A n n u a l Ac t i v i t y R e p o r t 2 013 Expedient Editors Yocie Yoneshigue Valentin – IB/UFRJ Adriana Galindo Dalto – IB/UFRJ Helena Passeri Lavrado – IB/UFRJ Production Editora Cubo Proofreader Yocie Yoneshigue Valentin – IB/UFRJ Adriana Galindo Dalto – IB/UFRJ Eduardo de Almeida Xavier – IB/UFRJ Photograph Courtesy Adriana Galindo Dalto (Backgrounds: Summary, Thematic Area 2, Facts and Figures) Eduardo de Almeida Xavier (Backgrounds: Introduction) Filipe de Carvalho Victoria (Backgrounds: Expedient, Education and Outreach Activities) Jonathan Henrique Silveira Barros (Backgrounds: Publications) Juliano de Carvalho Cury (Backgrounds: Thematic Area 1, Innovation, E-mails) Luíz Fernando Würdig Roesch (Backgrounds: Thematic Area 4) Márcio Murilo Barboza Tenório (Backgrounds: Presentation, Thematic Area 3) Margéli Pereira de Albuquerque (Backgrounds: capa)
The editors express their gratitude to the INCT-APA colleagues that contribute to this edition. This document was prepared as an account of work done by INCT-APA users and staff. Whilst the document is believed to contain correct information, neither INCT-APA nor any of its employees make any warranty, expresses, implies or assumes any legal responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed within. As well, the use of this material does not infringe any privately owned copyrights. Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia Antártico de Pesquisas Ambientais (INCT-APA) INCT-APA Headquarters Instituto de Biologia, Centro de Ciências da Saúde (CCS) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373 - Sala A1-94 - Bloco A Ilha do Fundão, Cidade Universitária - CEP: 21941-902 Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil Telephone/ Fax +55 21 3938-6322 / +55 21 3938-6302 E-mail
[email protected]/
[email protected] Home Page www.biologia.ufrj.br/inct-antartico
Management Committee General Coordinator Yocie Yoneshigue Valentin – IB/UFRJ Vice-coordinator Rosalinda Carmela Montone – IO/USP Education and Outreach Activities – Team Leader Déia Maria Ferreira – IB/UFRJ
Thematic Area 1 (Antarctic Atmosphere) Neusa Maria Paes Leme – INPE (Team Leader) Emília Corrêa – Mackenzie/INPE (Vice-team Leader)
International Scientific Assessor Eduardo Resende Secchi – FURG
Thematic Area 2 (Antarctic Terrestrial Environment) Antonio Batista Pereira – UNIPAMPA (Team Leader) Maria Virgínia Petry – UNISINOS (Vice-team Leader)
Project Manager Assessor Adriana Galindo Dalto – IB/UFRJ
Thematic Area 3 (Antarctic Marine Environment) Helena Passeri Lavrado – IB/UFRJ (Team Leader) Edson Rodrigues – UNITAU (Vice-team Leader)
Executive Office Carla Maria da Silva Balthar – IB/UFRJ
Thematic Area 4 (Environmental Management) Cristina Engel de Alvarez – UFES (Team Leader) Alexandre de Avila Leripio – UNIVALI (Vice-team Leader)
Finance Technical Support Maria Helena Amaral da Silva – IBCCF/UFRJ Marta de Oliveira Farias – IBCCF/UFRJ
Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia Antártico de Pesquisas Ambientais (INCT-APA) Instituto de Biologia, Centro de Ciências da Saúde (CCS) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373 - Sala A1-94 • Bloco A Ilha do Fundão, Cidade Universitária - CEP: 21941-902 Rio de Janeiro- RJ, Brazil +55 21 2562-6322 / +55 21 2562-6302
[email protected]/
[email protected] www.biologia.ufrj.br/inct-antartico Production
National Institute of Science and Technology Antarctic Environmental Research
Cataloguing Card I59a Annual Activity Report 2013 / Annual Activity Report of National Institute of Science and Technology Antarctic Environmental Research / Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia Antártico de Pesquisas Ambientais (INCT-APA). – 2013. – São Carlos: Editora Cubo, 2014. 157 p. ISSN 2177-918X 1. Environmental research. 2. Antarctica. I. Title. CDD 363.7
SUMMARY 4 Presentation 10 Introduction 12 Science Highlights 132 Education and Outreach Activities 140 Innovation 144 Facts and Figures 146 Publications 150 E-mails
PRESENTATION National Institute of Science and Technology – Antarctic Environmental Research Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia – Antártico de Pesquisas Ambientais (INCT-APA) The importance of Antarctic Research Antarctica is the most preserved region of the planet and one of the most vulnerable to global environmental changes. Alterations in the Antarctic environment, natural or caused by human activities, have the potential to provoke biological,
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environmental and socio-economic impacts, which can affect the terrestrial system as a whole. For this reason, the scientific research in Polar Regions is of great environmental and economic importance, since it contributes to the comprehension of climatic and environmental changes observed in these regions, offering support to policy makers. The protection of the Antarctic environment is one of highest priorities of all the nations that operate on the continent. For this reason the region should continue to be the most preserved of the planet, harmonizing the presence of man and the attendance of mankind’s needs related to the mitigation of environmental impact of an ecosystem which is highly fragile. In 1991, the concerns over the consequences of human activity in the Antarctic environment became a reality through the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (1991). This protocol established directives and procedures, which should be adopted in the undertaking of activities in Antarctica. The monitoring of the environmental impact of Brazilian activities in Antarctica is a commitment assumed by the Brazilian Government through the ratification of the Madrid Protocol (1994). The position of Brazil as consultative member of the Antarctica Treaty demands an active scientific role at the Brazilian Antarctic Program, which is undertaken by means of: • Consolidation of Brazilian research groups in Antarctic science; • The undertaking of Applied and Basic research on Antarctica for understanding the structure and the function of Antarctic ecosystems. Hence, this knowledge
| Annual Activity Report 2013
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contributes to management and preservation of this ecosystem; Formation of human resources for higher education and for scientific and technological development; Incentive for an interdisciplinary approach to scientific questions involving Antarctic systems, at the most diverse levels; Generation of knowledge through Antarctic ecosystems and transfer of this knowledge to Society; Consolidate the results obtained by the INCT-APA scientific research and, communicate it to policy makers to contribute to define policies guided towards conservation and management of Antarctic region.
Some of the Benefits to Society: • Improvement of the climate analysis and forecasts for the whole Brazilian Territory (improvement of the national climatic models and the weather forecasting system); • Application of knowledge of physical processes in the upper atmosphere and in the ionosphere, interactions with solar radiation (prevention of telecommunication incidents); • Investigation concerning radiation variations as a result of global atmosphere changes and their impacts (monitoring of the ozone layer, UV-B radiation, consequences to human population, e.g. cancer and glaucoma); • The development of investigative studies concerning the possible impacts of global changes in Antarctica (global warming, natural disasters, ice-melt, and preventative and corrective initiatives of impacts of these kinds of occurrences); • Production of knowledge and critical mass to support decisions and policy recommendations concerning biological diversity (sustainable use of live resources); • Integration of geophysical, geological and biological investigations related to the Austral Ocean (support for
interdisciplinary research and full knowledge of the Antarctic region); • Implementation of a social programme for educational and outreach activities (creation of public awareness on Antarctic Research and the importance of this continent for the planet).
What is the INCT – Antarctic Environmental Research? The National Institute of Science and Technology Antarctic Environmental Research (abbreviated as INCT in Brazilian Portuguese used in this document as INCTAPA hitherto) was created by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Ministério de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação -MCTI) in search of excellence in scientific activities at an international level in strategic areas defined by the Action Plan 2007-2010 of the Science Programme, Technology and Innovation for Antarctica, by means of programmes and instruments made operational by CNPq and by FAPERJ (Research support Foundations at different levels). The referred initiative has the view to
implement a network of atmospheric, terrestrial and marine monitoring in the Antarctic region.
Who are we? INCT-APA consists of more than 70 researchers who, in an integrated manner, evaluate the local and global environmental impacts in the atmospheric, terrestrial and marine areas of Maritime Antarctica systems and, in addition, are involved in the related educational and scientific outreach of their activities. The research developed by INCT-APA will contribute to influence initiatives concerning biological diversity and environmental protection of Antarctica, principally in the scope of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, and the Ministry of the Environment. Furthermore, it assists in educational processes with the purpose of divulging Antarctic research to the public in general. See more at: http://www.biologia.ufrj.br/inct-antartico/ Contact:
[email protected] [email protected]
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| Annual Activity Report 2013
Mission To valorise the region of Antarctica as an opportunity for development of transdisciplinary scientific investigations, promoting environmental management and conservation of Antarctic region.
INCT- Antarctic Environmental Research (INCT- Antártico de Pesquisas Ambientais) INCT-APA is based at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro -UFRJ), under the coordination of Professor Yocie Yoneshigue Valentin, Botany Department – Institute of Biology/ UFRJ). The research team consists of approximately
Aims • To develop scientific investigations and long-time survey in marine, terrestrial and atmospheric environments in the Antarctic region; • To structure and operate a local environmental management system in King George Island and adjacent areas; and • To promote education and outreach activities for diffusion of the Brazilian Antarctic researches.
200 people, amongst them PhD researchers, technical assistants, undergraduate and graduate students, belonging to 21 universities and other research institutes from eight Brazilian states: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. The Research of INCT-APA is organized into four thematic areas described below:
Prof. Rosalinda Carmela Montone (IO/USP) Vice-coordenator of INCT – APA
THEMATIC AREA TEAM LEADERS Dr. Neusa Paes Leme (INPE) Thematic Area 1 - Team Leader
Prof. Helena Passeri Lavrado (IB/UFRJ) Thematic Area 3 - Team Leader
Prof. Antonio Batista Pereira (UNIPAMPA) Thematic Area 2 - Team Leader
Prof. Cristina Engel de Alvarez (UFES) Thematic Area 4 - Team Leader
ASSESSORS Prof. Dr. Eduardo Resende Secchi (FURG) International Relations for Antarctic Research
Prof. Déia Maria Ferreira (IB/UFRJ) Outreach and Education
Dr. Adriana Galindo Dalto (IB/UFRJ) Project Manager
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Thematic Research Areas Adriana G. Dalto
Adriana G. Dalto
Thematic Area 1
Thematic Area 2
Antarctic Atmosphere and Environmental Impacts in South America
Impact of Global Changes on the Antarctic Terrestrial Environment
Operated through the knowledge and monitoring of Antarctic atmosphere and its environmental impacts on South America
Operated through the study and monitoring of the impact of global, natural and anthropogenic origins in the Antarctic terrestrial environment.
