Antioxidant and nitric oxide synthase activation ...

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Dec 23, 2003 - Antioxidant and nitric oxide synthase activation properties of Auricularia auricula. Krishnendu Acharya*, Krishnendu Samui,. Manjula Rai, BaniĀ ...
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology Vol. 42, May 2004, pp. 538-540

Antioxidant and nitric oxide synthase activation properties of Auricularia auricula Krishnendu Acharya*, Krishnendu Samui , Manjula Rai, Bani Brata Dutta & Rupa Acharya Biotechnology Researc h Laboratory, Post Graduate Department of Botany, Darjeeling Government College, Daljeeling 734 101 , Ind ia

Received 10 September 2003; revised 23 December 2003

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