antimicrobial activities of essential oils from three species of ...

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Dec 20, 2017 - 18 T. Lindl and J. Bauer, Zell und Gewebekultur, Gustav-Fischer-Verlag Jena, Berlin, 181 (1989). 19 DIN, Deutsche Institution für Normung e.V., ...

O‘zbekiston biologiya jurnali


Т.Х.Наубеев, А.А.Жанибеков, К.Дж.Кучербаев Astragalus ТУРКУМИ ЎСИМЛИКЛАРИ ТРИТЕРПЕН ГЛИКОЗИДЛАРИ ВА УЛАРНИНГ ГЕНИНЛАРИ XCIV. Astragalus mucidus ЎСИМЛИГИДАН АЖРАТИБ ОЛИНГАН ЦИКЛОАСЦИДОЗИД Е 3-О-β-D-ксилопиранозид,6,25-ди-О-β-D-глюкопиранозид-24R-циклоартан-3β,6α,16β,24,25-пентаол тузилишга эга –циклоасцидозид Е янги тузилишли тритерпенли циклоартан қатори гликозиди Astragalus mucidus Bunge (Leguminosae) ўсимилигининг ер устки қисмидан ажратиб олинди. Astragalus mucidus Bunge, циклоартан тритерпеноидлари, циклоасцидозид D, циклоасгенин С, ЯМР 1Н, 13 С, DEPT, NOE (ЯЭО) спектрлари.

Т.Х.Наубеев, А.А.Жанибеков, К.Дж.Кучербаев

ТРИТЕРПЕНОВЫЕ ГЛИКОЗИДЫ Astragalus И ИХ ГЕНИНЫ XCIV. ЦИКЛОАСЦИДОЗИД Е ИЗ Astragalus mucidus Определено строение нового тритерпенового гликозида циклоартанового ряда – циклоасцидозида Е, выделенного из надземной части растения Astragalus mucidus Bunge (Leguminosae), который представляет собой 3-О-β-D-ксилопиранозид,6,25-ди-О-β-D-глюкопиранозид-24R-циклоартан-3β,6α,16β,24,25пентаол. Astragalus mucidus Bunge, циклоартановые тритерпеноиды, циклоасцидозид D, циклоасгенин С, спектры ЯМР 1Н, 13С, DEPT, NOE (ЯЭО).

T.Kh.Naubeev, А.А.Janibekov, K.Dzh. Kucherbayev

Triterpene glycosides of Astragalus and their genins. XCIV. Cycloascidoside E from Astragalus mucidus Novel cycloartane type triterpene glycoside was isolated from the aerial part of Astragalus mucidus Bunge (Leguminosae). The chemical structure of this glycoside was determined as 3-О-β-D-xylopyranoside of 6,25-diО-β-D-glucopyranoside-24R-cycloartane-3β,6α,16β,24,25-pentaol. Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Karakalpak State University South-Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy, Republic of Kazakhstan

Receipt date 20.12.2017

S.A. Sasmakov, Kh.M. Bobakulov, D.T. Asilbekova, Sh.S. Azimova, N.D. Abdullaev, Sh.Sh.Sagdullaev

Antimicrobial activities of essential oils from three species of Lamiaceae growing in Uzbekistan [email protected] The Lamiaceae family includes many aromatic and medicinal plants, as well as species used in folk and official medicine, perfumes, cosmetics and etc [1-3]. Within this family the species of Origanum and Ziziphora genus are probably one of the most widely used aromatic plants, whose essential oils are particularly rich in antimicrobial active monoterpenoides such as carvacrol, thymol, pulegon, and others [3-5]. There are more than 200 wild-growing plants of Lamiaceae family in Uzbekistan flora. Genus Origanum is represented by only Origanum tytthanthum Gontsch. Six species of Ziziphora genus are found in


Узбекский биологический журнал


Uzbekistan. Besides Origanum tytthanthum two species within genus Ziziphora - Ziziphora pedicellata Pazij et Vved. and Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. can find applications as local raw materials [6]. Table 1 Essential oil composition of Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. Compound α-Pinene Camphene Sabinene β-Pinene 1-Octen-3-ol β-Myrcene 3-Octanol p-Cymene Limonene 1,8-Cineole trans-β-Ocimene p-Mentha -3,8-diene Terpinolene Linalool Octenyl acetate p-cis-Menth-2-en-1-ol cis-p-Mentha-2,8-dien-1-ol p-Menth-3-en-8-ol Menthone Isomenthone Isopulegone Isomenthol γ-Terpineol Pulegone Carvone Piperitone Thymol Menthyl acetate Carvacrol Piperitenone Piperitenone oxide α-Copaene β-Bourbonene β -Cububene Caryophyllene α-Humulene Germacrene D trans-Calaminene Caryophyllene oxide Caryophilla-(12),8(13)-dien-5 β-ol Total identified Monoterpene hydrocarbons Oxygenated monoterpenes: Alcohols Ketones Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons Oxygenated sesquiterpens Esters * t: Trace (