Objectives of the Area:
Objectives of the Area:
1. To monitor and evaluate: • The regions of movement of Antarctic Cold Fronts as far as South America, especially Brazil; • The greenhouse effect perceived in Antarctica; • The chemical changes of the atmosphere and their influence on the climate, involving: the interaction Sun Earth, the temperature of the mesosphere and the hole in the ozone layer; 2. To offer supporting information to numerical models of climate and weather forecasting.
1. To investigate the effect of glacier retraction and its implications on biogeochemical cycles; 2. To measure the alterations in vegetation cover and in diversity of plant communities; 3. To evaluate the fluctuation and distribution of bird populations; 4. To identify the presence of exotic species and define possible endemic species.
Margéli Pereira de Albuquerque
Andre M. Lanna
| Annual Activity Report 2013
Andre M. Lanna
Adriana G. Dalto
Andre M. Lanna
Thematic Area 3
Thematic Area 4
Impact of Human Activities on the Antarctic Marine Environment Operate in the study and monitoring of the impact of global, natural and anthropogenic origins in the Antarctic marine environment.
Objectives of the Area: 1. To study the marine ecosystem processes, and their effects of natural and anthropogenic impacts on the environments, using long time series surveys; 2. To supplement the processes and environmental management tools, following the example of Admiralty Bay Management Plan, with information acquired from studies described in objective 1 of this thematic area. 3. Identify the presence of exotic marine species and define possible endemic species.
Andre M. Lanna
Adriana Dalto
Environmental Management Acts in the development of measures with the purpose of optimizing the functioning of buildings of the Brazilian Antarctic Station and its shelters.
Objectives of the area: 1. To evaluate and monitor the impact of the presence of research buildings and their shelters on the landscape of the Antarctic region; 2. To study the use of technologies and structures that can minimize the impact caused by human presence in the Antarctic region, as well as optimize the conditions of comfort and security for the users;
Andre M. Lanna
Presentation |
INTRODUCTION Scientific Contributions of INCT – Antarctic Environmental Research Dra. Yocie Yoneshigue Valentin (IB/UFRJ) – General Coordinator of the National Institute of Science and Technology – Antarctic Environmental Research, INCT-APA
[email protected];
[email protected] The INCT Environmental Antarctic Research is grounded on a study of the Complexity of the Antarctic Ecosystem aiming to develop long time series studies in ecology biodiversity of Antarctic communities and to investigate the essential role of Antarctic continent in the planet climate. At the same time, the INCT-APA develops since 2012 a database constituted by observational and experimental data. This database contributes for statistical analysis and also allows the building of models of the ecological systems from the georeferenced data. Continuous INCT-APA’s environmental investigations reached an established science level, consolidating a national multidisciplinary research network. From 2009 until the present day, despite the fire that burned the Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Station (EACF) on 25 February 2012, around 90% of original proposed goals were completed. As a quantitative indicator of production 92 publications were made in indexed international journals, 36 publications in indexed national journals, and the creation of this journal: Annual Activity Report of INCT-APA (printed-ISSN: 2177918X, e-ISSN: 2358-3398), which comprises scientific articles with Digital Identifier (DOI) and recorded in CrossRef, one of the most complete international database for articles published electronically. Until the present date, 142 scientific articles, concerning the research activities of the INCT-APA, were published in this Report, and more than 25 articles are accepted for publication in the next volume to be published later in 2015. It is also noteworthy the important contribution of the components of INCT-APA, from the UNIPAMPA, which implemented in 2012 the Biological Sciences Postgraduate Program (MSc level). Concerning Human Resources Formation, during the last five years researchers from INCT-APA have been
| Annual Activity Report 2013
responsible for the formation of 36 Masters and 15 Doctors in several Postgraduate Programs from different universities. Amongst the most relevant scientific contributions in international networks, stand out: 1) A weather radar was installed in the Keller Peninsula, in 2010, enabling a better characterization of gravity waves and generating unprecedented studies on the behaviour of winds and the dynamic of large-scale waves over King George Island and adjacent areas; 2) Continuous observations of the components of the radiation balance have been performed in Keller Peninsula since 2011. The maintenance of these measures is important to promote prognostic and diagnostic studies applied to numerical weather predictions; 3) The opening of the Biological Collection “Professor Edmundo Nonato” from IOUSP, contemplating a representative number of benthic fauna from Admiralty Bay, with more than 10 thousand records from collections made since the first Brazilian Antarctic expedition to date; 4) Identification of habitat use patterns of Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeanglie), therefore reviewing the geographical boundaries and stock management of populations established by the International Whaling Commission (IWC). Such information is extremely relevant for management strategies and conservation of Humpback whale populations; 5) Scientific contribution of INCT-APA reviewing the “Management Plan for the Admiralty Bay”, document required by Madrid Protocol, in partnership with the Brazilian Ministry of Environment.
The knowledge acquired is available and transmitted to society and the scientific community through the following actions: 1) Periodic conduction of lectures to students of elementary and high school in public and private schools as well as for undergraduate students and the general public; 2) Assiduous participation of INCT-APA’s researchers and students in Science Fairs held throughout the country, especially those conducted by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, and the National Science and Technology Week, the Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Progress (SBPC) and annual Fairs of Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ). In these events, the INCT- APA holds exhibitions, thematic workshops and lectures on Antarctica, always in line with the themes determined by MCTI, CNPq and FAPERJ, in colloquial language; 3) Periodic dissemination of the scientific and educational activities of the INCT-APA on the web page of the institute which is housed at the portal of the Institute
of Biology of the UFRJ (http://www.biologia.ufrj.br/ inct-antartico/); 4) Production of scientific divulgation articles published in newspapers and popular magazines, or divulged by digital media either by universities members of INCTAPA or other partners projects; 5) Periodic publication of the results obtained in national and international journals; 6) Production of short courses: • Training for elementary and high school teachers: several subjects about the Antarctic Environment using brochures, videos and educational games developed by of INCT- APA; • Undergraduation: Oceanographic equipments training (e.g. multi-tubes and SPI - Sediment Profile Imaging); ROV handling; Seabirds Sightings; Instrumentation observation of the Ozone Layer and UV radiation training; Stratospheric balloon launch; GPS and Radio Transmitters Training. These are the INCT-APA's contributions. We hope to continue our research in the coming next years to understand a little bit more about this frozen and distant continent.
Introduction |
28 Thematic Area 2
72 Thematic Area 3
118 Thematic Area 4
Correia, E., Paz, A. J. Preliminary Study of the Ionosphere Response to the Geomagnetic Storm Occurred on September 26, 2011
Peres. L. V., Shuch, A. P., Anabor, V., Pinheiro, D. K., Shuch, N. S., Leme, n. M. P., Weather Condition Associated with Influence of the Antarctic Ozone Hole Over South of Brazil on October, 21th, 2011
| Annual Activity Report 2013
Team Leader
Drª. Neusa Maria Paes Leme – CRN/INPE Vice-Team Leader
Drª. Emília Correia – INPE/CRAAM
The monitoring of the Antarctic atmosphere and ocean and their influence on South America is being built on a solid basis with continuous studies being undertaken by Brazilian researchers in the Antarctic region for decades. The intention is to give continuity to these studies, which require long-term series, for a better understanding of global changes, and to use the data in numerical models of climate and weather forecasting to enable more trustworthy forecasts. Such projects, throughout the decades, were put in doubt, since they were not considered as monitoring activities, and were always threatened with discontinuity as a result. More than two decades of continuous studies on the ozone layer hole and on the influence of Antarctic cold fronts on our climate, besides other highly relevant studies, must, therefore, have their continuity guaranteed. Furthermore it is essential that these activities are associated to a long term monitoring program. Antarctica plays an essential role in the thermal equilibrium of the planet. In relation to South America this factor is especially relevant. The climate of the Southern hemisphere is essentially controlled by air masses originated from the frozen continent. It is well known that the energy which comes from the Sun is not constant and can cause variation in the Earth’s climate, on global meteorology, and on the environment. Recent studies have shown that solar radiation can alter the physical-chemical properties of the atmosphere and can influence the wind regime and the amount of UV radiation that reaches the Earth’s surface, as well as the cloud coverage and precipitation. The understanding of the interaction between the chemistry of the atmosphere and climate change is a new and instigating research area. The connection between atmosphere and solar radiation, especially UV, which triggers the chemical reactions and these, in their turn, depend on the temperature, atmospheric circulation
and climate, are now being studied in an integrated and systematic manner. New questions are arising as a result of the observed changes in the atmospheric temperature profile, especially with the increase in the troposphere (near surface) as a result of the green house gases and the decrease in the lower stratosphere (between 15 and 20 Km), because of the destruction of the ozone hole, and on the mesosphere (between 80 and 90 Km) due to the increase of green house gases. The main questions are: What are the chemical changes that are occurring in the different layers of the atmosphere with the increase of UV radiation and changes in temperature? What are the consequences for the dynamic, circulation and equilibrium between the atmospheric layers? Observationally quantifying the interaction between the surface and the atmosphere is one of the most challenging tasks ever. It evolves estimating the exchange of energy, mass and momentum, simultaneously, at different places, facing heterogeneities inherent to the surface of the Earth at different meteorological levels. Among all ecosystems the one represented by Antarctica is the most challenging yet, given the extreme prevailing weather conditions during most of the time. These difficulties worsen in the case of Brazilian Antarctic Station Comandante Ferraz because it is located on the shoreline region of King George Island that is characterized by highly complex topography. In addition, there are temporal and spatial distributions of precipitation changes which occur continuously over the land. The main goal of the ETA (“Estudo da Turbulencia na Antartica”“Antarctica Turbulence Study”) project is to estimate the energy fluxes of sensible and latent heat at the surface at the Brazilian Antarctic Station Comandante Ferraz using slow and fast response sensors.
Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |
Objectives Monitor and Evaluate: Changes in chemistry and atmospheric dynamics and its influence on climate, involving: the interaction between Sun – Earth, the temperature in the mesosphere, gravity waves, planetary waves and atmospheric tides, the Ozone Hole, trace gases associated with the chemistry of the ozone layer, greenhouse effect emissions, greenhouse gases caused by human activity in the area of the Brazilian Antarctic Station Comandante Ferraz and the impacts of UV radiation in the ecosystem.
