our Sunday Brunch that was held on October 15. What a delicious meal Phani prepared and weren’t those Mimosas, oh so delicious!!! My special thanks to Anastasia Terranova for helping me do the shopping and preparation, also to her handsome grandson, Yianni Karastamais (my sou chef, Athena Jamison, Despina Karas, Marianthe Pilcher, Penny Bichi and Anna Paris. Also, Vicki Hoover and Kathy Zambelis at the ticket table. Let’s also thank Phani for cooking.

On November 12th we are having our Annual Soup Sunday. This Event is a Fund Raiser for our Penelope House in Mobil, Alabama. The Penelope House is a shelter for victims of Domestic violence. Every year thousands of abused women and children pass through the doors of our Penelope House crying for help. For more information please see attached flyer. On Saturday, December 9, the Daughters and Elpis will be celebrating their joint Christmas Party at the Ridgeway Country Club in Collierville. It was such a fun event last year and we look forward to this joint celebration once again. Ladies, remember our Christmas Ornament Exchange., All attendees are welcome to participate. More information will be coming out when it is closer to the date. Jan. 2018 we are looking forward to a visit from Karen Batshaw, author of the book “Hidden in Plain Sight”. The story takes place in Greece starting in 1941. It talks about the German invasion and occupation of Greece during the war. In her book Karen introduces Anna a Jewish doctor and Alexander a handsome Greek Orthodox young man and also a doctor. The book was given 5 stars rating. Karen will be coming on Saturday, January 20 in the evening (approximately 7:00pm) – mark your calendar. Watch for more information to be forthcoming.

Marianthe Pilcher, Yianni Karastamatis, Anna Paris, Phani Mitchell Penny Bichi, Anastasia Terranova all hard at work!!!

FRIENDS OF THE METROPOLIS When you support the Friends of the Metropolis campaign, you are part of a greater outreach that proclaims with one universal voice that God is truly our hope and our rock of salvation. Because of your devotion to the Friends program, ministries and programs are implemented on a Metropolis­wide basis which strengthen and enhance our faith and our joint ministry of service. I would like to invite you to join forces with the faithful throughout the Metropolis of Detroit in support of the ministries which are part of the Office of the Metropolitan. Thanking you for your kind and generous response, I remain, with paternal blessings and prayers, +NICHOLAS    Metropolitan of Detroit


General Support

 Fully fund the general expenses of the Metropolis office, including programs and travels.

Clergy/Parish Support

Develop and provide instructional seminars and services for clergy and parishes.


Youth Ministries

Create opportunities to introduce our faith to society. Participate in inter­Christian and interfaith activities. Provide quick responses to national and international disasters.

Support the youth & young adult ministries, including our summer camps, as well as the activities of a full­time Metropolis Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries.



Enhance various  scholarship opportunities, adult education programs, and support Metropolis students at Hellenic College/Holy Cross.

Organize Clergy­Laity Conferences, Oratorical Festivals, Youth Worker and Religious Education Training, and Adult Education Seminars.


Special Programs

Develop programs for Hellenic Cultural Outreach, including language, history, and arts.

Continued website development, hospitality to visiting dignitaries, charity and philanthropy.



Please print the following required details.

Make checks payable to Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Detroit.

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Parish Name




Fill out this card and send it with payment to:



Total in $ Signature Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Detroit - 2560 Crooks Road - Troy, MI 48084

Book Review by Billy Benson -

A Reflection on Church Education

General Meeting November 9th, 6-8pm in Cotros Hall Please join us for a night of fellowship and to learn the latest updates! Food will be provided.

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Greek Dressing & Rice Pudding

The Touliatos family is once again offering pans of Greek Dressing (“stuffing”) and Rice Pudding for sale during the Thanksgiving season! The dressing is a family tradition passed down from Voula Touliatos, which features, ground meat, nuts and spices. The rice pudding is Enosis’ famous recipe! Order now to have a family sized pan of dressing or rice pudding ready to pick up at the luncheon on November 19th. Both Pan Sizes—13”x10” Dressing Price—$35 per pan Rice Pudding Price—$20 per pan To order, please call Enosis Touliatos at 901-385-2457. Last day to place an order is Sunday, November 12th.

