antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy

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Dec 8, 1977 - Gerald L. Mandell (1977). Gerald Medoff (1977) ... Jerry A. Weisbach (1979). B. Weisblum (1979) ..... Weinstein, Allan J., 484. Weinstein, M. J. ...





EDITORIAL BOARD JOEL G. FLAKS, Editor (1981) GLADYS L. HOBBY, Editor-in-Chief (1980) Infectious Disease Research Institute, East Orange, N.-J. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia EDWARD W. HOOK, Editor (1981) WALTER D. CELMER, Editor (1980) University of Virginia, Charlottesville Pfizer Inc., Groton, Conn. HERBERT L. ENNIS, Editor (1982) LEON H. SCHMIDT, Editor (1979) Roche Institute of Molecular Biology, Southern Research Institute, Birmingham, Ala. Nutley, N.J.

Vincent T. Andriole (1978) Robert Austrian (1977) Arthur L. Barry (1977) Gerald P. Bodey (1977) Lawrence E. Bryan (1979) D. Buyske (1977) Yves Chabbert (1977) Roy Cleeland (1977) Royston C. Clowes (1979) Leighton E. Cluff (1977) Kenneth W. Cochran (1978) Julian Davies (1979) Lawrence E. Day (1977) Theodore Eickhoff (1979) Arthur English (1977) David S. Feingold (1978) Robert J. Fitzgerald (1977) Anthony J. Glazko (1978) Irving H. Goldberg (1979) Harry Gooder (1979) M. Gorman (1977) Arthur P. Grollman (1978) Jack Gwaltney (1977) Fred Hahn (1979) Robert L. Hamill (1979) Michael Higgins (1977) Ronald D. Hinsdill (1979) Richard Hornick (1977) Susan B. Horwitz (1978)

L. H. Huang (1979) Milton Huppert (1977)

George Gee Jackson (1977) Keith Jensen (1977) Francis Johnson (1977) Thomas Jones (1977) Donald Kaye (1979) Jerome 0. Klein (1979) Vernon Knight (1977) George S. Kobaywshi (1979) Jordan Konisky (1977) Robert G. Loudon (1977) Joan Lusk (1977) Gerald L. Mandell (1977) Gerald Medoff (1977) L. Bruce Mellett (1979) S. Mitsuhashi (1977) Robert C. Moellering, Jr. (1979) R. B. Morin (1979) Bernard Moss (1978) John D. Nelson (1977) Harold C. Neu (1977) J. F. Niblack (1977) L. Nickell (1977) T. J. Perun (1977) Charles A. Plate (1979) Burton M. Pogell (1978) K. E. Price (1979) Mark H. Richmond (1979) R. W. Rickards (1977)

Richard Roberts (1979) Richard Root (1977) Jon E. Rosenblatt (1979) Milton R. J. Salton (1978) Merle Sande (1979) Jay Sanford (1977) Arthur K. Saz (1979) F. C. Sciavolino (1979) Oldrich K. Sebek (1977) William M. Shannon (1977) John C. Sherris (1979) Charles Shipman, Jr. (1979) Robert W. Sidwell (1978) Sigmund S. Socransky (1977) P. Frederick Sparling (1978) Gene Stollerman (1977) R. Sutherland (1979) Vera L. Sutter (1978) Morton N. Swartz (1979) Clyde Thornsberry (1979) Ralph Tompsett (1979) Marvin Turck (1977) Hamao Umezawa (1978) Donald Van Harken (1979) D. Vazquez (1977) John Washington II (1978) Jerry A. Weisbach (1979) B. Weisblum (1979) Peter G. Welling (1979)

Robert A. Day, Managing Editor Gisella Pollock, Assistant Managing Editor Lorraine Gilbert, Production Editor 1913 I St., N. W., Washington, D.C. 20006

EX OFFICIO A. Frederick Rasmussen, Jr., President (1977-1978)

Edwin H. Lennette, Vice-President (1977-1978)

J. Mehsen Joseph, Secretary

Brinton M. Miller, Treasurer

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, an interdisciplinary publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006, is devoted to the dissemination of knowledge relating to all aspects of antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, including cancer chemotherapy. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy is published monthly, and the twelve numbers are divided into two volumes per year. The nonmenber subscription price is $60 per year. The member subscription price is $14 per year. Single copies are $6. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, dis.

position of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Office, 1913 I St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 (area 202 833-9680).