Activities Developed The activities of Thematic Area 1 are divided into five themes: 1. Sun-Earth Relationship; 2. Dynamics of Upper Atmosphere (Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere); 3. Climatology of Ozone and UV Radiation; 4. Meteorology; 5. Greenhouse gases and aerosols; One of the most important properties of the atmosphere is its ability to withstand wave motion. Gravity waves are well known to play an important role in the atmosphere, e.g. its influence on the thermal state and the atmospheric circulation. The observations of gravity waves have been conducted on a large scale in regions of low and midlatitudes. However, at high latitudes, such as in Antarctica, these observations were sparse and little until the past 5 years, but it is increasing due to efforts of several countries and international scientific programs on this field. Studies on gravity waves started at Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Station (62°S, 58°W) through a full winter campaign conducted in 2007 (Bageston et al., 2009). In 2010 these studies were established with continuous observations of gravity waves and winds through an all-sky airglow imager and meteor radar, respectively, besides mesospheric temperature observations that have been conducted since 2003 by airglow photometer. The studies of gravity waves, planetary waves, atmospheric tides and temperature changes allow us to identify and better understand the dynamics of the neutral upper atmosphere, especially the
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mesosphere, and its interaction with the other atmospheric layers, mainly due to effects of waves with different scales and temperature inversion layers in the upper atmosphere dynamics (Bageston et al., 2011a,b; Fritts et al., 2012). Search for gravity wave sources at different atmospheric layers and the connections between the troposphere, stratosphere and mesosphere is currently the subject of great interest in the Antarctica atmospheric community. Investigations to understand this puzzle, that is the origin of the mesospheric gravity waves, have been undertaken (Bageston et al., 2011c), and efforts in this direction is being continued. Observation of atmospheric waves from Antarctica to the equator is very important for the identification of the various transport processes, the dynamic connections, including wave sources, and how they affect the atmosphere. The variability observed in the ozone layer and in the ground intensity of the UV-A and UV-B radiation, in the last few years, was accompanied by changes in the ionized layer of our atmosphere, the ionosphere. A detailed study of ionosphere behavior has been undertaken in the Brazilian Antarctic Station in the last decade. The long term ionosphere behavior has shown clearly that it is controlled by solar radiation, presenting a close association with the slow variation associated with the decreasing activity of the 23rd solar cycle and the evolution of the 24th (Correia, 2011; Correia et al., 2011, 2013 a,b). Furthermore, during the local wintertime (April to October in the Southern Hemisphere), the ionosphere was strongly affected by meteorological processes from below in all the years. The dynamic processes of the lower atmospheric levels are associated with the generation of waves, particularly the gravity waves (periods running from minutes to hours) and planetary waves (period of days), among others. Studies have shown that during the wintertime the planetary waves can strongly affect the lower ionosphere (Correia, 2011; Correia et al., 2011, 2013b), evidencing the coupling between the atmospheric layers from troposphere up to ionosphere. In addition to the effect of the planetary waves in the lower ionosphere, the studies also suggest an interannual variation, which has been observed in the stratospheric temperature at 60-70km, and it is attributed to the interaction between the atmospheric waves and winds, as well as to the interhemispheric coupling (Correia et al., 2013b). In addition,
the ionosphere is also disturbed during geomagnetic storms produced in the magnetosphere. These storms occur when bubbles of ionized gas (solar wind) originated in the Sun reach the Earth, allowing the entrance of the solar energetic particles into the magnetosphere, which precipitate in the polar region and affect the Earth’s magnetic field (Fernandez & Correia, 2013). The effects of the geomagnetic storms are detected as ionospheric ionization density increases during the main phase of storms occurred in the local afternoon time, and they are more intense at middle latitudes. The impact of solar wind during geomagnetic storms also disturbs the ionosphere over the South America Magnetic Anomaly, as evidenced from measurements of cosmic noise absorption done at Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) (Moro et al. 2012 a,b). Measurements of ozone concentration obtained by Brazilian researchers since 1990 to date have shown a large annual variability over the Keller Peninsula region (King George Island, Antarctica), ranging from 70% in 2006 to 55% in 2010 compared to the normal concentration, before 1980, when it was observed for the first time that this layer was decreasing over the South Pole. Recovery time also changed the layer which still showed reductions in December due to high temperatures, hence the atmosphere already presents a scenario of normalizing the destruction. The ozone hole occurs only in very cold atmosphere (characteristic of the South Pole) and every year when summer arrives in Antarctica the hole recovers in December, but not to the same level as in 1980, which is the benchmark for what we consider normal. One consequence of this decreased concentration of ozone layer is increased UV radiation. This increase in radiation is confirmed by extreme events over Antarctica and South America, including southern Brazil where in 2010 it was possible to observe a 25% reduction in the concentration of ozone. The southern region of Brazil is subject to reductions of ozone during the months of October and November, which may be called side effects of the Antarctic ozone hole. This shows that there is still a large amount of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) in the Antarctic atmosphere, and its annual variability is a consequence of temperature in the stratosphere (the region between 1550 km altitudes) in the Antarctic winter. The monitoring of the ozone layer has also shown that the decrease of the same causes change in temperature of the stratosphere. In turn,
affects the chemical makeup of some greenhouse gases such as CO2 and ozone surface forming a line to Rio Grande do Sul excessively increasing the incidence of UV-B radiation. The latter contributes to the increased number of cases of glaucoma, skin cancer and deterioration of the DNA in this region of the country as well as damage to chlorophyll molecules of algae and plants. In large urban areas the increase of the UV radiation changes the atmospheric photochemical components and potentiates the effect of pollutant gases at ground level. An extremely persistent ozone hole overpass was observed from ground-based instruments at Rio Gallegos, Argentina, in November 2009. This was the first time that an extreme event of this duration was observed from the ground at a subpolar station with a Lidar instrument. Record low ozone (O3) column densities (with a minimum of 212 DU) persisted over three weeks at the Rıo Gallegos NDACC station in November 2009. The statistical analysis of 30 years of satellite data from the Multi Sensor Reanalysis (MSR) database for Rıo Gallegos revealed that such a long-lasting, low-ozone episode is a rare occurrence. This statistical analysis reveals that 3% of events only correspond to 4 or more consecutive days with total ozone column below two standard deviations of the daily climatological mean (Wolfram et al., 2012). Episodes of very low surface Ozone in the South Shetland Islands (63ºS, 58ºW) and their stratospheric polar origin (Setzer & Kichhoff, 2012) were also observed. The Antarctic Ozone Hole is a cyclical phenomenon which occurs over the Antarctic region from August to December each year. The polar vortex turns it into a restricted characteristic dynamics for this region. However, when the polar vortex begins to weaken in September, air masses with low ozone concentration can escape and reach regions of lower latitudes. INCT-APA studies the influence of the Antarctic Ozone Hole over South America, including the South of Brazil. To verify the events of influence, data of ozone total column was used from the Brewer Spectrophotometer installed at the Southern Regional Center of National Institute for Space Research – CRN/INPE located in the campus of the Federal University of Santa Maria – UFSM, in Santa Maria, South of Brazil. To confirm the origin of the air mass with lower ozone content, potential vorticity maps were analyzed using GrADS (Grid Analysis and Display System) generated with the NCEP data reprocessed, and
Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |
backward trajectories of air masses, using the HYSPLIT model of NOAA (Pinheiro et al., 2011; Peres et al., 2012). The average area covered by the Antarctic ozone hole this year was the second smallest in the last 20 years, according to data from NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellites. Scientists attribute the change to warmer temperatures in the Antarctic lower stratosphere. The ozone hole reached its maximum size Sept. 22, covering 21.2 million square kilometers, or the area of the United States, Canada and Mexico combined. The average size of the 2012 ozone hole was 17.9 million square kilometers. The Sept. 6, 2000 ozone hole was the largest on record at 29.9 million square kilometers (http:// www.nasa. gov/topics/earth/features/ozone-hole-2012. html). The Antarctic Ozone Hole (AOH) in 2012 showed moderate activity, becoming noticeable after the second half of August. On September 22 the AOH reached its maximum size of around 22 million km2, and from the late 80s has remained at a maximum dimension ~20 million km2. The minimum column ozone measured in this season was on October 1st and was 124 DU (Dobson Units), minimum value of this order not been seen since the 80s, with the exception of 2002. The activity of the Antarctic ozone hole continued until the first week of November, which marked the beginning of this seasonal phenomenon. In the town of Punta Arenas in 2012, 4000 km away from the South Pole and 1250 km from King George Island, also influenced by the AOA, there were relatively few ozone depletion events. The minimum measured in Punta Arenas was 269 DU on November 23, measured with spectrophotometer #180 at the University of Magallanes; this event is occasioned during the passage of air masses, poor in ozone (stratosphere), in the process of extinction of AOH (Casiccia, 2013). Recommendations arising from the The 9th Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Vienna Convention in the 2014, May, were discussed under four topics. For each topic, the selected discussion leaders made a short introductory presentation, followed by discussion by all the participants.
Overarching goals 1. Recognition that the issues of changes in climate and in the stratospheric ozone layer are intimately coupled: The
| Annual Activity Report 2013
Montreal Protocol was instituted to protect the Earth’s surface from the harmful UV radiation increases that could arise from the depletion of the ozone layer by ozone depleting substances. Over the decades, research has clearly shown that ozone layer depletion, and its projected recovery, and changes in climate are intricately linked. Therefore, it is essential to encompass changes in climate in efforts to protect the ozone layer. 2. Existing observation capabilities for climate and ozone layer variables need to be maintained and enhanced. Given the strong coupling between ozone layer depletion and changes in climate, the observations of climate and ozone layer variables should be carried out and analyzed together whenever possible. 3. Continue, enhance, and target the Vienna Convention Trust Fund for Research and Systematic Observation to better support the above goals: In line with the above two goals, it is essential to continue and significantly enhance the Vienna Convention Trust Fund for Monitoring and Research to make it more effective in addressing some of the issues that arise from above. It is also essential to develop a strategic plan for the Fund and to request that the UNEP/Ozone Secretariat and WMO set up a small working group to assist them in setting priorities and ensuring implementation. 4. Dedicate to build capacity to meet the above goals: Given the above, it is very important to carry out capacity building activities in the Montreal Protocol Article 5. “ Over the past 65 years, average annual temperatures of the air in Admiralty Bay show an average warming of +0.23°C. However, one must consider that this region’s climatological measurement was standardized only in the last 30 years and the data from this period does not indicate a warming climate. Over the past 14 years, average annual temperatures recorded in air EACF showed a downward trend (≈ - 0.6°C / decade). According to the researcher team weather observations, the winters of 2007 and 2009 were very severe, freezing the two lakes that feed EACF and the extent of ice covering Admiralty Bay peaked with frozen sea to the vicinity of the Polish Station, near the entrance to the Bay. January and February 2010 were the coldest summers in EACF recorded in the 37 years (mean air temperature +1.0°C in January and +0.2°C in February (Justino et al., 2010).
