Answer Key to Reading Strategies. Unit 1, page 8 ... Answers will vary. Possible
answers ... 9. p. 10. f. 11. a. 12. c. 13. b. 14. q. 15. d. 16. i. 17. l. Unit 10, page 116.
Answer Ke y to Readi ng S tra teg ies Uni t 1 , pa ge 8 Classi fyin g i n for ma tio n Answers will vary. Possible answers: Optimists feel confident life will get better. They expect the best. Optimists look on the bright side. They see solutions. Pessimists believe life will always be difficult and painful. They tend to expect the worst. Pessimists see only problems. They easily give up.
Uni t 2 , pa ge 20 Identif yi ng suppo rtin g de tail s Answers may vary. Possible answers: gifted: started playing piano before four years old energetic: even as he lost his hearing, he continued to compose imaginative: composed his first piece of music by the age of twelve passionate: almost always in love, wrote pieces for women eccentric: muttered to himself and stamped his feet, neglected his personal appearance difficult: dumped a plate of food over a waiter’s head moody: lost his temper with friends egotistical: would stop conducting if people talked during a concert
Uni t 3 , pa ge 34 Fo llo wi ng seq uen tia l eve nts _4_ Newman wins an award for his philanthropy. _5_ Newman’s contributions reach US$150 million. _1_ Newman begins acting. _2_ Newman wins an award for his acting. _3_ Newman and a friend begin selling salad dressing.
Uni t 4 , pa ge 46 Inferr in g fa c ts 1. True—75% of women think they are too fat. 2. True—Between the ages of ten and fourteen the percentage drops from 60% to 29%. Therefore, 60% of girls age nine or younger are happy with the way they are, and 40% aren’t. 3. True—80% of girls who are ten are on diets. 4. True—Cosmetic surgeries doubled in the last decade. 5. True—70% of girls want to look like an actress. 6. True—30% of girls have tried to look like an actress.
Summit 1
Uni t 5 , pa ge 58 Re sta ti n g sta ti stical in for mation A. 1. Sao Paulo 2. Mumbai 3. Tokyo 4. New York and Seoul 5. Mumbai 6. Seoul, Buenos Aires, and Los Angeles 7. Tokyo B. Answers will vary.
Uni t 6 , pa ge 70 Guessi n g mea ni ng fro m co nte x t 1. biodiversity: b (“millions of different species of plants and animals”) 2. habitat: b (“bamboo forests where the pandas make their home”) decimated: b (“are being destroyed rapidly”) 3. extinction: c (“once gone, these species cannot be brought back”) 4. conservation: a (“working with the community to help save habitat”) 5. ecosystem: c (“the interdependency of all living things becomes clear”)
Uni t 7 , pa ge 82 Su mma riz in g ma in idea s Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Since our grandparents’ generation, shopping habits have changed from shopping for necessities to shopping for fun. 2. Some people can’t control their shopping, which leads to financial and psychological problems. 3. For a lot of people, impulse shopping is a way to avoid uncomfortable feelings. 4. Impulse shopping is not a successful way to deal with negative emotions.
Uni t 8 , pa ge 94 Fo cu si n g on ke y ca u ses a nd e ffe cts 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. a
Uni t 9 , pa ge 106 Identif yi ng w ho ’s w ho 1. e 2. g
Summit 1
3. m 4. n 5. o 6. j 7. h 8. k 9. p 10. f 11. a 12. c 13. b 14. q 15. d 16. i 17. l
Uni t 10 , pa ge 11 6 Con trasti n g Answers will vary. Possible answers: Befor e: People worked shorter hours. They took longer vacations. They left their work at the office. They were less stressed. Lines between work and leisure were clearer. People left their offices at a predictable time. They felt no need to check in with the office. They didn’t worry much about job security. Now: People work longer hours. They have a hard time separating work and leisure time. Students are increasingly on-line. They are changing work tasks more frequently. They are using technology more and more. They have shorter vacations.
Summit 1