Antifouling Kalihinenes from the Marine Sponge

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S6.7 (SI. 59”. 55.3 (s). II. -6.0 (SJ. 76.9 (Si. 76.0 (sj. 76.8 (s). 86.8 (s). 12 ... formamide group appeared at 6~ 5.09 (brs, NH) and 8.04 (brs, H-21) /6, 160.1. while ...


Vol. 36. Vn 47. pp. 8637-8640,


Elsewer Science Ltd Pinted III Great Botain 0040.4039195


Kalihinenes from the Marine Acanthella





Okino, Erina Yoshimura, Hiroshi and Nobuhiro Fusetani*


Fuserum Biofouling Project, E.wplortrton. Research for .4dvanced Technology (ER.~POJ. Research Development C‘orporatron oflupan (JRDC), c/o Niigata Engineering Co , Ltd.. Isogo-Xu. Yokohama 2.35, Japan

Abstract: rhree new kalihinenrs here isolated tram the marme sponge ;2ran#1el/n cnvernosn together with kalihmol A and I@-fornlamidokalihlnenr Their structures were elucidated to be 1-3 on the basis of 7D NMR data. These compounds showed potent antifouling activities against the barnacle larvae of Bdanu~ nmphirrite

Marine sezs~le orgamsms. such ah barnacles and rnu~el~. cause serious problems by settling on manmade submersed structures.



have been widely used for control of these fouling

orgamsms until recently. when they were found toxic to marine organisms. I32 Therefore, nontoxic antifouling substances are urgent]) needed. Marine orgamsm\ are believed to possess chemical defenses against fouling orgamsms.

hence then secondary metabolites

hromopyrroles,? methylgraminey


sponge, .-lcnnthelln


were reported as antifouhng

search for antlfoulmg

tmght be potential turospongolide.’





In fact,

8,* and 2,5,6-tribromo-l-

xubxtances against barnacles from marine organisms. During our

substances from Japanese marine invertebrates, we found that the extract of the marine


collected off ‘r’akushlma island, 1000 km southwest of Tokyo, inhibited larval

settlement and metamorphosis of the barnacle Bnkmrrs


extract of the sponge yielded three new drterpene tormamldrs,


fractionation of the ethanol

kalihinenes X (l), Y (2), and Z (3) along with


Table 1, 1% NMR (CDCl$

Data for Kahhinene Derivatives





Carbon 1 2

la 45.9 (d) 19.1 (t)

3 4 i 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 l-1 15 16 Ii

10 h It) 179.7 (SJ 178.0 (d) J5.U (d) SO.8 (d) 2.5 (t, J2.X (t, S.T.2 (S) -6.0 (SJ JY.0 (t) 77.5 (t) 6.5.0 (d) -5.7 ISI 77 x tqi 30.5 (qJ


71 0 (q)

19.6 (q)

18.4 (q)

19.2 (9)

19.7 (9)

19 30 ?I 22

‘3.2 (q) ‘7 2 (q) 162.X (d)

23.9 (q) 19.0 IqJ 162.7 (dj

23.2 (q) 27.2 (q) 162.X (d)

29.0 (4 20.7 (4 157’ 153 c

23.3 (9) 27.1 (4 162.8 (d) 153.9 c

49.7 (d) 23.3 (t) 30.4 132.6 125.5 39.4 53.6 23.9 42.0 55.3 76.9 38.2 27.7 64.8 75.7 22.8 30.9

(I) (s) (d) (dr (d, (tl it1 (\i (Si ttj (1) (d) (5) (q) (q)

45.8 (d) 19.5 (t)

42.3 (d) 21.6 (t)

30.6 130.3 128.0 35.1 48.6 22.9 33.2 S6.7 76.0 29.2 ‘5.7 64.6 73.8 23.8 29.3

32.6 70.5 63.7 36.0 48.4 21.9 39.7 59” 76.8 38.0 27.4 64.1 76.0

(t, (sj (d) (d) (d) (t) (t) (SI (sj (t) (t) (d) (si (q) (q,

45.8 (d) 19.4 (t)

(t) (s) C (d) (d) (t, (t)

30.7 130.6 126.9 35.4 48.6 24.6 32.6 55.3 86.8 37.3 25.7 82.9 60.5 26.3 25.2

(s) (t) (t) (d) (s) 22.8 (4 30.5 (q)

a: s-tram ~wtner; h. nrse data are not literature ones.~III INIT ~~~ptxmental data Especially

5 was reassigned

(t) (s) (d) (d) (d) (t) (t) (s) (s) (t) (t) (d) C (q) (q)



C: Signal appears as a hrosd triplet.

the known kalihinol

.A (3) t t and IO-formamidokahhinene

structure elucidation of these antifouling

t 5). 12 In this paper we describe the isolation and


The frozen sponge (0.5 kg) was extracted with EtOH followed by partitioning The ether layer was then partitioned betwen hexane and MeOH& larval settlement and metamorphosis chromatography


column (benzene-EtOAc)

in the barnacle Ralanus

and EtOAc).


was separated by silica gel column

to afford two antifouling fractrons; the benzene-EtOAc

to afford kalihinene

with lo-formamidokahhinene

(9: 1). The hexane layer which inhibited

The active EtOAc eluate was again fractionated

(4. 1.3 mg), while the fraction eluted with benzene-EtOAc (aqMeOH)


between ether and water.

on a silica gel

(8:2) eluate yielded kalihinol A

(73) was repeatedly purified

X (1, 5.4 mg). kalihmene Y (2, 0.7 mg), and kalihinene


Z (3, 1.0 mg) along

(5. 7.4 mg).