References Bageston, J. V., Wrasse, C. M., Gobbi, D., Tahakashi, H., & Souza, P. B. (2009). Observation of Mesospheric Gravity Waves at Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz (62°S), Antarctica. Annales Geophysicae, 27, 2593-2598. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/ angeo-27-2593-2009 Bageston, J. V., Wrasse, C. M., Hibbins, R. E., Batista, P. P., Gobbi, D., Takahashi, H., Fritts, D. C., Andrioli, V. F., Fechine, J., & Denardini, C. M. (2011a). Case study of a Mesospheric Wall Event over Ferraz Station, Antarctica (62°S). Annales Geophysicae, 29, 209-219. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/angeo-29-209-2011 Bageston, J. V., Wrasse, C. M., Batista, P. P., Hibbins R. E., Fritts, D. C., Gobbi, D., & Andrioli, V. F. (2011b). Observation of a mesospheric front in a thermal-doppler duct over King George Island, Antarctica. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 12137-12147. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-11-12137-2011 Bageston, J. V., Wrasse, C. M., Batista, P. P., Gobbi D., Hibbins, R. E., & Fritts, D. C. (2011c). Investigation of Gravity Wave Sources in the Antarctic Peninsula by using the Reverse Ray Tracing Technique. In Anais do XXV IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne. Casiccia, C., Leme, N. P., & Zamorano, F. (2013). Total Ozone Observations at Punta Arenas, Chile (53.2°S; 70.9°W). Annual Activity Report INCT-APA, 3, 32-34. http://doi.editoracubo.com.br/10.4322/apa.2014.090 Correia, E. (2011). Study of Antarctic-South America connectivity from ionospheric radio soundings. Oecologia Australis, 15, 10-17. http://dx.doi.org/10.4257/oeco.2011.1501.03 Correia, E., Kaufmann, P., Raulin, J. P., Bertoni, F. C. & Gavilán, H. R. (2011). Analysis of daytime ionosphere behavior between 2004 and 2008 in Antarctica. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73, 2272-2278. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j. jastp.2011.06.008 Correia, E., Paz, A. J., & Gende M. A. (2013a). Characterization of GPS-TEC in Antarctica from 2004 to 2011. Annals of Geophysics, 56(2), R0217. Correia, E., Raulin, J. P., Kaufmann, P., Bertoni, F. C., & Quevedo, M.T. (2013b). Inter-hemispheric analysis of daytime low ionosphere behavior from 2007 to 2011. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 92, 51-58. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.jastp.2012.09.006 Fernandez, J. H., & Correia, E. (2013). Electron precipitation events in the lower ionosphere and the geospace conditions. Annals of Geophysics, 56(2), R0218. Fritts, D. C., Janches, D., Iimura, H., Hocking, W. K., Bageston, J. V., & Leme, N. M. P. (2012). Drake Antarctic Agile Meteor Radar first results: Configuration and comparison of mean and tidal wind and gravity wave momentum flux measurements with Southern Argentina Agile Meteor Radar. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D02105. http://dx.doi. org/10.1029/2011JD016651. Justino, F., Setzer, A., Bracegirdle, T. J., Mendes, D., Griimm, A., Dechiche, G. et al. (2010). Harmonic analysis of climatological temperature over Antarctica: present day and greenhouse warming perspectives. International Journal of Climatology, 31(4), 514-530. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/joc.2090 Moro, J., Denardini, C. M., Abdu, M. A., Correia, E., Schuch, N. J., & Makita, K. (2012a). Correlation between the cosmic noise absorption calculated from the SARINET data and the energetic particles measured by MEPED: Simultaneous observations over SAMA region. Advances in Space Research, 51, 1692-1700. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2012.11.030 Moro, J., Denardini, C. M., Abdu, M. A., Correia, E., Schuch, N. J., & Makita, K. (2012b). Latitudinal dependence of cosmic noise absorption in the ionosphere over the SAMA region during the September 2008 magnetic storm. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, A06331. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2011JA017405 Pinheiro, D. K., Leme, N. P., Peres, L. V. & Kall, E. 2011. Influence of the antarctic ozone hole over South of Brazil in 2008 and 2009. Annual Activity Report INCT-APA, v. 1, p. 33-37. Peres, L. V., Crespo, N. M., Da Silva, O. K., Hupfer, N., Anabor, V., Pinheiro, D. K., Schuch, N. J. & Leme, N.P. 2012. Synoptic weather sistem associate with influence of the antarctic ozone hole over South of Brazil at October, 13th, 2010. Annual Activity Report INCT-APA, v. 1, p. 30-33. Wolfram, E., Salvador, J., Orte, F., D’Elia, R., Quel, E., Casiccia, C. et al. (2012). Systematic Ozone and Solar Uv Measurements In the Observatorio Atmosférico de la Patagonia Austral, Argentina. Annual Activity Report INCT-APA, 3, 24-29. http://doi. editoracubo.com.br/10.4322/apa.2014.089
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1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4322/apa.2015.001
PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE IONOSPHERE RESPONSE TO THE GEOMAGNETIC STORM OCCURRED ON SEPTEMBER 26, 2011 Emília Correia1,2,* & Amanda Junqueira Paz2 1 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil Centro de Rádio Astronomia e Astrofísica Mackenzie, Escola de Engenharia, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Rua da Consolação 930, Ed. Modesto Carvalhosa 7º andar, CEP 01302-907, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
[email protected]
Abstract: Geomagnetic storms generate disturbances in the ionosphere due to the incidence of energetic particles, which can disturb communication and navigation systems. To understand the phenomena we analyzed ionosonde and GPS data obtained at Comandante Ferraz Brazilian Antarctic Station (62.1°S, 58.4°W) and studied the effect produced by a geomagnetic storm that occurred on 26th September 2011. The analysis covers the period of 24-30 September when the effect of the moderate geomagnetic storm produced an electron density increase in the ionospheric F region. Keywords: Ionosphere; Ionosonde; GPS; Geomagnetic Storm
Introduction Geomagnetic storms are produced when Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) reach the Earth’s magnetosphere in association with magnetic field reconnection. During geomagnetic storms energetic particles penetrate the magnetosphere, follow the magnetic field lines and precipitate in the polar region. This particle precipitation increases the electron density in the ionosphere and can be detected as ionospheric perturbations by radio sounding techniques such as ionosonde and GPS. Here we present the ionospheric disturbance produced by the geomagnetic storm that occurred on September 26, 2011. The preliminary results are discussed in continuity, considering the VTEC variations and foF2 and h’F parameters, which are compared with the geomagnetic index Dst.
Materials and Methods To analyze the effect of geomagnetic storm on the ionosphere, we used different types of data: • The Total Electron Content (TEC) of the ionosphere was obtained using a dual frequency GPS receiver operating
| Annual Activity Report 2013
at EACF. By the delay between the two frequencies of radio wave reception coming from the satellite to the receiver it is possible estimate the total electron content (TEC). The TEC was obtained every second using the routine La Plata Ionospheric Model (LPIM) developed at the University of La Plata (Brunini et al., 2008). The analysis considers the vertical TEC (VTEC), which is the TEC correct by the zenithal angle at about 300 km high. (TECU is TEC unit = 1016 electron/m2 column density). • The parameters foF2 and h’F were obtained using a CADI ionosonde operating at EACF. The parameter foF2 refers to the F2-layer vertical incidence critical frequency (MHz) and h’F (km) is the F layer bottom height. They were obtained from ionograms performed every 5 minutes. The software used for data reduction is the UNIVAP Ionosonde Digital Data Analysis (UDIDA), developed at the University of the Vale do Paraíba (Fagundes et al., 2005). • The DST (disturbance storm time) is the geomagnetic index that measures the equatorial surface magnetic field variations and gives information about the intensity of the geomagnetic storm. This data was obtained at the site
of the World Data Centre for Geomagnetism (WDC-C2) (http://wdc.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dstae/index.html)
Results The analysis of ionosphere parameters variations associated with the moderated geomagnetic storm (~- 100 nT) ocurred on September 26 were evaluated during the period of 2430 September, considering September 23 as the quiet day. Figure 1 shows that foF2 increased about 40% above the quiet conditions during the main phase of the geomagnetic
storm. This density increase was accompanied by ~50 km increase in height of the F2 layer (h’F). Both parameters returned to the quiet level during the geomagnetic recovery phase. The VTEC (Figure 2) also shows a strong increase of almost three times above the quiet level during the main phase of the geomagnetic storm, practically returning to quiet level during next day time, but suggesting depletion in the two next nights during the recovery phase.
Figure 1. foF2 and h’F ionosphere parameter variations compared with DST index from 24 to 30 September 2011.
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Figure 2. VTEC and differential variation between 24 and 30 September 2011 compared with Dst index.
Discussion The evaluation of a moderate geomagnetic storm (-100 nT) impact in the ionosphere at mid-latitude (EACF) was studied considering VTEC (GPS), foF2 and h’F (ionosonde) parameters, which give information about F-region ionosphere storm response. The VTEC and foF2 show a positive ionospheric storm response during the main phase of the geomagnetic activity that occurred in the local afternoon sector, which means an increase of ionization density. This was accompanied by a significant increase in the height of the F2 layer as showed by the h’F parameter. The positive ionospheric storm response has been reported as typical at middle latitudes (e.g. Mendillo, 2006; Prolss, 2008). The possible more important mechanisms to account this ionospheric behavior are the equatorward winds and eastward-directed electric fields (Cander, 2007; Prolss, 2008). In the case of equatorward winds, the field-
| Annual Activity Report 2013
aligned component of the frictional force between the ions and electrons will push the ionization up following the magnetic field lines. The particle motion results in the uplifting of the F2 layer, which increases the ionization density during daytime. In the case of electric field mechanism the height increase is caused by an E X B drift, which is followed by a poleward drift. VTEC measurements show negative values in the next two nights after the main phase of the geomagnetic storm. This behavior at mid-latitudes has been explained by changes in the neutral atmosphere as consequence of Joule heating in the auroral thermosphere, which expands the thermosphere and enhance the effective electron loss rate (e.g. Danilov & Lastovicka, 2001; Mendillo, 2006).
Conclusion The moderate geomagnetic storm that occurred on September 26, 2011 presented a sudden commencement
at around 12:00UT, and its main phase started at 14:00UT with minimum Dst of about -100 nT at 23:00 UT. The VTEC and foF2 show strong increase during the main phase of the geomagnetic storm, which was accompanied by an uplifting of the F2 layer in the ionosphere. The ionospheric ionization density increases have been reported as typical when main phase of geomagnetic storms occur in the local afternoon time at middle latitudes. This ionospheric behavior has been mostly explained considering equatorward winds as well as to eastward electric field mechanisms. But independently of the mechanism is operating there are still open questions about the origin of the winds and/or electric fields. Thus, the positive ionospheric storms at middle latitudes is a phenomenon not well understood yet, and deserves special attention from observations at different latitudes and longitudes.
