Harned. AP American Syllabus Jan. 5- Jan. 14. Tue. 1/5. Gilded Age Politics.
ASSIGNMENT: Populists DBQ. Wed. 1/6. Populist Ideology-Omaha Platform.
Harned AP American Syllabus Jan. 5- Jan. 14 Tue. 1/5 Gilded Age Politics ASSIGNMENT: Populists DBQ Wed. 1/6 Populist Ideology-Omaha Platform ASSIGNMENT: Background reading for Washington-DuBois Thur. 1/7 Washington-DuBois ASSIGNMENT: Washington-DuBois DBQ Fri. 1/8 Washington-DuBois ASSIGNMENT: Background reading for Gilded Age Architecture Mon. 1/10 Gilded Age Architecture ASSIGNMENT: Background reading for Middle-class Life Tue. 1/11 Middle-class Life in The Gilded Age and Beyond ASSIGNMENT: Angry Farmers (Case 6) and Haymarket (Case 5) Wed. 1/12 Trends and Themes 1870-1900 ASSIGNMENT: Angry Farmers (Case 6) and Haymarket (Case 5) Thur. 1/13 Angry Farmers and Haymarket Riot ASSIGNMENT: Gilded Age Document Study, Due Tuesday, 1/18 Fri. 1/14 Movie: “Art in the Gilded Age” ASSIGNMENT: Gilded Age Document Study