Anthropometric Characteristics and Postoperative ...

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Roslyn Tarrant1,2, Anne Nugent3, David Moore4,5, Pat Kiely4,5 .... Comparison between groups was performed using Pearson's chi-squared test for categorical data. Independent t-test & Mann-Whitney U tests were used to compare the mean ...
Anthropometric Characteristics and Postoperative Weight Loss in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Case-Control Study Roslyn Tarrant1,2, Anne Nugent3, David Moore4,5, Pat Kiely4,5 1Dept. of Clinical Nutrition, OLCHC; 2National Children’s Research Centre; Dublin 12; 3Institute of Food and Health, University College Dublin; 4OLCHC / 5Blackrock Clinic, Co. Dublin



anthropometry including comparably lower weight, body mass index (BMI) as well as lower percentage body fat in the adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) population is increasingly recognised.

 In all, 77 consecutive and eligible patients with AIS who underwent PSF were prospectively followed up from hospital admission (Jan 2010-April 2012)2. Pre- & postoperative anthropometric measurements were collected (weight, height corrected BMI, including weight loss) and standardised to Z-scores for age, using British growth reference data3.

 Abnormal

 Studies from Greece, Poland, Spain and Ireland1 report that approx. one quarter of patients with AIS are considered clinically underweight preoperatively – it is still unknown whether these altered anthropometric features are a symptom of AIS, or related to abnormal spinal growth.  This is the first study to examine the preoperative anthropometric characteristics of AIS from an Irish perspective, and compare these measurements with those of non-AIS healthy Irish controls. As a secondary objective, we sought to quantify postoperative weight loss and assess its clinical impact on outcomes in these already very thin patients following posterior spinal fusion (PSF).

 A case control study was performed4 to establish potential differences in preoperative weight, height and BMI of this AIS cohort versus non-AIS healthy age-matched controls derived from the National Teens’ Food Survey (NTFS; 2005-2006)5.  Clinically severe involuntary weight loss during the hospital stay, defined as ‘greater than 10% loss of initial body weight from admission to hospital discharge’6 was assessed in relation to clinical outcomes including radiographic, nutritional, biochemical, socio-demographic, perioperative complication data, and length of hospitalisation.

RESULTS  Mean age of the cohort was 15 years; 93.5% were female.

Table 1. Associations between % weight loss ≤ 10% vs. > 10% during the hospital stay, and selected characteristics and outcomes†

 As shown in Figure 1, 27.3% of patients with AIS were considered undernourrished (BMI Z-score 10% was identified in almost ⅓ of patients (30.6%) after PSF.  Of clinical importance, significantly increased superficial wound infection incidence was the only clinical outcome under analysis associated with greater than 10% weight loss in this Irish AIS cohort (13.6% vs. 2%, P = 0.047) (Table 1).

P < 0.0001


≤ 10% (n = 50)

> 10% (n = 22)

P value

Weight on admission (kg), mean (SD)

51.8 (11)

51.3 (8.8)


Weight at discharge (kg), mean (SD)

48.9 (11)

44.1 (7.9)


63.1 (14.9)

60.4 (9.7)


Postoperative parenteral nutrition received, n (%)

6 (12)

1 (4.5)


Minor perioperative complication rate, n (%) Minor complications, n (%) Gastrointestinal (ileus) Blood product transfusion Respiratory-related (e.g. pneumonia) Superficial wound infection

35 (70)

18 (81.8)


6 (12) 21 (42) 10 (20) 1 (2)

1 (4.5) 13 (59.1) 5 (22.7) 3 (13.6)

NS NS NS 0.047

Major perioperative complication rate, n (%)

2 (4)

2 (9.1)


Length of hospitalisation (days), median (IQR)

9 (8-11)

9.5 (8-11)


Albumin at hospital discharge (g/L), mean (SD)

28 (4)

25 (4.6)


Hospital readmission rate, n (%) Reported time to achieving preoperative weight after surgery (weeks), median (IQR)

1 (2)

2 (9.1)


8 (4-19)

21 (16-24)

10% may be a potentially valuable marker of wound infection risk in AIS after PSF – a novel finding that requires confirmation in future studies. Early detection and prevention of severe postoperative weight loss may prove particularly beneficial to modifying wound infection risk in this patient population.