Second class postage paid at Washington, D.C. 20006, and at additional mailing offices. Made in the United States of America. Copyright 0 1977, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

AUTHOR INDEX Allen, James C., 710 Barsoum, Ibrahim S., 748 Beam, Thomas R., Jr., 710 Bergeron, Michel G., 682 Blackman H. Jane, 673 Bloch, Riciard, 730 Bodey, Gerald P., 717 Boon, R. J., 736 Chaslus-Dancla, Elisabeth, 697 Childress, Jack R., 703 Chiou, Win L., 707 Comber, K. R., 736 Dawson, Chandler R., 673 Dyckman, John D., 703 Ferguson, Rod A., 660 Fields, B. T., 655 Finland, Maxwell, 649 Fontana, Roberta, 745 Gauvreau, IAo, 682 Greenwood, David, 678 Groschel, Dieter, 733 Guillot, J. F., 697

Hall, William C., 660 Hopfer, Roy L., 733 Huber, Thomas W., 703

Jackson, George G., 707 Kamay, B. A., 721 Klein, Jerome O., 649

Lafont, J. P., 697 Lin, Melody Y. C., 748 Luft, Friedrich C., 730 Minshew, Barbara H., 668 Nguyen, Bach M., 682

Nolan, C. M., 655

O'Grady, Francis, 678 Ostenson, R. C., 655 Pelton, Stephen I., 649 Peng, Geoffrey W., 707 Pollock, Helen M., 688

Romanzi, C. A., 745 Rosenthal, Ken S., 665 Sanner, Gail D., 703 Satta, G., 745 Schachter, Julius, 673 Schoenknecht, Fritz D., 688 Scott, George H., 660

Sheagren, John N., 748 Sherris, John C., 688 Shurin, Paul A., 649 Slee, A. M., 721 Sloan, Rebecca S., 730 Stewart, Dorothy, 717 Storm, Dan R., 660 Sutherland, R., 736 Szwed, James J., 730 Tanzer, J. M., 721 Trottier, Sylvie, 682 Weissfeld, Alice Schauer, 703 White, John D., 660 Williams, Robert P., 703 Yap, Boh-Seng, 717 Yoneda, Chieko, 673


ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Submit manuscripts in duplicate (original and one copy) to ASM Publications, 1913 I St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. A $35 check or money order (non-refundable) must accompany the manuscript to cover handling costs. Institutional purchase orders will be accepted, but the author is requested to utilize this procedure only if problems are encountered in getting

reimbursement from the author's institution. We solicit your cooperation in this effort to hold down the cost of administration. General policy. Any manuscript submitted must be a report of unpublished original research, which is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Each manuscript should present the results of an independent, cohesive study; numbered series papers are discouraged. When a submitted manuscnpt is judged to be more appropriate for the subject scope of one of the other ASM journals, the Editors will transfer it to that Journal for consideration, so notifying the author. in borderline cases, the preference of the author will be considered, but the final decision rests with the respective Editors and the Chairman of the ASM Publications Board. The "editorial style" of this journal essentially follows the CBE Style Manual (3rd ed., AIBS, 1972). Genetics symbols should essentially follow the recommendations of Demerec et al. (Genetics 54:61, 1966) as updated and used by Bachmann et al. (Bacteriol. Rev. 40:116-167) for E. coli and Sanderson (Bacteriol. Rev. 36:558-586) for Salmonella. For plasmids and plasmid-specified activities, genetic symbols should follow Novick et al. (Bacteriol. Rev. 40:168-189, 1976). The standard italicized, lower-case, three-letter symbol should be used for genotype designation, and care should be taken to avoid using this symbol for the designation of phenotype. The latter can be abbreviated in one form or another, but should be stated in words at first use in the text. Biochemical nomenclature, including abbreviations and symbols, should follow the recommendations of the IUPAC-IUB Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (CBN) and the Instructions to Authors of J. Biol. Chem. and Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (first issue of each year), which are based upon the CBN Recommendations and contain a list thereof. Reprints of these Recommendations and advice on biochemical and chemical nomenclature are available from the NRC Office of Biochemical Nomenclature (W. E. Cohn, Director), Biology Division, Oak Ridge Nat'l. Lab., Box Y, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830 (phone: 615-483-8611, Ext. 3-7514). Normally, abbreviations (except those of standard units of measurement and symbols of the elements) should be defined and introduced parenthetically at first use in the text. Enzyme activities should be expressed in the terms set out in CBN's Enzyme Nomenclature (1972) (Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co.). Lengths, weights, volumes, and molarities should make use of the prefixes m, ,u, n, and p (for 10-3, 10-6, 10-9, and 10-12, respectively), where applicable, avoiding such compound prefixes as m,u and ,u,u. Metric units should be employed as much as possible. The Editors reserve the privilege of editing manuscripts to' make them conform to the above-mentioned stylistic conventions. Form of manuscript. All parts of the manuscript should be typed double-space or, preferably, triplespace. Most manuscripts can and should be divided into the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, and Literature Cited. Title. A single statement of the subject of a paper is preferred to a main title-subtitle arrangement. A short version of the title (no more than 46 characters and spaces) should be supplied for use as a running head.