Acknowledgments This work integrates the National Institute of Science and Technology Antarctic Environmental Research (INCTAPA) that receives scientific and financial support from the National Council for Research and Development (CNPq process: n° 574018/2008-5) and Carlos Chagas Research Support Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ n° E-16/170.023/2008). The authors also acknowledge the support of the Brazilian Ministries of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), of Environment (MMA) and InterMinistry Commission for Sea Resources (CIRM). EC also thanks CNPq for individual research support (processes no.: 52.0186/06-0, 556872/2009-6, 163576/2012-2) and the National Institute for Space Research (INPE/MCTI).
References Brunini, C., Meza A., Gende, M., & Azpilicueta F. (2008). South American regional ionospheric maps computed by GESA: a pilot service in the framework of SIRGAS. Advances in Space Research, 42, 737-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2007.08.041 Cander, L. R. (2007). Spatial correlation of foF2 and vTEC under quiet and disturbed ionospheric conditions: case study. Acta Geophysica, 55(3), 410-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/s11600-007-0011-9 Danilov, A. D., & Lastovicka, J. (2001). Effects of geomagnetic storms on the ionosphere and atmosphere. International Journal of Geomagnetic Aeronomy, 2, 209-224. Fagundes, P. R., Pillat, V. G., Bolzan, M. J. A., Sahai, Y., Becker-Guedes, F., Abalde, J. R. et al. (2005). Observations of F-layer electron density profiles modulated by pw type oscillations in the equatorial ionospheric anomaly region. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110(A12302), 1-8. Mendillo, M. (2006). Storms in the ionosphere: Patterns and processes for total electron content. Reviews of Geophysics, 44(RG 4001), 1-47. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2005RG000193 Prolss, G. W. (2008). Ionospheric storms at mid-latitude: a short review. In P. M. Kintner, A. J. Coster, T. Fuller-Rowell, A. J. Mannucci, M. Mendillo & R. Heelis (Eds.), Midlatitude ionospheric dynamics and disturbances (Geophysical Monograph Series, Vol. 181, pp. 9-24). Washington: American Geophysical Union. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/181GM03
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2 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4322/apa.2015.002
WEATHER CONDITION ASSOCIATED WITH INFLUENCE OF THE ANTARCTIC OZONE HOLE OVER SOUTH OF BRAZIL ON OCTOBER 21th, 2011 Lucas Vaz Peres1*, Andre Passaglia Shuch1, Vagner Anabor1, Damaris Kirsch Pinheiro1, Nelson Jorge Shuch2, Neusa Maria Paes Leme3 Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM, Av. Roraima N°1000, Camobi, CEP: 97105-900, Santa Maria, Brazil 2 Centro Regional Sul de Pesquisas Espaciais , Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Campus Universitário, CEP 97105-970, Santa Maria, Brazil 3 Centro Regional do Nordeste, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Rua Carlos Serrano, N° 2073, Lagoa Nova, CEP 59076-740, Natal, RN, Brazil
[email protected]
Abstract: An analysis of the weather condition is presented in this work, associated with the occurrence of the Influence of Antarctic Ozone Hole over southern Brazil on October 21th, 2011. In this date, there was a drop in ozone content of the 4.65% in relation to climatological average of the October at the data obtained through the Brewer Spectrophotometer MKIII 167 installed in South Space Observatory - OES/CRS/INPE – MCTI and instrument of satellite OMI of the NASA. The origin of the stratospheric polar air mass poor in ozone has been proven by the analysis of potential vorticity maps, retroactive trajectories and satellite images of the ozone content. The tropospheric weather condition in the South of Brazil, associated with the event was the occurrence of a wide area of atmospheric stability, without significant clouds, associated with the subtropical jet stream away from the Atlantic Ocean, superimposed by a wide area of the subsidence movement and occurrence of the an intense high-pressure post-front system. Keywords: Stratospheric Ozone, Tropospheric Weather Condition
Material and Methods
The passage of air masses originating from the Antarctic ozone hole (Farman et al., 1985) on medium latitudes was first observed on the South of Brazil (29.4ºS; 53.8ºW) by Kirchhoff et al. (1996), being this type of phenomenon called ‘influence of the Antarctic ozone hole, which has been frequently observed over South America (Perez et al., 2000; Pinheiro et al., 2012). Peres et al., 2012, observed that the event of the Influence of Antarctic Ozone Hole over southern Brazil on October 13th, 2010, occurred after the passage of a tropospheric frontal system. This study aims to verify the weather condition of troposphere during the occurrence of of the Influence of Antarctic Ozone Hole over southern Brazil on October, 21th, 2011.
Events of influence of the Antarctic ozone hole over the South of Brazil are identified through observation of falls below the limit climatological average less 1.5 standard deviation in total column ozone data obtained through the Brewer Spectrophotometer MKIII #167 installed on South Space Observatory – OES/CRS/INPE – MCTI (29,4º S; 53,8º W; 488,7 m), in São Martinho da Serra and by the satellite instrument IMO of the NASA, which are also used his images ozone content. In these days, the stratospheric origin of ozone-poor air masses is verified through the analysis of Potential Vorticity (Semane et al., 2006) over isentropic surface of 620 K potential temperature, using daily parameters provided by NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, for the purpose of checking the dynamic pattern of the stratosphere. Retroactive trajectories of air masses were made by HYSPLIT model of the NOAA confirms the
| Annual Activity Report 2013
polar source of ozone-poor air mass and your passing by the polar region. The identification of the tropospheric weather condition is carried out through the analysis of wind fields at 250 hPa and Vertical speed Omega in 500 hPa, sea level pressure and thickness between 1000 and 500 hPa and GOES 12 satellite images enhanced infrared, in order to identify any connection between the stratosphere and the troposphere during the occurrence of this event.
Results The day October 21th, 2011, showed the value of total ozone column of 278.7 DU representing a decrease of 4.7% compared to the climatological average for the month of
October which is 292.3 ± 9.9 DU. The stratospheric analysis shows, from the isentropic analysis, an increase of the values of absolute potential vorticity in the 620 K potential temperature level of day 21 (a) to day 22 (b) of the October, 2011, indicating that the origin of ozone-poor air mass that arrived southern Brazil was polar. Backward trajectory of air masses (c) and the satellite image IMO (d) complement the analysis, confirming the polar origin of the air mass and the existence of a connection between the polar region, where acted the Antarctic Ozone Hole and Southern Brazil, seen in Figure 1. The tropospheric weather condition, seen in Figure 2, shows that over South of Brazil, acted a wide area of atmospheric stability, with the displacement of the
Figure 1. Potential Vorticity and Wind at 620K level for 20th (a) and 21th (b) of October, 2011. Air mass backward trajectory (c) and OMI image (d) for 22th and 19th, respectively.
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subtropical jet stream toward the Atlantic Ocean, and the performance of their region of polar input and center of positive values of Omega in the wind field in 250 hPa and Vertical speed Omega in 500 hPa over South of Brazil in October 20Th, 2011 (a), characteristic by subsidence and intrusion of stratospheric air into the troposphere. The performance of a high pressure post frontal system in the field pressure at sea level and thickness between the levels of 1000 and 500 hPa in October 21 (b), characteristic by the divergence of the air at low levels, inhibit cloudiness formation, as observed in the satellite image of the infrared highlighted of GOES 12 to 15 UTC in October 21 (c) 2011.
This pattern of atmospheric circulation, with the displacement of the subtropical jet stream from medium to low latitudes, may have aided in its southern sector, in stratospheric air intrusion into the troposphere and in the transport of ozone-poor air mass from Antarctic region to the South of Brazil, showing evidence of a connection between the stratosphere and the troposphere.
Discussion Events of Influence of Antarctic Ozone Hole over middle latitudes is becoming more frequent (Kirchhoff et al., 1996;
20/10/2011 Jet 250mb (m/s) and Omega 500mb (m/s) 18S
21/10/2011 Sea level pressure (hpa) and Thickness(dam) 18S
45S 75W
950 960 970 990 1000 1010
Figure 2. Field daily average at 250 hPa level and Omega at 500 hPa for October, 20th, 2011 (a), pressure at sea level and thickness between 1000 and 500 hPa (b), and enhance GOES 12 image satellite at 15:00 (c) for October, 21th, 2011.
| Annual Activity Report 2013
Perez et al., 2000; Pinheiro et al., 2012, Peres et al., 2012), as well as the identification of the existence of a connection between the transport of air masses in the stratosphere and the troposphere weather condition, mainly by the performance of the tropospheric jet stream, where its displacement influence the vertical distribution of ozone content (Bukin et al. 2011) and causes intrusion of stratospheric air into the troposphere (Stohl et al., 2003). Moreover, on the South of Brazil, similar to the way the present study, this type of event has occurred after the passage of a frontal system (Peres et al., 2012).
Conclusion The occurrence of the event of influence of the Antarctic ozone hole over South of Brazil in October 21th, 2011 was confirmed by the drop in ozone content that reached 4.7 % relative the climatological average for the month of October and stratospheric isentropic analysis of potential vorticity, backward trajectory and ozone content of the satellite image showed that the ozone-poor air mass that arrived at South of Brazil was of polar origin at the Antarctic ozone hole. The tropospheric weather condition shows that this event ocurred in conjunction with a wide area of atmospheric
stability over South of Brazil associated with a post front condition, without significant cloud cover, occasioned by shift at the Atlantic Ocean of the subtropical jet stream and acting of a post frontal high-pressure system, characterized by the subsidence of air masses, inhibition of formation of cloud cover which may have favored the transport of stratospheric ozone-poor air mass.
This work integrates the National Institute of Science and Technology Antarctic Environmental Research (INCTAPA) that receives scientific and financial support from the National Council for Research and Development (CNPq process: n° 574018/2008-5) and Carlos Chagas Research Support Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ n° E-16/170.023/2008). The authors also acknowledge the support of the Brazilian Ministries of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), of Environment (MMA) and Inter-Ministry Commission for Sea Resources (CIRM). Acknowledgements also to FAPEREGS/CAPES for fellowship, NASA/TOMS and NCEP/NCAR for the data, and NOAA for HYSPLIT model.
