automatically be sent an email about our fundraiser providing choices to opt out, contribute online or sponsor by mailin
Fremont Education Foundation “After School Band Challenge” Information The “After School Band Challenge” is a very easy fundraising project that will only take a few minutes of your time to complete. This fundraiser involves no product-selling or collecting money. Each band family is being asked to log in and enter 10 or more potential sponsor contacts on a private page created for your music student here: (Link not working on your device? Go to and use our group code: FEF567) Once you enter your contacts and share on social media, you are done. . . that’s it! Your contacts will automatically be sent an email about our fundraiser providing choices to opt out, contribute online or sponsor by mailing a check to our program. Your contact list is private and only you have access to see and edit your list. Also, your list will be updated to show who chooses to sponsor your student; save the email you are sent when you register, as that contains the link for you to return to your page and monitor your results. The supplemental funds generated by this effort allow us to offer and maintain a quality after school band program. Please take just a few minutes to participate in this important effort. Your participation makes a big difference!
Entering at least 10 email contacts will qualify you for: 1) Drawings for $100 and $50 gift cards for Allegro Music or C&L Music. You will be in the drawing once for your entering 10+ contacts AND we will add an additional chance in the drawing for each paid sponsor you generate. The more sponsors you generate by entering contacts and sharing on social media, the more chances you have to win a gift card. 2) The band with the best participation (highest percentage of participants with 10+ emails entered) will be awarded a group pizza party. Be sure to choose your child’s school band from the list provided when you register.
Answers to common questions: Who are potential sponsors? Potential sponsors can be any adult person you have some kind of relationship with, either personally or professionally such as: friends, relatives, co-workers, doctors, dentists, orthodontists, barbers, hair stylists, team coaches, business associates and others, all make good potential sponsors. One helpful key is to start by thinking of people farther away and then work your way back into the local area, in order to reach contacts who aren’t already supporting our program. We are looking for you to enter at least ten (10), but the more contacts you enter, the more it helps our program.
How long does the emailing process run? How many emails are sent out? The campaign is
designed to run about 35 days – the message only goes out every 7-10 days for a maximum of 4 emails total. If a contact chooses to sponsor, reply or opt out, their email is disabled so they will receive no further appeals. All sponsors who choose to contribute are thanked/receipted on behalf of FEF with our tax ID number included for their charitable donation, and they will also show up on your private contact list as a “Paid Sponsor”. Saving your registration email will allow you to come back and see who has chosen to sponsor your student.
A note on PRIVACY: This program is run by a local (Walnut Creek, CA) organization founded by teachers,
coaches and parents who have been helping schools raise funds for many years. They have an excellent reputation, having assisted other junior and senior high school programs in our area. Their strict privacy policy ensures that all data including sponsor names, addresses, contributions and emails are held in confidence and are not sold or shared in any way outside of our fundraising effort. Your contact page is private – our teachers and staff are not even able to access or view your email contacts page. If there are any questions or concerns about the fundraiser, please feel free to ask or contact:
[email protected]