Abstract. An Abstract appears at the beginning of each paper. The Abstract should not exceed 200 words. Literature Cited. In the text, references are cited by number. The Literature Cited section should be typed in alphabetical order, by first author, and numbered. Each reference should include the title of the article and inclusive pagination. Names of journals are abbreviated according to Bibliographic Guide for Editors & Authors (American Chemical Society, 1974). Citations of abstracts, theses, patents, "unpublished data," "personal communication," and "in press" will not be accepted in the Literature Cited. Tables. Each table should be typed on a separate page. The data should be arranged so that columns of ike material read down, not across. The headings should be sufficiently clear so that the meaning of the data will be understandable without reference to the text. Explanatory footnotes are permitted, but detailed descriptions of the experiments are not. The materials and methods used to gain the data should properly remain in the section of that name. Figures. A complete set of figures, preferably glossy photographs, should accompany each of the two copies of the manuscript. Each figure should be numbered and should include the name of the author, either in the margin or on the back (marked lightly with a soft pencill. Graphs (submit as photographs) should be finished drawings not needing further artwork or typesetting. Absolutely no part of a graph should be typewritten (except the legend, which should be typed on a separate page). All lettering should be done with a lettering set. Most graphs will be reduced to one-column width, and all elements in the drawing should be prepared to withstand this reduction. The legend of the figure should provide enough information so that the figure is understandable without reference to the text. Experimental details from Materials and Methods should not be repeated in figure legends. Nomenclature of microorganisms. The name of a species is a binary combination consisting of the name of the genus followed by a specific epithet. In general, the nomenclature presented in Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (8th ed., 1974) is used. If an author challenges this nomenclature, his own judgment will be followed, but the name in Bergey s Manual should follow in parentheses the first time the name is used in the text and in the Abstract. Papers which include extensive taxonomic material (e.g., description of new taxa) will not be published in this journal. The proper place for publication of taxonomic material is the International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology (IJSB), which is published by the ASM for the International Association of Microbiological Societies. If the main thrust of such a paper is not taxonomy, the paper should be divided, the taxonomy portion being submitted to IJSB and the other portion to this journal. Notes. The accepted form for Notes is somewhat different from the foregoing. Contributors should consult a recent issue for style. Notes should not exceed 500 words. The Abstract should not exceed 25 words. Copyright. Once a paper has been published in this journal, which is a copyrighted publication, the legal ownership of all parts of the paper, including the illustrations, has passed from the author to the ASM. If the same author, or any author, wishes to republish material previously published in this journal, he must first receive written permission from ASM. Reprints. Reprints (in multiples of 100) may be purchased by contributors. A table showing the cost of reprints, and an order form, will be sent with the proof.

Acknowledgment The Editors wish to express their thanks to the following individuals who so kindly refereed the papers submitted for publication during the past year. John Anhalt Donald Armstrong Wilfred S. Bailey L. Lee Bennett Ronald Bentley Thomas Bithell Warren K. Bolton Wallace Brockmann C. Glenn Cobbs P. S. Cohen John P. Craig Frank Collins Walter P. Cullen Ralph Cutler Floyd Denny Roger Desprez R. Gordon Douglas David Drutz D. H. Duckworth C. F. Earhart Richard Edlich W. Edmund Farrar, Jr. Harry A. Feldman Robert Fekety Sydney M. Finegold John K. Frenkel

Richard L. Guerrant Lucien Guze A. Girard John Hanks William L. Hanson Joseph E. Hawkins J. Owen Hendley William Hewitt Paul D. Hoeprich Donald Hoskins John Huffman Doris Hutchison Warren D. Johnson, Jr. Geoffrey M. Jeffery Arnold Kaplan E. H. Kass Wm. M. M. Kirby Calvin Kunin A. Martin Lerner Matthew E. Levison John Lynch T. Manfred McGee Charles Moppett John A. Montgomery Carl Norden John W. Osebold

John Phair J. S. Porter Joseph E. Presnitz Allan R. Proctor William Prusoff Michael Rein Jack S. Remington James A. Retsema Kenneth Richardson Karl Rieckmann Heonir Rocha Joseph Sardinas Charles Shepart R. Shibakawa Merrill Snyder Katherine Sprunt William J. Suling T. Tone Susan T. Truesdell J. Unowsky Henry Wagner Allan Waitz Richard Wenzel Glynn Wheeler D. B. Willis Emanuel Wolinsky

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