References Bukin, O. A., Suan A, N., Pavlov, A. N., Stolyarchuk, S. Y., & Shmirko, K. A. (2011). Effect that Jet Streams Have on the Vertical Ozone Distribution and Characteristics of Tropopause Inversion Layer, Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 47(5), 610-618. http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/S0001433811050021 Farman, J. C., Gardiner, B. G., & Shanklin, J. D. (1985) Large losses of total ozone in Antarctica reveal seasonal ClOx/NOx interaction. Nature, 315, 207-210. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/315207a0 Kirchhoff, V. W. J. H., Schuch, N. J., Pinheiro, D. K., & Harris, J. M. (1996) Evidence for an ozone hole perturbation at 30° south. Atmospheric Environment, 33(9), 1481-1488. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/1352-2310(95)00362-2 Peres, L. V., Crespo, N. M., Silva, O. K., Hupfer, N., Anabor, V., Pinheiro, D. K. et al. (2012). Sinoptic weather system associate with influence of the Antartic Ozone Hole over South of Brazil at October, 13th, 2010. Annual Active Report 2011, 1, 30-33, 2012. Perez, A., Crino, E., De Carcer, I. A., Jaque, F. (2000). Low-ozone events and three-dimensional transport at midlatitudes of South America during springs of 1996 and 1997. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 105(D4), 4553-4561. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/1999JD901040 Pinheiro, D. K., Peres, L. V., Crespo, N. M., Schuch, N. J., & Leme, N., P. (2012). Influence of the Antarctic ozone hole over South of Brazil in 2010 and 2011. Annual Active Report 2011, 1, 34-38. Semane, N., Bencherif, H., Morel, B., Hauchecorne, A., & Diab, R. D. (2006) An unusual stratospheric ozone decrease in Southern Hemisphere subtropics linked to isentropic air-mass transport as observed over Irene (25.5º S, 28.1º E) in midMay 2002. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 1927-1936. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-6-1927-2006 Stohl, A., Wernli, H., Bourqui, M., Forster, C., James, P., Liniger, M. A. et al. (2003). A new perspective of stratospheretroposphere exchange. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 84, 1565-1573. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/BAMS84-11-1565
Science Highlights - Thematic Area 1 |
Bezerra, A. L., Petersen, L. S., Petry, M. V., Diet of Southern Giant Petrel Chicks Inantarctica: A Description of Natural Preys
Petersen, E. S., Petry, M. V., Durigon, E. Araújo, J., Influenza Detected in Macronectes giganteus in Two Islands of South Shetlands, Antarctica
Valls, F. C. l., Petry, M. V., Niche Overlap of Spheniscidae on Elephant Island, Antarctica
Werle, G. B., Santos, C. R., Petry, M. V., Morphometric Analysis of Shells of Nacella concinna Predated by Gull Larus dominicanus in Three Islands of the South Shetlands: King George, Penguin and Elephant – Antarctica
Lindenmeyer-Sousa, L. A., Petersen, E. S., Petry, M. V. Occurrence and Mortality of Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Seabirds Along the Southern Brazilian Coast
Rossi, L. C., Petersen, E. S., Petry, M. V. Records of Vagrant Species in Stinker Point, Elephant Island, Antarctica
Pinto, G. N., Albuquerque, M. P., Victoria, F. C., Pereira, A. B. Phytosociological Study in Ice-Free Areas of Arctowski Region, Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica
Alves, G. C., Alves, R. P., Albuquerque, M. P., Victoria, F. C., Pereira, A. B. Fungi Isolated from Plant Species Collected in the Arctowski Region, Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica
Alves, R. P., Pinto, G. N., Albuquerque, M. P., Victoria, F. C., Pereira, A. B., Phytosociological Approach of Lichens in the Ice-Free Areas Adjoining the Arctowski Region, Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica
Silva, J. F., Oliveira, M. A., Pereira, A. B., Pereira, C. P., Doliveira, C. B., Epilithic Freshwater Diatoms from Elephant Island, South Shetlands, Antarctica
Ferrareze, P. A. G., Vailati, V. H., Petry, M. P., Brandelli, A., Medina, F. L. C., Characterization of Antarctic Keratinolytic Arthrobacter sp.
| Annual Activity Report 2013
Team Leader
Dr. Antônio Batista Pereira – UNIPAMPA Vice-Team Leader
Dr. Maria Virgínia Petry – UNISINOS
The terrestrial vegetation of Antarctica is limited to fewer
According to those impacts, the response of seabirds
groups of plant diversity, compared to the North Pole. The
to change is quick and may lead, in some cases, to the
native Antarctic flora is composed of: two Magnoliophyta
decline in their population size through the mortality of
species - Deschampsia antarctica Std. (Poaceae) and
adults and youngsters. Thus, one of the important factors
Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth.) Bart. (Caryophylaceae);
governing population dynamics is the availability of food
approximately 360 lichenized fungi species (Øvstedal &
(Lynnes et al. 2004; Forcada et al., 2006). In order to
Smith, 2001); 110 mosses and 22 liverworts were cited; one
evaluate one of these parameters the “Niche overlap of
macroscopic continental algae Prasiola crispa (Lightfoot)
Spheniscidae on Elephant Island, Antarctica” and the “Diet
Menegh. (Chlorophyta) occur mainly around penguin
of Southern Giant Petrel chicks in Antarctica a description
rookeries (Putzke & Pereira, 2001); for macroscopic fungi,
of natural preys” were analyzed. The latter through study
Putzke & Pereira (1996), reported five species and also made
of the diet of both Gentoo and Chinstrap penguin species
the first mention of a Myxomycetes occurrence in Antarctica
and the southern giant petrel’s chicks diet on Elephant
with Trichia varies (Pers.) Pers. (Putzke et al., 2004).
Island, besides the study “Morphometric analysis of shells
The study of the plants growing in Antarctic ice-free areas
of Nacella concinna predated gull Larus dominicanus in
offers a large potential to understanding global changes,
three of the South Shetland islands: King George, Penguin
since climate change will have a major impact on terrestrial
and Elephant – Antarctica”, which evaluated the size of the
biota. Studies suggest that increases in temperature and
Antarctic limpet N. concinna, considered the Kelp gull L.
higher rainfall could extend the pro-growth period,
dominicanus’ main prey.
enhancing the rates of development, reducing the period
In addition to these seabird ecological parameters, studies
of the life cycle, and changing the distribution of species
related to zoonosis can demonstrate the link between the
(Turner & Marshall, 2011).
seabird’s health with the integrity of its ecosystems as well as
At Stinker Point, Elephant Island, where anthropogenic
the health of the populations in general (Barbosa & Palacius,
impacts are minimal, since there is only a small shelter
2009). The study “Influenza A detection in Macronectes
occupied sporadically by researchers in the austral Summer,
giganteus in two Islands of South Shetlands, Antarctica” is
the studies on plant communities were initiated by Pereira
one of the studies which the group is developing in order to
& Putzke (1994). These studies have been conducted since
evaluate the seabird population integrity in South Shetlands
the Austral Summer 1995/1996 with a long term evaluation
Archipelago, in Antarctica. Although the integrity of the
objective. The first results of 23 years of research on lichen
Antarctic ecosystem is the main goal for breeding seabirds,
growth and evolution of plant populations will be submitted
it is also important to study the wintering areas, since
for publication in due course.
Antarctic seabirds are widely spread out and some species
Seabirds have been studied over the past few years, and
are considered long distance migratory, using areas of South
are classified as top predators, responding rapidly to any
America during the non-breeding season. During this period,
impact on their ecosystem, therefore they are considered
the seabirds can suffer with climate change and anthropogenic
sentinels and/or bioindicators of environmental quality
impacts causing the mortality of individuals (Petry & Fonseca,
(Croxall, 1984; Mallory et al., 2010; Petry et al., 2010).
2002). This information is evaluated through the study
Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |
“Occurrence and mortality of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic seabirds in southern Brazil”, which compares eleven years of seabird monitoring along the Brazilian coast. Besides the effect of climate change on Antarctic seabirds, other migratory birds also respond to these environmental
changes (Woehler, 1992; Pütz et al. 2003). The study “Records of vagrant species in Stinker Point, Elephant Island, Antarctica” evaluates those records, since data about bird species that do not belong to Antarctic avifauna are observed in high latitudes.
References Barbosa, A., & Palacios, M. J. (2009). Health of Antarctic birds: a review of their parasites, pathogens and disease. Polar Biology, 32, 1095-1115. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00300-009-0640-3 Croxall, J. P. (1984). Seabirds: Antarctic ecology. In R. M. Laws (Ed.), (Vol. 2, pp. 533-619). London: Academic Press. Forcada, J., Trathan, P. N., Reid, K., Murphy, E. J., & Croxall, J. P. (2006). Contrasting population changes in sympatric penguin species in association with climate warming. Global Change Biology, 12, 411-423. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.13652486.2006.01108.x Lynnes, A. S., Reid, K., & Croxall, J. P. (2004). Diet and reproductive success of Adélie and chinstrap penguins: linking response of predators to prey population dynamics. Polar Biology, 27, 544-554. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00300-004-0617-1 Mallory, M. L., Robinson, S. A., Hebert, C. E., & Forbes, M. R. (2010) Seabirds as indicators of aquatic ecosystem conditions: a case for gathering multiple proxies of seabirds’ health. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60, 7-12. PMid:19767020. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2009.08.024 Øvstedal, D. O., & Smith, R. I. L. (2001). Lichens of Antarctica and South Georgia: a guide to their identification and ecology. Studies in Polar Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 411 p. Pereira, A. B., & Putzke, J. (1994). Floristic composition of Stinker Point, Elephant Island, Antarctica. Korean Journal of Polar Research, 5(2), 37-47. Petry, M. V., & Fonseca, V. S. (2002) Effects of human activities in the marine environment on seabirds along the coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Neotropical Ornithology, 13, 137-142. Petry, M. V., Petersen, E. S., Scherer, J. F. M., Kruger, L., & Scherer, A. L. (2010) Nota sobre a ocorrência e dieta de Macronectes giganteus (Procellariiforme: Procellariidae) no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 18, 237-239. Pütz, K., Smith, J. G., Ingham, R. J., & Luthi, B. H. (2003). Sattelite tracking of male rockhopper penguin Eudyptes chrysocome during the incubation period at the Falkland Islands. Journal of Avian Biology, 34, 139-144. http://dx.doi.org/10.1034/j.1600048X.2003.03100.x Putzke, J., & Pereira, A. B. (1996). Macroscopic Fungi from The South Shetlands, Antarctica. Serie Cientifica INACH, 46, 31-39. Putzke, J., & Pereira, A. B. (2001). The Antarctic Mosses: with special reference to the South Shetland Island. ULBRA. 196 p. Putzke, J., Pereira, A. B., & Putzke, M. T. L. (2004) New Record of Myxomycetes to the Antarctica. In Actas del V Simposio Argentino y I Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Antarticas. 1-4. Turner, J., & Marshall, G. J. (2011). Climate change in the Polar Regions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 434 p. http:// dx.doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511975431 Woehler, T. D. (1992). Records of vagrant penguins from Tasmania. Marine Ornithology, 20, 61-73.