X (1 )t? had a molecular formula of C,tH3&IN02

which was established by HRFABMS

(m/z 368.2347 [M+H]+. 3 -0.9 mmu). Most tH and 1% NMR signals of 1 were doubled due to the presence


of a formamide formamide

(5). 12 Signals assignable to the s-cis

group, as is the case of IO-formamidokalihinene

group appeared at 6~ 5.09 (brs, NH) and 8.04 (brs, H-21) /6, 160.1. while those for the s-trans

form at 6 5.62, 8.20 /162.8. which were secured by COSY and HMQC spectra. 1% chemical shifts for C-l C-10 and C-19 - C-21 were identical with those of the decalin ring part in 5 (Table 1). The presence of a tetrahydropyran especially

ring embracing

a chlorine

6 76.0 (C-l 1J and 75.2 (C-15).

from 13C chemical shifts of C-l 1 to C-18,

atom was inferred Therefore,

1 had the carbon framework

decalin ring system as 5, which was connected to a tetrahydropyran confirmed by 2D NMR experiments. decalin was &-fused

derived from a NOESY configuration.

NOESY cross peaks between

and Me-20 was axial. Axial orientation experiment.

The coupling

Relative stereochemistry

composed of the same

ring identical to that of 4. This was also Me-20 and both H- 1 and H-6 indicated that

of H-13 (6 2.08). Me-16, and Me-18 was also

constants of H-14 (5=12.4, 4.3 Hz) indicated

its axial

of C-7 and C-l 1 was assumed to be the same as that of the other

known kalihinane diterpenes whose structures were determined by X-ray diffraction. The molecular formula of kalihinene 368.2356 [M+H]+.

Y (2)14 was determined to be C:!1H-&lN02


A 0.0 mmu), thus suggesting that it was an isomer of 1. The carbon framework


of 2 was

readily assignable to be the same as that of 1 by the COSY, HMQC. and HMBC spectra. Especially, chemical shifts of the tetrahydropyran

ring in 2 were almost superimposable

suggesting the same stereochemistry of the tetrahydropyran coupling


on those of 1 (Table l), thereby

ring for both 2 and 1. This was confirmed by the

constants of H- 14 (J= 12.2, 4.2 Hz) and NOESY correlations

of H- 13, Me- 16, and Me- 18. On the

other hand, the H-S proton appeared as a broad singlet at 6 6.32, indicating that the dihedral angle between H-5 and H-6 was about 90”. Thus, the decalin ring system must be rrans-fused as is the case of I-epi-kalihinene.15 This was confirmed by a NOESY correlation between H-6 and Me-20 (no cross peak between H-l and Me-201 and the coupling constants of H-6 (J=12, 12 Hz). Therefore, 2 is a I-epimer of 1. Kalihinene [M+H]+,

Z (3)16 was also an isomer of 1 and 2 as determined

A -2.3 mmu).

The carbon framework

by 2D NMR experiments.


constants of H-14. a 14-epimer


of 3 was readily deduced to be the same as those of 1 and 2


of 1. This was supported


or a tetrahydrofuran



the similarity

E,17 a 14-epimer of kalihinol by

a saturated


belong to the tetrahydrofuran

(3) are the first examples of kalihinene-type The new kalihinenes (l-3) inhibited amphitrite

difference between 1 and 3 was found in the

The broad signal for H-14 in 3 suggested its equatorial

rings of 3 and kalihinol

The kalihinols,

data (m/z 368.2333

Relative stereochemistry of a decalin ring of 3 was also the same as that of 1, which

was inferred from 13C chemical shifts (Table 1). A significant coupling



of 13C chemical


shifts for the

A (4).

ring, belong




to two types: those with a which are octalins, and 6-

series. However, the new kalihinenes X (l), Y (2), and Z

diterpenes in tetrahydropyran


attachment and metamorphosis

with EC,,‘s of 0.49, 0.45, and 1.1 pglmL,


of cyprid larvae of the barnacle B.

while no toxicity

was found at these




A (4, EC,, 0.087 pg/mL) and lo-formamidokalihinene

showed potent antifouling

activity. more active than CuS04 (EC,, 0.15 lg/mL).


(5, EC50 0.095 pg/mL) also

We thank Prof. P. J. Scheuer of the University of Hawaii for reading this manuscript.

Thanks are also due to Dr. Rob van Soest of the University of Amsterdam for sponge identification K. Okamoto and Dr. N. Sata of the University

of Tokyo for collection

and to Dr.

of barnacles and for measurement of

optical rotations, respectively.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1 I. 12. 13.


15 16


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