Celebrate Thanksgiving with your Annunciation Family at the

Philoptochos Thanksgiving Luncheon Sunday, November 19th Featuring a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner lovingly prepared by the Touliatos family Adult Meal—$15.00 Children’s Meal—$8.00

Happy Holidays!

New Year’s Eve Party 2018! Make plans to be with your Annunciation family as we welcome in the 
 New Year. Father Simon will trade in his Sunday vestments 
 for an apron to prepare a delicious meal. 6:30 PM, Cocktails & Appetizers 8 PM Dinner; 9:30 PM Vasilopita Cutting DINNER MENU Prime Rib, Roasted Potatoes, Asparagus, Bread, Dessert Champagne, Sodas & Water included (BYOB)

Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 573 N Highland Street, Memphis

Sunday, December 31, 2017 RSVP before December 28th Adults: $15 / Children: $10* / Family: $45 Event Limited to 150 Guests / No Tickets Sold at Door! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name: __________________________________________ Phone: ___________________ # Adults

_________ x $15 = $________

# Children _________ x $10 = $________ Family of __________ x $45 = $________ Total (to Annunciation GOC) $________

If you would like to be seated next to or near another family, please make that notation below.

# Adults

_________ x $15 = $________


#ANNUNCIATION Children _________ GREEK ORTHODOX x $10 = $________ CHURCH Family of

573 N HIGHLAND STREET MEMPHIS, TN 38122= $________ __________ x $45

Reservations without payment will not be recorded

Friday, November 3 OPENING NIGHT

3:00 PM DEDICATION AND RIBBON CUTTING Holy Trinity Historical Marker 6th Avenue South, Downtown Nashville

6:00PM FISH DINNER 4:30PM VESPERS Church Hall Holy Trinity 4905 Franklin Pike, Nashville, TN 37220 (Sponsored by AHEPA (Open to All at no 4905 Franklin Pike, Nashville, TN, 37220 charge) 7:00PM MUSICIAN EVENT Nashville Songwriters Open Mic Night

Saturday, November 4 EDUCATIONAL & MEMORIAL


Events to be held at Franklin Marriott Cool Springs, 700 Cool Springs Boulevard, Franklin, TN 37067 Cocktail Attire

Educational Sessions to be held in the Sanctu- 6:00PM COCKTAILS AND APPETIZERS Cash Bar ary at Holy Trnity, 4905 Franklin Pike, Nashville, Banquet Hall TN 37220 7:00PM CELEBRATION DINNER & PARTY $60 per person (Cash Bar) 9:00AM WELCOME— COFFEE Gluten Free or Vegetarian Options Available Holy Trinity Hospitality Room Sponsored by St. Ypomoni Philoptochos 8:00PM - 11:00PM PROGRAM/RETROSPECTIVE

9:30AM 1ST EDUCATIONAL SESSION Father Nicolaos Kotsis Topic: Faith is Reasonable

AND PROSPECTIVE Followed by Dancing to Greek/American Band Ta Filarakia

10:30AM 2ND EDUCATIONAL SESSION Father Father Mark Sietsema Topic: Bible Basics for Orthodox Christians

Sunday, November 5 THE NEXT CENTURY HOLY Trinity, 4905 Franklin Pike, Nashville, TN 37220

11:30AM DOXOLOGY AND MEMORIAL SER8:15AM MATINS VICE For All Deceased Clergy and Laity Sanctuary 10:00AM HIERARCHICAL DIVINE LITURGY Beginning The Second Century of Holy Trinity HONORING THE PAST Greek Orthodox Church NOON LUNCHEON Church Hall - Donated & Sponsored by 12:00PM PARISH CELEBRATION AND PICNIC (Open to all at no charge) Philoptochos (Open to all at no charge)

Stewardship Report Our Archdiocesan Regularions and Parish By-Laws define Stewards as those who participate regularly in the life of the Parish, as well as contributing towards the financial well-being of the Parish by offering stewardship and/or filling out a Stewardship Card. Below is a list of all Stewards of the Annunciation. Those denoted with an (*) have submitted their Stewardship card to the Stewardship Committee. If you have not submitted a Stewardship Card, please contact the Stewardship Committee or the Church Office.