| Annual Activity Report 2013
1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4322/apa.2015.003
DIET OF SOUTHERN GIANT PETREL CHICKS IN ANTARCTICA: A DESCRIPTION OF NATURAL PREYS Ana Lucia Bezerra*, Elisa de Souza Petersen & Maria Virgínia Petry Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Laboratório de Ornitologia e Animais Marinhos, Av. Unisinos, nº 950, Cristo Rei, 93022-000, São Leopoldo, RS, Brazil *e-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: This study aims to describe the food resource of Southern Giant Petrel during the chick-rearing period in Antarctica. The study was conducted in Stinker Point, Elephant Island in the Austral Summer of 2012/2013. Samples were collected randomly from chicks by flushing methods. In the laboratory all the items were identified and the frequency of occurrence was calculated. We identified twelve different items in the diet of SGP chicks. The most frequent item was the remains of seabird species, followed by crustaceous and cephalopods. This study presents new ecological data on the species, since studies on Antarctic populations are scarce. Keywords: Macronectes giganteus, Elephant Island, Crustaceous, Stomach Content
chicks, however, only 26 samples were analyzed. All chicks were banded to avoid their recapture (Figure 1). The samples were collected according to the flushing method (Copello et al., 2008). In laboratory, samples were drained and the solid components were removed and identified. The frequency of occurrence was calculated based on the formula FO = (Na × 100) / Nta; (FO = Frequency of occurrence; Na = the number of samples in which a particular item appeared; Nta = total number of samples).
Seabirds spend most of the time at sea, except during the breeding period, when they migrate to their reproductive sites in land (Harrison, 1983). The Southern Giant Petrel (SGP) is a pelagic Procellariiform (Quintana et al., 2005) and presents a circumpolar distribution in the Southern Hemisphere and Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions (Harrison, 1983; Patterson et al., 2008). As most seabirds, SGP is a top predator and a marine environmental indicator. This species, like other seabirds, tend to respond quickly to environmental changes. Therefore it is important to study their diet and to evaluate the ecological process they are part of. Data of adults and chicks diet are reported for South American populations (Copello et al., 2008; Copello et al., 2011), however, information about Antarctic populations is scarce. Therefore, this study aims to describe the food resource of SGP during the chick-rearing period in Antarctica.
The SGP chicks diet analyzed showed several different types of preys. We identified twelve different items (Table 1) (Figure 2); the most frequent prey in the chick diet was the remains of other seabirds species (FO = 92.3%) and the second was the two species of crustaceous (FO = 53.84%). Cephalopods beaks (two lower and one upper beak) were identified as two species and correspond to a FO = 7.69%.
Materials and Methods
The study was conducted in Stinker Point, (61º13’20.5”S, 55º21’35”W), Elephant Island, between February and March 2013. A total of 30 samples were collected randomly from
It was observed that in the Antarctic region, the main preys of SGP are other seabird species, mainly penguins, followed by invertebrates, such as crustaceous and
Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |
Figure 1. Southern Giant Petrel chick in Stinker Point, Elephant Island during the austral summer of 2012/2013. Photo: Elisa de Souza Petersen.
Table 1. Frequency occurrence of preys resource in chicks diet of SGP in Stinker Point between February and March 2013. (FO = Frequency of occurrence; Na = the number of samples in which a particular item appeared).
FO (%)
Antarctic region, where SGP is considered a scavenger feeding on seabirds and pinniped carcasses (Copello et al., 2008). There are also registers of predation on eggs and
on hatching chicks from other species (Warham, 1962;
Le Bohec et al., 2003). In Elephant Island, Chinstrap and
Gentoo penguin colony areas are next to SGP breeding areas
(Petry, 1994), facilitating the predation of these species.
Penguin chicks are also the main prey of Skuas, another
top predator seabird in Antarctic. These penguin chicks
Pygoscelis papua Tongue
are a relevant source of energy to the chicks of predators
Pygoscelis antarcticus Tongue
(Young, 1994), as SGP, since we found a higher frequency
of this item in the samples.
Besides penguins, the diet of Antarctic SGP chicks
Bovallia gigantea
is also based on crustaceous and cephalopods, in a
Pleoticus muelleri
smaller proportion, as well as observed in South America
(Quintana et al., 2005; Copello et al., 2008). The two crustaceous species identified, are known to be distributed
Cephalopod Chiroteuthis veranyi
Batoteuthis skolops
* NI: Identification was not possible due to the advanced stage of digestion of the items.
cephalopods. The same pattern was observed in the sub-
| Annual Activity Report 2013
in the South Atlantic Ocean. The two species of cephalopods are knowingly distributed in the Sub-Antarctic region. This information bears out the fact that SGP adults travel long
0 cm
0 cm
0 cm 1
0 cm 1
Figure 2. Items identified in the Southern Giant Petrel chicks’ diet. (a) Represent a Pygoscelis antarcticus tongue, (b) Represent a Pygoscelis papua tongue, (c) Pleoticus muelleri and (d) Bovallia gigantea. Photos: Ana Lucia Bezerra.
distances during the breeding period in the search of food
ecology of this region, since data on this species is scarce
for their chicks. The same was observed by Petry & Krüger
in Antarctica.
(2011), in a tracking study of individuals in Antarctica with geolocators. The invertebrate species were also indentified in the diet of SGP breeding in South America and in other seabirds and marine mammals top predator’s diet (Xavier & Cherel, 2009).
Acknowledgements This work integrates the National Institute of Science and Technology Antarctic Environmental Research (INCTAPA) that receives scientific and financial support from the National Council for Research and Development (CNPq process: n° 574018/2008-5) and Carlos Chagas Research
In this study it was possible to verify that SGPs diet in
Support Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ
Antarctica is similar to the diet of other SGP populations
n° E-16/170.023/2008). The authors also acknowledge the
breeding in different areas. It was also verified that SGP
support of the Brazilian Ministries of Science, Technology
Antarctic individuals forage long distances seeking for
and Innovation (MCTI), of Environment (MMA) and Inter-
food for their chicks. The data is relevant to studies on the
Ministry Commission for Sea Resources (CIRM).
Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |
References Copello, S., Quintana, F., & Perez, F. (2008). Diet of the Southern Giant Petrel in Patagonia: fishery-reated items and natural prey. Endangered Species Research, 6, 15-23. Copello, S., Dogliotti, A. I., Gagliardini, D. A., & Quintana, F. (2011). Oceanographic and biological landscapes used by the Southern Giant Petrel during the breeding season at the Patagonian Shelf. Marine Biology, 158, 1247-1257. Harrison, P. (1983). Seabirds: an identification guide. Beckenham: Croom Helm. 448 p. Le Bohec, C., Gauthier-Clerc, M., Gendner, J. P., Chatelain, N., & Le Maho, Y. (2003). Nocturnal predation of king penguins by giant petrels on the Crozet Islands. Polar Biology, 26, 587-590. Patterson, D. L., Woehler, E. J., Croxall, J. P., Cooper, J., Poncet, S., Peter, H. U. et al. (2008). Breeding distribution and population status of the northern giant petrel Macronectes halli and the southern giant petrel M. giganteus. Marine Ornithology, 36, 115-124. Petry, M. V. (1994). Distribuição especial e aspectos populacionais da avifauna de Stinker Point, Ilha Elefante, Shetlands do Sul, Antártica (Dissertação de Mestrado). Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre. 234 p. Petry, M. V., & Krüger, L. (2011). Foraging distribution of an Antarctic Southern Giant Petrel population. Annual Activity Report of National Institute of Science and Technology Antarctic Environmental Research. São Carlos: Editora Cubo. Quintana, F., Schiavini, A., & Copello, S. (2005). Estado poblacional, ecología y conservación del Petrel gigantes del sur (Macronectes giganteus) en Argentina. Hornero, 20, 25-34. Warham, J. (1962). The biology of the Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus. Auk, 79, 139-160. Xavier, J. C., & Cherel, Y. (2009). Cephalopod Beak Guide For The Southern Ocean. Cambridge: British Antarctic Survey. 129 p. Young, E. (1994). Skua and penguin. London: Cambrigde University Press. 472 p.
| Annual Activity Report 2013
2 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4322/apa.2015.004
INFLUENZA DETECTED IN Macronectes giganteus IN TWO ISLANDS OF SOUTH SHETLANDS, ANTARCTICA Elisa de Souza Petersen1*, Maria Virginia Petry1, Édison Durigon2, Jansen Araújo2 1
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS, Laboratório de Ornitologia e Animais Marinhos, Av. Unisinos, nº 950, Cristo Rei, 93.022-000, São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 2 Universidade de São Paulo – USP, Laboratório de Virologia Clínica e Molecular, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 1374, 05508-900, 2º andar, São Paulo, Brazil *email:
[email protected]
Abstract: Influenza A virus was detected in different species of birds and migratory aquatic birds. They are the main reservoir of the virus. In this research we detected the first Influenza A virus in Southern Giant Petrel in an Antarctic region. The results represent 0.33% of the samples collected in two breeding areas of the species. Some factors can explain the introduction of these pathogens and diseases in Antarctica, such as bird’s migratory behavior and the remains of the virus in cold waters. Keywords: Southern Giant Petrel, Viruses, Elephant Island, King George Island
review of main parasites and diseases detected in Antarctic
Influenza A has been detected in humans, pigs, horses, marine mammals and in different species of birds (Webster et al., 1992). Currently 105 species of wild birds have been detected with Influenza A and aquatic birds are the main reservoir of the virus (Olsen et al., 2006). The transmission is poorly understood (Alexander, 2007), however the easiest form of spreading of the virus is in water, remaining infective for 30 days in 0°C (Webster et al., 1978). In Antarctica Sphenisciformes, Procellariiformes and Charadriiformes breed during the austral summer. Most are long-distance migratory species, excluding penguins, and are observed in diverse and dense colonies in ice free areas (Schreiber & Burger, 2002). However, these breeding areas are scarse hence the proximity of the colonies and the nests make the intra and interespecific transmission of the virus easier. The Southern Giant Petrel (SGP) (Macronectes giganteus) breeds in the Antarctic region and has a circumpolar distribution (Patterson et al., 2008) and with other species of seabirds became a potential disperser of several diseases. Barbosa & Palacius (2009) presented a
seabirds and associated different microorganism to SGP. Therefore, the migratory behavior and the presence of several diseases make the SGP an important species to research, not only for the species conservation but for the Antarctic ecosystem. The objective of this research is detecting the Influenza A virus in SGP in two regions in South Shetland Island.
Materials and Methods The data was collected at Stinker Point (Elephant Island) and Admiralty Bay (King George Island), South Shetlands Island, during three breeding seasons. Two tracheal and cloacal samples were collected from adults and chicks (Figure 1), all the animals were banded to avoid the recapture. The detection was conducted in Biossecurity level 3+ Laboratory. To RNA extraction we used NucliSENS® easyMAG® (Biomérieux) Kit. The viral detection was made by RT-PCR with TaqMan® Avian Influenza Virus (AIV-M) Reagents.
Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |
reported with some virus infection. Barbosa & Palacius
A major number of tracheal and cloacal samples were
(2009) presented a review about the health of Antarctic
collected in Elephant Island (Table 1). Influenza A virus
and sub-Antarctic seabirds describing nine species with
was detected in one individual, representing 0,33% of all
six different virus infection. These species are six penguins
individuals manipulated. All the samples of Admiralty Bay
(Aptenodytes patagonicus, A. forsteri, Pygoscelis papua, P.
were negative to virus Influenza A. The detection occurred
adeliae, P. antarctica, Eudyptes chrysolophus, E. schlegeli),
in a male in Elephant Island (Figure 2). This individual was
one petrel (Macronectes giganteus) and one species of
captured during the 2010/11 austral Summer, January 9th.
skua (Stercorarius maccormicki). However the research results show the presence of viral antibody instead of the
virus. In South Shetland Island, the same study area of this
Despite the SGP that was detected with Influenza A virus
research, antibody of H1, H3, H7 H9 of Influenza were
in Antarctica, different Antarctic seabirds species have been
detected in adults and chicks of P. antarctica, P. adeliae,
Figure 1. A. Southern Giant Petrel chick in Elephant Island.
Table 1. Samples collected during the three breeding seasons of Southern Giant Petrel in Elephant Island (EI) and King George Island (KG).
2009/10 EI
| Annual Activity Report 2013
131 15
Figure 2. Southern Giant Petrel adults in Elephant Islands.
P. papua, Stercorarius sp and M. giganteus. The data of this
involve migratory and resident species of different areas in
research is similar to preview information, showing that
Antarctica, like the Peninsula, the Continent and boundary
most individuals in the area are not infected. Nevertheless,
islands. The transmission of the virus may be facilitated
one individual representing 0.33% of the total sample was detected with Influenza A, emphasizing the importance of the research about Antarctic health. Regardless of the Antarctic being considered as an isolated environment, this area is impacted by other environments in the planet, as well as by other organisms, like pathogens and diseases. Some factors can explain the introduction of these pathogens and diseases in Antarctica: bird’s migratory behavior (Krauss et al., 2007; Olsen et al., 2006) and the remains of the virus in cold waters
because of the proximity of the nests of the species during their breeding seasons and by the sharing of cold water areas, thus, lake sediments and water could also be analyzed. These breeding groups should be kept under monitoring to verify the permanence of virus in these seabirds.
Acknowledgements This work integrates the National Institute of Science and Technology Antarctic Environmental Research (INCT-
(Zhang et al., 2006).
APA) that receives scientific and financial support from the
process: n° 574018/2008-5) and Carlos Chagas Research
Through this data it was possible to detect Influenza A virus in SGP in the Antarctic region. Despite the low number
National Council for Research and Development (CNPq Support Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ n° E-16/170.023/2008). The authors also acknowledge the
of individuals contaminated, with only one positive result
support of the Brazilian Ministries of Science, Technology
for the virus among two study areas, it is suggested that
and Innovation (MCTI), of Environment (MMA) and Inter-
new research should be performed. This new data would
Ministry Commission for Sea Resources (CIRM).
Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |
References Alexander, D. J. (2007). An overview of the epidemiology of avian influenza. Vaccine, 25, 5637-5644. PMid:17126960. http:// dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2006.10.051 Barbosa, A., & Palacios, M. J. (2009). Health of Antarctic birds: a review of their parasites, pathogens and disease. Polar Biology, 32, 1095-1015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00300-009-0640-3 Krauss, S., Obert, C. A., Franks, J., Walker, D., Jones, K., Seiler, P. et al. (2007). Influenza im migratory birds and evidence of limited intercontinental virus exchange. Plos Pathogens, 3, 1684-1693. PMid:17997603 PMCid:PMC2065878. http:// dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.0030167 Olsen, B., Munster, V. J., Wallensten, A., Waldenstrom, J., Osterhaus, A. D. M. E., & Fouchier, R. A. (2006). Global patterns of Influenza A virus wild birds. Science, 312, 384-388. PMid:16627734. http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1122438 Patterson, D. L., Woehler, E. J., Croxall, J. P., Cooper, J., Poncet, S., Peter, H. U. et al. (2008). Breeding distribution and population status of the northern giant petrel Macronectes halli and the southern giant petrel M. giganteus. Marine Ornithology, 36, 115-124. Schreiber, E. A., & Burger. J. (2002). Biology of marine birds. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 219 p. Webster, R. G., Yaknot, M., Hinshaw, V. S., Bean, W. J., & Murti, K. C. (1978). Intestinal Influenza: replication and characterization of influenza virus in ducks. Virology, 84, 268-278. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0042-6822(78)90247-7 Webster, R. G., Bean, W. J., Gorman, O. T., Chambers, T. M., & Kawaoka, Y. (1992). Evolution and Ecology of Influenza A viruses. Microbiological Reviews, 56, 152-179. PMid:1579108 PMCid:PMC372859 Zhang, G., Shoham, D., Gilichinsky, D., Davydov, S., Castello, J. D., & Rogers, S. O. (2006). Evidence of Influenza A virus RNA in Siberian Lake Ice. Journal of Virology, 80, 12229-12235. PMid:17035314 PMCid:PMC1676296. http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/ JVI.00986-06
| Annual Activity Report 2013
3 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4322/apa.2015.005
NICHE OVERLAP OF SPHENISCIDAE ON ELEPHANT ISLAND, ANTARCTICA Fernanda Caminha Leal Valls* & Maria Virginia Petry Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Laboratório de Ornitologia e Animais Marinhos, Av. Unisinos, 950, Cristo Rei, CEP 93.022-000, São Leopoldo, RS, Brazil *e-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Stomach content samples were collected from Gentoo Penguin and Chinstrap Penguin in order to analyze the diet and the niche overlap on Elephant Island, Antarctica. A total of 56 Gentoo Penguin samples and 71 Chinstrap Penguin samples were collected, during the two austral breeding seasons, 2010/11 and 2011/12, on the Stinker Point region. E. superba was the most abundant prey, (69% FO and 98% FO) for Gentoo and Chinstrap Penguin, respectively. Nine species of fish and one species of cephalopod, were identified by specific level. We observed a niche overlap of species, by the use of the same food resources, since these species occurs sympatrically in the same region. This study also demonstrated that the specific variation of trophic niches occupied by the species may be defined by the foraging behavior and by the selection of the food resources. Keywords: Chinstrap Penguin, Ecological Niche, Elephant Island, Gentoo Penguin
Introduction The Antarctic breeding seabirds have been considered bioindicators of ecosystems variability in the region. Individuals of Spheniscidae are considered one of the sentinel species for the study of environmental changes, composing about 90% of the total seabird’s biomass for the area. Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua and Chinstrap Penguin Pygoscelis antarcticus breed on the Antarctic Islands and Peninsula (Croxall et al., 2002). They have as their primary resource the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and share their breeding sites. Some authors suggest that the seabird populations suffer fluctuations due to decrease of offspring. This reduction study indicates in response to low availability of food instead of adult mortality by predation or hunting (Reid & Croxall,
(Hinke et al., 2007; Miller et al., 2010; Lynch et al., 2012). Antarctic krill is considered a fundamental key in the Antarctic ecosystem and serves as main part in the transfer of energy through the trophic web (Nicol, 2006; Miller & Trivelpiece, 2007). In this way, there is a particular interest in the study of the interrelation of krill with predators, since their populations have declined in recent years, due to loss of sea ice (Siegel et al., 2002). The diet and foraging ecology of species determine their location within a trophic network and define its role. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the feeding preference and assess the trophic niche overlap of P. papua and P. antarcticus, which reproduce sympatrically in the Stinker Point region on Elephant Island.
2001; Trivelpiece et al., 2011). According to Croxall (1984),
Materials and Methods
all species of penguins are the main consumers of marine
The field work was carried out on Stinker Point region, Elephant Island (61º13’20.5”S 55º21’35”W), during the austral summer 2010/2011 and 2011/2012. The stomach contents were collected from breeding adults following
resources, particularly the Antarctic krill. Thus, many studies have been made about predator-prey interaction, where the Antarctic krill is the prey of greater importance
Science Highlights - Thematic Area 2 |
CCAMLR (2004). Discriminant analysis was used to analyze the differences in the use of food resources among the species. The niche overlap was applied through the EcoSim 7.0 software, using the total biomass of each resource item, varying between 0-1, (0) zero no overlap between species and (1) one, total overlap.
Results General diet composition A total of 56 stomach contents samples of Gentoo and 71 samples of Chinstrap were collected on Elephant Island. E. superba was the most abundant prey compared with other food items (69% FO for Gentoo and 98% FO for Chinstrap). Besides E. superba, were also recorded two more species of krill, E. chrystallorophias (8% and 11% FO to Gentoo and Chinstrap, respectively), while E. frigida (4% FO), was only registered for Chinstrap Penguin. In addition to crustaceans, 21 cephalopods beaks were identified as Pareledone turqueti. Nototheniidae was the most frequent fish family recorded, with six identified species: Trematomus newnesi (1,78% FO), Lepidonotothen nudifrons (7,14% FO), Pleuragramma antarctica (5,36% FO), Lepidonotothen squamifrons (3,57% FO), Notothenia rossi (8,93% FO) and Pseudonotothen loennbergii (1,78% FO), while the family Myctophidae is represented by Electrona antarctica (1,78% FO), Harpagiferidae by Harpagifer antarcticus (14,28% FO) and the family Channichthyidae, represented by Champsocephalus gunnari (14,28% FO) found in Gentoo Penguin.
Trophic niche overlap The Discriminant analyses resulted in 1 function, which explained the 100% of variation of data (Canonical Correlation = 0.631, p < 0.001) and is represented by the variables E. superba (-0.622), E. crystallorophias (-0.347), E frigida (-0.207), L. nudifrons (0.331), P. antarctica (0.405) and H. antarcticus (0.793) (Figure 1). The frequency distribution of scores resulted from the Discriminant analysis also shows that there is a slight overlap between species, which is corroborated by the niche overlap analysis. The observed overlap index (0.48) was significantly
| Annual Activity Report 2013