2017 List of Stewards *Robert Allphin *Nigisti Amdetsion & Aklilu Maasho Zoe Anaston Chris & Connie Apalodimas Maria Apalodimas Michael & Annie Arcamuzi Nick & Anne Argol John & Diane Avgeris *Todd & Cyndi Bagatelas Constantina Baldwin Steven & Anastasia Barlow Matthew & DoraThea Barre *Olivia Bagatelas Beard *Billy & Carri Benson *Demetra Bitinis *John & Deborah Bookas *Janet Boosalis *Shawn Branum *Angela Buchanan Claude Burdikoff Jacob & Michele Buring Dean & Vickie Carayiannis *Endy Carter Brianna & Conan Castellucci *Mary Chagaris *Cary Chiungos *John Chulos Alec Collis Pat Cooper *Charles & Connie Cotros George & Laura Couloubaritsis * Jerry & Julia Couloubaritsis *Elaine Daniels *Alexander & Sangeeta Deitz *George Deitz & Kristine Wagner *Helen Demas *Chris Demopoulos Chris & Shawn Demos George & Bonita Dendrinos Alexander Denton Anna Denton Greg & Cyndi Detty

Andrew & Christina Douglas *Vasilios & Georgia Douklias Yiannis Drosos *Bruce & Helen Erskine Linda Farrell Phillip & Kellye Farris *Nick & Marty Fox Robert & Sarah Friedman *Pete & Jan Futris *Steve & Zoe Futris *Evangelia Gallagher *Christina George Kalovan Getev *Bill & Niki Gikas *Joanne Gikas *Alex Gogonelis James Gore Ronald & Patricia Grantham *Alan & Renee Graves Kevin & Pannayiota Guigley *Maria Hallas *Sarantos & Catherine Hatzigeorgiou *Charles & Elizabeth Hawkins Laurentiu & Mihaela Herbei *Sandy E Herbert *Maria Hetos Monica & Evan Hinson Spence Holland Nathan & Stephanie Hooker *Ken & Vicki Hoover Tina Horne Andrew & Leah Horvath Koula Hristopoulou *Marcus & Cristina Hunter Dorothy Huston *Athena Jameson *Al & Tina Jennings William & Stephanie Johnson *Bill & Denise Joyner Vasilios & Stavroula Kakales Jim & Despina Karas *George Karkatsugas

Georgia Karris *Diane Kavelaras *John & Nancy Kay John & Jennifer Kay, Jr. Maureen Kay *James Kennedy Nader Khalaf *Sarkis & Jenny Kish Regina Kolaitis Bessie Kolapanas *Marcy Kollias *Ksenija LaFaver *Kalliope G Lefes George Limberakis *Tina Liollio Kevin & Alexia Loughman Samya Louza *Tom & Emily Love Irini Manousakis Pete & Amelia Maragos Yolanta Matika *Gus & Helen Mavraganis *Scott McKee & Weilin Xi *Bobby & Nicole McNulty *Emily Melonas Peter & Kathryn Melonas *James & Susan Meng Tamara Miller Allen & Lydia Mims Tom & Phani Mitchell Mary “Toni” Montgomery *Alexis Moore *Mike & Maria Moore *Tommy & Kyndall Moore *Steven & Jennifer Morris *Robert & Kathy Morrison Michael & Valerie Mosby *Naji & Rebecca Nassif Nick & Linda Nichols Michael & Linda Nix *Mitch & Linda Obradovic Asmelash & Asmeret Ogbasion Gregory & Elaine Otto

Sterling & Trish Owen, IV *Evangelia Panas *Demetri Papastefan Alexandra Pappas Maria Pappas *Anna Paris Dorothy Paris *Evangeline Paris Dennis & Odette Patrikios Steve & Nancy Patterson Basil & Bethany Paulus * Manual & Mary Beth Peters Manuel & Susanna Peters Derek & Marianthe Pilcher *Ted & Stephanie Poplos John & Maria Poulos *Chrysanthe Preza & Einir Valdimarsson Elizabeth Ramage Melissa Ramage * Scott Reed *Pete Ruby Albis Samonides *Eric & Anne Schmitt *Vasili & Luane Semos Daniel Shipman Ala Simonchyk & Stephen Fafulas Harry & Magda Sinis Tom & Susan Sinis *Harry & Cathe Skefos *Katherine Skefos Vasilios & Eleni Skoutakis *Jimmy & Georgia Smith *James & Sophie Sousoulas Thomas & Stasia Spentzas Pandora Stamson Steve & Joy Steckler

Romulus & Camelia Stoian Dimitri & Mary Katherine Taras James Taras *Kosta & Loretta Taras *David & Christine Tashie *George & Cecile Tashie *James & Nancy Tashie *John Tashie Judd & Debbie Tashie Rick Taylor *Anastasia Terranova Amanuel & Brur Tesfazion *Lee & Yiota Theodore *Sophie Theodore *Fr. Simon & Presvytera Stephanie Thomas John & Helen Thompson Gregg & Lorrie Tingle Richard & Angela Tobias Kimberly Topolewski Sarah Touliatos Maria Trif Petrisor & Angelita Tudor Cornelia Varnavas *Alex Vergos *Annie Vergos John & Ellen Vergos *Tasia Vergos Theodore Vergos Lee Vieron *Fr. Nicholas Vieron *Magdi & Amira Wassef *Maria Wasserman *Vasiliki Whitten James & Melinda Williams Matthew & Michelle Wilson *Nick & Georgia Zaharopoulos *Michael & Kathy Zambelis William & Julie Zdancewicz

As of October 29, 2017: 2017 Stewardship Cards: 97 Stewards: 208 2017 Amount Pledged: $195,258.00 Amount Received to date: $262,304.44 Amount Received in October: $24,232.00

As of October 30, 2016: 2016 Stewardship Cards: 98 Stewards: 193 Amount Pledged: $200.580.00 Amount Received to Date: $245,211.01 Amount Received in October: $17,988.00






1 Feast of Saints 2 Cosmas & Damian Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Bible Study 6:30 pm



3 Holy Trinity Nashville Centenial Celebration

4 Holy Trinity Nashville Centenial Celebration

5 Fifth Sunday of Luke Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am Nursery Available 10:00 am—!2:00 Noon Sunday School 11:00 am Coffee Fellowship hosted by Elpis in recognition of Patrons, Sts. Cosmas & Damian GOYA Meeting/Y2AM 12:00 in GOYA Room DOP Lunch with Mother Nektaria 12:00 Library JOY Care Package Building 12:00 Noon

6 Applications for Candidacy for Parish Council—Due by 9:00 am

7 8 Feast of the Archangels Library Open 10:00 am—2:00 Bible Study 6:30 pm pm Orthros 6:00 pm Divine Liturgy for Feast of the Archangels 7:00 pm

9 Feast of St. 10 Veterans Naktarios Day Orthros 9:00 am Office Divine Liturgy 10:00 Closed am Elpis General Meeting—Greek Food Potluck 600 pm

11 DOP Cooking & Hall Set-up for Soup Sunday 10:00 am

12 Eighth Sunday of Luke Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am Nursery Available 10:00 am—!2:00 Noon Sunday School 11:00 am DOP Soup Sunday

13 Feast of St. John Chrysostom Orthros 9:00 Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Parish Council Seminar 6:30 pm

14 15 Nativity Fast Begins Library Open 10:00 am—2:00 Bible Study 6:30 pm pm Elpis Board Meeting 6:30 pm

16 Young at Heart Thanksgiving Luncheon 11:30 am


18 ELPIS Cooking & set up for Thanksgiving Luncheon

19 Ninth Sunday of Luke Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am Nursery Available 10:00 am—12:00 Noon Sunday School 11:00 am GOYA Outing to Elmwood Cemetery 12:00 Noon Thanksgiving Luncheon 12:00 Noon Parish Council Elections 12:00 Noon More Than a Meal Serving Team 3:00 pm 26 Thirteenth Sunday of Luke Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am Nursery Available 10:00 am—12:00 Noon Sunday School 11:00 am Coffee Fellowship hosted by Jimmy Skefos to honor Katrina & Tim Matthews 12:00 Noon

20 Parish Council Meeting 6:15 pm

21 Entrance of 22 23 the Theotokos Office Closes 12:00 Thanksgiving Day Orthros 9:00 am Noon Office Closed Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Library Open 11:00 am—2:00 pm

24 Thanksgiving Day Office Closed

25 Feast of St. Katherine the Great Martyr Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am


28 Library Open 10:00 am—2:00 pm

29 30 Feast of St. AnBible Study 6:30 pm drew the Apostle Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am